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Yushiou Tsai, Sara Cohen, and Richard M. Vogel2

ABSTRACT: We assessed impacts on water use achieved by implementation of controlled experiments relating
to four water conservation strategies in four towns within the Ipswich watershed in Massachusetts. The strate-
gies included (1) installation of weather-sensitive irrigation controller switches (WSICS) in residences and muni-
cipal athletic fields; (2) installation of rainwater harvesting systems in residences; (3) two outreach programs:
(a) free home indoor water use audits and water fixture retrofit kits and (b) rebates for low-water-demand toilets
and washing machines; and (4) soil amendments to improve soil moisture retention at a municipal athletic field.
The goals of this study are to summarize the effectiveness of the four water conservation strategies and to intro-
duce nonparametric statistical methods for evaluating the effectiveness of these conservation strategies in reduc-
ing water use. It was found that (1) the municipal WSICS significantly reduced water use; (2) residences with
high irrigation demand were more likely than low water users to experience a substantial demand decrease
when equipped with the WSICS; (3) rainwater harvesting provided substantial rainwater use, but these volumes
were small relative to total domestic water use and relative to the natural fluctuations in domestic water use;
(4) both the audits ⁄ retrofit and rebate programs resulted in significant water savings; and (5) a modeling
approach showed potential water savings from soil amendments in ball fields.

(KEY TERMS: water conservation; water demand management; water resource planning; nonparametric
statistics; controlled experiments.)

Tsai, Yushiou, Sara Cohen, and Richard M. Vogel, 2011. The Impacts of Water Conservation Strategies on
Water Use: Four Case Studies. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-15. DOI:

INTRODUCTION ongoing streamflow depletion has raised awareness of

the importance of water demand management among
the water authorities, and as a result, the Massachu-
The Ipswich watershed, situated north of metropol- setts Department of Conservation and Recreation
itan Boston, MA, has experienced unnaturally low or (MDCR) launched a project, funded by the U.S. Envi-
no flows during some summer months in recent years ronmental Protection Agency (USEPA), in an attempt
owing in part, to increases in public water supplies to identify and pilot strategies that could help restore
(Canfield et al., 1999; Zarriello and Ries, 2000). The instream flows to the Ipswich River. In coordination

Paper No. JAWRA-09-0196-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received December 19, 2009; accepted
February 8, 2011. ª 2011 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from print publication.
Respectively, Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155;
Water Resources Specialist, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Boston, Massachusetts 02114; and Professor, Depart-
ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155 (E-Mail ⁄ Tsai:
Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out at



with four communities in the Ipswich watershed, behavioral research on water conservation consists of
four water conservation projects were designed to controlled experimental designs based on a combina-
simultaneously meet immediate municipal needs and tion of surveys and multivariate statistical analyses.
demonstrate innovative water conservation strategies A second approach to nonprice water conservation
that could be evaluated with real-world data. The research involves a retrospective analysis of previous
four projects are (1) installation of weather-sensitive water use behavior using available data. For exam-
irrigation controller switches (WSICS) at residences ple, Kenney et al. (2004) showed the importance of
and at municipal athletic fields, (2) installation of water-use restrictions in reducing water demands
rainwater harvesting systems at residences, (3) town- during a drought experienced by eight Colorado cit-
administered programs to provide (a) home indoor ies. Most retrospective research on nonprice water
water use audits and fixture retrofit kits and conservation strategies has developed multivariate
(b) rebates for low-water-demand toilets and washing relationships for predicting residential water demand
machines, and (4) soil amendments to improve mois- as a function of conservation efforts in addition to
ture retention and reduce water demand at a munici- numerous other factors or explanatory variables. For
pal athletic field. example, some of the combinations of explanatory
The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the variables considered for predicting water demand, in
effectiveness of four water conservation pilot strate- addition to conservation efforts, include price, house-
gies on water use. As is inherent to many small-scale hold appliances, landscape features, metering, and
pilots, the datasets for these demonstration projects climate (Bamezai, 1995); price, weather, and demo-
tend to be small, variable, and exhibit nonnormal dis- graphic characteristics (Kenney et al., 2008); price
tributions. A secondary goal of this study is to demon- and public information (Wang et al., 1999; Smith and
strate the application of mostly nonparametric Wang, 2008); price, weather, household income,
statistical methods for their ability to enable sensible municipalities, public information, and education
inferences to be drawn, in some cases, even from the (Michelsen et al., 1999); price, public information,
very small samples. weather, household characteristics, water use restric-
Vickers (2001) has reviewed approaches relating to tion, and ration (Renwick and Green, 2000); or price,
water conservation strategies for municipal, indus- public information, weather, household characteris-
trial, and residential uses. Hilaire et al. (2008) have tics, use restriction, ration, and month (Renwick and
summarized factors impacting the efficiency of water Archibald, 1998). For those cited studies, the demand
use in the urban landscape: water conservation strate- elasticity in response to conservation efforts ranged
gies, landscape design, economic and noneconomic from 0.03 to )4.51 for indoor strategies and 0
incentives, irrigation ⁄ water application and reuse (unresponsive) to )4.81 for outdoor strategies.
technologies, and people-plants relationship. Most pre- On the other hand, the price elasticity of water
vious research on water conservation strategies demand reported in previous research on price
involves price incentives. Literature on the price elas- approaches to water conservation varies. For example,
ticity of water use – impact of water price on water Espey et al. (1997) found that price elasticity ranged
demand – is so well developed that meta-analysis is from )0.02 to )0.75 for 75% of price elasticity esti-
now possible (e.g., see the meta-analysis of 64 previous mates, whereas Brookshire et al. (2002) found esti-
studies by Dalhuisen et al., 2003). A review of research mates ranging from )0.11 to )1.59, and although
relating to nonprice water conservation strategies, in Dalhuisen et al. (2003) concluded that price elasticity
which price incentives are not used, reveals fewer of water demand is relatively elastic, the authors
studies. We note three general approaches to non- cautioned that price elasticity varied depending on
price water conservation research: (1) behavioral functional form selection, aggregation level, data char-
approaches, (2) retrospective analyses, and (3) con- acteristics, and estimation issues. In conclusion, these
trolled experiments. Examples of the first approach studies indicate that the effectiveness of both nonprice
are provided by Corral-Verdugo and Frias-Armenta and price approaches varied drastically, thus we are
(2006) and others who have evaluated the impact of unable to judge from previous research whether non-
social norms (an understanding of the attitudes and price or price approaches are more effective. Moreover,
behavior of others) on water conservation behavior. Dalhuisen et al. (2003) has concluded that price elas-
Similarly, Atwood et al. (2007) and others have identi- ticity in East United States is insignificant; therefore,
fied the key behavioral, community, and other in the context of our analysis, it is probably safe to
socioeconomic factors that impact water conservation, view economic incentives to be relatively ineffective in
such as gender, environmental attitudes, and neigh- comparison with other incentives considered here.
borhood features. Gilg and Barr (2006) have provided A third approach to nonprice water conservation
a review of research that summarizes behavioral atti- research, and the approach used here, involves
tudes toward water conservation. Most previous the use of controlled experiments combined with



