What Next, Reliance Home Finance?: Legislative Adventurism

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Legislative adventurism the All India Bank Officers’

Confederation or AIBOC has also out-
lined the provisions of the proposed law
in a programme on NewsClick, an
equally problematic clause that allows
the depositors’ contract to be modified
by the resolution authority. Fears of
bank customers losing their deposits in

A proposal for a new law on bank resolution has already raised online video news network. the event of a bank becoming insolvent Shah & CAA
The proposed name of the new law have only grown.
many troubling questions seems to be the Financial Sector The new Bill is also likely to have a
Development and Regulation provision for raising the cap on the
Financial Service Providers (FSPs) other Thus, the special framework for (Resolution) Bill. A similar proposal for amount of deposit that would enjoy
than banks. financial service providers had three a law, Financial Resolution and Deposit insurance cover. The deposit amount
It was clarified then that the new key features. One, these did not include Insurance Bill (FRDI), was mooted in to be brought under insurance cover-
rules would apply to such FSPs or cate- banks. Two, consultation and active 2017, but was withdrawn a year later in age would be decided by the resolu-
gories of FSPs, as will be notified by the involvement of the existing regulators 2018 after massive protests over its tion authority, though no details of
Union government under Section 227 were made mandatory before any insol- “bail-in” provisions. These provisions how these calculations would be
of the IBC from time to time in consul- vency and liquidation proceedings had envisaged that depositors’ money undertaken are known. Even more
tation with appropriate regulators, for could be initiated for any financial ser- would be used to recapitalise banks in worrying is the reported provision in
the purpose of their insolvency and liq- vice provider. And three, a separate leg- financial trouble. Even assurances that the new law, as per which the resolu-
uidation proceedings. Remember that islation was being planned for dealing the cap on the amount of deposits pro- tion and liquidation of public sector
the IBC had been legislated in 2016 to with insolvency resolution and liqui- tected by insurance would be raised banks would be undertaken in consul-
RAISINA HILL provide a consolidated framework for dation of banks and other financial ser- had failed to assuage the concerns of tation with the government.
reorganisation, insolvency resolution vice providers. the people and the idea of the Bill was Given the sequence of these events
A K BHATTACHARYA and liquidation of corporate persons, Within weeks of this framework, the dropped. in the last two months, it seems that The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has rolled
limited liability partnerships, partner- government appears to have acted The new Bill is believed to have dis- the government is readying itself to face out a pan-Indian itinerary to counter the

n November 15, 2019, the gov- ship firms and individuals in a time- quite fast in starting internal delibera- carded the use of any bail-in provisions, yet another major controversy over a Opposition narrative around the
ernment brought about a sig- bound manner. tions on the promised legislation, but has given the resolution authority new law. Shouldn’t the government Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The
nificant change in the This was an interim measure. The which is expected to be more compre- the power to cancel, modify or amend have undertaken broader consultation campaign will kick off in Uttar Pradesh
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). government had indicated then that hensive than the rules framed under the contract between a bank or a finan- among stakeholders to frame its with Union Home Minister Amit Shah
It notified the Insolvency and the notification of the rules for financial Section 227 of the IBC. Contours of the cial service provider and the customer. thoughts on the kind of legislation it (pictured), Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
Bankruptcy (Insolvency and service providers under Section 227 of new legislation have not yet been made The extent of the amendment or cur- should introduce on insolvency reso- Yogi Adityanath, Defence Minister
Liquidation Proceedings of Financial the Code was “an interim mechanism public by the government. But an tailment of the contract would be deter- lution for banks? Its earlier attempt at Rajnath Singh, etc addressing pro-CAA
Service Providers and Application to to deal with any exigency pending the online financial publication, Moneylife, mined by the resolution authority, bringing a similar law had led to rallies. On January 21, Shah is arriving in
Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2019 introduction of a full-fledged enact- has brought out the key features of the which would be composed of represen- protests and the government had to Lucknow to address a public meeting,
(Rules) to provide a generic framework ment to deal with financial resolution new law on insolvency and liquidation tatives from the existing financial sec- withdraw the FRDI Bill. Should it not one of the six planned for UP in this
for insolvency and liquidation proceed- of banks and other systemically impor- proceedings for banks and financial tor regulators. In other words, the bail- have learnt appropriate lessons from phase. The rally will cover all the districts
ings of systemically important tant financial service providers.” service providers. Thomas Franco of in provision has been replaced by an that episode? in central UP’s Awadh region. The state
party organisation has started preparing
for the mega event to showcase the BJP’s
purported stand that the silent majority

What next, Reliance Home Finance? was always supportive of the new Act.

