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Joseph Cavicchi is a Vice

President at Lexecon, an FTI
company based in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, where he provides
wholesale and retail electricity
market regulatory economic analyses
in connection with the restructuring
of the U.S. electricity industry. In Electricity Company Affiliate
particular, he advises clients in a
variety of Federal Energy Regulatory Asset Transfer and Self-Build
Commission and state regulatory
proceedings related to the new Policies: Renewed Regulatory
markets and the contractual
arrangements that have emerged to Challenges
support the electricity industry. Prior
to joining Lexecon, he was a staff
mechanical engineer and project Wholesale market conditions are leading to a spate of
manager at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He holds an requests that generation assets built and/or owned by
S.M. in Technology Policy from MIT unregulated affiliates be acquired or contracted out to
and an S.M. in Environmental
Engineering from Tufts University
affiliate utility companies. They may call for a level of
( independent analytical review that is completely severed
Scott T. Jones is Senior Managing
from the applicant utility.
Director and head of Lexecon’s
energy practice, with more than 30 A. Joseph Cavicchi and Scott T. Jones
years of industry and consulting
experience. As a consultant, Dr.
Jones has coordinated projects for
electric utility, oil and gas,
petrochemical and other energy I. Introduction generation facilities for their
industry clients. As a senior customers. These purchase and/
executive with major energy Concurrent with the emergence or build proposals have collided
companies, he was responsible for
of a glut of excess generation with wholesale competitors
marketing, trading, production,
business development, and all capacity has been an effort by striving (often unsuccessfully) to
regulatory matters. Dr. Jones’s recent utilities with obligations to serve sell their plant output to those
work includes valuation and damages consumers to roll so-called same utilities proposing to buy
testimony, strategic business asset distressed generation assets into from affiliates and/or build new
development, and the application of ratebase, including, in many supplies. At first glance it appears
public policy to regulated and
instances, facilities built by that utilities would prefer not to
unregulated energy industry issues.
unregulated affiliates. At the turn to the wholesale market to
He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from
Virginia Tech. same time, utilities in some parts purchase electricity supplies, but
of the U.S. are arguing in instead use it only as a means for
regulatory proceedings that they selling their own excess supplies.
should once again be building Even though there are various

November 2004 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 29
compelling arguments that can be proposed affiliate purchase competing supply options
made in support of these recent power agreements, and self-build available to the utility.
affiliate transactions and proposals. We first present
self-build proposals, it would be taxonomy of proposed and
imprudent to accept these recently completed transactions. II. Transactions to Date
outcomes without carefully We then describe the most salient and the Regulatory
considering the facts and aspects of the state and federal Review Process
circumstances surrounding each regulatory review process.
proposal. Regulators ought to Thereafter we examine three Table 1 provides a listing of
exercise great care when particular issues that often emerge electricity companies that are
reviewing the large number of during the regulatory review of currently engaged in regulatory
these long-lived transactions these transactions: longevity, proceedings, or that have recently
currently in process, as their potential self-dealing associated completed and received
long-term impact may be harmful regulatory approval, for
to both ratepayers and the transactions that involve either
vibrancy of the wholesale contract purchase of power or
electricity market.
Several state regulators
generation plants from affiliates,
have approved these
T he infrequency, magnitude,
technical complexity, and transactions, largely
or the pursuit of self-build
options. Although there are
potential impact on the based on cost criteria numerous specific details
competitive market appropriately associated with each of these
requires that these proposed
developed using models transactions, they each have in
transactions comply with various with 20- to 30-year common the fact that there is, or
state and federal regulatory horizons. was, considerable debate that
reviews. Currently, several state ensued following the revelation of
regulators have approved these the proposed transaction. Setting
transactions, largely based on cost aside in-depth interpretations of
criteria developed using models with vertically integrated the facts surrounding each of the
with 20- to 30-year horizons. The applicants, and credit or debt proposals, it is slightly alarming
projected benefits estimated in the impacts. We conclude that these that almost all the proposals are
analyses usually come much later infrequent transactions are allowing regulated entities to
in the life of the facility, during detailed, complex, and rely on assume ownership of assets that
uncertain distant years and well speculative long-term analyses are currently facing challenging
beyond the reach of any existing rendering the assurance of market environments.
method for hedging the risk of
forecast error. In most cases these
analyses contain little or no
long-run benefits uncertain. Thus,
we recommend that regulators
(especially at the state level)
N ot surprisingly this
trend toward affiliate
transactions began in earnest in
emphasis on potential impacts to scrutinize the transactions using an 2002. At this time, forward
the wholesale market. State and independent analytical review electricity prices had dropped
federal regulators must work in process; that is, a review that does partially in response to the
concert to ensure a consistent and not rely exclusively on the utilities’ quantity of new capacity that was
thorough review of these own internal analyses verified by brought on line. By the end of
important transactions. independent monitors, but instead 2001, it was clear that some
In this article we present a relies on the findings of an 200 GW of new generating
qualitative review of several independent analytical team capacity was going to be
affiliate asset transfer requests, charged with fairly evaluating all constructed as a result of the

