Mega Mergers and Mega Pension Liabilities: A Climate Change-Sparked Meltdown

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A climate change-sparked meltdown the subprime crisis in 2008 was bad?

Imagine a real estate crisis caused by
rising sea levels and coastal flooding
that renders thousands of square

The ECB is among central banks trying to prepare for what a report the digital currency business themselves.
miles of land uninhabitable or useless
for farming. Delayed starts
warns could be a “coming economic upheaval” On Wednesday, the central banks of By some estimates, global gross Election seasons and time schedules
Canada, Britain, Japan, Sweden and domestic product could plunge by 25 aren’t the best of friends but it has
JACK EWING ernor of the Banque de France, said argued “that there was a need to step Switzerland said they were working per cent because of the effects of cli- become almost a routine affair for press
in the report. up efforts to understand the economic together with the Bank for mate change. Central banks have conferences organised by various

limate change has already been Central banks spent much of the last consequences of climate change,” International Settlements to figure out enough trouble dealing with mild political parties in Delhi, which is
blamed for deadly bush fires in 10 years hauling their economies out according to the bank’s official account what would happen if they did just that. recessions, and would not be powerful gearing up for its Assembly elections, to
Australia, dying coral reefs, ris- of a deep financial crisis that began in of the discussion. It’s complicated, though. enough to combat an economic down- start after long delays. These gatherings,
ing sea levels and ever more cata- 2008. They may well spend the next Global warming will play a big role Like cash, people can use digital cur- turn of that scale. organised around evenings or late
clysmic storms. Could it also cause the decade coping with the disruptive in the ECB’s strategic review, a broad rencies to pay other people directly, “In the worst case scenario, central afternoons, have been starting 30 to 45
next financial crisis? effects of climate change and technol- reassessment of the way the bank tries without a bank in the middle. Unlike banks may have to intervene as climate minutes behind schedule on a regular
A report issued this week by an ogy, the report said. to manage inflation. For example, when cash, digital currencies allow person-to- rescuers of last resort or as some sort basis with the parties blaming the city's
umbrella organisation for the world’s The European Central Bank, which trying to influence market interest rates, person transactions to take place online. of collective insurer for climate dam- traffic for the wait. On Thursday, even a
central banks argued that the answer on Thursday concluded a two-day the bank could decide to stop buying Such a system could be more effi- ages,” according to the report, pub- national spokesperson of a party, who
is yes, while warning that central meeting in Frankfurt focusing on mon- bonds of corporations considered big cient, but also risky, according to a lished by the Bank for International was supposed to address the media,
bankers lack tools to deal with what it etary policy, is beginning to grapple producers of greenhouse gases. report issued on Wednesday by the Settlements, a clearinghouse for the was made to wait. A senior leader
says could be one of the biggest eco- with those challenges. The bank did not This new awareness of the financial World Economic Forum, the organi- world’s major central banks. advised the waiting scribes to turn up at
nomic dislocations of all time. make any changes in interest rates or consequences of a hotter earth comes zation that stages the annual con- It suggested some precautionary future events 15 minutes after the
The book-length report, published its economic stimulus programme on as central banks are contending with clave in Davos. measures central banks could take. scheduled time. Keeping up with the
by the Bank for International Thursday. Instead, other issues are another new challenge: Technologies Commercial banks might become Central banks, which often function tradition, the presser started 40 minutes
Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, sig- coming to the fore. that threaten their monopoly on issu- superfluous, and fail. Central banks as bank regulators, could require after the time printed on the invite.
nals what could be the overriding theme Christine Lagarde, the central ing money and their power to combat would in effect become giant retail lenders to hold more capital if they hold
for central banks in the decade to come. bank’s president, who took office late a financial crisis. banks. But they have no experience assets vulnerable to the economic
“Climate change poses unprece- last year, has pledged to put climate Unofficial digital currencies like dealing with millions of individual cus- effects of a shift to renewable energy. Of heart and work
dented challenges to human soci- change on the bank’s agenda, and it was Bitcoin or Facebook’s Libra, which is still tomers and could be overwhelmed. If a An example might be a bank that has
eties, and our community of central a topic of discussion at the last mone- in the planning stages, bypass central central bank collapsed, so would the lent a lot of money to fossil fuel com-
banks and supervisors cannot consid- tary policy meeting, in December. banks and could undermine their con- monetary system. panies, or to the Saudi government.
er itself immune to the risks ahead of Members of the European Central trol of the monetary system. The obvious Climate change also takes central
us,” François Villeroy de Galhau, gov- Bank’s (ECB’s) governing council solution is for central banks to get into banks into uncharted territory. Think © 2020 The New York Times

