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eT O:'GRAPHIX OVER 1,000 JAPANESE KANJI AND KANA MNEMONICS, Michael Rowley | |] tally, Cao Contents INTRODUCTION KANA .. The Sun ... The Moon The Day 20 Tine ae) Wind, Rain, & ‘Clouds see 2h Woter Wosh . Fire... Mouniains & Vale Sones Cave (CHAPTER 2: FOOD csessrestseneesrenens Field & Plant ae Rice FT en nnnrnr ence 52 Wine nnn 54 Tray ene 55 Met. 56 ‘CHAPTER 3: ANIMALS . ‘Cow, Pig, & Sheep . Hors0 onsen 60 Bligh cicero aan a2 Snakes & Birds. 63 Plumage .. 64 Heron’ on 66 DOG oven 107 Forest Animals son 6B Sea Creatures 70 CHAPTER 4: PEOPLE sarsenssrnenennetnene 71 People 2 arsonist eaten aattctaadis deere 7a POpUIDCE nn 7 People’s Burdens ... 7 Woman & Man oon. 80 Ma (rtage Snceuiusaneiaitenntcittceinnst RZ Family retort epee | Self : 86 CHAPTER 5: BODY sessessnnensnnnnmenees 87 Body 88 Flesh & Bone ... . 90 SiN oss : % Tooth, Fang, & Claw 3 Heart. oa love a ones 9 Hote n 7 Head, Neck, & Hoir — %8 Eye 100 Bart sntiriaer 101 Mouth 102 Hand 104 HOU Me greiccoaeeeen sett e ralenut nana TOT, CONTENTS Reach “ seeseeenee 108 Give 109 leg 10 Stand n2 CHAPTER 6: SPIRIT na SPAR iach cesieteaanisei aed fal esau eee Seg Dead Bodies ... a alanis cetacean PO Post 120 Temple 122 Shrine 123 Religion 124 CHAPTER 135 Money on : 126 Wealth snes 128 Master ...... 130 King .occssnmnnnnnnsnnnnnnnennn 11 Power 192 Soldier enn 133 (Never Budge an) Inch von 194 Enclosed - os veseos 136 Attack sanenansenstnnten seve 138 Strike with a Stick seseeeee 140 a2 va ua as ua 150 182 154 156 158 Positions 140 Thread Baskets Needles Cloth Knife Equipment Brooms Build .. Building & Roof Shelter (CHAPTER 11: JOURNEY ..... Move .. Escape .. Boot Cort Road Crash! Stop & Start Again. Come nner 1198 194 Introduction How do you study the written Jopanese characters known as kanji? If you are a child in © Japanese school, you write each kanji hundreds of times ot your desk. After a while, by sheer persistence, it sticks in your memory. If you are not a Japanese schoolchild, you probably do what | did. You stare at ecch kanji and make up a story in your head that you con mentally “attach” to the kari to help you recall its meaning when you meet it again in the future. This kind of mental memory aid is called a “mnemonic” device. In this book | provide mnemonic devices in the form of text and pictures for over 1,000 kanji, or about half of all the kanji in general use in Japanese newspapers and other printed material Kanji developed from pictures used by the Chinese several thousand years ago to represent the world around them. Some types of kanji have retained their pictographic forms and look very much like the objects they represent. The group of kanji called pictographs are stylized representations of ‘octval physical objects: III a PA te 01 Symbols use logical designs to indicate more abstract notions: ate FF A over onder 42 middle 950 Ideographs put two pictographs or symbols together to create a related idea: a moon 14 bright © The obove three types of kanji are fairly easy to remember. The group of kanji called phono- leographs, however, are more chal- lenging. These kanji combine an element that gives a clue to pronunciation with an element that hints at the “subject matter” of the kanji. Most kon perhaps 80%—fall into this category. The theme clement, called a radical, may itself be a standalone kanji or some graphic variant of one. TRE 126, for example, is a character by itself. Used as a radical it usually indicates something made of wood or relating to trees: uN m 8% oe 126 willow 128 timber 152 INTRODUCTION The right-hand elements here give a clue to pronunciation. The problem is that they may have litle or nothing to do with the character's meaning This makes creating a mnemonic for them much more difficult, But even pictographic forms have often been simplified and stylized over the centuries. The kanji STOP 1208, for instance, has changed grectly from its original depiction of a footprint: GPF eb uk HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ‘The organization of this book differs from that used in most kanjilearning books for Westerners, where characters appear in order of frequency or in the order used’ in Japanese schools. Since the whole Point of mnemonics is to create associations, | hove ‘grouped my kanji thematically with their cousins and near cousins in sound, meaning, or appearance. There is no formal pedagogical basis for my organization. My goal was simply to discover graphic and mnemonic affinities, thus bringing kanji together that are normally very distant from each other in dictionaries as well as people’s minds. ‘My kanji selections do include several that ‘ore not on the list of kanji approved for general use by the Jopanese Minisiy of Education, They are here because they were visually interesting to me. By the same token, several common kanji have been excluded because frankly | couldn't come up with a satisfactory visval or textual mnemonic. For @ comprehensive, graduated course in kanji, see Kenneth G. Henshall’s very fine book, A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters (Charles E. Tutle, 1988). | have relied heavily on Henshall’s book, which was especially useful for its kanji definitions and its descriptions of kanji elements and origins. For simplicity and economy of space, | have occasionally made modifications to Mr. Henshall’s listings. You may find it easier to learn the complex kanji if you begin wih the standalone characters and the other elements used as radicals. Many of these basic kanji ond kanji elements are presented her llustrations. Flip through the book and concentrate on these char. alongside the large-format acters first. The smaller entries on each two-page spread often incorporate the basic elements presented in the large-format illustrations. A few character entries appear without an illustration: Illustrations of the elements that appear in these characters can be found using the schematics and crossreference numbers atthe bottom of each entry. INTRODUCTION Mi GUIDE TO THE ENTRIES The standord kanji entries in following information '— [DANP, MOIST, HUMID — a VERE, ?— The sun evaporates water, making the air humid, ss Buns book include the SHITSU s——— shimers/su SB water oe wet ae —1 |. Meaning in English. For the most Port the kanji definitions are drawn from Henshal’s book. Definitions that treat the whole kanji as a semantic form are somewhat misleading and imprecise, however. The meaning of any kanji is best gleaned from the many words it is used to represent. When the entry kanji is used in Japanese only os on element within other kanji, the definition is enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Reference number. A sequence number used in the index and in kanji cross: references. 3. Kanji character. A plain typeset form was selected for each entry character to make the association with the visual mnemonic more clear. This form is commonly encountered in printed materials. (Konji written by hand sometimes look very different from their typographic forms.) 4, On (borrowed Chinese) reading Always in upper case, These pronunciations {on- yomi) derive from those used in China when the kanji was first brought to Japan. The Japenese adapted the Chinese sounds to their own speech. The same character may have been imported several times, each time with a different reading, thus producing the multiple readings in use today, 5. Kun (Japanese) reading. Alwoys in lower cose. These pronunciations (kun-yomi) represent native Japanese words “fitted” to the imported kanji. Most Japanese verbs and adjectives ‘ore kun readings. Underlined letters represent verbal (F adjectival inflections that ore not o part of the anj’s actuel reading 6. Visual mnemonic. | have taken many liberties in creating the pictures that go with the kanji. Sometimes | have tried to preserve the historical etymology of the character; elsewhere | have abandoned it in favor of something that, to my eyes, made more sense. | usually used the identical drawing to represent the same kanji element in different visual mnemonics, but not always. | have, INTRODUCTION for example, taken creative license with the element MOUTH 566 (also used to express “opening,” or enclosed”), drawing it instead as a tomato in Cusiware 246 and a box in DovBte 621. | have also q i 6 Off mouth se cutive 248 double «31 willfully visvally “confused” certain elements that Jopanese teachers ore always insisting must never be confused. One example: the interchanging of sou 101 and wastiok 753. The schematic of elements (see number 8, below) identifies the correct form. sk ae oil 01 worrior 759 7. Text mnemonic. Keyed to the visual mnemonic. The keywords are in boldface type. 8. Schematic of elements. Each box indicates the position of one of the main elements in the kanji. The element may be a radical, or it may be another kanji (if it is onother kanji, its shape as «an element may be compressed or slightly altered). The schematic boxes are not used when the entry konji is @ standalone kanji or is @ radical or element with no other use except as a combining form. And again, sometimes | have had to concoct and interpret elements when none, according to Henshall cnd others, may actually exist. While the schematic of elements is a helpful reference aid, keep in mind that itis « guideline only. 9. Element meaning. Refers to the firs definition given for the konji or radical used as an clement in the entry kanji. | have tried to use the meaning of the element in the visual ond text mnemonics. 10. Cross-reference number. Refers to the sequential reference number of the element used in the entry kanji 11, Notes reference number. Some cheracters have elements whose meanings are archaic or that correspond to no stand-alone character or radical in Japanese, such os the right side of pice 28. Other characters, like COCOON 307, ‘are too complex graphically to describe with o simple schematic: S = 3% ia on eee Comments on such complex elements appear in o numbered Notes section at the back of the book. These comments are referenced by “n-000" instead of @ cross-reference number. Again, much of the information here derives from Henshall’s book, which describes the kanji elements in detail V0 THE SYLLABARIES In addition to kanji, Jopanese uses two pho- netic syllabaries, hiragana ond katakana Each syllabary of forty-six characters repre- sents he some sounds. The cursive hiragana ‘ore used to write words not normally written in kanji and for verb endings ond parts of speech. The angular katokana ore used for emphasis and to write words and names not of Japanese or Chinese origin. < ad ak 7) « 2 kK 7 Ww do Le K do (hirogana) [katakena) w+ W\ ie a HIRAGANA EMM WQMIWN Ham TA Ab | see the letter "A" Ant | see the letter "A" Eat with chopsticks. 7 oF, UbhI Kookoo bird. A tilted letter "K" eg, Elevator doors. SS ea Se @®lad A street eorner. Coin, nH On and Off Switch Olive, = 4 2d Wino an 6 SNCIENNS a . ; SSS) : - en +e ktq 7 Seb. Sed, ta Tomahawk. Ps] a = s so [4 Behe S SoS y She has flowing hair. She h funny smile AAAACHIOOOO! Cheer Tmt ODF ‘Seen the sprout will bloom. ‘Suit hanger. It’s a snake, Balls and bats me — Say. Say. Ten. Telephone pole. a oO) ee) Ee IY EM, t fos Sew a zigzog stitch ‘Sew a slitch A thorn in my toe. The “tin toe. Co) oo ee zo TF (x wee \ BR diese Break it in hall —— aa OO eee ECl/== OStE Cc) a a Kk xX @ ¢ Si; Noodle held by chopsticks. Violence is in the news. Who? a more ~O74 Net o big fish. I mever go to church. This way to heaven. This way to heaven. Ces) a) 2@7@ Ell *# NO Smoking. NO Smoking. Half a whole note, Holy cross. HIRAGANA eee eo Ababy cries,“Mama." Marmo's bret — oe ACTS Me, I'm 21 Do, re, mi, Catch mo’ fish with this. Catch me’ fish with this. KATAKANA ° @® vm es (> i aL ‘L Trying to make o Uturn, You are number one. cha, nya, hya, mya, Pwd rya; kyu, shu, chu, nyu, hyy, myu, ryu; ond », sho, cho, Yak. Utun. Yoyo. nyo, hyo, myo, rye. we a a ite ee ea oe ae oo pane IED ara KO, etc. fot PALWA-O-N HIRAGANA Wasp. ‘Wow his head's knocked of = a & 7 The cowboy said, “Whoa.” An arrew head CC) A fh > 3 The sound of *n’, Nicks and cuts [RONVOICED SOUNDS) This mork changes the pronunciations of ha, hi, fu, he, and he to popping sounds: pa, pi, PU, pe, and pe. (Soda) pop sound. VOICED SOUNDS] This mark changes the pronunciations of all the > kana in the series begin- A ( aq 1g a, 319 on ba vibrating sounds: ge, za, ees Three rubies rolled away. Rotate o nut Vocal cord vibrations 16 KANJI COMPOUNDS . Each kanji has meaning by itself. Kanji also can be combined in kanji compounds, or jukugo, to form new meanings, much @s root words, prefixes, and suffixes ore combined in English. The compound mening “world,” shown at right, is | composed of sE 1081, meaning WR, and KAI 202, meaning SOUNDARY. Other com binotions include: JAPAN) FEBRUARY AA —FA NI HON NI GaTsu sun} origin 2s wo.e98 month 14 KA HO cal aN de guchi | outside 13 person 363 emerge 955 opening ss STUDENT Core 7) ae Fe ol lt © GAKU SEI semi sudy 126 gain 214 nd 579 Boban worid The Sun PROSPEROUS, GOOD, CLEAR? AAs elear os @ day with two suns Be Bes REFLECT, SHINE 3] BR yeh . aN usury /s, howe The sun shines outward from its center. Dans Oh center 55 “CRYSTAL, CLEAR, BRIGHT 3} ee DAMP, MOIST, HUMID a 5 se sae, eg "110 05 © doy with roo suns. The sun evaporates water, moking the oir humic. Ban Gans Bont wor os Ban) wet ms A SUN, DAY 1) (GeaRBRicaT 2) (wae 7 NICH JITSU s) te < Bamboo crew ‘ake Bamboo reeds. "GRASS" + This is the radical for grass, though a number of other elements have the same shape, such as hands in character 122, 35 as-131 worto TREE, WOOD, 126) [GATHER BOKU, MOKY, sx y Kiko tivman/macy A tree with spreading branches Birds gather in a tree. bid ove GLORY, FLOURISH, SHINE 127) [NEST ae 7 * sO Blossoms flourish on the tree. Three birds nest in a fruit ree. Bi shine on Bee 26 PR bosket si00 fut 1 A ROOT, ORIGIN, BOOK 125} [WILLOW, WILLOWY. 