English SBA

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Jui Ya (Ria) Cheng

April 3rd, 2020



The purpose of my reflection is to reflect the issues of sex trafficking in children by showing

how sex trafficking can impact a child. This poem is intended for young adults and older, as the

content of the poem may be too dark for children. The context that this reflection is written in is

in the perspective of a young girl who has been subjected to sex trafficking. The poem reflects

the emotions that she experiences- feelings of fright, uncertainty, anger, and more. This allows

the audience to gain a glimpse into the world from her point of view- dark, cold, but still not

helpless. They deserve our help, whether that is through donations, advocations, or anything else.

I hope the poem will raise awareness for the emotional and physical abuse that these children

deal with every minute of every day.


Why me?

Why me?

I ask myself as I feel the foreign touch of strangers on my skin

A touch that feels like pricks on a needle

Why me?

I ask myself as I feel shivers down my spine

As my hands grip tighter on the handle

Why me?

They tie me up and throw me in a corner

I scream but their fierce don’t falter

I struggle to run away

But there is no running from abuse

Their relentless smile glistens

I yell so that they can see

They don’t know what they will do

But no one listens.

Why me?

I keep on fighting, but I know there is no fight

They have already won, to them I have no right.

I am a slave at their mercy, unable to speak.

I am bonded by fear, I will never be free.

Why me?

I feel the chains on my hands; I feel the chains on my heart.

I don’t remember what it was like to be me.

When does it end? How did it start?

I feel the chains on my soul, slowly tearing me apart.

Someone somewhere is having the time of their life

Why me?

Someone somewhere doesn’t know what abuse is

So why me?

I feel the life being sucked out of me

I feel the fight in me drifting away

They say tomorrow will be better

But I can’t afford to hold on today.

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