Mega mergers and mega pension liabilities

As the government tries to set up robust next generation banks, concrete steps are needed to assumptions related to economic and
tackle the long-term risk of retirement liabilities demographic factors that can be Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot
extremely uncertain in the long term. (pictured) took an apparent jibe at
per cent to the total net loss reported As such, proper consideration should Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
by these 10 banks in FY 2017-18 and be given in determining these assump- popular radio programme Mann ki
FY 2018-19. tions and an independent assessment baat when he said that “kaam ki
During a merger or an acquisition, must be carried out when the opening baat” was just as important as
pensions- and benefits- related issues balance sheet of the merged banks are “mann ki baat” (heart-to-heart
are often the big-ticket items with sig- created. conversations). He made this
nificant impact on the company’s Assumptions should reflect the statement at the inauguration
future financial viability. Therefore a actual past experience of the merged ceremony of the Jaipur Literature
thorough due diligence is required to banks. The merger provides an oppor- Festival (JLF). Gehlot said JLF was the
ascertain that the liabilities are not tunity to undertake an independent place where thinkers across the world
under-reported and that the plans are detailed analysis on a much larger came and did "kaam ki baat" along
RITOBRATA SARKAR sustainable in the long term. Before the database, which can lead to more cred- with "mann ki baat". Now the phrase
pension plans merge, the amalgamated ible results. For example, the mortality kaam ki baat can be interpreted in
banks must undertake a complex experience of pensioners can be two different ways: A conversation
review of their long-term liabilities to assessed and built into the assump- which is useful or a conversation

lobally, mergers and acquisi- avoid unforeseen or unmanageable tions. In addition, aspects such as mor- which is about work. Which one did
tions have become a significant risks. These include a true and fair tality improvements and future the Congress veteran have in mind?
tool for corporate restructuring assessment of these uncertain obliga- wage/pension revisions should be giv-
across industries. The financial services tions, which may give rise to significant en due consideration when determin-
industry has also experienced mergers risk in the future. Identifying and man- ing assumptions.
leading to the emergence of very large aging such risks early will give banks Further, as part of the merger pro- More power to women
banks and financial institutions. There greater certainty and confidence. need to be addressed: increasing life expectancy, how these cess, there is an opportunity to consol- There are several sectors in India that
is a lot of research and experience to The consolidated DB liability of the nAre the liabilities currently reported DB pension liabilities are managed will idate the various retirement trusts into have a skewed gender ratio at the
highlight that the success (or failure) of 10 banks has crossed the milestone fig- accurate? For example, the future be crucial to ensure that they are sus- larger funds that can improve opera- workplace, the power sector being one
such mega transactions hinge on the ure of ~1 trillion as on March 31, 2019. salary growth assumptions considered tainable in the long term. tional efficiencies and offer better of them. So efforts at diversity... or the
harmonic integration of business, tech- Due to the long-term nature of these by almost all the 10 banks are in the nWhat risks do these plans pose to the investment opportunities for the funds optics of it... are hard to miss but a
nology, people and culture. retirement benefit plans, their liabili- range of 5-6 per cent when actual long-term profitability of the merged going forward. recent event, organised by an industry
The recent proposal by the govern- ties are extremely sensitive to the increases may have been higher. banks? For example, what impact may As the government tries to set up association, took it to a completely new
ment to consolidate 10 public sector assumptions. With bond yields declin- Additionally, have the increases in future wage revisions have on the over- robust next generation banks, concrete level. First, the event on "women
banks(PSBs) into four large banks is ing globally as well as in India over the dearness allowances and future pen- all cost of these plans that are linked to steps are needed to tackle this major power" aimed to "electrify the women
expected to increase efficiency and past couple of decades, the DB liabili- sion increases been appropriately fac- the final salary? What could be the long-term risk of retirement liabilities. in you". The session was held at an
reduce the cost of lending, but con- ties are expected to rise, driving up the tored into the calculations? To demon- impact if the government were to Assessing the fair value of these liabili- "women empowerment pavilion" which
solidations of such magnitude can employee benefits expense and signif- strate this, if we were to assume a increase the pensions in the future due ties and developing a plan to mitigate hosted a workshop on "harmonising
pose several challenges. One such icantly impacting the banks’ future higher future salary growth assumption to demands from employee unions? these risks should be a priority to create work and life" and a talk show on "how
challenge that fails to attract the P&L. For instance, even a 100 bps of say 8 per cent and a higher pension nWhether the funds backing the liabil- a cleaner balance sheet, thus fulfilling to face gender biased challenges in the
attention it deserves is the significant change in bond yields could increase increase assumption, then the possible ities are adequate and are the assets one of the key objectives of this merger. field of engineering", among other
exposure to pension and other long- the aggregate pension costs for the year impact could be as much as ~30,000 and liabilities appropriately matched? Driving down the “mega” lane, “pen- things. There were lectures by women
term employee benefit liabilities. In by ~15,000 crore, causing a massive crore. To address these questions, it will sion liabilities” is a much needed “pit leaders — ironically, not from the power
the case of these 10 PSBs, the reported stress on the profitability of these nAre the benefits sustainable in the be prudent to reassess the DB liabilities stop” to fix things and keep sight of the sector — on "she believed she could, so
“defined benefit” (DB) obligations banks. long term? The ongoing cost of these as part of the merger. In practice, such chequered flag. she did". Needless to say, men members
represent over 85 per cent of their While one may argue that the DB schemes may continue to rise and have assessments require complex calcula- among the audience were conspicuous
total market capitalisation and the liabilities are well-funded and backed a high impact on the bank’s overall tions based on actuarial modelling tak- The author is head of retirement, Willis by their absence.
annual DB cost contributes almost 20 by assets, the following questions still costs. With declining interest rates and ing into account several projections and Towers Watson, India