Pressing matter
Representative bodies of journalists are
This is no default caused by liquidity tightness. It could have been avoided had the loans period, certain directors, during whose
regime “group companies” had been
bracing themselves to legally contest
entry curbs imposed by the government
to group companies not been given. Period. lent money, started resigning. Anil on accredited finance ministry reporters
Ambani’s son Jai Anmol Ambani on entering North Block. The Press
lenders...,” the RHFL statement said. ago, had a triple-A rating. must report it to the central govern- resigned as non-executive director on Council of India (PCI) has decided to hear
After the completion of the forensic RHFL, Reliance Capital’s wholly- ment immediately. May 31, 2019. a complaint from various journalist
audit, the company now wants its owned subsidiary, hired Ravindra The company has disputed this alle- In July 2019, RHFL entered into an bodies, including the Press Association,
bankers to fast-track the debt resolution Sudhalkar from Kotak Bank in October gation of PwC (through a press release inter-creditor agreement (ICA) with its Press Club of India, and Foreign
plan “under change of management 2016 as its CEO. Listed on stock on August 8, 2019). Audit firm Dhiraj & banks, led by Bank of Baroda. Such a Correspondents’ Club against the finance
and control in the overall interests of exchanges in September 2017, RHFL Dheeraj stepped in but it too gave a framework has been prescribed by the ministry, which imposed these curbs in
all lenders, including over 20,000 retail grew at a compounded annual growth qualified opinion with respect to its RBI for prompt identification and res- July last year. The Press Association has
non-convertible debenture holders and rate of around 44 per cent from fiscal financial statements as on March 31, olution of stressed assets. The ICA pro- been summoned by the PCI for a hearing
over 800,000 shareholders”. year 2014 to 2018 to stack up ~16,380 2019, stating significant deviations on posed the so-called standstill agree- on Monday and journalists may argue
RHFL claims to have disclosed to crore assets under management (AUM). loans advanced under the “general-pur- ment which refrains banks from that the diktat has sparked a fear in the
BANKER’S TRUST all stakeholders potential related party
transactions to the tune of ~7,500 crore
In September 2018, the AA+ compa-
ny’s gross bad loans were just 0.8 per
pose corporate loan” to certain entities,
including group companies, aggregat-
initiating any recovery proceedings.
The banks, however, continued to
minds of bureaucrats to officially meet
them. They may also make a strong case
TAMAL BANDYOPADHYAY — close to 60 per cent of its total debt. cent and AUM was ~16,460 crore. Its ing ~7,850 crore. receive interest payments for a few that most other ministries have no such
Is on-lending to group companies investor presentation for the quarter “Majority of company’s borrowers months and did not classify RHFL as a restriction for accredited journalists.
(supposedly to repay their liabilities ended June 2018 indicates that 51 per have undertaken onward lending trans- bad loan. They appointed BOB Capital

n its forensic audit report of on interest and principal) a normal cent of the AUM consisted of loans for actions and end use of the borrowings Markets and E&Y as resolution profes-
Reliance Home Finance Ltd business transaction? Is a home affordable housing, 20 per cent loan from the company included borrow- sionals, Deloitte as cash flow monitor-
(RHFL), Grant Thornton, a global- finance company lending more than against property and 29 per cent con- ings by or for repayment of financial ing agent, Grant Thornton as the foren- What slowdown?
ly known firm for audit, forensic and half its balance sheet to its group com- struction finance. The scenario changed obligation to some of the group com- sic auditor and RBSA Advisors as the While India Inc routinely emphasises
investigation services, has not record- panies in sync with the spirit of the dramatically, coinciding with the panies. There have been overdues of valuer. the need for austerity, the extravagance
ed any adverse findings on 11 parame- agreement between the company and default of Infrastructure Leasing & ~566 crore of these loans as on March Typically, under this framework, the and pomp on display during industry
ters, including any diversion or its lenders? Financial Services, which triggered a 31, 2019. We are not getting sufficient resolution plan is not known at the time events present a stark contrast. At a
siphoning of funds, embezzlement, RHFL has defaulted on paying at crisis of confidence in the NBFC sector. audit evidence to ascertain recoverabil- of framing the ICA. If the resolution recent exhibition and conference
falsification of accounts and fraudu- least ~2,000 crore of public debt. The The September 2018 investor presenta- ity of principal and interest including plan, being worked out, is not accept- organised by an infrastructure firm in
lent transactions by the promoter, the money raised from normal business tion and subsequent investor disclo- time frame of recovery of overdues,” it able to the bank, it gets the liquidation Noida, there was a special programme
company, its employees or any asso- and securitisation and flowed to group sures stopped showing the break-up of had said while highlighting the shift in value, estimated by the valuer. Simply even before the formal launch event.
ciates. The company’s statement said companies could have easily taken care its AUM. the primary business of the company put, a bank does not know the liquida- There was a digital launch when tablets
so last week. of its debt repayments. Would the firm In June 2019, its statutory auditors — from housing finance to non-hous- tion value while signing the ICA. This were handed out to ministers. A special
RHFL’s lenders had appointed Grant have been in default if such group lend- PwC resigned, stating delay in conven- ing finance (more than half of its total process is on. mobile app replaced the ribbon-cutting
Thornton for the audit in August 2019, ing had not happened? Should the ing an audit committee meeting and loan portfolio). RHFL is not a default caused by liq- ceremony. Gigantic screens across the
in accordance with the Reserve Bank lenders be penalised for the troubles in certain observations on a few transac- From October 2018, RHFL faced a uidity tightness or lack of funds avail- hall were lit up, displaying what many
of India norms for resolution of bad the group companies to whom RHFL tions for which the company apparent- slew of rating downgrades — dropping able to a housing finance company. It thought were “needless graphics”
debt. “The forensic report has con- has extended business loans? ly did not offer satisfactory response. to D in April 2019 from AA+ in could have been avoided had these accompanied by dancers wearing
firmed the potential group entities’ Incorporated in 2008, RHFL PwC had also filed a letter with the September 18. In April 2019, the bank loans to group companies not been giv- body-lights. The drama lasted for a full
exposure through several intermediate marked the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ministry of Corporate Affairs, under facilities were downgraded to D. This en. Period. 10 minutes, during which the crowd
unlisted entities at ~7,984 crore (includ- Group’s entry into India’s expanding Section 143(12) of the Companies Act rating indicates that the issuer has wondered if there was indeed a
ing interest). The company had volun- mortgage market. It had a presence in 2013. Under this section, if an auditor defaulted or is expected to be in default The writer, a consulting editor with Business slowdown. Not to mention, all this
tarily and publicly disclosed even financial services through Reliance has reason to believe that a fraud is soon. By September 2019, all outstand- Standard, is an author and senior adviser to razzmatazz caused delays and chaos
before the commencement of forensic Capital, a non-banking finance com- being committed against the company ing debt instruments had been down- Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd. for visitors.
audit to its auditors, regulators, pany (NBFC), which until some time by its officers or employees, the auditor graded to default status. During this Twitter: TamalBandyo


