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At 11:00 p.m.

, when the majority of the inhabitants of Cisneros, in the Northeast of

Antioquia, sleep, Sandra Cifuentes gets up from her bed. In less than 20 minutes
he washes his face, puts on the rubber boots that his father gave him. Take in your
hands a black waterproof tent and an iron bell, inherited from a neighbor.

On board a motorcycle taxi, at 11:25 p.m., he finds himself in front of the life that is
found among the dead in the village in this town. Say a prayer in a low voice, enter
and walk through all the corridors.

Silvia Ospina, one of Medellín's most recognized pet animal lovers and protectors,
lived a story of not believing: with courage, she was able to reduce a presumed
thief who entered her farm, where she lives with pets and has a nursery for
rescued dogs, which not only immobilized but also tied him hands and feet and
handed him to the police.

On her Facebook account, Silvia narrated, by chapters, the details of the incident.
He told how he arrived at the premises after having gone out for a few laps, and
told scenes of the audacity he had to find a way to reduce it and then tie it up.

Four are the student leaders who are under threats against their lives, because
they became the students with the greatest visibility of the movement, which has
been unemployed for almost two months and has made eight mobilizations in the
country to demand more resources to finance the higher public education. This
Friday, Alex Flórez, one of them, denounced that he received new threats against
his life and, even, he published a photograph in which he sees, in dialogue with EL
COLOMBIANO, a glass attacked, which is from the armored truck that provides
security, of the National Protection Unit (UNP) in Medellín.

1. What was a common ingredient in these stories?

2. Did these stories make you think of a similar story?

R/ the common ingredient is they had everyone joy

R/ yes, I spent when a lady I adjusted the passage

My news

- One day a lady adjusted the bus ticket and paid.

-one day my father came saying that he was going to lend me the money to buy
me a motorcycle.

- A year and a half ago a very special person came to my life, the most beautiful
and tender man who came to shape my character and to show me how beautiful
love is and I have been able to live many experiences beside him making me feel
the happiest woman.

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