The new axis of infrastructure Last hope

As many as 144 petitions against the
Do not lose focus
India’s massive infrastructure build-out targets need an all-hands-on-deck effort Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)
have been filed in the Supreme Court
to action, in order to realise these targets: them create better conditions for growth. inter-state water resources sharing). and all these petitioners wish that the
“The investment trajectory of 15 large Finally, states not only need to crank The Infrastructure Yearbook 2019 Act be declared unconstitutional. But
states will be crucial in this context. But up spending quantitatively, but also also releases the latest InfraInvex scores the SC’s three-judge bench headed by
given differences between them in terms improve efficiency through institutional for major infra sectors — power, roads Chief Justice S A Bobde (and compris-
of economic output, prosperity and fis- strengthening and capacity building, to and highways, airports, ports, and ing Justices S Abdul Nazeer and Sanjiv
cal capacity, they will need customised tap commercial financing and private urban. This one-of-a-kind index tracks, Khanna) issued a notice on all fresh
actions and sequencing to make mate- investment. measures, and assesses the investment petitions and gave four weeks to the
rial progress.” Despite the strides, three broad fac- attractiveness and development matu- government to file a reply. Maybe the This refers to the news that the gov-
To crystallise these prescriptions, we tors interfere with a sustained invest- rity of infrastructure sectors, based on SC forgot that any delay in addressing ernment is planning to reduce the
grouped these states into three clusters, ment lift off in states: (i) Fiscal squeeze, their “drivers” and “drags”. pressing issues is eroding its credibili- duty-free allowance on alcohol to one
based on their gross state domestic in the form of persistent revenue deficits, The key takeaway this year is that ty. Now the big question is: How much bottle from two for people returning
SAMEER BHATIA product (GSDP) size and per capita debt surge, and high fiscal deficits in sev- scores have declined for most sectors vis- time the Centre needs to provide for from abroad. The reason cited is that
incomes (PCIs). eral large states; (ii) weak institutional à-vis the previous year. the information required by the court? countries such as Singapore permit
The four “frontrunner” states — capacity, reflected in mounting losses Airports and railways were the only The aam aadmi wonders that when only one bottle at these duty-free
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and operational deficiencies of utilities sectors that saw some positive action at the government already got around a stores at the airports. I would request