statistical methods. Here controlled experiments are residences and municipal athletic fields, the installa-
performed with actual water conservation methods. tion of rainwater harvesting systems, and the intro-
For example, Karpiscak et al. (2001) estimated water duction of moisture-retaining soil amendments at an
savings by monitoring a water conservation demon- athletic field are all strategies designed to mitigate
stration house. The water savings reported by water withdrawals for irrigation purposes during the
Karpiscak et al. (2001), however, may not be an accu- summer months. In addition, the home audit ⁄ retrofit
rate response to a single water conservation strategy and appliance rebate programs aim to mitigate with-
because the synergistic effects associated with multi- drawals for indoor water use, year round. Each case
ple water conservation practices implemented inside study was designed in cooperation with one or more
the demonstration house were not considered. Buch- municipality in the watershed, based on an opportu-
berger and Wells (1996) monitored residential water nistic assessment of water conservation needs and
demand at four households over a one-year period programmatic resources.
and used that information to develop stochastic mod- This section, along with Table 1, summarizes the
els of residential water demands. Although their water savings hypothesis and evaluation design for
work did not deal directly with water conservation each of the four demonstration projects. The WSICS
efforts, such research could provide important inputs are designed to only trigger an irrigation cycle when
to future water conservation strategies. Mayer et al. the soil moisture is low, as estimated from regional
(2003, 2004) and Ayres Associates (1996) have weather conditions and local rainfall. By delivering
employed t-tests to assess water savings due to vari- water optimally, such technology should reduce over-
ous water conservation strategies in an experimental all irrigation demand by eliminating extraneous
group relative to a control group. cycles triggered by automatic timers that are insensi-
There are a few examples of the type of research tive to weather conditions. The rainwater harvesting
performed here, in which designed experiments are systems store rainwater, providing a direct alterna-
used to evaluate the effectiveness of water conserva- tive to the use of public drinking water for nonpo-
tion technologies and programs using hypothesis tests table outdoor uses. We thereby anticipated that the
(Ayres Associates, 1996; Mayer et al., 2003, 2004). systems would reduce demand on household public
Those studies employed traditional parametric statis- water consumption. The moisture-retaining soil
tical methods, and the applicability of the t-test used amendments were designed to extend the time that
in these studies was not assessed by an investigation moisture remains available to the turf roots within
of probability distributions of the datasets. The the soil. As a result, we anticipated that the field
researchers assumed that the data arose from a nor- could tolerate reductions in irrigation volume without
mal distribution without performing normality compromising turf health. The audit ⁄ retrofit program
checks. Here, we are careful to confirm the suitability was anticipated to reduce water use in participating
of statistical methods before their application to con- households by leading to the direct repair of leaks
trolled experiments to assess the effectiveness of each and the replacement of faucets and water fixtures
of four independent water conservation strategies. with more efficient alternatives. The rebate program
We begin by providing an overview of the four conser- was anticipated to similarly reduce household water
vation strategies considered and reviewing the statis- use by encouraging the conversion to water-efficient
tical methods employed. toilets and washing machines.
A summary of evaluation design for all four water
conservation strategies is documented in Table 1.
This table includes the sample sizes associated with
METHODOLOGIES the control and experimental populations, the time
periods associated with the installation and the
pre- and postexperiment evaluations, the time
Design of Water Conservation Strategies periods excluded from the analysis, and a list of the
confounding factors.
Four water conservation strategies designed to
reduce water use were implemented in the Ipswich
River watershed by MDCR, with funding from the Statistical Methods
USEPA. Due to the critical contribution of outdoor
irrigation to the summertime streamflow deficit (Ips- A wide range of statistical methods are considered
wich River Watershed Action Plan, 2003), these due to the different experimental designs and nature
water conservation strategies piloted and evaluated of the four water conservation strategies, which were
here have a strong emphasis on reducing lawn and designed in accordance with towns’ specific needs
athletic field irrigation. The installation of WSICS at and administrative abilities. Nonparametric statistical


TABLE 1. Summary of Evaluation Design for the Four Water Conservation Strategies.