128) BALANCE 131) The ati of aro are cpio 40 KE Bi toe 26 root omizs KEN, GON Character 125 is also used after yaa numbers to indicated that the things being counted are eylindical. Awillow tree. A heron balanees in « tree. 1 ee 26 flow noe Dice 6 Oh heron an) TREES. 92-101 FAKE, GATHER 12 + sal Honds take acoms from the tree. Bho seo hand el) ree 126 TREME, POLE ‘i KroKu, GOKU Vwomers bgnelic poles are ot the extreme pis of earth, tee 125 Ch extreme: n-is9 TA, TE korada body is he “root” of a person. oot root 125, TAF 135, 6 he isond tees generate leaves. nt 5 generation 120 BE reo 124 PLANTING, Far) Hol plants o tree in the soil Plant a tree in the soil Delo Be REST 138 aN ae halberd oo) ew 126 youn ‘A vacationer rests by a tree. BD poson a2 Oh fee ne Oh upright naar ” 19-145 WORLD DIVIDE, ANALYZE 139} [FIREWOOD, KINDING. yao) [SHEET COUNTER ia © Ad Seki SHIN ‘akigh, moi Divide o tree to analyze it | cut the tree into kindling, Slice the tree into sheets. ee ae ox iw MS gross 124 El needle 100s Rox vor tee 126 Oh aike aca KK Forest 142) _ (WAMATURE, NOTYET_ 144] hese IMMATURE, NOT YET 144 KX MATSU, BATS Two trees make a forest. oe 126 Oh tree 126 Mi mado This tree is immature. Mtoe bs. Bg ~ AK SHIN Three ees moon woods, rae ize K3 too 26 GE toe 126 TREES 146-157 1 BRANCH, SUPPORT 148) x Abhand holds up a branch, DRUM 17 Ry BS limbs ore like branches of flesh, Beat the drum with a branch, Reh w Dh branch a8 1B soll 101 D miniote 24s A branch vas TTREE) BRANCH 151 set odo. Abranch from a tree. 1D ree ie OE branch 48 1, SATSU, SETSU otose (hand w/ax 792 NGO 5 K ‘Mountain trails branch off. 1D mountain tO branch vas 152-156 woriD WEALTH, ASSETS 24, SAL AA tolent for turing assets into TIMBER, RESOURCE 152 wealth, 1H oney 700 OE lent 71 ry DEVICE is] 2 People have « talent HK for making trees into timber. el vee ize tle Hal made a wooden device, ~) wee 136 Oh command. 7 O is BUNDLE, SHEAF 153 SOKU tobe, eboney, tuk, skonery Trees are cut into boards Bundled tree branches. Bree 28 © opening sos roo 125 Dh ogoins! es? TIMBER 157168 FENCE 7) My read a book on making fences. A box made of bamboo and wood. tee 16 Oh book we M bombeo 12 ee ne eye st (COUUNN, PILAR 1a) (ACUER VARNA 7 . # RS ‘ Cx oro suas hese wah OPE books sit atop a wooden A tree is cut into a pillar for the Varnish resins ooze like water from el master’s house o tee, Wh op os Bites rm Oh master m4 E wor 6 hee ne wate POLE, BAR, CLUB 162 ARRANGE 165) sel looney exw + Corecty arrange the bundle of sticks, B bundle 133 & ike 202 covect e28 85 ft f 1 CUT BRANCHES __166 Torsu two months to build these A wooden elub. in shelves. Leave nothing but eut branches, es 1 month a 14 tree 126 Oh respecte 209 i ree 26 Oh leove 56 ar 17-171 woR.LD Mountains & Valleys LW san ow yes sen, 90 A threepeoked Enter the valley RICH, PLENTIFUL 170) (GREED, DESIRE v G0 aN yo @- 16 Having lef the valley of vulgar Clothes are plentiful in the So greedy he could eat the valey| ‘customs, this person became warldly. _Fich valley © porton see volley 166 ID clothes n-i70 OF volley 168 D volley 160 1 goping moub a MOUNTAINS & VALLEYS 172-100 DAK, OBSCURE, LONELY _172 dark ond lonely paths thread p he mountain. sun ter read qa} ope 5 CREST, CRISIS 173 ” Ae pass 1uns above and below mountain, bie up sea OH down oan PARIS TE ESTE ie ks ‘ oki HO A steep mountain. IB mounioin 167 Oh stronge 78 He made slow progress fo the top of the mountain. TD mounisin 167 sow progress nis RAVINE, GORGE 176 A ravine between mountain peaks. 1D mountcin tor Insert ners RUMBLE, COLLAPSE EXTREMITY, EDGE, UPRIGHT 177 au A " iin How strange to step off the clif. B big on opening sto TAN het, to, ho rea ss DRAW NEAR, ViSIT_180, ‘i ‘A person stands upright on the A yow/seu edge of a cliff A visitor opproaches our house. 1B ond «27 LX mouniin 17 OF plont n-i77 cool 11ee i shonge 172 “3 vat = 10s WwoRLD Stones ASSIST, HELP__181 FURTHERMORE, BESIDES 182) By A “on om and assemble them with string pile the stones beside €or on top of each other Jo rosary ary With o litle help we can 1D aim 2 OF power ion 1D fead 6 cain 1 ‘OBSTRUCT, PREVENT, IMPEDE al so. habame to obstruct the hill and i 1D bill 088 cain 82 ANCESTOR i who took the lives of our ancestors, ID calgion me Oh calm 2 STONES 186-193 FECA, CIEAR, RUB___186) [ROCK CRAG 189 Eo, = A crag is a stone hand redlaims the land by ‘outeropping on ring it of stones, ‘a mountain. fend soo sone 190 B mountain B sone 90 ONE, REFINE STONE, ROCK 190 A sk, SHAKU plow is honed on a stone. sas ‘A rock at the bose som Dunlomiy mi ofc CHARCOAL, COAL i IK ASHES, 12 hei RK Ashes ot the foot of the cliff D aiff ne fire TN pe [SAND, Gravel 193) GRAVEL 193 5A, SHA magnet is stone with magical Charcoal comes from the mountain. ads of force. a, is small stones, Din ise CH occu an mova BL mountoin ter fre 1D sone 199 ine 226 94-200 WORLD INVESTIGATE, EXAMINE 194 SEARCH, PROBE Cave go RE Examine nine coves. ot FL hole ise ine vos seas oe! By hand, we probed behind o fo search for a cave opening BE ford sto Of hole toe Gi tee THRUST, LUNGE, PROTRUDE if e190 Y/ The cave sheliered eight people. root sigh! - Big John lunged from the cave. SKY, EMPTY 19) [KIN OVEN 17) [ERREME, surFeR 70 ae x 7 a co wd sora, koa, ob kena teworaty/ety The empty sky, seen through o Fite fine pottery inthe Kile. body pulled from the cave showed window in a cave. ‘extreme suffering hole Ti contusion sess Shale ied fin 0 fhe ez AA lo ime body a» pul a READINGS ‘single kanji con have multiple sounds or readings. Kanji were borrowed from China ‘ond used both for their phonetic values (the onyomi, shown in capital letters), which shifted over time, and for words of native Joponese origin {the kun-yomi, shown in lowercase letters). Which reading to use for o character depends on context and what characters itis grouped with aD RD tobe mono KEN BUTSU ooh 382 thing 77 see 00 thing 277 DINE SPLENDID. As AS sHoKU mi goto eo! 282 acl a0 see 302 thing 300 ONEOCLOCK BRIEF —E; —BF io i) tok 201-206 MEDIATE, SHELL 202 oy kal Two people mediate 1D person oor parson er 48 Field & Plant FooD ‘AREA, BOUNDARY 203, Kal the boundaries of the field field 201 media 22 Under whose roof will go the ri of the field? roof 114k opening sie Ha AA surveyor walks around the. of each field. 1D fild 21 OH och 0 [FARM DRY FIELD ial x hate, hotake gy The paddy is bumed dry and mad into a field. Dies Feld 2 FIELD & PLANT wor-216 ROGE, EDGE 207 The ridges divide the paddy and hald in water. Dd 20) Oh holt car [EEDIING, SAPLING, SHOOT 208 i=] Seedlings shoot up from the field POISON 210 ‘Mom ale @ peisonous plant! Brow ne 1 mother ae 2 aaKU mai Check on the growth of the wheat, Rit BIRTH, PRODUCE 213, My garden produces plants. Band «27 © row é LUFE, BIRTH, GROW 214) Se, SHO mo, icy um, unre, hoary IS you mld Figiow 24 slow progess 128 A lifegiving plant. IWAMIMAT SIZE FOLD REPEAT 209) [TILL PLOW 22, SACRIFICE 215 se it A.cow's life is sacrificed, D cow 2s Oe ate « eee STAR 216) SEL SHO sare for the field, not the A plow tills the soil well hosh mi The sun: o lifegiving star. tid 21 besides 12 1D plow ome Oh well nee Bans Wife 2 FooD Rice ae GRAI "ARTICLE 218 2s avo tabu In Jopan, rice is bought at grain stands. cco a7 Dh stond car PROVISIONS, FOOD. 29 te The town’s daily food is rice. 1D vice a7 A quantity mae MATERIALS, MEASURE, CHARGE 2 - @ Aladle is used 10 measure the rice vce 27 Th meosre se POWDER 72] lea WW); Chop the rice into powder. Gh divide seas REZ [RICE_AMERICA 217 SE, MAI ome Jopan won't buy American rice, NEIGHBOR, ADJOIN RIN Ill borrow rice from my neighbor on the adjoining hill hill toot rice 217 GH sop nto 1D ice 7 Al AR WORK, EARN MONEY 72] oo Earning money to bring home rie 1 ice plrt 201 hove. F FRAGRANCE, INCENSE 224 KO, KA ooeu/t The fragrant rice dries in the sun. vce pont 231 an 1 Rice 5-201 [GRAIN, CEREALS 225 PRODUCT, PILE 228 ‘COURSE, SECTION 229° =; . mK =I > wie Honds wield axes to harvest the Our tice preduets earn a pile Sort the grains of rice in a grains from the soil ‘of money. sectioned box. ARES a tz Pr = Ail At harvest time we feast on fow 1B rice plont mr (bid 19 hand 400 " ky fe profit by cuting grain explant 2a: OE kale 1007 "RICE PLANT” 231 # but ose the grain to workers’ This rice plant nds. radical represents eeplot 2m Ot lous 97 “grain.” m-ne FooD Eat FOOD,EAT 232 “a Ee fobery, kw, Eat c bow! of food, DRINK, SWALLOW, ‘A mouth opens wide to drink Deo m 1 goping oh COOKED RICE, FOOD. a Cooked rice eaten in a cupped hand. ee TARGEBUIDING HAIL 238, 1s [SARE ma) REAR, SUPPORT cA 0 (ly vw yathnos A starving body eats itself. | support myself by rearing sheep. fa ale Step i Germ vas d STARVE HUNGER 235) =A] [SECTION 1ESSON 7 KI o kA Keep eoting and! you'll have to keep vow your but in a large building, Food on the table makes me hungry. Her speech lesson bears fruit B oed 10 oof ue GE boocks sD ood tO ble 19 Dine we Ul hat 20 52 EAT FRUIT, RESULT, CARRY OUT Fruit from the trees in the field 200 TWICE, SOUP, GUID 23 > a ¢ o 0 a a Ten parts water makes © good soup. (CuimVATE GROW 26] aa twci 8 fe I grew a mouthwatering tomato, ld 21 wee 126 1D woter ten 508 B sol 101 OB stond «27 mew ses VEGETABLE 2) Gat 2a) [COMPENSATE ° Bt £6 | put Earth salt on my dish of eggs. soil 101 OB opening sus dish zes iis | was compensated with money IE money 70H OB ond 627. mouth soe BEANS, MINIATURE 25 76,20 A tiny bow! of beans. DIVIDE, CUT UP “gh when my tomato was cut up. 1 slond 627 mouth sib A kife 1007 53 FooD ALCOHOL, SAKE 250 me : 4 Pour out the saké, you 251 I get drunk after nine or ten bots. DISTRIBUTE Ul distribute the wine personaly 1 wine 20 he as SEVERE, CRUEL, HARSH 154 The wine has a severe, harsh aie 1D water 44 OL wine 26° B wine 109 (nine vor i ten fos wine 247 OB grow 214 DE mouh 5 FERMENT, YEAST 252) — [CURD_DAIRY PRODUCE 253) (BOTTLE JUG, JAR a KO an home The young wine needs yeas! to ferment. wine 200 piety 100 Jars of dairy produets are left on teach doorstep. wine 207 hoch i200 A bottle ond o jug. Wi poir nas Oh eral nase 54 WINE / TRAY 297-265 a, YAKU. Ino profitable year my dish overtiows. Bwer oar @ dih 21 SA | on ll = SA ray is wsed for cuting ido as STEAL 262) SERVE WINE, LADIE, SCOOP _264]) ery over what'll be stolen next— Serve wine with c ladle. my dish! sh m1 Bh pen a8 dish a8 1D wine or 209 Oh ladle 255 REWARD, TOAST 259) [WQUID MEASURE 263) (LADLE, MEASURE 265 - j 0 % J ka toast o the stote N Oh state 5 % sO [ Haku dish 201 Measure ten spoonfuls of liquid Measure liquid with ¢ ladle. 1D person 262 fon 08 55 266 -274 worip 1 ie eae 3H 2 ¢ Dp ia 5 the Alitle water extingui burning meat B wots e+ le 6 veo! zor BELKE, BE LUCKY 7a) (FALGREASE a SHO sui opis she yn A NKU You'll be lucky if you get a litle The fat of the meat med. This meaty steok serves two people. 6 lila vis met mr 1 rect nor ny 22 FlESH, MEAT__257) PARE, REDUCE 2) [SWEET PRESUMEUPON 77 This radical cn mean NEE either flesh 2665 or moon 14 | depending on the charac i'n. sax kay ean onci/as rah Pare the litle piece of meat is sweet, BD moot 267 knife 1x7 EXTINGUISH, VANISH, CONSUME 270 & TASTY, GOOD, GIST 273) = | spoon tasty things info my mouth 1 mouh onan FE spoon 273 Le Trim the fat off the sides of the meet Oh side te INTERESTING WoRDS “Fire-flower” burns a picture in your mind, while "flowering fire” is much more playful than the English “fireworks.” Words like “interesting” and “genius” make you wonder how they came to be. Compounds like “adult” and “tomorrow” have assigned readings that can’t be guessed at from their kanji. Dobutsu, “animal,” at right, literally means "move thing.” = 4EX KE hene 1 flower 116 fire #9 fire ex flower tis INTERESTING. GENIUS aa ome shiro} face 49 white 36 ADULT TOMORROW _) AA AB big 12 person 363 bright @ sun + 275-280 a NIMALS ow ‘i This is the cow with the ‘crumpled horn, 4 =a Drive the cow fo pasture. Oh ake ace 1) reyes) 1 To get milk you pull on the cow's thing. cow 2s Oi bing 277 UNRAVEL EXPLAIN, SOLVE __278 fe Kal ot tok rf ‘A.cow’s hom explains a lot about its life horn 280 UB dele ox CR cow ars *PIG™ 77 This means pig when used as an element HORN, ANGIE, CORNER 20] Ahorn bends ot an angle. 