ndia’s infrastructure gambit for the and Gujarat — are endowed on urbani- in power, water and urban transport sec- the start of this fiscal, with the successful month's time to submit its response, the government not to reduce the
coming decade will see states take sation, industrial base, and PCI fronts. tors; and (iii) inadequate reforms and award of contracts for modernisation of then why does it need four extra allowance. Why deprive international
the centre stage of investments. But they show some fatigue with respect programmatic impetus to scale commer- six airports, and increased outlay and weeks? It's a ploy to slow the process travellers of small pleasures? After all,
With the centre walking a fiscal to capex growth in recent years. cial financing and public-private part- cost recovery in railways. Conversely, the in the court. Brazil permits 12 bottles of alcohol and
tightrope, and the economic slowdown These states will need to be intrepid nerships (PPPs). renewable energy sector — which was But since state after state are rais- even the UAE permits four bottles. Let
hobbling private investment, we esti- to push through structural and sectoral Based on this, we identify three vec- among the leaders of InfraInvex last time ing their voice against the CAA, in us focus on dealing with serious eco-
mate that states will need to marshal reforms, as this will be key to create new tors for states to drive action and steer — has seen a substantial decline in score the people’s court, there are no nomic issues like inflation and falling
~100-110 trillion, or approximately 45 per triggers for capital allocation and transformation: this year, on account of increased adjournments. If anything, the consumption instead of a bottle of
cent of the total infrastructure invest- growth. They need to expand capex from counter-party risk, renegotiation of pow- protests are drawing support from small desires.
ment requirement of ~235 trillion in the about 27 per cent share (in all states, fis- nExpand fiscal space to invest: Stabilise er purchase agreements, unviable tariff various quarters. Is it not better for Rajendra Aneja Mumbai
next 10 years. This is imperative to cals 2015-19) to about 37 per cent. goods and services tax; tap asset mon- caps during auctions, and land acquisi- the SC to put an interim stay on the
Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
sustain India’s gross domestic product Five “middle-of-the-pack” states — etisation; deploy medium-term expen- tion issues. implementation of the Act till the
The Editor, Business Standard
(GDP) growth at around 7.5 per cent Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, diture frameworks; move to direct sub- Ports continue to face the brunt of time the larger bench hears the case? Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
and infrastructure spend at over 6 Haryana, and Telangana — with lesser sidies the flux in global trade and slowing People are waiting with a lot of hope New Delhi 110 002
per cent of GDP annually through the population weight, mirror front-runner nEnhance state capability to implement: exports. Persistent weakness in power because the SC's word on all these Fax: (011) 23720201 ·
next decade. states on endowments. They can legiti- Nurture counterparty public institu- distribution, including increased gap in issues is final. E-mail:
Formidable as that sounds, it is emi- mately aspire to be growth leaders, pro- tions; build project development rigour; tariff recovery, and institutional bottle- Bidyut Kumar Chatterjee All letters must have a postal address and
telephone number
nently doable — given that states vided they punch above their weight and tap commercial financing and PPPs necks to investments in urban infras- Faridabad
accounted for about 41 per cent of total up their capex game (as Telangana has nEngender conducive policy and regu- tructure have kept scores low for these
infrastructure spend (including Centre managed to do). latory dexterity to lift investment segments. >
and private sector) in fiscals 2011-20, and Six climber states — Bihar, Madhya momentum: Deepen sectoral reforms; The latest scores only goes to reiterate HAMBONE
their share in capex surged to 65 per cent. Pradesh, Odisha Rajasthan, Uttar make land available; remove labour mar- that India’s infrastructure build out and
In fact, 15 large states with growing Pradesh, and West Bengal — have seen ket distortions; improve ease-of-doing investment targets in the next decade
economic heft and determination to sharp capex growth in the last five years, business. will need all cylinders to fire simultane-
address infrastructure gaps, are well- despite lower incomes per capita. On its part, the Centre needs to pro- ously, with states assuming a central
placed to muster about 85 per cent of the However, an accompanying debt surge actively engage in areas requiring inter- role. Achievable, if armed with vision
expected investment. could come in the way of sustaining this. state coordination and drive decision- and will.
Crisil’s latest Infrastructure Yearbook Continuous upfront institution building making consensus, including critical
2019 identifies these states and pin- to improve investment capacity in social sectoral and structural reforms (such as The author is president, CRISIL Infrastructure
points differentiated strategies for them and physical infrastructure would help in the power sector, factor markets, and & Risk Solutions



Preserving the Republic

Constitution must be followed in spirit, too

n January 26, 1950, India gave to itself one of the most complete, Sabha MPs, none is a Muslim.
modern and liberal Constitutions in the world. Seventy years Neither Naqvi nor Hussain has come to the anti-
on, this country must not just celebrate that moment but reded- CAA protests and would not dare to come. They
icate itself to the observance of Constitutional principles, both know they are show boys in the true sense of the
in letter and spirit. The survival of India as a state, its development as a word. But that reality also means the BJP has zero
nation and its growth as an economy over the past seven decades owe a contact at the ground level with the protestors,
who are to a large extent Muslim, joined by stu-
great deal to the fact that India’s Constitution emerged from broad delib-
dents and a smattering of the group contemptu-
erations, and the founding generation’s dedication to Constitutional meth- ously called liberals.
ods and principles. There is little doubt, of course, that over the course of The government does not have a sense of the
these seven decades of the Republic there have been times when its liberal energy and the resolve of those on the street
bedrock has been under siege — the imposition of Emergency being one because it is not there and the people it knows are
such moment. There is every reason to worry that India is now passing not there. The other reason for its ignorance of

