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Lose just a few
and fınd rewards
at work, at play,
at home—even
in the bedroom

The “Perfect Body” Myth
Better sex is only a few pounds away

I t’s that time of year again, when

men replay the Victoria’s Secret
Fashion Show or thumb through
the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue
while their women sit nearby feeling
don’t expect (or even want) their
wives or girlfriends to be super-
model thin. And women aren’t look-
ing for Brad Pitt in their beds. Yes,
overweight people are having good
lousy about their postholiday weight sex. They know what researchers
gain. These models have set the new and scientists are beginning to un-
standard for sexiness: large, pert (and cover: A great sexual experience
often surgically enhanced) breasts, comes mostly from our minds, not
a microscopic waist and perfectly from perfectly proportioned bodies.
sculpted, cellulite-free hips and thighs. In fact, striving to look like a
Thanks to pop culture icons, lingerie model may be a sexual
American women think that having turnoff. The average body mass
a body like five-nine, 119-pound index (BMI) of those models is
Heidi Klum’s is the answer to a siz- an unhealthy and underweight 17.
zling and sexy relationship. When Women with a BMI of 18.5 are less
Reader’s Digest asked women when likely to conceive, and they suffer
they feel sexiest, they said it was a drop in hormones that contribute
when they weighed less than they to libido. So that smoldering stork-
do now. In fact, 80 percent said that like model may look phenomenal
losing weight would improve their in the pages of fashion magazines—
sex life (among women who con- but may not be a firecracker in bed.
sider themselves obese, it jumps to
95 percent). Men showed insecuri- Extra Pounds Can Be Sexy
ties too. A whopping 70 percent Overweight adults are not only
think a slimmer waistline would having lots of sex, they’re also
lead to better sex, and 42 percent getting extreme enjoyment out of it,
said they would go shirtless only in says Martin Binks, PhD, director of
front of their partner. behavioral health at the Diet &
But here’s the big disconnect: De- Fitness Center at Duke University.
spite idealized images, guys really Binks’s study subjects are trying to
❯ When asked
to rate
themselves as
“yuck,” “OK”
or “hot,” 14%
of women and
20% of men
chose “hot.”
More than
25% of women
chose “yuck.”
Just 13% of
men did.

drop pounds and probably should Still, after a year of dieting, partic-

for health reasons. But what’s ipants who had felt sexually unat-
remarkable is that the biggest tractive went from 68 percent to
improvement in their sex lives 26 percent. All this goes to show
came when they lost just 10 percent that sex is more about attitude than
of their body weight. “That’s a very weight, says Binks.
minimal weight loss, and these In addition to having a more
people were still substantially over- positive body image, people who’ve
weight,” he says. lost weight have more energy and
JANUARY ’08 I 167
feel more comfortable communicat- ingful sex can also lower blood pres-
ing with a partner about sexual tech- sure, and it tells the gut not to send
niques, fantasies and feelings. signals to the brain to eat.” Bottom
What’s more, having meaningful, line: A healthy sex drive can lead to
not recreational, sex induces the weight loss.
release of the hormone oxytocin. There’s an emotional link too: “It
“It makes a person feel love and makes sense that women who are
empathy,” says noted heart surgeon feeling very full are less interested
Mehmet C. Oz, MD, co-author of the in sex,” says Sonya Satinsky, project
You series of health books. “Mean- coordinator for the Center for Sex-
ual Health Promotion at Indiana Evolutionary psychologist Deven-
University. One possible explana- dra Singh, PhD, of the University of
tion, she says, goes back to having Texas, says men are actually not
bad feelings about their body, lead- concerned about a woman’s weight:
ing to a lack of desire. They’re attracted first and foremost
to an hourglass shape, which in
Men Worry Too most cases means a waist that is 70
Women aren’t the only ones who percent as wide as a woman’s hips,
are misguided about weight and regardless of dress size, a proportion
sex. “Men are increasingly dissatis- that’s a sign of high fertility.
fied with their bodies,” says Viren But Swami’s
Swami, PhD, of the University of research suggests
Westminster in England, who has
extensively studied the science of
different cultures
have different
❯ 35% of men
said they would
love to have a
attraction. “Some want to be thinner, standards. Men in
but most want to be more muscular, Western countries body like Brad
and they are increasingly attempting like England and Pitt’s in the
movie Troy.
to bulk up.” the United States
Some 5% said
By some accounts, the rate of flock to thinner
they’d be happy
steroid use among adolescent boys women (with a BMI to look like
is now comparable to the rate of of around 21). Guys chubby Kevin
anorexia and bulimia among adoles- in Mediterranean James in The
cent girls. No wonder, since boys countries like Kingof Queens.
are being targeted with images of Spain and Portu-
hairless, V-shaped Adonises in fit- gal, which are less
ness magazines and on-screen. affluent and still developing in many
ways, consider larger women with
Laws of Attraction curves extremely desirable. This
Throughout history, having a fit may explain why Latin American
and healthy body helped humans men go gaga over divas with well-
find a mate and reproduce success- endowed bottoms, like Jennifer
fully. Centuries ago, certain female Lopez. “In most traditional societies,
traits (youth, a small waist, big people who are able to put on body
breasts) indicated fertility. In turn, fat are rich and can afford to buy
certain male traits (broad shoulders, food,” Swami says.
dominance, good provider) indi- Men whose ancestors hail from
cated his ability to protect and care regions where food was scarce
for mother and child. year-round or seasonally (like parts
JANUARY ’08 I 169
of Africa) find heavier women very study author Marianne Peters of
fertile and therefore sexy, says the University of Western Australia:
Robert Friar, PhD, a professor of The face reveals intelligence, per-
biology at Ferris State University. sonality and confidence level—all
When given a choice, women things that increase the odds of a
do prefer men with broad shoulders great sexual relationship much more
and a thin waist, according to a 2006 than a smaller pant size.
study by researcher Margaret Braun
of Portland State University. But Personality Counts
physique is not that crucial. “When “If Queen Latifah doesn’t think
women are look- she’s sexy, she sure does a good job
ing for someone of fooling us,” says Pepper Schwartz,