58 COW, PIG, & SHEEP 281-290 ROUSE, SPECIALIST FIG, HO 265) [CHASE_ PURSUE 269, AR Ss 2 ia Ka KE TON HKU inye boo oy Asiyis a house for pigs. We use a pig for its meat. In pursuit of a pig, nod upg ow 1 mot 20 pig 2 move 11s) Oh pig 29 {GrOUP, FLOCK GOOD FORTUNE, OMEN 286) [SHEEP FINE, PRAISEWORTHY v6 hits Sheep ore fi | ae p ore fine asses, lord ofthe sheep attends flock. fed a7 Oh sheep 270 FRESH, VIVID, CLEAR 283, SEN ozeyako fresh fish. Bh ose Oh shoop 290 DETAILED 284 SHO hawt was a detailed speech on sheep. 1 shop. 200 ‘A sheep is sacrificed on the altar to bring good fortune. UD ahr eos sheep a0 BEAUTIFUL FINE 267 tsuki Big beautiful sheep. sheep 2%0 @ bg on ARRIVE, WEAR 208 AB CHAKU sub, ki [like to wear wool myself. F shoop. 200 sell 502 2-204 ANIMALS Horse HORSE 2) 5 eA A horse lies on its side, AM = This tends to look more like o horse, if you picture it on its side, (Stor stay 392) [Noise _DisTuRBANCE 293) (SURPRISE a “EE ir 5 a & 6 Kyo sewoqu/aashit dorky oss A horse stays by his master. The horse is disturbed by a sncke. Surprise a horse with a stick and itwill respect you. 1 bone 20 Oh mower 74 TB horse 291 (B stike soz Gi snoko 31) respect 208 horse 2 HORSE 295-202 RESPECT 295 eA 7 Ri {llbeot some respect into you [SWORD BAYONET 798) checks his sword STATION RR Load the horse at the station. -warned me of the hand with stick ped cond investigates behind trees 1 speck 0 tee 26 Oh all n-2or Dholiy ns tke ce Boll na Oh sword o29 1D horse 201 measure aoe (WARN, REPROACH INVESTIGATE 200) (RIDER 302) © f = Ken A strange rider mounts 1D hone 201 strange 9 STEEP, SEVERE, PERILOUS KEN ewok scout examines his horse before making camp in the steep ond perilous hills 1D bill 7 Wall aw all nar PACK HORSE, POOR QUALITY 303, REE .. but the peor pack horse keels under the weight ofthe fat man, Dhone fet ou a 204-310 Bugs B ANIMALS FIREFLY = el halore Firefly: a radiant insect, a ke A textbook case of mesquite bites, insect 204 tent 4 ke) BE wea 3 wo ( In the grass, an insect made o cocoon of thread, goss 124 Kl thread se BD insect 200 BARBARIAN. His barbarie smell is atractng bug Bred om 1 inet 0 vows PA Use @ net fo rid the impure water of insects, woe 45 net oe? insect TOUCH, FEEL CONTACT aig fick sHoKU foro, sowery An insect’s hornlike antennae: “feelers.” Whom 210 Oh insects “th fw onakes & Birds Insect 304 originally BRD 314 HO A bird in a nest a] p si hhi 7? meaning snake. ofa snoke and in some oni carries the Met roku fell when bit by @ snake. i ies out fee 31 root 14 OF porion msi mouh ste bid 914 ISLAND, 316) [CRANE STORK 37 £0.65 cy aeu Ci shine fu see g snake can pull with its til. A bird flies above the island The erane is next to another bird ‘mountains. soko 211 mmountein 71 bid 314 boron 2) bid 1a aie-322 ANIMALS = Fate Only birds can leave from the clifs that separate us. Dotole nse bied 10 Scorched foul A big scarecrow stirs up ond ‘excites the bird inthe field big 211 bird aie ald ae oatsu bow Used only os « part of other characters, this means bird. A big bird is snatched by the mon with the gun. B big 213 bid 20 inch ow PLUMAGE 323-200 [WASH, RINSE, FLY, JUMP, 37 ioe F bird washing its wings. Birds fly south d Q oer UB wings 290 bird s16 RETIN a3) [FAR GNGE a) ms a 1) Yoru HON oe hivgoes/au ers o skonge mask and "Seo you next lime, I've gotte fly.” A bird flapping its wings over the tice field. se stonge a8 wings 2 sand ear 1D vice 2) fad 201 wings 0 S tone Ws ¢, masked gir. » 1 reoshor 209 u LEARN TRAIN 326 fiers SHO Wing feathers. wings mean you need training, 2G while oe ani-aa4 ANIMALS Heron € THERON” EA This element means heron. WATCH, OBSERVE a heron 2) watch es Bird watching ENCOURAGE, ADVISE Ey Encourage heron preservation. heron 331 Oh power vas REJOICE, MERRY KAN vyorokoby Rejoice and sing lke o bird. heron 331 1 gaping wauh 3 HERON / DOG 2080982 — .. D —- This element ina means dog. Abig, spotted d poe Se (rRoTECT 239) [HUNT 30) Dept mis big 913 fF iP EAST, ANIMAL — SHU, SU sHu wtp wi) werent ho ‘Aman protects... ond hunts HK HUNTING 341 the house with his dog = roof 14 1D dog 220 a ee m1 inch se protect 22 The mosk of o beast. Dpwes ons dog me FRERCE, RAGING, BRAVE child bravely touches the co dog's dish gon cid They go hunting for birds dog sD kop wan CATCH, SEIZE, GET 342 vid KAKU usually catching ‘one in he grass. B dog 338 grass t2¢ 6 bied a9 hand st o7 4a 248 HE ROK shike Ader with onters Forest Animals ANIMALS ee Pe woah A pair of eyes admires the beautiful deer. group nou deer 33 ELEPHANT R 70, 3H A big-eared elephant. DRAMA, INTENSE, Bl] A tiger vs. « pig with swordplay i cn intense drama. 1D tiger 39D pig 27 word FOREST ANIMALS 347-353 (CRUELTY, OPPRESS 307) (PLAY, FROLIC, JOKE 350) [SKIN 35) ‘ee te The tiger's cruel, oppressive pow ... The circus tiger plays around the fire, A tiger rips open @ man’s skin and ais his guts Bige os hood. nar 1D ger 2:1. ploy as0 A halberd oo: 1 tiger 352 stomach ms) [CATIVE PRISONER OF WAR 348) [TIGER 352 STIGER’ 353 fio: This element A tiger with quords the prisoner of war ooeee ere © tiger a8 B ge 29 mon ae tiger nase cd tis gives the prisoner's wife = TI WF! oo 354-361 ANIMALS Sea Creatures ; fe 354 JUN vs ole A | caught four fish GY0, &¥O een een oe ‘e ‘e DRAGON, = Fa A roaring dragon. ATTACK The dragon attacks by burning dlothing, B deogen nas @ clothing tor TORTOISE, TURTLE SHELL, ARMOR, HIGH, 1ST 357) Ki KO, KAN ome koro The turtle wears a shell, A turtle's shell is its armor. SEE WATERFALL a 7 E The waterfall roars like @ dragon 1B wor oe Oh dragon 358 a WHALE 20 mS iro The whale is a capital fish! 1 fi a OF copil 7 70 REPEATING KANGI ‘A word for “people” in Japanese is hitobito, shown at right. The upper kanji is hit 363, PERSON. The lower character is a graphic device similar to ditto morks (*] in English, indicating that the previous char acter is repeated. Sometimes, the pronun- ciation of the second character is changed slightly to make it easier to say. SOMETIMES: GRAND, RFA Ez tokidoki rT) ime 991 0) hall 1190 2 Be RA colors 27 vay ‘el 70412) INCREASINGLY ALE Bir a De | > fo in ~ © a en 380-367 PEOPLE P | PERSON 368 INN ws { {A person taking a step Fl meet « personal rend on a cloudy doy. This is the radical [5 person 363 fw cloud s for person. EXPATRIATE fs ~ The expatriate 1D person 157 Oh ower (eroce_7) SCARCE, DESTITUTE 265] 6 80 ton teboshit crossed the The destitute person ‘wooden bridge stands alone. Rew person 162 path mis Oh tower nese PEOPLE BENEVOLENT, HUMANITY 368) [SUBMIT, FOULOW, IE DOWN 269) This benevolent person cores for _The dog lies down before its moster. Iwo people Tenon ss Oh o.oo person ast dog. a5 SERVE, WORK, DO_372 {E x This person serves the samurai 1D person 362 OF samurai 753 PAN ereNT 70) fac A person of lower rank bows fo 0 person of higher standing, 1D peson ser Oh stond a7 REACH, EXTEND 373 Re yobs /ooss Reach out ond extend on open hand. 1B person 362 hand mir3 73 PEOPLE PRINCIPLES, ETHICS REPLACE, GENERATION, FEE Efe § * fil tonne Ayoung prion changes 7 generation most pay is cs principles ond few ethics. = bus] PEOPLE 79-385 379 ASSIST, ASSISTANT. 380 [ATTEND (UPON) 381) “Lefy” here is my assistant, The samurai attends this temple. ID peen 32 idle st 1 penon oe Oleh at 1D peron 362 Oh temple ft EQUIP, PREPARE 384 4 I senaees/wary lam red for the ditdwelers 1D person 282 UH use nase TOGETHER KYO the couple traveling together. YO smochiy Fl use this fence to keep them out. 286-391 PEOPLE ' Person PERSON, SIDE, WAY, DIRECTION, SQUARE 286 RELEASE, EMIT xa] 40 hones ss This person was released ofter being beaten, 1D petion ate SIDE, BESIDES ai * te Oh srike on ‘A person waves a flag. B fog ae device nat? rr) kee The person points in that direction, Putit beside that standing person. 1B person 261 1B stond «27 Gl parson a FAG 3e7) [PERFORM CHARITY 308) (Visit, INQUIRE En ik It ab 54 Ki si, se HO ) hota hodokoss y conuety lxunety ‘A drama is performed for charity. 1 flog ow create 0-102 J asked him directions during my visit ID speck 240 Oh person 288 7% PERSON / POPULACE 392-399 if Populace PEOPLE, 3 POPULACE 285 iui ‘person comforts @ fomily member Fe who is low. B peron 2 OM family 208 one wor MN There are no people [TOREACH, RESIST, OPPOSE 393) [LOREACH RESIST, OPPOSE 39a) {ESIST, OPPOSE with big heads if He Ge) Ahond reaches out for a resistant family member, [Bhond s20 (family 30 WH one wr in my family, ICOMPARE, RATIO. 394 ‘MULTITUDE, BUG, Ba By RESIDENCE, MANSION 398) : My family resides in o mansion. ieee eyes tt > fp Sommer Twins ore clwoys compared. A multitude of descendants sit under the sun A hand strikes out at the sitin. Tsing person nave OL siting person n-are A sun a 1 compare. 264 Di hond sso Oh compare ate 7 400-404 PEOPLE 7 INDUSTRIOUS 00 GOVERNMENT OFFICE, SIGN al If you're not industrious, I'll beat The big eye of government waichs you with a stick. the everburdened people. sx BD child a Oh srike. we FE ot 07 penton ae TEACH 204 This element = means rf othe byotane Ill teach piety to you with this stick. 1D pity a2 ake oe KO The burden a child beors: filial piety. burden 102 child wr 78 PEOPLE'S BURDENS 405-410 ROT WEATHER) 405 Bon 1 person sce PERSON 208 SHA, fy person has burdens to carry brdon ot aun COOK, BOL. 405 as SHA rive /eau vase A burdensome bag of victuals is cooked in the fire. Fl person wn fre a ee TORTURE, HiT “7 ? fo ° Y ) He is beaten and tortured for being inconsiderate. 1D bond 380 Oh consider 10» CONSIDER, 109 xO kergosey | sometimes stop to consider ‘AGED MAN, TO GROW OLD #10 if these burdens will erush me os I grow old PEOPLE Woman & Man ‘WOMAN ail NOISY, IMMORAL a2) > m0, NO eq va \osahi 10, NYO, NYO tends to be noisy in groups. woman 41 woman 41) woman This woman PLEASURE, AMUSEMENT Ai IR She tokes pleasure in giving advice BD woron 1) Ol ghe ws (BGR Fest) buts the fies to open her mouh 1B oman 411 OR self a OF mouh se cond ery over her Figure. WOMAN & MAN 416-21 (WAKE FUN OF TEASE, RIDICULE 414) © Mony characters containing the elements for “woman” cand “man” reflect the times in which they were created. © nobus Two women tease a man from bob sides Riviera 6 mn an OR, YOU, a7 z MAN MALE a9, N B tn DAN, NAN ho aces oth s Gos ‘A man works inthe field Bnd w/sck str moh see ld 2) power 14 a AL 56 $6, 8H5 The samurai shows his strength. The samurai strikes o majestic pose ‘on the lawn of his villa, big naz somurai 759 Bigot —— & monly ao na PEOPLE Marriage ‘The wife is handed a broom. woman an hand w/e 1" IFyou'te too dependent, CONTACT, JOIN marriage will box you in. 4E His hand reaches out to jein hes. 1B woman Oh depend e-uz2 IB ond 1052 wand 27 wer a MISTRESS a SHO rrokoke WOMAN, WIFE_473 ‘Aman stands by his mistress. i FS sond «27 wemen ats al bb (Exausie 000) A wife is o woman ie holding a bracore This woman is litle odd. 1 women 11 1D woman «11 Oh Iie ve ond w/brcom 82 MARRIAGE 428-006 MARRY, BRIDE eines The house of pigsty Bvomon a) Oh house 281 bride looks like RESTFUL, EASE, CHEAP. o/c jwoman under the roof makes PEACE, SETTLED ai ‘A woman's hand brings peace. i hond 0 1B woman 411 ‘AUTHORITY, THREATEN ea The woman threatens Hal's [HUSBAND MAN 434) Fu, 0 N vege woman gave us everything és the sun of the banquet, brcheap labor authority. rl ue woman att 1 oberd a0 women a1) Her AL wears @ hai MARRIAGE «i A person sits on « hopechest next to. woman, waiting for marriage. B woman 4) DB family 386 aun 3 HELP, SUPPORT 435) Fu ‘A husband lends a helping hand. hand seo Th husband ae fA ‘STANDARD, MEASURE 436 Ki Look to the husband as the standard, 1D husbond 434 woich saa aru PEOPLE Family FATHER 7 My older sister lives inthe ci ae 1B woman « cy tou w YOUNGER chibi A father picks up his child My immature younger sister les in the country. 1 omen tae ELDER BROTHER 438 YOUNGER BROTHER 439 CLAN, FAMILY 442] It BSS ve KS 1, 04, Ty) zoxu a ce An elder brother is ¢ mouth on My snotnosed younger brother. A family’s coat of arms is displayes two logy. ona flag Smash the dep Big mir ow a FAMILY 443-49 [EACH EVERY z EY 80. hohe q ‘woman's nipples q rox kneel before you. Ba mone become dark during person hos @ g Bien 3) moh as SINS GRANOGHOREN aaa) [GRID A) Gj) Sasa) # No Th > ih, a ‘A woman holds child fo her breast ZY 1D bond on Wl chid wo bead mat son sa, su me te grandchild is my descendant. A chile ito oops 97 SSH TOU TRE, GOOD, FINE 7 2 suk, konomy /mashi likes to be held by o woman Dwomer a child ar 450-458 PEOPLE He's siting on the platform by himself BS seh a0 3 mouh 06 In Jopan, « person a7 indicates him. or herself SZ by pointing to the nose JN the way Westerners point 10 the chest This element means splitting or dividing. | ALLy wow a jes) /\ Sees A w SHO. AL Ls 6 yoke ‘Wombs are fleshlaunching platforms. | sued him for his public aecusation. Split open the self and make it public 0 fesh 297 1 plotfom ass 1D speck uo Ot public 57 & spl a6 © sf a0 = DISCUSSION 42 1 PRIVATE, PERSONAL 454) 7\ C& 13] a sl SHS SHI we A We had a righteous discussion. keep o personal supply of rice. ‘The pine tree isin public porks. 