Scat 4 2 2

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Final - 1

Q1) The optical power loss resulting from Rayleigh scattering in a fiber can be calculated from
either these two equations:

8π 3 2
α scat= 4
(n -1)2 k B T f β T


8π 3 8 2
α scat = n p k B T f βT
3 λ4

Compare these two equations for silica (n=1.460 at 630 nm), given that the fictive
temperature Tf is 1400K, the isothermal compressibility βT is 6.8 X 10-12 cm2/dyn, and the
photoelastic coefficient is 0.286. How does this agree with measured values ranging from
3.9 to 4.8 dB/km at 6.33 nm?

From Eq. (3-4a) we have ascat = 8p 3 3l 4 (n 2 -1) 2 kBTfbT = 8p 3 3(0.63 mm) 4 (1.46)
2 [ -1] 2 (1.38´10-16 dyne-cm/K)(1400 K) ´(6.8´10-12 cm2/dyne) = 0.883 km-1 To
change to dB/km, multiply by 10 log e = 4.343: ascat = 3.8 dB/km From Eq. (3-4b): ascat
= 8p 3 3l 4 n 8p 2 kBTfbT = 1.16 km-1 = 5.0 dB/km

Q2) A silica tube with inside and outside radii of 3 and 4 mm, respectively, is to have a certain
thickness of glass deposited on the inner surface. What should the thickness of this glass
deposition be if a fiber having a core diameter of 50 µm and an outer cladding diameter of 125
µm is to be drawn from this preform?

Consider the following geometries of the preform and its corresponding fiber: PREFORM
FIBER 4 mm 3 mm R 25 mm 62.5 mm We want to find the thickness of the deposited layer (3
mm - R). This can be done by comparing the ratios of the preform core-to-cladding cross-
sectional areas and the fiber core-to-cladding cross-sectional areas: Apreform core Apreform
clad = Afiber core Afiber clad or p(3 2 - R 2 ) p(4 2 - 3 2 ) = p (25) 2 p (62.5) 2 - (25) 2 [ ] from
which we have R = 9 - 7(25) 2 (62.5) 2 - (25) 2 é ë ê ù û ú 1/ 2 = 2.77 mm Thus, thickness = 3
mm - 2.77 mm = 0.23 mm

Q3) Consider a step-index fiber with core and cladding diameters of 62.5 and 125 µm,
respectively. Let the core index n1 = 1.48 and let the index difference ∆ = 1.5 percent. Compare
the modal dispersionin units of ns/km of this fiber as given by Eq. (∂Tmod = Tmax – Tmin = n1 ∆
L / c) with the more exact epression
σmod / L = n1 – n2 / c (1- π / V)

where L is the length of the fiber and n2 is the cladding index.




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