30 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 The Electricity Journal
November 2004

Table 1: Recent and On-Going Power Procurement Efforts Involving Affiliate Transactions and Self-Build Options
Proposal and Process Details
Holding Company Utility Unregulated Affiliate Proposal/Status RFP Independent Monitor
Ameren Union Electric Company Ameren Energy Generating Co. 2/5/03 Section FPA 203 10–25 years; although, Yes, Burns &
Corporation d/b/a Ameren UE (AEG) & Ameren Energy request to allow AEG to 10 years used for RFP, McDonnell.
Marketing Co. (AEM) transfer-sell Pinckneyville but 25 years for FERC filing.
(316 MW) & Kinmundy
1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003

(232 MW) to Ameren UE

at net book $161.5 B
and $96.4 M, respectively.
Approved by Missouri PSC
and FERC.
Cinergy Corp PSI Energy, Inc. CinCap Madison, 9/6/02 Section FPA 203 request to No; Integrated Resource N/A
LLC & CinCap VII, LLC allow transfer/sale of Madison Plan presented to Indiana PSC.
(576 MW) and Henry County Gen.
Station (136 MW) to PSI at net book
of not more than $450 M. Approved
by Indiana PSC and FERC.
Pinnacle West Arizona Public Pinnacle West Energy Spring 2003 Arizona rate case filing None with respect to request, No
Capital Group Service (APS) (PWEC) by APS requesting approval to transfer although a RFP was carried
PWEC assets into APS ratebase at book out during proceeding.
value. PENDING.
PacifiCorp Utah Power N/A–PacifiCorp will build Utah PSC approved PacifiCorp’s Currant Yes; PacifiCorp selected its Yes, Navigant
Currant Creek Power Project Creek self-build option 3/5/04. own ‘‘next best alternative," Consulting.
although the RFP process
was disputed as next best
alternative was modified
during process.
N/A Southern California N/A Mountainview Power Co. sold its No N/A
Edison (SCE) yet-to-be completed 1,054 MW
electricity plant to SCE. Approved
by California PUC and FERC.
Independent Monitor
boom that started in 1998 and

Yes, Lexecon.
1999. Market participants
recognized that a significant
amount of excess capacity was

emerging, reducing activity in the

forward market in response to an
(600 MW) were winners.

expected softening of spot

non-affiliate resources
electricity prices.1 Around this
(1,240 MW) & Duke

Yes; Both affiliate and

Yes; Southern Power

time, many regulated utilities (not


selected. facing retail competition) began

shopping for future generation
supplies. To support their
acquisition efforts, buyers relied
on state regulatory frameworks
were sold to IOUs following Georgia PSC approval.

meant to encourage new

at FERC and approved by Georgia PSC. Proposal

generation capacity through a

subsequently withdrawn at FERC and units

least-cost review process.

and 11 (1,240 MW) and utilities proposed
Initially PPAs between McIntosh Units 10

A t the state level, the

Proposal and Process Details

review at the FERC. PENDING.

