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The Meaning of History philosophy like metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics to

History is the study of the past in order to understand address questions about the nature of the past and how we
the meaning and dynamics of the relationship between come to know it: whether the past proceeds in a random
cause and effect in the overall development of human way or is guided by some principle of order, how best to
societies. Its key feature is its broad range of inquiry, as it explain or describe the events and objects of the past, how
is as much concerned with wide perspectives, general historical events can be considered causally efficacious on
explanations, and fundamental questions, as with specific one another, and how to adjudicate testimony and
detail or events, and the particular interpretation of evidence. Second, as is the case with the other area-
sources and evidence. The claim of history is not so much studies, philosophy of history investigates problems that
its capacity to capture immense detail, or to record are unique to its subject matter. History examines not
knowledge of the past, but to interpret, to handle a rich what things are so much as how they came to be. History
variety of sources in order to draw out their general focuses on the unique rather than the general. Its movers
relevance or to reveal their general significance for human are most often people who act for a variety of inner
understanding of why and how change occurs. Few motives rather than purely physical forces. Its objects are
historians would contest the view that history is not a no longer observable directly, but must be mediated by
science as a discipline of study, but is more a branch of evidence. These problems and many more that are specific
the arts or humanities. It can be seen, at most, as a social to the past have been studied and debated for as long as
science, and even then could not be defined as scientific in philosophy itself has existed.
any exact or predictive sense. The word “history”
originate from the Latin historia, meaning a narrative or 2.1. Philosophy of History of Giambattista Vico
account of past events. History is itself a collection of One of the most important aspects of the study of
thousands of stories about the past, told by many different history is that particular view which sees history in terms
people. of the changing consciousness of mankind, coupled with
States use history to unite a nation. It can be used as a an attempt to interpret the past by a deliberate effort of
tool to legitimize regimes and forge a sense of collective pure intuition and imagination. This historical outlook
identity through collective memory. History is the study was first delineated by an Italian, Giambattista Vico
of the past – specifically, the people, societies, events and whose speculation was to adumbrate the modern
problems of the past – and our attempts to understand philosophy of history that sees the story of the past as a
them. It is a pursuit common to all human societies. By compound of innumerable biographies and of the
understanding where we have come from, we can better psychology of the men whose stories form this compound.
understand who we are. It can be a tremendous story, a He was to break away from the atomistic Cartesian view
rolling narrative filled with great personalities and tales of and, through a set of brilliant hypotheses (which he called
turmoil and triumph. Each passing generation adds its his “axioms”), was to construct the early beginnings of a
own chapters to our history while reinterpreting and secular philosophy of history in contradistinction to the
finding new things in those chapters already written. religious interpretation that had prevailed previously. His
Moreover, provides a sense of context for our lives and main work was called Scienza Nuova (The New Science)
our existence. It helps us to understand the way things are and, though long unappreciated, and premature in both its
and ways that we might approach the future. It also originality and in its tortuous thought, it marked a new
teaches us what it means to be human, highlighting the departure in man’s attempt to understand his past and
great achievements and disastrous errors of the human influence this has had on the shaping of his present. His
race. History also teaches us through example. It offers imaginative and objective examination of history as the
hints about how we can organize and manage our societies subject was known to his age was to have a profound
for the benefit and betterment of all those who live in significance for European historiography. His writings
them. Lessons from the past can be used to make sense of form a landmark in the development of the modern
the present. Learning of past mistakes can help people to outlook on history, and, as such, they are of considerable
not repeat them. Being reminded of a great past can interest to the historian.
inspire people to keep their good practices to move It is the writer’s view that, to recognize a philosophy
forward. of history, the whole of history as one of the various
expressions of reality must be seen in its totality. The
2. Philosophy of History generalizations, conditions, and ultimate aim (if it has
one) of history, must not be resolved in terms of the
Philosophy of history examines the theoretical generalizations, conditions, and aims of any other aspect
foundations of the practice, application, and social of reality.
