PLC Meeting Agenda: Attendance: Becks, Watson, Devine, Narehood, Langdale, Copeland-Gonzalez

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PLC Meeting Agenda

Attendance: Becks, Watson, Devine, Narehood, Langdale, Copeland-Gonzalez

What is best area / type of differentiation to focus on that represents growth / change in
the math classroom?

Pre-assessing and using that data to group students by ability.

Pre-assessing and using date to group student - review?

Use i-Ready data to plan. Lot more there to use. E.g. number of problems wrong,
time spent. Try to micro-target more.
Differentiate homework format.

Provide greater variety of sample problems --students that are ahead can work on
more challenging problems (without knowing that they’re more challenging)...

Focusing on Differentiation by Process seems like the best type of differentiation to

focus on within a mathematics classroom. Students need to be able to produce the
same content, but differentiating the method of teaching to increase student
engagement. This can be completed through a different of simple and effective

Group work (whether assigned groups or not)

Choosing which problems to complete based on pre-assessment data
Presenting multiple forms of the same problem to promote understanding

Plans for Rest of Year

- Collaboration
- Check-in meetings
- Student data

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