Traf News June 08

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No. 96 ISSN:1444.

1608 Published by the TCDA PRICELESS June 2008

No greyhound racing in Traf

A proposed state-of-the-art
greyhound facility will not
go ahead in Trafalgar after
Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV)
recently decided not to proceed
with the facility after 14 months of
discussions between it and the Baw
Baw Shire Council and the Trafalgar
Recreation Precinct Steering
Committee failed.
“The proposed facility would
have been a great benefit to Trafalgar
and district,” said steering commit-
tee chair, Mick Bourke.
“However, despite the shire and
the steering committee strongly
supporting the concept, we could
not agree on a term the GRV
required, which was for the Shire to
buy back the land the GRV would
buy for the complex, if it decided
not to proceed with its greyhound
“As it was proposed that the
greyhound facility would be in the
middle of the proposed recreation
precinct, withdrawal by GRV at a
later stage would have resulted in The Trafalgar Recreation Reserve was the proposed site for greyhound racing
the disjointed recreational facility
for the local community.” Process. level that should have caused uncer-
The GRV advised that there were Mick responded to the ‘uncer- tainty. My view was that there was ‘in Other stories:
two other factors that influenced its tainty’ aspect of GRV’s reason to not principal’ agreement on all sides. • Chamber's Inaugural
decision. These were: proceed, saying that the shire and “GRV’s letter advising us of its Small Business
• "uncertainty surrounding on- steering committee had welcomed intention not to proceed is the first
site use and options as con- GRV’s original proposal to share its I was advised on any uncertainty.” Awards, p2
tributing factors to this deci- facilities with the community as The steering committee has now • Spud Shed sculpture
sion", and part of the recreation precinct. referred the original recreation in Melbourne, p5.
• at the moment it is also reluc- “The uncertainty mentioned by precinct concept back to the con-
tant to make any long-term GRV would have been of its own sultants contracted by the shire to
• THS misses out on
commitments due to the recent making,” said Mick. produce high-level masterplans. funding, p10
announcements by the State “It made the offer to share facili- Public consultation on the mas- • ANZAC services and
Government regarding the ties. We had high-level discussions terplan will occur in the second
Wagering Licence Review on shared facilities, but not to the half of this year.
march, pp3, 18-19.
From the Editor's desk
Big attendance at Dawn Service
Traf News is a monthly publi-
cation aimed at providing news,
entertainment and
information to the people of
Traf News is published by a
sub committee of the
ou may have read in last
month’s Traf News that
we are ‘separating’ from
Trafalgar Community
banks closed and the privatisation
of the SEC changed many people’s
Both initiatives have become
a hurry, as decisions need to be
made as to its governance. For
example, should it become an
incorporated association similar to

Trafalgar Community report and pictures of the Dawn Service and the
Development Association Development Association (TCDA) important towards building com- many community groups, a co-op-
after being a TCDA sub-committee munity spirit in Trafalgar, and should erative that encourages the local march in Trafalgar, and services elsewhere, can be
2200 copies of Traf News are for nine years. continue to do so for some time to community to purchase shares, or found in the centre page spread on pages 18 and 19
distributed each month The Traf News and the resur- come. as a company under the Corporations in this edition.
ARTICLES gence of the Battle of Trafalgar Both initiatives also need to Law?
Cameron Hill Festival were the first two initiatives evolve, and to do so, need fresh Our committee will investigate
Mobile: 0417 152 231 of the TCDA when it formed in ideas and to stand alone. It is these, and other, options over the
trafnews@invited to 1999. timely that the committees of both of next few months before making a
ADVERTISING SALES These two initiatives were con- these initiatives have decided at decision in consultation with the
Rod Dixon sidered by the TCDA to be very about the same time, and separately TCDA.
5633 2737 important community develop- of one another, that they need to Whatever we decide, we believe
Mobile: 0417 039 220 ments as Trafalgar went through a become independent entities. that it must be the option that best difficult period in the late 1980s to The Traf News will not be sepa- encourages Traf News’ ongoing
EDITOR mid 1990s when services such as rating from the TCDA in too much of contribution to the community.
Mick Bourke
AH: 5633 2269
Mobile: 0409 512 672
Robin Sefton
5633 1574
Chamber announces inaugural
Leone West
5633 1181
Small Business Awards Lyndon Johnson, Hayden Sommerville and RSL president Ray James at the Dawn Service

Kathy O’Connell
5633 2308
Address mail to:
Traf News, PO Box 70
T rafalgar Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
have announced that its
inaugural Small Business Awards
will be held in July to recognise the
or employee for an award within the
above categories by simply complet-
ing the nomination form included in
this issue of Traf News and dropping
Trafalgar that have been in existence
under the same ownership for in
excess of 10 years.
President Bryan Leaf advised that
the above awards have been prompt-
Trafalgar, 3824. it off at any of the following business
Email: small businesses of Trafalgar in the houses: ed by a need to recognise the contri-
Website: following categories: • Trafalgar and District bution of our small business family • Trade business of the year Community Bank Branch, to the ongoing prosperity of the
• Retail/hospitality business of • Trafalgar FoodWorks or Trafalgar district.
Traf News wishes to the year • Trafalgar Mens and Boys Wear. A Presentation Dinner is being
advise that the views or
• Community contribution award Additional nomination forms are arranged for Monday, 7 July.
remarks expressed in this
publication are not • Employee of the year available at these business houses. For any further information
necessarily the views of Any member of the Trafalgar It is also the Chamber's intention please contact Bryan Leaf on 5622
Traf News editorial or community can nominate a business to recognise all those businesses in 2783
production staff and no
endorsement or
service is implied by the
listing of advertisers,
sponsors or contributors. Quote of the month Above: Young people attending the Dawn Service, and at right: a
Although every effort is taken picture of some of the crowd at the Trafalgar Dawn Serice.
in reproducing and printing
advertisements correctly, Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: “It
we take no responsibility
for errors.
©Traf News 2008
might have been!”

John Greenleaf Whittier
Trafalgar Meadows Estate Stage 5 on Villeneuve now selling
Editorial closes: 6pm, 16th of each month. Advertising closes: 9th of each month.
Editorial can be accepted via email ( and advertisements at Both may be placed into the contributions box at the Trafalgar
Supermarket, Princes Highway, Trafalgar or posted to PO Box 70, Trafalgar 3824. Folding of Traf
News is Wednesday 2 July 2008 from 7.30pm at the Trafalgar SCOUT HALL, Kitchener Street, 5633 1666
Trafalgar. Everyone is welcome. 5633 1934 5633 2858
p2 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p3
Reducing waste at home Spud sculpture at Federation Square
By Adam Ipsen

B y reducing, reusing and

recycling, we can all play a
part in resolving the prob-
water bottles.

Reusing means to use the same

• Wash and reuse aluminium pie
plates for baking and reheat-
ing food.
• Plastic milk, cream and juice
bottles (Code 2 - HDPE)
• Steel cans
T rafalgar 'taters' topped the
United Nations International
Year of the Potato launch in
Melbourne's Federation Square in
late May.
crops," Mr Mutsaers said.
"It leaves a very small ecological
footprint and can be grown in dry as
well as wet conditions."
Federation Square chief execu-
lem of our growing waste. Below are item more than once, preferably • Use small, empty plastic soft • Milk and juice cartons Five towering spud sculptures tive officer Kate Brennan said the
some tips to help you get started on many times, rather than disposing of drink bottles as drink bottles Be careful not to contaminate were positioned in Federation sculptures would provide a pivotal
minimising waste in the kitchen. it after one use. Reusing saves the for school or outings. your recycling. While placing wrong Square to raise awareness about role in helping promote the Year of
These small changes may at first energy and resources that would Recycle materials or putting food waste in global poverty and the importance of the Potato.
seem inconvenient, but soon they have been used to make a new prod- Recycling is when a waste prod- the recycling may seem harmless, it the potato in fighting for an end to "The humble potato tuber is the
will become second nature and can uct and means that the product does uct is reprocessed into either the can contaminate the whole load. If hunger. world's number four food crop, with
really contribute to preserving our not go to landfill, where it becomes same product or something differ- there is too much contamination, it The sculptures were designed by production in 2007 of more then
environment. a lost resource. ent. For example, aluminium cans may not be accepted by recycling Moe artist John Mutsaers for the 320 million tonnes," Ms Brennan
Reduce • Reuse plastic containers, jars can be recycled back into either new companies and could be sent to Trafalgar Spud Shed to replace their said.
Reduce means living more care- and tins for storing leftovers, drink cans or engine blocks for new landfill. ageing mascot 'spud man'. "It is particularly important in
fully and thinking about our choices soups, grains, spices, and as vehicles. Recycling rescues the Buy recycled products "We have a stand next to each securing both food and employment
so that you have less waste to get rid lunchboxes instead of buying resources used to make the product Buying recycled means looking (sculpture) explaining all about in a number of developing countries
of later on. new plastic containers. Use in the first place from being lost in for products and packaging that are poverty. and is particularly linked to the pro-
• Reduce food waste by not empty detergent squeeze bot- landfill, where they can no longer be made from recycled material. We Millions do not have a choice ductive work of women in these
overcatering or throwing out tles as bottles for watering used. Recycling processes often use are not truly recycling until we have about what to eat, or cannot eat at communities.
leftovers. plants or filling a steam iron. less energy and water than is used in ‘closed the loop’ and bought recy- all," Mr Mutsaers said. "We hope John's creative
• Buy in bulk and store food in • Line the bin with used plastic the extraction of raw materials. cled products. While the sculptures have an ele- response will create a talking point
reusable containers to reduce bags. 'Plastic bags also make Recycle as much as possible • Recycle your plastic bags at ment of fun, the theme behind them around these issues as well as recog-
packaging waste. Purchase good freezer and lunch bags. through kerbside recycling. The fol- participating supermarkets. is deadly serious. nise the Victorian regions which
products that have less pack- • Collect egg cartons, yoghurt lowing materials can be collected • Compost your fruit and vegeta- Mr Mutsaers said the potato was produce this great food."
aging. and ice-cream containers, but- from most homes for recycling: ble scraps either in a compost special in that it could provide more Following the Federation Square
• Make foods at home instead of tons for kindergartens, day • Paper and cardboard heap or worm farm. food for people than most crops and exhibition the sculptures, on a large
buying takeaways or fast food care centres and schools. • Glass bottles and jars Visit hardly damaged the environment. dinner plate, will be installed outside
to avoid packaging waste. • Maintain appliances to ensure • Aluminium cans and foil au for more information on recy- "What we have been working to is the Trafalgar Spud Shed.
• Avoid plastic wrap by storing maximum life and repair them • PET plastic soft drink bottles cling. an ecological and humanitarian The event launch was attended by
leftovers in the refrigerator in rather than discarding them and fruit juice bottles (Code 1 Submitted by the Trafalgar and theme. farming, government and non-
bowls covered with a saucer and buying new ones. - PET) Yarragon Sustainability Network "Potatoes have the ability to feed government organisation represent-
or a small plate or in washable • Use the inside wrapper from many people per square acre and Top 'tater' Baw Baw Shire mayor Dick van Leeuwen, Dr John Langmore of the atives.
containers. cereal boxes as frozen food In 17th Century France, chocolate was initially met with scepticism and outstrips some of the other major United Nations, artist John Mutsaers and Agriculture Minister Joe Helper at the Reproduced with permission from
• Drink tap water and carry your bags or to wrap around lunch- was considered a barbarous, noxious drug. The French court accepted launch of the 'big potato' in Melbourne's Federation Square. the Latrobe Valley Express
own water bottle or reuse es and treats. chocolate after the Paris faculty of medicine gave its approval - mX

Traf Butcher Shop Can you help?