1D speck 10 Uh righeousness roe vice plant 201 self aso 1B toe 2 public 177 LOOK-ALIKE KANJI Ina writing system that uses more thon 2,000 characters it is not surprising that some characters look very similar. (Imagine the difficulty of Chinese: one dictionary lists more than 48,000 characters.) The kanji karada 134, s00Y, at right can easily be mmistoken for yasumi 139, R€St. Note the horizontal line within the righthand element of sony. BODY 134) [REST__138) [SUBMIT_ ser & TK {K korade yesumi fusery COME TaI9) [TP as) [NoTYeTiaz) KK RK korw sve made 36913) [FAT 9) [Bos ss) KARXK oa a Se © le) 459462 Bopy BODY a9 This element can mean body, ord somelimes appears as 0 miscopying ‘oF DOOR 1113. SHIN A corpulent body. [CS A Urine drops from a bentover body body uo woler 9 AN] Ax ‘An evil brain thinks only of the Ath 1B flesh 20° OY hand att Gi en eo Booy 463-471 (eats) =p This element also means buttocks. FACE, ASPECT, MASK 23) A mask covers his face. hand grasps a buttocks. GOVERNMENT, OFFICIAL 467, re = KAN Government officials in the House NOSE we ES AF Pp oR A pig sticks its nose in a field fatened, fleshy buttocks. B root 5 betocks ass "ARM, ABITY, ELBOW. wa KO ti A fleshy arm 0 fet 20 chow omits of grass Bell 2 held 20) gre 128 TAUGH, SMILE SHO ‘A moustache and a big smile. FE bonboo \27 big 2 29 anew? Bopy Flesh & Bone cone = i, “VERTEBRA” 474 This lament meons ee, He has the same fleshy torso os A always. 1D fesh 0 Oh some oe TORSO, TRUNK, BODY KoTsu hore! ‘A bone protrudes from the flesh vanebroe 17 (2 fash 257 CHO herowale SKIN, TEXTURE, GRAIN 473) All a hode The meat | ate wasn't easy on my intestines. B fash 27 Bam) Bio ow SUP, SUDE, SMOOTH a] The skin covers the flesh. . a f) ats be. onerta Z| Awet, slippery bone 1 woter 4 bone 2 FLESH & BONE VEIN, PULSE Reg ih sc. | / To search with a lantern in ‘one’s hand. B hond 580 (8 expound o96 GE honda | will throw this ox 1D hand. s00 Oh hond w/ox 722 studying all the measurements left feet. don’t pay. 1D ond 380 Oh moore ote 1 havd_ seo Th leave 956 hand. 500 Oh note 0 (=x 38) row, cast 572) (INSERT PINCH SQUEEZE __aa] 4K tk Kv sogow rogers hosomary/m | need hand—they put the big squeeze on me. 1D bond 580 Oh squeeze 9s 104 HAND J 576-582 BEAT, TAP, CLAP 576 44 /@. Han C1 HaKu, HY hand taps o white drum Bhed so while 6 Ea satsu sheen oped out of my hand and lost. SHAND™ 380) (PALM, ADMINISTER 382 = ‘A common hand radical looks == like this. SH, twukosodow, EMBRACE HUG 56) ee HO Fok, kokose I have @ shiny coin in the palm of | was wrapped in an embrace. my hand, DW hond so wrap su shine n-se2 Bl mau ste hand sv 105 500-592 Bopy (MEET, JOIN, FIT 53) (ERASE, RUB PAINT 586) (CHASE, SEIZE " ea 1 The ld fits the mouth of the jar Erase the paint with the end of Chase the animal and seize it by imy brush the tal perion a02 one a7 mouth see KD hand seo ond as Gove nist hand geopig mal PICK UP, GATHER, TEN sea) (PulLoUr, Pluck se) THING, MATTER, ACT = og azu oto Ahand picks up the Pull out in this direction, ‘What is that thing in your hand hand so OM se 1D hond_ couse 7% B sgntoord isn hand 90 TOAD, BOARD, a5) [PUSH sa) 4: TAW, CONTROL__3 ISU, RICH The written law of the road, Dread nee Oh wtng mt ow cwrace WRITING BRUSH 57 HTSU Load grass into the container Push in this direction. fade ‘A bamboo brush. IE bond sso 08 gross ize GH Al sea Mond sth shel a7 bamboo 123 wing man vs 1 HoLD 93-997 Hold (CONFI 393 re The knife wos used in the conflict cond later washed clean of blood. SHO wok a GH confer ssa oka => Practice writing the kanji for “sun.” This hand is usvally shown MARK, APPROPRIATE 595 y Bi weting ose holding something. w oO = coins hit the spot. om 1 hand sor 107 598-605 Boor Reach FRIEND, ED vw ‘Ahand reaches out in friendship. TOOSE, EASY, SLACK KAN vyrui/yoko/my/menu Give me some slack and mate 1 hond sn hand eco rope loose 10 treed oO hod whe =HAND™_ 600 This isa ([HAND™ 39a hand, to. ] ‘An extra hand helps pull up the Thisis@ hand. 10 hand 580 Ob hands w/ope a i a) Ror m2, sa vo bio ih ‘Werk with your left hand 1D hond. se eat with your right. WH constucion jose hand. son rmowh ste (Our hands get warm from pulling cn the rope all day. 1 doy hands w/rope ma 108 mi hand plucks a friend from danger. fond seo Hind see uous, subs set swings from one hand to REACH / GIVE This iso hand, AEE) SZ, 1 a. Ahand receives the diploma. Bi hood or hand 10 606-619 ws This is o hand, too. OFFER, RAISE, ACT, PERFORM 612 = SP A raised hand is offered o diploma in the performing arts. Bhond on hand 7e 5 GSE 2, ww) A boccalaureate address filled with praise and honor. Pi hond 3) speck to | 109 14-617 Bopy Leg ag odors He dances and leaps over the fence. Leap to catch a flying bird. 1B leg 617 wings 200 OF bid URGE PRESS 31a te IEG, SUFFICIENT 4) XE soKu - nage KU sia thi, ouiy | urge my son fo run ege my: . ‘An outstretched leg. i perion a8 Oleg M0 Lec 619-226 FACE, REMAINS FOUOW, COMPLY i) (Fouower Fury 624 te te shiagay cd, azure I run from the path of the I's futile to follow such o fast complacent followers runner. 1B poh na 8 follow mani UB leg sir path time han ats CROSS, EXCEED, EXCEL oz) (RUN 5 xo hor cba hoshieg otilion feet cond run to eress beyond the Run on the ground. lance-wielding sentry. o 1 wilon 5170 Dino os Tt halberd 101 ground 10) leg 0” HOID, CARRY, OFFER PROCEED, GO. 6 8, CHS sogetu| Paes el psitch, ond run out of he My legs ond hands earry the day. Proceed when the signal permit. the morning. Bl as Bhod so Be) kegs Dan ws 1 omounce n-s26 27-093 Stand ext BH KYO, Ke} Kioe A sandingxoomonly crowd watches two brothers compete. B sond wn a7 & broher a 08 ne Bopy LL [SAND SE EVE 7 VJ su, 270 vse A standing person x V4 DOUBLE, FOID The person's height is double hd of the standing man. E person 32 (8 stond 7G eal "ATTEND, ACCOMPANY. a The attendant stood on a box chill B hil to (8 sond «27 Gi mo WEEP CRY oo *. vi a AL «wo ¢ rok Stand weeping in a puddle of tears. wor 6 Oh siord exr TRADE, DEAL, SEIL a a) sH0 kina a! Stand at a booth and make a deal, Fi vond 27 prosittion ma ROW, LINE, RANK, ORDINARY Her emi, pari /bw Stand in line. 2 FURIGANA Small hicagana (and sometimes katakana) symbols can be placed above or to the side of o kanji character to indicate its correct pronunciation. These small kana, called furigana, are commonly given for younger readers and whenever there is some question as to how a kanji is read. Kanji used in personal names, for example, clten have nonstandard readings, while some kanji are only used in particular contexts and may not be familiar even to educated adult readers. The word “spirit” ot righ, is read bérei PRESIDENT, [HASEGAWA DATS Rett 2 Al : = ITs The same kanji, naga 915, is used in Mr. Hosegawa's title, shaché, and in his family name. The different readings of the kanji are indicated by furigana, o eu-009 spirit TEAVE, CRUEL, HARM En (sour seat _aae as i ren voto A spirit stands in the’ falling rain er neal oe To stab them to the bones is ert 1D bones naar holberd. 0 ‘SPLIT, RIP, REND, a ersu sok fiers Rip the clothes to shreds. bones 1-287 BE knife cr coher 2 Jil One fallen dead in the moonlight ww (one 17 2 bones «7 fi fallen parton mars eTsu BURY 6s) Se = gE ‘homury A fierce line of fire. and buried in the grass rots nay 128 deoth as bones naar BE hfe 107 fe [DGUY INDECENT tshols on ugly devil in a bottle. O devil aus Sd SPIRIT SL) i SOUL, SPIRIT DEVIL DEMON 645 KI easily charms the immature. Ms inmate as KON on lives in @ building in the ‘ama, tsi oni A spirit in 0 cloud, Ahhormed devil roams the Fields. ig 110 fore 2B devil cas coud st dev us TOWLY, MEAN, DESPISE Gta) [TOMBSTONE MONUMENT _ 6 ! 4 HI RP i yoshi shine The devil is lowly ond mean, ‘The devil hides near the tombstone. 1D sone 10 Dh mean ous ns 07-050 spirit | i KS to be eaten by an evil monsi Bad luck Fi bodlick sar lage wer AS, NO royomashi//masy My heart and brain ore worried 1 bec! a98 Di brain owe SPIRIT My spirit rises like steam Th vopors nas vce nso PAIN sarsu cetow causing the illness is MEDICAL 52 = wou ord s putin the medie’s box 6 patient heals. PAIN, PAINFUL 654 ia 130 i/o /ery He hos o painful ilness. BD illess 455 use ats Asan element this means illness. “ILLNESS 655 If, BASED ON, DEPEND ON 453 1 To fools, knowledge is a sickness. i ibess 655 know s40 FAVOR, KINDNESS 657 7 EY He did o kind-hearted favor. Seow eee i An epider 1B illoees axe iE EPIDEMIC, 58 KI, YAK mic strikes. Wl hand w/ox 702 SYMPTOM, IUNESS 459 SHO Symptoms correctly identi illness 7 They who forget m Bde wo 3 DEAD BoDiES 6-670 fe ei a te corel on « dangerous clif eon clit n-sot Gi shimped body er vaKu or here will be misfortune. slumped body 47 non wos assaulted by o dog, p "SLUMPED BODY" 647) Ba 8 1 shmped body 647 This means slumped body. ue manna Rae 2 7 he a oe <= vit x BA «6 (MO, BO. MO eh ae ne. bigh walers made him panicky. To die for a woman is irrational Dead, blind eyes. Oh ugh ae) die 60 woman 4 de “ Beye se ng e-w7 Past ao An old tombstone. sPuRIT WITHER, DECAY @72) [CONQUER OVERCOME Ko. KOKU (Ol (PAST) a ovecy/ross Ko for An old tree withers, Brothers, we shall overcome. BD wee 28 god ot Bd o Gh lege oes PAST, REASON oa Ko Mal ne motu /mesw, ‘zumoren A violent past gives way to reason. Dold ov Oh sxiko 2 PAINFUL, BITTER oA +e w © uh /shimy, niga vi The old grass tostes bitter. PS grass 2 Bad oy He is buried outside the village Dsl 1 Oh viloge is ‘SUITABLE, FIT, GO I's suitable to visit he grave. B mow 1151 opproprcie man 120 PAST e799 GRAVE cl TCH, ENEMY. 78 eH 80 bok hake ‘A sunny grave, dug styck his enemy and killed him. _in the grassy soil gen ne es", erie mor Marte eB |, sine 7 8 jwardrops drip 6 eppeite mon NOUN Ge) (HOUANT ABHOR COONS a3, 2 > [a owe ay ov " ause she, not he, is the A look of mourning. imate heir. 4) Oh opproprile 80 hate how my heart sill mourns. Baal as heat 0 12 4-691 spirit Temple ea BUTSU, FUTSU holoke Buddhist meditation is popular in France. 1D penon ase self 400 HEAVEN, Heaven is one big place. Bone 7 The greedy miser revels in his rel worth, Foto B big 1 oppose ex TEMPLE a) 4 WAT 226) 7 Tal SF Wait in the road by the temple. , = § He guards every inch of the temple. Cows were special and worshiped sol or B inch 50 cow vs Oh tomple ots + Holding hands in the temple. 1D hond a The temple sun dial tells the time Din HOID, HAVE a OW tenple os TIME, HOUR, 4 sok Oh spl as TEMPLE / SHRINE 692-499 (OPRIETY, BOW, 2 ty atthe altar Oh kneeling figure o-2 bmi wos remembered a sh bones 74 TRELIGION’ _695 t This element means religion. SHRINE 396 4 sha yoshi Asshrine with an earthen altar. 1 for os OF sail 10) Shrine EICEED, ERROR pass the pile of bones. 2M bones we GOD, SPIRIT 7 i SHIN, JIN Ken The preacher expounds the word of God. BD tor oe expound oe ‘SAY, EXPOUND 698) SHIN FA Ten words he spoke out of his mouth mouth 566 ton 0 Stop at the altar for happiness. © olor ore Oh stop 205 123 700-708 spirit RELIGION, MAIN 7 FESTIVAL WORSHIP _700 Practice religion at the main al JIN SA Offecing meat atthe festival roof ue 1B show 70 oct 10 hae ce uu Rg Mh = 4, se 7 J XN Simca In the lofty mountains is « noble religion Show devotion at the altar. FF mountain v7 1S religion m4 EEO Toma) (CTL 7a) [GECSION EOSE CONT “ER 7 EE FY i cS aN | A Su a siete = IZ The boy becomes the town priest. _| respectfully offer my prayer. (On this occasion we worship ot ‘edge of the hill. inlets | Filpmepen ioe aM ORIGINAL FORMS The development of kanji characters began in China in about 2,000 8.¢. when people seratched designs into clay pols and tortoise shells to represent the world around them lacking a written language, the Japanese borrowed the writing system (and many pronunciations) of Chinese and Korean nigrants in the ard or th century A. Simplified, stylized, and miscopied over the centuries by both the Chinese and the Jopanese, many kanji todey look very different from their pictographic ancestors. SW AT Chikara 743, Power, shown at right, may come from a drawing of an arm with bulg- ing biceps. Others see it as a stooping man working with a spade or pitchfork or as @ fond forcefully pressing down, 70-712 POWER Money fom z eco [hy 707] SHELL 708 A wa ma v o~ tou your | buy « lot with my net income Shells were once used as money. Spend money. Bet oe money. 708 BE guh 7 money 0 POOR, MEAGER 710] (RULE, MODEL STANDARD 711) [ROUND-YeN. B “A gt iy HIN, in, soxu mez ot, tor movi I Cutting my meager income made Money and weapons are standard Yen from a banker's window. me poor. measures divide 12s money 708 1D movey 708 OH rile 137 126 MONEY n3-722 DEFEAT, BEAR, LOSE 716 The one defeated bears the financial burden. FL bent figure m7ie i money 708 DEBT, LOAN 79 7 ‘A former goes into debt. 1B parson ase DE giow 214 OB money 708 TOSS, SPOIL, MISS 77 iB SON sckonau The official's money is lost. There's DUTY, ENTRUST 720 {£ NIN rmokasers My master entrusts me with my wos bestowed on the field Decoy 2 zero left! duties. 1 hand 0 Oh oficl mir panon oe2 ben mm PERCE 7a) SE Wass Em A ‘My duties are high, my wages are low. Bay m0 neney 70 on Old coins were pierced for threading B pierce 708 6 money 708 =I CHASTITY, VIRTUE _722 ! Virtue is being above toking money. B oboe v2 money 720 127 POWER 7-716 TEND. IOAN 723 WEALTH, GOODS, MONEY Wealth 1 money 708 1 change. a7 Replace the money they lend yo 1 moray. 70 F ceploce 76 TRADE, EXCHANGE Il fradle money for that knife 1 exchonge n-725 money 74 hands. ‘When you sell, money changes 1D money 708 Ol oppose 957 128 WEALTH 77-73 HAPPINESS, LUCK 731) (BRIBE, PROVIDE, BOARD. 