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A Thesis
Presented to the Course Specialists of the Open University Systerm
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication


Maria Lyza L. Echavez

Robert John D.J. Lumbes

Boz Ralph T. Pentinio

March 2020


Philippine Copyright 2019

by Echavez, Maria Lyza, L., Lumbes, Robert John, D.J.

and Pentinio, Boz Ralph, T.

and the

Open University System

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

All rights reserved. Portions of this manuscript may be reproduced with

proper referencing and due acknowledgement of the authors.




LIPA CITY BATANGAS: A CASE STUDY, prepared and submitted by MARIA LYZA L.
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BROADCAST
COMMUNICATION has been examined and recommended for Oral Examination.

Evaluation Committee



Member Member



Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination October 9, 2019

with the grade of



Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Arts in
Broadcast Communication


Director, IODE Executive Director, PUPOUS



The authors are very grateful to God Almighty for without His graces, provisions, and

blessings, this study would not have been impossible.

To our family, especially to our parents and relatives for their moral and financial

support in order to finish this study.

To our friends, especially Brother Aldrin Ilao, who helped the researchers to do this

study presentable.

To Ms. Maria Amparo Jadloc, English Critic, for her comments and effort in checking

and editing this study

To Mr. Prestoline S. Suyat, Dean of Open University System for his support and words

of encouragement, and also for giving a long period of time to depend this manuscript.

To Mrs. Evelyn S. Agato, adviser and course specialist, for her support, advices,

guidance, valuable comments, suggestions that helped us much in the completion and

success of this study.

To the members of the committee for oral examination who manifested their

distinguished skills and talents in their own fields as seen in their way of correction and ideas


To PUP Open University System, for giving every student a second chance to finish their


And lastly to the Retired Priests who cooperate that made them a big part of this study.



This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis, NARRATIVES ON THE


for the degree Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication at the Polytechnic University of

the Philippines embodies the result of original and scholarly work carried out by the

undersigned. This thesis does not contain words or ideas taken from published sources or

written works that have been accepted as basis for the award of a degree from any other higher

education institution, except where proper referencing and acknowledgement were made.

Maria Lyza L. Echavez

Robert John D.J. Lumbes

Boz Ralph T. Pentinio


Date Signed



Title : Narratives on the Experiences of the Retired Priests of Lipa

City Batangas: A Case Study

Researchers : Maria Lyza L. Echavez, Robert John D.J. Lumbes,

Boz Ralph T. Pentinio

Degree : Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication

Institution : Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University System

Year : 2020

Adviser : Prof. Evelyn S. Agato

This study aims to present the experiences of the retired priests, the differences

of their lives during and after their active ministry in terms of the (4) four pillars of priestly

formation such as Spiritual, Community, Intellectual and Pastoral Aspects.

The researchers used a study framework patterned to Walter Fisher’s Narrative

Paradigm theory which was adopted from storytelling.

Through Qualitative approach, the researchers discovered the differences on the

retired priest's experiences during and after their active ministry.

The researchers conducted interviews with three retired priests of the

Archdiocese of Lipa Batangas using the Guide Questionnaires. They shared their experiences

of their priesthood journey as they shepherd the flock of God in a particular parish. Based on

their stories, priests simply abdicate their administrative role when they retire but their vocation

never stops and continues until the end.

Keywords: Experiences, Retired Priests, Active Ministry, After Active Ministry, Four Pillars

of Priesthood Formation, Spiritual Community, Intellectual, Pastoral, Priesthood


Table of Contents


Title Page i

Certification of Approval Sheet iii

Acknowledgments iv

Certification of Originality v

Abstract vi

Table of Contents viii

List of Figures xi

List of Tables xii

1 The Problem and its Setting

Introduction 2

Statement of the Problem 3

Problem 3

Objectives 3

Theoretical Framework 4

Conceptual Framework 6

Scope and Limitations of the Study 8

Significance of the Study 8

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Retirement of Priests 11

Spiritual Formation 19

Community Formation 22

Intellectual Formation 24

Pastoral Formation 25

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies 26

Gap to the Present Study 28

3 Methodology

Research Design 30

Traditions of Inquiry and Data-Generation Method Used 31

Sources of Data 32

Instrumentation 32

Ethical Considerations 33

4 Results and Discussions

Spiritual Aspects During and After Active Ministry 36

Community Aspects During and After Active Ministry 43

Interaction with Brother-Priests 43

Interaction with Parishioners 49

Intellectual Aspects During and After Active Ministry 57

Pastoral Aspects During and After Active Ministry 64

Interpretation of Data

5 Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings 74

Conclusion 76


Recommendations 77

Bibliography 78


A. Norms for the Retirement of Priests 80

B. Letter of Permission to the Director-in-Charge 86

C. Letter of Permission to St. Joseph Seniorate 87

D. Questionnaire for the Respondents 88

E. Expenses and Meetings 89

F. Transcribed Interviews 91

G. Biographical Statement 110


List of Figures


Figure 1 Theoretical Framework 5

Figure 2 Conceptual Framework 7


List of Tables

Number Title Page

1 Spiritual Aspect 39

2.1 Community Aspect (Interaction with the Brother Priests) 46

2.2 Community Aspect (Interaction with the Parishioners) 52

3 Intellectual Aspect 60

4 Pastoral Aspect 67


Chapter 1



Priests play an important role in society. They shepherd people to draw nearer to

God. According to “Doctrines and Covenants,” a priest’s duty is to "preach, teach, expound,

exhort, and administer the sacrament." Priests have the duties and authorities of a teacher and

a deacon. They normally serve the church for 30, 40 or even 50 years before they retire.

Despite their service, they still encounter some issues. The researchers were led to

inquire about their issues during and after their active ministry as people may be less interested

about their lives and situation. In the Catholic Encyclopedia (1967:766) the term priest refers to

a person who establishes or preserves contact between the supernatural world and a human

community. His office precedes his individuality because of his mediating function, he has a

leading part in rituals and takes part in guarding and preserving the knowledge of the religious

traditions. Cafasso (1971:16, 80, 83, 153) said a priest in his nature is a man like any other. In

his person, his dignity is above that of all other men. In his conduct, he is straightforward, strong

minded and reliable, really concerned about justice and well mannered. The Narrative Paradigm

Theory is used to let these priests share their stories in the seminary and parish churches.

Through the Narrative Paradigm theory, the researchers will identify the differences of the retired

priest during and after active ministry in terms of spiritual, community, intellectual and pastoral

aspects. The researchers found the study interesting as they learned that retired priests are still

valuable and can even inspire people to be closer to God.


Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to identify and analyze the differences of the retired priest's

experiences during and after active ministry in terms of Spiritual, Community, Intellectual and

Pastoral Aspects.

How do the experiences of retired priests differ during and after active ministry in terms of

Spiritual, Community, Intellectual and Pastoral Aspects?

1. To know the experiences of the retired priests during the active ministry in terms of:

a. Spiritual

b. Community

c. Intellectual

d. Pastoral

2. To identify the experiences of the retired priests after the active ministry in terms of:

a. Spiritual

b. Community

c. Intellectual

d. Pastoral

3. To compare the experiences of the retired priests during and after their active ministry

in terms of:

a. Spiritual

b. Community

c. Intellectual

d. Pastoral

Theoretical Framework

According to Fisher, Narrative Paradigm is a communication theory adopted from

storytelling, the oldest form of communication. Fisher said all meaningful communication is in the

form of storytelling. People’s past experiences influence the need for communication and also

base behavior. Thus, Narrative Paradigm Theory is very helpful in analyzing the nature of human


Narrative Paradigm has an author who creates a work in relative isolation from the

reader, there are two parts to this work: the story and discourse. Story is the imaginary sequence

of events involving characters and setting. It is a mental construct within the imagination of a

person. Discourse is the expression of that story: words and/or images which attempt to

represent the events. The story begins in the mind of the author, and is then expressed into a

discourse which is contained in media. By viewing this media, the reader then forms a mental

construct of that story within her own mind.


Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the Narrative Paradigm Theory


Conceptual Framework

The Narrative Paradigm Theory developed by Walter Fisher is the framework for this

study since it is important to know how this can be very helpful in analyzing human communication

that will fit on this research.

In this study the Author are the three (3) retired priests who narrate their experiences

during and after the active ministry thru story-telling, the researchers create a list of questions to

engage retired priest and have an in-depth interview. The researchers will be the listener who will

interpret the information gathered that will be analyze using the matrices formed in comparing the

before and after experiences.

After interpreting all the information gathered from the retired priests on their

experiences before and after their active ministry, the researcher will be able to know the


Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will only focus on the narrative experiences by the retired priests from their

stint in the active ministry to their retirement period. The objectives of the study are the bases of

the results, analysis and interpretation of the research. The researchers will only focus on three

retired priests in St. Joseph Seniorate, Marawoy, Lipa City.

The researchers limited their informants to the ideal sample size from the population

of retired priests in St. Joseph Seniorate as a result of the Narrative approach. Then the

researchers selected the retired priests by using Non-Probability Sampling.

The study is limited to the information that the researchers gathered regardless of

the researcher’s personal knowledge of the study.

The researchers did not compare the study from previous and existing related study.

Significance of the Study

This is very significant to the researchers for it will allow them to have a wider

understanding and knowledge on the topic. The study will also be beneficial to the following.

TO THE RETIRED PRIESTS. The study will inspire them to tell and share their story

which will be considered as a form of evangelization.


TO THE ARCHBISHOP. The study will help to address the state of retired priests to

Archbishop. This study will reveal the present conditions of the retired priests. This will inform the

Archbishop to carry out solutions that will benefit the retired priests.

TO THE SEMINARIANS. As a future priest, so that they will have an overview of the

life of the priest and will give them motivation/inspiration.

TO THE FUTURE RESEARCHERS. The study will aid the need for the future

researchers in studying the Experiences of the Retired Priests in the present time. This study will

serve as future reference to those who wish to conduct a further research on this topic.

Chapter 2


The Philippines is ranked third to having the most number of Catholic Church

members with a percentage of 81.03 of the pupation or approximately 64.6 million people. To

cater these members, there is a combined total off 7, 335 Diocesan and Religious priests

nationwide. Despite the lack of numbers because of increasing retired priests and increasing

population, the church has made its pledge to be a home for all who seek the wisdom and the

words of God. It caters to sinners, misguided, poor, and underprivileged and many more. The

church is entirely separated from the state but that does mean that they are secluded. In fact the

church immerses itself in the life of its parish people through its priests, brothers and other

religious men and women. The Catholic Church operates as an organization with deeper

relationships and hardship not commonly seen by the parish people.

The church is lead by one or more diocesan or religious priests(most often

diocesan) who manages, administer, and create plans for the church or parish. Despite having

multiple priests present, a hierarchy is present to divide the roles and duties to be done. Priests

play an important role in society. They shepherd people to draw nearer to God. According to

“Doctrines and Covenants,” a priest’s duty is to "preach, teach, expound, exhort, and administer

the sacrament." Priests have the duties and authorities of a teacher and a deacon. They normally

serve the church for 30, 40 or even 50 years before they retire. In fact, even a priest who has

retired can still play a role in the church. It is quite interesting to think of a priest being retired

despite being viewed of their duty as vocational.

In this paper, the researchers aim to discuss and write details that are helpful in

understanding the difference between the activities of priests during and after active ministry. An

underlying adjective is to also learn about some challenges they face may it be an internal conflict

or materialistic demand of a human being.

Retirement of Priests

Focusing on the retirement of priests, in the context of the church, a priests who has

reached 75 can send his resignation or even at a younger age. However, retirement of priests is

a taboo and complex matter. Retirement usually comes because of health, financial, and other

factors or reasons but some priests are concerned of retiring because of the decreasing number

of active priests. To support, some no longer retire and decide to continue the service which

unfortunately resulted to these priests facing mental health issues like depression and anxiety; A

case in the United states (taken from a research of Florida Atlantic University).

According to Diocese of San Diego, the senior years of a priest’s ordained ministry,

especially the retirement years are important for the completion and perfection of the priestly

vocation. These norms are intended to promote the value and dignity of the person as well as the

importance of priestly ministry and the mission of the church. In addition, with the Code of Canon

Law, these norms purpose that retirement from a diocesan appointment does not imply an end to

ministry. Upon retirement, a priests enters into a “third age”, where the Spirit calls him to reflect

upon, to integrate, and to complete the ministry to which he has been called.

To clarify and separate different status of priests, Diocese of San Diego has

defined these terms

Senior Priests – has reached retirement status but chooses to continue service in the

ministry where he can negotiate and communicate on his roles with the current lead priest of the


Retired Priests – has retired and completely chose to not continue service in the


Meanwhile, when a priest retires he has various options for residence. He may

wish to live in his own home or apartment or seek residence in a retirement facility. He may also

request residence in the rectory of any parish, provided there is sufficient space in the house, or

he may ask to reside in other quarters located on parish grounds. In this case, the retired priest

will provide ministerial services or make other arrangements for the remuneration of the parish for

his room and board expenses, is not to be assumed that a parish will modify its facilities to

accommodate a retired priest. Any remodeling, additions or purchases contemplated for

retirement quarters must be approved by the bishop. In extraordinary circumstances room and

board will be arranged by the diocese. Retired priests should hold a special position in the minds

and hearts of the bishop and the presbyterate. As far as possible, they should be brought into the

mainstream of activities where their presence adds much and they might experience the love and

concern of their brother priests and the People of God. The diocese will keep on file a list of retired

priests who are interested in maintaining limited ministerial activity after retirement. Pastors will

be advised of the special interests and needs of the retired priests in their respective deaneries.

Retired priests are encouraged to continue to attend deanery meetings.

To encourage their participation, incardinated retired priests may attend, free of all

charge, all diocesan sponsored programs for the ongoing formation of priests, including the

annual convocation, days of prayer, assemblies and workshops. If the Office of the Vicar General

is asked to do so, prayer requests will be sent out for seriously ill priests.
The main difference are their decision to continue on regular duties in the

church. In the case of senior priests, since they are still participating, they are allowed to reside

with their parish or lodging of the church. On the other hand, a retired priest, without any active

duties with the church even taking decades serving the ministry is expected to complete their last

years with their own home. This would be okay for those who has a family with a welcoming home,

but to site an example and Ireland and United States, most priests who decided to retire already

went through a difficult dilemma of leaving their home for years (the church) and yet are

underprivileged with least to nothing of help for lodging or even sustaining health. This aspect

also makes retiring of priests a taboo because the retirement plans are not as well-planned as

wished and as declared in decrees due to low funds.

To help address these concerns, the Second Vatican Council in 1965, that the

dioceses were encouraged to develop policies concerning the retirement of priests. In addition,

Lewis and Fahey (1997), indicated that approximately half of the dioceses in the United States

had a mandatory retirement policy and roughly two-thirds of priests retired before 75 years of age.

To cite a specific example of this retirement plan, here is one from the Irish Ireland Episcopal


Each diocesan Bishop have a specific and funded scheme, adequately designed to

provide worthy maintenance and accommodation for all the infirm, ill, old and retired priests of his


This has been a statement derived from a cannon law declaring it is the Bishop’s role

to make sure that there are sufficient funds to sustain or provide the infirm, ill, and old retired

priests. Due to weak implementation, Lewis and Fahey (1997) reported that 94% of the dioceses

provide the option for a retired priest to engage in their full or part-time ministerial service.