consequences of history and historiography. It is similar to “The true and the made are convertible.
other area studies – such as philosophy of science or (Verum Factum)”
philosophy of religion – in two respects. First, philosophy
of history utilizes the best theories in the core areas of 2.2. Philosophy of History of Fernand Braudel
Fernand Braudel (1902–1985) was a French historian He argued that history, like any science, was a law-
and a leader of the Annales School (c. 1929–1980), an governed process, and therefore susceptible to prediction
anthropological approach to history that eschewed the based on observation. This was not to say that individual
normal emphasis on narrative, politics, and the lives of the human decisions were necessarily determined, but only
great and powerful. Instead it combined geography, that there was one and only one rational way for a person
sociology, and economics with history in order to create a to pursue their interests under a given set of
new and distinctively French school of historical writing. circumstances. People who did not adopt it, for whatever
The title of his history reflects his emphasis on the reason, would find themselves at a disadvantage in
role of geography in history, and not simply in the sense competitive struggle, and must sooner or later either
of aiding or obstructing people’s immediate purposes. reform or be eliminated by more rational competitors.
Rather, he understood the role of geography as
determining certain behaviors, which, over generations, Further, like any science, the study of history must be
became traditions, attitudes, and habits. Thus there is an based on a consideration of objective, material factors.
underlying geographic unity to any region, based, not on While this is partially a matter of geography, climate,
proximity or contiguity, but rather of climate and resources, and so on, the material factors that mattered
topography, which produces similar traditions, attitudes, most to Marx were economic and technological—in other
and habits in places that may be very distant in terms of words, “the means of production.” If society were a
their culture, political allegiance, or physical proximity. In building, these material factors and the compulsion they
order to understand the role of geography in history, create would be the foundation, the structure, and the
Braudel argued, we need to think of it in terms of its other essential elements without which the building would
effects for people’s habitual outlooks, not just its effects collapse. Marx called this “the base,” which he contrasted
on their immediate purposes. Further, we need to stand the with the windows, dry wall, carpeting, and in short,
traditional account of history on its head. Geography is everything not essential to the structural integrity of the
not a footnote to events; on the contrary, it is events that building, which he called “the superstructure.” Changes in
are the footnote to geography. the base produce changes in the superstructure, but
According to Braudel, there is something called a changes in the superstructure only affect the
social time span of historical analysis in relation to social superstructure. The arts, religion, the careers of individual
development. This social time span is categorized into politicians, the growth and decay of states, and so on,
three types. might make some small difference in the short term, but
The first type is called the history of event and over the long run they are all trivial. A serious analysis of
Braudel called it microhistory. This type of time span history is a study of the base, the objective factors that
talks about events that have occurred such as war, determine everything else.
revolution, riot and etc. This time span also includes The most visible effect of the base is to divide society
famous figures who were involved in the events. into classes determined by the productive process. These
The second type is called the conjuncture. This type classes exist in a necessarily antagonistic relationship, for
of history not like the history of event for it covers 20 to they are all trying to secure as much of the wealth
50 years. This type of history includes inflation, business generated by production as possible, and, because their
cycle and economical data of the time period. class affiliation determines so much of their life
Finally, the third type is called history of longue experience, assumptions, and beliefs, as well as their
durée, meaning long duration. The time span of longue material interests, they find their natural allies only among
durée expands more that 600 to 700 years. And a good members of their own class. 
example is the rising of a civilization.