Date of Installation Time Period

Conservation Strategies or Start of Post Period or Excluded From
and Evaluation Design Sample Size Implemention Pre Period Simulation Period Analysis Confounding Factors

Residential WSICS – Control: 71 Summer of 2005 2001-2004 quarterly 2006-2007 quarterly 2005 water use Participation was
Evaluation 1: Comparison Experiment: 9 (2 water use data from water use data from data were voluntary. Self-selection
of experimental group’s households in the dedicated outdoor dedicated outdoor excluded, because may bias sample toward
outdoor water use prior Pilot Group for water meters water meters 2005 was a (1) high initial water
to and after WSICS Evaluation 2 below transitional year users (expect positive
installation; weather were excluded from savings) or (2) conservative
controlled for by this analysis, as they initial water users
comparing to control joined the study in (expect negative savings)
group’s outdoor water 2006-2007)
use during same time
Residential WSICS – Experiment: 11 Summer of 2005 2003-2004 actual 2003-2004 simulated
Evaluation 2: Comparison (9 participants) annual aggregated annual aggregated
of experimental group’s Summers of 2006 or outdoor water use outdoor water use
actual water use prior to 2007 (2 participants)
WSICS installation to

simulated water use with
WSICS for same period,

using known historic

weather records

Municipal WSICS – 5 ball fields Summer of 2005 2003-2004 actual 2003-2004 simulated
Comparison of actual annual aggregated annual aggregated
water use prior to WSICS water use water use
installation to simulated

water use with WSICS for
same period, using known

historic weather records
Rainwater harvesting – 0.76 m3 (200-gallon) Mid-April 2006 2004-2005 domestic 2006-2007 domestic Substantial difference in
Comparison of domestic tank: 26 water use water use scale between domestic
(public) summer water 3.03 m3 (800-gallon) 2006-2007 rainwater and rainwater use
use prior to and after tank: 11 use
installation of rainwater 1.38 m3 (365-gallon)
harvesting system; tank: 1
comparison of rainwater 2.27 m3 (600-gallon)
use and rainfall capture tank: 1
efficiency between 0.76
and 3.03 m3 systems


TABLE 1. Continued.

Date of Installation Time Period

Conservation Strategies or Start of Post Period or Excluded From
and Evaluation Design Sample Size Implemention Pre Period Simulation Period Analysis Confounding Factors

Audit ⁄ retrofit and rebate Audit ⁄ Retrofit: 99 Variable, beginning Quarterly winter Quarterly winter Only winter
programs – Comparison Rebate-toilet: 87 September 2003 for water use from water use from audit quarters included:
of winter water use prior Rebate-washer: 527 Audit ⁄ Retrofits February 2001 to date or appliance (began on or after
to and after audit ⁄ retrofit Rebate-toilet and and July 2003 for audit date or installation date to October 19 and
event or installation of washer: 30 Rebates appliance May 2007 ended on or before


one or more rebate-qualifying Audit ⁄ Retrofit and installation date Control group April 14)
appliance; participants Rebate (toilet and ⁄ or Control group established for each
grouped into mutually washer): 32 established for each pre v. post period
exclusive categories by Control group: 5,050 pre v. post period
type of participation.

Control group used to
control for external

causes of pre v.

post differences
Soil amendments – Control: 1 2003-2007 simulated 2003-2007 simulated
Comparison of simulated Experiment: 1 water use data for water use data for
water use between control control field experimental field
and experimental fields
during same period, using
known historical weather
records and known weather
triggers for irrigation on both


methods are often recommended over parametric n  Z0:025  n
methods (Helsel and Hirsch, 2002) when sample sizes Rl ¼ for n>20; ð2Þ
are limited and ⁄ or in cases when a probability distri-
bution cannot be determined for the random variable
of concern. Here, we used mostly nonparametric and the upper bound of the interval estimate is the
hypothesis tests, because most of the datasets were Ruth smallest observation, where
either too small and ⁄ or they violated various assump- pffiffiffi
tions required for parametric hypothesis tests to be n þ Z0:025  n
Ru ¼ þ1 for n>20; ð3Þ
meaningful. We assumed, throughout our analyses, 2
that the type I error probability a was 5%.
We used nonparametric confidence intervals for
and Z0.025 = 1.96.
the true population median because the probability
In some instances, we were able to employ hypoth-
distributions of the original random variables could
esis tests based on the assumption of a normal distri-
not be confirmed for small samples. Such confidence
bution. To check whether observations of a sample
intervals for the true population median, shown in
are normally distributed, the normal probability plot
many subsequent figures, are used to assess whether
correlation coefficient (PPCC) was computed and
the median estimated from one sample differs from
checked against its critical value given in table 18.3.3
the median estimated from another sample. Helsel
of Stedinger et al. (1993). The normal quantiles were
and Hirsch (2002) suggested that the nonparametric
estimated using Blom’s unbiased, plotting position for
interval for the median can be estimated using the
normal variates (Stedinger et al., 1993):
binomial probability distribution. The probability of
an observation being above or below the median is
equal so that p = 0.5. For a sample size n, the cumu- i  3=8
pi ¼ ; ð4Þ
lative probability p(x) of x observations exceeding the n þ 1=4
median is then
where i is the ith observation when ranked in ascend-
x ing order.
pðxÞ ¼ 0:5y ð1  0:5Þny ; 8x ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n: The hypothesis tests used in this study, corre-
y!ðn  yÞ!
y¼0 sponding to the various types of comparisons, are doc-
ð1Þ umented in Table 2. The sign test was chosen over
the sign rank test and the paired rank-sum test
The lower bound of the interval can be estimated because the latter two assume a symmetrical distri-
using the (x + 1)th smallest observation, where x cor- bution of the observations and most of our datasets
responds to p(x) = 0.025, which reflects a 2.5% proba- are asymmetrical.
bility in each tail of the distribution of x. The upper
bound of the interval can be estimated using the
(n ) x)th smallest observation. The resulting confi-
dence intervals for the median reflect the distribu- WATER SAVINGS ASSOCIATED WITH WATER
tions of the estimates of medians drawn from any CONSERVATION STRATEGIES
dataset of length n. For cases where the sample sizes
are large (n > 20), one may use a normal approxima-
tion to the binomial distribution in Equation (1) lead- The following sections summarize the effectiveness
ing to the rank corresponding to the lower bound of at reducing water demand of the four water conserva-
the interval estimate of: tion strategies.