process focuses on the provision

of generation capacity to meet
EWO and Services under

peak demand. A common

Proposed PPAs between

denominator in the process is a

cooperative effort where the uti-
lity establishes a need for added
capacity—usually through
integrated resource plans—that is
then undisputed (or even
enhanced) by regulators. Once an
EWO Marketing, LP
Unregulated Affiliate

applicant establishes need

Southern Power

pursuant to state regulatory

requirements, the issue then
becomes how to solicit additional
energy and capacity, and the
technique that should be used to
Electric and Power

Entergy Operating

analyze the expected cost of new

Inc. on behalf of
Entergy Services,
and Savannah

supplies. State regulatory

Georgia Power


procurement guidelines typically

require the utility to solicit
Table 1: (continued).

generation supply proposals from

the wholesale market. Table 1
reveals that requests for proposal
Holding Company

(RFPs) were issued in the case of


AmerenUE, Arizona Public



Service (APS), Utah Power,

Georgia Power, Savannah

32 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 The Electricity Journal
Electric, and Power and Entergy power impacts of a proposed provided additional guidance in
Services, Inc. In some cases, transaction. Currently, FERC uses its Opinion No. 473 stating
unregulated generation affiliates two frameworks for reviewing that affiliate transactions which
make offers as part of the RFP these transactions. One calls for result from a formalized RFP
process: Southern Power for careful analysis of any proposed process that complies with
Georgia and Savannah Power, transaction that involves an various guidelines will increase
and EWO Marketing for Entergy. unregulated affiliate and a the likelihood of FERC approving
In some cases, the affiliate does regulated affiliate. The second a proposed transaction quickly.6
not make an offer (Pinnacle West requires that proposed The recent increase in affiliate
Energy, or PWEC, in the case of transactions be ‘‘screened’’ to transactions has resulted in
APS2) or the RFP respondents’ assess whether the competitive heightened awareness at FERC.
offers are compared to self-build
next-best alternatives (Pacifi-
Corp’s Utah Power proposal).
marketplace will be harmed as a
result of the transaction. T he second review process is
required when an
acquisition or merger is
Finally, in one instance the proposed.7 The review focuses on
proposed asset transfer price was assessing if a transaction will
compared with the results of a
An alternative increase an applicant’s ability to
previously conducted RFP to the RFP is to exercise market power by
(AmerenUE). propose to the state screening for potential impacts of

A n alternative to the RFP

process, whether it is from
an affiliate or other market
regulatory commission
that affiliated
the transaction on the wholesale
marketplace. If a transaction
appreciably increases supply
participants, is to propose to the assets be under an applicant’s control, it is
state regulatory commission that rate-based. likely that the screens will be
affiliated assets be rate-based. violated indicating that an
Support for this approach applicant’s ability to exercise
becomes part of a hearing or other market power may be enhanced.
review process (examples are APS With respect to the review of Screen failures typically require
and PSI Energy). Regardless of proposed affiliate deals, FERC has applicants to propose remedies
how the utility manages its recently articulated in its that usually must eliminate the
procurement, at the core of the Mountainview Power Order4 that screen failures.8
review is an analytical process any future affiliate transactions Beyond those regulatory
that searches for the least-cost will be subjected to its so-called reviews that are required for a
alternative to providing Edgar test, which is meant to proposed transaction, if state
ratepayers with reliable, ensure that affiliates were not regulators allow a regulated
environmentally friendly future favored during the supply utility to construct new
electricity supplies. purchase decision-making generation facilities that do not
While the states tend to focus process. The Edgar review require explicit federal reviews,
on determining the most suitable, process is specifically focused on FERC’s procedures for evaluating
lowest-cost supply option determining if there is any market-based ratemaking
proposed by the utility, FERC evidence of self-dealing by authorization requests can impact
focuses its review on the establishing various review the proposal. If these tests reveal
proposal’s impact to competition, standards against which affiliate that an increased concentration in
rates, and ability to regulate.3 In transactions are compared to generation ownership has
particular, FERC looks carefully ensure no undue favoritism resulted from the construction of
at vertical and horizontal market occurred.5 FERC has also recently a new plant, the result can be a