732 Ko wal awa), shiowor, mokono ‘ach What luck to find yen on the ground. _Bribed with money and steoks. at your savings under ovr roof re DB rook 144 GR exact 100? BS soil 01 1 person m9 1B money 700 OB hand Ico OR meat 267 20,85 oho Aes A These presents costo pile of money. Bi money 7 Ol give 703 i Pom I CTT Tw ATT rn COO HUTTE TEAVE, BEQUEATH 729 Lut behind. ma precious 728 [ af RT Fs NO cial makes money with his mouth. 129 POWER 130 Master MASTER, OWNER, MAIN Ss seu rush, ome lamp indicates the home of the master. 74 RESIDE, UVE 735 der a ‘The master’s residence. IE person 242 OF master 734 POUR, NOTE oo 2 4 2 od a) Be careful pouring water on the lamp. wor ce Oh maser 74 KOTO JAPANESE HARP) “7 KIN oto Ploy the Kate forthe two kings 1B king 70 BL ing 742 now 3) OO mom = a Present the king A ouh 26 king 70 [Or (ERENT OnE = Te hod with the rice he ordered, 1D ce pont 20 OL present 73 MASTER / KING 740-744 (Oh! I's the king! 7a xv aca The ruler iso mad dog BD dog 26 OF king 70 9 72 MD kale tear Ding 703 TAL SEAL 7a 131 Power ASS FORT 745 POWER, STRENG? > RYOKU, Rik chikors Be Saas w Powerful biceps. Fi A brave man. MB emerge mre man we BS power v1 745 moot 27 ‘aomoshi Cooperation increases power tenfold. 1B ten 08 Oh power pa 78 TABOR, TOI, 7 Dy Labor and teil atthe break of da FS shine nro pomar 745 132 POWER / SOLDIER 750-758 [SRNE ENCOURAGE 750) tet hogema/mase fomer strives to improve his crop thowsandfold om nro power 7s Fz Ider ceaches for his weapon. si Awearrior. En gordo! Soldier HEL HYD 5 Soldiers bring their axes to the bargaining table. Bok tr table 7s ve SPARKLE, SHINE 755 kogoyo tas The military vehicles shine. tine wo miltory me als [ENO 756 eTsu ‘lone An inferior weakling Bile vas 1S seengh 70s ue vehicle 10> a TRANSPORT, LUCK 757) }. UN hokob ‘Army vehicles on the move. DB imove vis oxy 722 WIELD, COMMAND _758)) KI A hand commands the vehicle. 1H hand s09 Dh army 752 133 799-766 POWER (CLOSE OFF All boarded up and elosed off. BD soil cr © soll 01 Foal tatokow If you fight ouside the gate Ill knock your bean off Bh inch 950 "ATTACK, (7) DEFEAT 7 10 He verbolly attacked me. werd Oi inch 799 He will shoot anybody. Never budge an inch. 1 go 01 bean+ inch 7st body 49 Oh inch 9 MEASURE, INCH 759) [OPPOSE AGAINST, PAIR 702) = SUN mo I Apologize for shooting me, word sa Uh shoot 70 Although this means ine, its ofen found in characters that have violent connotations; the illustrations here reflect this. TAL TSU He opposes ony violent texts Dt oo Oh inch 78 SHO As HA The big commander urges violence Bae ny obo fe 134 being behind bors. 7a nD inch 799 BS hold n-279 Kel, € rmegume hoon a BB BLESSING, KINDNESS 773 He is kind to the captured people. The prisoner's hands are bound with thread 1D tiveod 75 (NEVER BUDGE AN) INCH 19-778 ie ESTEEM, YOUR INSULT, HUMIUATE 77) (SEE_CAPTORE 7 3 si \\ +5 son oxy #0 i, sendhinewy wrt ens hand guards the valuable He trembles in hur jion at being Captured by hand. it held captive mind 7 Bi tnble nso inh ap Dhond sso Ohad ATTACH, APPLY 7) (ERCLUaVE SOE zz wy se vsku/hace oppor He attaches « medal fo @ person Jam the sole captive. 7a Chand 1 GE iach 250 pon see Oh ich 79 Bi bold ors ih 78 ATTACH 7m) [mo 7 i fu attached to the hill regiment Pl Choe Game saxy shes 135 POWER Enclosed Ihave o map. Di onclosed 778 MAP, CHART, PLAN 777, 2,10 akan © field n-100 [=] “ENCLOSE! This box.often means enclosed. 778 COUNTRY, REGION El KoKu kant NW]NE SWI SE x Jn a centain region of he country. enclosed 178 jewel 705 Ku in @ section of town BD enclosed 778 ondosres mam ‘GARDEN, PARK 7 N isa garden i oncosed 778 spacious me 136 762) [JEWEL BALL 785 BEIN DIFFICULTY 786 of jewels. But | hove diffieulty getting it bing 72 dot ves enclosed 70 he PRISONER 767, so siraund zen 798-796 POWER STRIKE, ATTACK, FIRE 7a0}) [DESTROY 79) = aL oe METS ot horcbity boss a) Attack from chariots. Destruction by fire and water. 5 cast 117 2 hand w/ax 100 BH hond 577 HD woter 64 OD fre 69 halberd 0 (isto 790) ie History is filled with wors. r TF T 1 Bors He died of a hatchet wound. hand w/ax 792 A a An element showing a hand holding an ax 138 COMMAND, ADMONISH 7K imoshimary A commander admonishes ten men, 1 holberd 1 ten 8 1 SEE MY wore, wage [My weopon is an extension of myself me me Ol hakerd wo) RIGHTEOUSNESS a =e He is so selfrighteous. fine 290 Sal mu TL, (GIL BEAT, ASSAUT x 6 agite Assault people throughout the wal 1D ward 790 Ob hand w/ox ATTACK 797-901 jenmander plunders for money. ATTACK, CUT DOWN 600 TARY, WARRIOR 798 *HAIBERD™ 601, BATSU, HATSU People are cut down X with holberds person 312 OL halberd oo: This element means lance or halberd. phe niltory warriors THBUTE, ODE 799 rh milary 798 802-808 POWER Strike with : Ms a Stick x Rivals strike at each other, 1 ke ee site sa {= A hand holding a stick ‘means strike, coorc oreause to do, (PERFORM) DUTY 3 BM AA spear carrier, I'm stuck until perform my duties. 1B poor 96 she aco po REFORM, 303 SPEAR, LANCE, HALBERD i * 33 Wishing to reform, | beat myself: A decorated lance. Del us Ol stihe 202 140 Speak in defense of bird STRIKE WITH A STICK eo7-218 TFROUGH, CLEAR, REMOVE 807) [TINY FAINT, SECRETIVE ATTACK a3 os 7 a rhe path From o seeret poth come faint cries | was attacked by striking ‘of o tiny man being beaten construction worker. oh va TD educate 0 (strike ect Hl path 1 Mf] maunoin e ( stike cor ID consrucion tas tke ana DEPEND, PROTECT on PRACTICE, MASTER 814 Asz co i somery/matw — oe Ill master my stroke with practice. sore dispersed by force mip (steko scr protection. IE speck s10 UB bird 319 GH hond exo EL petton 242 C8 strike. w02 I delicte sie DEFEAT a2 GOVERNMENT 815, Se), HO moturigate The government corrects problems 1D comoct 26 UM stk 602 SAN HA iit yobury Money was lost with the defeat. 1 money ron the sor DRIVE[AHERD] 816 we Gro Drive a herd of horses with a stick. 1H hose 20 Th ike 02 217-225 POWER WEAK a Two weak bows. =r oS nS An archery bow [ARC, ARCH, BOW 820 . Areshoped bows Siw a7 hed }OW) STRING 821 5x cen & tur oa A bow is strung with thread. Bi bow ov treads ond arrow. DOUBT, SUSPECT | doubt we'll catch the suspects zpersons nies BL onow 838 hy FIGHT, WAR a sen J tomkay,huso Each warrior fights with asin ‘weapon, 1D simple ox Ot haberd TAN a4 An arrow is a simple weopon DAN ik, oz, tne Bullets beat simple bows ond ora 1D bow a I simple tt aed BULLET, SPRING, PLAY 142 OKURIGANA The tense and voice of Japanese verbs ore indicated by “trailing kano,” or okurigono, which are added to the kanji that represents the verb root. For example, the verb norau, "to learn," shown at right, ses the kanji SHU 326 for the root nara. cond the kana v to create the plain, present tense form. Other forms—past, negative, passive, etc.—are similarly indicated by kana following the root Bote Bons BhtS x ae ee 2s -822 LEARN Learn RAISE, EDUCATE Iku. sedaisu/tary CORRECT PROPER 826 ve SEI, SHO redoshi/au ‘A. woman raises and educates her child person mst flesh Correct, proper posture, moj, kowass Mix them up. CEREMONY, FORM a at TAL TEST wa) fle (SHHOOL CHEK a ‘Hi KO x He speaks out at he trial bn schools ideas oe exchanged y 1H speck 1 exremony 027 1D tee 126 Ol exchenge si = COMPARISON A SHO KAKU, KO Hol is sworn in atthe official tow ceremony. Heres proof that my words ore correct. Compare the cartloads of goed 1 falters 01 consmcion se words mo conect ne 1D vebide 1107 OF exchange wt 144 LEARN e3e- 229 fost woman opens her mouth to vice, is 6 He's writing an °X" in the sand, 1B mon mae 1D tread 964 on gives generously (COMPLETE, UNDERSTAND 636 WRITING, TEXT a7) —_([GREST, PATTERN BUN, MON MON ‘The pattern is “written” in thread, 38 Oh writing 7 GaKu ‘monaby The child is learning, Fi thine noisy child ae? Speak —— [WORD, SAY, SPEAK 840 =| GEN, GON A tom He spoke four words. Bi fealngs oto mouh so ——, —_—., ——_—, oe 146 LEARN KNOWLEDGE aay TRUST, BELIEVE u ee HK) Every day | must stand and soy something knowledgeable. 1 word eso sond «27 halberd #1 SUE, APPEAL aa If you trust me, bel 1D person 2 word 10 The lawyer's words repelled the suit cond led to on appeal. | wos tempted, led on, with on invitation to have 1D word eu Oh repel 176 1B word 140 (B ice plant 29) Breach PRISON, LITIGATION, a3) (EXCEL EXCELENT, SHO hides ‘A good argument ai litigation can excellent rice hound o man into prison. 1D dog 238 word 040 dog 225 eice plan 201 hand nsw SPEAK a7 a5 TANGUAGE, SPEAK a7 ved ee words of language = 60” five 80) GB mouth s46 (CONVERSATION, Tak 650) Be B He talks like his tongue is aflame word so fame os [WoRo, PART OF SPEECH 953) sk Oh kotobo Identify the part of speech of each of the four words spoken, 1 word 0 adminiser n-as9 (WESSON TEACH READ 51) “a His lessons flow like o river. werd eo Oh river 5s [connect Revise 54) wit He corrected my pronunciation of the later “.” 1D word 00 Bh ex0et ane kes. she said was filled with Oh ge ACKNOWLEDGE, RECOGNIZE 652) NIN Endure his words and you will recognize how true they are. 1D werd uo Oh endure sto [ROH CHANT, SONG 955) laa Sing song while swinging the basket 1B spook 149 (B hond co? basket nor 147 836-881 LEARN Sse [ReaD 856, mH a J L BOKU, TORU yom He reads the words from the book, B word 240 sll 10) coll roaie Oo o 8 SHO They recite with clear voices 1D mou ss clear 2 PREACH, EXPLAIN is words preach brotherly oe. TE word oO split ae OF babe He wraps his tongue around © phrase. 1 wrap sea mmouh 565 PHRASE, CLAUSE 857) (SEIZE, ADHERE TO 355) [ANSWER Ku cs bokowory Ahand adheres to his mouth. 1 hand s00 Oh phrowe sy He answered a question about bamboo, Fi bomboo 121 jin a2 SIGN, SYMBOL Bae sini REEL VOLUME led up document specks bout my personal life READ ONE OF APAIR, ONE SIDE, PIECE 865 Fr Hen koto The man in the chair is holding one of a pair of aces. PRINT, BOARD, 266 if Poper is pressed against a board to make prints se fo on argument over (Sopinions, he walked out wo 1 person 262 book 248 mis personal 1s 1D piece ms Th ogoint 7 TRANSLATION, 367, BOOK VOWUME 666 = SATSU al x (a, Abound book. vaKu wake Translation means carrying words from one language to another. word uo measure eee 49, 809-876 LEARN INFER, PUSH AHEAD The Arts oF ie su He shows great theatrical talent for _| infer that the hand is pushing ty someone his age. bird forward, not backward. Dtond so bid EXIST, KNOW, THINK 372) [PRESSURE The candle light shines brilliantly. ¥ SON, ZON each my child all hat | know My Fiend Clif is under o lat of of existence. pressure. Bi dom oer cild wr Dif mai ot DWELL, COUNTRYSIDE, BE 073 MATCH, ANIMAL COUNTER __@ 4£ Ue CODE, RULE, PRECEDENT __870 a fasu ro AA farmer dwells in th ide. 1 ters in loincloths he HA nos mer dwells in the countrysi Iwo wrestlers in loincloths have o -*< sumo match, Abook oflegaleades and precedents. FI don o-s2 sil 1 150 THE ARTS. 7-982 (RoE ROR) OSE} hee web music stand holds my melody. The picture has simple strokes. The illusion is done with invisible threads, TD rwod 990 on an as TAK, GARD AZ ‘The music brings pleasure to my ears. Sue ca ies ow ; Ba oun otis! carves delicate features in 20, 98 sculpture, | can't stand The Sound of Music. Geleoce 071 OO delice $36 PB stand a Bans MEDICINE, DRUG _ 879 vaku fos grasses are “pleasure drugs.” mie peone at NPA These two kanji ZEB together form the word for music. lov Ganu 1st +--+ LEARN MEASURE 285 at el hokory Metric measures are based on ten, Positive and negative equals zea 1D word DIPPER, MEASURE 886 h OE ten 006 Dsl fot se I WN I measure with calipers. The diameter of a circle is the in all directions. SHAKU, SE R (MEASURE, FOOT 884 | pace off the measure with my fee. 152 ‘STARTING POINT, MEANS, USE _ 907, ” he This line is the starting point. ‘Many moons ago—99 months be exact MEASURE 291-096 Measure pir of coins are on beth sides of LENGTH, MEASURE, STATURE 894 a 6 tole "ll measure he length with this re IGUDE, CONTAIN OBTAIN, STORE, SUPPLY 95) — [WHAT HOW MANY 676) the box contains a puppet Keep a supply of sticks on hand in Whe’s in the box? the storage box o opening 546 1B wwskou mers hard 600 1 perion 262 openings 153 297-905 LEARN Numbers — = a pe n akon A broken number nine, One finger -=- be Twe fingers. — [ee SAN Three fingers HACHI = j\ yo Eight is easily divided in holf SEVEN 903, t SHICHI Find the number seven. aa me ON py call Five plus one is six. A square has four corners. Find the number five. MG 154 NUMBERS 906-912 jaa oe WF Fractions are numbers. THOUSAND 90? SeN ey Here's the *” in theusand, Hany Aslont Roman numeral ten. The price tag soys 0 hundred cents 7 . an onsu, su soko Ibrke iin aright Som te middle. aa upsidedown two Js [orca sme a2 = NI Two strokes of the banker's pen. 155 a1 -919 Sizes ——— x LEARN TAL TA fiw See the fat mon with the big belly bution 1 big ww two mn TONG, SENIOR, 35 Fe HO gel Long hair is o sign of old oge. HOLLOW, CONCAVE, DENT hekoms Acconcave figure ‘CONVEX, PROTRUSION Toru deko. A convex figure. aS 33 TA, DAL oi it wos this big!* STRETCH 76 mS Pulled bock, his hair stretches 0 long way. © pal wv bong vis (ROUND, CIRCLE, BALL, SHIP GAN Curl up in ball 136 ‘4% ie 8, oO koto blonket has a plaid pattern and delcoe inge ce window nro Oh dlcate 36 see0w is flat and ealm. (CRITICISM, COMMENT 922 HVS a criticism wos even and fair ers wD even oa) SQUARE, MEASURE_923 Hel tbo square vcs buil on level ground. é 0) Oat ox ly sizes EXTRACT, EXCERPT 324 . 