Defining moment for India's coal Saving vote bank

(January 18). Since the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) President and
Union Home Minister Amit Shah has
India must find its own sources of funding said that the party would not project
any name as chief ministerial candi-
either reached their sectoral lending limits customers. The fact that these customers date but would fight elections under
or find their power portfolios stressed out, are at the lowest end of affordability and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
would mean that even customers in the their aspiration of better and more hours leadership, it is surprising that
coal value chain will find the going tough. of power supply cannot be left to renew- Modiji’s name does not figure in the
BlackRock is not the only financier ables alone but will need continued sup- first list. One hopes that Modi’s name
pushing for a no-coal future. Some years port from coal is one reason that makes
back, International Finance Corporation transition to green energy difficult.
had announced it won’t make any invest- All that India committed in Paris as
ment in coal though it did not pull out of part of its climate change goals is to push
existing investment. for renewable-based power generation but sons for this. Moreover, these commit-
JYOTI MUKUL BlackRock is not the only financier without any timeline for moving com- tees don’t value others’ time. To process
pushing for a no-coal future. Some years pletely out of coal. It was only incidental even simple applications, they take
back, International Finance Corporation that power generation from coal based months. On the contrary, in the West,

he year 2020 opened with two sets had announced it won’t make any invest- thermal power plants in India fell by 3 per Union minister Piyush Goyal (pic- the rules are very liberal and relaxed.
of announcements on coal, the ment in coal though it did not pull out of cent to 718.5 billion kwh in April- tured) seems to have jumped the gun One will find professors having degree
world’s most widely used energy existing investment. There is an over- December 2019 over the previous year. in his laconic observations on the in economics teaching in the political
fuel that has a 38 per cent share in global whelming built-up of sentiment across the Short supply of coal, especially in privately recent Amazon investment proposal. science department and vice-versa;
electricity generation. On January 8, the globe against financing of coal projects and run generation units, was the reason for We may recall that Amazon had similarly, those holding degrees in
union Cabinet cleared an Ordinance to when a brand like BlackRock moves away, this fall and not that distribution compa- promised to create more than 25,000 physics or chemistry teach in electron-
introduce commercial coal mining in the others are bound to follow soon. Already, nies switched off coal power to make way jobs at a new campus in Long Island ic/computer engineering departments.
country. A few days later, the new law global managers with over $11 trillion of for renewable electricity. Good rains City, New York, in return for nearly $3 Professors guide students in relaxed,
that delinks coal mining rights from cap- assets under management have decided helped in higher hydropower generation billion in government incentives. It tension-free atmosphere. It is time that
tive usage and puts traders and users on to exit fossil fuel investments. These com- with hydro and nuclear sources recording was a cocky and raw business finds a place in second list so that his Association of Indian Universities and
a par when it comes to allocation of coal prise 116 banks and insurers across the 18 per cent increase in generation during approach in a nation that is a votary name and face get the party votes in University Grants Commission give full
mines, was notified. But within a week, globe, according to data compiled by the January-December 2019. of pure capitalism. Yet, it failed in this the Assembly polls. autonomy to our public universities and
at the other end of the world, in New Institute for Energy Economics and Nonetheless, there is a comforting venture mostly due to the growing N Nagarajan Secunderabad colleges in faculty selection.
York, BlackRock, the world’s largest asset Financial Analysis (IEEFA), an anti-coal factor for India in its green power story. influence of the progressive Left in Sunil Pedgaonkar Maharashtra
manager, turned its back on investment environment lobby group. The share of renewables in global power New York. In its current home in Give more autonomy
in coal. Despite this, the Indian coal market, generation last year, if hydropower is Seattle, Amazon is being criticised on
The two totally unrelated events that, especially in the power sector, is not excluded, increased from 8.4 per cent to rising house prices and growing Indian public universities are far behind Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