November 2004 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 33
finding that the utility could instances the current book value model. Least-cost dispatch
exercise market power.9 In this of an unregulated, affiliate asset is models are driven by certain key
instance, aside from identifying a often compared to either current assumptions – in addition to fuel
structural solution to the problem costs to build a similar facility or prices – specifically those related
such as relinquishing control of the costs of other competing to the supply of and the demand
some capacity, the only simple facilities as established through a for electric energy and capacity in
available alternative an applicant competitive solicitation process.10 a specified geographic market.
has to resolve FERC concerns is to The most complicated part of While capacity in these instances
file a cost-based tariff for the the review process at the state is typically viewed exclusively as
facility. level usually centers on a cost, the energy component of

U nlike FERC, state

regulators do not delve as
deeply into affiliate issues and
projected energy costs. For the analysis can be either a cost or
benefit, depending on both the
forecasted supply–demand
matters impacting competition. conditions in a region, and the
Given the tiered review of the type of generation source being
approval process, state regulators added to meet future demand.12
ought to use great care when Of course it is impossible to
evaluating proposed transactions. predict the future with certainty.
Otherwise, the outcome of the However, it is critical that the
federal regulatory review process assumptions underpinning the
could undermine portions of the analysis supporting the proposed
analysis carried out by utilities in acquisition receive particular
support of its state regulatory scrutiny, especially if the decision
requirements. is largely irreversible, as is the
case with resource acquisition.
newer facilities, this means Probably the most important
III. Analytical Review projected natural gas costs and element of the analysis is when a
of the Transaction at the extent to which realized proposed transaction requires the
the State Level energy prices will be sufficient to utility to manage the entire
allow recovery of fixed costs production of the facility going
Utilities proposing to acquire including a return on capital.11 forward. This puts the buyer in
new generation resources are Thus, state regulators ought to the position of assuming price
required to develop detailed carefully examine the bases of the risk, generation or supply
analyses in support of their opinions on future electricity and risk, and counter-party risk.
proposal. The most visible fuel prices offered to support the These risks become very
attribute considered by state proposal. In most cases the important if the utility forecasts a
regulators is the levelized cost per underlying analyses are critical to period of excess supply during
kilowatt of additional generating establishing the extent to which various parts of the year such that
capacity. In the majority of cases ratepayers benefit from the off-system sales margin (sales
before state regulators, this proposed transactions. made to wholesale market when
attribute becomes the focus of the Comparable cost estimates the generation is not needed to
review process, especially in used to support new construction serve native load) is alleged to be
those instances where recently proposals, or acquisitions, rely on a significant beneficial revenue
constructed assets are being simulations of plant operations stream. To the extent that realized
considered for transfer to the over a multi-year period using benefits are subsequently lower,
regulated entity. In these some form of least-cost dispatch the overall costs for ratepayers

34 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 The Electricity Journal
will vary from the forecasted carefully consider the arguments that limits utilities’ ability to
outcome. Moreover, if these for the transactions, and the execute long-term contracts.
off-system sales are contingent on extent to which they will endure Considerable debate has
the assets being allowed to over long time horizons. Table 2 surrounded utilities’ contentions
transact using market-based rates, presents various price and non- that these issues can be effectively
it is crucial that the applicant pass price terms related to the ‘‘bounded’’ for the purposes of
FERC’s market-based ratemaking transactions identified in Table 1 making asset ownership decisions
authorization tests. Otherwise the that have in certain instances led that will, over time, lead to
assets may be required to offer to considerable debate. Although electricity rates lower than those
excess supplies at cost there are several important issues that would have prevailed
undermining projected sales related to these transactions, otherwise. In reality we are once
margin benefits. again confronting a situation that

