Doeg Monacan Vocabulary Part 1

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Doeg-Monacan Vocabulary

Related to Sioux, Welsh, Powhatan.

-kadwi - -able/able
-mwi - -er
-kep - -ess/-ness
-ap - -est
-binag - -ever/however
-blii - -fold

Yuggiifrei - -in-law
-pin - -ing
-eik - -ish
-yudd - -ist
-didi - -less
-lig - -ling
-pegpeg - -ology
-umps - -ly
-nudeg - -teen
-eded - -th

Eipyo debog – most likely

Effei – effect
Effei 3D – 3-D effect(s)
Yichidig – a bit/a little
Laamwer – a lot
Laamwer opo – a lot of
Eilidrom – second time/next time
Abyakos – abacus/abacuses
Gadudael – abandon/quit/give up/abandoned
Daropswong – abase
Chiwiddyo – abash/ashamed
Gostegyu – abate
Laddlii – slaughterhouse
Minnachlog – society
Talfriuu – shorten/abbreviate
Gwipdor – alphabet/syllabary
Yemdyol – to surrender
Bolo – abdomen/belly
Bolobolo – abdominal
Tsipio – abduct/to take away
Tsaiifeilo – deviation/difference
Akegu – assist/encourage
Kashao – dislike/abhor
Parhao – abide
Galluned – ability
Dirmiged – abject
Kaaluom – able to
Mewe – aboard
Diddyimu – abolish/to abolism/abolition
Fufleidd – abominable
Tsinyefig – tribal/native/aboriginal
Heijyo – abound/abundant
Tua – about
Tuag – running about
Finigoruch – above/in the sky
Yassgraffi – to wear off/abrade
Eplahem – Abraham
Briihyu – abridge/abridged
Tsamlor -abroad/overseas
Dissimwep – abrupt
Krogkrog – abcess
Dihengye – depart
Kolligwei – absence/missing/absences
Dyemyo/dyemyolonn – absolute/absolutely
Solfennu – absolve/discharge/release
Syugno – absorb/soak up
Riimatyel – abstain/refrain from
Tsirinod – abstract
Tiwill – abstruse/difficult to understand
Frechimmyol – absurd/silly/absurdity
Tsamarfer – abuse/to abuse/neglect
Gendol – abyss
Akeshya – acacia
Yisgolheg – academic/academy
Gwinidyo Yisgolheg – academic administrator
Pifysgyol Yisgolheg – academic department
Disgiblae Yisgolheg – academic discipline
Finodo Yisgolheg – academic journal
Darlitfii Yisgolheg – academic lecturer
Sogolo – student
Gowobrao – award/awards
Gowobrao Yisgolheg – academy awards
Akajo – mahogany/mahogany tree
Sidsinyo – approach/arrive/come forward
Chwiimyo – accelerate/speed up
Atsen – accent
Atsennu – pronunciation/pronounce
Hiwid – accept
Hiwidyol – acceptable
Minedyad – access
Saifrif – account
Saifrif minedyad – access account
Kodo – code
Kodo minedyad – access code
Bisel – keys/key/keyboard’s keys
Tsanyada – permission
Tsanyada minedyad – access permissions
Poit minedyad – access point
Darparwer – provider
Darparwer minedyad – access provider
Gwasana – service
Gwasana minedyad – access services
Tsosedor – violation
Tsosedor minedyad – access violation
Feitwer – actor
Damwei – mistake/accident
Ploddess – acclamation/loud applause
Rihyu – slope/side of a hill
Tsimhyiiso – accommodate/accommodations
Tsidgord – according to
Kordion – accordion
Sifark – accost/request
Balans saifrif – account balance
Parfo saifrif – account domain
Dodarben – expiration/expire
Dodarben saifrif – account expiration
Gwidbodye – information
Gwidboye saifrif – account information
Kloir – lockout
Kloir saifrif – account lockout
Reolwer – manage/manager
Reolwer saifrif – account manager
Teborwerwid – accountability/accountable
Aforgi – to furnish/equip
Kreddu – accredit
Sifod - accrue
Kronni – accumulate/accumulation
Tsiwirdeb – accuracy
Tsiwir – accurate/correct
Meltigedig – accursed
Huddiad – accusation/accusations/accusative
Nefinyol – accustom/accustomed to
Gwin – ache
Gorffen – achieve
Ardel – acknowledge
Memen – acorn
Tsonell – woodpecker
Gitar – guitar
Gitar akostig – acoustic guitar
Hissbiss – acquaint/to make familiar
Gallu – acquire
Kaffeigallu – acquisition/gained skills
Erwau – acre
Sarrug – bitter, mean-spirited
Liifenren – acronym
Dros – across
Dichel – act/deed
Gweitred – action/actions
Tsanollfan -Center/center office
Tsanollfan gweitred – action center
Tsinlun – plan/plans/planning/planned
Tsinlun gweitred – action plan
Yamholid – query
Res – row
Datugani – statement
Yisgogi – activate/turn on
Byiwio – active
Sinwiz – content/contents
Dogfen – document/documents
Gwertrik – objects/object/item/items
Dalen – sheet/sheets
Yimchird – activist/activism
Gweithgared – activities
Kofnodi – report/reporting/flagging
Gwiriaun – actual
Wineid – work/labor
Gwidol – science
Yastadgid – actuary/business professional
Yastad – actuate/predict
-gid -worker (in some professions)
Tsueidgarak – acumen/quickness of perception or discernment
Asiubigo – acupuncture
Limtost – urgent
Ungel limtost – acute angle
Diiwedyod – adage/old saying
Dyemmwot – adamant
Dyemmwotii – adamantine
Adapalii – Adapalene
Fadaas- adapt/adaptation
Adasswer – adapter
Chwane – add/to add/addition
Yimroddii – addiction/frequent guest
Gwaggorl – to muddle/make unclear
Chwaneigi – additives/ingredients
Ferio – address/street address
Kampwerr – adept/well skilled at/proficient
Sifallwi – adequate
Glinnyu – adhere/adherent
Seloteip – cello tape
Sifa – adjacent/next to
Choddeir - adjective
Diyo – adjoin
Gohiiryo – adjorn/postpone
Farnu – declare/adjudge
Chwanedii – adjunct/appendage/attachment
Tinghedu – command/appeal/advisement
Maddsu – adjust/modify
Gweindul – administer
Gosso – setup/system
Ragorol – likable/admirable/popular
Dobinnya – admission/entry
Missgyii – mixture/combination
Buddio – reprove/notify/warn/advise
Lensindod – adolescence/adolescent
Mabbwis – adopt/adopted/adoptive
Pinsiyo – decorate/adorn/garnish/sprinkle
Oidolin – adult
Echwinn – advance/advanced/progressive

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