Volunteers are required to
WINTER AWARD WINNING assist in the production of
the Traf News.
WARMERS SAUSAGES While experience is good,
Beef Stroganoff Come in and tempt your training will be provided.
Mango Curried Beef taste buds! With our Help is needed in the
Mongolian Lamb award winning sausages following areas:
Apricot Chicken Choose from at least • Layout and design
Ideal for the slow seven different varieties • Printing/collating
cooker - all home made! • Advertising sales
• News reporting
Gippsland's Biggest and Best Steaks!! If you would like to help
please contact Mick Bourke
Guaranteed Quality on 0409 512 672 or
5633 2269(AH).
p4 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p5
footpath works
he Baw Baw Shire
A day in the life of Linda Dixon
Council is currently pre-
paring special charge
A walking track along Giles Road
has been a consistent request from
tenant on abutting land and raise
issues of safety. In the end, it is
VicTrack land and council requires

School Road, Dodemaides
Road to Chapmans Road
School Road, Chapmans Road
y name is Linda Dixon
and I am a Travelling
Special Teacher.
The Mansfield Autism Statewide
Service is a unique and highly
I have lived in Trafalgar for the regarded provider of skilled service
schemes to construct footpaths in the Trafalgar community. its agreement to proceed. to existing footpath outside past nine years. in the field of Autism. It exists to
Contour Road, Nelson Street, As a consequence of the use of A program of footpath construc- nursing home The Mansfield Autism Statewide provide expertise, education and
Saleyard Road, Settlement Road and the Trafalgar Landfill by Latrobe City, tion has been prepared for Trafalgar • Cross Street from Mirboo Services is my employer and from empowerment to individuals with an
Waterloo Road, Trafalgar. Residents there is now some additional income and will be progressed over several North/Trafalgar Road to exist- the base in Mansfield five teachers Autism Spectrum Disorder, their
abutting these roads will shortly available and this has been commit- years as funds become available. ing footpath north of intersec- cover the whole of Victoria. The families and other service provid-
receive letters seeking their agree- ted by council to fund construction Council has identified over $9M of tion area I am responsible for is a large ers.
ment to contribute to the cost of the of that footpath because of the footpaths and walking trails to be • Cross Street, School Road to part of Gippsland. It does this through the provi-
footpaths. increased activity in truck traffic constructed across the Shire. Mirboo North/Trafalgar Road A typical week for me is to spend sion of education, consultancy and
Baw Baw Shire Council Councillor along Giles Road and an off street The current program will take • Kitchener Street, Chapmans five days working with a family with support in homes, kindergartens,
David Balfour explained that after path was required for safe access to some years to complete. The cost Road to Dodemaides Road an autistic child or in some cases schools and community organisa-
consultation with the Trafalgar the native bush land reserve. represents around 25% of the cur- • Kitchener Street between Ashby autistic children. tions in rural and regional Victoria,
Community Development Association, Council was asked to investigate rent total Council budget and it is Street and McCorey Street On any one of these days I spend and has achieved recognition and
the following footpaths have been the construction of a footpath from impossible to fund such a large • Kitchener Street between time working with the child at home, Linda Dixon acceptance by the Government, fam-
selected as the highest priority. the east end of the Trafalgar station amount. McCrorey Street and Contingent at the kindergarten or school they skills and many other areas. ing one. ilies and professionals.
A new section of footpath to con- platform to Waterloo Road. The following footpaths have Street attend or wherever the family feels My working hours are very flexi- This year is my first year as a My time spent living in Trafalgar
nect the existing Waterloo Road foot- Council has discussed this with been identified in the program but • Kitchener Street between the most need. ble as I need to fit into the times that Travelling Specialist Teacher having has been most enjoyable as I like
path opposite Willow Grove Road VicTrack and at this time it has not are not listed in priority order. Contingent Street and Anzac The parents priorities may be suit the parents. completed my Master of Education ( the atmosphere of a small country
and the Station footpath, will be agreed to the proposal. • Contour Road, between Road helping them and the child with the Many of the families I see have Special Education, Inclusion and town. The people I have met are
constructed shortly, following agree- The footpath will present VicTrack Saleyards Road and Willowgrove • Kitchener Street between Ashby child’s eating habits, personal been a long time, sometimes years, Early Intervention) at Melbourne friendly and community minded and
ment with Reid Stockfeed, of the with issues including impact on its Road Street and Chapmans Road hygiene, sensory issues, general on a waiting list and are extremely University in 2007. The four years what I like most is when I have the
• Nelson Street, Saleyards Road • Dodemaides Road, Princes behaviour, sleeping patterns, devel- prior to that I was a Special time to join my mum on the Friday
grateful for the help they receive,

Immunisation dates
to Willowgrove Road
• Saleyards Road, Waterloo Road
to Nelson Road

Highway to School Road
Factory Road
Contour Road to Waterloo
oping routines, communication which makes my job a most reward- Education Teacher in Special morning walking group.

• Settlement Road, Willowgrove Road

7 June. Saturday 10.00am to 11.00am Warragul Road to Saleyards Road • Holland Court, Anzac Road for
• Waterloo Road between the length of Court
11 June. Wednesday 5.30pm to 6.30pm Drouin
20 June. Friday 10.00am to 11.00am Drouin
Willowgrove Road and
Saleyards Road

Mirboo North /Trafalgar Road
Cross Street to existing footpath
Advert Prices
20 June. Friday 12.30pm to 1.30pm Trafalgar • Waterloo Road East of Reserve 100m north-west 10x5cm - $42 ($22)
2 July. Wednesday 9.00am to 10.30am Warragul Road • Gibson Street, Anzac Road to
10x10cm - $80 (45)
5 July Saturday 10.00am to 11.00am Warragul • Anzac Road between Ward Summerlea Street
Street and Evans Street • Ward Street, Anzac Road to 10x15cm - $110 ($60)
Vaccines available • Anzac Road, Gibson Street to Summerlea Street Third page - $150
Infanrix IPV, Measles/Mumps/Rubella, Adult Diptheria/ Tetanus, Ward Street • Brown Street, Summerlea Half page - $185
Adult/Adolescent diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis Vaccine (Boostrix) • Anzac Road from Hodder Street Street- Hardy Drive Full page - $275
(Year 9/10 students) the Boostrix vaccine is recommended for new to the children's crossing, • Brown Street, Between Anzac
(community groups)
parents, child care workers - cost $25, Childhood Pneumococcal (20m north of School Road) Road and Summerlea Street
Vaccine (selected groups), Haemophilus Influenza B (Pedvax), • Anzac Road, Brown Street to • Chapmans Road, No.2 Spot colour extra $25
Comvax (Hepatitis B/Hib), Meningococcal C (free for 12 mths - 19 Evans Street Chapmans Road - School Road Classified rates same
years), Chickenpox Vaccine (free for Year 7 students and children at • School Road between the • Service Road, Service Road
18 months of age) - Cost $45, Hepatitis B (free for Year 7 students and school and the existing foot- west of Hardy Drive All enquiries to:
infants) - Cost $30. path, just short of Davey Drive Rod Dixon
Coordinator, Sales
Centres Ph: 5633 2737
Trafalgar: Community Service Centre A Little Patch of Country Mob: 0417 039 220
(Senior Citizens Hall), Princes Highway
Email: sales.traf-
Warragul: Warragul Senior Citizens Hall, 30% off all fabrics on the table news@
Cnr Mason & Barkly Street during June
Drouin: Uniting Church Hall, Place ad copy in box in
Sinclair Street.
1/2 M Minimum Cut Trafalgar FoodWorks
63 Princes Highway Longarm Supermarket or email:
For further information Trafalgar 3824 Quilting sales.trafnews@
phone Robyn Duffy 5624 2411. Ph: (03) 5633 2311 Service
p6 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p7
New Tiling Concepts open for business Tanjil Valley Arts and Photography Exhibition I N S H O R T

A fter last year's successful official opening on Friday 6 June Admission on Saturday, Sunday
show, the second Tanjil 2008 at 7.30pm which includes and Monday, 7-9 June, between
esque views and the warm commu- Malady - Lynch
Valley Arts and Photography Tanjil wines and cheese at the pres- 10.00am and 4.00pm is by gold coin
nity spirit they came across within Milly Grace born on 22 April
Exhibition is to be held on the entation of awards. donation.
the township. 2008 at West Gippsland
Queen's Birthday weekend at the Hospital to Dail and Leon.
Des has worked in the flooring
former Hill End School, Paynter's Precious little sister for Tyler,
industry for 35 years laying and sell-
Road, Hill End. Abbey and Mia. Darling
ing every thing from carpet, vinyl
Follow the signs and take a pleas- granddaughter for Ross and
and tiles.
ant drive to Hill End to view paint- Pauline.
Des has wanted to open a tile
ings, photographs, and historic pho- Scale
store for some time now and felt Darryl (Daz) and Neda wel-
tographs of Tanjil Valley and
Trafalgar was an ideal location come Shiloh Milly - born 8
Surrounds, which is the topic for the
because it is central, growing rapidly May 2008 at Bacchus Marsh
and is still accessible from the free- Hospital. Darling sister for
Paintings and photographs may
way. Jaylen.
include mountain vistas, farm life,
Through the planning of their Nelson - Weymouth
flora, fauna, waterways, human To Rebecca and James a
own home, they recently visited a
activities, old buildings, machinery, baby boy, Thomas Rex, born
colour selection centre in the city.
etc. 25 April 2008. Brother to
This inspired them to expand the
The 13 and under youth topic is Emily and grandson to John
business into a colour selection cen-
'The Blue Rock Bunyip'. and Cheryl Weymouth.
tre for renovators and small and big
Enjoy a light lunch of soup and
local building groups. Hopefully this
sandwiches or a Devonshire tea, in
will simplify things for their custom-
the cosy school building after view-
ing or perhaps purchasing an origi-
They have hired several locals
nal art work or photograph.
Showroom display in New Tiling Conepts and hope to employ more when they
There is free admission to the

Y ou may have noticed there

is a new shop in Trafalgar
called New Tiling Concepts.
It is situated next to St Joseph's
Primary School. New Tiling Concepts
We specialize in:
• Interior tiling
• exterior tiling
• Floor and wall tiles

Floor maintenance
Floor sealing
are fully established.
Appointments can be arranged in
your home or after hours to suit
people's busy lifestyles with a no
Women's Health Day
• Glass tiles obligation free quote.

was formerly known as the Trafalgar • Slate Des and Michele Robertson have They are able to offer good priced aturday 14 June 2008 will see heart, stroke and diabetes risk
Cabinets and Joinery Kitchen store at • Borders been living in Latrobe Valley for tiles, quality laying and helpful advice the return of the popular day reduction, healthy relationships,
64 Waterloo Road. • Tessellated tiles seven years. They have recently on DIY projects. for women in their middle building better bones, midlife and
The store is now officially open • Ceramic skirting bought a block of land where they Feel free to pop in for a browse. years to get together and enjoy a menopause myth busting. There will
for business Monday - Friday 8.30am • Porcelain hope to build in the near future. For further enquiries please call 56 series of mini health seminars on be lots of other health related infor-
until 5.30pm. Saturdays and after • Mosaics Des and Michele were attracted 33 3312. offer at Latrobe Community Health mation available including the
hours can be arranged by appoint- • Stack stone to Trafalgar because of the pictur- Service, 42 Fowler St. Moe. mobile library from the Gippsland
During the day there will be six Women' Health Service.
concurrent sessions of which women The day will run from 10.00am
can choose three to attend. These until 4.00pm and costs $15 which
will be run by a continence nurse, includes lunch. Women must regis-
community health nurse, dietician, a ter as soon as possible. To obtain a
counsellor from Relationships booking form contact Latrobe
Australia, Gippsland Women's Health Community Health Service Moe,
Service nurse and for something phone 5127 9100 or the Community
more physical, try Tai Chi. The topics Health Nurse 5127 9139.
covered will include healthy bowel Latrobe Community Health
and water works, the mysteries of Service Inc. - partners in health and

Fundraising made easy! food labels and smart choices for

Call your local financial planner

well being.