T herefore, when supply

purchase transactions are
presented to state regulators,
is not yet unfamiliar; regulators
are facing requests to approve
supply acquisitions that will
absent fairly straightforward impact utility rate-bases for
acquisition of peaking supplies, decades. It stands to reason that if
the devil will likely be in the we are to be certain we have
details. Any proposal that learned from past regulatory
forecasts significant purchases decisions, we need to approach
and sales from the newly acquired these transactions with caution
assets will need to be subjected to and establish beyond a reasonable
careful review to assure it does doubt that the supporting
not place ratepayers at too much arguments have been validated.
risk for future shifts in underlying
forecasted variables, and that it
will not run afoul when subjected
three of particular importance are
notable: (1) Term: A renewed
T he first issue we identify—
term—is likely the most
difficult to evaluate. For example,
to federal regulatory review. need to convincingly forecast in nearly all the cases where an
Ensuring that a detailed, energy prices over a 20- to 30-year asset is proposed for transfer, or
multi-faceted review is carried horizon in order to establish built, much of the need for the
out as part of the approval process credible arguments of the costs/ facility is during times of peak
can offer assurance that the benefits associated with self-build demand. This means that during
appropriate supply options are and transfers; (2) The idea that periods of lower demand, the
selected. there are benefits to being facility may or may not be able to
vertically integrated that cannot make profitable off-system sales.
be obtained via arms-length Given the significant excess
IV. Assessing the contracts (in many instances supply conditions in many parts
Arguments for the non-price factors related to of the U.S., it is clear that various
Transactions and operational flexibility, often assets are, and will be, operating
the Impact of called out by competitors as at lower than expected capacity
Federal Regulations veiled exercises of vertical factors for several years (in many
market power); and (3) instances at higher than expected
Because these transfers and The contention that costs given the increased
potentially premature supply creditworthiness and operations and maintenance costs
additions will impact the counter-party risk will continue incurred when operations are
wholesale market, it is critical to to be a significant problem limited). Therefore, the long-run

November 2004 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 35
1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 Table 2: Recent and On-Going Power Procurement Efforts Involving Affiliate Transactions and Self-Build Options
Operational, Reliability and
Utility Price/Cost Transmission Service Credit & Debt Term Completion Risk
Union Electric Company RFP respondents claimed to offer Bland-Franks North-South No 10–25 years; although, Additional
d/b/a Ameren UE lower prices than that of constraint called into question 10 years used for RFP, value for black start and
selected resources. ability of competitors to deliver but 25 years for non-spinning reserves.
and impacted decision. FERC filing. Missouri PSC stated
preference for owned asset.
PSI Energy, Inc. Indicated that if incremental cost N/A N/A N/A N/A
of competition is cheaper,
it will be purchased in lieu
of transferred assets’
output. Although, plants
go into ratebase.
Arizona Public Transfer is said to be Problem with respect to APS concerned 20–30 years Reliability in Phoenix area.
Service (APS) lowest-cost alternative. Phoenix load pocket. about its Synergies claimed from
credit rating. combined dispatch.
Utah Power Stated that Currant Creek is — — Selected project analyzed Yes; stated considerable
lowest cost option. using 35-year term. operational flexibility when
Other RFP offers were compared to other offers.
for lesser terms. Also, phased construction.
Southern California Indicated that cost is reasonable N/A N/A N/A N/A
Edison (SCE) compared to other plants
recently built in the region.
Georgia Power Selected combination of affiliate Network upgrade issues No 7 years and 15 years Reliability
and Savannah and non-affiliate resources were discussed, although
Electric and Power based on cost. apparently not an impediment.
Entergy Services, Inc. on Selected combination of several Indication that network service No Certain affiliate transactions Various issues associated
behalf of Entergy affiliate and non-affiliate required by RFP was not were for a short term, with availability, price,
The Electricity Journal

