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Adriana Mamou

English 3 Honors, Block 1

April 2, 2020
Held by a String
Our friendship always seemed like the one in the movies. A constant friendship where
they appeared to be the best of friends to all but in reality it was the opposite behind the scenes.
She opened the car door as I was there to pick her up for the plans we had that night.
“What took you so long dude?” She shouted.
I turned up my car radio and put the car in reverse so I could leave and we were on our
way. We arrived home and we started getting ready to go to the party. I tried on my outfit, which
I had really liked and she tried on hers which I honestly thought was not the best choice but
when she asked how it looked I told her it looked fine.
“Why are you wearing that? You don’t look that good in it, seriously I don’t like that
outfit,” she exclaimed.
“You're really going to wear those shoes? They don’t look good Bell, I really don’t think
you should wear them, you're going to get them dirty,” I replied trying to back myself up for the
criticism she had thrown at me.
“I don’t really care if they get dirty I will just buy a new pair, where is your powder I left
mine at home.”
The two of us continue to get ready for the night. She asked me to curl her hair and she
put on her new necklace. She put on her socks and shoes. Once she was already she began to
take a lot of selfies. She put a filter on each one hiding behind the blotchy lines of makeup she
forgot to blend.
“Come here, we have to take a picture,” she said. “Why do you look like that, ew. Don’t
smile like that and move to this side, because you're on my good side bro.”
We took more pictures and I was clearly upset but I just stood by her side smiling for the
pics. Fake it till you make it, right?
“I like that picture, I look good! Send me it,” I said.
“No bro, I look so bad,” she exclaimed as she deleted the photo and tried to take a new
I walked away and skipped the song playing on my phone as I got ready to touch up the
few curls that my hair had not held. The both of us were ready and told my mom it was time to
go. We sat in the living room accompanied by my older brother, his girlfriend, and my little sister.
My sister and I began to argue for some reason and my mom heard our conversation.
“Adriana, get over here now,” my mom yelled.
“If I am in trouble I am literally never speaking to you,” I whispered to my sister as I got
up from the couch and walked over to my moms room.
“Why are you two fighting? Why do you act like this when your friends come over? I am
serious Adriana keep it up and you guys are staying home and not going tonight,” my mom said
in a serious tone.
I explained to my mom what had happened and returned to the living room eager to go
because we were already lagte to the party. I looked over at Bell who sent me a snapchat
message. It read, “bro why would you fight with her we literally might not go and I could have
made other plans”. She rolled her eyes as I did not respond and went into my moms room so
that we could leave.
“Stop asking me, you guys aren’t going after all. You need to learn.”
I walked over to my room and slammed my door in frustration. Bell opened my bedroom
“So are we going...or not?”
“No we aren't, did you not hear her dude,” I snapped back.
She was so upset she texted one of her other friends that she was bored and if they
could give her a ride back home. She told me she wanted to leave because I had ruined her
plans. I told her not to leave, I really wanted her to leave because I was so fed up with her. She
packed her bag and put all her makeup away. She changed out of her party outfit and into
baggy sweatpants and a large oversized hoodie.
“She’s here I’m leaving, bye,” she told me as she walked out the door.

I used to have a best friend. One that you would always spend time with and share all your
secrets with. Over this quarantine break I finally decided to cut her off because of how horribly
she treated me. I never realized how toxic our friendship truly was and how it affected my
relationships with those around me. She constantly acted this way and I failed to liset to those
who could see if before I could. This was only one of the many arguments that we had but I
thought this would be a good one to write about because if she gained nothing out of something
she simply would leave out no longer cared about it. I think it really shows how toxic she was
and I now know who my real friends are.

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