Did you know by using your FoodWorks Community Rewards key tag every time you shop,
you could be helping local organisations to raise funds to be used within the community? ROD BOON CFP 5633 1579 Asic No. 247030
Simply ask one of our staff to have your points donated to one of the following organisations. FOR ADVICE ON:
Superannuation, Redundancy, Retirement,
FoodWorks Trafalgar proudly supports the following organisations through our FoodWorks Community Rewards Program: Centrelink, Investment, Insurance
Trafalgar Primary School, Trafalgar High School, St Josephs School, St Vincent De Paul, Trafalgar Fire Brigade, FREE FIRST CONSULTATION
Trafalgar Youth Club, Trafalgar Lions Club, Trafalgar Junior Netball Club and the Trafalgar Bowls Club.
Authorised Representative of
GROSVENOR Securities Pty Ltd
Trafalgar Pharmacy
Corner Princes Highway & Contingent Street, Trafalgar. Phone: 5633 1008 75 Princess Hwy, Trafalgar. Phone 5633 1155
AFS Licence 229973
p8 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p9
Trafalgar High School misses out on funding Michelle Robertson is new JP
T rafalgar High School has
again missed out on State
Government funding in this
year’s budget.
Member for Narracan Gary
to be seen in this year’s budget. The
government had plans drawn up and
presented these to the school two
years ago for the redevelopment. T he Governor in Council
appointed local resident
Michelle Robertson a Justice
of the Peace on 15 April, on the
has lived in Trafalgar for 26 years.
She is married with one child and
works for a local construction/min-
ing company as an Administration
“Yet it seems that the government
Blackwood has criticised the recommendation of the Attorney Manager/Accountant and has done
is avoiding its promise and no fund-
Brumby government for not deliver- General. so for the past 13 years.
ing has been allocated,” he said.
ing on its election promise of an $8 Michelle took her Oath of Office Any person requiring the assist-
Mr Blackwood said the school
million upgrade for the school. at the Latrobe Valley Courts on 6 May ance of a Justice of the Peace may
had put some significant mainte-
But Member for Eastern Victoria 2008, and has since been provided contact Michelle on 5633 2888 or
nance issues on hold and now stu-
Matt Viney has reinforced the com- with a Certificate of Administration 0419 510 168.
dents and teachers would have to
mitment, saying Trafalgar High of Oath for the Office of Justice of It is interesting that in Trafalgar
continue with substandard class-
School will receive funding in the the Peace and an Appointment we only have two other JP’s other
rooms for another 12 to 18 months,
current government’s term. Certificate. than our police, pharmacist, bank
provided the project is funded in
Mr Blackwood said when Mr As an Honorary Justice, Michelle managers etc., who can witness stat-
next year’s budget.
Brumby was sworn in as premier, he will serve a semi-judicial function in utory declarations and affidavits.
He said he would meet with the
promised to be an inclusive and all areas of the Trafalgar community, To locate a JP people should tel-
principal in the next few weeks and
decisive leader who would make with her main role witnessing statu- ephone 1300 365 567 or go to www.
continue to put pressure on the gov-
education for Victorians his priori- tory declarations and affidavits.
ty. “There is no doubt in my mind Michelle, who is 33 years old, Michelle Robertson JP with her certificate of of administration.
“Less than 12 months on from

Trafalgar couple receive achievement awards

that the staff and parents are waiting
that promise and John Brumby and for that funding,” he said.
his Labor government have once Mr Viney said Trafalgar was one
again let down the people of of the schools that “we made a com-
Narracan when it comes to educa-
tion funding,” he said.
Mr Blackwood said he was “dev-
astated” the budget had again
mitment to in this term of govern-
But, he said, the government
could not fund all commitments in
T rafalgar husband and wife
team Brian and Kathy
O’Connell were recognised
recently for their fifteen years of
involvement with the annual Latrobe
this outstanding record.
Brian was a member of the orig-
inal organising committee and
served on the committee for many
special luncheon at the completion
of the ride at Churchill on Sunday,
20 April by District Governor Peter
All riders raised sponsorship
money and many Lions Clubs in the
district supported the ride, either
financially or by providing meals
neglected the Trafalgar High School the first and second years. This year the forty seven partici- and accommodation along the
Member for Narracan Gary Blackwood said he would continue to put pressure
major upgrade funding. “We have made that commitment on the state government to honour funding commitment to upgrade facilities
Health-Lions Ride for Sight. Kathy was presented with the pating riders left Churchill on route.
“The school’s community was and we will honor that. There are at Trafalgar High school.. Three riders - Brian O’Connell, prestigious Leo Tyquin Award for Thursday, 17 April, with overnight Organisers expect to make
waiting for and expecting the money only two budgets to go and it will be Ian de Bruyne and Mark Sage, have her fifteen years involvement, serv- stops at Rosedale, Yarram and around $50,000 from this year’s
to be allocated in last year's budget in one of those,” he said. want to discuss the issue or make Article and photo reproduced with ridden in every Ride for Sight since ing as committee secretary for many Mirboo North before finishing back ride which will mean that the ride
and it wasn’t. Trafalgar High School principal comment on government funding permission of the Warragul it began fifteen years ago and they years and driving the lead car for at Churchill on Sunday, 20 April has now raised well in excess of
“Again, the money was nowhere Jane Haustorfer said she did not commitments. Gazette were all presented with certificates the past ten years. after travelling approximately four $500,000 for sight research since it
of appreciation in recognition of The awards were presented at a hundred kilometres. began in 1994.

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p10 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p11
Baw Baw Shire CEO resigns The bush garden painting lation of 143,000. place. The shire is now far more ment, bringing with him his own
By Judy Atwell.

“I have thoroughly
enjoyed my time at Baw
Baw,” Glenn said. “It
has been a very positive
active and influential in Gippsland
and at a state level through stronger
external advocacy and representa-
tion by a range of staff and council-
ideas on the future direction of the
“I have worked reasonably close-
ly with Glenn since his appointment,
L enore lived in an old farm-
house at the edge of a large
country town. Over the years
the surrounding land had been sold
off and built on as the town stretched
At one time the old lady had
created a series of paintings
which were now arranged in
neat rows on the walls. Their
experience, principally lors. and have always found him to be as fine frames were now tarnished
because of the quality of “The Councillors have proactively upfront and honest as he can be, greedy fingers of development over with age. Enclosed in the frames
the people and relation- dealt with a number of difficult recognising that there are many con- the rolling hills. were images of flowers from
ships here - excellent issues over the last few years that fidential matters he could not dis- As she aged, Lenore became vanished summers; autumn
staff, a co-operative and needed to be addressed to ensure cuss with me. increasingly disenchanted with her leaves long since mulched and
supportive relationship long term success and sustainability, “He was always very approacha- garden. The garden, as well as con- nourishing new generations of
between councillors, particularly around financial man- ble, with us sometimes exchanging taining traditional farmhouse plant- plants.
staff and an increasingly agement, strategic land use issues emails at ridiculous hours of the ings of fragrant roses, trailing honey- One painting, a little different
engaged community." and major project development.” evening. suckles and vivid geraniums, had to the rest, featured an impres-
Glenn said that the Glenn spoke glowingly of the “His preparedness to meet with also retained an area of remnant sion of the remnant bush gar-
Baw Baw Shire is Trafalgar community. community members, often on tick- bush. den. Broad, bold brushstrokes
increasingly recognised “I really admire the work that the lish matters, always, in my experi- The bush garden attracted small delineated trees, bushes, leaves
as a high performing Trafalgar community has done. It is ence, saw Glenn say it as it was, clusters of birds. Rosellas quarrelled and rocks.
council. the leader in relation to community without any of the spin that one can over grass seeds, twitchy blue wrens Colours of subtle, shimmer-
“The staff are doing engagement and capacity building - sometimes expect,” said Mick. wrestled with minute, reluctant ing blues, greens evoked the

G lenn Patterson has excellent work for the community in advocating effectively for support for Current TCDA president Fiona insects and magpies fluted at dawn. sensation of that special, uncer-
resigned as the Baw Baw strategic planning, environmental agreed community priorities and Beckley said that Glenn has been A resident possum had set up home tain time when spring steps
Shire CEO and will be leav- management, business, tourism and providing a clear vision and direc- very supportive and approachable. in a crusted eucalypt. trembling into summer.
ing in early July. marketing, community engagement, tion for the future of the town. “His professionalism and candid The interior of the brown wood- As Lenore experienced her
Glenn has been appointed as CEO recreation and infrastructure devel- “An excellent working relation- approach have been greatly appreci- en house reflected aspects of the life slipping into late autumn,
at the Yarra Ranges Shire Council. opment, to name a few. Community ship, in fact a partnership, has devel- ated. We wish him all the best,” said garden as the wall were papered her hold on it seemed to be tied
Yarra Ranges is a category 1 metro- Services and our Parks and Gardens oped between the Traf community Fiona. with large cream and apricot roses to the loving relationship she
politan council on Melbourne’s east- and other urban maintenance crews and council staff and councillors, Glenn commenced with Baw Baw from an earlier decade. Solid dark had with both of her gardens.
ern fringe, covering the Dandenongs, consistently rate highest for com- which has brought about some in February 2005. Prior to his wooden tables were covered with On the one hand, to the tangible
Yarra Valley and larger urban cen- munity satisfaction in the “Large excellent outcomes," said Glenn. appointment here, he was a CEO and lacy white cloths of assorted sizes. bush garden that smelt of the
tres including Chirnside Park, Rural Shires” category. Former TCDA president Mick business owner in the real estate and Arrays of shiny silver ornaments eucalyptus after rain. On the
Mooroolbark and Lilydale. It has an “The organisation has embraced Bourke said that there has been a property development sector, follow- reflected the subdued light from other hand, to that impression
shaded windows. In winter, firelight Impression of the remnant bush garden
operating budget of $130 million, business excellence and has become marked change in the management ing a period as CEO at the Colac of the garden lovingly painted
employs 830 staff and serves a popu- an innovative and progressive work- of the shire since Glenn’s appoint- Otway Shire. lent the silverware the red, oranges on a spring afternoon.
and blues of its flames.

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p12 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p13
Traf High hold annual athletics sports Traf youth challenged by rock climbing wall
T he Trafalgar High School between third and fourth places with
annual athletics sports were only ten points separating Drake and determined to get to the top.
held at the Joe Carmody Hawke with 1394 and 1384 respec- I hope every one will say a
Athletics Track in Newborough On tively. big thanks to Dorothy Hoare
Friday, 18 April. The weather was It was a very successful day with for organising this wonderful
perfect, and all teams competed many students achieving results trip. It was great to have her
enthusiastically. Overall winners for which qualified them for the West with us.
the day were Jervis House with 1524 Gippsland Athletics carnival held on Young people are encour-
points and second was Nelson with Thursday, 1 May. aged to join one of our pro-
1421 points. It was a close contest Continued on page 15 grams.
Any adults who enjoy talking
to young people and can give a
couple of hours a week, we
would love to hear from you.
Contacts are Dorothy Hoare:
Phone 5633 2041 (mob: 0427
149 456) and Amanda Vosper:
Phone 5633 1733 or 5633

Above and below right:-Traf youth experience the thrill of rock climbing.

Principal, Mrs Jane Haustorfer making the presentation to U21 ue to support from group of kids went to Seaford to do
Daniel Grabau, competing in the high jump. Champion Lauren Dear Australia Post and the indoor rock climbing. They really
Trafalgar Community enjoyed it and I think they would like
Opportunity Shop, twelve Trafalgar to do it again.
young people were able to experi- When they got there they got
ence the Rock Climbing Walls at the taught how to do all of the tricky stuff
Victorian Climbing Centre. and have a little practice.
All of us have participated in the There were lots of walls, hard
Trafalgar Youth Mentoring Program. ones, easy, tricky and scary.
This is our experience as written The walls were all different
by Harrison Dinsmore and Joshua heights and styles, which gave us
Jones. more challenges.
On Thursday 27 March, Saturday We got lots of encouragement
12 April and Saturday 26 April, a and that's what helped us get more

Traf High hold annual athletics sports...