Operating Companies resources based on cost. obtained by an affiliate while others were very and quantity terms and
awarded a contract. long term. Concerns ability to put unit in service
expressed over disparity. over short-time horizon
arose as issues.
price forecasts used by the utility vary considerably (see Table 2). choice of forcing utilities to rely
to analyze the year-on-year Certainly, it would not seem that on the competitive market.
performance of the asset are
critical to determining the future
costs and benefits. There could be
this outcome should apply in all
instances where the issue arises,
but often it occurs. That said, the
U ltimately it may be FERC
regulatory review that
upsets applicants’ ability to push
considerable near-term costs, or debate ought not to be ignored through long-term proposals
over-estimated future benefits, because the methodology used to approved by the states. And this
neither of which is easy to gain approval for the transfer or may be in the interest of the states,
forecast. self-build option suggests that even though it may appear to
In addition, particular process this debate is really about utilities’ create jurisdictional tension.
issues related to term and desire to expand the size of their FERC’s role as regulator of
associated with transfer or wholesale markets requires it to
self-build proposals are closely examine the majority of
potentially troublesome. these proposals. To the extent
Applicant utilities produce FERC identifies a market power
complex, multi-decade problem, this should sound an
quantitative analyses using alarm at the state level that
internal modeling approaches additional analytical review of the
and submit these findings to proposal may be necessary. Any
regulatory bodies as support for action FERC takes that invalidates
their requests to transfer or build a modeling assumption must be
new supplies. These submissions examined by the states. In fact,
are typically ‘‘verified’’ by an states could consider examining
independent monitor, but there is different pricing scenarios for
usually no independent analysis acquired assets to understand
carried out by the monitors. ratebase in regions where various risks faced by utilities if
Instead, these experts – often restructuring has not taken hold, FERC questions the transaction.
acting in agency with the but where new generation assets The long-term nature of the
applicants – simply review the have been sited. transaction demands that a
techniques and supply At the same time, the role of the thoughtful, detailed companion
comparative statistics from regulator is unenviable since set of future operational scenarios
various competitive bids with the commissioners will find it be evaluated by state regulators.
utilities’ own submitted analyses difficult to second-guess the Second, there are often various
and propound on how the reams of evidence that the utilities non-price contractual terms
differences support the applicants put forth in an affirmative identified such that ownership of
submission. Not surprisingly, showing that their chosen a particular asset is claimed to
protest has emerged in all of the approach is the best option going offer a level of control or
instances where these analyses forward. Moreover, given the assurance that cannot be obtained
have been developed, filed with recent turmoil in the electricity through bilateral contracts. The
state regulatory commissions, industry, regulators also have to primary concern with this
and supported by independent listen to claims that chronic argument is that in most instances
monitors. The primary complaint shortages of available generation there are competitive offers
is that competitive suppliers exist capacity could reappear if asset available that – when balanced
that can meet the utilities’ ownership is not increased given against a reasonable assessment
requirements, but they effectively that the alternative is the of prevailing risk – provide
cannot compete for reasons that sometimes politically distasteful essentially the same degree of

November 2004 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 37
flexibility of ownership. Finally, there are issues related that utilities can avoid be
Evaluating the issues that arise to counter-party risk that exists penalized for these contracts if
with respect to non-price terms is absent full ownership that have their use is part of a sound,
often subjective, complicated, and emerged when utilities evaluate long-term procurement plan that
the source of tension during long-term contracts as substitutes is consistent with regulatory
federal regulatory reviews where to asset acquisition or self-build requirements. In short, short-term,
affiliate self-dealing is sometimes options. Utilities and business knee-jerk reactions to these issues
alleged. For example, eliminating analysts consistently cite two overstate their true longer-term
concerns regarding the nature of impediments to longer-term impact.
transmission service available to a
facility (and the process through
which it was or must be obtained);
contracts. The first is the concern
that the seller cannot guarantee it A lthough the issues we
identify are a subset of
those that can arise, they have
what entity may operate a plant been the subject of considerable
better over time; and establishing debate recently. Once again, care
that a facility will be flexibly must be taken to carefully
available at all prescribed times, evaluate the impact of these issues
are difficult at best. All that has on a proposed transaction.
been shown to date is the obvious: Decisions that leave wholesale
(1) There are benefits of owning competitors alienated without
generation that given certain being based on clear, concise
assumptions cannot be obtained reasoning and analyses that will
through bilateral contracts, and stand the test of time will change
(2) Contracts can be less flexible the risks faced by market
than ownership. participants. Moreover, to the