Budget in the season

through another such stage, if not as obvious as was the case in the 1970s. what it is faced with is that to the largest extent
these are spontaneous and not politically led. Other
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) releases a “Democracy Index” every
than in West Bengal, the crowds in the rest of India
year, which tracks how various countries are doing in terms of their demo- are leaderless.
cratic institutions and experience. India dropped 10 positions in a single This means the political parties, friends and even

of protests
year, with its rank in the index slipping from 41 out of 160-plus countries adversaries, Modi and Shah rub shoulders with in
in 2018 to 51 in 2019. The EIU stated that “the primary cause of the demo- Parliament also have little or no connect with the
cratic regression was an erosion of civil liberties in the country”, providing anti-CAA movement.
as examples the National Register of Citizens in Assam, the removal of In Uttar Pradesh, Akhilesh Yadav’s Samajwadi
Party chose not to support the protestors, wary of
Jammu and Kashmir’s autonomy and its demotion from statehood, and
the communal spin given to them and the Yadav
the new citizenship law. The government has missed the chance to defuse the anger over voters will react negatively. Yadav and Mayawati
Such indices should often be taken with a pinch of salt, but there can
be no doubt that in this case India’s fall in the rankings reflects widely
CAA and focus on the economy may have assumed also that the hard posture of the
Uttar Pradesh government would have broken the
shared concerns. It is time to examine how core constitutional principles spirit of those on the street. This did not happen

can once again be brought to bear on this country. On multiple fronts there he Union Budget will be overshadowed by that time. They won’t, and this is why the Budget and sit-ins are now underway in Allahabad,
has been a regression in terms of following both the letter and the spirit of the ongoing mass protests across India, and will suffer as a result. Azamgarh and Kanpur other than Lucknow.
the Constitution. It is not only a challenge to constitutionally-mandated the government has missed the chance to When you have little or no engagement with the All of this means that the political establishment
narrow its focus and concentrate on the economy. other side, you cannot figure out what to do to is unconnected and dislocated from the millions
secularism, but there are also questions about whether the rights guaranteed This is not deliberate and is the result of an error in engage, negotiate with, crush or pacify them. This who seek change. Despite the attempted clarification
in the Constitution will continue to be valued and, indeed, updated in a judgment from the prime minister. is the case with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) offered by the prime minister, there is no clarity on
new era. No Constitution is static, and it must change with the times. But He has been seeking to defuse the anger and and the people it is faced with in the anti-Citizenship what is going to happen regarding citizenship. He
the liberal bedrock of India’s Constitution must continue to operate. Those the passion. But he has failed Amendment Act (CAA) movement. said that his government had not formally discussed
institutions charged with preserving this bedrock must be vigilant to uphold because he does not really under- Before independence and before the National Register of Citizens so far. That doesn’t
their independence and to defend the basic constitutional principles. stand what underpins this nation- the rise of the Muslim League under really mean anything and as assurances go, it is
The basic fact to be noted is that while political change and new ideas wide movement against the citi- MA Jinnah, only 3 per cent of the weak. It has sent a clear message neither to the
zenship laws, and so doesn’t Congress party’s members were protestors nor the state.
must be respected in a democracy, they should not challenge the constitu-
comprehend how to overcome it. Muslims. After Jinnah’s ascendan- They are still aware that from April 1, the National
tional principles. It is fidelity to such principles that maintains the continuity There was an opportunity to hit cy even this modest number fell Population Register will begin to be rolled out. In
and legitimacy of any state. It provides not just opportunities for individuals pause on the protests, if not an out- dramatically, and in all honesty many states like Bihar and Odisha there is ambiguity
but also security, without which investment and growth is impossible. Yes, right stop, in the Supreme Court there was no meaningful Muslim about what will happen. In BJP-run states it is clear
there must be changes: Privacy needs to be respected more, colonial-era this week, but that opportunity was representation in Congress. This is that the process will unfold and produce chaos.
restrictions on speech and excessive power for security forces repealed, and not taken. why Abul Kalam Azad, a great intel- In Bangalore, the homes and shops of 300 people
property rights need to be revisited. But these are perfectly compatible with The attorney general could lectual, had to suffer being called were razed on the accusation that they were
have voluntarily sought a stay on
AAKAR PATEL the “show boy” of the Congress Bangladeshi. The media reported that they were
the Constitution as written and debated seven decades ago and in the years
the Citizenship Amendment Act Party. It was not an unfair slur to not, but so what if they were? The state must follow
since. The political class that has often paid lip service to the Constitution till the court sent down its judgment on its consti- make: It honestly reflected the numbers. The due process and not put up its xenophobia for all
over the years had better instead seek to serve it in reality. tutionality. His instructions were instead to stall. absence of Muslims in Gandhi’s and Nehru’s the world to see.
This he succeeded in achieving. The government Congress made them unaware of what the commu- To the protestors looking on at such events across
had filed no response to the 60 or so petitions it nity wanted, which was a fair share in power, and the country, this will be a further reason to dig in