❯ More than
26% of women
who say they’re
to settle down
with, they start
PhD, a sociology professor at the
University of Washington in Seattle.
focusing on other “She carries herself like she’s a babe.
overweight important things,” And a lot of men think she is.”
would rather
eat live bugs says evolutionary Once we get to know a person, the
psychologist Jason non-physical aspects become much
than let their
partner watch Weeden, PhD, of more important in long-term rela-
them walk out Arizona State tionships and pleasurable sex, says
of a well-lit University. “Is he Swami. Still, this is one area of study
room naked. going to be a good in which scientists may never have
provider? Is he a absolute understanding. “Even after
reliable guy? Does all the studies I’ve done,” he says, “I
he want the same things she does?” still find myself thinking about what
For both sexes, the real key to attracts me to someone else, and I
attraction may lie due north. The don’t really have an answer. We’ve
face is a stronger predictor of sexi- always assumed there’s one type of
ness than the body. In a recent study, person that we always go for, but
24 people ages 18 to 25 rated digital that isn’t the case. We see a myriad
photos of faces and clothed bodies of people in our everyday lives, and
to determine which one figured we’re attracted to different people at
more strongly into overall attrac- different times for different reasons.
tiveness. Women thought a man’s There is a part of attraction that
face accounted for nearly half of his should remain shrouded in mystery.”
overall attractiveness. For men, the After all, a bit of mystery can
face was an even stronger predictor make sex a lot more fun.
of sexiness. The theory, according to Additional reporting by Kathryn M. Tyranski


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35 cal, 4 g fat he best fitness tool may be your beagle’s
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(1.5-oz packet) input (cheerleading), we also bring negative
190 cal, influences (we’re inconsistent). A pooch shows
20 g fat persistence by fussing until you walk, and he sees
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210 cal, 23 g fat walking the dog, share your tips, and post photos
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and stories of your fit pet.
JANUARY ’08 I 177
9 to 5 Slim-Down
R eluctant to foot hefty health care bills,
companies are encouraging workers to
lose weight. In Indiana, Clarian Health
employees with a healthy BMI will get a $10
reward with every paycheck starting next year.
Other businesses are mimicking NBC’s The
Biggest Loser with weight-loss challenges. At
Victaulic, a pipe manufacturer in Pennsylvania,
Joanne Fabian, the female winner, finished
17 pounds lighter—and $150 richer. Fitness Icon
“These challenges work in the short term
because of the monetary reward and group Dr. Kenneth Cooper’s
name is synonymous
support,” says wellness consultant Doug Ballard,
with exercise. In Brazil,
manager of the Reader’s Digest
another term for jog-
company gym, which held its ging is “doing your
own challenge last year. “If Cooper.” That’s fitting,
you keep the support group since the 76-year-old
going, you’ll succeed long first coined the term
term.” Bridget Nelson Monroe aerobics, back in 1968.
Forty years later, he’s
still going strong, hitting
the gym daily, working
60-hour weeks and trav-
eling extensively. The
founder of the Cooper
Clinic in Dallas credits
his good health to exer-
cise. “The number one
reason I exercise is that
it makes me feel good,
enhances my well-being
and helps me control
stress. If I didn’t exer-
cise, I couldn’t sleep at
night.” Patricia Curtis


Gym? I t doesn’t matter where you
work out, as long as you
do it. Here, celebrity trainer
Kathy Kaehler offers tips for turning
your home into a gym. Try for three
No sets of ten unless otherwise noted.