“The philosophers have only interpreted
“I remember a night near Bahia when I was the world in various ways; the point,
enveloped in a firework display or phosphorescent however, is to change it.” –Karl Marx
fireflies; their pale lights glowed, went out, shone again, 2.4. Philosophy of History according to Karl Popper
all without piercing the night with any true illumination. Karl Popper (1902 – 1994) was one of the most
So it is with events; beyond their glow, darkness famous, and probably the most influential, philosopher of
prevails. –Fernand Braudel” science of the twentieth century. He grew up in the
Vienna of Freud, Wittgenstein, the Logical Positivists,
2.3. Philosophy of History of Karl Marx and the young Adolf Hitler, and in many ways his
Karl Marx (1818–1883) was a German philosopher philosophy can be understood as a response to its culture
and sociologist whose scientific approach to history, of high intellectual life and political fragility.  His best-
combined with his revolutionary socialism, has made him known work, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, was
one of the most influential, famous, and indeed infamous, published in 1934, and aimed to clarify just what it was
intellectuals who ever lived. about science that made it special. He returned to this
theme with The Open Society and Its Enemies (1943), and rediscoverable by anyone. Society possesses an organic
then The Poverty of Historicism (1957)—his unity that transcends the structure of its components, and
contributions to the Second World War and the Cold War, makes it qualitatively different than the objects of physics.
respectively—in which he set out to show that In consequence it must be studied holistically, and not
the Hegelian and Marxist views of history were both through the disintegrative methods of physics. This in turn
tyrannical and logically incoherent.  suggests the organic (totalitarian) theory of man and
society. For holism intuition and analogy, not experiment
Popper defined the object of his criticism and observation, are decisive.
as historicism: “an approach to the social sciences which
assumes that historical prediction is their principal aim, Holism is derived from the philosophy of Plato, who
and which assumes that this aim is attainable by regarded ideas as the fundamental reality, and whose
discovering the ‘rhythm’ or the ‘patterns,’ the ‘laws’ or influence on historicism is evident in the search for
the ‘trends’ that underlie the evolution of history.” He supersensory entities (or essences—e.g., race, class,
divided it into pro- and anti-naturalist doctrines, according society, History, etc.) that condition and explain sensory
to whether their partisans affirm or deny that physics phenomena. Thus the study of history is, for holists, the
provides an appropriate model for the social sciences, and study of those entities, and not of the sensory phenomena
set out to show that both were logically incoherent and that they produce. This method is opposed by the
politically tyrannical. empiricists, who regard sensory phenomena as the
fundamental reality, and ideas as merely arbitrary and
According to Popper, pro-naturalist historicists (i.e., insubstantial descriptors thereof. 
Auguste Comte, Karl Marx) argue that sociologists aim at Popper concluded with the following comments: that
theoretical history, derived from the empirical study of progress in the sciences depends on institutions in which
actual history, and at general, long-term predictions after freedom of criticism is both possible and encouraged, that
the model of astronomy. Because the aim is to predict such institutions tend strongly toward the production of
change in the future, the appropriate evidence is found in objective knowledge, and that they are possible only in
periods of change in the past—or, in other words, of the context of an open (non-totalitarian) society. In so
revolution. Such predictions may be considered under two much as sociology of knowledge posits other sources of
headings: “prophecies,” which are beyond the power of knowledge, which is not and never can be objective in any
human agency to avert or bring about, and “technological meaningful sense of the word, it is a sham science. The
predictions,” which describe the likely consequences of a fervent revolutionary rhetoric of historicists betrays a
given activity. Prophecy denies what technological frightened conservatism that seeks to negate change by
prediction affirms: that human agency is the decisive appealing to imaginary laws of history, whose principal
element in history. Where technological prediction virtue is that they do not change, and whose logical
advocates social engineering in order to realize limited but application is to halt change not just in theory, but in fact.
definite aims, prophecy advocates preparation for the Further, the course of history is strongly affected by the
inevitable in order to turn it to advantage, or else progress of knowledge. However, no prediction can reveal
minimize the resulting harm. Significantly, technological the future course that knowledge may take. This in turn
prediction is the characteristic method of physics, which, precludes knowledge of the future course of history.