The Editor, Business Standard
ironically, have black rock or coal as a com- changing drastically in the near term. 9.3 per cent which means that a 10 per inequality that has damaged the city. than those in the West when it comes
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
mon thread will define the way India’s coal Unlike Britain, Germany and France, cent contribution by renewable power Now a minister in our own govern- to selection, recruitment, encourage- New Delhi 110 002
sector moves. The question is, how does which have laid out a clear road map for in India is on a par with the global aver- ment has chosen to cast a barb on its ment and retention of faculty members. Fax: (011) 23720201 ·
one investor’s decision to not support coal phasing out of coal-based power genera- age and now, whatever, the country does predatory pricing policies. This might Rigid rules, tight government controls, E-mail: letters@bsmail.in
projects impact a large market like India, tion, India has no such plans. Part of the in terms of adding gigawatts in green well be due to the party’s concerns narrow minded and unaware selection All letters must have a postal address and
especially since the two biggest compa- reason is that 70 per cent of its power is power, would only be better than the about saving its trader vote bank. But committees are some of the main rea- telephone number
nies in businesses related to coal, Coal still generated from coal. globalaverage. the remarks, credible as they may be,
India and NTPC Ltd, are government-pro- According to BP’s Energy Outlook, In such a scenario, pushing for com- could have come from a party func- >
moted and have good internal resource- almost all of the growth in power demand mercial mining of coal may look odd and tionary rather than a minister for com- HAMBONE
generation capabilities. comes from developing economies, led by not in sync with India’s nationally deter- merce and trade. The BJP is known to
It is important to note here that com- China and India. And, therefore, it is impor- mined contributions (NDC), but, nonethe- put its electoral concerns ahead of
mercial coal mining dreams of any player, tant to note that India’s energy ecosystem less, it will be a good move towards greater economy and this is no different.
whether Indian or foreign, will be depen- that feeds on cheap power supply and low transparency in the use of the resource. R Narayanan Navi Mumbai
dent on their ability to raise funds and any dependence on fuel import for electricity In that sense it is a move towards a mature
debt or equity provider pulling out of the can hardly change in the near term. coal market. But with global sources of Modi’s magic
coal business could impact this exercise. Besides, the government has on its funding closing, all this would be achiev-
Besides, a global fund squeeze at a time shoulder the responsibility of feeding able only if India succeeds in finding its This refers to "BJP releases first list
when domestic banking institutions have power into the homes of 26.5 million new own sources of funding coal. of 57 candidates for Delhi polls"


investors, particularly in the northern states, where

MUMBAI | MONDAY, 20 JANUARY 2020 millions of new jobs are needed.
A move to implement the proposals will lead to

The wrong approach extensive disruption at the ground level and a conse-
quent economic impact if we go by the experience of
the implementation of the NRC in Assam after 2005.
Govt attitude to e-commerce is harsh This effort, which covered just 3 per cent of the coun-
try’s population, took almost a decade, required the

nion Minister for Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal has been involvement of over 50,000 government employees,
forced to clarify certain remarks he made at the end of last week at the and cost more than ~1,200 crore.
Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi. Mr Goyal had said there, in the context The government has now said that it does not
of Amazon Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos’ visit to India, that the intend to implement the NRC at the national level,
though this is part of the ruling party’s election
online retailer was not doing India any favour by investing a further $1 billion. Mr
manifesto and has been asserted forcefully several

Socio-political stability
Goyal’s point was that, if Amazon was making a billion-dollar loss every year, a times by its leaders. Nevertheless, the fear is that the
cash infusion of a further billion dollars was no particular privilege for India. The NRIC and NPR are meant to serve a similar function
minister subsequently clarified his point, saying that anyone was welcome to and will have an impact similar to the NRC imple-
invest in India as long as they followed all domestic rules and regulations. mentation in Assam.