Meanwhile, Nugent (1976), noted that more priests continue their sacerdotal duties after the
mandatory retirement age. These just makes them take a short turn and still end up doing service

in the ministry despite their difficulties.

Moreover, Bishops’ Committee on Priestly Life (1985) noted that priests listing

themselves as “retired” are still working an average of 25.4 hours per week. Barely those who

surveyed who were over 70 years of age claimed that they were fully retired.

Moreover, a retired priest may still administer the sacraments, and speak at spiritual

retreats, he said. What they lose upon retiring is their administrative duties and decision-making

powers in their parishes. Zabala said most had positive life experiences, He didn’t see any regret

in them. What they want is aging with dignity. Circling on concepts of retirement but being able to

participate in such activities proves realignment rather than complete retirement. The presence of

the work-continuance option suggests that the nature of retirement in the priesthood is rather

ambiguous and a substantial number of priests deal with this uncertainty by continuing their work.

“Looking after them in their old age is the task not only of the priests in the diocese,

he said, but also of the lay people these men of God served in their youth. Lay people need not

dig deep into their pockets to help take care of these graying clergymen.”

According to CARA (2009), retirement for diocesan priests is not mandated in canon

law nor is it required in most dioceses. Therefore, The Code of Canon Law (Canon 538 §3) states

that the age for retirement of pastors when they reached the age of seventy-five (75), he is asked

to submit his resignation to the bishop who, after considering all the circumstances of person and

place will decide whether to accept or defer the resignation.

Nevertheless, an increasing number of priests who were ordained from 1950s to early

1970s, are now entering retirement. Moreover, retirement does not mean the same thing to priests

as it does to lay people, nor does it mean the same to diocesan priests as it does to religious
priests. Priests are ordained to a life of ministry at a reduced level during retirement, as long as

their health permits.

According to United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (2001), the recent studies

and reflections on aging speak of “the third age”, the period that spans from ages sixty-five (65)

to ninety-five (95) and sometimes beyond. In addition, the understanding of the new phenomenon

of aging, touchstones of human, spiritual, and priestly formation can still be of help. Senior clergy

experience the aging process in continuity with the dynamics of midlife, physical decline, pastoral

and ministerial readjustments based on different programmatic responses to their ongoing

formation. The event of retirement for priests, then marks not a radical change of life or vocation,

but a realignment of activity and responsibility that can have significant human and spiritual


Emphasizing on the problem above, retired priests obviously face of increasing

physical limitations that are natural part of the aging process or the consequences of illness,

psychological issues connected with greater physical limitation also present a challenge. Senior

priests need to confront the challenges and address them in whatever way is appropriate.

Ordinarily, these are not challenges that one can confront alone. Generally, some counsel is

necessary, whether medical, psychological, or social which, again, is not being sufficed by

because of low funding not planning ahead of time.

Stressing on the mental health of these senior and retires priests, the task of

integration presses with great urgency. It is very important that they revisit in this season of their

life the question of integrating who they are and what they do for the sake of mission—their identity

linked to their service for the purpose of the Gospel. The urgency derives from the fact that who

they are in this time of their priesthood takes clearer precedence over what they do. In simpler

terms, let’s source Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Life. In the third of these priests, they are facing
dilemma between their ego integrity and despair. This is talking about the human nature

phenomenon which can take place with the priests given their old age alongside the expectations.

Nevertheless, task and challenge that marks the entire Christian life is participating in

the dying and rising of Jesus Christ, sharing in his paschal mystery. For senior priests for whom

the prospect of physical death is a more immediate possibility, preparing to die in the Lord so that

they can rise with him is singularly important. This preparation entails sealing one's life with an

Amen to God and to God's will. It also means practiced detachment from what one has and from

what one has accomplished. For when we go to God, we go simply as who we are, not with

anything we have or have done. The spiritual growth implicit in this process of preparation is an

ever-greater dependence on God.

Meanwhile, the spirituality of advanced age is yet to be developed. Relatively short

life expectancies, until this moment in history, precluded much sustained reflection on the topic.

Hints are given in the tradition. The Bible speaks of older people falling into foolishness like Saul

or, more positively, of their great vocation to wait, watch, and proclaim the Messiah like Simeon

and Anna. It is the clear responsibility of our time to observe the spiritual journeys of older people

carefully and to make note of patterns that will serve future generations. Even with significant

limits of our understanding, there are some things that we can confidently affirm about the spiritual

journeys of senior priests. This has left them thinking if their life has been well spent in those years

in serving the ministry, God and being helpless in the end. In the latter part of this literature review,

priests took most of their lifetime get a hold of a strong formation of all spiritual, humanity and

intellectual yet the questionable end for their vocation has pushed them to lose that strong


To add ambiguity, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Art. 6 1581–

1584), when a man is ordained a priest, it leaves an indelible mark on his soul. In addition, the
ability to consecrate the Eucharist is part of the essence of being a priest and therefore always

remains with him, because he is always a priest. As such, when a priest who has been

excommunicated is received back into the Church, he is not re-ordained, because his ordination

can never be undone (Grondin). The spiritually is indeed put into a test.

Retired priests gather a lifetime of ministry and can be tempted to wonder whether

their efforts made a difference, whether what they did was worthwhile, whether what remains

undone eclipses the little that was accomplished. This is the temptation to despair the past, and

one can either succumb to it by falling into a deep sadness or resist it by surrendering ultimate

responsibility to God where it belongs.

Retired priests also find themselves tempted about their prospects for the future or,

more precisely, the lack of prospects for the future. As they look ahead, they may see the

possibility of debilitating illness accompanied by increasing and humiliating dependency. Faith in

eternal life may itself be tested as death looms large on the horizon, and a void seems more likely

than a fullness. To succumb to temptations about the future means to lose hope, to despair. To

resist that temptation, however, may bring one to a purified faith, a single trust, and a sustained

"yes" to God in the face of seemingly pervasive negativity.

In this unending battle of oneself there exist their last threads to use as supports in

completing their mission / calling in life- the graces. Like the temptations, stretch across a lifetime.

The specific graces of this season of life include a sense of wisdom and insight, the fruit of

patiently considered and prayerfully received experience. Another grace is linked with coming to

the conclusion of life. It is the gift of focus, of grasping what really matters, of knowing what

peripheral details are and what or who is at the center. A final grace is hope. This is, of course, to

be distinguished from wishful thinking that results from our own fanciful constructions of life. The
grace or gift of hope is God's gift, and its cost is loving trust in the giver. The last phase of physical

life sharpens the gift of hope and intensifies its cost.

Minor issues surrounding celibacy and sexuality for senior clergy are generally

glossed over, but there are important spiritual prospects here that need consideration and

discernment. As celibates draw their lives to a conclusion, there is a poignancy about doing so

alone and without physical progeny. The spiritual meaning of celibacy as a loving and life-giving

way of life needs to be personally re-appropriated by senior priests. This means a discernment

process that seeks to detect how God has moved in them and through them as they have lived

out their dedication. They must somehow come to hear the promise made to another old man,

Abraham, "I am making you the father of a host of nations. I will render you exceedingly fertile; I

will make nations of you" (Gn 17:5-6). This discernment process reflects the way that this season

of life, no less than every other, carried with it a significant dimension of accountability to God, the

Church, and the people served.

On a calming note, proliferation of programs for senior clergy would not be helpful.

The Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests expresses it in this way: "The elderly priests or

those advanced in years who merit special consideration, enter in the vital circle of ongoing

formation, not so much regarding thorough study and discussion of cultural subjects, but rather

‘the calm and reassuring confirmation of the part which they are still called to play in the

presbyterate'" (no. 95; cf. PDV, no. 77). Structures and structured responses to senior clergy need

to confirm them in their particular life and vocational situation.

On the other hand, Aquinas (Summa Theologica, III, Q82, A9) argues that there is a

difference between having the power to do something and doing that thing improperly. An

excommunicated priest consecrates improperly because he is outside the Church, but he still

remains a priest and therefore still has the sacramental power to consecrate.

Priesthood Formation

Spiritual Formation

There are multiple answers on ‘what makes a priests’ just like any other rethorical

question; to answer that we source the Pastores Dabo Vobis, an apostolic exhortation of Pope

John Paul II. This article consisting of all things biblical and enlightening was publish in 1992 yet

all details surrounding the current state of potential priests or seminarists, present-day priests,

and even retired priests are relatable and observable. Information supporting this spiritual

formation are all sourced from the document and surprisingly connected and discussed by the

chosen informants. This section would like to be a more detailed reading for those who are

puzzled and interested in spiritual formation.

To answer the question above, It was describe in multiple paragraphs that priests are

not ordained simply by their religious standings or great love for God but more non-tangible things

are put into consideration such as their deep understanding, open-mindedness, commitment to

solidarity, discipline, ethics, and most specially their spiritual formation and how they can

transform it to inspire and interpret the words of God. Spirituality gained as a gift from ordination

an d formation does not only prepare them for limited missions, in fact, it is what a priests would

most need in fulfilling the mission of salvation to the end of the earth. It is described as everlasting

and is expected not to guide just their missions by the church but also their lives even when they

depart from their physical realm or even in their daily routines.

In addition to the document, sourcing the answers from the informants, it is the one

they can do wherever and whenever they go, for when they were ordained, they have pledged to

practice daily, in every decision, in every question, at all times. In the cases of the retired priests,
realignment of daily activities from when they were active to now that they have retired are very

different but on how they incorporate and take into consideration their spiritually is still exactly the

same. That is the power of a strong spiritual formation that priests undergo. Learning how it is

everlasting is fascinating but knowing the spiritual formation can be done in multiple ways possible

is a bigger pail to fill.

In the document, there were many definitions and examples given on how one can

attain a strong spiritual formation such as immersing one’s life, sacrificing physical materials and

character, asking for guidance from those who are capable, and even deepening relationship with


There were many ways on how one can contribute and shape his spiritual formation

but it is important to always know what it is for, which is to learn to live in intimate and unceasing

union with God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Priests attain to the

unity of their lives by uniting themselves with Christ whose food was to fulfill the will of him who

sent him to do his work. Those who are to take on the likeness of Christ the priest by sacred

ordination should form the habit of drawing close to him as friends in every detail of their lives.

They should be taught to seek Christ in faithful meditation on the word of God and in active

participation in the sacred mysteries of the Church, especially the Eucharist and the Divine Office,

to seek him in the bishop by whom they are sent and in the people to whom they are sent,

especially the poor, little children, the weak, sinners and unbelievers. With the confidence of sons

they should love and reverence the most Blessed Virgin Mary, who was given as a mother to the

disciple by Jesus Christ as he was dying on the cross." (Pastores Dabo Vobis: 45)

Aside from the growth for oneself and deepening understanding of God, priests are

most expected to display and exercise it in the ministry none other than embracing consciously

and freely - that is to say in one's mind and heart, in one's decisions and actions - the "truth" of
the priestly ministry as an amoris officium. In addition, spirituality also involves seeing or seeking

Christ in people; being able to give himself to others, serving and helping in a humble manner.

Spiritual formation has been described quite on the positive note. Reading further, it

is spiritual formation which is most difficult of attain out of all. It was already mentioned that this

document, Dabo Vobis not only describe the priesthood on one but also its current state of

surroundings specifically the present-day affairs that emerges making it if not difficult, challenging

for them. In fact these circumstances and situations are not only for priests and retired priests to

mind but is more influencing and into younger minds like seminarists or even students of potential


On top of the list is the wide-spread of ‘rationalism’ in the name of a reductive concept

of science where it contributes to insensitiveness of human reason towards revelation and divine

transnsdence or in layman’s term, religious knowledge and study. Another man versus man

conflict of self-gratification and over self-assertion that leads human finding themselves indifferent

and paralyzed when come face-to-face of the situation that requires knowledge and beliefs on the

spiritual and religious dimension. Moreover, there are seen poor foundation in the church herself

that lead to weak imparts of faith in many believers in addition to information whether right or

wrong, proliferated through media.

Despite these challenges that church encourages and invites younger generation to

seek hope, faith, and guidance in their parish. On the other end, the church shall be more open,

more versatile, and understanding to all changes possible. An example in the Philippines are

youth groups being formed within the church and are developing activities and events suitable for

younger age group. This helps both ways since spiritual formation can be strengthen by priests

through their ministry and the believers shall have correct and guided understanding of the

teachings of God.

Community Formation

Community formation is also named as “Human Formaion” in which the church and

its embodiment serve the people whom Christ has sacrificed his life for. It is more than a

relationship between a man and woman or family and friends but more on the underprivileged.

More than the personal growth and enlightenment through spiritual formation it is also expected

to be shared and imparted through relationship with the community, the people who comprises it.

This portrays that priests are not only representatives of the religious realm but can also be a

hand in economic and social affairs by being more sensitive and capable better discernment,

consciousness and understanding.

Being able to learn, perceived, adjust and act on the injustice and immobile situation

of the poor and misguided sinners are expected from the church and its embodiment since they

are the ones most capable of sharing the gift of salvation and carrying out Christ’s prophetic and

priestly ministry. They are the models who show values of obedience, accountability, chastity,

honesty, compassion, and solidarity. It is important that the priest should mold his human

personality in such a way that it becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting

with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity. In this manner the priests are able to portray what

God has for the people and what the people can achieve through His guidance.

Going back to the church community it is also important to strengthen the human

formation between the priests towards the seminarians, helpers and most specially those higher

than them like bishops and archbishops. Using the analogy of a community, a family is its

strongest foundation. The church being able to provide and suffice itself can be looked upon by
the community as a role model of maintaining personal relationships which in turn can improve

the relationship of the whole community.

This also means these seminarians are living a healthy life, they get enough rest, they

exercise on a regular basis, if they have any ongoing needs for counseling or any kind of deeper

needs, those are addressed, resources are provided for them. If they have any sort of ongoing

health issues, those are dealt with so they’re able to be good stewards of the bodies and gifts that

God has given them to be able to serve God’s people most effectively. These actions are done to

secure that the leaders fo these churches can carry and continue their pastoral responsibilities

without difficulties (internally)

Aside from the challenges mentioned in the spirituality formation, a major concern are

the celibacy oath taken by the men of the church. An important context of human formation is

concerned with someone’s health including sexuality so these men are able to live as a joyful,

happy, fruitful and celibate priest. In such a context, an education for sexuality becomes more

difficult but also more urgent. It should be truly and fully personal and therefore should present

chastity in a manner that shows appreciation and love for it as a "virtue that develops a person's

authentic maturity and makes him or her capable of respecting and fostering the 'nuptial meaning'

of the body." Obviously it takes time to grow into these vows, so this seminary environment

provides a great environment to pray and reflect upon how they can sustain their life in the church

and in their ministry.


Intellectual Formation

Intellectual formation seem like it’s on a different but is actually not far related to the

aforementioned spiritual and humanity formation. In this aspect, Intellectual, intelligence or the

ability to learn fundamentals or even expertise is very useful in successfully forming a strong

spirituality. It is explained as participation in the light of God’s mind and willingness to seek His

wisdom can hasten and improve adherence to God and his words. In actuality, education and

learning are preparation for those potential for priesthood. It is not supposed to be second to any

priesthood formation but rather simultaneous in dimensions of being a human and being an

instrument of God. It is through the study of religion that these potential priests assent too the

word of God.