Popper argued, pro-naturalist historicists simply “The belief in historical destiny is sheer
misunderstand. Historical prophecy implies “the superstition. There can be no prediction
historicist moral theory,” that “the morally good is what is of the course of human history by
ahead of its time in conforming to such standards of scientific or any other rational
conduct as will be adopted in the period to come.” methods.” – Karl Popper
Anti-naturalist historicists (i.e., Oswald Spengler,
Karl Mannheim, John Stuart Mill) argue that each period 2.5. Philosophy of History of Arnold Joseph Toynbee
is governed by particular historical laws, that these are not Arnold Joseph Toynbee (April 14, 1889 - October 22,
applicable between periods, and that in consequence any 1975), British historian whose twelve-volume analysis of
attempt at generalization for the whole of human history is the rise and fall of civilizations, A Study of History, 1934
futile. Social experiments cannot be conducted after the -1961, put forward a philosophy of history, based on
manner of physics in consequence of the scale and analysis of cyclical development and decline of
complexity of the subject, the novel and unique character civilizations, that provoked much discussion (also known
of its processes, and the impossibility of separating the as History of the World) was very popular in its time.
researcher from the process. “Exact and detailed” Toynbee began his Study of History in 1922, inspired
predictions in the social sciences are self-refuting, because by seeing Bulgarian peasants wearing fox-skin caps like
that knowledge would alter the circumstances on which those described by Herodotus as the headgear of Xerxes’
they were based. That knowledge could not be troops. This incident reveals the characteristics that give
suppressed, since the method that produced it would be
his work its special quality - his sense of the vast the actual event at stake, and of the nature of history itself.
continuity of history and his eye for its pattern, his
immense erudition, and his acute observation. He was Questions of historiography include the following:
interested in the seeming repitition of patterns in history
and, later, in the origin of civilization. He examined the  who writes history, with what agenda in mind,
rise and fall of 26 civilizations in the course of human and towards what ends?
history, and he concluded that they rose by responding  how accurate can a historian ever hope to be,
successfully to challenges under the leadership of creative analyzing past events from the vantage point of
minorities composed of elite leaders. Civilizations the historian's present?
declined when their leaders stopped responding creatively,  does the historian's own perspective, impacted as
and the civilizations then sank owing to the sins of it undoubtedly is by gender, age, national and
nationalism, militarism, and tyranny of a despotic ideological affiliation, etc., contribute to an
minority. Unlike Spengler in his The Decline of the West, "agenda" that the historian's work is playing into,
Toynbee did not regard the death of a civilization as unwittingly or consciously?
inevitable, for it may or may not continue to respond to
 what about the types of sources,
successive challenges. Unlike Karl Marx, he saw history
both primary and secondary, an historian
as shaped by spiritual, not economic forces.
chooses to base his or her work upon?
History as a humane study is defined by Toynbee as a
Do they too contribute to the above-mentioned
concern with the lives of civilizational societies in both
their internal and external aspects:
 does the very selection of sources (and, by
“The internal aspect is the articulation of the life of
extension, the decision to exclude certain other
any given society into a series of chapters succeeding one
sources) prejudice the outcome of the historian's
another in time and into a number of communities living
work in certain ways? et cetera...
side by side. The external aspect is the relation of
particular societies with one another, which has likewise
to be studied in the two media of time and space” The underlying sentiment of historiography is one of
skepticism. This is due to the recognition that
3. Historicity of Text historians do have agendas and do select sources with the
Historicity of texts refers “to the cultural specificity intent of "proving" certain preconceived notions. History
and social embedment of all modes of writing”, the is therefore never truly "objective," but always a construct
rootedness of a text in the social-historical, political and that presents the historian's view of things. At its most
cultural ambiance of its production. Another important objective - and even this is debatable - history presents
notion of New Historicism is that the text is created under basic "facts" (dates, events, etc.); the task of the historian,
the influence of the historical background and the then, is to interpret those facts, the outcome of which (a
writer’s own life experience, and that the text in turn book, a journal article, a lecture -- even a student paper)
exerts influence on readers in the then historical context. can never be truly objective, as interpretation is by
Or in Montrose’s (1989) words, “the writing and reading definition a subjective mental process
of texts are being reconstructed as historically determined
and determining modes of cultural work”. 5. Relationship of History into other branches of Social
4. Historiography History is a study of the various facts of human life
Historiography, the writing of history, especially the and is closely linked with other social sciences which
writing of history based on the critical examination of make a specific study of different facts of human life.