O nce again, non-price issues

that are potentially being
used to favor affiliates will likely
will be able to fulfill the contract
obligations due to current financial
extent that near-term market
conditions potentially drive these
supply acquisitions, the impact
only be fully vetted during pressures. The second relates to may affect future investment in
FERC’s application of its Edgar financial analyst’s requirement generation resources.
test. The increased awareness that utilities account for long-term
expressed by the FERC, and the contracts as imputed debt. There is
detailed investigations reason to believe that these issues V. Conclusion
surrounding the Ameren, can be overcome to some extent
Entergy, and Southern going forward. With respect to Wholesale market conditions
transactions, indicate little counter-party risk, it is clear that are leading to a spate of requests
tolerance for affiliate favoritism. generation companies are slowly that generation assets built and/
States again ought to review working out the debt overhang. As or owned by unregulated
transactions carefully and ensure financial performance is affiliates be acquired or
that there is a fallback position if improved, credit ratings will contracted out to affiliate utility
FERC finds that proposed improve—especially if solid companies. These proposals call
transactions are anticompetitive. counter-parties are committed to in most cases for decisions that
These transactions typically are in purchasing generation supply. will impact ratepayers for
the range of hundreds of millions Second, although off-balance sheet decades to come. Moreover, there
of dollars and will not be allowed accounting of longer-term con- is evidence that some of the
to slip under the radar screen at tracts involves reporting them as transactions may be intended to
the federal level. imputed debt, there is no reason relieve an unregulated affiliate of

38 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 The Electricity Journal
some currently burdensome debt analyzing supply options. uncertainty and streamline
in the form of underutilized Independent monitors that do required analyses. Clearly it
generation facilities. To the extent more than look over a utility’s would not be desirable to approve
that the analysis of these shoulder are likely required to transactions without at least being
proposed transactions is complex provide certainty that all the absolutely certain that the risk to
and subject to various state and details have been considered. the ratepayer has been thoroughly
federal regulatory reviews, they Moreover, as we have described analyzed. The last issue that
may call for a level of above, federal regulatory arguably anyone would want to
independent analytical review requirements are an important emerge again is claims that
that is completely severed from consideration in any analysis and entities incur costs now that might
the applicant utility. must become an input into supply be considered too high, or even
Deciding on an appropriate planning analyses at the state ‘‘stranded,’’ sometime in the
approach for ensuring an level. future.
independent analytical review
will require that state regulators
carefully review their resource
G iven that both state and
federal regulatory agencies
are clearly concerned that, going

planning and procurement forward, decisions result in 1. This is evidenced in part by

centralized wholesale markets in the
processes. Certain recent secure and cost-effective supply
Mid-Atlantic and Northeast that have
transactions that incorporated sources, now is the time to reported increased reliance on the spot
so-called independent monitors harmonize analyses to consider market in recent years. See, for
have been subject to considerable example, PJM 2003 State of the Market
all relevant issues. The
Report, Market Monitoring Unit (Mar.
scrutiny. The wholesale market considerable number of 4, 2004), at 17; and State of Markets
has changed significantly second-guessed regulatory Report, Assessment of Energy Markets for
compared to a decade ago when decisions to build generation the Period January 1, 2002 through June
30, 2003, Staff Report by the Office of
many transactions were capacity in past decades demands Market Oversight and Investigations
associated with the construction that careful consideration be Federal Energy Regulatory
of qualifying facilities. The ability afforded to going-forward Commission, Docket M04-2-000 (Mar.
2004), at 26.
of market participants to offer decisions. To the extent necessary,
better, more refined products calls states and FERC ought to 2. APS’ most recent RFP excluded
for modified approaches for cooperate to limit regulatory PWEC from offering a bid based

Deciding on an appropriate approach will require that state regulators carefully review their resource planning and procurement processes.