Continued from page 14

Jervis house captains Brylee Giles, Jeremy Dunn, Mark Epps and Emma Hayes with the shield

Roseberry Cafe
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Joint U21 boy's champions Corey Randall and Andrew Nicolson, being presented
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p14 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p15
Fancy a spot of rain? On the bench
Rotary Club of Trafalgar
quickly into even remote areas
requiring disaster relief.
The graph below compares the monthly rainfall received in
By Lehane
Trafalgar in 2008 with the 2007 monthly rainfall and the average
ShelterBox has responded
rainfall over the period July 1902- December 2006.
immediately to the devastating
April rainfall - 59.4mm.
cyclone that hit Myanmar, Burma
last week. Up to 100,000 lives have
been reported lost, and 95% of
By Audun Pedersen* houses destroyed as the cyclone
ShelterBox response team in swept inland, after several days at
Burma sea. ShelterBox has been confirmed
ShelterBox is a Rotary initiative as the first UK based disaster relief
started in 2000 to assist people in team with aid, to have landed in
disaster-affected areas around the Burma to assist with disaster relief
world. The initiative is supported by work.
Rotary Clubs around the world, The Rotary Club of Trafalgar is
including Trafalgar. an active and effective participant in
Each ShelterBox contains one or local community affairs, and sup-
two ten-person dome tents, thermal porter of local organizations in
blankets, water purification tablets, their fundraising activities. But
Trafalgar debating team members :- Peter Cook. Bill Harrigton and Judy Bishop I was filling out some government forms,
a multi-fuel stove, tools and other when a disaster of the scale of the
Concerning myself and the wife,
essential equipment. They are one that has hit Burma occurs, we support those affected. At the cost skill, for a great night of enjoyable
And it appears she is no longer called that
designed to be able to be brought are moved to do whatever we can to of $1200 each, the ShelterBoxes fellowship with the Drouin Club.
After 45 years of married life.
provide quick, efficient and cost- Rotary
effective assistance, and we are Rotary is a community service
Now of all these 45 years,
pleased to have been able to send organization with some 1.2 million
We’ve lived together in our house,
five boxes, a part of the proceeds of men and women members through-
Yet, strange as it may seem
club fund-raising activities over the out the world. Twenty of this number
She is no longer considered my wife or spouse.
past year. are members of the Rotary Club of
Any individual, who wishes to Trafalgar.
Ah! So, she has finally divorced you.
support ShelterBox, can do so by This year our activities have
Well, I must say that I’m
contacting the president Audun included art exhibitions; Men's
Actually amazed she stayed with you,
The Great Debate
Shed; the Youth Resource Centre;
International Youth Exchange and
Albert’s Corner For such a long time.
The annual 'Great Debate' ShelterBoxes, as well as hands-on
“Any intelligent fool can No, of course she hasn’t divorced me.
between the Trafalgar and Drouin activities such as working bees at
make things bigger, more Then what are you talking about?
Rotary Clubs took place recently, Gippsland Rotary Centenary House.
complex, and more violent. It These Government forms that we received,
with victory awarded to Trafalgar. We meet each week, and each
takes a touch of genius - and The ones we’re having difficulty filling out.
The topic was 'that Daylight Saving meeting includes interesting/enjoy-
Should be Extended to the Entire able/challenging speakers. a lot of courage - to move in
the opposite direction.” The words Husband, Wife or Spouse
Year' The Trafalgar team, compris- For more information, please
Are nowhere to be seen.
ing PP Peter Cooke, PP Bill contact president Audun Pedersen,
All replaced with the term, Partner.
Harrington and Judy Bishop debat- secretary Laurie Snowball, or any
What, like business partner, is that what you mean?
ed in the negative. member of the club. (Editor: We will publish a quote from Albert Einstein in each edition.
As in previous years, wit and This is the first quote.) That’s what I thought at first,
humour featured in equal measure * Audun Pedersen is President of
But it means the person whose life you share.
to profound argument and debating the Rotary Club of Trafalgar.
Doesn’t matter if you’re married or not,

café obsession
Just as long as you are a pair.
Check out prices on PCs and a full I suppose that’s fairly sensible,
range of notebooks and Business Servers Instead of multiple terms, only one.

number one coffee house

After all, does it really matter
Television, Video, Audio repairs & service
When it’s all said and done?
in all of trafalgarstan
Call and see Ed, Heather & Glen at
Edcomp Computer Services I have no objection at all
1 Contingent Street Trafalgar 3824 7.30am – 3pm tue - fri To unmarried pairs having the right to a certain name.
But surely all married couples
Phone 5633 1344 8.30am – 3pm sat Have rights and entitlements, just the same.
Enjoy the privileges of shopping locally 71 princes hwy, trafalgar ph: 5633 3239
p16 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p17
Trafalgar and Thorpdale RS&L sub-branch report a big attendance at the Dawn Service in Trafalgar in 2008
By Ray James*
We sell our Tokens and Poppies James, Trafalgar Thorpdale RSL Sub-
through the General Store and this Branch President.
news was given to me on retrieving Memorabillia
our tokens. We recently replaced some mem-
I believe we, Trafalgar/ Thorpdale orabilia in the Trafa;gar RS&L Hall
RSL have the ability to conduct serv- that was stored during the period the
ices at this very important site, in the RSL was assimilated with Moe RSL. It
future, for events such as ANZAC Day is now the view of members to try
and could be held at around 9.30 and retrieve some of those items, if at
am, I look forward to hearing from all possible.
the community of Willow Grove. We think that there are still quite
The Trafalgar/Thorpdale RS&L a few items out there, somewhere,
Sub-Branch now wishes to thank the that would complement the Hall and
communities for their support shown one item is the original Honour
by the purchase of our ANZAC Day Board pictured with Ernie Swingler
Tokens. and Bill Freeman, both deceased,
The total amount raised, and both once dedicated RSL men.
$2,645.90, was from the sale of our So, if anyone can help with this
Trafalgar Thorpdale RSL - ANZAC Day Traffic Management Team. Without these
young energetic people these events would possibly not go ahead so I thank
tokens including donations as well. item or any others items and would
Trafalgar ANZAC Day parade. Photo by Ainsley James. them very much. It must have been a good job as they all had big smiles for the Once again, it was a magnificent like to see them back in the Trafalgar

T he day began early for me at Our good friends at Moe RS&L Moe, a rest day, he only had one Trafalgar but also for our Thorpdale camera. Pictured from Left are: David and Lynette Gibbs, Heather and Russell RS&L Hall, as we would, then please
0500 hours and all went put on a gunfire breakfast for a gold service to conduct. service which is held on the Sunday Mack and Lorraine James. Photo by Ainsley James. Tracing descendants contact me. We may be able to pay a
according to plan. The coin donation, which is traditional The main service began with a before ANZAC Day. We have been asked to trace, if small amount for them.
weather forecast was for rain later after a Dawn Service; Moe RSL parade and March from the Traf RSL Our guest speaker was Flying We were also privileged to have A special thanks to the following for possible, the descendants of an In closing
that day but we were spared a catered for some 400 people. Hall to the Cenotaph in front of the Officer James Gotch, a pilot attached Peggie Currie and Betty Kennedy your continued support: ANZAC. The phone call for help, was Our sub-branch meets on the first
drenching, I think the rain has for- Andrews House ANZAC Day Senior Citizens Hall. I was running a to the Central Flying School, based at lead us in song and our Secretary, • Reverend Marilyn Obersey, received by member Mr Darryl Friday of each month at the RSL Hall,
gotten to fall around Traf and has service little late and thank heavens Frank RAAF Base East Sale. Flying Officer Faye Harkess, playing the music for • Darren Fraser, Shaw. Contingent Street Trafalgar at 1100
gone elsewhere. The Andrews House ANZAC Day Gridley was on the ball; he had the Gotch is experienced in flying the the occasion, on her keyboard. I • Jim and Jan Forsyth, The caller is seeking our assist- hours.
More than 70 people attended service was once again conducted by hall open and chairs being placed Pilatus PC9 and the Hawk 127 Lead think the keyboard had more power • Mavis and David Halliwell ance in finding a descendant or rela- We are looking to increase our
this year's Anzac Day Dawn Service. Burnie Murray. Burnie has in other for the service. in Fighter. James gave an excellent than the PA system at various • Isabel Erbs for her special tive of Private Charles Taylor, believed membership and invite ex-service
The Dawn Service began at 0600 years worked very hard to hold three The main service went mainly to speech about the early diggers and moments, or was it that Faye was sauce. to have come from Trafalgar or pos- personnel and close and distant rela-
hours. It was brought to the atten- services in Trafalgar, so this year we plan. Reverend Marilyn Obersby, the hardships they faced in war and belting those keys rather hard? If I have missed anyone, I am sibly Thorpdale. tives of ex-service personnel, if inter-
tion to those assembled, of the gave our member Burnie, recently from the Anglican Church, did a included those involved in peace Whatever it was, it was very well sorry. The caller has a World War 1 ested in becoming a member, to
supreme sacrifice made by those transferred back to Trafalgar from wonderful job as always, not only at keeping duties. done. Community of Willow Grove Victory Medal awarded to C Taylor contact myself or our Secretary Faye
whose names were enscribed in It was estimated about 300 peo- The Trafalgar/Thorpdale RS&L and has had the medal for more than Harkess and come along to a meet-
stone and coated in gold. ple enjoyed a full ANZAC Day service Sub-Branch is responsible for a twenty years and would like to see it ing. You will be made most wel-
This year the Cenotaph was flood- in full sunshine at the Trafalgar large area and I learnt that an ANZAC in the keeping of a C Taylor descend- come.
lit with a temporary light and I Cenotaph and at service end enjoyed Day service was not held at the ant. I take this moment to welcome to
believe it gave the occasion more eats and refreshments at the Trafalgar Cenotaph for the community of If you are a descendant or rela- our sub-branch four new members,
meaning and to see the monument Fire Station. Willow Grove. tive of C Taylor please contact Ray Russell and Heather Mack, Betty
with a recently cleaned World War 1 This ANZAC Day Ceremony would Kennedy, Doreen Savige and William
digger on top and the names re- not have been the successful com- (Bill) Stewart and congratulate
gilded made it all the more special. munity event it was, if it wasn't for all Darryl Shaw, Burnie Murray andCraig
The ceremony was led by the help I received. I thanked all Moon on their transfer from Moe
Trafalgar/Thorpdale RSL President those wonderful helpers on the day RSL.
Ray James, with the Last Post being and to those I may have missed, I By becoming a member at
played at 6.00am by Ross de Vent on thank you now. Trafalgar/Thorpdale RSL you auto-
a brisk morning. Thorpdale ANZAC Day service matically have full use of the Moe and
A mixture of former armed serv- Thorpdale ANZAC Day service other RSL facilities as a RSL mem-
ices members, one current serving was held on Sunday 20 April 2008 ber.
member, and many residents stood and will continue to be conducted I can be contacted by phone:
to attention during the Last Post. the Sunday before ANZAC Day, by our 5633 1162 or email: rayjames@dcsi.
The diggers would have been RSL Sub-Branch.
proud of the large number of young The day was a sunny autumn day Secretary Faye Harkess, phone:
people who came to honour those and attended by a sincere group of 5633 1453 or email: fharkess@big-
who fell in the various wars over the Thorpdale and district community
past 110 years since Australians first members, including a group of dedi- Lest We Forget
went overseas to fight in the South cated Thorpdale primary school stu- * Ray James is the President of the
Pictured from left to right are: Cr Bill Harrington, Jim Crowe, Ray James, David Halliwell, Alan Erbs, Trevor Chambers, dents. Trafalgar/Thorpdale RS&L sub-
African Boar War at the end of the Stan Savige, Jack Cooper, Gordon Kennedy and Jim Frost. In the foreground are students from the Thorpdale primary The original honour board held by Ernie Swingler and Bill Freeman, both dee-
19th Century. A BBQ was held after the service. ased and once dedicated RSL men. branch of the RS&L.
school. Photo by Tracy Chambers.
Celebrate National Volunteer Week Local youth receive Lions leader awards
By Lois Jacopino he Lions Club of Trafalgar

