My Quarantine Activity

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Welcome to Q13!

I live in a housing estate located on the edge of this town. One of the famous places here is
Q13. Everyone called it a haunted place. The good thing is, the Q13 is located next to my house.
Of course, it's not a real haunted place. It’s just a house that hasn't been inhabited for a long
time and creates a horror atmosphere. Many people are afraid when passing the road in front
of this house. This haunted house always makes me curious to go in and see the situation
inside. I decided to borrow the Q13's key and look inside. I want to feel the "horror"
atmosphere. I want to know how scary is that.
From outside the house is old-fashioned with shades of white that are starting to wear out. In
the front garden, there's overgrown with weeds as high as my calves. When entering the house,
the room was dark, relying only on solar lighting that can enter only from certain places in the
house. The house is also divided into 6 parts.
In the first part- there is a living room. This room is very dirty because it's been almost
uninhabited for the last 8 years. The living room is still complete with furniture that covered
with black cloth. In the corner of the living room, there are some outdated displays on a
weathered shelf. In the middle, there is a dining room and two bedrooms. One large bedroom
which is still full of furniture and cockroaches. On the left side, there is a smaller bedroom that
looks dirty and scary.
Next, I went to the kitchen. The kitchen is pretty dirty. There are some broken plates on a
rickety rack in the west part of the kitchen. All the kitchen utensils are still complete like the
stove, sink, dish rack, and rusty refrigerator. This part was the best and impressed me. When I
entered the bathroom of the house, surprisingly the bathroom was pretty clean. There are only
a few cobwebs in the corner.
That's all about Q13. I agree with the local’s people who call this house a haunted house. Not
only very humid inside but also scary from the outside. I'm sure at night it must be terrible and

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