sources, the selection of particular details from the Many scholars held a view that history is the centre of the
authentic materials in those sources, and the synthesis of social sciences which feeds other social sciences.
those details into a narrative that stands the test of critical
examination. The term historiography also refers to the  History and Political Science:
theory and history of historical writing. “History without political science has no fruit and
political science without history has no root.” A historian
In a nutshell, historiography is the history of history. is not merely concerned with the tracing of the history of
Rather than subjecting actual events - say, Hitler's the political process by a narration of the episodes. But he
annexation of Austria - to historical analysis, the subject has to learn the nature of fundamental political principles
of historiography is the history of the history of the event: and basic forms of political institution. In the view of this
the way it has been written, the sometimes conflicting closeness between two subjects, the development of
objectives pursued by those writing on it over time, and political institutions, rules, regulations, right and duties,
the way in which such factors shape our understanding of law and mode of justice, executive, legislative and
administrative functions, economic and financial In the present century the writing of history has been
implications, nature of bureaucracy, fundamental greatly influenced by the statistical data. With the
principles of state policy are all defined under the invention of computers, the collection of statistical data
constitution history. Diplomatic history is a specialized has become possible. The historians have given up the
branch of political history which deals with the principles former practice of using the in exact term like majority of
of international relations. Ambassadors are the links historians or people, “wide support” etc., and have started
between nations and they were custodians and quoting the exact percentage of the people or the help of
practitioners of diplomacy. The issue like—balance of the computer and processing of enormous data can be
power, cold war, international peace, disarmament have completed within a short span and a systematic
assumed great importance in recent times. The military information can be collected.
history is an important chapter in political history where
in wars, battles, campaigns and conquests figures very Though the conclusion drawn on the basis of the data
prominently. It deals with the causes of a war, strategy may be known to the historians on the basis of the
and war tactics, war weapons etc. impressionistic evidence, which does reduce the value
History is very helpful to politics because the because it provides a concrete evidence for a previously
political aspects is a part of the whole range of activity held thesis.
recorded by historian and knowledge of history would
enable the politicians to know the politics better and play On the same line the use of the historical demography
their role effectively. Prof. Acton has correctly pointed ‘viz-information regarding the movement of people, births
out, “the science of politics is the one science that is and deaths, fertility rates, immigrations, etc., cannot be
deposited by the stream of history like grains of gold in possible without the means to process and correlate the
the sand of a river.” vast and complex data made available by various official

 History and Economics: This type of detailed investigation enables the

History is also closely related to Economics. As the historians to understand the different facts of the past life.
activities of a man in society are very closely related with A new branch called “Cliometrics” has come into vague,
the economic matters, the historian of any period must according to which the use of mathematics has come into
possess at least a rudimentary knowledge of the greater play in the writing of history and interpretation of
economics. In fact, the economic history of any period is the numerous sources.
an important branch of history and its understanding is
absolutely essential for the proper understanding of  History and Sociology:
history of any period. History and sociology are intimately related and a
number of sociologists like Auguste Comte are also
There has been a new orientation in our historical important figure in the development of historical studies.
outlook from the days of the materialistic interpretation of Karl Marx was also a great historian and sociologist. Both
history by Marx and such class struggle, man’s skill in History and Sociology are concerned with the study of
earning, arts and crafts, trade, business and commerce, man in society and differed only with regard to their
land revenue, taxes and a host of all other economic approach.
activities of the past figure very prominently in history.
