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Reflection of Comm 1010 Semester

This course has actually been really good for me. At the beginning, I really was just

excited for it because it was another class with my friend. However, after each assignment, after

each project, I grew a deeper appreciation for this class. It has not only helped me build

responsibility, but it has helped me to take a step forward towards my future.

The title of this course is just Communications 1010, but it was so much more than

communicating. The focus of our communication was on our individualized goals and

aspirations. We got to do assignments and projects based on our passion and what we think we

want to do for the rest of our lives. That’s an opportunity I believe everyone deserves.

There were obvoiulsly some assingments that couldn’t quite fit into everybody’s future

careers. For example, one thing we had to do in class was people watching. We grouped up with

about 3 people in each group, and we went to different locations in the school to watch the

demonour and habits people tend to use while communicating. We analyzed their body language,

enviroment, emotion, and actions. We picked up on who knew who in each class by the way the

classmates separated each other, and how actively in the conversation they were with one

another. Although this assingment was a unique one, it helped build a better understanding and

skill to be able to read people without them even saying a word.

Two of my favorite projects were the “informative speech”, and the “interview someone

in your career of interest”. I really like these projects because they were desinged to give us room

to be ourselves, and truly show our talents and passions. Individualism and identity are two

things that I feel most of high school falls short on, but this class was an exception. This class

gave a safe space for students to pursue their passions, and grow as people.

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