N ational Volunteer Week

celebrates volunteering in
Australia. The first National
Volunteer week was held in 1988.
The purpose of the week is to
'Volunteers Change Our
It was a week in
which 5.4 million
recently presented Lions
Young Leaders in Service
Awards to six local young people.
Designed to encourage youth to
serve in their community, the awards
Australian volunteers,
focus upon thanks and recognition of who unselfishly give of are presented to young people who
volunteers and to celebrate and their time, talent and complete 50 or 100 hours of com-
acknowledge the important work resources, were recog- munity service in a 12 month period.
done everyday by volunteers; their nized. This equates to a The local Lions Young Leaders in
commitment being to serve a greater staggering 713 million Service Awards recipients are:
cause than self through volunteer hours of unpaid work Gold Seal Awards for 100 Hours of
work. each year and injects Service
Since that time, community $1.5 billion into the Rachel Biali, Joshua Jones,
organizations throughout Australia, economy. Courtney Mallia and Haylee
have taken advantage of National Volunteers are abso- Oates
Volunteer Week, to acknowledge the lutely essential to the Don McCulloch assisting client Wyn Finlayson in bas- Silver Seal Awards for 50 Hours of
tremendous contribution volunteers fabric of Australian soci- Jill McCourt broadcasting live ketry Service
make to their organizations, as well ety and make an extraor- Harrison Dinsmore and Gemma
as draw attention to the need for dinary contribution to cases would not exist, if not for vol- in a variety of services such as, rec- Rowland Pictured from back, left to right: Gemma Rowland and Courtney Mallia. Front: Haylee Oates, Harrison Dinsmore, Joshua
volunteers to provide service of their Australia. unteers are; CFA, SES, Traf News, reation assistants for the Day Program These awards were in recogni- Jones and Rachel Biali
organization to their communities. In our own community of Lions and Lionesses, Rotary, Inner (basketry, pottery, walking, tai chi, tion of each of them volunteering Lions Club. The Lions Club of president Marianne Tyler. Marianne who volunteer become adults who
This year, the week May 12 - 18, Trafalgar and surrounding districts, Wheel, RSL, TCDA, West Gippsland ten-pin bowling, water therapy, talk- their time for the Seagulls Program Trafalgar believe it is important for congratulated the students on their serve," Marianne said.
was the time when the essential role there are many residents, who as Health, Meals on Wheels, Andrews ing newspapers, transport, catering, at the Trafalgar Youth Resource our young people to experience how commitment, volunteering at least Marianne expressed appreciation
that volunteers play in our communi- volunteers, contribute to and make House, Op Shop, Seagulls, administration, self-help groups, tel- Centre, and each recipient received rewarding it is to become involved, an hour a week to assist the com- to Dorothy Hoare for her tireless
ties right across Australia, was offi- our community a better place. Some Neighbourhood Watch, Battle of elinks (group conversations via a certificate and a letter from Lions helping and serving in the local munity and gain leadership skills. efforts in co-ordinating and support-
cially recognized and acknowledged. of the local organizations/groups that Trafalgar Committee, Scouts, Cubs, phone), schools program and print Clubs International. community. She also thanked their parents ing the program and these young
The theme for this week was benefit from, or indeed in some Sporting Clubs and Vision Australia. radio. "We Serve" is the motto of the The presentations were made by for their support. "Young people people to achieve their goal.
To all of those who give so gener- All of these services could not be
ously of their time, the community operated without volunteer contribu-
says Thank You. tion. Vision Australia is able to offer
On Thursday May 15, Vision many of the services it does, free of
Australia (Warragul) held a morning charge, in part, because of the con-
tea, as did some of the other organi- tribution made by volunteers.
Celebrate National Volunteer Week...
Continued from page 20
"I have always enjoyed reading
friendships to be formed.
"It has been interesting to see
zations, to recognize and acknowl- Jill McCourt, a Trafalgar resident, generally, and the newspaper in par- what is involved in putting a radio
edge, the contribution made by vol- who volunteers as part of the Print ticular, so when the opportunity to program to air, how interviews are
unteers. Radio team with Vision Australia, had assist people, who were no longer put together and something of the
Vision Australia works in living the following to say about her involve- able to read the paper themselves, linking of our show into the overall
partnership with Australians who are ment as a Vision Australia volunteer. gain access to the newspaper, I broadcast, something I have not had
blind or have low vision to help them "I first became aware of Vision thought I would like to help. the chance to do before."
achieve the possibilities they choose Australia when a friend began work- "The RPH service gives me a As a result of a study undertaken
in life. Vision Australia has 5000 vol- ing for the organization in Warragul. chance to read some local papers into volunteering, it was found that
unteers across Australia; Vision I began to hear of the good work that and catch up on some of the local those who volunteer have a better
Australia has over 200 volunteers they do for people who are blind or issues and meet others who also standard of health and live longer. So,
Back: Jaren Lindorff, Pat Whetford, Beryl Strahan (all volunteers), Peter Clark across Gippsland contributing more have low vision and the role that enjoy reading. The other volunteers if you are not already a volunteer and
(Manager, Programs and Planning, organisattional Development). Front: Verna than 1200 hours and over 3500km volunteers can play in delivering the are all interesting people and spend- wish to become one, I am sure that Front: Lois Jacopino (radio presenter) Back from left: Peter Farrow (Community
Blacker, Dianne Oliver, Colleen Tatnell, Joan Kinder (all volunteers) and Marg of client transport each month. services they provide. ing a couple of hours each visit to any or all of the organizations listed, Services), Peter O'Brien (radio) and Ray Maher (radio volunteer and station
Cook (Friend of Vision Australia). These 200 local volunteers assist Continued on page 21 the Vision Australia centre allows coordinator)
would happily welcome you.

Licence Number 21947
We get the results you want! General plumbing, Roofing & Gutter,
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p20 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p21
Trafalgar Fire Brigade news
By Darren Wallace Captain TFB
Tanjil Valley Garden
By Shirley Alchin

L ast year the brigade Monday 28 April International Flower and Garden
applied for, and was Twelve intrepid gardeners clad in Show early in April, encouraged
successful, in getting a warm jackets, umbrellas and gum- many to purchase a number of beau-
government grant to update its boots, travelled to Mr Bob Watson’s tiful varieties with the intention of
existing trailer pump. A new at Thorpdale. following the newly acquired expert
13HP electric start Honda Despite dreadful weather, the advice to test our gardening skills.
quick fill-pump has now been afternoon was very enjoyable. Bob’s There are so many breath-taking
made operational for brigade stunning chrysanthemums were the clematis flowers, a great range of
and Narracan group fire fight- main feature; lovely views across the colours, sizes, shapes and growing
ing activities. hills were admired. habits that I’m sure many of us will
The pump is trailer mount- The garden surrounding the 100 return to Alameda, via the catalogue
ed but has also been designed year old house was very interesting, purchasing system (hard copy or the
to be portable when access is divided into separate ‘rooms’. Most internet ( to add
limited. The pump has a effective! to our supplies, I know I will.
capacity of 1800 litres per Other plants of interest included It was hard to leave the nursery
minute and can deliver through a white Easter daisy, asters, zinnias but lunch at the Wilson Botanic Park
two 63mm outlets. and dahlias. A beautiful display of at Berwick beckoned, and what a
The brigade once again succulents on the veranda caused wonderful surprise this setting
opened its doors to all returned much comment. Everyone purchased proved to be. A City of Casey gem!
servicemen and women and so many plants, that to fit the pas- The history of Wilson Botanic Flanders poppy, to have flowers for
the general public during Monday 7 April sengers into the cars took a bit of a Park (originally a blue metal quarry ‘Remembrance Day’ in November.
Anzac Day. The brigade Our group travelled to Hazelwood. juggling act. opened in 1859) is interesting to Seeds of Ice Land Poppy can also be
marched in support of the old Our hosts were Marlene and Ivan Afternoon tea together was very read. In its current form the 39 hec- sown now. They like a well drained
diggers and in respect to the Walker. This is a young (two-year old) enjoyable. Thank you Bob. tare park was officially opened by soil in direct sunlight. Now is the
fallen, on another glorious day garden which is extremely well laid Wednesday 30 April the Governor General in 1992. time to plant sweet peas for flower-
,weather wise. Sandwiches and The 13HP Honda trailer mounted pump out, with many mounded and mulched At 9.00am twenty keen gardeners It is a lovely destination, but if ing in the spring.
refreshments were catered for by fire safety, and strengthens links FB on 5633 2130 and register your to check, close doors behind you if beds set around nice green lawns. boarded the coach at Trafalgar/ you can’t make it in person, why not In the vegetable garden, broad
the auxiliary, with a large crowd in between brigades and their commu- expression of interest. possible. The front garden features a grand Yarragon, eagerly looking forward to visit ( beans can be sown. They prefer a
attendance. nities. Home Fire Safety Call the fire brigade from a fountain, set amid many roses. Other the visual delights at our intended au) and click on: Scenery of Wilson rich soil. If acidic, a good amount of
The brigade auxiliary held its The objectives of a JVDP are to: CFA attends more than 1000 neighbour's house, public or beds have lots of native plants attract- destination, the Clematis Nursery at Botanic Park. lime helps. They need support for
annual Mothers Day raffle and would Provide young people with a sense house fires every year but the mobile phone and wait for them to ing several types of birds. Berwick. Alameda Homestead We arrived back at Trafalgar not the tall growing variety, as winter
like to thank the following local of place in their community and an majority of these could be avoided. arrive. Tell them where the fire is Quite a few specimen trees will Nursery is a highly regarded special- long before 4.00 p.m. satisfied that winds can easily flatten them.
businesses for their support, Boyles awareness of the need for, and ben- It's timely with winter approaching and if anybody is still inside. provide lovely shade when mature. ist wholesale nursery, which grows we’d had another lovely Tanjil Valley Now is the time to cut your bud-
Hardware, Trafalgar Pharmacy, efits of volunteerism that home fire safety is discussed. Fortunately these few simple Garden statues and a special rose many thousands of clematis every Garden group outing, in good com- dleias back. They can be cut back by
Fancy That Gifts, Judy's Bowen Enhance personal values such A moment's distraction in the things that you can do will help (Double Delight) in a huge pot, year for distribution throughout pany, in good spirits and finally two-thirds; this encourages new and
Therapy and auxiliary members who as commitment, responsibility and kitchen, a faulty electrical appli- protect you and your family from attracted much admiration. Australia. ready for another tea or coffee. vigorous growth. They also need a
all kindly donated to the raffle to respect for self and others ance or washing left too close to a the dangers of a home fire. A favourite tree is a pink flower- After a most welcome morning My thanks to Alene, Jan and good feed.
make it a success. We would also Increase the opportunity for heater could all have disastrous Turnout Summary ing ficifolia, choc-a-block with blos- tea supplied by coach captain Mark, Diane for their assistance with this Liliums should be planted now
like to thank the local community future recruitment and volunteer consequences. Here are a few home Feb/Mar/Apr/May som. Also a bountiful vegetable gar- our very generous host, one of the report. for spring flowering. The new shoots
for their continued support of their involvement, whilst making a proac- fire safety tips to keep in mind. Type No den, featuring pumpkins etc, espe- owners of the nursery, treated us to Monday 2 June need protection from Snails and
local brigade through the purchase tive contribution to the safety and Check that you have a working Grass / Scrub 8 cially luscious strawberries which an educational and visual feast, as We visited ‘Botanic Ark’, Slugs.
of raffle tickets. well being of Victorian communi- smoke alarm and change the bat- Structural 5 were enthusiastically sampled, she revealed a myriad of wonderful Warragul. Details will appear in the The new ‘Carpet rose’ called
Winners of the raffle were 1st- ties teries regularly. Hazmat / LPG 1 whilst, we enjoyed our cuppa on the hints on the art of growing clematis. next edition of Traf News. ‘Amber’ would be a welcome addi-
Caitlin Johnson Trafalgar, 2nd- For the program to commence, If your clothes catch fire, stop, Bin / Rubbish 3 spacious deck with our friends. A The masses of glorious speci- Margaret Milne's gardening tion to any garden. It has a mass of
Shirley from Boyles Hardware, and a minimum of ten junior members drop and roll to smother the MVA / Car fire 2 great afternoon. mens, still in full bloom after being tips amber blooms that have a sweet
3rd- Lyn Roberts Trafalgar. are sought with two current brigade flames. False Alarm 2 Thank you Marlene and Ivan. displayed at the Melbourne This is the time to plant the fragrance.
Junior Brigade members to be trained through CFA If there's smoke in your house, Total 21

ILLIAMS Stoneman’s
Expressions of interest are sought to run the JVDP. get down low and go, go, go! Membership
from boys and girls aged between

gade members through CFA's Junior elements

Activities will be run on a month-
11-16 years to become junior bri- ly basis and will cover four program