Furthermore, the church acknowledges the vast spread of information and its easy

access thus they know that there are Christians knowledgeable enough to defend their faith and

to account for the hope of the church. This argument peaks the need for the men of the church to

be more intellectual with utmost solicitude to not be misguided but rather quality to better serve

the ministry and perform its duties in the community. As part of their humanity formation, the

priests or the church can also play a role in economic, social or cultural affairs to have a deeper

connection with the people. To do so, intellectual formation on the above aspects in accordance

to their spirituality and teachings of God are also crucial. Lastly administrative knowledge may be

seen as innate for priesthood but learning organization and leadership is also considered intellect.

In relation to the changes on ‘rationalism’, the church also foresees an internal conflict

for future and present-day priests specifically in the field of philosophy. This is why a proper

philosophical education is vital, since philosophy can be a gate opened to subjectivism concerning
the philosophical questions and mysteries of salvation. Their philosophy shall mainly involve the

relationship of oneself to God, and between his spirit and the truth.

Pastoral Formation

Spiritual, humanity and intellectual formation can be thought of what priesthood

needs but in reality those three display and portray three different facets of a priest that leaves

you wondering ‘how can those deep understandings harmonize in one body’. To answer the

question, Pastoral Formation has been defined as a whole formation creating unity with all three

(spiritual, humanity and intellectual) by means of mature reflection and practical application. The

goal is to have one running organization of mind, body, and soul to fully prepare in entering the

charity of Christ. Spirituality can be described as the hinge for intellectual and humanity formation

while pastoral formation can be the wood they are all attached to that carries all three.

Pastoral formation is not as simple as it sounds, but less likely do we see the trainings

and seminars they attend to attain pastoral formation. The Council text insists upon the

coordination of the different aspects of human, spiritual and intellectual formation. At the same

time, it stresses that they are all directed to a specific pastoral end. This pastoral aim ensures that

the human, spiritual and intellectual formation has certain precise content and characteristics; it

also unifies and gives specificity to the whole formation of future priests.

Thanks to an initial and gradual experience of ministry, future priests will be able to

be inserted into the living pastoral tradition of their particular church. They will learn to open the

horizon of their mind and heart to the missionary dimension of the Church's life. They will get

practice in some initial forms of cooperation with one another and with the priests alongside whom
they will be sent to work. These priests have a considerably important role, in union with the

seminary program, in showing the candidates how they should go about pastoral work.

Pastoral theology is not just an art. Nor is it a set of exhortations, experiences and

methods. It is theological in its own right, because it receives from the faith the principles and

criteria for the pastoral action of the Church in history, a Church that each day "begets" the Church

herself, to quote the felicitous expression of the Venerable Bede: "Nam et Ecclesia quotidie gignit

Ecclesiam." Among these principles and criteria, one that is especially important is that of the

evangelical discernment of the socio - cultural and ecclesial situation in which the particular

pastoral action has to be carried out. And so pastoral formation certainly cannot be reduced to a

mere apprenticeship, aiming to make the candidate familiar with some pastoral techniques. The

seminary which educates must seek really and truly to initiate the candidate into the sensitivity of

being a shepherd, in the conscious and mature assumption of his responsibilities, in the interior

habit of evaluating problems and establishing priorities and looking for solutions on the basis of

honest motivations of faith and according to the theological demands inherent in pastoral work."

(Pastores Dabo Vobis: 57-58)

Synthesis of Literature Review

Priesthood alone is a heavy responsibility consisting of different formations that

one shall learn and get a strong hold of. It takes all the patience and time for training to complete

it. There were descriptions in which even until one dies, just then will he be able to complete these

formation and well-being as a priests, as an instrument of God.

Going over the formations, each has different names, different expectations and

characteristics but are still able to harmonize with guidance of Christ. To define Spiritual Formation
is the need for one to understand the sense and purpose of one doings for the ministry, for the

people and for the teachings of the Lord. Spiritual formation can be done in many ways but the

purpose shall not be lost. It is to live an intimate and unceasing life with G through his son Christ

and the Holy Spirit.

The spiritual formation is not tangible, however it can be observed through

actions. As defined, the church is some for all needy which encourages priests and religious

beings to help and end a hand in the community. Not only does the church offer the teachings of

the Lord straight from the book but it is at most important that the priests can relate and interact

with parish people may it be n economic, social and cultural affairs. This humanity Formation is a

way of enhancing once spirituality but also extending the reach of God.

For better understanding and discernment on issues and mysteries of the

salvation or sacraments, Intellectual formation shall be fostered simultaneously. Being able to

educate oneself and learn about the truth being told by the words of God, can help in prospering

the teachings and participating in communal talks. It is important that one should be utmost careful

to not clutter or misguide the mind.

Lastly to fix and synchronized everything, the ministry offers the trainings and

experiences one needs for it to be successful. It is difficult to describe but to use the analogy, the

Pastoral Formation modulates, fits the puzzles from each three formations to fully prepare oneself

in handling pastoral duties and responsibilities.

Knowing the major variable being taken into consideration, the researchers give

high praise to the discipline being displayed by all priests and church embodiment. However, it is

unfortunate that in developed countries like Ireland United of States of America, these hard work

and sacrifices are not well considered when one retires. Retired priests are faced with internal
conflict to continue or not the service with the ministry. Thinking of all the consequences of leaving

and also being concerned of the decreasing number of active priests, they are pushed to their

limits alongside possible physical or health difficulties or financial.

This topic is taboo by itself since the church believe that once a priests is

ordained, the mark of the ability to consecrate the Eucharist is not lost even if one is

excommunicated; It was never lost. In addition, spiritually and values are still practiced or

displayed by priests that is why there is not such things as retiring in this vocation but rather more

on the realignment of activities. Regardless of the internal aspect and purpose, In reality, these

retired priests are faced with earthly demands that can’t be granted due to poor planning and low

funds which can be use as a new issues to be address and in the future be actioned upon.

Gap to the Present Study

Generally, it is the weak and poor planning of retirement for old priests who has

little to no chance of continuing service for the ministry. The church and being a priests is seen

as a vocation, concluding that retiring is not option however there are now negatives effects

forseen which are not far from reality.

Not much documentation are found about priests retiring since it is less likely an

option for them thus making the hole in seeing the bigger picture smaller. It gets unseen in longer

times. It is a big gap that this research can fulfil as well. Providing narrative examples of foreseen

possibilities becoming reality.

According to Nugent (1976), the number of older priests who continue their sacerdotal

duties after reaching their retirement age increased since the past decades. Kane and Jacobs

(2015) studied the retirement process among diocesan priests and they have traced that the
unspoken organizational need of priests to continue their ministries. Older priests feel being

stretched in deciding whether they will cease from the active ministry or not.

Another weak voice, stated in the literature review, old retiring priests are

vulnerable to mental health issues alongside their physical health on the line. Parish people go to

church to have peace and attain tranquility bringing expectation that these can be helped by the

teachings of God through the words of the priests. But in the end, they are humans of mortals

bodies that enter a third age encountering despair. Their spiritually and inner piece are bothered

in those times and parish people do not usually see it.

Once retired priests leave their regular assignments, they may feel personal

loneliness and see a lack of support from other people (Kane, 2017) due to their physical distance

from their faith community. This study reveals that the life of retired priests is a constant search

for purpose and meaning in life. Deespite being old and weak, they are still eager to continue the

essence of their priesthood of serving God and the Church as they gradually face their upcoming


Chapter 3


This chapter comprises the research method applied in the study which consists of:

the research design, the material, or the instrument to be used, the process of selecting the

informants, and the technique that was practiced in gathering and the analysis of data.

Research Design

This study has a structured approach to injury that is classified as a qualitative

research. As defined by Denzin and Lincoln (1994), qualitative research is multimethod in focus,

involving an interpretative, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. Also, Bryman and Bell

(2007), defined that qualitative research is a strategy that indicates the relationship between

theory and research, and usually emphasizes on how theories were generated. Crossman (2019)

stated that qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects and works with

non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help us understand

social life through the study of targeted populations or places.

On the other hand, Pathak et. Al (2013), stated that qualitative research focuses in

understanding a research query as a humanistic or idealistic approach. Qualitative methods is

used to understand people’s beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior, and interactions. Moreover,

it generates non-numerical data.


Traditions of Inquiry and Data-Generation Method Used

The Tradition of Inquiry that is appropriate to the present study is the Case Study.

According to Flyvberg (2006), a case study is a context-dependent, indepth investigation of a

single example of a phenomenon. Elman et. al. (2016) agrees with this statement by saying that

a case study “focuses intensively on a single case” (p. 375) and the case in focus is supposed to

be representative for a larger group of cases, even though they recognize that some case studies

are carried out solely for descriptive purposes.

A case study is an empirical investigation of an individual case which is unique and

usually addresses a problem of some sort, Harland (2014) explains and continues by drawing the

conclusion that one cannot replicate a case study since it is spatially and temporally bounded.

However, other researchers point out that case studies do not necessarily have to include one

single case, but can also involve multiple cases (Eisenhardt, 1989; Crowe et. al., 2011; Yin, 2003;

Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007).

The researchers used the interview method that is appropriate with the research

based on the objective and needed data from the informants. Interviews can be defined as a

qualitative research technique which involves conducting individual interviews with a small

number of informants to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program or situation

(Boyce & Neale, 2006).

Easwaramoorthy and Zarinpoush (2006) mentioned that research interview involves

an interviewer who coordinates the process of the conversation and asks questions, and an

interviewee who responds to those questions. Interviews are an appropriate method when there

is a need to collect in-depth information on people’s opinions, thoughts, experiences, and feelings.
Meanwhile, Oakley (1998) stated that qualitative interview is a type of framework in which the

practices and standards are not only recorded, but also achieved, challenged and as well as

reinforced. Interviews are an appropriate method when there is a need to collect in-depth

information on people’s opinions, thoughts, experiences and feelings. Interviews are useful when

the topic of inquiry relates to issues that require complex questioning and considerable probing.

Sources of Data

The researchers applied the Non-Probability Convenience Sampling in choosing the

informants because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researchers.

Convenience sampling is a type of non-probability sampling in which people are sampled simply

because they are convenient sources of data for researchers (Lavkaras, 2008).

In this study, the researchers set the following criteria:

1. He must be a retired priest from St. Joseph Seniorate.

2. Must be well-experienced and well-informed to the topic


Guide interview was used to help researchers direct the conversation towards the

topics they need to discern. According to Keller and Conradin (2018), semi-structured interviews

are conducted with a fairly open framework which allows focused, conversational and two-way


The researchers formulated the questions based on the objectives of the study in

order to obtain the needed information from the informants. During the interview, the researchers
used portable recorder to record the interview proper and take down the important points to

remember. The recorded conversation was transcribed immediately.

The interview guide questions were divided into two parts: First, the experiences of

retired priests during their active stint in the ministry. Second, the experiences of retired priests

after their active stint in the ministry.

The interview guide questions were divided into two parts: First, the experiences of

retired priests during their active stint in the ministry. Second, the experiences of retired priests

after their active stint in the ministry.

Ethical Considerations A formal letter was given to the informants to ask permission to conduct

an interview. The permission was also sought to the Director-in-Charge of St. Joseph Seniorate,

Marawoy, Lipa City. The informants of the study were oriented on the objectives of the study

before facilitating the interview. Below, are some of the ethical considerations that we followed in

this research.

Respect for Persons. Informed consent should be sought from research informants

(Parahoo, 2006). Before consent is sought, the researcher will give the details of the nature and

purpose of the research, the potential subjects, who will have access the data and the proposed

outcome of the research. Completion of the questionnaires by informants will be taken as giving

their consent to participate in the study. Informants will be given adequate time to consider their


Beneficence. While questionnaires are considered to be less intrusive than interviews,

observations or experiments, they can still potentially cause harm (Parahoo, 2006). It is possible

for sensitive and highly personal questions to be threatening if they trigger traumatic memories or

guilt when the respondent is alone and without support.

Voluntary. Participants are free to withdraw their participation at any time without any

negatively impacting on their involvement in the future services or the current program, and

relationships with any of the researchers involved.


Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the results of the in-depth interview conducted last

October 2, 2019 in St. Joseph Seniorate SFS Compound Marawoy, Lipa City. The researchers

were given the chance to interview the three distinguished retired priests of the Archdiocese of

Lipa. The informants are Father A, a former parish priest and formator in the seminary, Father B,

a former Vicar General of former Archbishop of Lipa and Father C, a former parish priest and

Director of the Commission on Family.

The presentation of the results of the interview were categorized into four aspects

namely: Spiritual, Community (Social), Intellectual and Pastoral. The four category that the

researchers utilized was based on the official document of the Church on Four Dimensions of the

Seminary and Priestly life. On the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II 1992.

“there is consideration on ‘initial’ formation and ‘ongoing’ formation separately, but without

forgetting that they are closely linked and that as a result they should become one sole organic

journey of Christian and priestly living. The exhortation looks at the different areas of formation –

the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral areas - as well as the settings and the persons

responsible for the formation of candidates for the priesthood” (PDV,42).

The researchers faithfully patterned the matrix on the four aspects which will lead into a

substantial narrative analysis on the experiences of the priests during and after active ministry.

On this chapter, the Matrix on the Four Aspects and its essential point will be presented. Through

this way presentation the proper interpretation will be guided accordingly.

1. Spiritual Aspects During and After Active Ministry

Based on the Pastores Dabo Vobis, “It is possible to detect various forms of

"crisis" to which priests are subjected today in their ministry, in their spiritual life and indeed in the

very interpretation of the nature and significance of the ministerial priesthood - mention must

likewise be made, in a spirit of joy and hope, of the new positive possibilities which the present

historical moment is offering to priests for the fulfillment of their mission. (PDV,10). In line with this

statement, the three informants-retired priests provide a powerful testimony regarding their

spiritual life.

According to Father A, during his active ministry, “Araw-araw akong nagmimisa,

kahit walang nagsisimba (…) wala kasing simbahan doon, sa school lang ako nagmimisa pag

Sunday, pag ordinary day sa chapel lamang ng madre, pag linggo yun na ang taga roon, hindi pa

sila sanay yung mag taga barangay na pupunta sa place called parish for them to go to mass.” (I

conduct mass everyday, even though no one came to church There, just one. Because there are

nuns who take care of us, Este in their chapel, there is no church there, I just went to school on

Sunday, just ordinary day in the chapel of the nuns, when that week is over, they are not trained

by the barangay who go to the place called parish for them to go to mass.). This statement

explicitly describes the challenge he underwent which led him and the people to God. Despite the

physical condition—Church structure, he was able to celebrate the Holy Mass. While, he said,
“Kahit na ganito ang aking sitwasyon ngayon, ako ay nakakapagmisa pa rin, private mass, sa

aking kwarto at ang spiritual direction ko sa mga seminarista at pari, tuloy-tuloy yan. Gayun din

ang spiritual reading mahalaga sa akin yan, na no-nourishes ang aking buhay ispiritwal.” (Even

with my current situation, I am still conducting mass in private, in my room and my spiritual

direction with seminarians and priests is continuous. Spiritual reading is important to me as well,

which nourishes my spiritual life.). This statement concretely expresses that a retired priest can

still celebrate the Holy Mass. The different spiritual activities like celebrating the Holy Mass

continues even he is already retired.