and growth
The minister is of course entitled to his own views on Amazon but never- The big problem is the impact on poor people, who
may not have the required documents and whose lives
theless what they reveal on the subject of the investment climate and indeed the
will be disrupted by the process of proving their right
government’s view of business in general are disquieting. The fact is that at the to Indian nationality. The Rights & Risks Analysis
moment not many foreign companies are willing to take a bet on India, so if Group (RRAG) conducted a small survey of those
Amazon has decided to stay invested through another major cash infusion, that Growth prospects are threatened by citizenship proposals, which excluded from the NRC in Assam to find out the
is not something to be contemptuous of. Worse, perhaps, is the notion expressed amount spent by each excluded person.
that making losses is somehow something for the government to be wary of and
are leading to Centre-state confrontation, social strife, and The 62 respondents who were able to quantify their
expenditure incurred for attending hearings before
that it implies possible rule-breaking or predatory pricing. Many sectors — disruption of working people’s lives the NRC authorities claimed to have spent an average
such as the state-controlled banking sector — are prone to making losses, but hen Finance Minister Nirmala become part of many people’s image of themselves. of about ~19,065 to attend NRC hearings. That is about

does this mean predation or rule-breaking? This fallacious notion has been Sitharaman presented her first It is no accident that it is young people, reciting the 15 per cent of our average per capita income and a
repeated in various ways by the ruling establishment lately, and Mr Goyal’s own Budget in July last year, this colum- preamble to the Constitution, who are leading this much larger proportion of the income of the poor.
statement came on the back of news that the Competition Commission of India nist, like many others, had listed a revolt against sectarianism. According to the survey, many of them had to
(CCI) was going to investigate some selling practices of online marketplaces litany of economic woes including The charge of sectarianism and discrimination “mortgage agricultural lands, sell their cattle/live-
the sharp decline in the growth rate of GDP, fiscal pres- has been extensively debated. One way of seeing stock, and agricultural products like betel nuts/pad-
including Amazon and Walmart-controlled Flipkart. The CCI says that deep dis- sures, twin balance-sheet problems, the woes of non- this is to recognise that the CAA will apply to the so- dy/betel nut gardens/jackfruit garden, sell their only
counts on the platforms might be anti-competitive. banking financial companies, the slow pace of job cre- called illegal migrants who have been here from means of income like auto rickshaw, while many
Such claims betray a lack of understanding of predatory pricing in econom- ation, distress in small enterprises and farms, trade before 2014. The CAA is essentially an amnesty. Many took loans to meet the expenses for the NRC hear-
ics. As the Federal Trade Commission, in the United States, points out, “con- battles, and the slowdown in global growth drivers. countries with undocumented migrants who cannot ings”. Apart from this, here was the logistical chal-
sumers are harmed only if below-cost pricing allows a dominant competitor to Nothing has changed and some of these problems be repatriated have resorted to an amnesty, like the lenge of travelling for hearings before the NRC Seva
knock its rivals out of the market and then raise prices to above-market levels have become even more troublesome. The govern- 1986 amnesty in the US under the Reagan adminis- Kendra five to ten times in far-off places. The survey
ment is now more willing to admit to the existence of tration. However, the amnesty offered by the CAA is did not include those who had to defend themselves
for a substantial time ... Pricing below your own costs is also not a violation of these difficulties and the prime minister seems to have clearly discriminatory because it leaves out anyone before the foreigners’ tribunals, which required rep-
the law unless it is part of a strategy to eliminate competitors, and when that taken direct charge of the Budget. who is a Muslim. How the Supreme resentation by lawyers and cost ~1-1.5 lakh.
strategy has a dangerous probability of creating a monopoly for the discount- Since the government depends more Court will judge the matter cannot Poverty in Assam declined rapidly from 52 per
ing firm so that it can raise prices far into the future and recoup its losses”. But on natyashastra than arthashastra be predicted. But one can under- cent to 34 per cent between 1994 and 2005, but since
India is very far indeed from any such situation. Not only is there competition to guide its economic policy, we can stand why so many people see the then, while the NRC exercise was under way, the
expect dramatic and unexpected proposals as a violation of the fun- state has lagged behind with the poverty level in
in the e-commerce space, but as a percentage of total retail, e-commerce remains
measures to boost growth. But is this damental right to equality. 2012 being just 2 per cent lower than in 2005 while
very low in India. According to the World Bank, online commerce itself is only what we need right now? The move has led to an atmos- most other states showed declines of 10 per cent or
1.6 per cent of retail sales in India — well below, say, the 15 per cent in China. In The foundation for long-term phere of confrontation between the more. The national economy was in a boom period
other words, deep discounts as a method of growing the market cannot be growth rests on the confidence that Centre and many states, compromis- at this time. So could this poor economic perform-
claimed at this point to be anti-consumer. Indeed, the infusion of cash into the investors have in the stability of the ing the possibilities of cooperative ance be because of the disruption brought about by
Indian market is a net bonus for the country, given that it creates logistics infra- social and political environment NITIN DESAI federalism, essential for a high- the NRC process in Assam?
within which they have to function. growth path. We have had a first indi- The government must make up its mind on
structure and jobs, as well as opening up new avenues for consumer welfare. The
This is particularly true for foreign cation of this in the move away from whether development is its priority or not. High growth
government should rethink how it approaches e-commerce — the hostile envi- investors. In this area there is a major change since July decision making by consensus to voting in the GST and a $5-trillion economy in five years look quite dif-
ronment it is creating for e-commerce platforms hurts its foreign relations and last year. The political and social climate in the coun- Council. If the climate of Centre-state confrontation ficult now. But if it insists on moving ahead with its cit-
the domestic economy. try has become worse because of the drive to imple- worsens, we may see this departure from cooperative izenship proposals, it will lead to so much Centre-state
ment the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and relat- federalism in other areas of economic policy. This will confrontation, social strife, and disruption of poor peo-
ed measures like the National Population Register affect investment decisions and economic growth. ple’s lives that it might as well abandon its development