Water weights Fill empty laun-
Problem dry detergent jugs with water to a
weight you can handle, and cap. Do
biceps curls, shoulder raises and
other arm-slimming moves.
Pull up a chair Sit on the edge of
a sturdy kitchen chair with your
hands on the edge of the seat.
To strengthen triceps, move forward
and lower yourself with your arms,
bending at the elbows. Then stand in
front of the chair and do squats (be up, contracting abs until you can
sure not to sit completely) for ham- reach forward and place one card on
strings and quads. the floor. Repeat with all cards.
Ottoman action To firm your Have a ball Sit up, feet on the
buns, lie on the floor and place floor, knees bent at a 45-degree
calves on an ottoman. Lift hips off angle, and lean back slightly. Hold a
the floor while squeezing glutes. soccer ball in front of you and move
Become a stair master Walk or it from side to side, rotating your
run up and down stairs eight to ten torso, to target your obliques. Next,
times to increase your heart rate. lie down, knees bent. Place the ball
Make a deal Take 15 playing cards between your knees and squeeze, to
and place them in front of you in a work your inner thighs.
pile. To strengthen legs, lunge to- Kathryn M. Tyranski
ward each card, right foot in front, Gardening burns 300+ calories
to pick up cards. Repeat with left an hour. Use our customized tool
leg. Then tone your abs: Lie down to find other around-the-house
with knees bent, cards in hands. Sit ❯
calorie scorchers.
Win Big & Lose
Pint- Gold’s Gym is offering 10 lucky winners a
free 1-year membership, worth $500 each.

Size No purchase necessary. Sweepstakes begins 12/6/07 and closes

2/15/08. Open to U.S. residents 21 and over. Sponsored by Gold’s
Gym and Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. Void where prohib-

Fitness ited. For entry and other details, visit

G rade-
with personal
“Bad” foods aren’t always so bad. Check out
these stats from The Diet Detective’s Calorie
Bargain Bible by Charles Stuart Platkin. N.C.

sweating it out on tread-
mills. Whatever happened to a game
of tag? As ludicrous as these trends
seem, the reasons behind them
make sense, says Sandra Hassink,
MD, of the American Academy of


(55 calories) vs. (40 calories)
Pediatrics. “Many parents don’t feel
comfortable letting their children
play outside,” Dr. Hassink says. “So

( C H E E S E , C O O K I E , P O TAT O C H I P A N D F R Y ) C H R I S T I N E B R O N I C O
it becomes, ‘Well, what can we do?’ ”
If you want to hire a trainer (over
a million kids and teens have one),
make sure she’s certified and has
(10 calories) vs. (5 calories)
worked with kids. Sign up for group
sessions: Your child will get to play
with others, and it’ll cost less.
Our junior testers loved the Kid’s
First Exercise Bike (above) and Air
Walker from First Fitness ($80 each;; ages four to seven).
But just as it does for many adults, (470 calories) vs. (280 calories)
the novelty may soon wear off: One Which is lower in calories, pizza
of our testers began using her tread- or a burger? Test yourself on
mill as a crib for her dolls. B.N.M. that and more. ❯

EatSmart Fruit + Nut bars
Reduced Fat All natural,
Potato Chips Salter Nutri gluten-free; $2;
technology keeps
$3.49 for an Weigh and Go
feet cool; $165; 8-oz bag; at Dietary
supermarkets. Computer Scale
Keep track of
calories; $60;
Linens ’N Things.


❯Get Inspired
Wonder how
you’ll look 20
pounds lighter?
Upload a
“before” pic at
to see your
“after” shot.

P.A.S.T. Core
System Tone
your midsection
and more with
one tool; $120;

Tools to Get

You Started
Pedometer for
your baby stroller;
N eed a little help jump-
starting your diet or
exercise plan? Here,
some gadgets and no-guilt snacks
to help you succeed.
JANUARY ’08 I 185
bending at the elbows. Then
No stand in front of the chair and
do squats (be sure not to sit

Gym? completely) for hamstrings

and quads.

No Ottoman action To firm your

buns, lie on the floor and place
calves on an ottoman. Lift hips off
Problem the floor while squeezing glutes.
Become a stair master Walk


or run up and down stairs eight
to ten times to increase your
heart rate.
Make a deal Take 15 play-
ing cards and place them in
front of you in a pile. To
strengthen legs, lunge toward
each card, right foot in front, to pick
up cards. Repeat with left leg. Then
tone your abs: Lie down with knees
bent, cards in hands. Sit up, con-
tracting abs until you can reach

I t doesn’t matter where you work

out, as long as you do it. Here,
celebrity trainer Kathy Kaehler
offers tips for turning your home
into a gym. Try for three sets of ten
forward and place one card on the
floor. Repeat with all cards.
Have a ball Sit up, feet on the
floor, knees bent at a 45-degree
angle, and lean back slightly. Hold
unless otherwise noted. a soccer ball in front of you and
Water weights Fill empty laundry move it from side to side, rotating
detergent jugs with water to a your torso, to target your obliques.
weight you can handle, and cap. Do Next, lie down, knees bent. Place
biceps curls, shoulder raises and the ball between your knees and
other arm-slimming moves. squeeze, to work your inner thighs.
Pull up a chair Sit on the edge of Kathryn M. Tyranski
a sturdy kitchen chair with your Gardening burns 300+ calories
hands on the edge of the seat. To an hour. Use our customized tool
strengthen triceps, move forward to find other around-the-house
and lower yourself with your arms, ❯
calorie scorchers.

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