2 gl Ahand extracts 1D bonds Oh alle ws ALime 95 a vhost, shone alittle strand of thread... smo o26 lite dor n-cas A ko, o, cisat from o small needle. 20-926 157 97-993 Colors & LEARN RED, CRIMSON, ROUGE #1 KO, Ku buena, bei Te A red construction sign. Rays of light shine on the colorful hand-picked tree blossoms. 1D hand oon OE delete ss tee 126 SB soil 101 A red cross is on the first aid kit 10 food at 1 contin COLORS SENSUALITY _927, & BACK : Tw u HOKU, SH x * Konu Avoriey of sensual io colors are squeezed from the tubes. Black soot ison the BBO gil vile 07 hie COLOR wa) [RD a INANIGICS LF = yy RR JI. + ‘An inkstick is made of block ta Bbed os Gaal sa sex, sHAKU teas iat FORGIVENESS J SHA I forgive you after you're becten Ble @ Died om Oh ake ee ou4-941 g a DaRkelvE Ove __—_—_—_saa) SE ue Yous 97 B StI, SHO i A green plant grows on the moon, B plot 2 moon 4 blue thread is dyed in sweet Oh sweet 22 ihe green liquid over the thread. Oh bguid nos AE CLEAR BRIGHT 938) SE [FEEUNG. pry 240 B = B TI hore rke Bright and sunny with clear blve skies. Pity me, my hear feels blue Dan) Uh bbe ww DW heot iO he a7 Ye sae B 56, $40 /B SE) SHO ray of sunshine iol mare Eat blue/green rice for vitality, The water is @ pure, cleor bive. me Bam tee 27 Ol ble 7 Dwoer | O bhe oy 159 940-949 LEARN WRAP, ENVELOP ro) HO 6 ve. om, toe, robo ga /aese Wrap myself in o warm bio sl aw The tops of plants grow up from the ground GUN, CANNON, TIRE, SATIATE fel 10. lu kt ass The cannon fires stones wrapped in I'm tired of eating; le’s wrop gun powder. things up. 1D tore v0 wrap out Deo m Oh wrop su THIRST, PARCHED 6 34) a ¢ + ; x6 = 7 a ‘A bubble is cir wrapped in wale o wots os wap watsu (Cc a yy = The sun wrapped me in heat and made me thirsty. This element means cover, encir B woe: ce an) yup now and protect. KAGE shite, shi, sogary/ eu cir, aden ‘COVER, ENCIRCE” POSITIONS 950-956 INDOLE, INSIDE, CHINA, FA cH sake through the middle of the ing. Positions : ei Ssrodiate from the center of opening A Na DAI vehi ethings inside the tent iA PUTIN, CROWDED _ 953 IO He didn’t enter the crowded tent. BD move 13 komy/mers ENTER, PUTIN, 954 No hoi, ieru/sw Enter the tent sHUTSU deny, dose He emerged from the tent feeling put out EMERGE, PUT OUT 955 LH ‘OBTAIN, STORE, SUPPLY 956 ria NONA. NATSU, TO Our supply of thread is stored inside the tent tread sea inside 161 957-963 LEARN 162 NOT, UN-, FAULT Oppose i E The signs are met pointing in direction a HAN, TAN. He opposed the movie with o thumb's down. ten over n-057 ond sn his mouth hand. s20 Th not wo HN NOT,NONE,CEASETOBE 958 NOT, UN-_ DIS: 959 @ E WSN a [ mu, bu fu, ay It was not really him; he wos adi 1D person 2 not 10 Aq Sa H 4 Burn the books fil there ore none. He dislikes something ino nay He olways says ne. book sn Dre Brot 058 1 mosh a STROKE ORDER Kanji are written according to rules of stroke order established long ago by colligraphers and teachers. Generally: 1) strokes are writien from top to bottom and from left to right; (2) horizontal crossing strokes precede vertical crossing strokes; [at enclosures are drawn first, but a closing line at botiom is drawn lost; (4) strokes that slant from right to left are written before strokes that slant left to right; (5) piercing vertical lines are written last, There ‘re many exceptions, however. In the kanji 8 534 of dégu, meaning “tool,” shown ot right, the element MOVEMENT 1153 that shetches from upper left to lower right is actually written last. In the examples here, stroke order numbers have been placed at the beginning point of each stroke. Do cu woy so equipment roae 1H A | (7, at ee @ Ee © | 974-990 TooLs PAPER 74 ft sit tent ‘ACCUMULATE, INVOLVE This paper is made of sringy fibers. Thread, water, and rays of sunshine Thread has accumulated in he travel in line. field 1D tveod te OF family me HE threod soe white 014 waters eld 201 rod ue INVOLVEMENT 976 xe 7IN ie This person is involved in finding 1B person 262 Oh lineage 77 Two knots are tied in the straw cx Zin Kel where one sting connects io another Bi hod n07 6 tied’ sue The ends of the sting are finished with a knot. 1D thveod v5 Oh wine 2 THREAD 901-99 NET, NETWORK ea ELEMENT, BASE, BARE_985 ote $0, 8u #4 Aplant is made of threadlike elements. plant a 1 thread soe Mo in = The dead body is entwined in a net. hoo komokat ‘The field is os narrow as thread, 1H thread 064 DM net noes GH die «60 HD threod st field 20), ND, TIGHTEN, CLOSE 382 Ba ind the broom straws with thread. fread 66s DB stond 627 GB broom nots 10? FASTEN v0, RU ‘ena /merw p ond help me fasten this sehoge A gauze net and o rope fastened to its leg hold the bird. Bony 289% kf ond Fld 21M nat m7 Kl Head obs GE bid 197 thread sou id 39 oy [NET ve This element means net, but also looks like an eye on its side. TORE OAT % rs i 970-998 TooLs a) This element means basket. ‘A person rings up the price of a basket. NECESSARY, 991) (VOTE, SLIP OF PAPER 3e3) = (LECTURE Es FIST ro) HO ‘The woman finds it necessary to Votes are collected in the basket. A wordy lecture on baskets, carry the basket on her head Fl hoster oe woman 41) bother om lor 701 1D speck 100 OF baskets os Hip, LOWER BACK, BEARING 992 SEE ([SIGNIFOST), MARK 99a) bas Hd shia A sign is marked wih « slip of poper. 6 ieee vote 22 ee § =BASKETS" 995 to prevent lower back pain. With inflation, you need baskels of This element means baskets. money to buy anything 1B fash 207 CB beske! 0 [F womon 411 1D money 708 OF beskets os BASKETS / NEEDLES 999 1008 DCH CHANNEL 999) 7 cites were used to fill the ditch, th water, Be toda oe 0 fomou env estets ore Built from trees. Bier ns Oh boskets o%5 sun opi, ots ox is needle-sharp. AVOID ‘SHARP, BITTER 1005, =F SHIN Move quickly to aveid geting needle in your rear. D move 1152 Mi needle + batocks e-ton2 HABIT, KINK for, uo Jp : A sharp needle. ek fuse Any bad habit can be cured by a needle in your rear. 1D tess 155M needle + bucks eicn "#1 ADRINISTER 604 eS st Ql, This olaiont means needle. sa Needles are ade istered in this building, rook rie neces 169 107-1015 rh “cota” 1007) This element means cloth. 7a ‘CLOTH, SPREAD 1008 fu ‘Abhand spreads out the cloth. Bi hond ame cloth cer ‘ DESIRE, SCANTY 1009, KL KE | desire to cut this cloth pajama top into @ seanty negligee. doh 7 wind mio (CURTAIN, TENT, ACT 10 MAKU, BAKU ‘A doth tent protects you from he sun and itchy grass. Bi weave mice doth lor Boron ise Bain) doh EMPEROR ToI0) [REGISTER DRAPE Torr COTTON AS ay Cloth is made of white cotton tea! 1B treod set OB whie oO doh "8 oH A> [OUR 703 cs What is an emperer but a man ‘Cloth and long hair drape down tobi stonding in fine clothes? her back. Clothing fit for o journey. send 627 doth cor 1D doh er Oh long ois B fog str Gl dohing va 170 cLoTH 1016-1022 WEAR, CLOTHING GEAR i014] (CLOTHES, VIED SERVE 1019) (REPORT, REWARD____—__1070) wee 50, 3H6 Fux yo nals wear monly gear. I keep my clothes on the shelf Reportedly, the reward wos yen plus clothes. Brey ao doing sca 1D flesh 2 Ch hand w/tool m-icie happiness 731. Oh seize nto JRVERSE SIDE, INSIDE, UNING 1017) T Go) label is on the inside lining of clothes. le 117 FS viloge 10s I cthing o88 | XK JUDGE, CUT, DECIDE 1022 soboku, tose Hal decides to cut the sleeves from his clothes. 1 holberd 80) eleing 12 CLOTHING 1021 K i hing 10's CR Feld 201 hee 120 im 1023-1020 Toots Knife aie J ] The thorn pierces like o knife thom nicer Oh bile sor PIERCE, STAB, THORN. i 16 kolona Anighty sword BLADE, SWORD 1024 A ag The chopped wood becomes on ial ‘engraved bedpost. hos @ shorp blade. 1B pig mice OO nile ‘CORE NUCLEUS 10 DIVIDE, MINUTE, UNDERSTAND 1025) [PUNISH 1028) A co #) Os Fi POP hw. 1D ee 26 1 pig. mie BUN, FUN, BU ‘e wokany ery co =| aroun [ell into confusion when my lifeline Stabbing is punished by Aa J divided in two imprisonment. Speoking gets the kife/het p spl oe 1 sword sea0 gril nem Oh kale tox net 9&7 BE speck to hele a 172 DVERGE, SPLIT, DIFFER il 220 brite ox 1092 lock splits into two prongs. tow mene rife soar REAP, CUT, SHEAR 1036 Xl bow Cut and shear with scissors cand a knife, 1D shoors s-1026 toile sea? "KNIFE" 1037, I This element ‘means knife. 1031 1087, ] cur yos4) — [QUDGE, SEAL Size 1035) SETSU, SAL HAN, BAN iw | cut it into seven pieces, The judge cut the seal in two with a knife. Diy» Ol brife roar 1D seven sos 1 sword 1023 1D hoi 7 GD eife 7 173 ove 1044 Toots Equipment ‘GOODS, QUALITY, KIND 1038 HN oO oo shine Three opened boxes of goods. BB opening sce 5 opening 588 & opening see SSE MERE =r rw sono Stereo and video equipment. Fleye se B unl ior" TURN, ROTATE Nuts rotate oround bolts Di encose 71 opening This umbrella con comfortably shade four people. Bente 030 parton 30 VESSEL, UTENSIL, SKILL 1000 A big kitchen utensil, opening a 580 big 13 SPEECH, KNOW VAIVE, PETAL 1001) | wish I could put a shutoff valve on his speech. HiT, STRIKE Hold o noil and strike it exocly its head, BH hond_ seo Oh eet 1 174 HONEST, CHEAP, ANGLE __1048 Be EN house can buy two brooms at siehonest, cheap price blog 149 combine 81 NE Toss bie KEN,GEN hiow/i ye ( woman dislikes housework at) Oh combine sea DNARY, WORK, 107) ia ry dng is used for ordinary eg 110 hard $07 ute 28s EQUIPMENT / BROOMS SWEEP i008 04s = 1052 Brooms - ‘COMBINE, UNABLE 1081 Fe Two brooms ore combined into one. Ken kone Ahand sweeps the broom hand soo hand w/broom ase I'm returning your broom. 1D folow n-iow OL hond w/broom 982 Ss 2 I SHIN hit/te a c ‘A mop soaked up the water. “BROOM 1082 This element shows a hand holding ) a broom. 1B woter se hand 7 GB hand ooo 175 1059-1058 Toots CONSTRUCTION, WORK Build ar KO, KU A carpenter's square is used in construction. MERIT, SERVICE 1059 ty Kony He offers his construction services. 1D conarction sos oo" The Japanese commonly bulld homes of bamboo and wood bamboo 123 work ou omme This common person tres to hide his mediocrity 176 BulLD 1057-1068 ribute was paid with money constuction labor. (TARGEBEAM, FLAG POLE 1081) oe ‘A wooden beam is used in construction. BECOME, MAKE, CONSIST__1065 Hal becomes o maker of things with his ox. The blankets hang on the drying rocks. ion 1054 money 708 Hwee 126 TH constuction oss halberd 160A excl sous SUSPEND, HANG DOWN 1062) [CASTLE 1066 saKy, SA sul r} soxony/ross shivo In Hol's hands, earth is piled up and becomes o castle, 1D adh 101 Oh become 04s VINEGAR, SOUR 1059) AKU 19, supp ris made from alcohol. otel 20 Oh dze o-iae 3 SPINDLE, SINKER 1063, q su. The metal sinker hangs in the water. 1D ell es hong down os BE PROSPER, HEAP, SERVE 1067 1,10 mony, shom/a Hol’ dish is heaping with rice. 8 become ious dh 20) UE, DECENVE 7060) SA are fabricated words, eds 0 Ol odze r-1050 ARE ‘SLEEP. 1064 sul ‘When I'm sleepy my eyelids hang dovn. 1D eye 1 hong down ous =f (nceery 1068) sel rmokoto Hal's sincere. His words become true. HD word 049 Oh become 045 Ww 109-1076 TooLs UT, DECLINE, WARN, JUDGE 1069 f AT DAN kotowor, flay Cut up the rice. Pawn two quality axes for some money. B oxoa 102 1B money 708 Ax AK, WE 1072 Fr KIN Aweighty ax. CRAFTSMAN 1073 fr SHO Acraftsman keeps his tools in a box enclosed 778 ox 172 BEND, BREAK, OCCASION _ 1077 iT seTSU ori, ony /tanu Grab the bent and broken ax. 1D hand 530 hax to REPEL, REJECT +e aor sei = chido | pledge never to break my word. PS break wor word mo sexi th DIE, PASS ON, DEATH 1075 ole I sel yok | repelled it with an ox. Death breaks life's motion 1 break 197) 78 RADICAL s Thousands of kanji are built from a few hundred basic elements. OF these basic elements, roughly eighty of the most fre. quently used elements ore known as radi: cals. Radicals often indicate the “topic” of a character. Kanji with the radical son 101 often have meanings associated with soil or ground, such as BA 28, PLACE, in basho, “location,” shown at right. Below ‘re a handful of frequently used radicals. z 5 ¢ mn Ga) Fea) a= { WORD 840) [KNIFE i037 z | [so 101) Z . AS 7, el @ ee — s @ swzvmu/shil CAPITAL __1077, — Cool raindrops fall aN BD woter oe Gh copital 107 116, El A capital building sur ted by small p : ut u decingg si a=F = en a J AA Brright and sunny view of te capital Bun capital sr Capital con also be seen 98 a stone lantern outside the capital city. The sun's rays cast light ond dak shadows, © won 1 KD copitl torr dele PLACES 1081 1089 CITY, MARKET tos) [VAG 87) si 8 chi sco I buy clothes in the city market. A samurai stands in a field before c2 and design motifs from Asia ihe village B field 201 Bw 01 RISE, RAISE, INTEREST_ 7005) [TOWN, BLOCK 1088 KYO, KO cH show /e2 smochi Highrise oporiments all look the some—of no interest. This sign shows what town you're building in China, « hand ces k'ung fu chops. ig 14 hand 37 opening Se 1D Feld 201 sail 01 VILAGE 7085) © (BLOCK, EXACT 1089 son CHO, Te A sentry protects every inch of our village. BD tee 126 inch 799 but this sign tells you exactly what leek you're in 181 170 —10%4 PLACES Village a ‘CAPITAL, METROPOUS 1090 To, Tsu SUBURBS 109), yoko The suburbs ore People flock to the metropolis to beyond he village sell their wares. mix wr 1D person 08 OF viloge \or4 vile 1074 ‘COUNTY, DISTRICT 1092) [MAIL RELAY STATION 1095) [[WMAGE/HIL™ 094) ane This element means tes village when on the right side of a char- ‘acter and hill when Lord of the county. bog waits at the relay ‘on the lef. Picture o station. flog placed on a hill 1D lod a7 1 viloge sor 1D hand down oi2 Oh viloge coe fomarka viloge. 