Andhra’s capital errors had already received weeks ago. But the judges
chose to give the Modi government another four
weeks, reasoning that the Centre had not received
certainly unaware of the strength of its feeling.
The situation in the BJP today is worse. It has
always had one or two national representatives, nev-
and not give up. They are fighting for their consti-
tutional rights and for survival. This is a different
kind of thing than the protests this government or
There are better ways of ensuring inclusive development all the petitions. er popularly elected, who are its fig leaf. Names like any previous Indian government is used to. And
The question is what the delay will achieve. The Sikander Bakht, Mukhtar Naqvi and Shahnawaz they will not end because of the usual tactics of

he Andhra Pradesh government’s decision to scrap Amravati as a prime minister may think things will blow over in Hussain come to mind. Out of the BJP’s 303 Lok delay and brutality.
“super-capital” and build three capitals instead in different parts
of the state defies all logic. Nevertheless, with a majority of 151 in
the 175-member Assembly, Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy
had little trouble in getting the necessary legislation passed. Thus, Amravati,
which Mr Reddy’s predecessor Chandrababu Naidu had made considerable
headway in developing, will be retained as a legislative capital housing the
It is all about global risk mitigation
state Assembly. Visakhapatnam, 367 km away, will be the executive capital,

where the state secretariat and the Raj Bhavan will be based. Finally, Kurnool, ast year has been the worst for the global econ- economies. Germany’s manufacturing sector is now down of infrastructure investment will be reversed
692 km from Visakhapatnam and 343 km from Amravati, will be the judicial omy in terms of growth since 2008 with all major in its 16th month of recession with exports on a sig- by new measure in the Budget in addition to a set of
centres of economic activity in the world regis- nificant downward trend, impacted by China’s eco- recent measures aimed at reviving growth.
capital with the high court. Mr Reddy’s ostensible logic for this dramatic tering a decline in growth. And 2020 will, at best, be nomic slowdown and the trade war initiated by Japan is notably the only large economy where
shift from Mr Naidu’s blueprint is disingenuous. He says he wants “inclusive slightly better. Any hope to the contrary was dashed Mr Trump. The Bundesbank now expects Germany the IMF forecast is revised upward as the impact of
development,” the latest term in the national political lexicon that usually by the latest global economic growth forecast pub- to grow by only 0.5 per cent this year, with negative the stimulus package enacted by the Shinzo Abe gov-
hides a multitude of motives. Even if Mr Reddy’s reasoning is taken at face lished this week by the International Monetary Fund reverberations all over Europe as the country ernment at the end of 2019 and the boost to economic
value, it is hard to see how the argument progresses beyond a real estate (IMF). Global growth for this year has been cut from accounts for more than 30 per cent of the eurozone activity expected from the Olympics 2020 should
play. Inclusive development, in its original form, is embedded in the concept 3.4 to 3.3 per cent — compared with 2.9 per cent in gross domestic product (GDP). More importantly, drive the country growth to 0.7 per cent against a
of administrative efficiency for all. It is not clear how decentralising the 2019. 2021 would not look so much better with growth this is not a cyclical crisis. The German growth model previous forecast of only 0.5 per cent.
expected to be at 3.4 per cent, down from the previous based on exports, downward pressures on wages, While the US economic cycle remains quite
three key organs of governance by hundreds of kilometres will achieve this.
3.6 per cent forecast. And bear in mind that IMF’s fore- emphasis on sectors such as automotive and chem- resilient, with the expansion phase now in its 10th
To offer just one example, a land-loser to a government project contesting casts tend usually to be on the optimistic side. ical and “black zero” budgets — constitutionally year, consumer confidence still high and an unem-
compensation will find herself saddled with huge travel costs shuttling In fact, all the factors which mandated balanced budgets lead- ployment rate at a record low of 3.5 per cent, growth
between Visakhapatnam and Kurnool, in addition to legal fees. were bearing down on the econo- ing — to notably insufficient infras- is expected to decline from 2.3 per cent in 2019 to
That said, there is a strong case for bringing administration to the people my last year are still there. tructure investments, is now reach- just 2 per cent this year. One can count on Mr Trump
through decentralisation. If Mr Reddy were truly concerned about this, it Corporate leaders and investors are ing obsolescence. to keep the economy humming in the coming
would make sense to develop mini-secretariats in each major region, just as as worried as ever, if not more, by In China, the leadership is strug- months as a major asset in his reelection drive.
