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Dear Families,

It is hard to believe summer is over and the school year has begun! Your children are all busy learning
and I am so excited to share with you their progress as the year progresses.

I wanted to take some time to explain my behavior management policy to you.

Your child will get ​1 warning​ about making smart choices in the classroom. If they continue to make poor
choices I will ​send home a letter​. The letter is designed to hold your child accountable for their actions. If their
actions are stopping themselves and classmates from learning then they must take responsibility that.

If your child brings home a letter they are told to show you the letter, explain what poor choice(s) they made,
get your signature, and bring the letter back to school. If the letter does not come back to school I will have
your child call home the following day. Your child must own up to their choices, your child must take
responsibility and notify you when they make mistakes at school. Your child will either give the letter to you
personally the day of the incident or call you the following day…either way they will take ownership of their
choices by letting you know about their misbehavior at school.

I am fully prepared for students to “forget” to give their letter to parents, “hide” it in their lockers, “throw” it
away before you see it, ect. So when/if the letter does not come back to school the next day I have prepared a
script for your child to say when they call home.

“Hi mom/dad, I had trouble following the rules at school yesterday and brought home a letter from Mrs.
Partyka. I didn’t bring the letter back to school so I am calling to let you know about it so we can discuss it
later. I am going to work hard today to follow the rules at school. Thank you, I love you, Goodbye”

I encourage you to keep the conversation brief and positive. Let your child know you are disappointed that they
weren’t following the rules and that you can discuss it when they get home that evening. Then simply
encourage them to try harder today to make smart choices and that you believe in them. If they are emotional,
that is ok. Their emotions show they understand their choices were wrong and that they truly intend to try and
do better.

As a parent myself I know it can be tough to hear our children are struggling. But it is our job as parents to be
understanding and help our children learn how to act appropriately and respectfully. Please have honest,
heartfelt discussions with your child about their behavior. Only when all of us are working together will we
begin to see a change for the better. I know it may be tough in the beginning and I fully expect some kiddos to
not bring back the letters to see if I truly will make them call home, but trust me when I say that the more you
and I follow thru, and communicate, the quicker your child will understand what is expected of them and
exactly what will happen if they choose not to follow the rules. Thanks for your support parents, and thanks for
working with me to be a united front to help ensure that we all are able to learn while at school.

Mrs. Partyka   

Family letter continued, This is the procedure I will follow when misbehavior occurs.

Behavior Letter Home Behavior Letter Home

(front side) (back side)

Logical Response
1. ​Reminder
(verbal reminder of classroom expectations)

2. ​Warning
(letter handed to student to be placed at their desk,
behavior code recorded on teacher clipboard)

3. ​Letter Home
(name written on letter, meeting during seminar to
reteach/review/reflect on the expectations)
4. ​Call Home
(if letter does not return to school the student will call
Behavior Report
Dear​ ​__________________________________________​,

Classroom rules must be followed in order to protect the rights of everyone to learn and enjoy
school. ​ ​I had difficulty at school today__________________________(date) and I interfered with those
rights when I broke the classroom rules and chose to:
My actions prevented ______me, and/or _______others from learning. Please talk with me about my
behavior and what the expectations are for me as part of our classroom community.

Mrs. Partyka and I have already talked about ways I can make better choices tomorrow. I know
that in the future I need to improve upon the school-wide expectation(s) of:
____ Need to be Safe____ Expect Respect ____ Show Responsibility ____ Work Together

Thank you,
Student Signature ___________________________________________

I really appreciate your support, thank you so much, ​Mrs. Partyka 


___ I have talked with my child. I do not need to speak with Mrs. Partyka at this time. 
___ I would like to discuss this by phone, please call me. (phone #) __________________ 
___ I would like to discuss this in writing, please email me. (email)  
___ I would like to discuss this in person. I can come to the school (date/time)  
Think Sheet 
I broke Rule # ​1 2 3 4 5 
What I did:​______________________________ 
Reason(s) for my behavior:​ _______________________ 

How my choices make me feel? (circle all that apply) 

Mad Sad Frustrated Lonely Hurt 

Happy Anxious Helpless Disappointed Silly 
Confused Scared Worried Other__________________ 

How my choices affect myself or others: ​

A better thing to do would be:​______________________ 

What do you need to do to fix this problem? Let’s Discuss a Logical Consequence. 
Clean up Complete Work You Break it, You Fix it Time Out  
Apologize Loss of Privilege Teacher Call Home Write the rules 
Behavior Contract  Recess Detention Principal Meeting  Parent Meeting  
Think Time (another room) Practice the procedure 
Student Signature _________________ Teacher Signature: ______________
Student call home if slip not returned. 

“Hi mom/dad,
I had trouble following the rules at school yesterday
and brought home a letter from Mrs. Partyka. I didn’t
bring the letter back to school so am calling to let you
know about it so we can discuss it later.
I am going to work harder today to follow the rules at
Thank you, I love you, Goodbye”

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