TABLE 2. The Hypothesis Tests Used in This Study Are Presented by Shaded Cells.

Comparison More Than Two

Between One Sample and Two Independent More Than Two
or Among Dependent Samples Two Independent Samples Samples Dependent Samples

Nonparametric tests Sign test1,2 Rank-sum test (or Kruskal-Wallis test1,2 Appropriate test is
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test)2 not available1
Parametric tests t-test1,2 Two-sample t-test1,2 One-way ANOVA1,2 Two-way ANOVA or
Paired t-test1,2 multi-way ANOVA1
Zar (1999); 2Helsel and Hirsch (2002).



Weather-Sensitive Irrigation Controller Switches 350 Group

Control (71 Households)

Water Use (m3/year/household)

300 Experiment (9 Households)
A total of 11 WSICS were evaluated on residential
properties and 5 in municipal athletic fields. These 250
devices (Weather Reach WR-7 by Irrisoft, Logan,
UT, USA) contain an on-site rain gage and receive
continuous solar radiation, temperature, relative 150
humidity, and wind data from a regional weather
station (town of Ipswich) via wireless transmission. 100

Based on this information, the WSICS device is 50

designed to deliver water only when needed by the
landscape. 0
"Pre" period "Post" period
⊕ : mean
Narrower boxes: 95% confidence intervals for the medians

Residential WSICS
FIGURE 1. BoxPlots Comparing Annual Outdoor Water
Approximately 150 residences in the town of Read- Use in the Control and Experimental Groups in Both the
‘‘Pre’’ (2001 to 2004) and ‘‘Post’’ (2006 to 2007) Periods.
ing, MA, have exclusive outdoor water meters.
Among this group, nine households that met our
experimental group criteria had WSICS installed dur-
ing the summer of 2005, and two during the following Group

Water Savings (m3/year/household)

two summers. Criteria included continuous owner- Control (71 Households)
Experiment (9 Households)
ship and use of an automatic irrigation system since
2001. An additional 71 households with dedicated 100

outdoor meters meeting these criteria were selected 40.69

as the control group. For this analysis, quarterly out-
door water use records were obtained from the Read- 0 0
ing Water Department for all households in the study
from January 2001 through November 2007. -50

For the nine residences whose WSICS was

installed in 2005, a single value representing historic
(‘‘pre’’) water use (pre-experimental condition) was -150
obtained by averaging the annual outdoor water use Control Experiment
⊕ : mean
from 2001 to 2004, and a single value representing Narrower boxes: 95% confidence intervals for the medians

water use during the experimental period (‘‘post’’)

was obtained by averaging the annual outdoor use FIGURE 2. BoxPlots Showing Water Savings During the ‘‘Post’’
from 2006 to 2007. Data from 2005 were excluded Period Relative to the ‘‘Pre’’ Period, in Both Groups. For each
household, this value represents ‘‘post’’ period water use subtracted
from the analysis due to this being a transitional from ‘‘pre’’ period water use. A value <0 implies more water was
year. Because a PPCC normality test determined that used during the ‘‘post’’ than ‘‘pre’’ period.
the control group was not well approximated by a
normal distribution, the nonparametric rank-sum
hypothesis test was used to compare the water use of season) were statistically indistinguishable during
both the control and experimental groups as shown the ‘‘pre’’ and ‘‘post’’ periods. Thus, we were comfort-
in Figure 1. There is no statistically significant differ- able calculating ‘‘savings’’ for each household by sub-
ence between the water use of the control and experi- tracting the ‘‘post’’ from the ‘‘pre’’ period water use.
mental groups in either the ‘‘pre’’ or ‘‘post’’ periods, The results of a rank-sum test do not show that the
which can be seen visually in Figure 1 with the over- water savings for households with the WSICS were
lapping confidence intervals. However, a visual different than for the control group. The large range
assessment of Figure 1 also suggests that the WSICS associated with the confidence interval (Figure 2) for
may have reduced the variability of water use among the median of the experimental group is due to the
the experimental group, especially among high water small experimental sample size and large variation in
users. response to the WSICS installation within the group.
Rank-sum tests applied to the rainfall records from Nevertheless, Figure 2 illustrates that although the
a nearby water treatment plant suggest that typical average household in the control group saw a drop in
total rainfall and number of days of rain between water demand of 3.27 m3 ⁄ year between the two
May 15 and October 15 (the approximate irrigation time periods, the average WSICS household saw a



Group meter before and after a test irrigation cycle. This
Control (8 Households) approach was only applied to 2003 and 2004 to coin-
Water Savings (m3/year/household)