In the recent years it was realized that a fruitful
No doubt, it is true that during the last few years interaction between the two disciplines was possible and
economics has become very complex and difficult subject, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber acknowledge the initial
mostly dependent on mathematics, and a modern historian dependence of sociology upon history. Although, history
cannot acquire basic working knowledge of economic too benefits from the synthesis produced by the
theory without devoting a lot of time and leaving little sociologists.
time for the study and writing of history. Therefore, a new
set of economic history by the use of economic historians Sociologists exercised profound influence on the
have emerged who try to study the economic history by study of history by developing the certain narrow areas of
the use of the economic tools. At present, history is so human activity. They adopted the sampling techniques
closely interlinked with the study of economic problems and develop their tools with a view to minimize the
that it would not be possible to reconstruct history without subjective element. In brief, sociology is helping history
knowledge of the relevant economic problems. to study ‘social dynamics’ which is a study not of society
at rest but constantly in social change and development
 History and Statistics: social processes and social causation are giving a new
perspective to history. India too our historians are now rudimentary knowledge of geography e.g., the diplomatic
giving increasing attention to social history. or military history cannot be fallowed without necessary
geographical knowledge of the region. Geography is one
 History and Ethics: of the eyes of history the other eye being chronology.
History and ethics have a close relationship. Time and space factors give history its correct
Although a true historian is not expected to pass distinct perspective.
and sensitive judgments on the historical incidents and
characters, yet he must know about the ethical principle of Prof. Michelet was of the opinion that history was in
the time which influenced the conduct of the people in the essence found upon geography. He says “Without a
past. Probably in the past, there was not reliable ethical geographical basis the people, the makers of history, seek
science and much of followed were merely a reflection of to be walking.” German philosopher Kant said,
the bigotry, partial and complexes of the different writers. “Geography lies at the basis of history.” Herder said that
“history is geography set in motion.”
In the recent times an attempt has been made to
evolve an ethical theory on the basis of biology, There are others like American geographer, Ells
psychology and sociology by the scholars like Stephen, Worth Huntington, and Allen Semple who emphasize the
Duprat, Dewey etc. A science of conduct has been importance of climate as having crucial influence on the
evolved. A historian must understand and master this course of history as well as on race temperament. It is a
science of ethics to have a wider perspective of the issue. fact that many geographical factors such as climate,
social, rivers, mountains, sea, coastline and mineral
 History and Psychology: resources aided the development of river in valley.
Cultures as in early Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China.
History and Psychology are also closely linked. A Herodotus, the early Greek historian describes that “Egypt
historian must have to show some psychological insights is the gift of the Nile”.
while making an analysis of the motive and actions of
men and societies. Historian work would be mere fiction Even Aristotle and Montesquieu have emphasized the
unless he uses the discoveries of modern psychology. The influence of climate on man. The physical formation of
personal life and the environment of a historian has a the country such as Britain, Japan and Greece with broken
direct bearing in his decision and often import a bias to his coastlines had a very powerful impact on its history. This
account and renders the much desired objectivity facilitated their naval strength and empire building
impossible. activities.

The impact of psychology on history is evident from Similarly, the Himalayas and the jungles of Assam
the fact that in the past historian inquired primarily into have acted as barriers against invasions from the North
the origins of war and ignored the result of war. As a and East of India. The Himalayas and the Gobi and
result of the influence of psychology historians have Mangolian deserts were responsible for the isolation of
under taken the study of the results and impacts of war. China. The geographical discoveries of America and a
An understanding of the group psychology can enable a new route to India determined the character of World
historian to determine the role of masses in the various History since the Renaissance.
revolutions such as Jingoistic patriotism has been
described as the cause of certain wars but historian can Geography also plays an important role in the
discuss this cause with the help of the social psychology. national character formation and influence the human
behaviour. As we know that climate of a country greatly
 History and Geography: affected the civilization of a country. Hence the
Universally it is accepted that History and Geography knowledge of geographical is very essential for historians.
have very close ties. In fact it would be practically It would be wise to accept the limited interpretation of
impossible to study; certain branches of history without geographical influence on man’s conduct or on his history

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