the rise of geopolitical, non-busi- gling with a tough balancing act However, the remaining impact of the tax reform
Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have done with Gurugram and Noida, respec-
ness, risks. First among them is the between pursuing the deleveraging will definitely fade away in the course of 2020; con-
tively. This has the dual benefit of allowing farmers in these regions to gain rise of protectionist policies in of the economy to reduce the finan- sumer sentiment is exposed to any stock market
from land acquisition and people to access administration easily. The imme- many parts of the world and the cial risk, created by bloated indebt- reversal, and the sharp increase of low-credit-quality
diate prognosis is that Mr Reddy is unlikely to follow this sensible policy unrelenting assault on the multi- edness in some corporate sectors bonds stimulated by low interest rates is generating
because of ingrained caste rivalries between the coastal Kammas, represented lateral trade system. and among provincial and local gov- warnings from US economists as well as from the
by Mr Naidu and his followers, and the Reddys from the Rayalseema (or In that respect, there can be no ernments, and putting as floor IMF. Last but not least, the propensity of the Trump
illusion that the trade deal between
CLAUDE SMADJA under economic growth at 6 per administration to engage in trade wars, with the
southern) region. The former are said to have gained from the Amravati
Washington and Beijing signed on cent — the country’s lowest expan- uncertainties they create, could continue to damper
land deals, which is why Mr Reddy is seeking rebalance for the caste he rep-
January 15 is no more than a pause sion rate for the last 30 years. business investment.
resents via this decentralised scheme. He has, nevertheless, said he would in the economic, technological and strategic com- Beijing’s challenge in the coming months will be to Add to this picture a geopolitical environment
make good on promises made by Mr Naidu to farmers who are awaiting full petition between the US and China, with major forces find ways to boost domestic spending and the con- marked by uncertainty, volatility and prone to crises,
compensation for land surrendered for Amravati, and has even doubled the in the Trump administration more intent than ever fidence of the consumers and private sector investors which can erupt almost overnight in the Middle East
amounts. But with state’s debt burden, it is difficult to see how he can do to pursue a contain and decouple strategy towards as youth unemployment is on the rise. or, for instance, about Taiwan or the South China
this as well as raise money for his tri-capital plan. China. As worrisome is the fact that Donald Trump India, for its part, has seen economic growth sea issues; then take also into account the challenges
No less damaging are the signals to potential investors. Reneging on seems likely to use that “pause” to turn his sights to decline over the last 18 months, with the latest IMF created by climate change, the painful and costly
Europe and the US trade deficit with the European forecast for the country revised down 0.9 per cent to adjustments that major sectors such as the automo-
renewable energy contracts, announcing job reservations for state residents,
Union. The White House has been quite clear on its just 5.8 per cent. The country is paying the price of tive, energy, chemical, steel industries will have to
and demolishing buildings dating to Mr Naidu’s tenure can scarcely be con- intention to impose trade sanctions on France if it much needed corporate de-leveraging and a govern- make in a relatively short span of time to comply
sidered encouragements for business houses seeking stability and sanctity of pursues its intention to tax the revenues of the US ment that seems to have dropped the ball on the with new stringent regulations on carbon emissions.
contract. The fate of the Bill lies with the upper house, in which Mr Naidu’s high-tech giants made on its soil. Similarly, Brussels economy, as it gets mired in damaging political diver- So it is no surprise that global risk mitigation will
Telugu Desam Party holds 28 of the 58 seats. Rather than any “inclusive” con- has been as clear in its warning that it would retaliate sions. India is very much at risk of missing the oppor- remain a top priority for business leaders and policy
cerns, the confrontation between landed interests and caste configurations if the US were to act on its threats. Still hanging in tunity created by the US-China trade and technology makers in the course of 2020.
will decide whether this five-year-old state will have three capitals or one. the air is the threat of US tariffs against German cars. confrontation to attract more foreign companies as
Anemic condition, or slowing down factors of dif- a manufacturing base. It remains to be seen if the The writer is president of Smadja & Smadja, a Strategic
ferent nature, continue to prevail in all major dearth of private sector investment and the slowing Advisory Firm; @ClaudeSmadja