On the other hand, Father B said that during his active ministry. “Isa siguro sa

pinakamahalaga ay pananalangin. Yan ang mag susustain sa iyo. Hindi ko hinahayaan na lilipas

ang buong araw na hindi na nakapaglaan ng panahon para manahimik at magnilay. Kapag pagod,

naguguluhan o anuman dasal ka lang. Mas lalong palalimin ang ugnayan relasyon sa Diyos yan

lang talaga. Siguro yong masasabi ko na most ay yong paggamit ng Diyos sa akin upang maging

instrument Nya upang ipadama ang pagmamahal sa lahat lalo’t higit sa nangangailangan.” (One

of the most important is prayer. That will support you. I don't let the whole day pass without giving

time to calm down and meditate. Whenever I’m tired, confused or whatever I just pray. It only

deepens the relationship my relationship with God. Maybe what I can say is that God is using me

as His instrument to make love to everyone especially necessary.).

Moreover, Father C expressed that “The most important thing is to deepen my

relationship to the one who calls me in this kind of life. Constant communication with God through

prayer really matters. As St. Padre Pio says, Pray, Hope and Don’t worry. These powerful words

of St. Padre Pio serve as my battle cry especially when challenges. He also gives emphasis on

the importance of the constant communication-prayer to young priest in active ministry. Likewise,

he said, “I make sure that I can spend time for prayer – communicating with God. My condition as
a sick priest does not hinder me to be far from God.” It is very clear that his condition as a retired

priest and sick priest does not hinder him to spend time for prayer. Spiritual Life needs constant

interaction with God.


Matrix 1. Spiritual Aspect

How is your spiritual life during and after your active ministry?


“Araw-araw akong “Kahit na ganito ang aking

Father A nagmimisa, kahit walang sitwasyon ngayon, ako ay

nagsisimba nakakapagmisa pa rin,

Doon, isa lang. Kasi may private mass, sa aking

mga madre naman dun na kwarto at ang spiritual

nag aalaga saakin, si Este. direction ko sa mga

Yan sa kanilang chapel, seminarista at pari, tuloy-

wala kasing simbahan tuloy yan. Gayun din ang

doon, sa school lang ako spiritual reading mahalaga

nagmimisa pag Sunday, sa akin yan, na no-

pag ordinary day sa chapel nourishes ang aking buhay

lamang ng madre, pag ispiritwal.”

linggo yun na ang taga (Even with my current

roon, hindi pa sila sanay situation, I am still

yung mag taga barangay na conducting mass in private,

pupunta sa place called in my room and my spiritual

parish for them to go to direction with seminarians

mass.” and priests is continuous.

Spiritual reading is
HE important to me as well,
(I conduct mass everyday,
which nourishes my
even though no one came
spiritual life.)
to church There, just one.

Because there are nuns

who take care of us, Este In

their chapel, there is no

church there, I just went to

school on Sunday, just

ordinary day in the chapel

of the nuns, when that week

is over, they are not trained

by the barangay who go to

the place called parish for

them to go to mass.)

“Isa siguro sa “Alam mo ang mas

pinakamahalaga ay maganda ngayon ay mas

pananalangin. Yan ang mag marami ang time para

susustain sa iyo. Hindi ko magdasal, parang araw-

Father B
hinahayaan na lilipas ang araw nga ay retreat dito sa

buong araw na hindi na sobrang tahimik. Maa-

nakapaglaan ng panahon appreciate mo ang

para manahimik at katahimikan, Alam mo

magnilay. Kapag pagod, naman, ika nga ang Diyos

naguguluhan o anuman
dasal ka lang. Mas lalong ay nagsasalita sa gitna ng

palalimin ang ugnayan katahimikan.”

relasyon sa Diyos yan lang (You know, it’s better now

talaga. Siguro yong because we have more

masasabi ko na most ay time to pray, it seems like

yong paggamit ng Diyos sa every day is a retreat here

akin upang maging because of the silence. You

instrument Nya upang can appreciate the silence,

ipadama ang pagmamahal you know, as what they

sa lahat lalo’t higit sa say, God is speaking in the

nangangailangan.” middle of silence.)

(One of the most important

is prayer. That will support

you. I don't let the whole

day pass without giving time

to calm down and meditate.

Whenever I’m tired,

confused or whatever I just

pray. It only deepens the

relationship my relationship

with God. Maybe what I can

say is that God is using me

as His instrument to make

love to everyone especially


“The most important thing is “I make sure that I can

to deepen my relationship to spend time for prayer –

Father C
the one who calls me in this communicating with God.

kind of life. Constant My condition as a sick

communication with God priest does not hinder me

through prayer really to be far from God.”

matters. As St. Padre Pio

says, Pray, Hope and Don’t

worry. These powerful

words of St. Padre Pio

serve as my battle cry

especially when challenges

and hardship come into my


2. Community Aspect During and After Active Ministry

a. Interaction with Brother-Priests

Kevin Kelly on his book entitled, “The Priest in Community.” “OF COURSE, the big

difference is that unlike religious we diocesan priests are not bound by vow to living in community.

We have a very different spirituality. We have to be able to live alone'. The words are mine; the

sentiments are those of most diocesan priests. Something equivalent to this is said every time

the issue of community is raised among diocesan priests. In reality, a diocesan priest without a

community is just as much a fish out of water as is a religious- perhaps even more so. As

Schillebeeckx has pointed out in his recent book on ministry, in the early centuries of the Church

a priest could only be ordained to the service of a particular community. This was because the

very essence of priesthood involved a role in the community. Deep in his bones the diocesan

priest today still feels this need to 'belong'”

According to Father A, during his active ministry. “Dun sa parokya lalo na sa isla, I

have to beg, talagang practical yung beg, pupunta ako sa Batangas City, meron ng contact ang

Parish priest, it was Monsignor, pagdating ko dun lahat ng offer ibibigay na sakin, supplies and

then may groceries, lalo na bigas, bigay ng mga tao outside the parish then yung lumalabis

binibigay ko din sa mga tao, may mga canned good, may mga madre ng St. Bridgette’s dun sa

Batangas City binibigyan din ako.” (In the parish especially in the island, I have to beg, the

begging is really practical, I'm going to Batangas City, I have a contact with the Parish priest, it

was Father B, when I come, all that he can offer he gives it to me. Supplies and then there are

groceries, especially rice, donated by people outside the parish then what All the excess food

that I get, I give away also to people. There are nuns of St. Bridgette’s in Batangas City who also

helped me.).
This incident as narrated displayed the brotherhood between Father B as he

extended his helping hand in providing what Father A needed. On the other hand, he also stated,

“Hindi nag stop ang socialization kasi tuloy ang aking ministry, although hindi na ganoon kabisa

hindi na ganoon katatag, sabi ko nga e, ito yung naibibigay ko pa, I will give, I will share the little

that I have now that I will be able to share, ishi-share ko pa rin.” This testimonial clearly explains

that as others bless him, he also shares what he has now regardless of its quantity.” (Socialization

has not stopped because my ministry has continued, although it is no longer so effective and not

stable, as I said, I will share the little that I have now that I will be able to share, I still share it.)

Meanwhile, Father B said that during his active ministry. “Hindi mawawala sa paring

Batangueno ang yaw-yawan o biruan. Meron na kaming Circle. Ito ang tinatawag na samahan

ng mga pari na ayon sa Opus Dei practice. Kami ay nagsasama-sama isang beses sa isang

buwan para magkumustahan, magbahagi ng mga karanasan at pinagdadaanan sa buhay at

patuloy na mag akayan sa buhay na ito. Kaya di ka talaga mag iisa.” (The Batangueno priests

are always cracking jokes and making fun. We have a circle. This is the so-called priestly

association of Opus Dei practice. We come together once a month to have fun, share

experiences and what we’re going through in life and continue to be a comrade for each other.

So you're not really alone.). This declaration simply proves that priests that are never alone

because they always have this brotherhood with other priests who gather together regularly

within their organization they called “circle”. Likewise, he added, “Kahit naman naririto ako ay

nagkakaroon rin pa ako ng pagkakataon na makihalobilo sa iba. May oras ng

pakikipagkwentuhan, bonding, picnic, fishing at marami pa. Kahit narito ka na tuloy pa rin naman

buhay. Nagmimisa pa rin naman ako sa ibat ibang lugar. Nakatuwa nga marami pa rin ng napunta

dito para bumisita sa amin.” (Even though I'm here, I still get the chance to socialize with others.
There are hours of conversation, bonding, picnics, fishing and more. Even if

I’m here, life must go on. I still have mass in other places. It's a relief that many still come here

to visit us.)

This statement plainly indicates that priests have recreational activities with

their bother-priests that make their lives inside the senoirate more fun and enjoyable.

Furthermore, Father C articulated that “Another challenge was in terms of discipline I really had

to follow and to obey what would superiors and rules were telling us to do.” This statement

obviously gives emphasis on the importance of obedience and respect to accomplish their

vocations as priest. Likewise, he stated, “I have so many pleasant experiences on this point of

my life. One of these is to belong with the community of diocesan priest, in our local Church who

never ceases to console me and walk with me especially on this difficult moment of my life as a

sick priest.” This claim strongly clarifies that priests keep and sustain each other especially during

tough times.

Matrix 2. Community Aspect

2.1 Interaction with the Brother-Priests

How do you interact with the Brother-Priests?


“Dun sa parokya lalo na sa “Hindi nag stop ang
Father A
isla, I have to beg, talagang socialization kasi tuloy ang

practical yung beg, pupunta aking ministry, although

ako sa batangas City, meron hindi na ganoon kabisa

ng contact ang Parish priest, it hindi na ganoon katatag,

was Father B, pagdating ko sabi ko nga e, ito yung

dun lahat ng offer ibibigay na naibibigay ko pa, I will give,

sakin, supplies and then may I will share the little that I

groceries, lalo na bigas, bigay have now that I will be able

ng mga tao outside the parish to share, ishi-share ko pa

then yung lumalabis binibigay rin.”

ko din sa mga tao, may mga

canned good, may mga madre (Socialization has not

ng St. Bridgette’s dun sa stopped because my

Batangas City binibigyan din ministry has continued,

ako.” although it is no longer so

(In the parish especially in the effective and not stable, as I

island, I have to beg, the said, I will share the little

begging is really practical, I'm that I have now that I will be

going to Batangas City, I have able to share, I still share it.)

a contact with the Parish

priest, it was Father B, when I

come, all that he can offer he

gives it to me. Supplies and

then there are groceries,

especially rice, donated by

people outside the parish then

what All the excess food that I

get, I give away also to

people. There are nuns of St.

Bridgette’s in Batangas City

who also helped me.)

“Hindi mawawala sa paring “Kahit naman naririto ako ay

Batangueno ang yaw-yawan o nagkakaroon rin pa ako ng

Father B
biruan. Meron na kaming pagkakataon na

Circle. Ito ang tinatawag na makihalobilo sa iba. May

samahan ng mga pari na ayon oras ng

sa Opus Dei practice. Kami ay pakikipagkwentuhan,

nagsasama-sama isang beses bonding, picnic, fishing at

sa isang buwan para marami pa. Kahit narito ka

magkumustahan, magbahagi na tuloy pa rin naman

ng mga karanasan at buhay. Nagmimisa pa rin

pinagdadaanan sa buhay at naman ako sa ibat ibang

patuloy na mag akayan sa lugar. Nakatuwa nga

H E marami pa rin ng napunta
buhay na ito. Kaya di ka talaga
dito para bumisita sa amin.”
mag iisa.”
(Even though I'm here, I still
(The Batangueno priests are
get the chance to socialize
always cracking jokes and
with others. There are hours
making fun. We have a circle.
of conversation, bonding,
This is the so-called priestly
picnics, fishing and more.
association of Opus Dei
Even if I’m here, life must
practice. We come together
go on. I still have mass in
once a month to have fun,
other places. It's a relief that
share experiences and what
many still come here to visit
we’re going through in life and
continue to be a comrade for

each other. So you're not

really alone.)

“I have so many pleasant

“Another challenge was in experiences on this point of

Father C terms of discipline I really had my life. One of these is to

to follow and to obey what belong with the community

would superiors and rules of diocesan priest, in our

were telling us to do.” local Church who never

ceases to console me and

walk with me especially on

this difficult moment of my

life as a sick priest.”


Community Aspect During and After Active Ministry

b. Interaction with Parishioners

As vital as priests need interaction and association with their brother priest,

it is also important to have these with their parishioners.

According to Father A during his active ministry. “Nakikihalobilo din sa mga

tao kapag may imbitasyon at may pagkakataon akong makapunta e ako’y pupunta. Sa

pamamagitan ng pakikimuhay sa kanila, makukuha mo ang loob ng mga tao, and this is one of

the powerful way of bringing people to God. They were so happy that I opted to stay. Yan sa

kanilang chapel, wala kasing simbahan doon, sa school lang ako nagmimisa pag Sunday, pag

ordinary day sa chapel lamang ng madre, pag linggo yun […] pupunta sa place called parish for

them to go to mass.” (I also get along with people when I have an invitation and I have a chance

to come and go. By living with them, you will gain the heart of people, and this is one of the

powerful ways of bringing people to God.” “They were so happy that I opted to stay. In their

chapel, there is no church there, I just started school on Sundays, just ordinary day in the chapel

of the nuns, that week […] going to the place called parish for them to go to mass.) This

statement transparently expresses his heart for the parishioners as he opted to stay in Isla Verde

(isolated island) where he first was assigned. He also uttered, “Kaya hindi nawawala yung, hindi

nawawalan ng bisita seminarians, mga pari, and then yung aking mga kapatid at mga

parishioners lalo na pag weekend, halimbawa natapat ng leader ng aking birthday or yun aking

anniversary, basta hindi tumapat ng Saturday, next Saturday or next Sunday, they will be

coming, dahil may mga trabaho.” (I always have visitors, the seminarians, priests, and then my

brothers and parishioners especially on weekends, for example if my birthday or anniversary is

not scheduled on Saturday or Sunday, they will be coming by the next weekend because they
have jobs.). This confirmation evidently shows that priests have not stopped their interaction

and association with parishioners.

Moreover, Father B said that during his active ministry. “First with the

“Munting Sambayanang Kristyano” the MSK ano. These are the basic ecclesial communities.

Yan ang mga experience ko kasi you got closer to the people into it. Kasi ang pari, with all the

many parishioners, wala. Ang kanta tapos kneel, it tends to go, mahirap kasi madami. When

you are in a community, then yun ang mga experiences mo, doon ka naging masaya. Yung

building communities kasi ito, pati barrio priest as well as city priest. Tsaka ang aking naman,

kasi ako kapag may gusto I have my way ano. Ang gusto ko ng maliit na parokya, because I

want to in-touch with people, pagka maliit, maliit lang. Kung alin pa yung ayaw ko, yun pa ang

ibinigay sa akin, malalaki. Cities like Batangas City.” (First with the “Munting Sambayanang

Kristiyano” the MSK. When you are in a community, then those are your experiences, there

you’ll be happy. This is building community in which barrio priest as well as city priest join

together. I always find my own way to get what I want. I like the small parish, because I want to

be in touch with people, when it's small, it's just small. But the one that I didn’t like, that's what

they’ve given me, Big cities like Batangas City.) This message vividly indicates his participation

in the activities with the parishioners as he excercises his obligation to the community. Equally,

he has spoken, “Ang mga parishioners, lalo na dito sa Batangas, ibang magmahal sa mga pari.