150 155.9
Experiment (2 Households) cide with the years for which the extensive weather
100 data needed in the algorithm was available. A PPCC
normality hypothesis test suggests that the nonpara-
50 metric sign test is preferred over a parametric test
for assessing the difference between the actual and
0 0
simulated water uses. Although positive overall mean
-23.32 and median water savings (22.60 and 29.28 m3 ⁄
household ⁄ year, respectively) are reported when com-
-100 paring simulated with actual use, we conclude from
the nonparametric sign test that the savings is not
Control Experiment significantly different from zero, owing to the large
⊕ : mean
Narrower boxes: 95% confidence intervals for the medians variation in the small sample. When this analysis is
applied only to water users with high actual water
FIGURE 3. Comparison of the Annual Outdoor Water use (use >261.6 m3), during the years their use
Savings Between the Control and Experimental Groups exceeded this threshold, the average savings is statis-
Among the 90th Percentile of ‘‘Pre’’ Period (2001 to 2004) tically significant at 135.8 m3 ⁄ household ⁄ year. How-
Water Users (annual use >261.6 m3). ever, this sample consisted only of one year of data
for each of three households.
reduction of 40.69 m3 ⁄ year. Although this difference In summary, two approaches were used: (1) com-
is not statistically significant, it reflects the fact that paring outdoor water use in households where
households with high ‘‘pre’’ period water demand saw WSICS were installed to outdoor water use in control
a large reduction in water use postinstallation. As households, both prior to and after installation; and
shown in Figure 3, when only the highest ‘‘pre’’ per- (2) the retrospective analysis, comparing actual water
iod water users (90th percentile; annual use use to theoretical water use had the WSICS been
>261.6 m3) are included in the analysis, the water installed in 2003 and 2004. Both approaches confirm
savings for the experimental group is significantly that even though overall water savings for the experi-
greater than the control group. These results suggest mental group is greater than that for the control
that households with high irrigation water demands group, the difference in the savings between the two
are more likely to reduce their water use due to the groups was not statistically significant owing to the
WSICS installations. Our analysis also highlights the highly variable savings in the experimental group.
importance of increasing the sample size of the exper- WSICS were, however, likely to result in water sav-
imental group of households in any future studies. ings when installed at residences with high outdoor
water demands. Although we did not assess the effi-
ciency of individual watering regimes prior to WSICS
Retrospective Analysis installation, the significant response to the systems
among the highest water users suggests over-water-
A retrospective analysis of the WSICS compared ing by these households prior to the WSICS installa-
actual outdoor water used by each experimental tion, as WSICS systems are designed specifically to
household in 2003 and 2004 to the estimated volume reduce unnecessary irrigation.
of water that would have been applied by the WSICS
during that same period. This analysis required cal-
culating the number of irrigation cycles that would Municipal WSICS
have been triggered for each system, based on:
(1) weather data from that period, (2) the algorithm In addition to residential WSICS, five municipal
used by the WSICS units to trigger irrigation cycles athletic fields across two municipalities (Reading and
based on weather data, and (3) each system’s individ- Middleton, MA) were equipped with WSICS in the
ual ‘‘evapotranspiration (ET) threshold.’’ ET thresh- summer of 2005. A retrospective analysis was con-
olds are used to set the tolerance for how much ducted using the same methodology as described
estimated ET should be allowed before an irrigation above for the residential participants. Hypothetical
cycle is triggered to replenish the loss. The number of water use was derived by simulating irrigation trig-
triggered irrigation cycles was then converted to a gers that would have been signaled by the WSICS,
volume for each household by multiplying it by had they been installed during 2003 and 2004, using
the appropriate per-cycle volume. The latter was weather records from that period and each field’s
determined at each residence by reading the water WSICS ET thresholds and irrigation cycle volumes.



1.6 Rainwater Harvesting

Water Application Per Unit Area (m /m /year)

Actual Water Use

Simulated Water Use
Rainwater harvesting systems are designed to cap-


ture runoff from rooftops and store the water for non-
potable uses, such as lawn and garden watering. One
0.8 intent of such systems is to reduce demand on public
water supplies by replacing potable water that would
otherwise be used for these outdoor purposes. A total
of 39 rainwater harvesting systems were installed on
0.2 residential properties mid-April 2006 in the town of
0 Wilmington, MA, based on a lottery among 150 inter-
Fuller Coolidge Symonds Pearl St. Parker Jr. ested households. The systems consist of a storage
Meadow Middle Way Ball Soccer Field High
Elementary School Field tank, a pressure pump to aid in water distribution, a
spigot for a hose, and a water meter to measure flow
pumped from the tanks. Two different sizes of storage
FIGURE 4. Actual Water Use (without WSICS) tanks were installed: twenty-eight 0.76 m3 (200-gal-
and Simulated Water Use (with WSICS) Aggregated
for 2003 and 2004 for Each Ball Field.
lon) and eleven 3.03 m3 (800-gallon) tanks. Two of
the participants with 200-gallon tanks upgraded their
storage capacity to 1.38 m3 (365 gallons) and 2.27 m3
(600 gallons), respectively, using their own funds.
0.30 Except where otherwise noted, the households with
Water Application per Unit Area (m3/ m2/year)

upgraded systems were excluded from the analyses.

0.25 The rainwater systems were in use during the sum-
mers of 2006 and 2007. Total rainwater use from the
0.20 time each system was turned on in the spring to
when it was decommissioned in the fall was recorded
0.15 for each household for 2006 and 2007. The distribu-
0.11 tion of the rainwater use observations for both groups
0.10 is well-approximated by a normal distribution. All
0.07 households used the rainwater systems, and a two-
0.05 sample Student’s t hypothesis test on sample means
indicates that those with 3.03 m3 tanks used signifi-
0.00 0 cantly more rainwater than those with 0.76 m3 tanks
(Figure 6).

