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Will artificial intelligence improve our

communities in ways we humans cannot, or will

they just cause danger to us?

First of all we need to analyze both sides of the coin, we will begin with
the positive side.

Wouldn’t be amazing having robots helping in our daily activities?

Imagine that you would never make a chore again take out the trash?
No problem, looking for the kids? That would not be a problem, looking
for a system that alerts you if the cops are coming for you and your
crack business? No Fantastic problem, you will be alerted with time.

The idea of having an assistant that would make our life easier it’s
amazing, right now in your cellphone you have your own assistant who
knows what you need and what you like, an example is Amazon Alexa.
This intelligent assistant helps around the house, plays the music that
you like, reminds you your appointments or chores, it protects your
house and most important it can buy what you ask trough Amazon.
The technological advance it’s amazing, using the AI to have more free
time, the positive spaces are huge.
Medical use can make easier the attendance to patients, the use of
assistants that help to the patients, giving them their medicines,
helping the children to get happier during hard times, having a better
history of the patients and their treatments.
In our streets an AI that has charge on our transporting system, buses
and trains that moves around the city with a predetermined route, this
AI controls the traffic as the lights of these and can prevent accidents
to happen, it controls the clean of the city, uses cameras and contacts
with the security services of the city to help the citizens.
The control of attention and information centers for the citizens and
foreign citizens, a IA can be really useful for the citizens and our lifes
and works.

Automatized factories that can produce more products in less time

even make factories with less contamination, Speaking of machines
that learn, factories are also incorporating artificial intelligence for
process automation, such as building a vehicle. Not only that. As we
can see on CNET, at the Chinese cockroach factory, in the city of
Xichang, an AI is in charge of controlling the population, regulating
humidity, temperature and food so that they can reproduce as quickly
as possible.

Also in entertainment is the space where we use most the AI’s is in the
videogames, If you are gamers, surely you have come across an AI.
But a real AI, not that of simple bots. Electronic Arts is already testing
advanced artificial intelligence, but Microsoft listed it in Forza
Motorsport 5 in 2013 and has been developing it ever since. The
vehicles in the game take '' patterns '' from real players so that when
we play offline, we experience more realistic races with erratic
behaviors in the vehicles and “human” failures. Valve also used an AI
in Left 4 Dead to analyze the behavior of human players and create
hordes of zombies accordingly.

This could be the positive side of the coin, now lets see the negative
“The more we advance technologically we will have more ways to kill
each other”
My mommy :3 2020

Right now we are in an arms race to get the perfect artificial

intelligence, if we investigate we will see that the countries that spend
the most are countries that have big military spend each year,
countries as USA, China. Russia and Israel are looking to put an AI in
their military forces, this is good in a certain point that the uses of AI in
the battlefield, soldiers with an assistant that makes the combat more
easier, detail information about the enemy and the field.
Everyone will say that the use of AI will be better for the soldiers,
automatic drones, drones that drop bombs in a perfect way, satellites
that predict and analyze the enemy movement.

Create new weapons, atomized weapons that detect enemy movement

and analyze the allied troops and enemy troops and can shoot in a
smart way.
Using AI in systems based on these platforms has enabled the
development of efficient warfare systems, which are less reliant on
human input. It has also led to increased synergy and enhanced
performance of warfare systems while requiring less maintenance. AI is
also expected to empower autonomous and high-speed weapons to
carry out collaborative attacks.

Real-time facial recognition. This is one of the most controversial uses

of artificial intelligence. Facial recognition on iPhone X is fine for
unlocking our phone, but is it a violation of privacy? The Chinese and
British police already use special cameras to recognize people and find
criminals, and recently the company Axon has introduced its rules for
facial recognition AI, a technology that is expected to spread among
police forces in the future. Of course, there are organizations that are
against this system, as facial recognition AI has a lot to prove.
However, there have already been positive cases of arrest thanks to
this technology.

The use of AI in military can be negative; lets take the example of the
nuclear bomb. At the beginning only the United States got it, but then
the URSS got their own bomb, then other nations started to develop
the nuclear project, right now the UN says that only 5 countries can
have nuclear weapons but they are 10 countries with nuclear weapons.

Maybe in a future only a few countries can have AI in their nations by

treatments and support between nations, lets hope they use the AI in
a positive way, they can drop a bomb in a town killing thousands and
say that It was a malfunction of the system, we have to wait that our
leaders give good use to this.

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