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Form C: Report and response – Teaching observation

Section 1 – Report
This section is completed by the reviewer, drawing upon Form B (Feedback framework)
and any notes made during the teaching session.
1. Demonstrating enthusiasm & stimulating curiosity
The class had three major sections. The first section was pre-recorded lectures followed by
the second and third sections which were an online discussion session and student discussion
groups, respectively. I believe Shahd was great in stimulating curiosity in sections 2 and 3 of
her class. Students enthusiastically participated in all quizzes/discussions of these two
sections. I was particularly inspired by the second section in which Shahd used a fun activity
(Kahoot) to review what she described in her pre-recorded session. I liked the way Shahd
grouped students to groups of 3 people and provided them with opportunity to discuss related
practical subjects (critical thinking, deep learning, life-long learning.
I found the pre-recorded section less engaging. Parts of this might be due to the nature of pre-
recorded sessions which is not interactive. Shahd used a nice combination of photos, videos,
and graphs to facilitate delivering her message; however, I believe the monotonous and high
rate of speech during the pre-recorded session could be improved.

2. Encouraging critical thinking and student learning

The Discussion section was the most prominent section for encouraging critical thinking.
After discussing a subject, Shahd frequently asked students such questions as “Is that make
sense?”, which was great for checking their understanding. However, at time, she did not wait
for students’ responses and just continued speaking after asking this question!
I liked the way Shahd phrased/ rephrased students’ written questions before answering them
which attracted all of students’ attentions. When she switched between different
presentations, she made sure that all students can see her slides, which was nice. At two
occasions, she missed the students’ written questions, but she answered them as soon as she
saw them. I believe Shahd was pretty good at paying attention to students’ enquiries.

3. Features of effective communication

During the group discussions (sections 2 and 3 of the class), Shad used an appropriate pace
of speech and loudness. Her speech was completely clear, and the answers were to the point.
I liked the way she interacts with students in group discussions and she provided very good
topics from real clinical life for discussions which was attractive and practical.
As before, I liked to see more pauses after asking questions or when she described a concept
in pre-recorded session so that the students could digest those concepts easier.
I believe she was successful in making a good rapport with her students and the flow of the
class activity was smooth and nice.
4. Session mechanics
I believe Shahd spent good amounts of time on preparing the class materials and for
presenting the concepts. I really liked her teaching methodology. She started the class by
greeting with students and then created a fun activity to attract all participants. She concluded
the class by reviewing previous conversations and by letting students know about the topic of
next session. The time management was great, and she completed the session on-time.
I also liked the way she made a couple of pre-recorded lectures instead of one long one which
might be too long to follow. There were about 10 minutes of black screen at the end of some
of the pre-recorded materials that could be edited.

5. Priority criteria (as discussed by reviewee and reviewer)

Shahd did not ask me to pay attention to any specific area and asked me to give feedback in
all areas.

6. Are there any examples of good practice you would particularly like to highlight?
Yes, there were lots of good practice in her class. Maybe the most important one for me was
the amounts of time she spent on preparing and presenting her materials and the way she used
a combination of methods to convey her message. She was successful in attracting students’
attention and participation and she involved them in the process of deep learning by quizzes
and group discussion activities.
I found Shahd’s class an example of a good teaching session considering all limitations we
encountered with these days due to Covid 19.

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