182 VILLAGE / HILL 1085-1100 e= 1 The institute is on the hill B hill tone 8 roo 3 GB origin mors Avehicle is camped con the hil WW hil 074 (0 vehicle nar MAJESTY, THRONE 1097, Hel RE lowly folk don’t compare o His Majesty. E hil 10% 8 compare 294 soll 11 JHEVENT, DEFEND, (Co 09) iG PEAK, PROSPEROUS 1100 OK BEE BIS gerion defends his position on We planta flag on our land. Ws slow progress reaching the peak il of the bil Mb oe Oh person 386 1B Dil 074 mound nico GE sol 10! hil 100 UB slow progress 120 GH plant 214 183 vot 1102 PLACES Gate FA GATE, DOOR 101 ‘MON odo Two doors form a gate, (Geum cue) AR aN! There’s a quiet, peaceful scene of trees outside my gate. 1 gote io! a GATE 109-1112 (GOSE, SHUT 1103 FA Hel toi inaru/nsee ‘Apost holds the gate shut. D gee 110) tole 971 FACTION, CLANIINEAGE 1106 (One faction attacks outside the gote. 1D gote 110) ‘hack 00 SUDDEN ENTRY, INQUIRE 1109) Suddenly, o horse entered the gate. 1 gate 10: horse 201 fal AN yori Gloom stood at the gate, shrouded BARRIER, CONNECTION 110 A barrier prevents me from leaving in darkness, moking no sound the gate. BD gate 01 ound ono gate 10 bor 110 BE OBSTRUCTED, 1108, fi] rookowry The gate obstructs my view of the mountain, 1 gate 0 rmovnioin 16 i [Ask by putting your mouth fo the gate. B gate no FA HEAR, ASK, USTEN 1112 BUN, MON. ku /koeru Hear more with your ear fo the gate. gate 110 mouh S66 185 wia=1120 PLACES Door PSP This door is realy Half of a saloon deer. the element Booy 440. FURNACE A furnace has fire behind its doc. Dien Oh door 11 My wife isin the room on the fe side of the door. 1 door 1 paca 12 PLACE, SITUATION) we) Prt tekoro Big John shed tears when his wife The place to chop wood is by walked out the door the door Bi woter 6B door 112 big 912 HD door 1113 dx 2a A fan is like a flapping door Bi doce 112, wings 0 STORE, BUILDING Wi * Go through @ door fo reach the door 3 Wi ewoch 1134 DOOR 112-1129, EE H ‘ebice S LS = somatic doers slide open in posite directions. DELIVER, REPORT Deliver the pizza to my door. ‘A drawbridge door covers the moat, but people sill have trouble leaving, lord of the palace shakes an ox door 1a eppasie 260 B door 114 cause 76 © il 01 Oh soit 125 FENCE, WAIL DEN, TEN Hel tro, dono ‘You must erouch to leave through We built this fence to keep all who come to his door. this strange door, people out J 12 gether a2 & hond/ax 113 door 114 leave 286 B vil va Oh fance n-iise 13 DIG 129 Kursu how Drops of rain leak through the door. IB woter 4 OB door 1114 rain as | often have to dig them out by hand. 1D bond 50 Dh submit 12s 187 0-138 PLACES HALL, TEMPLE 1130) A chalice is used in temples and halls. oof vue opening sts & soil 01 GOVT OFFICE, PREFECTURE ii Home is « roof over your head. Government office workers gi themselves medals BS rook ae 1B openup emiiss I building 1142 tach 77 PALACE, SHRINE, PRINCE 1131) = 0, 60, KU CA e ‘The prince lives in a twostoried palace. Boot ts 1 oined blocks o-n2t ‘GOV'T OFFICE, AGENCY ROOM, HOUSE naa) =. ses The sign marks the government agency. B building a Reach for some flowers to decorate the house. BE roof ni 1B reach 35 ecco LODGE, SHELTER, HOUSE 1132) fa i sHUKU yodo, yodors 8 The lodge holds « hundred people. 1 roof 144 I person 242 Bi hundred soe REACH, GO, PEAK_ 1135) SH ori /ee Reach for the plant in he soil Barow miss soil 11 SPREAD 136 KAKU Spread your hand wide. Dhond wo wide ie Ihave a wide and spacious bul for myself 1D building 110 private 40 BUILDING & ROOF “= aa Building & Rost! === “BUILDING” 1143 co (oor ta) This element means building, This element means roof, s7—1182 PLACES Sh | — Ga) CIOL insmrew seen a oe [oF i ye el An expensive high-rise building A person stops 1D perch 32 inn 19 Bi sheer lower oe —— fina (RPAviIONTI9) => 1 T ct the inn, Children's quarters are on the il BD sheler 11a" @) child wo BL vio A child attends 0 mediocre pr school, B cole ise A madoce 10 el READINGS Kanji in dictionaries can be found by three methods: radical search, stroke counting, cond pronunciation. Each method is laborious ‘and uncertain. Which element is the defining radical? Which is the correct reading of several possibilities? Even after you identify the reading/meaning of an individual character, you may then have to search in @ separate compound dictionary to find the definition of word like ryokd, at fight, which means “trip,” “travel,” or ‘journey.” Kanji dictionaries are usually arranged by radical and stroke count. Word dictionaries are arranged in the order of the syllabaries—o, i, u, ¢, 0, ka, ki, ku, ke, ko, ete. radical: f stroke count: 10 nd readings: RYO, tabi other meanings: TRAVEL, Journey ot GO__192)) radical: 4 stroke count: & readings: KO, AN, GYG, iky, okonay, -yuki other meanings: CONDUCT, COLUMN, sNN oi nsa-1157 JOURNEY TOST, PERPLEXED i ei moyoy | got lost searching > “MOVEMENT” 1153 ae J. This element 1D move vis ce means movement. TE A A MAANUTUEALLE ATTACH nl TE HAL i Si i wn ni A A q SHIT ILVLAULUATLLLLLILT ir AD wT ALAM TD LC eee ttt A CROSSING 1155 j 1A 10 vi { veru/ay, kayou wm aan | eross ten intersections cand pass many things os | Go around the river commute to work B owe 9 ten oe Di move 11s use ats 1B move 89 tier 3 192 Move 11581165 ae oman /nw/ EXCLUDE REMOVE 1165 Bf IN 10.31 nozoky There was an excess of material for building the rood. Dinos 1s fost mse Remove the excess materials from the road. 1D bil fore Oh excess 10) son hoya, mia ‘speedy delivery of a bundle of The read wos built with excess branches. materials. Bove 189 ecett10 WR RETURN nea It returns in the opposite direction. 1 move 189 oppo 97 . FOUOW, OBEY __1164]) JUN | follow out of respect Broe 3 white 36 1 move 1153 reiped 707 on, for down is drawing near. 193 ESCAPE J k HO Wicoshi/sw | OMEN, TRILLION. trillion people were frightened by 170 boundary. VICINITY, BOUNDARY Ts lm Men with swords guard the sword cad RETREAT, WITHDRAWAL 1176 TAL shiizoku ke im Retreat from the scary sight. D move 1153 sop/stere 1178 from the prison. NEAR, KIN ‘ hiked Tiza on This way “chopped” time off our journey. We are near. copie n-773 move 100 [RESENT REGRET 77) KON I resent people staring at me. Oh sop/store 78 8 your butt in hot pursuit. ovaku sokosa, soko Aer be contrary. butocks ase 1D move 1153 CONTRARY, UPSIDE DOWN, 175. She's walking upside down just to big nous Wheat we *STOP AND STARE” 1178) R ‘As an element this can mean stop and stare with bulging eyes and gaping mouth. ik (RreNTE ROTATE TA) TETSU {iook an alternate poth and got lost. CB move 1183 lose a7 195 ao 1169 JOURNEY Boat BOAT, SHIP__1180) Ft sho fune, fun Row the cars of the boat. SAIL, VOYAGE na] My voyage begins from the sheler of the dock IB boot 1180 OM shaber nr OF desk mi GENERAL, TIME, CARRY __1 ef The boat earries the axwielding general. BD boot 180 hand w/ox 7 BOAT, SHIP 1a AA SEN | fone, fone: The hull ofa ship is on opening made of wood. BE boot 110 al 4D openings 196 BOAT / CART 1184-1190 TOAD, CARRY Ties) [ VEHICLE, CHARIOT, TRACK, RUT, WAY 1188 CART 118i = & Cart ua : ie ' 7 Nine times he cart got is the cart with soil This cart carries things stuck in the rut. iaalaiaaitaas from the fl Deot 10 0 nine 9s ‘oi 10) WD con vier halberd oo) WHEEL HOOP TWe2) (AWE SHAFT, scroll 110) en sku ee inthe cart and accompany me The wheel fll off my cort The axle wos the cause of my ‘rp problem. 1s con 1B cor 1187 OB person 380 book «60 cart 17 i cause 76 197 et-1197 JOURNEY J Road ROAD, AREA 1191 I'm new to this area. Which read BD poh ie sail py 201 7 = KO, G¥O, AN itu, yuku, okonay goes into town? That person wandered bout in all directions 1D poh ea i direchon a ‘Axowielding sentries do their duty. poh sz Oh hand w/ax 7 PATH, DIRECT ze Cota direct path through the jungle. 193 1B poh 1192 C8 hond 600 D2 soil 01 (z= €] ‘My master has gone down this path poh vin moter 743 SUBJUGATE, TRAVEL a] You must only travel the core poh nO coneet et 198 ROAD / CRASH! 1190 1208 FAR, THUNDER, REVERBERATE 1198 a 6 ‘odoroh Phe Thunderbirds roar down rood. Berne cor ne ROTATE, ROU, TUMBLE 199, TEN torobu/aore oe /aose Crash! \ FAB— [Collide ROAD 01 f SHO § A collision in the road I heovy 1202 J path v2 non ies to move the heavy car cH kroner /nns left a heavy cat rolls and tumbles in o a Ed of smoke. pile of folded one dowd 56 metal. OVE WORK 1208 05 0d veoku ows hotorohy Gain merit by trying to move the heavy, burning car We worked to get the car to move on ils own power. Th move 1200 i hee 1D penon 287 move 200 199 09-1211 JOURNEY Stop... ‘STOP_1205) ib SH Stop. & kaKu Step in each box slow progiess 1218 opening se DEAL WITH, PLACE 7) a | do business deals at my desk 1D sow progress ye desk map ona, yum PLAN, UNDERTAKE 1708) TE We walk a little then stop a while. lop 20s litle ae “ goer, SHE ‘CROSS OVER, LIAISE 1208 Da Wolk across the river OF walk 207 We plan to stop that person. FR person asx atop 20s B woter 6 BASE, BASIS He became entwined in the thread. 1 throd. ose (CABINET, CHAMBER. 1213 fi Be KAKU i eech 1209 och oficiol retreated to his chamber. 1D goe v0 ch 200 (ROAD, ROUTE: 124 Ee Weleg it down each and every road. Dh wch 1209 leg 0 STOP... & START AGAIN ana 1218 ENTWINE, CONNECT 7212) [FALL DROP, 1213] [[FOWOW, SLOW PROGRESS” 1718) Ri RR loc erceret \ Cr stops and starts eau RAKU koromy/more chin /lose Each person falls on the wet grass. gross 124 (8 woler cs each 1208 GUEST, VISOR = KYAKU, KAKU 1s Each man is a guest at this house. Bi roof tus Boch 1200 FAIL, ALIGHT, DESCEND, ETA It's slow work descending these steps. 1D hill 0 ia7 & Start Again Oh slow progress 024 aie 1205, JOURNEY GREET, WELCOME 1723 Come xD on smukonsy z ‘COME 1219) FAI | will meet. He went to greet his friend at the here turnstile, Come follow me. move 1183 companion i2%0 move 1) bending perion mi (OOK Ue SATE RECT af fi ogy, 338 my companion This person respectfully looks up ot his friend by the turnstile Scot mim | ant ID person sez bending peron oa TANK, TUB, VAT 1222) —[RESTRAIN, PRESS DOWN 173 30 yoru for our Hot Tub Encounter Grove. The turnstile restrains visitors 1D wood 192 componion 122) hond 580. bending parson mi These brief notes give information about elements not covered in the main text, The evolution of phonet , symbolic, and graphic connotations over centuries makes it difficult to fully describe the meaning of each element. See Kenneth Henshall’s Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters, from which much of this information is derived. ms ms mis ms m9 1-20 ‘wet Part of a phonetic element meaning “wet.” rise The sun rising through the grass. Compare with ean 19. crack winged bird See wine 920 and Bio 319 9FASS orion! of Geass 124 dlear/high Entry 20 refers to the element’s phonetic meaning of “clear.” Entry 8s refers to 0 ‘Chinese character meaning “high.” Phonetic meaning, high Phonetic meaning kneeling From piclograph of a person kneeling, big-eyed lizard May refer to the chameleon which can change colors. rays From piclograph of rays of sunlight. Distinguish from EASY 23, mask From piciograph of o summer fesival mask branches lightning tremble Person From a piciograph of an upsidedown child. Compare with cto 447, planks From a pictograph of a tree cut in half red Variant of reo 929. Previous As a stand-alone character, this element has the readings SEN, saki steam From a piclogroph of swirling vapors. stagnant From a pictograph of a waterweed emerge Refers io 0 geyser; can also mean “boil.” cliff From o pictograph of a cli. From a pictograph of branches. From a piciograph of lightning, Phonetic meaning. 