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Inasmuch as HEIs are given the flexibility/academic freedom to determine what is best for their school
(students, employees, etc.), CVCITC would like to make the following announcements:

1. No actual Commencement exercises/graduation ceremonies for 2020.

2. Teachers shall exercise discretion in conducting “selective” wrap-up sessions and make up
classes for those students who were not able to join their online classes within a period of two
weeks (May 4 - 15, 2020). Final examination shall be conducted for college (no more midterm
and pre-final exams) on May 20, 2020. Test questions shall be taken from midterm lessons and
selected topics during the online classes. Students below 21 years of age shall ask their parents,
older siblings, or guardians to pay their tuition fees and secure their test permits. Social
distancing and health protocols shall be observed.
3. As much as possible, summer classes shall be only for graduating students who have
deficiency/ies and for the BSA and BSIT programs due to pre-requisite issues. Classes shall be on
a blended mode (in-person and online).
4. Although “leniency” for College shall be observed, mass promotion is not to be done. Those
deserving to pass shall be given their passing final grades based on merit/performance/
computation. Otherwise, their grades shall be deferred by giving IP (in-progress) or INC mark to
allow them the opportunity to make up and complete their requirements until July 31, 2021.
5. OJT students are instructed not to report back to their respective companies. Their rendered
hours shall be considered, and be given their final grade subject to their narrative reports,
documentation, etc. In the case of BSHRM students whose OJT 1 is offered during Summer (part
of the curriculum), they may be allowed provided that their age is not below 21 and OJT
companies are selected and all health and safety protocols are adhered to.
6. Both SHS and College shall start the next school year by August 2020. Some courses that can be
conducted via online shall be determined already and shall be offered accordingly in order to
lessen the use of actual classrooms. IT training of faculty related to alternative modes of delivery
shall be done based on Needs Assessment. The Faculty are advised to start preparing their
modules based on their proposed teaching assignments. Otherwise, their usual teaching
assignments shall be the basis of module preparation.

Thank you so much.



(in consultation with the Administrative Advisory Board: President, VPAA, VPA J. Agustin, HRD K.
Mendoza and CVCITC Accountant Ms. J. Taguinod) and Academic Affairs Council

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