Pag kami kapag may birthday, we celebrate birthdays at hindi lang yan, nag-iiwan pa sila ng

pera para we can go out and have something” (The Parishioners, especially here in Batangas,

love the priests. When we have birthdays, we celebrate birthdays and not only that, they also

offer money so we can go out and have something outside, lunch outside. Well first-class

treatment I could say.) This clarification impeccably demonstrates that priests are being loved

by their parishioners and vice versa.

In addition, Father C uttered that during his active ministry. “As a parish priest

my most, all of them actually are memorable experience. But my most memorable was, when I

was able to bring back to Catholicism a couple with gone away with the Catholic church when I

helped them and solved their problem and they were able to come back to the church again.”

This statement undeniably displays his devotion to the parishioners as God moved their hearts

and win them back into his church. However, he stated, “Another thing is, another challenge is a

very limited also with my contact with people, people really not coming here very often only those

who had something to consult or something to ask from me. They just visit for a while and that’s

it.” This claim comparably indicates that as he retired, the number of people who visit him has

become lesser.

Matrix 2.2 Interactions with their Parishioners

How do you interact with the parishioners?

“Nakikihalobilo din sa mga “Kaya hindi nawawala

tao kapag may imbitasyon yung, hindi nawawalan ng

Father A at may pagkakataon akong bisita seminarians, mga

makapunta e ako’y pari, and then yung aking

pupunta. Sa pamamagitan mga kapatid at mga

ng pakikimuhay sakanila, parishioners lalo na pag

makukuha mo ang loob ng weekend, halimbawa

mga tao, and this is one of natapat ng leader ng

the powerful way of aking birthday or yun

bringing people to God.” aking anniversary, basta

“They were so happy that I hindi tumapat ng

opted to stay. Yan sa Saturday, next Saturday

kanilang chapel, wala or next Sunday, they will

kasing simbahan doon, sa be coming, dahil may mga

school lang ako nagmimisa trabaho.”

pag Sunday, pag ordinary (I always have visitors,

day sa chapel lamang ng the seminarians, priests,

madre, pag linggo yun […] and then my brothers and

pupunta sa place called parishioners especially on

weekends, for example if

IC P my birthday or
parish for them to go to
anniversary is not
scheduled on Saturday or

Sunday, they will be

(I also get along with
coming by the next
people when I have an
weekend because they
invitation and I have a
have jobs.)
chance to come and go.

By living with them, you

will gain the heart of

people, and this is one of

the powerful ways of

bringing people to God. ”

“They were so happy that I

opted to stay. In their

chapel, there is no church

there, I just started school

on Sundays, just ordinary

day in the chapel of the

nuns, that week […] going

to the place called parish

for them to go to mass.)

“First with the “Munting “Ang mga parishioners,

Sambayanang Kristyano” lalo na dito sa Batangas,

Father B
the MSK ano. These are ibang magmahal sa mga
the basic ecclesial pari. Pag kami kapag may

communities. Yan ang birthday, we celebrate

mga experience ko kasi birthdays at hindi lang

you got closer to the yan, nag-iiwan pa sila ng

people into it. Kasi ang pera para we can go out

pari, with all the many and have something

parishioners, wala. Ang outside, lunch outside.

kanta tapos kneel, it tends Well first-class treatment I

to go, mahirap kasi could say.”

madami. When you are in (The Parishioners,

a community, then yun ang especially here in

mga experiences mo, doon Batangas, love the

ka naging masaya. Yung priests. When we have

building communities kasi birthdays, we celebrate

ito, pati barrio priest as birthdays and not only

well as city priest. Tsaka that, they also offer

ang aking naman, kasi ako money so we can go out

kapag may gusto I have and have something

my way ano. Ang gusto ko outside, lunch outside.

ng maliit na parokya, Well first-class treatment I

because I want to in- could say.)

touched with people,

pagka maliit, maliit lang.

Kung alin pa yung ayaw

ko, yun pa ang ibinigay sa

akin, malalaki. Cities like

Batangas City.”

(First with the “Munting

Sambayanang Kristiyano”

the MSK. These are the

basic ecclesial

communities. That's my

experience because you

get closer to the people

into it. Because the priest,

with all the many

parishioners, did not. The

song is done kneel, it

tends to go, it's hard

because there were a lot of

people. When you are in a

community, then those are

your experiences, there

you’ll be happy. This is

building community in

which barrio priest as well

as city priest join together.

I always find my own way

to get what I want. I like

the small parish, because I

want to be in touch with

people, when it's small, it's

just small. But the one that

I didn’t like, that's what

they’ve given me, Big cities

like Batangas City.)

“As a parish priest my “Another thing is, another

Father C
most, all of them actually challenge is a very limited

are memorable also with my contact with

experiences. But my most people, people really not

memorable was, when I coming here very often

was able to bring back only those who had

Catholicism to a couple something to consult or

who lost their faith from the something to ask from

Catholic church, also when me. They just visit for a

I helped and solved their while and that’s it.”

problems and they were

able to come back to the

church again.”

3. Intellectual Aspects during and after Active Ministry

Based on the Roman Cathloic Church in the State of Hawaii (2019) “all

Christians are called upon to "always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls [them]

to account for the hope that is in [them]" (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). However, as men ordained to proclaim

the changeless Gospel of Jesus Christ, priests in particular bear great responsibility in doing so,

and to present the Gospel as credible as possible to the legitimate demands of human reason,

with consideration both to the fundamental and permanent question of the relationship between

faith and reason, and to a number of requirements more closely related to the social and cultural

situation of today.” In accordance with this, the three (3) retired priests make an evident statement

regarding their intellectual life.

According to Father A during his active ministry “Binigyan ako ng chance

na magturo ng Math. I taught math. Yun na, then ako din nag hawak as procurator, ang

procurator ay assist the treasurer in the seminary I do the bookkeeping.” (I was given the

chance to teach Math. I taught math. That is, then I also worked as procurator, procurator

assists the treasurer in the seminary, I do the bookkeeping). Likely Father B said that during

his active ministry “Alam mo nung batang pari pako. Laging meron kaming monthly gathering

nagsasama-sama lahat ng mga pari para magpakinig kasi bawat alam nyo bawat buwan,

merong mga naka assign na pari na magbibigay ng discussion dun sa mga latest church

documents specially mga encyclical letters ng mga Santo Papa.” (You know, when I was still

a young priest. We always have a monthly gathering where all the priests come together to

hear because you know, each month there are assigned priests who will provide discussions

on the latest church documents especially the encyclical letters of the Pope.)
On his early year as a priest, they have monthly gathering where they discuss the

updated church documents and share their ideas. It helps each other more easily to develop

their intellectual life, to give assistance in material needs, and to live more fully. Likely, he said

“Wala naman gaanong nagbago, may updating pa rin kami Ngayon naman kahit ako ay

retirong pari na ay meron parin naman hindi nawawala ng pagkakaroon ng monthly

recollection at monthly update na ating tinatawag sa ating Archdiocese kung saan may

makikinig merong magbabahagi, merong mga inanyayahang makikipagpanayam magbigay

ng malinaw na paliwanag sa mga bagong document ng simbahan upang hindi mawala kami

dun sa trend ng tinuturo ng simbahan kasi lalo na ngayon na maraming bagong cyclical na

terms at protukopyo ang Santo Papa.” (Nothing has changed we are still updating Now

even though I am a retired priest I still do the monthly recollection and monthly updates that

we call in our Archdiocese where anyone can listen to share, invite people. The interviewer

will provide a clear explanation of the new church documents so we will not lose sight of the

trend in the church's teaching because the Pope has many new cyclical terms and prototypes.)

This statement concretely expresses that they still have activities to keep them updated

specially in the cyclical terms. Those activities support their knowledge and learning on the

church formations as they get old.

On the other hand, Father C said during his active ministry “There is a priest

formation every first day of the month to keep us updated about the new guidelines of the church

and new ideas on liturgical formation.” This statement expresses that having a priest formation

once a month help them to keep updated on the church documentsand liturgical formation. While,

he said “Because of my eye defect, I always asked a seminarian to read about the new guidelines

coming from the Vatican. I also let them to read books for me to keep me more knowledgeable

on my homily.” His disability never hinders him to keep on saying homily and to keep on learning.
He always finds people willing to read for him and keep him updated. As a retired

priest, he has the burning desire and eagerness to give everything that he can.

Matrix 3. Intellectual Aspects

How about your ongoing formation on the updated Church documents

and other related matter?


“Binigyan ako ng chance na “I taught in seminary,

Father A magturo ng Math. I taught math. nagturo muna ako sa

Yun na, then ako din nag hawak as seminaryo and still I’m

procurator, ang procurator ay assist teaching now

the treasurer in the seminary I do Pero they are coming

the bookkeeping.” here, hindi na ako

(I was given the chance to teach nakakapunta sa

Math. I taught math. That is, then I seminary. The

also worked as procurator, seminarians where the

procurator assists the treasurer in ones, they are the ones

the seminary, I do the bookkeeping) coming here to attend.”

(I taught in seminary, I

taught there before and

still I’m teaching now.

But they are coming

here, I don’t get to the

seminary. The

seminarians, they are

P O L Y T E C HN I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I I P P I NE S 61
L the ones coming here

to attend the


“Alam mo nung batang pari pako. “Wala naman gaanong

Laging meron kaming monthly nagbago, may updating

Father B
gathering nagsasama-sama lahat pa rin kami… Ngayon

ng mga pari para magpakinig kasi naman kahit ako ay

bawat alam nyo bawat buwan, retirong pari na ay

merong mga naka assign na pari na meron parin naman

magbibigay ng discussion dun sa hindi nawawala ng

mga latest church documents pagkakaroon ng

specially mga encyclical letters ng monthly recollection at

mga Santo Papa.” monthly update na

ating tinatawag sa

(You know, when I was still a young ating Archdiocese kung

priest. We always have a monthly saan may makikinig

gathering where all the priests merong magbabahagi,

come together to hear because you merong mga

know, each month there are inannyayahang

assigned priests who will provide makikipagpanayam

discussions on the latest church magbigya ng malinaw

documents especially the encyclical na paliwanag sa mga

letters of the Pope.) bagong document ng

simbahan upang hindi

mawala kami dun sa

trend ng tinuturo ng

nsimbahan kasi lalo na

ngayon na maraming

bagong cyclical na

terms at protukopyo

ang Santo Papa.”

(Nothing has changed,

we are still updating ...

Now even though I am

a retired priest I still do

the monthly

recollection and

monthly updates that

we call in our

Archdiocese where

anyone can listen to

share, invite
HI L people.The interviewer

will provide a clear

explanation of the new

church documents so

we will not lose sight of

the trend in the

church's teaching

because the Pope has

many new cyclical

terms and prototypes.)

“There is a priest formation every “Because of my eye

Father C
first day of the month to keep us defect, I always asked

updated about the new guidelines a seminarian to read

of the church and new ideas on about the new

liturgical formation.” guidelines coming from

the Vatican. I also let

them to read books for

me to keep me more

knowledgeable on my


4. Pastoral Aspect During and After Active Ministry

Based on Stott et. al (1995), As the sheep multiply in many parts of the world,

there is an urgent need for more pastors to feed or teach them. And as the wolves multiply, there

is an equally urgent need for more pastors to rout them by giving their minds to the refutation of

error. So the more sheep there are, and the more wolves there are, the more shepherds are

needed to feed and protect the flock. According to Father A, during his active ministry. “Okay, so

yun, walang ilaw, palibot ng dagat, island sya malapit sa Mindoro. Verde Island dyan meron. So

talagang, dun ko naranasan, dun muli lalo ng walang kinikita yun, kasi ang mga tao dun wala

talagang kakayahan to support the parish, walang nagpapamisa, may nagsisimba pero

hanggang simba laang, di tulad ng ibang parokya na maraming mga generous people open to

support the priest doon ay hindi pa kasi bago pa lang nagsisimula,” (So, there’s no light/power,

around the sea, it's near Mindoro. Verde Island is there. I have experienced no income, because

people really do not have the ability to support the parish, no one asks me to conduct mass, there

are church attendees but they just merely attend church, unlike other parishes that there are

many generous people who are open to the support the priest, not there because it’s new and it

has just started.) This statement evidently expresses his dedication in pastoring his shepherds

despite all the the challenges that he encountered when he was in the isolated island.

Similarly, he mentioned, “Kahit na ganito ang aking sitwasyon ngayon ako ay

nakakapagmisa pa rin, private mass, saking kwarto at ang spiritual direction ko sa mga

seminarista at pari, tuloy tuloy yan. Gayun din ang spiritual reading mahalaga saakin yan, nano-

nourish ang aking buhay-ispiritwal.” (Although this is my situation now I still have mass, private

mass, in my room and my spiritual direction with the seminarians and priests, it’s still ongoing.
The spiritual reading is important to me it nourishes my spiritual life.) These words obviously

exemplify that despite his age and condition, his desires continue in pastoring his flock.

Meanwhile, Father B said that during his active ministry “Alam mo sa simula

pa lang nung ako ay bagong orden na pari, anduon na ang aking puso para sa mga mahihirap

ako ay naglalan ng panahon para makipagusap sa mga preso sa mga bilanggo.” (You know that

from the beginning when I was a newly ordained priest, and my heart goes for the poor. I took

the time to speak with prisoners is jail) This statement particularly tells us that pastoring doesn’t

limit him in the parishes that he serves but it can be done through reaching out lost souls in

prisons. Likewise, he mentioned. “Hanggang ngayon kahit ako ay andidito na sa St. Joseph

Seniorate hindi nawawala sa akin ang bumisita sa mga Mangyan yung sa mga Badjao”, yun ay

mahalaga saakin, yung mga mahihirap. Ako ay patuloy parin tumutulong. Hindi naman

nanguguluhugan na kapag retirado kana e wala kanang gagawin din, mas marami pa nga

actually nung andidito na ako sa Seniorate mas madami pa akong nagagwang paglilingkod ibat

ibang paraan ng paglilingkod mas nakakapunta ako sa mga lugar na mas may nangangailangan

minsan biglaang mayroon, mayroong kinakailangang misahang patay, mga ganun.” (Until now

that I’m here in St. Joseph Seniorate I do not miss visiting the Mangyans, the Badjaos”, they are

important to me, the poor. I still help. It does not mean that when I retire, I do nothing. In fact, I

can do more, when I’m here in Seniorate, I serve different ways and forms. I go to places where

there are needier people. Sometimes, there’s someone who’d pass away where I need to

conduct mass, something like that.) This claim clearly explains that servicing or pastoring can be

done in many forms and he does these through visiting tribes and conducting funeral mass.

Lastly, Father C stated that during his active ministry. “I had the chance to gather

a lot of people, a lot of young people when I introduced to them the different ministries in the

church and I allowed them to see the meaning of being children a member of the church. Very

very memorable.” This declaration delightedly expressed his joy in influencing people’s lives to
bring them nearer to God through involvement in his ministries. Similarly, he mentioned,

“Eventhough I am at this condition, people invite me to do lectures, talks and seminars for Couples

for Christs and other related-parochial issues.” This expression of fulfillment heartily edifies

people’s spirit to be hungry for God and start doing the good deeds.

