Vocabulary Set 22 - NATURAL RESOURCES (P.2)

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1. conservation (n): bảo tồn
2. hazardous (adj): nguy hiểm, độc hại
3. household appliances (np): thiết bị gia đình
4. recovery (n): phục hồi
5. regulate (v): điều chỉnh, kiểm soát
6. scarce (adj) - scarcity (n): khan hiếm
7. solar cell (np): pin sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời
8. stagnation (n): sự đình trệ
9. the verge of (collocation): bờ vực
10. threat (n) - threaten (v): mối đe dọa - đe dọa
Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed.
1. after / host / Olympic game / Egypt / unexpected / suffer / economic crisis and stagnation.

2. Greenpeace / work / promote / aware / dangers / threaten / our planet / today.

3. first / noticeable / effect / the crisis / was / great / scarcity / employment.

4. conservation / forest / is / national problem / so / must / tackle / perfect coordination / forest

department / other department.

5. by / adjust / thermostat (bộ điều nhiệt) / you / regulate / temperature / building.

Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English

1. Pin năng lượng mặt trời là một thiết bị điện tử chuyển đổi trực tiếp ánh sáng mặt trời thành điện năng.

2. Trong số những lý do sử dụng hệ thống rô-bốt, lý do quan trọng nhất là để bảo vệ con người khi làm
việc trong những môi trường nguy hiểm hay khi phải xử lý những vật liệu độc hại.

3. Những hành vi bạo lực và lạm dụng của người chồng đã đưa cô ấy đến bờ vực của sự tuyệt vọng.
4. Chính phủ đã ban hành luật mới để kiểm soát việc mua bán súng.

5. 5 năm sau cơn sóng thần khủng khiếp, Nhật Bản cho thấy một sự hồi phục phi thường và đáng ngưỡng

Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases

conservation (n) household appliances (np)
(v) recovery (n)
solar cell (np) scarce (adj) - scarcity (n) stagnation (n)
the verge of (collocation) threat (n) - threaten (v)

The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this
situation? What should we do?
The overconsumption of natural resources has become a growing concern in recent years. This
alarming trend poses a number of serious 1 to the world, and must be addressed by a number
of definite actions.
The increasingly high level of exploitation of natural resources can be 2 in manya ways.
The most obvious threat is that once the resources come to 3 exhaustion, humans would have
to face the 4 of fuels to provide essential energy. When oil becomes 5 and more
expensive, transport and many daily necessities become less accessible and affordable for most people.
The shortage of resources also leads to 6 in other industries, for example, there may not be
enough wood for furniture production and not enough seafood for food processing. This would
7 the business of thousands of companies, as well as the employment of millions of workers
in these fields.
Some measures can be taken to mitigate the problem of over-consuming natural resources. The most
practical measure is to lower the demand for energy in every household. This can be done by mass-
producing energy-efficient 8 and selling them at a low price. Another sustainable solution is
to promote environmentally-friendly technology. For instance, 9 are nowsoldin a small
quantity and ata relatively high price;they should bemade readily available and cheaper for the public.
Finally, the 10 and 11 of natural resources, including seafood and forests, should
be 12 by law.
To conclude, the overexploitation of the world's resources may result in severe consequences,
threatening many industries and people's livelihoods. Strong measures, such as reducing energy use and
resource conservation and recovery laws, should be implemented to tackle this situation.
287 words, written by Tu Pham
Task 1:
1. After hosting the Olympic Games, Egypt unexpectedly suffered from economic crisis and stagnation.
2. Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
3. The first noticeable effect of the crisis was a great scarcity of employment.
4. Conservation of forest is a national problem, so it must be tackled with perfect coordination between
forest department and other departments.
5. By adjusting the thermostat, you can regulate the temperature of a building.
Task 2: Answers may vary
1. A solar cell is an electronic device which directly converts sunlight into electricity.
2. Among the many justifications for using robotics, the most important is to shield people from working
in dangerous environments and from handling hazardous materials.
3. The husband's violent and abusive behaviours drove her to the verge of despair.
4. The government has introduced new laws to regulate the sale of firearms.
5. Five years after the tremendous tsunami, Japan has showed a miraculous and admirable recovery.
Task 3
The overconsumption of natural resources has become a growing concern in recent years. This
alarming trend poses a number of serious (1) threats to the world, and must be addressed by a number of
definite actions.
The increasingly high level of exploitation of natural resources can be (2) hazardous in many ways.
The most obvious threat is that once the resources come to (3) the verge of exhaustion, humans would
have to face the (4) scarcity of fuels to provide essential energy. When oil becomes (5) scarce and more
expensive, transport and many daily necessities become less accessible and affordable for most people.
The shortage of resources also leads to (6) stagnation in other industries, for example, there may not be
enough wood for furniture production and not enough seafood for food processing. This would (7)
threaten the business of thousands of companies, as well as the employment of millions of workers in
these fields.
Some measures can be taken to mitigate the problem of over-consuming natural resources. The most
practical measure is to lower the demand for energy in every household. This can be done by mass-
producing energy-efficient (8) household appliances and selling them at a low price. Another sustainable
solution is to promote environmentally-friendly technology. For instance, (9) solar cells are now sold in a
small quantity and at a relatively high price; they should be made readily available and cheaper for the
public. Finally, the (10) conservation and (11) recovery of natural resources, including seafood and
forests, should be (12) regulated by law.
To conclude, the overexploitation of the world's resources may result in severe consequences,
threatening many industries and people's livelihoods. Strong measures, such as reducing energy use and
resource conservation and recovery laws, should be implemented to tackle this situation.
287 words, written by Tu Pham

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