Volunteer Development Program • Social and recreational devel-

All families should prepare a
home escape plan and practise it. It
should identify all exits in your
house and the designated location
As with all volunteer organisa-
tions, your local fire brigade and
auxiliary are always looking for new
members. CFA is open to all mem-
W ASTE 14 Melaleuca Drive,
Trafalgar East
Specialists in refrigeration & air conditioning. Hotels, shops,
(JVDP). opment to meet outside. bers of the public, male or female,
supermarkets, milk vats, freezer rooms, potato and all other types
The JVDP is a youth development • Skill development It's never too early to teach chil- young and old with a range of dif-
of coolrooms.
program that provides a wide variety • Personal development dren how to contact emergency ferent tasks that need to be com-
of safe, enjoyable and challenging • Community Service through services. Dial 000 for fire, police pleted (it's not all fighting fires). So
Liquid Waste Specialists Sales and Installation of Carrier Air Conditioners.
activities, which enhance a sense of CFA involvement and ambulance. if you're interested contact Darren Established 40 years in local area.
community spirit and personal val- So if this interests you, contact Check doors for heat before Wallace on 5633 2130 for further Mobile: 0418 560 171 Noel - 0419 393 797 or AH 5633 1355
ues, with an awareness of fire and Darren Wallace, Captain Trafalgar opening. Use the back of your hand details. Phone/Fax: 03 5633 1991 Graeme - 0419 393 822
p22 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p23
C H U R C H N E W S Remember when...
Anglican Church Trafalgar The 'Yarragon, Trafalgar & Moe Settlement News' the Trafalgar Annexe of the West Gippsland Hospital at Warragul is to be
continued or closed. The hospital continued successfully for a number of
Rev. Marilyn Obersby Catholic Parish June 1918
27 June - A.N.A. Soldiers Entertained
years until the nursing staff position in recent months eventually made it
impossible for the Board of Management of the West Gippsland Hospital to
(Phone 5633 1021; Father Bernie Krotwaar
Fax 5633 1041) After the close of the Lodge business at the Trafalgar A.N.A. meeting on carry it on.
(Phone: 5633 1166)
18th inst. it was decided in an informal way, to entertain two soldier members 24 June - Rather Old
of the branch, one of whom has just returned from the front, while the other At a meeting of the Trafalgar R.S.L on Friday night a letter was read from
had enlisted and was on the eve of entering camp. the Titles Office advising that the trustees for the Memorial Hall who had been
An impromptu musical program was arranged at the home of Mr and Mrs appointed by the branch in 1924 were now accepted. As the matter was
St Mark’s Church, Thorpdale St John’s Trafalgar, 54 Waterloo Road Rowell, and president Mr H. Park extended a hearty 'welcome home' to considered rather out of date, it was decided to consult a solicitor.
First and third Sundays of the month: 8.00am Vigil Mass: 6.00pm (Saturday) Sergt. Rolls and wished Pte. Crabtree a pleasant voyage, a successful cam-
Breakfast after first Sunday service. First Saturday Devotions: Mass at 9.30am. Exposition and paign, and a safe return. The 'Trafalgar News', June 1978
Second and fourth Sundays of the month: 11.00am reconciliation 10.00am - 11.00am Trafalgar Red Cross 7 June - Trafalgar Pony Club Success
Second Sunday is a combined service with the Uniting Church Sunday Mass: 10.30am That the ladies of the Trafalgar Red Cross Society are as active as ever in Trafalgar Pony Club's boys' team proved to be one of the top teams in the
Weekday Masses: 9.30am (Tuesday to Friday) their good work on behalf of our soldiers is shown by the fact that a further State when it gained third placing out of 23 teams in the State Games
St Mark’s Church, Yarragon Each Wednesday after Mass: Exposition sum of nearly 70 pounds ($9830 in todays dollars) has just been forwarded Championships at Werribee Park Equestrian Centre last Sunday.
First and third Sundays of the month: 11.00am Second Wednesday Devotions: Exposition, reconciliation and Anointing to headquarters by the local branch. 14 June - Time to Move on Sewers
Morning tea at 10.30am on 1st Sunday of the sick, after Mass. Narracan Shire News Narracan Council should apply immediately for urgent funding for a pro-
Second and fourth Sundays of the month: 8.00am At the next meeting of the Narracan Shire council the offices of herdsman posed sewerage scheme in Trafalgar.
St Jarlath’s Yarragon, Rollo Street and thistle inspector will probably be combined, and the position given to Health inspector Mr W. C. Stephens said a five-week testing program by
St Mary’s Church, Trafalgar Sunday Mass: 9.00am
one man. It would also be well for the council to add the office of dog inspec- officers from the Environment Protection Authority had indicated high levels
Every Sunday: 9.30am tor, as there are scores of unregistered mongrels prowling about the streets. of pollution in outfall drains. He added: "The figures are alarming and I
Morning tea each week following service Church News
Cattle also may frequently be seen in the streets of Trafalgar at night-time, the consider a large percentage of pollution is caused by septic tanks".
Wednesdays: 10.00am filthy state of the footpaths bearing eloquent testimony of their presence. 21 June - Smoking Ban for Shire
Note: Every fifth Sunday of the month is a combined Anglican/Uniting Learn to Box Smoking has been banned in public buildings in Narracan Shire.
service at St Mary’s Church, Trafalgar 10.00am (This is the only church serv- Mr Jack Jannese, proprietor of the Criterion Hotel at Trafalgar, who was Cr. D. S. Clarke moved the ban motion at Narracan Council's meeting on
ice for that day.) for several years the champion bantam-weight boxer of Australia, and is at 12 June. His motion followed tabling of a letter from the Health Commission
present champion of Victoria, is prepared to give lessons on boxing and pointing out regulations controlling bingo games in public buildings.
Uniting Church physical culture, either in open classes or privately, as pupils may require. 28 June - Shire's New Computer
Pastor Walter Sholl The value of such a course of training cannot be over-estimated. Narracan Council's new $30,000 computer was installed last week. The
(Phone 5633 1047) computer which will be used for all accounts was supplied by Nixdorf
The 'Gippsland News', June 1948 Computers Pty. Ltd. It will be operated by administrative officer Mr Peter
3 June - Telephone at Last Catchlove, assisted by Mr Carlo Bortignon and Mrs Helen Johns.
Thorpdale Wesleyan H. and E. Robertson, Grocers, wish to notify the general public of
Trafalgar that they are now connected by telephone, the number being:
Neil McInnes to Lead Lions
Trafalgar Lions congratulated their new president, Neil McInnes after his
Trafalgar 40. induction at the club's annual handover dinner last Wednesday night. More
Methodist Church
Pastor Frank Lees (Phone 5634 6413)
St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Trafalgar Any orders phoned will be promptly delivered or put on carrier or cream than 60 guests watched the induction in the Criterion Hotel.
Service times 9.15am trucks. Immediate past president Rod Cook said next year would be the first time
10 June - The Lucky Ones since the club's formation that Graham McKenzie would not be on the board
Thorpdale Uniting Church Of the seven houses built by the Jenning's Construction Co. for the of directors. He added: "Graham is the only member who has been a member
Every Sunday: 10.00am Service times 11.00am Housing Commission, at Trafalgar, five have been allotted to the following: of the board since the formation of the club". Mr Cook said the Lions Ladies
Sunday School: (During service) Bible study 7.30pm each Thursday G. Hutchison, J. D. Thompson, A. Young, H. Hilsley, and W. Berry. All the had given great support during the year.
Youth group: Saturdays at 7.00pm houses are on the Summerlea Estate.
Willow Grove Faith Community
Bible studies: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings
Meet for devotions and fellowship at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of
17 June - Football Social Sunday
On Sunday next at Trafalgar a football team from the Trafalgar Milk Supply
Around the Society
each month. Phone 5635 2210 for location. Our April Meeting was well attended despite the change from its usual
and milk carriers will play a match against a team from the Moe Butter date. We enjoyed listening to the reminiscences of our guest speaker, Mr
Factory and carriers. The Traf. team will be from: A. Gunn, J. Gunn, E. Wally Webb.
Redman, J. Brown, H. Hayes, B. Parks, M. Morgan, G. Brown, G. Green, J. 'Gazette' Number 60 is now out, and is available at the Post office and the
Duncanson, W. Wilson, B. Ward, S. Bray, A. Woodhead, E. Kenny, J. Kelly, W. Newsagent.
Berry, T. Larkins, T. Lester and N. Mills. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 15 June 2008 at the Community
To Be or Not To Be Centre. Max Gibson will speak on the history of the Trafalgar East Hall. All
A public meeting is to be held in the shire hall at Trafalgar on Monday Welcome!
next, 21 June, for the purpose of arriving at a definite decision as to whether

‘Remember When’ is compiled by Jack McDonald from newspapers held in the Trafalgar and District Historical Society Archives.
p24 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p25
time". There will be competitions for

Trafalgar Veterinary Trafalgar Medical Hill End adults and children, together with a
display of old motor vehicles.

Clinic News Centre News Do you have a lovingly restored

By Dr Kerrie Piper By Dr James Brown Happenings vehicle you would like to share with
like-minded people? Do you need
something to complete a restoration?
dental chews for dogs. This shows erwise healthy child will recover We need your input to make a good

Learning how to speak “Dog” many dogs all with their teeth show- Staff of the Month from an infection after about five crowd of 80 - 90 gathered dent Kevin Cochrane, a serving Donations towards costs were in show.
Over the last few days people ing in a ‘doggy smile’. Kayla Butler has been working at days. Children, however, can become to pay tribute to the fallen at member of the army who has seen excess and an amount has been for- For further details phone Chris on
have come in worried that their dog Some dogs do smile when they the reception with us for six months very ill quite quickly, just as they can our annual Anzac Day ser- service in Iraq. warded to the Moe RSL Anzac appeal. 5635 2256.
is being aggressive. This is a good are happy and pleased to see you, now. She is on a traineeship under recover quickly vice. Father Tom O'Connell con- We were gladdened to have a Thank you to everyone who made Pumpkins grow big at Hill End.
thing, they recognise signs early and however more commonly we know the supervision of Sheryll Smith our For carers of children, the impor- ducted the service and was delighted number of older returned service- the day a memorable one. At the giant pumpkin weigh-in we
seek help. However, so far none of that dogs show us their teeth when practice manager. tant issue with a child's infection is with the contingent of young chil- men sharing in our service. Tanjil Valley Art Show found out just how big. The heaviest
these dogs this year have actually they are telling us to back off. Kayla is a refreshing addition to whether the child is becoming seri- dren and their parents in atten- Mr Peter Marslen read the names The Tanjil Valley Art Show will be pumpkin weighed in, tipped the
been aggressive! These dogs are How do we know if a dog is our staff, friendly and conscien- ously ill and in need of urgent medi- dance. of the fallen from the Hill End dis- the next major event in the district. scales at 77kg.
certainly being cheeky, and in some pleased to see us or telling us to tious. cal attention. Wreaths were placed on the trict, and Mr Rob Needham read the This will be staged at HECI over the This was grown by Barry Paul.
cases naughty, however aggression back off? We look at his posture. Part of her trainee ship includes There are several ways to judge cenotaph by Councillor Ruth names of those from Willow Grove Queen's Birthday week-end June Second place went to David Tayler
is not their problem. A pleased dog will be relaxed, work based projects. She has made how a child is coping with an illness. McGowan and children in school district. 6,7,8 and 9. whose pumpkin weighed 74.2 kg.
This brings me into the topic of tail wagging loosely and often he contributions to our staff safety, with A child's capacity to take an interest uniform from the Willow Grove Mrs Chris Williams read the emo- Official opening 7.30pm Friday 6 Peter Marslen's pumpkin took out
canine body language. How well do will whimper at you; a grumpy dog recommendations on some of our in their environment is a very good School. Ruth told of her visit to tionally charged poem "The Anzac June, then open 10.00am - 4.00pm third place with a weight of 40.6kg.
you understand “Dog”? will be stiff, with his head down, his makeshift electrical power boards marker. So if a child can play with France where she had visited the on the Wall" written by Jim Brown. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The heaviest regular garden
The wagging tail myth hair standing on end and he often and on our staffing systems, with their toys, they are unlikely to be Military Cemetery at Villers- The Hill End Hall Committee had Entry forms are available from pumpkin award went to Stephanie
A wagging tail is a sign of arous- growls. This brings us to the next ideas on how to better staff the seriously ill. Brettonneux where 772 Australian put much time and effort into pre- the Willow Grove Store or by phon- and Bayley Paul with a weight of
al, it does not mean that the dog is myth. reception area over lunch time. A child's fluid intake is a marker soldiers are buried. paring the hall and precinct for the ing Liz on 5635 4277. 11.1kg.
happy. Nasty dogs growl Kayla is engaged, and with her of how unwell they are. If their fluid Ruth has family buried in France service, together with H.E.C.I. mem- Spring Market The smallest pumpkin, too small
So how do we tell if the dog is Angry dogs do often growl. But, fiance, is buying a house in intake drops significantly then they from the Somme battlefields. bers preparing the program, making Our next quarterly themed market to register a weight on the scales,
friendly or not? so do playful dogs! Again, how do Newborough. are quite possibly seriously unwell. A highlight of the service was the sandwiches and letting the commu- will be held on 21 September at the went to Olivia and Gabriel Testa.
The way a dog wags his tail tells we know if the dog growling at us is Childhood infections A child's breathing pattern can raising of the flag by Hill End resi- nity know the event was happening. HECI venue with the theme "Show-
us a lot about his mood. Imagine a playful or grumpy? Childhood is a time of many be an indicator of their degree of
Service Centre. The development initially pro-
Labrador puppy - his tail wags very Playful dogs will bounce about things, including frequent infec- unwellness, laboured and rapid
President of the Trafalgar East posed by Greyhound Racing Victoria
lose and floppy - this is a happy wag. and often ‘bow’ at you, that is stand tions. breathing is a worrying feature.
Hall committee Dale Hunter has will not progress and so the Trafalgar
Now imagine a dog standing stiff, his
legs spread apart. This dog will have
his tail in the air wagging stiffly and
with their chest on the ground and
their bottoms in the air! These dogs
often yap too - high pitched barks.
Children do not have immunity to
the many illnesses in our community
and so they frequently catch whatev-
Parental gut feeling is also very
important. If a parent feels that
something is not right then this
Councillor's asked me to pass on to the commu-
nity that the hall is available to be
used for functions and meetings.
Recreation Precinct Masterplan is
now back on track with an estimat-
ed completion date of September
slowly from side to side. This is a
dangerous dog - this sort of tail wag
is from a dog that does not want to
A growling dog that is grumpy
will be very still. His neck and head
will be at the same height and he
er infection is going around.
This is normal and results in the
development of a sturdy immune
needs to be taken seriously.
Often times it is the middle of the
night when a child's illness is most
Comments All hall committees receive com-
munity grants from the Baw Baw
Shire, but they also need other rev-
The masterplans are being fina-
lised now and due out for public
be patted and he is telling you he might show his teeth to you. His system. worrisome. It is important that par-
enue for upkeep of their buildings. comment later this year08. Groups
will bite you if you try. growl will be in a deep voice. Children catch most of their ents access medical care at any time By Cr David Balfour The Trafalgar Recreation will be sent a copy of the proposals,
He just bit without warning infections from other children. if they are worried about their chil-
Masterplan was funded by Dept of they will be on display at the Baw
myth Under most circumstances, an oth- dren.
involved in lawn bowls. Planning and Community Baw Shire Customer Service
Most commonly dogs give us
Congratulations to Peg Curry and Development, back in June 2006. Centres,.
more than enough warning that they The best way to understand Frightened and upset dog. Note
Peter Farmer on being awarded Life The project had an approximately The Traf News will feature the
are unhappy. It is us ignorant “Dog” is to read the whole dog. Just how he is looking away, his ears are