⊕ : mean
Narrower box: 95% confidence interval for the medians

Tank Capacity
Rainwater Use (m3/summer/household)

FIGURE 5. Box Plot of Theoretical Water Savings (actual– 3
0.76 m (n=26)
simulated water use) for Each Ball Field, Each Year (2003 3
3.03 m (n=11)
and 2004). Mean per-unit-area savings is 0.11 m3 ⁄ m2 per
year (equal to 121,000 gallons ⁄ acre ⁄ year). 15

This simulated use was compared with actual water 10

use for each of the five fields aggregated for 2003 and
2004 (Figure 4). Theoretical water savings were
obtained by subtracting simulated use from actual 5

use for each field for each year. Nonparametric tests

were used again due to a sample size of 10 (two years
each, for five fields). The sign test indicates that a m3
0.76200 3.03 m3 0.76 3
3.03 m3
800 200m 800
significant positive water savings would have (200 gal.) (800 gal.) (200 gal.) (800 gal.)
2006 2007 ⊕ : mean
resulted from the WSICS installations. A box plot of 2006 2007 - : median
the theoretical water savings (Figure 5) indicates that
this statistically significant average savings was FIGURE 6. The Data and 95% Confidence Intervals for the Mean
approximately 0.11 m3 ⁄ m2 ⁄ year (equal to 121,000 of the Total Rainwater Used From Both Sizes of Harvesting
gallons ⁄ acre ⁄ year). Systems During the Summer Watering Seasons of 2006 and 2007.



Ratio: Rainwater use/Rainfall on Contributing roof

Tank Capacity
0.8 0.76 m (n=16)
2.27 m3 3
(600 gal.) 1.38 m (n=1)
0.7 3
2.27 m (n=1)
0.6 2.27 m3 3.03 m (n=7)
1.38 m3
(600 gal.)
0.5 (365 gal.)

1.38 m3
(365 gal.)


3 3 3 3
200m 365 600 3.03
800 m 0.76
200 m365 600 3.03
800 m
(200 gal.) 2006 (800 gal.) (200 gal.) 2007 (800 gal.)
2006 2007 ⊕ : mean
Narrower boxes: 95% confidence intervals for the medians

FIGURE 7. Comparison of Scale Between Household FIGURE 8. Rainfall Capture Efficiency in, 2006 and 2007.
Domestic Water Use and Rainwater Use. When the sample size n = 1, the interquartile box and
confidence interval for the median cannot be determined.

To assess whether the use of rainwater resulted in

a decrease in domestic water use, domestic water use efficiency was defined as the ratio of total volume of
before and after the installation of the rainwater har- rainwater used relative to the total volume of rain
vesting system was compared for each residential that fell on the contributing roof area. Each house-
participant. The visual comparison of the domestic hold has a unique rainfall capture efficiency, based
water use and the rainwater use in Figure 7 shows on the combined influences of system storage capac-
that the volumes of rainwater used were generally ity, frequency of system use, and the pattern (distri-
less than the fluctuation in domestic water use from bution, intensity, etc.) of rainfall events. A rank-sum
year to year, making reductions in domestic water test of ‘‘rainfall capture efficiency’’ by system size
use due to rainwater difficult to discern. A rank-sum (Figure 8) suggests that, in 2007, households with
test confirmed that, regardless of the size of the 800-gallon systems had statistically higher efficien-
tanks, rainwater systems could not be shown to cies than those with 200-gallon systems, whereas in
impact summer domestic water use. 2006 the two groups had statistically equivalent effi-
However, a written survey completed by all partici- ciencies. The efficiencies of both groups improved in
pants who attended a meeting at the conclusion of 2007 relative to 2006, which might be explained by a
the study suggests qualitatively that rainwater was a difference in rainfall patterns between the two years
frequent substitute for domestic water among the or might indicate a learning curve as participants get
rainwater harvesting participants. The survey asked used to system operation. As a final observation, the
participants to allocate the proportion of the rainwa- two households with modified systems (365- and 600-
ter they used across seven usage activities (one cate- gallon systems) demonstrated a relatively high rain-
gory was defined flexibly as ‘‘other’’ to capture fall capture efficiency among all the study partici-
uncommon uses) and to state for each whether they pants. A possible explanation is that the participants
would have used an equivalent or greater amount of who took extra care to tailor their systems to their
domestic water for that purpose if they did not have specific needs were able to increase their systems’
access to stored rainwater. All respondents (19 of 37 efficiency.
households that were in the program; i.e., 50% of par-
ticipants) estimated that at least some of their rain-
water uses were direct substitutes for domestic water Residential Audit ⁄ Retrofit and Water Conservation
that they otherwise would have used for the same Appliances Rebates
Twenty-five households were able to provide esti- As part of a town-wide water conservation plan, in
mates of the roof area contributing to their rainwater September of 2003, the town of Reading, MA, began
collection system. For each of these households, the offering water customers free indoor water use audits
total volume of rain falling on the contributing area and water saving retrofit devices tailor-made to the
was estimated by multiplying contributing area by results of the audits. The town also began offering
daily rainfall depth recorded at a nearby facility for customers rebates for eligible water-efficient appli-
the days the system was in use. Rainfall capture ances (washing machines and toilets) purchased on or



after July 1, 2003. The purpose of this study was to 50

Water Savings (m3/quarter/household)

evaluate the effectiveness of these two programs at
reducing town-wide water demand and the water 25
demand of those households who chose to participate
in either or both programs. Only winter water use
0 0
data were evaluated to isolate indoor water use and
eliminate the confounding effect of year-to-year
weather variability on water use during the irrigation -25