Matrix 4. Pastoral Aspects

What are your pastoral activities involvement during and after active


“Okay,so yun, walang ilaw, palibot “Kahit na ganito ang

Father A ng dagat, island sya malapit sa aking sitwasyon

Mindoro. Verde Island dyan meron. ngayon ako ay

So talagang, dun ko naranasan, dun nakakapagmisa pa

muli lalo ng walang kinikita yun, kasi rin, private mass,

ang mga tao dun wala talagang saking kwarto at ang

kakayahan to support the parish, spiritual direction ko

walang nagpapamisa, may sa mga seminarista

nagsisimba pero hanggang simba at pari, tuloy tuloy

laang, di tulad ng ibang parokya na yan. Gayun din ang

maraming mga generous people spiritual reading

open to support the priest doon ay mahalaga saakin

hindi pa kasi bago pa lang yan, nano-nourish

nagsisimula.” ang aking buhay-

(So, there’s no light/power, around ispiritwal.”

the sea, it's near Mindoro. Verde

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P I L I P P I NE S 68
H (Although this is my
Island is there. I have experienced
situation now I still
no income, because people really do
have mass, private
not have the ability to support the
mass, in my room
parish, no one asks me to conduct
and my spiritual
mass, there are church attendees
direction with the
but they just merely attend church,
seminarians and
unlike other parishes that there are
priests, it’s still
many generous people who are
ongoing. The spiritual
open to the support the priest, not
reading is important
there because it’s new and it has
to me, it nourishes
just started.)
my spiritual life.)

“Alam mo sa simula pa lang nung ako “Hanggang ngayon

Father B ay bagong orden na pari, anduon na kahit ako ay andidito

ang aking puso para sa mga na sa St. Joseph

mahihirap ako ay naglalan ng Seniorate hindi

panahon para makipagusap sa mga nawawala sa akin ang

preso sa mga bilanggo.” bumisita sa mga

Mangyan yung sa mga

(You know that from the beginning Badjao”, yun ay

when I was a newly ordained priest, mahalaga sa akin,

and my heart goes for the poor. I took yung mga mahihirap.

the time to speak with prisoners is jail) Ako ay patuloy parin

tumutulong. Hindi

nanguguluhugan na

kapag retirado kana e

wala kanang gagawin

din, mas marami pa

nga actually nung

andidito na ako sa

Seniorate mas

madami pa akong


paglilingkod ibat ibang

paraan ng paglilingkod

mas nakakapunta ako

sa mga lugar na mas

may nangangailangan

minsan biglaang

mayroon, mayroong


misahang patay, mga


(Until now that I’m

here in St. Joseph

Seniorate I do not

miss visiting the

Mangyans, the
Badjaos”, they are

important to me, the

poor. I still help. It

does not mean that

when I retire, I do

nothing. In fact, I can

do more, when I’m

here in Seniorate, I

serve different ways

and forms. I go to

places where there

are more needy

people. Sometimes,

there’s someone

who’d pass away

where I need to

conduct mass,

something like that.)


“I had the chance to gather a lot of “Even though I am at

Father C
people, a lot of young people when I this condition, people

introduced to them the different invite me to do

ministries in the church and I allowed lectures, talks and

them to see the meaning of being seminars for Couples

children a member of the church. Very for Christs and other

very memorable.” related-parochial


Interpretation of Data

The researchers used Narrative analysis in interpreting the data gathered. This

method involves the reformulation of stories presented by informants taking into account context

of each case and different experiences of each respondent. In other words, narrative analysis is

the revision of primary qualitative data by researcher.

Based on the interviews conducted with the three (3) priests, diffences on their

experiences aren’t that visible since the only difference is they’d no longer have administrative

role in their designated parish but everything stays the same.

The results fall into four (4) categories that will be further explained below:

Spiritual – All of the three (3) informants have stated that they didn’t stop to grow spiritually.

As a matter of fact, one of them has mentioned that retirement even gives him more time for

prayer and devotion.

Community – All of the three (3) informants still have interactions and associations with their

brother-priest and also with the parishioners. One (1) has mentioned that after his active

ministry, visits from his former parishioners have become less frequent

Intellectual – All of the three (3) informants make ways to keep their intellectual state to be

on track. They regularly meet and do discussions with the latest church documents. One (1)

has stated that despite his eye sight problem, he would have someone to read it for him so

he can prepare for his sermon.


Pastoral – All of the three (3) informants stay as a shepherd to their God given flocks. Two

(2) of them even went outside the box and do pastoring with some tribesmen, prisoners and


Chapter 5


Summary of Findings

Based on the information, discussions and interpretations, patterned to the four (4)

pillars of priestly formation, the following findings parallel to the study’s objectives are derived:

1. During Active Priesthood.

A. Spiritual – During their active ministry, they have more time serving the people

inside the church since they have their dedicated parishes assigned to them

B. Community – During their active ministry, they experience challenges and came

to the point that they need to practically beg to other people and need to follow and

obey their superiors, but despite of these challenges, their brother priests help

them and they have this so called “Circle”. They visit parishioners if there are

invites for certain events/occasions.

C. Intellectual – During their active ministry, they attend monthly meetings for them

to be updated with the church documents especially letters from the Pope.

D. Pastoral – During their active ministry, priests are more involved to pastoral

activities and there are more challenges that they encounter.


2. After Active Priesthood.

A. Spiritual – Retired priests continue to grow spiritually. They maximize their free

time in prayer and to also use it to do activities that are lucrative in nourishing them


B. Community – Retired priests still have interactions and associations with their

brother-priest and also with the parishioners. Parishioners visit them in the

Seniorate where they stay.

C. Intellectual – Retired priests do continuous study even after the 11 years they

have spent in the seminary. Thus, this vocation requires a never ending learning.

D. Pastoral – Retired priests still have some pastoral involvements which is not only

limited to a particular parish activity. Their pastoral involvement could be with the

poor, prisoners, sick, elderly and others.

3. Comparison of priest’s experiences during and after their active ministry

A. Spiritual – The difference between priests’ experiences during and after their

active ministry is they have more time to spend with parishioners but once they

retired and left their designated parish churches, they would have more time for

themselves and so their time for devotion in prayer inside the Seniorate

B. Community – The difference between priests’ experiences during and after their

active ministry is they used to visit their parishioners if they’re invited to some

events/locations but once they retire, they are the ones being visited by the

parishioners who go to the Seniorate.


C. Intellectual – The difference between priests’ experiences during and after their

active ministry is during their active ministry, they just meet more often to do

discussion with brother priest since they do it every month. As they retire, they still

do gatherings to keep updated but they face health challenges that may hinder

them to grow intellectually. One of the informants would have poor eye sight.

Hence, he’d need assistance from somebody who can read for him as he prepares

the sermon.

D. Pastoral – The difference between priests’ experiences during and after their

active ministry is nothing. If there is, it is very minimal. As priests, they always have

the heart for people and serving them in their own great ways are their joy. They

might just have few challenges during their active ministry compared when they

have retired. Nevertheless, serving doesn’t stop, there are still ways to serve and

retirement doesn’t hinder them to do that.


The concept of retired priests in the Philippine Catholic church is different from the

usual concept of retirement. Based on the result of the study, a retired priest can still celebrate

the seven sacraments, particularly, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Based on the stories of the informants – three (3) retired priests from the

Archdiocese of Lipa, their shared experiences are mutually interrelated. During the active ministry,

a priest is assigned to shepherd the people (parishioners) in a particular parish or shrine. He is

not only task to celebrate mass but an administrator and Church builder. Once he retires, he

leaves his designated parish and the administrator role but everything stays the same.
In addition, the code of Canon Law states that the retirement age of a priest is 75

years old. However, when a priest suffers from severe illnesses, he can file an early retirement.

Finallty this study proves that the statement that once a priest is always a priest. Similarly, to what

the sacred scripture emphasizes, “You are a priest forever” (Ps.110:4)


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following are recommended by the

researchers to continue the following study.

To the the Archdiocese. To draw more pastoral plan for the retired priest in order to cater

the needs of the retired priests.

To the Retired Priests. To have more opportunities to share their experiences particularty

to the seminarians and young priest.

To the Parishioners. To have a constant communication and visitation to the retired priest

for them to feel that they’re valued.

To the Future Researchers. To come up with a study that about retired priest and how they

deal with the new means of communication in the digial era and how they can use it for



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1. The senior years of a priest's ordained ministry, especially the retirement years, are important for

the completion and perfection of the priestly vocation. These norms are intended to promote the

value and dignity of the person as well as the importance of priestly ministry and the mission of the


2. In accord with the Code of Canon Law, these norms propose that retirement from a diocesan

appointment does not imply an end to ministry. Upon retirement a priest enters into a "third age"

where the Spirit calls him to reflect upon, to integrate, and to complete the ministry to which he has

been called.


3. Senior Associate: A priest who by age and experience is qualified to be a pastor, but who assists

a pastor as a parochial vicar (cf. Canons 545-552).

4. Senior Priest: A priest who has retirement status, but has opted for continued regular active

ministry. He negotiates his ministerial involvement with the pastor of a parish, who then may

provide him with residence and amenities. If the parish does not provide residence and amenities

(e.g. when the Senior Priest provides his own residence), he is to be offered a suitable stipend for

his ministerial involvement. The


Senior Priest's principal sources of income are his retirement pension and Social Security benefits.

5. Retired Priest: A priest who has retirement status and has opted not to have continued regular

active ministry. Although available for ministerial services as needed and able, he does not have

regular ministerial involvement in any particular parish.

6. Pastor Emeritus: An honorary title awarded at the discretion of the bishop to a priest upon his

resignation as pastor (cf. Canon 185). A Pastor Emeritus need not reside in the parish from which

he retires.


7. The Code of Canon Law (Canon 538 §3) sets the age for retirement of pastors at seventyfive

(75). When a pastor reaches seventy-five (75) years of age he is asked to submit his resignation to

the bishop who, after considering all the circumstances of person and place, will decide whether to

accept or defer the resignation.

8. All priests who are able to do so are expected to continue in a diocesan assignment until age

seventy-five (75).

9. For good reason and with permission of the bishop, a priest may retire earlier.

10. Priests should initiate discussion with the bishop at least six (6) months before the desired

date of retirement.

11. Retirement benefits from the Pension Plan for Priests are proportional to an incardinated

priest's years of service. Priests are eligible for partial retirement benefits when they have
completed ten (10) years of service and are at least sixty-five (65) years of age. Priests are eligible

for full retirement benefits from the Pension Plan for Priests when they have completed twenty-five

(25) years in the plan and are at least sixty-five (65) years of age.


12. From the time of ordination and through the years of active ministry priests should make

personal preparations for their retirement beyond expected benefits from Social Security and from

the Pension Plan for Priests. Participation in the Social Security System is required so that priests

will be eligible for Medicare as well as additional income during their retirement years. The Pension

Plan for Priests was never designed to meet all the financial needs of a retired priest. Participation

in IRA's or other forms of savings is highly recommended as one form of assuming personal

responsibility for financing one’s retirement. For priests in full-time assignments, three thousand

dollars ($3,000.00) a year is to be paid from source of salary into a tax-deferred instrument

specified by the priest, e.g., an IRA or a TSA.

13. By the time of retirement, each priest is strongly encouraged to have an estate plan which

should include: (1) a current last will and testament, a sealed copy of which is on file at the Pastoral

Center; (2) appropriate legal documents such as durable power of attorney or living will, to take care

of him during serious illness or incapacity; (3) other legal devices such as a living trust, annuity, etc.,

which the priest in consultation with an estate planner finds suitable to care for his financial affairs in


14. The Office for Priests will offer a seminar on retirement planning to provide an overview of

the issues which should receive attention as priests near retirement. This seminar will be presented

annually and is open to all priests, especially those who have reached sixty (60) years of age.


15. Participation in the Social Security System by paying self-employment taxes for at least forty

(40) quarters qualifies a priest for Medicare benefits when he reaches sixty-five (65) years of age.

When applying for Social Security benefits, he should apply for only Medicare Part A if he continues

to work and delays retirement. The CIGNA active priest plan is the primary insurance payor and

Medicare is secondary, no matter what the active priest’s age. Upon retiring after sixty-five (65) years

of age, the priest should apply for Medicare Part B and should already have existing coverage under

Medicare Part A. After retirement, Medicare becomes the primary insurance payor and the CIGNA

retired priest plan is secondary.

16. The Medicare program has two parts: (A) Part A is Hospital Insurance (HI) which covers

inpatient hospital care and certain follow-up care. Retired priests have already paid for it as part of

their Social Security self-employment taxes. (B) Part B is Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI)

which pays for physicians' services and some other services not covered by Hospital Insurance (HI).

The retired priest pays for this supplementary coverage through a deduction from his Social Security


17. The CIGNA retired priest plan is a Medicare Supplement Plan F with the CVS Caremark

prescription drug coverage. The priest will receive a new ID card from CIGNA and continue to use

the CVS Caremark ID card utilized prior to retirement. CIGNA assumes the retired priest has Medicare

Part A and Part B in determining the benefit amount paid so he must have both Medicare Part A and

Part B when he retires. CIGNA will pay 100% of Medicare approved charges with limitations for

foreign travel and facilities that do not accept Medicare. CIGNA coverage is only available for what

Medicare recognizes as a covered expense

The CVS Caremark prescription drug coverage is the same coverage as the active priest prescription

drug coverage. The priest does not need to purchase Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

Vision coverage is continued upon retirement.

The CIGNA retired priest dental plan provides the same coverage as the CIGNA active dental plan.

18. The diocese covers expenses for the health care of incardinated retired priests beyond those

otherwise covered by insurance, (hearing aids 80%). The diocese pays reimburses for automobile

insurance for incardinated retired priests at the same rate as it does for priests who are on full-time


19. The Vicar General and the diocesan Office for Human Resources are available to assist

priests in these matters.


20. When a priest retires he has various options for residence. He may wish to live in his own

home or apartment or seek residence in a retirement facility. He may also request residence in the

rectory of any parish, provided there is sufficient space in the house, or he may ask to reside in other

quarters located on parish grounds. In this case, the retired priest will provide ministerial services or

make other arrangements for the remuneration of the parish for his room and board expenses

21. It is not to be assumed that a parish will modify its facilities to accommodate a retired priest.

Any remodeling, additions or purchases contemplated for retirement quarters must be approved by

the bishop.

22. In extraordinary circumstances room and board will be arranged by the diocese.


23. Retired priests should hold a special position in the minds and hearts of the bishop and the

presbyterate. As far as possible, they should be brought into the mainstream of activities where their

presence adds much and they might experience the love and concern of their brother priests and the

People of God.

24. The diocese will keep on file a list of retired priests who are interested in maintaining limited

ministerial activity after retirement. Pastors will be advised of the special interests and needs of the

retired priests in their respective deaneries. Retired priests are encouraged to continue to attend

deanery meetings.

25. To encourage their participation, incardinated retired priests may attend, free of all charge, all

diocesan sponsored programs for the ongoing formation of priests, including the annual convocation,

days of prayer, assemblies and workshops.

26. If the Office of the Vicar General is asked to do so, prayer requests will be sent out for seriously

ill priests.

27. The Office for Priests will make regular contact with retired priests, offer occasional social

gatherings specifically for them, and if there is adequate interest, sponsor workshops or retreats

geared to their needs.