I recently attended the Memberships, these awards don’t eight-month timeline but due to plans and promote a date for a com-
humans who aren’t listening to the looking at his mouth, or his tail, or back, his tail is down low and how
Presentation night of the come easy and it was great to see interest in supporting future devel- munity forum to learn more about
dog. even the hairs on his back will give he looks hunched. This dog is trying
Trafalgar Park Bowls club, con- them rewarded for their tireless opment at the site from a state level the proposals.
Your dog tells you he is feeling you clues as to how he is feeling. to make himself smaller.
gratulations to the club for running work. organisation the committee oversee- If you would like to discuss any
uncomfortable by showing us spe- You need to be sure before you Angry dog. Note the wide stance,
an enjoyable evening. Community Grants close on 30 ing the project made a decision to council matters with me, I am avail-
There is a third sort of tail wag - cial behaviours. These very impor- touch him! his teeth are showing, his tail is up
It was great to see so many June. Application forms are avail- pursue the opportunities that were able on 0419 765240
one that can be hard to see as the tant behaviours include things as If you are not sure of his mood, and stiff, and his ears are facing
young members of the community able at the Baw Baw Shire Customer being presented.
tail is down very low. This dog is simple as glancing away - typically it is best to just leave him alone for forwards. The dog is standing and
usually hunched or sitting down he will look at the ground away now and seek help. leaning forward to make himself
with his ears back. His tail will be
down by his feet and he will wag it
from you.
Your dog will lick his lips if he is
Remember that just because you
know the dog really well, doesn’t
look bigger. TRAFALGAR
only a little bit, sometimes fast, unhappy. He will also show you the mean he won’t bite you if he gets 5633 1666
sometimes slow but always down whites of his eyes with his ears are upset. Watch out for those impor- 79 Princes Highway
low. This dog is frightened.
This dog may bite you if you try
back flat against his head.
Some people think that these
tant signs - your dog does talk to
you! For all your real estate &
to touch him because he is fright-
dogs look ‘pop-eyed’. These little
signs are seen before a dog ‘sud-
If you have questions about your
pets behaviour, please contact your
livestock needs
The showing his teeth myth denly’ bites someone. He didn’t bite vet for advice. Fax: 5633 2389. Web:
Recently there has been an advert without warning; it was just that we Happy dog, note the floppy wag- Our service, your satisfaction
on the television advertising some didn’t understand him. ging tail, looks relaxed.
p26 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p27
FARM Post harvest management for vines
provides reserves in the vine to be may also harbour weeds, and while The Quizmaster Word Wheel
used early in the following season, they can offer dust control, cover
while phosphorus uptake occurs crops will also compete for water. Questions How many words of four let-
1. At which race course would you find Beckett's corner? ters or more can you make from
approximately four weeks after har- Cover crops can also increase the these letters? Every word must
vest. risk of frost as they act as a barrier 2. What was Kylie Minogue's first film?
E E contain the centre letter (L). No

T he attention to post harvest Irrigate or fertigate to keep the on top of the warm soil bank and 3. Where was the first soccer World Cup played?
vine and vineyard manage- nutrients in the root zone and avail- they effectively raise the height of the 4. Which river flows through Taree in NSW? D R letter may be used more than
once in any word. No names,
ment will have a fundamen- able to the vines. ground surface which raises the 5. Who was the host of Countdown?
C L foreign words, acronyms or
tal influence on a vine's ability to
uptake nutrients, therefore affecting
Immediately after harvest and
while vines are still active, damaged
height of the frost, so they should be
mowed and kept short.
6. Who won the 2002 Rugby Union Super 12s?
0 abbreviations. There must be one
their performance in the next sea-
shoots are readily identifiable and
should be removed plus decisions
Cover crops can provide home
sites for both beneficial insects and
Solutions E N word containing all nine letters.
Target: 24 words good;
6. Canterbury Crusaders. 28 words very good; 32 words
Active root growth occurs after on pruning can be made around an undesirable pests, however, long excellent.
5. Molly Meldrum.
harvest, while the soil is still warm. assessment of bud damage. consider is the balance of compen- term cover crops can increase the
4. Manning. Solution for May Word Wheel
Nutrient uptake peaks at times of Pruning can start as soon as the sations of cover crops. organic matter content and health of
3. Uruguay. Anew, answer, enwrap, ewer, news, NEWSPAPER, pawn, pawner,
active root growth, and one peak leaves have fallen at the beginning of Green compost crops sown in the vineyard soil.
2. The Delinquents. prawn, renew, sawn, sawer, sewn, sewer, spawn, spew, spewer, swan,
uptake time for nitrogen, phospho- winter and should be completed autumn or a permanent sod, cover For further viticulture informa-
1. Silverstone in the UK. swanee, swap, swapper, sware, swear, sweep, wane, ware, warn, warp,
rus and potassium happens post before budburst, around early crops have advantages and disadvan- tion please contact your DPI
wasp, wean, weaner, wear, weer, weep, wees, were, wrap, wren.
harvest, before leaf fall. September. tages as they can compete with and Grapecheque Facilitator.
Nitrogen applied post-harvest Another management issue to therefore control weeds, but they
Quick Crossword No. 45
50. Old cloth measure 19. All-embracing

Plan early for effective fox control 52. Shore

53. Fish
54. Dash
55. Half ems
21. Medicine
23. Uneven as gnawed
25. US State
27. Weird
56. Rational 34. Layman

F armers can minimise stock

losses by having a well-
planned fox baiting program
prior to the lambing and calving
better results.
Control works in conjunction
with neighbours should continue
right through autumn and for the
most of winter or the likely result
will move rapidly from surrounding
areas to replace resident foxes that
have been eradicated.
1080 fox bait has been available
across Victoria from Ag-Safe accred-
1. Particle of bread
2. Jump on one leg
3. Subconscious
35. Diplomacy
36. Number
37. Boat
38. Lawn
An individual fox baiting cam- will only be a temporary reduction ited rural farm supply stores since 1 4. Deity 40. Residence
paign offers some protection from in fox numbers. January 2008, and the network of 5. Limb 42. Mythical monstrous
fox predation. However, coordinated This is due to many young foxes suppliers is continuing to grow. 6. Spirited mount bird
landholder programs have achieved looking for an area to settle in. They In order to purchase 1080 pest trol methods, including baiting, 8. That is 44. Perform
animal bait products, you need to shooting and den fumigation or 9. Ocean 46. Everyone
complete a Course in Minimising the destruction, in a strategic program 10. Permit 48. Brown
12. Friend 49. Offspring
For all your Risks in the Use of 1080 Pest Animal
Bait Products for Vertebrate Pest
will secure a more successful out-
13. Unhappy 51. Sixth note in Solfège
come on fox control.
Fertiliser requirements Control and obtain a 1080 endorse- For more information on inte- 16. Banded quartz scale
ment to your Agricultural Chemical grated fox control please contact the 17. Magma 53. Calcium (Chem.)
User Permit (ACUP). For more infor- DPI Customer Service Centre on 136
mation about purchasing and using
Solution to Quick Crossword No. 44
186 or visit the website www.dpi.vic.
1080 Pest animal bait products refer
to DSE/DPI articles are collated by
A sustained cooperative approach Eric Johnson.
from landholders using all the con-

ACROSS 19. Solely 35. NZ bird

1. Crisp 20. Dutch cheese 36. Delicate bodily
Incitec Pivot agent: Custom Blending, Bulk Spreading,
4. Special Armed 22. Flock membrane
Field Bin Service, 1 tonne Bulka Bags, all types of Aglime and
Service (Br.) 24. Disencumber 37. Gear
Gypsum, Nutrient Advantage Soil Sampling.
No job too large or too small. Call us for a free no obligation quote For ALL your farm 7. Passport endorsement
11. Slender stick
26. Scene
28. King
39. Region
41. Old Italian monetary
87 Waterloo Road, machinery needs 12. Separates 29. Tool
30. Hill
Trafalgar 72 Waterloo Road, Trafalgar. 3824 14. Slippery catch 43. Speed contest
Phone: (03) 5633 2265 or Phone: 03 5633 1588. Fax: 03 5633 1948 15. Above 31. Lessen 45. Sun God
Email: 16. Porridge 32. Attempt 47. Touch
A.B.N. 33 055 836 907 Fax: (03) 5633 2704 18. Aluminium (Chem.) 33. Salt 49. Hence
p28 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p29
Peggie and Peter become Life members
By Keith Sewell
Presentation Night a Great Peter Farmer has been the Club's
Traf Park seasons trophy winners
The Trafalgar Park Bowls Club
treasurer and men's secretary for the
past ten years and for the past five
Trophy Winners
Men's Singles Champion Mark Chaplain
presentation night was held with years, he has been the honorary
Ladies Singles Champion Jenny Chaplain
close on 100 people in attendance greenkeeper as well.
Men's Pairs Champions Alan Smith and Mark Chaplain
On Thursday 17 April. Peter has a distinguished record
Ladies Pairs Champions Betty Sewell and Jenny Chaplain
After the official welcome by the as a bowler, having played in the last
Men's 100 Up Champion Mark Chaplain
Club president, Alan Smith, the large Trafalgar Park premiership team in
Ladies 100 Up Champion Jean Farmer
gathering enjoyed a hot meal fol- 1995/6. Peter has been the Club sin-
Twilight Bowls Men's Champion Brian Condon
lowed by a vast choice of sweet gles champion in 1998 and 2007 and
Twilight Bowls Ladies Champion Judith Heasley
dishes. The night involved presenta- he has also been the indoor carpet
Twilight Bowls Men's Runner up Brenton McMurtrie
tion of trophies to the winners of bowls singles champion on four Councillor David Balfour presents life membership medallions to Peggie Currie Twilight Bowls Ladies Runner up Betty Sewell
various categories including Club occasions and is a tireless worker for and Peter Farmer Twilight Bowls Men's Third Place Mark Christie
Championship events, twilight bowls the Club. crowd in attendance. Maris Romans Junior numbers.
Twilight Bowls Ladies Third Place Krystal McMurtrie
and indoor carpet bowls. Presentation Night and Jason Davey both played guitars Yvie Montford is a young jazz
Most Determined Anne Bridle
The presentations were inter- After the meal was completed, and sang. They are very smooth sing- singer who performed like a veteran.
Best Club Person Phyllis Tonkin
spersed with several high quality Keith Sewell delivered a short sum- ers and their rendition of "True Blue" Her rendition of the jazz classic
Carpet Bowls Men's Singles Champion Peter Farmer
entertainment items throughout the mary of the Club's activities for the was a winner with the audience. "Georgia On My Mind" was a high-
Carpet Bowls Ladies Singles Champion Dawn Whitten
night. year. The next entertainer was Emma- light.
Carpet Bowls Pairs Champions Jean Farmer and Peter Farmer
Life Memberships The first item of entertainment for Jane Montgomery who last year made The finale for the night was per-
Mens singles champion Mark Carpet Bowls Fours Champions Dawn Whitten, Sylvia Hill, Frank Ladies singles champion Jenny
A highlight of the night was the the night was performed by young- the final of the Telstra Road to formed by Mitchell Norton and
Chaplain Krausz and David Swingler Chaplain
presentation of two life membership sters Amy and Miranda Chaplain who Tamworth Country Music Festival. Roberta Fox who both played Celtic
medallions to two outstanding work- danced to the song, "Who Let The She entertained the crowd with her Tin Whistles. They made an excellent
ers for the Club. Dogs Out". country and western songs which combination and were very enter-
The medallions were presented Jim Davies from the Moe Bowls were well received. taining.
by Baw Baw Shire Councillor David Club thanked Trafalgar Park for their The final four entertainers per- Roberta has a long list of creden-
Balfour to Peggie Currie and Peter hospitality towards the visiting clubs. formed courtesy of the O'Dowd tials in the music industry, including
Farmer. Members from Moe, Yarragon, School of Singing in Moe and they the winner of "New Faces" on Channel
Since the Club's formation in Trafalgar and Warragul clubs attend- were all a credit to their teacher, 9 television.
1960, only 13 life memberships have ed on the night. Roberta Fox. She has sung solo at Crown Casino
been made in 48 years, so they do Presentations were made to 15 of Alana Wood is a young contempo- in Melbourne and recently appeared
not come easily. the children who have played bowls rary singer and started her bracket of on "Australian Idol" on Channel 10
Peggie Currie has looked after the regularly during the past season. songs by performing the Bette Midler with her daughter in the "My Mum
gardens at the Bowls Club for over 30 These children are the future of the number, "The Rose". She is a talented Rocks" segment.
years. She has also been a very good club and already some of them are young singer. The crowd appreciated the excel-
bowler for the Club, having won the very competitive bowlers. Mitchell Norton was next, and at lent performances from all of the
Club singles championship for three The following items of entertain- only 14 years old is a great crooner, entertainers who helped make the
years in a row from 1999-2001. ment were thoroughly enjoyed by the performing some Harry Connick night a great success.