November 2004 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 39
on its assets given the currently Transactions, Opinion No. 473, at market-based rates, Southern Power
pending APS request to ratebase 108 FERC ô 61,081 (Jul. 28, 2004), will have to demonstrate it does not
these generation assets. A RFP at 68. control too much excess capacity.
conducted in 2002 resulted in
PWEC competing against other 7. Purchase power agreements only 10. Requests for proposal for new
competitive suppliers to win require filing at FERC (unless between supplies typically request that
the right to supply APS affiliated companies), although separate pricing be provided for
electricity. eventually the market-based capacity and energy. Often capacity is
ratemaking authorization tests priced on a dollar per kilowatt-month
3. See FERC Order No. 642, 93 FERC ô required to obtain authority from basis and energy is priced based on
61,164 (Nov. 15, 2000). FERC to transact at market prices will unit efficiency and fuel prices at the
reveal if the agreement results in an time the electricity is produced.
4. See Order Conditionally Accepting increased ability for the buyer to
Proposed Rate Schedule and Revising 11. This does not apply to peaking
exercise market power.
Affiliate Policy, 106 FERC ô 61,183 facilities that only operate a limited
(Feb. 25, 2004), at 58. number of hours per year. For peaking
facilities the primary going-forward
5. See Boston Edison Co. Re: Edgar cost consideration is typically the
Electric Energy Co., 55 FERC ô 61,382 carrying cost of the facility. Although
(Jun. 7, 1991), at 62, 168–169. FERC’s there can be opportunities for
reference to the Edgar test is clearly in enhanced revenue receipts during
response to the recent Cinergy and times of shortage, regulatory
Ameren affiliate transaction frameworks render it difficult to
proposals it recently reviewed. In assume that elevated pricing can be
both of these instances FERC realized with certainty, making the
expressed concern that affiliate analysis of carrying costs most
transactions present issues that must relevant. Of course, recovery of
be thoroughly vetted. As more average total costs is the ultimate goal
transactions appeared, FERC of the owner, but actual pricing
indicated it would apply Edgar going approaches will not necessarily be
forward, and that it was going to developed using only costs as a guide.
review its affiliate transaction
regulatory framework. The Edgar test 12. To the extent that the analysis
identifies three methods by which of various options relies on an
8. Although these reviews are
affiliate transaction prices can be assessment of the capacity cost
carried out on a case-by-case basis and
compared to extant market data. and future energy production for
screen failures do not mean that a
These are: (1) A head-to-head both consumption and sale, a
proposed transaction will not be
competition to win the right to complete analysis combines both
supply power to the utility where cost and benefit elements to
the affiliate competes on equal 9. Although there are ways to limit determine the least-cost option.
terms with other market participants. FERC’s regulatory review of a This portion of the analysis can
If the affiliate wins the competition particular transaction, it is impossible create a significant amount of
fairly, Edgar is satisfied; (2) A to completely evade FERC’s complexity as long-run forecasting
comparison of the affiliate regulatory oversight unless the asset assumptions will significantly
transaction price to other prices in question is never allowed to sell its affect the results of the analysis,
non-affiliated buyers were willing to production at market-based rates. For and subsequently the overall
pay for similar services from the example, it is possible for a utility to estimated costs could be very
affiliate generation facility. If the self-build (PacifiCorp’s Utah Power), sensitive to the input assumptions.
pricing is comparable, then Edgar is but if PacifiCorp is itself ultimately Although there are many important
satisfied; and (3) Benchmark evidence found to be controlling too much factors, three stand out. First, fuel
can be presented by the applicant excess generation capacity, FERC’s price forecasts and, recently, gas
which shows that the prices, terms, market-based ratemaking price forecasts have a substantial
and conditions of sales made by authorization tests will reveal this impact on the analysis. Second,
nonaffiliated sellers compare situation. Similarly, Southern Power’s estimates of future demand growth,
favorably to the transaction price. proposed affiliate purchase power and in particular if the growth is
agreements with Georgia utilities were limited to peaks, or applies more
6. Opinion and Order Affirming questioned by FERC such that the broadly to overall demand,
Initial Decision in Part, Denying assets are now being proposed to be considerably impacts the results.
Requests for Rehearing and transferred to Georgia utilities And third, the assumed mixture of
Announcing New Guidelines for (approved by Georgia PSC, June 2004), future supply additions affects the
Evaluating Section 203 Affiliate but if the assets are ever to make sales overall analysis.

40 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2004.08.003 The Electricity Journal

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