The final call (NPR) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC),
which, despite the ruling party’s efforts at explana-
tion, continue to arouse fear and suspicion.
The government’s citizenship proposals have also
led to widespread protests led by students. The some-
what one-sided reaction to these protests by the
goals. The ruling party must accept that the idea of
India as a secular and liberal democracy has matured
over the past 70 years and is too deeply embedded in
Save telecom from becoming a duopoly The case against the citizenship-related proposals authorities and the tolerance of violent counter- the self-image of many of its citizens and in the inter-
does not rest on their economic impact but their attacks by those who support the proposals will spill national image of India to be abandoned without cost.

fter the Supreme Court rejected the review petition filed by telecom challenge to the idea of a secular India embodied in over into street confrontations and violence. This will
companies against its order on licence fee dues linked to the adjust- the Constitution, which, over the past 70 years, has exacerbate a sense of civil disorder and frighten nitin-desai@hotmail.com
ed gross revenues (AGR), all eyes are now on the government’s next
move. While some 15 telcos — many of which have shut shop or sold

Is regulatory friction really unintended?

their businesses — have to cough up ~1.47 trillion, including penalties and
interest, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has the option of
pro-actively seeking the top court’s permission to allow the industry to stag-
ger the payment of AGR dues. In the absence of relief from the government
or seven years, like a broken record, I have been the corner grocery stores to mighty software compa- squeezing out the last little bit of emission from BS-IV
or judiciary, staggered payment is the only option left to save the telecom
industry, which is facing severe financial stress.
It is a fact that the full payment of ~1.47 trillion will go a long way in meet-
F arguing that India can be on the path of super
growth but for endless red tape creating fric-
tion for enterprises — the actual job creators. These
nies, it is businesses, not the government, that do so.
Unfortunately, the real agenda of the government
became clear in 2014 itself, even as businessmen, finan-
vehicles. Instead we are going for BS-VI from April
and this will mean another ~8,000-10,000 increase in
the cost of vehicles of the common man. That means
ing the government’s revenue shortfall in the current fiscal year. days, job creators even have taunts and insults hurled cial sector experts, and most of media continued to live in a one-and-a-half-year period, prices of the common
Additionally, if the AGR dues of more than ~3 trillion slapped on non-tele- at them by politicians. Businessmen usually take this under a mass delusion. The Modi government went man’s two-wheelers will go up by 30 per cent. To me
com companies are realised by January 24, the proceeds will mean a mas- lying down. However, it does seem that the serial eco- about putting a computer chip on the myriad schemes this is a tangible hard issue on the ground. Does the
sive windfall for a government, which is struggling to plug widening fiscal nomic follies of the past six years, combined with a of the Congress government — because everything government have the humility to reflect and roll back
punitive “governance”, is finally driving home a new was now digital — and peddled them as brilliant new some of these?”
gaps. But, in this case, the government should refrain from the idea of rev- realisation among people. ideas with new names. Every legislative change and Mr Bajaj should know that humility is not a feature
enue maximisation and focus on easing the pains of what has been a show- India’s growth will remain subdued for a very long policy only added to coercion, intrusion, suspicion, of any state, irrespective of its political colour. And, this
case sector for the country. time. While the economy will bounce back on a relative criminalisation, and punishments with jail terms even government is one that has offered no apology for
At this point, the DoT or any other government arm should not look at the basis, there is no escape from the for small errors and omissions. In a Aadhaar deaths, was remorseless about the demonic
staggered payment option as a sop for the telecom industry, but as a possible past. Businessmen are now at the end corrupt country, these become tools impact of demonetisation, and has inserted insane
of their patience and waiting for a for private as well as state extortion. provisions of arrests and jail terms into various rev-
chance of saving the sector. It should also consider the long-term conse-
change. So, we saw two top business- Meanwhile, the social and political enues laws.
quences of its action. At least one operator, Vodafone Idea, is likely to go down men complaining last week about agenda (cow protection, lynching,
if forced to make the total payment of over ~50,000 crore by the end of this overregulation, a rather mild descrip- nationalism, Pakistan, Kashmir, the The politics