Best Clubperson and hardworking secretary Phyllis Tonkin receives her award
Mixed Pairs Champions Judith Heasley and Alan Smith from president Alan Smith

Trafalgar Park regular junior players. Back row: Kristy Coates, Ryan Farmer, Gavin Low, Brenton McMurtrie, Joel Christie, Megan Low and Jaydan Christie. Centre
row: Miranda Chaplain and Amy Chaplain. Front row: Emily Wade, Kate Wade, Darci Wade and Krystal McMurtrie President Alan Smith with Ann Bridle who won most determined player Justin Davey on props with singer Emma-Jane Montgomery
p30 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p31
Trafalgar Bowls Club report Golf Club championships decided
Carpet Bowls Pennant Results
The Mid-Gippsland Indoor Bias
Bowls Association (MGIBBA) pen-
nant season got under way on the
last Monday night in April.
Nine teams compete for the next
four months to hopefully play off in
the August final series.
The Trafalgar results so far, with
close wins against Warragul Gold
and Moe, Drouin proved to good on
the night for their third win.
Round 1 against Warragul
Bowling Club Gold at Trafalgar
William Tatterson, Ron Brodie,
Tony Dawson and Gill Creighton
33 to 23 win, and Graham Hill,
Bruce Marino, Elaine Payne and
Edna Mynard 20 to 28 loss, for an Where has our "B" gone?
overall win of 53 to 51. to 28 loss, and Graham Hill, Bruce Ladies Carpet Bowls - Monday ing position were filled Club championship winners
Round 2 against Moe at Moe Marino, Daryl Horner and Elaine Pennant Ladies RVBA Affiliates

A fter three weeks of intense In addition to those two ties the A and 15 in all. A record that will be had a slight advantage after placing
William Tatterson, Ron Brodie, Payne 19 to 29 loss, for an overall The ladies of our club have President extremely hard to beat in future
competition the Trafalgar grade title was again won by Peter the pins very early in the morning.
Tony Dawson and Gill Creighton 27 defeat by 18 shots. entered one team in the Latrobe Margaret Lane, Michael Ralls years.
Golf Club almost concluded Brown (213) by only a one stroke The D grade handicap was won by
to 17 win, and Graham Hill, Bruce Social evening Valley Monday Ladies carpet bowls Vice President Mick Poxon took off the D grade
its Championships last Saturday. To margin after 54 holes of excellent Mick Poxson and the Junior handi-
Marino, Elaine Payne and Edna Our social evening for carpet competition and after two rounds Lyn Hill, Neil Carolan Scratch while D. O'Keefe won the
suggest that the Championships are golf. This match all came down to cap by Glenn McCulloch.
Mynard 14 to 12 win, for an overall bowls is Thursday nights. Starting at have had results that will improve. Secretary Junior event.
keenly sought and fought for is per- the final putt of the day on the third John Tabuteau won the two-day
win of 41 to 29. 7.30pm everyone, young or small, Round 1 against Yinnar at Helen Perry, John Cornish Handicap winners were Reno
haps an understatement. Ties, count day of competition. Veterans event
Round 3 at Trafalgar against older or tall is invited to come and Yinnar Committee Borg on a count back from Michael
backs and the slimmest of margins While runner-up Craig Hasthorpe The club will conduct a $5
Drouin have a go. Betty Williams, Marion Smith, Anne Kenny, Bruce Marino, O'Keefe in A grade. B Grade handi-
were all the go this year. (214) may have been a little disap- Country Music Night on June 28 with
William Tatterson, Ron Brodie, It's so easy, to have a go. Jenny Carlson and Carmel Young 20 Helen Robertson, Greg Sephton, cap winner was Scott Hoare, again
The B and C grades Scratch title pointed in the final outcome, he live DJ style music. Sing along with
Tony Dawson and Gill Creighton 20 to 27 loss, down by 7 M Wall, Norm Thompson, Betty on a count back from Greg Sanders.
will enter a fourth week as Russell scored a great Hole-In-One in the your favourite artist and enjoy a
Round 2 Williams C grade had a clear handicap winner
second week to lessen the pain.

Trafalgar Tennis Club News

Balfour and Tim Cross tied in B great night. Bookings can be made
Betty Williams, Marion Smith, Selectors in John Robson, who being a
grade, as did Bob Pearce and Darren Peter Brown has now won 12 A with Jay on 5133 1110
Jenny Carlson and Carmel Young 22 Joy Richardson, Bruce Marino groundsman at the course may have
Richmond in C grade. grade Championships consecutively
By Keith Sewell to 29 loss, down by 7 (Chairman), Mary Holdsworth,
Pennant season is over
Trafalgar had two senior teams in
the Riverside Tennis Association last
Brenton McMurtrie, Stephanie
Harris, Betty Sewell and Krystal
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday afternoons, with names
in by 12.45pm, is the ladies fun time
with their roll and giggle social
Norm Thompson, Helen Perry,
Neil Carolan
These people will organise and run
many of the bowls events in the next
Ladies win Peugot golf classic T he Ladies of the Trafalgar Golf
Club recently held a Special
Event sponsored by Peugot.
Teams of three ladies played a
stableford event in the Peugot Ladies
receive a gift, with the winners receiv-
ing a shirt and special prize.
Last year's winning team played in
the State Finals, and this year the win-
ners hope to do the same thing. If the
The team of Chris De Haas, The AGM will be held on Monday game, so for some fun, come and season 2008/09.
Lincoln Weymouth, Luke Bryant, 14 July 2008 commencing at 7.30pm have a roll and a giggle as the bowls Lost and found Classic with the winning team having team can win at all levels in Australia
Kylie Mullen, Molly Ryan and in the Clubrooms. All current and are delivered along the mat. The Bowls club has lost a "B", the chance to represent their club at they get the chance to fly to Paris for
Catherine Bryant made the finals and intending new players are urged to All new or old players are wel- last seen hanging on the front wall of State Final Level in December, then the Peugot International ProAm.
narrowly lost their semi final. attend. come to participate. our building. hopefully onto National Finals in This year the lucky winners were
The other Trafalgar team finished The Club would also like to see Annual Meetings If anyone has seen our "B", please January 2009. Barbara Hood (24) Sue Balfour (33)
down the ladder and comprised parents of the junior players attend At the Ladies and also the RVBA contact the club as we are now Many clubs in Australia participate and Carol Fox (17) with a team score
Keith Sewell, Debbie McMurtrie, this meeting. Affiliates annual meetings the follow- known as the Trafalgar owls Club. in the Peugot Classic and all players of 87 points.
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p32 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p33
Trafalgar Victory F.C. News Trafalgar Cricket Club Awards
By Mark Judd*

F or the second season in suc-

cession, Trafalgar Victory FC
has just on one hundred
members playing within the
Gippsland Soccer League. Whilst
our seniors remain on top of the
ladder, undefeated and growing with
confidence with every passing
round, it’s the junior teams where
the real story lies.
With teams entered in five junior
age groups as well as the small
sided games competition, the future
of our young and growing club has
Training picture - coach Mark Judd and SSG players
never looked more secure. It has
long been the goal of our committee
to grow our club at the junior base Some of the Trophy/Award winners present at the recent TCC presentation. Back row: Ray Crook, Trevor Cox, Todd Mann, Murray Jones and Daniel Heathcote. Front
and we feel a solid foundation for row: Brett Smart, Darren Brock, Graeme Rankin and Neil Grimshaw. NOTE: See details of AGM on page 34.
future success has been estab-
The small sided game (SSG) is a
new structure for our club in season
2008. SSG games are being played
Trafalgar Cricket Club Awards - 2007/08 Season
across the state and at a national
level also. Award Recipient Results
It is a structured approach Club
towards the development of our Life Member Graeme Rankin
youngest players which has been Best Club Person Brett Smart
instigated by the Football Federation Club Champion Todd Mann 594 Points
of Australia. Players of the ages five, Errington Medallist Graeme Rankin 15 Votes
six and seven play matches against a A Grade
neighbouring clubs in small team Batting Aggregate Graeme Rankin 414 Runs
numbers, on a small sided ground Batting Average Trevor Cox 238@39.7
and over reduced halves. 100 Runs Klay Butler 113 vs Warragul
The model very much about pro- 100 Runs William Cheatley 108 vs Ellinbank
viding all beginner players the best 100 Runs Graeme Rankin 103 vs Garfield
opportunity to experience the game 100 Runs Graeme Rankin 100 vs Warragul
and to get as many touches as pos- Game day picture - team manager Lindsay Jarvis, players (L to R): Jack Dunn, Jordyn Jarvis, Nathan Massey and Stuart 100 Runs Todd Mann 100* vs Warragul
sible under match like conditions. Beckley Bowling Aggregate Todd Mann 27 Wickets
Bowling Average Todd Mann 27 Wickets @ 13.44
The SSG model has been run for
many years in both Europe and
We have sixteen youngsters play-
ing in our SSG competition. Each
ents to get involved with the skill
sessions. Traf Cricket Club B Grade
Champion Damien Barnes 13 Votes
South America and has proven to
provide young developing players
week a match is held against either
Moe, Newborough-Yallourn or
Although we are a month into the
season, new members for either our AGM Batting Average
Bowling Average
Alan Blaser
Murray Jones
229 Runs @ 45.80
18 Wickets @ 11.56
the very best opportunity to nurture Monash SC. junior teams or our SSG competi- The AGM will be held on
both skill and a passion of the tion are more than welcome. For Wickets (Division 3) Hugh Cheatley Hat-trick vs Neerim District
Our players break into three Wednesday 18 June, at 8.00pm,
game. further information regarding the C Grade
teams of five and separate small at the TCC clubrooms at the
One of the great aspects of the Trafalgar Victory FC please log onto Champion Rick Minichiello 9 Votes
sided games are played simultane- Trafalgar Recreation Reserve.
SSG model is that there are no our clubs website at: http://trafal- Champion Ray Crook 9 Votes
ously. Our budding starts enjoy the All welcome, old and new,
scores kept and therefore no win- Batting Average Rick Minichiello 319 Runs @ 79.75
matches almost as much as their including all interested women
ners and losers. A ladder is not Get behind your local soccer 100 Runs Rick Minichiello 134* vs Neerim District
supporting parents do. cricketers.
established and the focus is very club and experience the world game 100 Runs Rick Minichiello 111 vs Hallora
Thursday afternoon training is All enquiries to TCC Secretary
much upon the youngest players first hand. 100 Runs Alan Blaser 111 vs Ellinbank
also alive with energy as Ashley Scott Morehouse on mobile 0409
enjoying the game and developing * Mark is the SSG Coordinator 100 Runs Jarrod O'Meara 111 vs Garfield
Klemke and I put the kids through 424 795 or email scottemma@
team orientated social skills. Bowling Average Ray Crook 15 Wickets @ 19.33
their paces and encourage the par-
p34 June 2008 Trafalgar - the most livable town. Tell 'em you saw it in the TRAF NEWS! June 2008 p35
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