Participating households were grouped into five -50
mutually exclusive categories of participation: (1) 50
7) 30
n= n= n= n= R( R (n= T ( n= (n= ( n=
( ( ( (
audit ⁄ retrofit (AR), (2) audit ⁄ retrofit and any type of ol
1 o2 ol
4 A
& W
ntr ntr ntr ntr
rebate(s) (AR&R), (3) rebate-toilet(s) (RT), (4) rebate- Co Co Co Co ⊕ : mean
Narrower boxes: 95% confidence intervals for the medians
washing machines(s) (RW), and (5) rebate-toilet(s)
and washing machine(s) (RT&W). Participants in the
same category should not be interpreted to have FIGURE 9. Winter Water Savings Among the Five Different Water
Conservation Treatment Categories and the Control Group, Ana-
exactly the same level of participation. For example, lyzed Four Ways. Values <0 imply an increase in water use after
the numbers of low-flush toilets for any two house- installing a water conservation device or receipt of an audit and
holds in the group RT may be different, and the num- retrofit kit. The five treatment categories are: audit ⁄ retrofit (AR);
ber of retrofit devices installed among households in audit ⁄ retrofit and any type of rebate(s) (AR&R); rebate-toilet(s)
the group AR is variable. This variability did not hin- (RT); rebate-washing machines(s) (RW); and rebate-toilet(s) and
washing machine(s) (RT&W).
der analysis, as the intent of the study was not to
evaluate savings associated with individual technolo-
gies, but rather savings resulting from the programs water savings in each conservation program category
as a whole, which naturally include varying levels of except AR&R (Figure 9 and Table 3a). However, the
participation. AR&R households (those participating in both the
Quarterly water use records for the entire town audit ⁄ retrofit and rebate programs) did demonstrate
were obtained from February 2001 through May the highest median and second-highest average sav-
2007. To isolate indoor water use, only quarters that ings among the categories. The small sample size of
began on or after October 19 and ended on or before this group likely explains our inability to detect a sta-
April 14 of any year were included in the analysis. tistically significant savings for this category. In con-
For each household, records dated before the installa- trast to the households participating in the
tion of a qualifying rebate device or date of audit are conservation programs, the control group households
regarded as ‘‘pre’’ winter use, whereas those recorded showed no statistically significant changes in water
after are ‘‘post’’ winter use. Savings was determined use for any of the time frames defined.
by subtracting the average of the ‘‘post’’ use records To evaluate the effect of the two outreach pro-
from the average of the ‘‘pre’’ use records. To control grams on town-wide water use, the overall per-house-
for factors other than participation in the water con- hold median savings for participating at any level in
servation program that might trigger a change in either program was multiplied by the number of par-
water use patterns, households that did not partici- ticipating households (Table 3b). The town saved
pate in any program were included in a control 3,950 m3 ⁄ quarter as a result of implementing both
group. However, as participating households initiated programs. Town-wide participation rates are shown
their participation across different years during the for each program and for those participating in both
study window, a single date could not be selected to programs (number of participating households ⁄ num-
separate ‘‘pre’’ and ‘‘post’’ time periods for the control ber of households in town). Participation rates are an
group. Therefore, we analyzed the control group four important factor in estimating the overall savings
times to coincide with the variable points of initiation that another town might be able to achieve by imple-
for the participating households. Specifically, ‘‘pre’’ menting similar programs. However, it should be
minus ‘‘post’’ water use was calculated for the control noted that Reading saw waves of new participation
group using each of the following four pre v. post each time the town conducted concerted outreach
groupings of years: (1) 2001-2002 v. 2003-2007, efforts during the course of the programs. We can
(2) 2001-2003 v. 2004-2007, (3) 2001-2004 v. 2005- assume, then, that the participation rates observed in
2007, and (4) 2001-2005 v. 2006-2007. Reading are closely related to the particular level of
The normal PPCC hypothesis test results suggested outreach effort exerted by the town, and it follows
that nonparametric hypothesis tests are preferred. that other towns might be able to increase participa-
Sign tests showed statistically significant winter tion rates with more intensive outreach efforts.



TABLE 3. (a) Sample Size, Mean and Median Water Savings for Each of the Five Participation Categories,
(b) Participation Rates and Town-Wide Savings for Audit ⁄ Retrofit and Appliance Rebate Programs.

Savings (m3 ⁄ quarter ⁄ household)


N 99 32 87 527 30
Mean water savings 4.93 5.01 3.94 5.38 4.58
Median winter water savings 3.96 9.20 1.89 5.66 7.08

Water Savings
(m3 ⁄ quarter ⁄
Participation Rate households) Town-Wide
Based on Number of Savings
(b) N Households in Town (8,436) Mean Median (m3 ⁄ quarter)

All levels of participation 775 0.092 5.11 5.10 3,950

AR 99 0.012 4.93 3.96
AR&R 32 0.004 5.01 9.20
Combined RT, RW, RT&W 644 0.076 5.15 5.19

TABLE 4. Simulated Irrigation Volumes Applied to Zeolite and Control Fields (2003 to 2007).

Simulated Volumes in Year (cm3 ⁄ cm2 ⁄ year)

Threshold (cm) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mean

Zeolite field 0.89 3.68 5.11 8.37 5.35 9.30 6.36

Control field 0.64 9.08 7.92 11.62 7.90 13.25 9.95
Savings (control-zeolite) 5.40 2.80 3.25 2.56 3.95 3.59
% Savings (savings ⁄ control) 59.52 35.40 28.00 32.35 29.82 37.02