September 30 ,2019
Rev. Fr. Darwin de Leon
St. Joseph Seniorate
Marauoy Road, Lipa City, Batangas

Dear Fr. Darwin:

Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of our requirements for BRCO 4043 Thesis Writing and Defense, we,
4th year students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, taking up Bachelor of Arts in
Broadcast Communication would like to ask for your permission to conduct a research entitled
“The Narratives on the Experiences of Retired Priests of Lipa City Batangas: A Case Study”. We
will conduct our interview at October 2, Year of the Lord 2019.
In connection with this, we would like to ask your good facility to allow us to conduct our
interview in your vicinity. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely
confidential and to be used on academic purposes only.
We will believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as
compliance for our graduation and to develop our well-being. We hope for your positive response
on this humble matter.
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. For further questions,
please contact us at 09664393938
Thank You Very Much

Respectfully Yours,

Boz Ralph T. Pentinio

BABRC Student, PUP

Noted By:
Evelyn S. Agato
Thesis Writing and Defense Adviser

September 30,2019

To the Seniorate Priests:

Greetings of Peace!

In partial fulfillment of our requirements for BRCO 4043 Thesis Writing and Defense, we,
4th year students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, taking up Bachelor of Arts in
Broadcast Communication would like to ask for your permission to conduct a research entitled
““The Narratives on the Experiences of Retired Priests of Lipa City Batangas: A Case Study”.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your good facility to allow us to conduct our
interview in your vicinity. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely
confidential and to be used on academic purposes only.

We will believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as
compliance for our graduation and to develop our well-being. We hope for your positive response
on this humble matter.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. For further questions,
please contact us at 09664393938

Thank You Very Much

Respectfully Yours,

Boz Ralph T. Pentinio

BABRC Student, PUP

Noted By:

Evelyn S. Agato

Thesis Writing and Defense Adviser


The Narratives on the Experiences of Retired Priests of Lipa City Batangas:

A Case Study

Qualitative Research Questionnaires

A. During the Active Ministry

1. How do you nourish your spiritual life?

2. How do you socialize with people?

- Brother-priests

- Parishioners

3. How about your ongoing formation on the updated church document?

4. What are your pastoral activities involvement?

B. After The Active Ministry

1. How do you nourish your spiritual life?

2. How do you socialize with people?

- Brother-priests

- Parishioners

3. How about your ongoing formation on the updated church document?

4. What are your pastoral activities involvement?



Expenses for Thesis Writing



FOOD P 500.00



TOTAL P 5,668.00


Thesis Topic Approval

February – May 2019 Title: Narratives on the Experiences of
Retired Priests in Overcoming Empty
Nest Syndrome

Data Gathering/Thesis
May – June 2019 Consultation/Submission of Thesis

June 1, 2019 Thesis Proposal Defense

June – August 2019

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E RT Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 92
SI Data Gathering/Meeting/Submission of
Questionnaires/Printing of Questions for
the Retired Priests

September 2019 Data Gathering/Meeting/Finalizing Thesis

September 25, 2019 Defense and Shedule for Re-defense

September 29, 2019 Data Gathering/Interview for Retired


October 2, 2019 2nd Attempt Interview to the Retired


October 7, 2019 Final Re-defense


Father A


Interviewer: So yun po, ako po si Lyza, estudyante po kami ng PUP, Broadcast Communication

po yung tinitake naming course. May mga tanong lang po kami father sa mga experiences ninyo

before and after your active ministry.

Father A: Okay

Interviewer: father yung first question po namin is, what was your most memorable experience

in your ministry as parish priest?

Father A: Parish priest?

Interviewer: Opo.

Father A: Most memorable...ay kung peak point talaga,yung aking peak,pinaka peak ay yung Isla


Interviewer: Opo

Father A: I only became parish priest 3 times in my ministry, tatlo lamang parokya ang aking

pinanggalingan and each parish is unique, meron kami kanyakanyang challenge na binigay satin,

sa akin. Halimbawa yung first assignment ko as parish priest was Isla Verde. Are you familiar with


Interviewer: Hindi po masyado

Father A: Okay,so yun, walang ilaw, palibot ng dagat, island sya malapit sa Mindoro. Verde Island

dyan meron. So talagang, dun ko naranasan, dun muli lalo ng walang kinikita yun, kasi ang mga

tao dun wala talagang kakayahan to support the parish, walang nagpapamisa, may nagsisimba

pero hanggang simba laang, di tulad ng ibang

parokya na maraming mga generous people open to support the priest doon ay hindi pa kasi bago

pa lang nagsisimula, at napakalaking challenge yun sakin.


Interviewer:Mga ilang years po kayo nag stay dun?

Father A: I stayed there for 4 years.

Interviewer: Ang tagal din po ano?

Father A: Dati kasi yun, weekend parish laang, na ang pari ng batangas City nagpupunta doon

every Sunday morning and then Sunday afternoon aalis na. Then I was the firts one to stayed

there, be home, yung buo. Hindi yung weekend parish laang. May kumbento..

Interviewer: Ah, may kumbento po kayo doon?

Father A: Oo, pero all the amenities ay wala, walang ilaw walang tubig na maiinom.umaasa kami

sa tubig ulan.

Interviewer: Pano po yung ilaw?

Father A: Meron kaming, pag ikaw ay mayroong yung tawag nila na may gasul na may

ilaw,napakayaman mo na. Kami ay ganun din, na binabawasan namin yun, binubuksan laang

namin yun early in the morning at kapag nakaluto na sa gabi.kapag nakakain na kami patay na

ulit dahil nagtitipid.

Interviewer: Ang hirap po pala dati no?

Father A: Oo, yun yung challenge namin Then, yung brother ko, who was in the army then, ang

tanong sa akin nung akoy mapalipat dun, coz they were the ones who brought me there, they

accompanied me, tiningnan ako, ang sabi niya sa akin, anong kasalanan mo at ikaw ay dinala


Interviewer: Ano po yung sagot nyo father?

Father A: Ang sabi ko, wala. Kasi sabi nga, ang mga ano nga kapag napaparusahan e dinadala

sa Mindanao,dinadala sa mahirap na lugar for them to suffer. Ikaw wala ka namang kasalanan,

bakit ka dinala dito?


Interviewer: Parang yun po kasi yung reaction ng normal na tao na kung ilalagay dun sa lugar

na walang tubig walang kurente medyo malayo,pero yun po since calling nyo po parang masaya

kayo sa ginagawa nyo, diba po?

Father A: And then another thing, even yung mga pari, when I opted to stay there, sanay naman

yung mga tao dun na walang pari no? Sanay yun na Linggo lamang, ikaw ay loko. Yung term na

loko, ibig sabihin, hindi naman yung siraulo. Kumbaga, I was a fool to do that kasi sanay naman

yung mga tao na wala bakit mo ibibigay, pero my bisog then, he was very proud of me,he was so

happy that I opted to stay.


Interviewer: Father, kamusta naman po ang inyong spiritual life, araw-araw po kayong nagka

conduct ng mass doon?

Father A: araw-araw akong nagmimisa, kahit walang nagsisimba

Interviewer: Sa isang araw po,mga ilang mass ang naano?

Father A: Doon, isa lang. Kasi may mga madre naman dun na nag aalaga saakin, si Este

Interviewer: Ah,opo si sister.

Father A: Yan sa kanilang chapel, wala kasing simbahan doon, sa school lang ako nagmimisa

pag Sunday, pag ordinary day sa chapel lamang ng madre, pag linggo yun na ang taga roon,

hindi pa sila sanay yung mag taga barangay na pupunta sa place called parish for them to go to



Interviewer: Pero yung place na po yun parang, existing parin sya ngayon at may nka assign

parin po na

Father A: Ngayon, I was able to makapagsimula kami magpagawa ng simbahan after two years

dahil nakakuha kami ng pondo sa Germany, binigyan kami, humupingi kami ng assistance at

kaagad na binigyan

Interviewer: Mabuti naman po para may, yun po, mas madami ang pumunta.

Father A: Oo, atsaka tuwang tuwa! Then nagkaroon ng kuryente ang simbahan dahil may

generator, e tuwang tuwa ang mga tao.Firs time sila maka experience na meron ng simbahan,

meron pang ilaw

Interviewer: Galing po

Father A: Kaya yan ang aking most memorable, ang aking 4years dun, challenging, mahirap hindi

ko sasabihing madali, hindi ko sasabihing madali. It was really mahirap, financially wala namang

kinikita nag parokya. Kung ako ay hindi hihingi o hindi ako prinovide ng mga tao outside the parish,

lalo na aking family, hindi ako mag susurvive dun.

Interviewer: Naiisip ko yung pinagdaanan mo father, parang mahirap na masaya,parang ganun

po. So yun po, father pano nyo po ededescribe yung life nyo during your service as a parish

priest? At yung pakikisalamuha n’yo sa mga kapwa pari at mga tao?

Father A: Dun sa parokya lalo na sa isla, I have to beg, talagang practical yung beg, pupunta ako

sa batangas City, meron ng contact ang Parish priest, it was Monsignor Fred, pagdating ko dun

lahat ng offer ibibigay na sakin, supplies an then may groceries, lalo na bigas, bigay ng mga tao

outside the parish then yung lumalabis binibigay ko din sa mga tao, may mga canned good, may

mga madre ng St. Bridgettes dun sa Batangas City binibigyan din ako. Nakikihalobilo din sa mga

tao kapag may imbitasyon at may pagkakataon akong makapunta e ako’y pupunta. Sa
pamamagitan ng pakikimuhay sakanila, makukuha mo ang loob ng mga tao and this is one of the

powerful way of bringing people to God.


Interviewer: Ah ok po, so yung sobra nyo is shinishare nyo nalang sa mga tao?

Father A: Oo

Interviewer: How about your ongoing formation on the updated church documents?

Father A: binigyan ako ng chance na magturo ng Math. I taught math.

Interviewer: Opo

Father A: Yun na, then ako din nag hawak as procurator, ang procurator ay assist the trasurer in

the seminary I do the bookeeping.

Interviewer: So father move na po tayo sa next question, ano naman po a pano nyo po

ededescribe yung buhay nyo after the retirement po?

Father A: When I was still in active ministry, halimbawa noong nag start na ako kasi hindi ako

dun nag stay (St. Joseph Seniorate) binigyan ako ng bahay na sarili kasi retired priest stay in the


Interviewer: Ay oo po,

Father A: Pero I was given an option to choose, na siguro yun ang biyaya sa akin. An then I have

my family, pamangkin ko, family nya they are the ones taking care if me pero yung food namin,

doon nanggagaling, meals. So yung lagi kong naalala yung active days ko dun sa parokya,

everyday paggising mo sa umaga you have say mass then after nung misa people will come then

lalo na kung weekends saturday,sunday busy days iyon dahil ang daming tao sa parokya, which

I have to attend na iyon ay aking hinahanap, on a very gradual naman ang naging retirment ko

kasi after noong parish work ko nag stay muna ako sa seminary. I thought in seminary, nagturo

muna ako sa seminaryo and still I’m teaching now



Interviewer: Hanggang ngayon po?

Father A: Oo

Interviewer: Wow!

Father A: Pero they are coming here, hindi na ako nakakapunta sa seminary.The seminarians

where the ones, they are the ones coming here to attend. So, hindi patotoong ang nalolookback

ko yung aking parish ministry pero yung as a priest, another face of the ministry yung teaching

sharing my life, sharing my priesthood yan din ang nagagawa ko sa mga seminarista.

Interviewer: Actually po isa din po yan sa mga questions namin kung paano kayo nakikisalamuha

sa mga ibang pari at parishioners, humuhinto pa ba ang socialization after ng retirement?

Father A: Hindi nag stop ang socialization kasi tuloy ang aking ministry, although hindi na ganoon

kabisa hindi na ganoon katatag, sabi ko nga e, ito yung naibibigay ko pa, I will give, I will share

the little that I have now that I will be able to share, eshishare ko parin


Interviewer: Ok po, and father how do you nourish your spiritual life po ngayong retired na kayo?

Father A: I have gratitude to God. Kahit na ganito ang aking sitwasyon ngayon ako ay

nakakapagmisa pa rin, private mass, saking kwarto at ang spiritual direction ko sa mga

seminarista at pari, tuloy tuloy yan. Gayun din ang spiritual reading mahalaga saakin yan, nano-

nourish ang aking buhay spiritwal


Interviewer: Ito father, last question na po ano po yung mga values or advice that you can share

to those who wants to enter the priesthood?

Father A: For those who want to enter priesthood, ang lagi ko lang sinasabi, don’t forget to pray,

don’t forget to thank God for this vocation. Because ikaw ang pinili ng Diyos, maari mas merong

mas magagaling kesa saiyo, ang sabi ko nga sakanila, you were the chosen because of your

merits but because of the love, special love of God for you. A great love of God na andyan sainyo,

because of that great love of God for you, ikaw ay ginusto nya, to share in his mission to call

people back to him.Dasal, sa tatlong fidelity, fidelity to God, fidelity your vocation,fidelity to your

prayer. 3 for fidelity stay in the priesthood.

Interviewer: Thank you father, na inspire po ako.


Father B


Father B: Okay what is, ano ang name mo?

Interviewer: Boz Ralph po

Father B: Ralph? Ralph?

Interviewer: Ralph na lang po ang tawag niyo saken.

Father B: Si Ralph ah, ano ka, ano ka? What are you student?

Interviewer: Student po from PUP Sta. Mesa po taking up Bachelor of Science in Broadcast

Management. Broadcast Communication I mean sorry po.

Father B: Talaga ha!?

Interviewer: Opo.

Father B: Saan ka mag-aapply afterwards? Meron ka nang nasa isip? Kung saan man, radio or


Interviewer: Radio po.

Father B: Ah radio ka more. Ano, magdi-disc jockey ka?

Interviewer: Sa Veritas po ako. Plano ko po mag-Veritas, pangarap ko po mag-Veritas.

Interviewer: Sige po father, ano po mag-iinterview po ako regarding.

Father B: Sige no problem go ahead.

Interviewer: Sige po.

Father B: Anong tanong?


Intervewer: Ito po ay parang requirement po namin para sa thesis namin sa school. Aba, anong

thesis mo?
Interviewer: Ano po, Ala eh! Pari: Narratives on the Experiences of Retired priest in the light of

Walter Fisher. Bali ganito po, tatakbo ko ang questions ko categorizing yung experieces nyo

during the active ministry nyo and after nyo po magserve. Okay po?

Father B: Okay. Ikaw ga’y taga-rito?

Interviewer: Taga dito po sa Lipa.

Father B: Kaya nga pala may Pentinio akong kilala ako eh. Taga-saan ka?

Interviewer: Ano po taga-Plantacion po.

Father B: Ah Plantacion dito.

Interviewer: Opo.

Father B: Okay go ahead, go ahead nagugulo tayo.

Interviewer: Ito po. First question.

Father B: Wait lang, retired. What do you mean by retired?


Interviewer: Mga retired priests po, experiences po.

Father B: There are difference of retired, well siguro sa iyo lang, dapat ipapaliwanag mo yung

mga who are these retired priests. These retired priests are priests who still work, who still can

do things. There is no such thing as retirements for priests. Ano to the last drop, squeezed the

lemon to the last drop. That is our life, wala ditong retirement. Ngayon, ang aming retirement is

from Pastoral work, from past work. Because, we usually assigned sa Parish, now ang retirement

namin is when we get to 75 years. Then, inaalis na kami sa Parishes, and then we are brought

here to retirement. So Parish Ministry retire, wala na, pero we still go on the Pastoral Priestly

Ministry. Go ahead.

