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Adriana Mamou

February 19, 2020

English 3 Honors, Block 1

Socratic Circle Reflection: The Great Gatsby

My inner circle group spoke about questions one through seven. We started off on the
questions regarding whether or not Gasby really loved Daisy. Many of our group members spoke
and decided that Gatbsy was infatuated with the idea of Daisy. Someone, I do not recall who,
mentioned a quote where Gatsby spoke fondly of Daisy. Although, in this quote I realized that he
was he was speaking in a manner in which he admired her and did not actually love her. He did
not really love her, he was in love with the idea of her. Several of my group members said this
same statement and provided many quotes to back up their beliefs. Due to the fact that everyone
agreed on this statement the question that arose was if anyone could oppose the first argument.
So, many jumped in and found ways to see that Gatsby loved Daisy for her and not the idea of
her. I believe that he truly did love her because I wanted to see a happy ending for Gatsby but
once my peers spoke I realized it was not true love. We also disucssed the question regarding
getting away with murder and how those who were in higher classes got away with more.
Multiple students spoke about how those with more respect and old money who had a reputation
were able to get away with these crimes. In addition, Matthew mentioned a quote regarding
Gastby inviting someone to have lunch with him and how he did not have the proper edicate of
those who are from old money. This only proved furthermore how those with old money were
well rounded and had more advantages in life. However, we all agreed that those who were form
new money and self made did not have that same respect. I feel as though my inner circle did
very well and I enjoyed the questions that we were assigned. My group collaborated well and
bounced off ideas with one another and even had conflicting ideas that made our discussion more
interesting. I overall feel as though we did well as a group and clearly shared out ideas and
thoughts in a well manner.

Individually I feel as though I did very well. I feel as though I did oppose some of the
ideas shared within my inner circle but I feel as though this was because I wanted to see a happy
ending for Gatsby. For example, I honestly believed that he loved Daisy. So, when my group
mentioned that he was in love with the idea of her I came to the realization that this was in fact
true. Gatsby saying that, “her voice is full of money” proved to me that she was only about
money. Now, that Gatsby had achieved this he knew he could regain Daisy but was in love with
the idea of her. I truly felt that he loved her because he chased after her and was so desperate in
many ways to have her in her reach. I feel as though I made an original opinion because
everyone said that he only loved the idea of her but when asked I mentioned that I felt that
Gatsby was truly in love with her and provided my own insight and evdendicane to back this up.
To add, when the second question was asked I did not answer it myself but I did agree with my
peers because I answered a question similar to the one asked. The point that Gastby had no
proper manners was an original point provided because it allowed me to come to the conclusion
that he truly was poorly educated. It was as though he played the part to feel so educated. I
mentioned that the phrase, “old sport '' was also an act of Gatsby’s because I found on the
internet that during that time period old sport was used by highly educated Europeans. This made
it clear to me that Gastby was playing this role in hope to be respected and active Daisy but was
just not born into that lifestyle. In conclusion, I feel as though I contributed well and did mention
my own ideas to the group that consisted of original content.

When looking into the content of the socratic circle many ideas were expressed by my
inner circle and the inner circle that followed. The ideas expressed in both circles had a great
amount of importance that could be related to one’s perspective and or outlook on life. For one,
one may realize from reading The Great Gatsby that life is not to be dwelled on. The past in the
past and one cannot bring back the past. To add, the past can destroy one’s life and the events
that occur before them. If one is stuck on the past their entire life is held back aspiring to fulfill
this sense of emptiness when they are losing sight of the future and what good could come out of
it. The idea of riches is also an experience one may learn. One could have all of the money in the
world but not truly be fulfilled and have a sense of purpose. For example, Gatsby threw such
extravagant parties and was unable to truly enjoy them. He was able to flaunt all of his lujcires
and lived such a gaudy lifestyle but was unable to truly enjoy it because he did not have that
sense of fulfillment within himself. Overall, the content expressed without both socratic circles
contributed to the learning of those involved in them and have a great deal of significance in
one’s life lessons.

When I look at the content within the socratic circle my eyes were open and I was able to
truly realize certain things in life that I had not seen before. Although, some I had seen before,
the situations were clarified and I was able to open my eyes and see the truth. While i was in the
outer circle i was able to realize in one way that Gatsby was admired by those who gained from
him but he was never truly loved by those around one. This allowed me to realize the life lesson
that those around you may be your friends but no one is truly there for you in the end. My mom
constantly reminds me of this and from this story and the content shared my entire point of view
on this was clarified. I could see clearly that those around you may enjoy spending time with you
but they are not truly there for you in the end. I also realized that being so hung up on the past as
Gatsby was stuck on Daisy he lost himself and who he could have transformed into. He lost sight
of the success he could have achieved trying to pursue the idea of someone by his side. One
should not dwell on the past is definitely something I learned. Life is too short to be hung up on
the past. The past is the past and should be left behind. If it could not happen then, then it was
never meant to be. I learned from Gatsby and those speaking in my group that one can be
infatuated with the idea of another and how much that can eat away at a person and their life.
Gatsby was so involved in making sure Daisy had everything and that he would ensure all her
dreams were fulfilled by ruining his own life in the process. He decided to fall into her trap and
was left in the end dead and lonely. I feel as though I learned so much about life and so many life
lessons were unraveled with the socratic circle which helped me realize that life is too short to
wait on one person. God has a time and plan for you and you must follow the path.  

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