week. That will mean an end of the India journey for a top foreign telecom com- tor for the toxic alchemy of extortion, flaws of the Gandhi-Nehru dynasty) It is good to see businessmen speak up about issues
pany that brought in one of the largest foreign direct investments in the rent-seeking, and pure procedural completely overshadowed econom- that hurt them instead of being politically correct.
country more than a decade ago. Since the sector is not under pressure pure- harassment that the state delights in ic debate. But that leaves unanswered the question: Why
creating for enterprises. One of the business segments would the state be irrationally punitive? By what
ly because of competition, the collapse of a large firm in this manner will deter
Rajiv Bajaj, who has been claiming hit badly is the 150-cc class of two- insane logic should politicians attack job-creators,
potential investors. It will also affect the banking system and increase the cost there is no slowdown so far, and even wheelers, a mass-market vehicle. and, why do we have laws that treat everyone as
for the government. rebuked other businessmen for not IRRATIONAL CHOICE The first blow it received was a criminals rather than focus on enforcement and
Another leading telco, Bharti Airtel, which has to pay more than ~35,000 being innovative enough, is sudden- DEBASHIS BASU Supreme Court order making it justice that catch the crooks? I am afraid, the Bajajs
crore as AGR dues, may manage to meet the deadline, if forced to, with the help ly singing a different tune. “It is over- mandatory to buy a five-year and the Chandrashekarans of the world are again
of its latest fund raising. But that would indeed have an adverse impact on its regulation that is killing the industry,” insurance policy upfront. This missing the point by appealing to netas and babus
he alleges. Tata Sons Chairman N Chandrasekaran added several thousand rupees in insurance cost to to reduce red tape.
investment capabilities, the first casualty being its participation in the 5G spec-
says, “India is fraught with micromanagement and the vehicle price. In April last year, new safety norms Just ask yourself: Why wouldn’t ministers and
trum auction. Already pushed to a corner because of excessively high spectrum suspicion.” If India needs to grow faster, we need to imposed another ~8,000-10,000. As Mr Bajaj puts it, their bright IAS secretaries know the cost of delay in
prices in the past and aggressive competition in offering rock-bottom tariffs, remove the obstacles that impede businesses, he says. in just one year, there was a 20 per cent hike in decision-making, innumerable rules, multiple
following the entry of disruptor Reliance Jio, the telecom industry will not just Since 2014, most Indian businessmen believed that costs, i.e. ~15,000 on a motorcycle that costs ~70,000, licences, retrospective amendments, long pending
be left as a duopoly but as a much weaker version of what it has stood for. a committed, nationalist government had been hard at while the manufacturer takes a price increase of court cases, irrational tax demands, and punitive
The government, which has been fighting the case with telcos for more than work in building a new India. Prime Minister Narendra only 2-4 per cent every year. “I say this is overregu- laws? I cannot believe they don’t. It is intentional —
Modi was expected to replicate his much-publicised lation. In a country where you struggle to drive at to give them the upper hand and keep businessmen
14 years across several platforms, won when the Supreme Court in October last
success in Gujarat across the country. He won in 2014 more than 20-30 km per hour, given the state of in their place. They don’t want to simplify things or
year upheld the DoT definition of AGR for calculating the pending licensing on the promise of development. As far as I remember, the roads, to impose an ~8,000-10,000 cost for safe- give freedom. The smartest of businesspeople, beg-
fees and spectrum usage charges. However, the DoT, besides looking at the for the first time, a national politician talked of remov- ty measure like ABS is completely over the top,” ging for simplification in all earnestness, are simply
state of the telecom industry, should consider its long-term revenue goals. The ing red tape in election speeches as Mr Modi did. When said Mr Bajaj. naïve. They do not get the politics behind this inten-
point is if the telcos survive, their revenues will be shared with the government, he asked the cheering youth “Apko naukri chahiye ki He went on to add, “It may be a politically incorrect tional overregulation.
as is the practice. Why kill the golden goose? nahin chahiye?” (Do you want jobs or don’t you?), one thing to say that BS-VI is not the right thing to do but
naturally expected him to give enterprises freedom getting rid of old vehicles through a suitable mecha- The writer is the editor of www.moneylife.in
from mindless red tape. After all who creates job? From nism would have been much more effective than Twitter: @Moneylifers

Trump, ‘stable genius’ large and some small.

