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Adriana Mamou

Mrs. Storer

English 3 Honors American Literature

March 2, 2020

True Love Untold

One may find themself head over heels in love with another. As this love grows deeper

one may find themself altering or changing their ways to satisfy their lover. Risking all it may

take so that they may feel this sense of fulfillment and have their happily ever after. In the novel,

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is apparent that Jay Gatsby is unquestionably in love

with Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby reveals his love for Daisy by remaining loyal to her, pushing

himself to become wealthy so that he may meet her expectations, and devoting his life to Daisy

and his future with her.

Jay Gatsby displays his true love for Daisy through his immense loyalty towards her.

For example, after the town has discovered the death of Myrtle, Nick speaks with Gatsby to

inform him that a life has been taken, Gatsby responds, “Well, I tried to swing the wheel——’

He broke off, and suddenly I guessed at the truth.

‘Was Daisy driving?’

‘Yes,’ he said after a moment, ‘but of course I’ll say I was”( Fitzgerald 154). Gatsby

takes full responsibility for the accident and killing with no hesitation. One would immediately

blame Daisy in this situation although Gatsby does not. Instead, he decides that he will take

liability over the entire situation even though it was not his doing. This clearly represents his

loyalty to Daisy because murder is a very grave crime. Gatsby does not think once about
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allowing Daisy to take the fault because he would rather be guilty than to allow Daisy to be and

suffer the consequences. In addition, Gatsby describes his first encounter with Daisy and Nick

explains, "He [Gatsby] knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable

visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God”

(Fitzgerald 118). As a young boy, Gatsby envisioned his life and portrayed himself as a “son of

God”. He believed that in this role he would become someone important and that was admired

by all. So, as he kissed Daisy he was willing to give up all of his ambitions. After kissing Daisy

he knew that she would be his forever and that he would marry her. It was as though Gatsby

experienced love at first sight. His loyalty to Daisy is displayed through this because he set aside

his own dreams and aspirations that he had at such a young age to devote and love Daisy. Not

only is it evident that Gatsby shows his love for Daisy through his loyalty, but he also does so

through his hard work to pursue her.

Gatsby pushes himself and works hard in efforts to gain wealth so that he may be enough

for Daisy and proves he truly does love her. For instance, after reuniting with Daisy and touring

her around his home Nick observes, “[Gatsby] hadn’t once ceased looking at Daisy, and I think

he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from her

well-loved eyes. Sometimes, too, he stared around at his possessions in a dazed way, as though

in her actual and astounding presence none of it was any longer real” (Fitzgerald 98). Gatsby had

worked so hard so that he may please Daisy. As Daisy reacts to each one of his possessions that

he had strived to earn he re-evaluates them himself. It is as though the price of each item has

changed its value due to Daisy’s reaction. After working so hard for her he is finally able to

show off his possessions and observes that she is infatuated by it all which brings him joy. He
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adjusts his own perception of his goods in the way Daisy perceives them. Undeniably proving

that all of Gasbty’s hard works and efforts were done for Daisy. Additionally, once Gatsby has

passed and Nick sits pondering he concludes, “I thought of Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked

out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn and his

dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it

was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark

fields of the re- public rolled on under the night” (Fitzgerald 193). Nick interprets Gatsby's hard

work and his devotion to working towards Daisy. He establishes that over time Gasbty has

gained wealth and with this, he purchased his home just across the bay from Daisy’s. Gatsby had

already worked so hard and the little distance he had to cross was the last barrier he had to break

to reach Daisy. It is evident to readers that Gatsby had gone through many obstacles and has

overcome it all so that he could pursue Daisy and finally be worthy of her. In other words,

Gatsby's strive to do well for Daisy does exemplify his true love for her, although, his love for

her is also revealed through his lifelong devotion to her.

Jay depicts his genuine love for Daisy by devoting his entire life to her even throughout

the five years they were apart. Specifically, while Tom and Gasbty are arguing about who will

stay with Daisy Gatsby declares, “I told you what’s been going on… Going on for five

years—and you didn’t know” (Fitzgerald 140). Gatsby proves to Tom that he has been devoted

to his wife even though their marriage. My mentioning this is clear that Gatsby has loved Daisy

throughout these five years. He resolves the confusion for Tom by informing him that his wife

and Gatsby have always loved one another and that the two have been devoted to each other all

along. It is clear that Gatsby's love for Daisy is portrayed through his devotion to her because
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while she is a married woman he has spent all of those years in love with her and planning their

future. Moreover, when Nick receives a phone call from Nick he questions, “‘Going away?’ I


‘No, old sport.’

‘I hear you fired all your servants.’

‘I wanted somebody who wouldn’t gossip. Daisy comes over quite often—in the

afternoons” (Fitzgerald 121). Jay is willing to fire all of his servants who had been with him for

so long so that Daisy would feel comfortable and that he could remain with her as they once had

been. He gives up his servants and pushes them aside because he felt as though they would

spread rumors about himself and his lovely Daisy. Yet, he authenticates his devotion to Daisy by

firing those men which symbolizes that he is defending Daisy. He remains devoted to her and

pushes those out who may make her feel uncomfortable and does whatever he can to prove this

to her. This gesture reassures Daisy that he is fully committed to her and will take anyone out of

the picture who may jeopardize their future. In conclusion, Mr. Gatsby displays his love for

Daisy by devoting his life to her.

Through F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby one can see that when one is in

love they do all kinds of things so that they may achieve that person and spend the rest of their

lives together. As the story continues it is evident that Jay Gatsby is undeniably in love with

Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby displays his love for Daisy through his loyalty towards her, his

determination to become wealthy so that he may meet her expectations, and committing his life

to Daisy and their future. Although Gatsby's infatuation with Daisy may be interpreted as
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obsessive and unhealthy. Jay’s actions and determination have clearly proven that he was in fact

in love with Daisy and was willing to do whatever it took to be with the love of his life.

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