Soil Amendments in Ball Fields have applied to each field over the five-year period
from 2003 to 2007, using historic weather data
A portion of an 8-acre municipal athletic field com- (see Retrospective Analysis under Weather-Sensitive
plex in the town of North Reading, MA, was redevel- Irrigation Controller Switches for methodology). The
oped to maximize infiltration and minimize irrigation number of cycles was then converted to a total annual
requirements and application of fertilizer and pesti- volume, based on the respective per-cycle volumes
cides by employing the following techniques: (1) soil measured for each field. Savings was defined by sub-
enhancement with zeolite, an additive that retains tracting the total per-acre irrigation volume applied to
moisture and nutrients; (2) use of drought-resistant the zeolite field from that applied to the control field,
turf; and (3) installation of a WSICS (see section for each year. The optimum settings resulted in an
on Weather-Sensitive Irrigation Controller Switches). estimated average annual per-unit-area savings of
The adjacent field, which has identical solar orienta- approximately 3.59 cm3 ⁄ cm2 (38,000 gallons ⁄ acre), or
tion, drainage patterns, and original soil profile, 37% (Table 4). Such substantial savings suggest that
received only the latter two treatments and was used zeolite soil amendments may prove to be a very effec-
as a control to evaluate the effectiveness of the zeolite tive means to reduce irrigation demands of athletic
additive. fields. However, these results are highly dependent on
The field manager progressively adjusted the the optimal ET thresholds observed for each field,
WSICS ET thresholds for each field in order to iden- based on trial and error and field observation over the
tify the most conservative watering scheme that could course of a few months. To further refine the expected
still maintain healthy turf. These thresholds set the savings achievable through zeolite soil amendments,
tolerance for how much estimated ET is allowed optimal watering thresholds could be verified by the
before an irrigation cycle is triggered. The optimal use of soil moisture sensors. Additionally, obser-
thresholds of the zeolite and control fields were found vations over a longer time period that encompass
to be 0.89 cm (0.35 inches) and 0.64 cm (0.25 inches), greater variability of weather patterns would help
respectively. These settings were used to simulate the verify optimal ET thresholds and refine long-term
number of irrigation cycles that the WSICS would savings estimates.



CONCLUSIONS WSICS, ball fields in our study were more con-

sistently overwatered than residential lawns.
This is not surprising, given that towns gener-
The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the ally require a high level of turf performance on
effectiveness of four water conservation pilot strate- their athletic fields but lack the staff to fre-
gies on water use. As is inherent to many small-scale quently adjust irrigation settings in response to
pilots, the datasets for these demonstration projects weather (such as reducing irrigation volumes
tend to be small, variable, and exhibit nonnormal dis- after or in anticipation of rain events). To ensure
tributions. A secondary goal of this study was to dem- sufficient irrigation without frequent adjust-
onstrate the application of mostly nonparametric ments, systems are set to water frequently,
statistical methods for their ability to enable sensible regardless of need. Strict standards for turf per-
inferences to be drawn, in some cases, even from the formance and limited staff resources are common
very small samples. in municipal settings, suggesting that the sav-
Statistical hypothesis tests combined with con- ings observed at ball fields in this study are
trolled water conservation experiments were used to likely transferable to other ball field sites.
evaluate water savings associated with four water 2. Rainwater harvesting: Rainwater was used for
conservation strategies implemented in communities outdoor purposes by all participants, and those
in the Ipswich watershed in Massachusetts, with 3.03 m3 systems (800 gallons) used signifi-
designed for their combined ability to meet an cantly more than those with 0.76 m3 systems
immediate municipal need and pilot an innovative (200 gallons). Annual volumes of rainwater used
conservation strategy. Our review of the literature were small compared with domestic water use,
revealed that controlled water conservation experi- and reductions in domestic water use as a result
ments combined with nonparametric statistical anal- of substitution with rainwater could not be dis-
yses of the type performed here are not commonly cerned amidst the background fluctuations in
reported. Instead, most previous research has domestic water use from year to year. However,
focused on retrospective statistical analyses of water a participant survey suggested that for every
use as well as studies that sought to elucidate household, at least some of the rainwater used
behavior and attitudes concerning various water was a direct substitute for domestic water that
conservation strategies. Our overall findings for each would have been used for the same purpose.
of the four water conservation programs are as Rainfall capture efficiency was measured as the
follows: ratio of rainwater used relative to the rain that
fell on the contributing roof area during the
1. Weather-sensitive irrigation controller switches: months of system operation. Efficiency of both
Residential water use patterns were variably size systems improved in the program’s second
impacted by the addition of the WSICS, with year, which may indicate different rainfall pat-
some participants showing a decrease and others terns between the two years or that there is a
showing an increase in water use. The WSICS learning curve as participants got used to system
appeared to reduce the variability of water use operation. In the second year, the larger systems
among residential participants, most notably by were more efficient than the smaller systems,
causing a reduction in water use of the highest whereas they were statistically equivalent the
historical water users. Our findings underscore first year. A possible explanation is that as rain-
that initial water use patterns are likely to be a fall capture efficiency improves, the impact of
prominent factor in determining whether water system size becomes more pronounced. Two
use will increase or decrease after WSICS instal- households that modified their systems’ size were
lation in a residential setting. Water users who among the most efficient, suggesting that effi-
rely on inefficient watering regimes, historically, ciency may be improved by tailoring one’s system
are more likely to benefit from the WSICS, which to one’s needs.
may explain why the participants in our study 3. Residential audit ⁄ retrofit and water conservation
with the highest historical water use showed appliance rebates: Participation in two town-
large and statistically significant water savings administered water conservation programs
after installing the WSICS. In contrast to the (a. free indoor water use audits and fixture
residential setting, WSICS installations at muni- retrofit kits; b. low flow toilet and washing
cipal athletic fields resulted in consistent reduc- machine rebates) was divided into five catego-
tions in water application, with an average ries. Four resulted in modest but significant posi-
savings of 0.11 m3 ⁄ m2 ⁄ year (121,000 gallons ⁄ acre ⁄ tive water savings averaging between 3.94 and
year). This suggests that, prior to installation of 5.38 m3 ⁄ quarter ⁄ household. Although the fifth



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