An example of large news: They
report that in the spring of 2017, Trump
implored Rex Tillerson, then secretary of
The authors write: “‘Oh, General
Flynn, how loyal you’ve been to my
father,’ Ivanka said in her distinctive
breathy voice, adding something to the
World War II,” tried to give him a gentle
lesson on American power.
The meeting ended after Trump
exploded, saying, among other things,
everyone to be clear about how much we
as a country value their service.”
Mr Trump grew red in the face, but
saved his fire for later. The chairman of
This verbiage makes Mr Rucker and Ms state, to help him jettison the Foreign effect of ‘What do you want to do?’” “You’re all losers, you don’t know how to the Joint Chiefs of Staff later called Mr
Leonnig’s book sound like one more Corrupt Practices Act. “It’s just so unfair Before Mr Trump had met with win anymore,” and “You’re a bunch of Tillerson, his voice unsteady with emo-
enraged polemic. It isn’t. They’re meticu- that American companies aren’t allowed NATO allies, he kept dopes and babies.” tion, to thank him. There aren’t a lot of
lous journalists, and this taut and terrify- to pay bribes to get business overseas,” glancing at Reince At a later meeting moments in A Very Stable Genius in
ing book is among the most closely Trump whines to a group of aides. Priebus and plead- A VERY STABLE in the White House which people do the right instead of
observed accounts of Donald J. Trump’s Mr Rucker and Ms Leonnig are adept ing in front of oth- GENIUS: Donald J Situation Room, Mr the expedient thing.
BOOK REVIEW shambolic tenure in office to date. at scene-setting, at subtly thickening the ers, in fanboy tones, Trump’s Testing Trump began speak-
of America
There’s a lot more here, amid the
Mr Rucker is The Washington Post’s historical record. More than a few of “When can I meet ing, not for the first peeling wallpaper of the American
DWIGHT GARNER White House bureau chief; Ms Leonnig is these scenes feature Ivanka Trump and with Putin? Can I Author:Philip time, about his experiment. Mr Trump considered
a national investigative reporter for the Jared Kushner, known to nearly all in the meet with him Rucker and Carol desire to make a awarding himself the Medal of Freedom.
he essence of irony, Henry Fowler newspaper. Both have won Pulitzer White House as “the kids.” They’re before the inaugural Leonnig profit from the He informed the Indian Prime Minister

T wrote in A Dictionary of Modern

English Usage, is that it “postulates
a double audience” — one that’s in on
Prizes. Their newspaper’s ominous, love-
it-or-hate-it motto is “Democracy Dies in
Darkness.” A Very Stable Genius flicks the
viewed as in over their heads and pos-
sessed of unfailingly defective judgment.
There’s a brutal scene early on, dur-
The authors
build several stirring
Publisher: Penguin deployment of
Price: $30
American soldiers.
Mr Tillerson had
Narendra Modi, wrongly: “It’s not like
you’ve got China on your border.”
In his memoir A Good Life:
the joke, and another that isn’t. The title lights on from its first pages. ing the initial staffing of Trump’s White scenes around Mr Pages: 465 finally had enough. Newspapering and Other Adventures, the
of Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig’s new The result is a chronological House, concerning Michael Flynn, the Tillerson’s experi- The authors describe Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee
book, A Very Stable Genius, is thus savvy account of the past three years in president’s first national security adviser. ences as secretary of state, and the dis- the moment. The secretary of state sto- wrote that Richard Nixon’s press secre-
marketing. It’s possible to imagine both Washington, based on interviews with Despite warnings about Mr Flynn — the turbing behaviour he witnessed. They od, facing away from the president and tary, Ron Ziegler, was “a small-bore man,
Donald J. Trump’s detractors and his more than 200 sources. authors describe his “Islamophobic rhet- provide the fullest picture to date of a toward officers and aides in the room. over his head, and riding a bad horse.”
admirers eagerly grasping a copy. It reads like a horror story, an almost oric, coziness with Russia and other for- now notorious July 2017 meeting in “the “I’ve never put on a uniform, but I These words apply, one thinks while
The admirers will not make it past the comic immorality tale. The result is a eign adversaries and a reliance on flimsy Tank” of the Pentagon during which mil- know this,” the authors quote Mr Tiller- reading this more than competent book,
table of contents. Among the chapter book that runs low to the ground; it only facts and dubious assertions” — Mr itary leaders and Mr Trump’s national son saying. “Every person who has put to nearly every adviser and staffer now in
titles: “Unhinged,” “Shocking the rarely pauses for sweeping, drone-level Trump’s team made it clear he could security team, alarmed by “gaping holes on a uniform, the people in this room, Trump’s orbit. The authors write: “The
Conscience,” “Paranoia and vistas and injections of historical per- have any job he wanted in the adminis- in the president’s knowledge of history they don’t do it to make a buck. They did ineptitude came from the very top.”
Pandemonium” and “Scare-a-Thon.” spective. They do break news, some tration. and the alliances forged in the wake of it for their country, to protect us. I want ©2020 The New York Times News Service

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