Interviewer: Sige po. What are the desirable/pleasant experiences you went through during your

active service in the priestly ministry?

Father B: There are many. You are asking of one ano, most ano?

Interviewer: Opo, most.

Father B: When I got involved with community building in the parish. First with the “Munting

Sambayanang Kristyano” the MSK ano. These are the basic ecclesial communities. Yan ang mga

experience ko kasi you got closer to the people into it. Kasi ang pari, with all the sWhen you are

in a community, then yun ang mga experiences mo, doon ka naging masaya. Yung building

communities kasi ito, pati barrio priest as well as city priest. Tsaka ang aking naman, kasi ako

kapag may gusto I have my way ano. Ang gusto ko ng maliit na parokya, because I want to in-

touched with people, pagka maliit, maliit lang. Kung alin pa yung ayaw ko, yun pa ang ibinigay sa

akin, malalaki. Cities like Batangas City.

Interviewer: Yung Immaculada Concepcion.

Father B: Oo, 86 barangays. How could I do with that? Tapos after that pa, sa Lipa pa ako, these

are big cities, old. These were the two cities before, wala pang Tanauan, wala pang Sto. Tomas.

Yan ang original cities, and they were big and I’m lost in the crowd. Kaya ako I tried to

Interviewer: To contemplate?

Father B: To what? Hindi naman minimize eh, to smallize the big into communities. Kasi kapag

may community.

Interviewer: Parang pag-isahin?

Father B: No, you set up what? Small communities which you can have contact with. Madami

yung communities to be many communities. Yun ang ibig kong sabihin. So that’s it, that’s what

makes me happy and for that matter up to now I’m still involved with what, in communities which

I put up here when I was what, I was parish priest. Sabi ko sa’yo Ralph, Batangas City ako, Lipa

City, Batangas City also communities din. I’m still yan ang aking buhay, that’s my hindi lang

memorable, my lifetime passion.

08:13 NES

Interviewer: Ah ganun po pala? Dami nyo rin pala talgang experiences.

Father B: Oo naman. Sa tagal kong nagserve marami talaga. (nangigiti habang binabaliktawan

and mga mga experieces nya)

Interviewer: Kung sa bagay. Naririnig ko rin po kasi ang pangalan niyo before sa Immaculada

noong nasa Batangas pa po kami.

Father B: Bakit? Wala ka pa ah.

Interviewer: I mean po yung kapag nag-seserve si Msgr. Boy sa Basilica.

Father B: Ay inabot mo si Boy?

Interviewer: Opo, sa Basilica before.

Father B: He succeeded me.

Interviewer: Opo.

Father B: I was ahead of him there.

Interviewer: Naririnig ko na po ang pangalan niyo sa Taal.

Father B: Naku talaga ha.

Interviewer: Matunog po kayo sa Batangas.

Father B: Okay, so what else?


Interviewer: How about your bonding with your brother priest? –parishioners?

Father B: Hindi mawawala sa paring Batangueno ang yaw-yawan o biruan. Meron na kaming

Circle. Ito ang tinatawag na samahan ng mga pari na ayon sa Opus Dei practice. Kami ay

nagsasama-sama isang beses sa isang buwan para magkumustahan, magbahagi ng mga

karanasan at pinagdadaanan sa buhay at patuloy na mag akayan sa buhay na ito. Kaya di ka

talaga mag iisa

Interviewer: How about with the first parishioners?

Father B: Kahit naman naririto ako ay nagkakaroon rin pa ako ng pagkakataon na makihalobilo

sa iba. May oras ng pakikipagkwentuhan, bonding, picnic, fishing at marami pa. Kahit narito ka

na tuloy pa rin naman buhay. Nagmimisa pa rin naman ako sa ibat ibang lugar. Nakatuwa nga

marami pa rin ng napunta dito para bumisita sa amin.


Interviewer: How do you nourish your spirial life?

Father B: Isa siguro sa pinakamahalaga ay Pananalangin. Yan ang mag susustain sa iyo. Hindi

ko hinahayaan na lilipas ang buonf aaw na hindi na nakapaglaan ng panahon para manahimik at

magnilay. Kapag pagod, naguguluhan o anuman dasal ka lang. Mas lalong palalimin ang ugnayan

relasyon sa Diyos yan lang talaga. Siguro yong masasabi ko na most ay yong paggamit ng Diyos

sa akin upang maging instrument Nya upang ipadama ang pagmamahal sa lahat lalo’t higit sa

nangangailangan. Pero para sa akin eh, lahat ng mga achievements ay hindi galing sa akin sa

Kanya lahat. Siya ang mahusay. Araw araw ay blessing ni Lord. Napakarami talaga. Ngayon

narito na ako sa St. Joseph Senionrate di ko …naming nararanasan na kami ay napabayaan.

Lahat kumpleto, food meron, accomodation meron, medication meron, hospitalization meron,

granted. Kaya ito, many dioceses wanted to connect to, to come here and in fact I was a speaker

in one of dioceses here sa San Pablo, they asked me on how we are able to maintain. Sabi ko “If

you come to us, you ask the Cardinal because this is his only child eh, pero not without the

people’s support. Alam mo yung 2nd collection.

Interviewer: Opo, naririnig ko po.

Father B: Baka hindi ka nagbibigay.

Interviewer: Nagbibigay po ako.

Interviewer: How about your ongoing formation on updating church document?

Father B: Alam mo nung batang pari pako. Laging meron kaming monthly gathering nagsasama-

sama lahat ng mga pari para magpakinig kasi bawat alam nyo bawat buwan, merong mga naka

assign na pari na magbibigay ng discussion dun sa mga latest church documents specially mga

encyclical letters ng mga Santo Papa.


Interviewer: Ah ok. May nabanggit po kayong letter, ano po yung letter?

Father B: Yun ay Encyclical letters yun ay mga sinulat ng mga Sto Papa, mga bagong paglilinaw

mga bagong pagpapalala, napakarami kung makikita mo, isa na dyan young about sa

environment kung makikita mo

Interviewer: Ay father, ano po yung pastoral activities nyo po sa involvement?

Msgr. Fred: Alam mo sa simula pa lang nung ako ay bagong orden parin, anduon na ang aking

puso para sa mga mahihirap ako ay naglalan ng panahon para makipagusap sa mga preso sa

mga bilanggo.

Interviewer: Sobrang buti naman po pala ng heart nyo, hanggang ngayon patuloy parin ang

pagtulong nyo sa mga needy na tao


Interviewer: Thank you po. Ngayon po father, dun naman po tayo sa experiences nyo after the

active ministry at kung maihahambing nyo ano po yung pagkakaiba nung active pa kayo?

Father B: Dito sa aking pananatili sa loob ng St. Joseph Seniorate, ako ay nagagalak sabutihan

ng mga tao. Kaya’t ako kapag nagmimisa ako ngayon, sabi ko sa mga tao, “Naku salamat po, if

not for your 2nd collection, we will not be very not happy there. Tapos sabi ko pa, only one request,

“Dagdag-dagdagan niyo pa”, kasi dito alam mo ang nangyayari hindi lang in diocese treats us eh,

it’s the people who treat us.

Interviewer: Father ngayong kayong nasa retirement period, kumusta po ang inyong

spiritual life?

Father B: Alam mo ang mas maganda ngay-on ay mas marami ang time para magdasal, parang

araw araw nga ay retreat dito sa sobrang tahimik. Maaappreciate mo ang katahimikan, Alam mo

naman, ika nga ang Diyos ay nagsasalita sa gitna ng katahimikan


Interviewer: Paano nman po yung pakikihalubilo nyo sa mga tao? Partikular sa mga pari ngayon?

Father B: Kahit ako’y na Seniorate house na, ito ang hindiing hindi nawawala, at isa rin sa

mahalaga – ang kapatiran ng mga pari, hindi nakalilimot ang mga pari bata man o senior clerguy

na bumisita, mapakipagkwentuhan at magdala ng kung ano-ano man. Minsan nga, yayayain ka

pang kumain sa labas.

Gayundin and circle naming mga pari, na itinuro ni Jose Maria Escriva, magandang practice para

maging malalim ang aming samahan ng mga paring Batangueno.

Interviewer: Kumusta naman po ang mga parishioners?

Father B: Ang mga parishioners, lalo na dito sa Batangas, ibang magmahal sa mga pari. Pag

kami kapag may birthday, we celebrate birthdays at hindi lang yan, nag-iiwan pa sila ng pera para

we can go out and have something outside, lunch outside. Well first-class treatment I could say.


Interviewer: How about your ongoing formation on the updated church document nung retired

na kayo?

Father B: Wala naman gaanong nagbago, updating parin kami kailangan sa mga kaganapan.

Ngayon naman kahit ako ay retirong pari na ay meron parin naman hindi nawawala ang
pagkakaroon ng monthly recollection at monthly update na ating tinatawag sa ating Archdiocese

kung saan may makikinig merong magbabahagi, merong mga inannyayahang

makikipagpanayam magbigya ng malinaw na paliwanag sa mga bagong document ng simbahan

upang hindi mawala kami dun sa trend ng tinuturo ng nsimbahan kasi lalo na ngayon na maraming

bagong cyclical na terms at protukopyo ang Santo Papa.


Interviewer: Last question po, ano po yung pastoral activities nyo po sa involvement ng kayoa

ay retired na?

Father B: Hanggang ngay-on kahit ako ay andidito na sa St. Joseph Seniorate hindi nawawala

sa akin ang bumisita sa mga Mangyan yung sa mga Badjao, yun ay mahalaga saakin, yung mga

mahihirap. Ako ay patuloy parin tumutulongHindi naman nanguguluhugan na kapag retirado kana

e wala kanang gagawin din, mas marami pa nga actually nung andidito na ako sa Seniorate mas

madami pa akong nagagwang paglilingkod ibat ibang paraan ng paglilingkod mas nakakapunta

ako sa mga lugar na mas may nangangailangan minsan biglaang mayroon, mayroong

kinakailangang misahang patay, mga ganun

Interviewer: Opo, patuloy po yung pag fulfill ng purpose nyo noon pa man.
Father C


Interviewer: Good morning po father, ako po si Boz Ralph Pentinio.

Father C: Anong pangalan?

Interviewer: Boz Ralph Pentinio.

Father C: Okay.

Interviewer: Mag-iinterview po ako regarding po sa aming thesis. Ito po yung title ng aming

thesis. Ala Eh! Pari: Narratives on the Experiences of the Retired Priests in the Light of Walter


Father C: Anong course nyo?

Interviewer: Broadcast Communication po. Ito po yung mga questions for our interview.

Father C: Let’s proceed, medyo malabo ang mata ko


Interviewer: Ito po ang first question ko., What are the desirable experiences you went through

during your active ministry?

Father C: As a parish priest my most, all of them actually are memorable experience. But my

most memorable was, when I was able to bring back to Catholicism a couple with gone away with

the Catholic church when I helped them and solved their problem and they were able to come

back to the church again.

Interviewer: How about your bonding with the other priests?

Father C: “Another challenge was in terms of discipline I really had to follow and to obey what

would superiors and rules were telling us to do.”.

Interviewer: Next question, how do you nourish your spiritual life?

Father C: “The most important thing is to deepen my relationship to the one who calls me in this

kind of life. Constant communication with God through prayer really matters. As St. Padre Pio

says, Pray, Hope and Don’t worry. These powerful words of St. Padre Pio serve as my battle cry

especially when challenges and hardship come into my way.”

Interviewer: Yes po. Gustong-gusto ko nga po si Padre Pio. Sa kanya nga po ako humingi ng

tulong noong nag-take ako ng entrance exam sa PUP Sta. Mesa. Sorry po father napapalayo na

yata po ako. Next question po, how is your on-going formation regarding updated church


Father C: There is a priest formation every first day of the month to keep us updated about the

new guidelines of the church and new ideas on liturgical formation.


Interviewer: What are your pastoral activities involvement??

Father C: I had the chance to gather a lot of people, a lot of young people when I introduced to

them the different ministries in the church and I allowed them to see the meaning of being children

a member of the church. Very very memorable. Another thing is that th time when I formed the

San Pascual Baylon Chamber Singers wayback 2008 with the help of Professor Jun Ayran Jr. as

their conductor. They are group of young professionals living near the Parish. They were also the

pioneering batch who joined Harana sa Panginoon in 2008 and they won at the contest.

Interviewer: Ay talaga po, Harana sa Panginoon. Nag-choir member din po ako sa Lipa Cathedral

naman po, yung SCA. Sila po ang nanalo ngayong taon. Tapos po choir din po ako sa aming

Parokya dito sa Bolbok Lipa sa San Antonio de Padua.

Father C: Really? So, are you inclined to music?

Interviewer: Opo, lalo kapag kumakanta po ako sa simbahan. I love singing especially kumakanta

para kay God. Ito po next question ko, how do you nourish your spiritual life after your service

from the active ministry?

Father C: I make sure that I can spend time for prayer – communicating with God. My condition

as a sick priest does not hinder me to be far from God

Father C: It’s ok. Do you still have questions?


Interviewer: Yes po father. Next question ko po, how about your interaction with the brother

priest, may pagkakaiba po ba?

Father C: Nothing. I have so many pleasant experiences on this point of my life. One of these is

to belong with the community of diocesan priest, in our local Church who never ceases to console

me and walk with me especially on this difficult moment of my life as a sick priest.


Interviewer: How about your former parishioners.

Father C: Another thing is, another challenge is a very limited also with my contact with people,

people really not coming here very often only those who had something to consult or something

to ask from me. They just visit for a while and that’s it.

Interviewer: How is your on-going formation on the updated church documents after your service

from the active ministry?

Father C: Because of my eye defect, I am asking a seminarian to read about the new guidelines

coming from the Vatican. I also let them to read books for me to keep me more knowledgeable

on my homily.
10:03 NES

Interviewer: What are your pastoral activities involvement after your service from the active


Father C: Even though I am at this condition, people invite me to do lectures, talks and seminars

for Couples for Christs and other related-parochial issues.

Biographical Statement

Maria Lyza L. Echavez is currently working as a Billing specialist

at IBEX Global Inc., while pursuing her degree on Bachelor of

Arts in Broadcast Communication as a fourth year student at

Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Her recent interest on

her research contains Narratives On The Experiences Of The

Retired Priests Of Lipa City Batangas: A Case Study.

Robert John J. Lumbes, commonly known as RJ is a dad of 2

sons who are now 11 and 10. He’s been working as Technical

Support Specialist for Dell, also held IT HelpDesk role before he

decided to go back to school and pursue Bachelor of Arts in

Broadcast Communication. His softskills expertise helped him

to be into sales and account management career path. He’s currently working as a Program

Advisor for Global University Systems that deals with international students who aspire to

have a degree in Berlin School of Business and Innovation. He loves to sing and trave

Boz Ralph T. Pentinio, was born on December 27, 1987 in

Rosario, Pasig City, and now living in Lipa City, Batangas, as

the second to the last of Mr. Edgardo Atienza Pentinio ( ) and

Anita Trinidad Pentinio. He took his primary and

secondary education at University of Batangas (formerly known as Western Philippine

Colleges). Boz Ralph is not only academically inclined but is also good in other fields

such as music. In 2017, he became a part of youth choir in his parish, the Koro de

San Antonio and in 2018, he became a member of Singers of the Cathedral

Ambassadors as Bass 2 singer. He currently works for Vox Pop Inc. as a Junior Media


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