English’s pronoun problem is centuries old

up, such as “y’all,” common in the still sounds jangly to my ears.
American South, or the more recent I will get used to it. Language, as
“you guys” — an oddly gendered Baron eloquently shows, works as a
locution at a time when the generic dynamic democracy, not as rule by
to discuss parts of speech outside of Coiners of new pronouns might and I used it (hopefully unobtrusively) “he” is becoming extinct. Still, we get experts. The sticklers may not like
grammar class,” Baron, a professor usefully counter that they want these in that last sentence: The singular by. No one considers ditching the “they” (singular) but they (plural)
emeritus of English and linguistics at words to look strange, so as to draw “they.” He provides ample textual singular “you.” will eventually have to bow to
the University of Illinois, writes. “Now attention to the social construction of evidence, from Shakespeare on, that For Mr Baron, the the inevitable.
it’s cool.” gender or the patriarchal roots of this is a perfectly respectable option — benefit of singular Almost no one now Mr Baron’s book
After this slightly forced attempt at traditional and so “they” is that it is often defends the use of a layers on rather too
BOOK REVIEW with-itness, What’s Your Pronoun? pronouns. Fair WHAT’S YOUR
unconscious used by those in search generic “he” — but what to many examples of
settles down into a scrupulous and enough, but the that even those of a nonbinary or replace it with? Mr Baron is historical usage,
JOE MORAN absorbing survey. Its great virtue point about He & She who condemn it gender-neutral surely right that no one including a 60-page
is to show that these issues are pronouns is that Author: invoke it without pronoun, as well as cares for “his or her”: too “chronology of gender-

ronouns are suddenly sexy,” nothing new: Gender-neutral they replace Dennis Baron noticing. those who give such unwieldy. As for the neutral and nonbinary
Dennis Baron declares at the pronouns like “ze,” “thon” and “heer” nouns, and thus For the still issues little thought. pronouns historically pronouns” at the end.
start of What’s Your have been circulating since the trade the specific Publisher: unpersuaded, he While many language proposed to replace “he” This scholarly
Pronoun? For “pronouns,” read one mid-19th century; others as far for the generic — Liveright Publishing points out that mavens are coming or “she,” they failed to assiduousness, though,
specific pronoun, or rather its long- back as 1375. so they will Price: $25.95 singular “they” around reluctantly to gain traction because also makes him the ideal
lamented absence in English: The Almost no one now defends the use probably catch is older than singular “they” — in “they look strange pilot through these
third-person singular gender-neutral of a generic “he” — but what to replace on only when
Pages: 283 singular “you.” December Merriam- on the page” contentious political-
pronoun. And for “sexy,” read thorny. it with? Mr Baron is surely right that no they are Only in the Webster anointed linguistic waters. If you
Pronouns now come up in lawsuits, one cares for “his or her”: Too inconspicuous. 1600s did “they” its “word of the year”— some want to know why more people are
school regulations and company unwieldy. As for the pronouns In writing, a pronoun that draws singular “you” start pushing out traditionalists still hold out against it. asking “what’s your pronoun?” then
codes of conduct. Colleges ask historically proposed to replace “he” attention to itself stops the reader’s “thou” and “thee.” Having the same Their defence is convention. I admit you (singular or plural) should read
students to provide their preferred or “she,” they failed to gain traction eye and checks their pace at the wrong pronoun for both singular and plural that the nonbinary use of “they” this book.
pronouns; online dating sites offer because “they look strange on point in a sentence. forms makes for potential ambiguity. to refer to a specific person — “Alex
pronoun options. “It used to be nerdy the page.” For Mr Baron the solution is clear, So colloquial plural forms have sprung likes their burger with mustard” — ©2020 The New York Times News Service

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