89 me m7 n-nis 122 125 n127 128 n-130 n-133 137 157 9-170 n-172 n-175 1-176 offer From a pictograph of two hands holding «on offering plants Picture « variant of ure 214 doubled. rack Represents « crack in the ice. creature stene Picture it so standing mirror. Distinguish from 1ook 542, path Moy derive from MOVEMENT 1153, speak Aso standalone character, this has the readings UN, iu, and is sometimes used fo mean “speak.” Itcan also mean “cloud.” See entry 54 flower hands From a piclograph of two hands. Graphically identical to Geass 124 roots Think ofthe line as representing the roots ‘of a tree. Distinguish from TREE 126. From a pictograph of a scorpion. From a piclograph of a flower. shine Picture rays of light radiating outward. flow Looks graphically similar to a bent willow. basket extreme Phonetic meaning upright As o standclone character, this has the readings CHOKU, JK, naoru, sugu desk From. pictograph of a table or desk. clothes This isthe radical form for c1owNG 1021 Distinguish from the radical ReUSION 695. thread (x2) A variant of riseAD 964 slow progress Actually a combination of stow PROGRESS 1218 and a variant of cow 275. From a piclograph of a basket. insert From a pictograph of a person being squeezed by a person on either side, 1-351 n-359 371 n-373 nes74 375 ne384 plant From a pictograph of a plant uniformity From o piciograph of uniform aridwork, such os 6 lattice window or a gril person well Asa standalone character, this has the reading | quantity As a standalone character, this has the readings v0, hakary stop A variant of scow moaress 1218. pair vessel Picture FERSON 262 end its mirror image. Convoluted etymology, acc. to Henshall From @ pictograph of a vessel water A variant of waree 57 humility From o pictograph of a bentover body. all Convoluted etymology, acc. to Henshall, meaning “oll” in the sense of “bringingpgether, with the extension “examine.” Protect Phonetic meaning, See also Basket 130, leap Phonetic meaning, group Phonetic meaning hand Variant of Hownc 597 play Phonetic meaning, stomach Asa stand-alone characte, this has the reading 1 dragon Oli style of oeAcon 258, tower A variant of ra 1150, which comes from @ pictograph of a tower. what? As stand-alone character, this has the readings KA, nani, nan. hand A variant of HaNo 600. fallen person seated person. From @ pictograph of a fallen or order Phonetic meaning of “put in order." use Possibly o variant of use 385. Convoluted etymology acc. to Henshall 1-387 n-387 a7 nas 420 422 naa n-478 neass naa n-497 500 n-so2 nesta 516 nos42 546, n-552 558 562 n-se7 flag From a piciogroph of a flog futlering, device Obscure. Acc. to Henshall, itis from a picture of a winnowing mechanism for cleaning grain. hand w/stick A variont of Howns 597 elbow big Henshall hos an interesting discussion abou! whether the element here means "big” or “bed.” depend From o Chinese meaning of "depend (0n.” Note similarity to 8¢ i DIFFICULTY 786, From a piciograph of an elbow. breast This element's shape suggests « woman's breast, See n492, “kneeling figure.” lungs Symbolizes a lung, with the element ot right for “flesh” supporting the meaning, north Asa stand-olone character, this hos the readings HOKu, kit. ‘order Asa standalone character, this hos the readings Re, RYO. necessarily As a stand-alone choracter, this has the readings HITSU, kanorozy pull apart From a pictograph of an archer’s hand pulling on « bow. erouch From a pictogroph of a crouching pero, Pierce Depicts two objects pierced by @ sake Progress The element Siow mROGtEss 1218 ose Entire character comes from a pictogroph of a nose, subject As a stand-alone character, this hos he readings SH, J. Person Acc. to Henshall, this represents a person bending over to stare at water in a bow singing Phonetic meoning, sudden exhale Symbolic meoning, hand Phonetic meaning Think of this os REACH 373, 375, 589 1-596 n-607 rr82 nr626 mnie nny mre 720 735 m3 733 Squeeze Think of this as two men back to back being squeezed from top and bottom. hand grasping From « pictograph of a hand {grasping an animal's tail writing From o piclogcaph of « hand holding @ brush hands w/rope Comprises HAND REACHING DOWN 609, HAND REACHING UP 600, and a knotted rope. basket From a pictograph of a basket. follow From a pictogroph of reRsOn 363 doubled. announce Phonetic meaning prostitution Graphicclly similar to « character meaning “sell.” brain Froma piclograph of « brain. Imagine the X marking the brain enclosed in a skull oped with hair vapors rice A simplification of nce 217. enclosed A simplification of encioseo 776, man on cliff From a piciogroph of a bent figure on a cliff. From a pictograph. See sea 69. ‘appropriate Phonetic meaning. kneeling figure From a pictograph of a kneeling person bent figure From a piclograph of a bent figure. official Aso standalone character, this has the reading Nv. pierce From a pictograph of money threaded on sting burden Phonetic meaning. itlooks like WARRIOR 753 carrying a load exchange Acc. to Henshall, this is fom a picture cof a horse's bit, suggesting “change of direction.” person Of convoluted etymology give Phonetic meaning, n-742 7a 9-750 754 761 768 n769 773 780 783 n7es 820 n-e22 34 853 863 n-78 Press Phonetic meaning, shine From a pictogroph of rite 62 doubled. strive hands From a pictogroph of two hands wielding {an ox, as a soldier does in battle bean + inch Convoluted etymology. Derives from a character meaning "hit offer ‘wet Phonetic meaning. Obscure relation to endure. hold Acc. to Henshall, from @ pictograph of @ child holding a toy. enclosures The enclosed X is a simplification of what was originally three enclosed squares. surround Phonetic meaning dot Acc. to Henshall, the dot was used to distinguish a pictograph of o string of beads from the similorly shaped character KING 743. Phonetic meaning, Phonetic meaning, me Phonetic meaning hemp Acc. to Henshall, o simplification of plants. rounded 2 persons crouched man From a piciograph of a man opening his mouth to brag. Evolved into meaning of “give.” feelings Phonetic meaning administer As a stond-alone character, this has the readings st, tsukasadoru hands From a pictograph of hands rolling rice. This isthe kanji used in femoki sushi dam From a pictograph of o dam; borrowed meanings lead fo “exist.” Phonetic meaning Two persons, one fallen, the other circumference As a standalone character, this, has the readings sH0, mawari 205 EE 9-957 972 1-979 n-982 n-1002 1009 n-1012 1019 n-1020 n-1027 n-1028 thread Borrowed meaning from graphically similar character meaning occult. lusion Unclear origin and meaning, drum From a pictograph of a tasseled drum. flat Phonetic meaning Phonetic meaning two A simplification of two 898 fo suggest twice «3s big and fat. little dot Whole choracter was once written as four litle dots liquid A variant of warer 7 Fay Acc. fo Henshall, the entire character derived from a picture of a pointed thumbnail. tis ‘easier to think ofthis top element as a “ray.” seek out dry up Phonetic meaning. turn over Phonetic meaning leek —Convoluted etymology ace. to Henshall twist Phonetic meaning. broom From a pictograph of a broom, Offen shown with a hand asin 800m 1082, needle + buttocks A combination of shatr 1005 and BUTTOCKS 466. weave wind Actually a stand-alone character (BON, HAN, oyoso) meaning “mediocre,” but used here as simplification of wino 44. hand w/tool with tool, seize Graphically identical to entry n-1019, but this element comes from a pictograph of a hand seizing o bentover figure thorn This combines a tree with « pointed element to suggest “thorn.” Pig A variant of iG 279. From a pictograph of interwoven sticks. From a pictograph of a hand memn0 n-1123 1128 nenist e133 n-113s 1150 n-11s2 1158 n-1169 nen7s n-1220 1223 bone A variant of verreaxa 474 shears From a pictograph of shears. Utensil From a pictograph of a pair of hands holding up a ketle; came to mean “equipment.” follow A very simipliied variant of cHast 1172 adze From a pictograph of an adze. exact A variant of sock 1080. origin As a standalone character, his has the readings GEN, GAN, moto. mound From a piciograph of mounds of earth hands From a pictograph of two hands reaching to open the gate, bor walk From an old character meaning “walk.” Includes siow mockess 1218. fence Phonetic meaning jeined blocks Symbolic meaning suggesting, ‘ace. to Henshall, “connected rooms.” Phonetic meaning ‘open up Phonetic meaning, ‘arrow The whole character comes from a piclograph of an arrow reaching its destination tower From a pictograph of a tower. castle From a pictograph of o caste. fast Phonetic meaning, multitude As a standalone character, this has the reading sHo. big An inversion of ac 913. east bending person From a pictograph of a person bending to greet someone. From a doubling of east 91 bam we wi =e eur Sean aS Ze Se2 Roam S A O82. borane 89 bits bo 6 OBO naT? but. 27 624 705 942 612 26 090 30 N. 516 Bid 105, i 92 BOE oi kot. 829) ototk...20 Obey on be 1A of Al nay....690 RU onsS22 hy oon 9 oby/kiw/tos. 947 290 nn 0. 688 ono Arokosy 272 onat/iv/su 1161 28 5 On 9B omw.....966 aN 10 BN cor AN son 107 AN soon 192. 2. 5 68 AAD Oni ABB auE W MESSER ORR Hee Ae A ROME >> em Re HSPN RSHENTN SWATH AAR SS HEM RRA RARER REE em yomons..765 eyamons.. 849 oyashit ‘Abimy...503 oytsury.570 YOU coyum....1207 exzoyoks....283 028 nn 207 mA. 291 be 28 BACHL....1030 BAL 26 BAL nnn 27 BAL on BAD 832 BAL 707 bokew.....974 BAKU 8 BAKU 9 BAKU 211 BAKU......776 BAKU... 1019 BAN nl BAN 158 BAN 260 BAN 308, BAN.....1035, BATSU 145 BATSU 60 BATSU ...800 BATSU 1030 BATSU.... 1108 0 ee IB BEN... 1041 bd 990 BETSU...1092 a 287 al 384 al 470 8 533 | a 810 BIN 256 BIN. 710 SESSSE555S855558 8 ES & SRRM HOS ERE OHM SRR AH ES SES MOTOS eee 446 681 8° 162 248 274 365 390 660 662 663 669 702 725 806 967 10% nie 97 126 276 538 932 258 526 1056 791 703 798 958 959 1025 837 1025 m2 205 684 208 92 288 680 102 548 ASe hemes REM Rw SBS BOOS ISSR ROR KER SEBS S CH S60 HO HL 170 hil? i 506 ti 910 Biehl A7 bic Ad hig 161 EI 926 ih 74 eke 74S eho... 1074 CHKU 128 (CHIKU 289 CHK. 1055, CHIN 721 CHIN TOP chicw/tokory Fi. 808 CHIU... 227 CHO 528 HO nT? CHO. 9 CHO. 108 HO BIA WO. ATS CHO onl Oo SAP CHO 873 CHO nn 819 CHO 829 CHO 682 HO 878 HO. 9S CHO nn 918 CHO... 101 CHO... 1088 CHO... 1089 CHO... 1138 CHO. 1170 HO. 1202 CHD sal CHU oso MOTH ORHDMETHE METAL SHE RS ERS H DH OSAAMS RSH EOS eRe ESS38888888883g8 161 292 304 379 515 587 736 980 303 312 41 oss 376 439 455 913 982 09 Ais 605 925 850 ose 985 372 49 918 ” 2 201 riz 955 101 51 520 47s 535 889 1130 1200 1204 207 boku oKU FXST IUPAC TH SRNL RSET TENE ENS HOO RET HONS Sw z 210 856 a 122 150 1202 364 773 150 127 1080 23 257 301 658 1196 ai ey 86 244 430 604 712 781 568 342 518 622 75 204 351 23 44 485 437 505 716 7 72 959, 1008 ORES METH MS FRRARA ETH TSM MMO RRR SES SSMS PU coos 97 a 44 a 204 0 a3 0 760 chi 62 fade $92 FURU......269 FURY... 1019 faba SO fokomy Pree 899 fokorame Pty 48) fet ne 87 FUN no 53 FUN ion222 FUN on 321 FUN nn 823 FUN nc 1025 fone BO fe 8S fe ne 1180 fate 18D f 310 fete 217 fat 671 fey nn 92 forus/ery «50 Bt0 nocd 18 fusegy 1098 fosu/si 369 fh 898 fai... 914 PUTS 78 PUTO on 524 FUTSU on 57A FUTSU 884 Fyne AD CRA GAAS CR orn 7 8A GA 880 cal 13 AOR CTR MSHA ERR RU SSE TERE EA REE ORE TS 883888 888838839e Gal aku Gaxu GAN GAN GAN GATSU. ce. ce. ce ce cal ca ce. ex ce Gen. Gen Gen Gen Gen. cen. ersu. ot. G. ner 520 839 882 189 993 919 “4 13 40 ne 278 943 7 361 1223 346 708 79 a1 a2 40 281 1046 4 350 452 795 822 34 32 413 578 en 234 87 48 849 901 313 407 589 198 SeOREEN > HSS RVEMR AXP H STAR ASSN RAE TSR eR Re GoKu GoKU GON. goto ou cu i. Gu. GUN cvaku (GYAKU Gro. Gro, avo. v6. oxo. ovo. vo. GyoKu ow 133 243 131 40 443 a8 1039 nai 282 752 1092 347 N75 354 355 aie 20 920 nig2 1224 70s 275 59 499 135 17 330 491 1024 184 38) 541 351 473 1018. 214 127 750 as 254 ae>mseee HOW ASHES MERE ROR R AHH SECO SRT OM * /ashshi oka: hekony hoor hake hokoby. Haku HaKU HaKU hoke. hokey. hake. HAN HAN HAN 483 812 961 962 192 954 548 ai ASME ORRANETTER ENTE PTH RE RS FERSSR VERE RSE ne 380 10) ot nal ar SPH horawoto.A7% aner be ters hone hosomary P57) hai hi 387 ) hos. 65 ot V7 ta. 28 nn DBP ae) hot. 208 hotorob..1204 ns 20 Pt nn 20 HATSU...537 HATS... haya I hey ISB hay. 188 ayaa horvbohinan ™ fozamy. 825 hava 1d heb BTR er) Hn HED 9 Hel 9 El Om? Heb 1D HEL Ts HER. 000 hekony 917 HEN is FARE ARAM RENTS PERE EO sme MH pido higoshi hi hi. ko. ikory ik ik. ik Han HIN irk ict hiro fou birow hi hi birogoece hs 906 169 va 7 82 a a7 394 299 486 487 90 97 504 aa ee 709 960 963 1002 nat 601 a 86 458 550 869 869 876 825 392 710 1038 104 wa 139) 584 16 7 ae | MA MY OS HRANSH ASRS TRON ARS SRS RSME ES RRS | > wD isos hitay/. hit. hit: hits Tsu TSU ITSU itu. he, HO. HO. hone hor hos oxo Press: 33 1050 363 997 888 497 592 876 290 1012 774 7 207 ne 174 75 386 389 39 a9 58 703 760 704 4a 945 a7 948 1020 1195 738 388 13 806 613 636 125 328 472 86 63 na 789 AOSRMAP RANTS ARERR RS OMNES HO RS eH aR ne hoster 79 hot ne 878 hot ne 129 hothi 218 oth nn7 toh nn 986 olan 305 holo. 884 HYAKU....909 HYD nA HB 578 HO on 754 HD on 92 HY on 993 HYD oi 9A ' 23 1 370 ‘ 432 1 052 1 79 1 887 1 989 1 102 TOM 897 feb rn OBA (idol ...581 on S73 e 281 thay SIF IK 98 Iedony 523 IR 24 Uv 80 iy 969 By see N92 {ht 823 ime. 31 793 er) ‘nw/awoshi 683 N. 236 1% 422 RSPR PANS TRO> eS HHH eee See RRM aeheea Sam IN. 653 IN. 730 IN. 862 IN. 883 IN 096 inn 963 inom 963 335 954 927 928 74 991 746 190 662 502 156 528 iodoby...528 itoi/aw Prat 54 Hom 507 ag 1195 ize .624 to. 964 ISU on 897 MSU 91 SU... 1169 Ihe 91 rs 840 Pern BP 104s as yoy. 652 lean. 80 aA 312 TAR B19 a 2 aw 102 aw 188 1 372 , 381 rere rT eri retire trr i Tire rere rr iret Pheer ree) sku AN. aN JN JN. aN aN TSU, 10 10 12 6 OBB 1 Oi Bi Gi 6 KU 225 w. wo 0 w w w 542 551 555 590 685 690 691 701 742 165 1214 1190 363 368 toed 1095 1138 320 181 an 145 28 209 416 594 294 940 942 979 1065 1066 1087 70 608 610 243 36 se 62) 735 1202 WSS PPR ADED ENE S HO OSTO RHA ROMS ae SuEwe BURY, 1182 JUN 7 BUN 527 JUN NST JUN oon 16 e 1 ke. 206 KA 40 KA a KA ne KA ne KA 228 KA vos RPM Koen 229 KA ron 239 KA oon BA KA 281 KA snd? KA vos STA ee) KA ons BB KA conn 582 FA 3 Kose KM orn 723 Kos BO 943 KA on 96 odo 280 od 1101 oorinig..541 oeey 1049 oon Pao N8B aga. 106 egoyelcai 755 ge. -1080 Kal 7 FAL on I FAL aed FAL nn 202 FAL on 208 Koso 7B 209 BON MKEOAH KROES EDS MH REO GA OMT NR ews HOR RRR KA okoes koko kotoware kotomu/y KAKU. KAKU. KAKU. KAKU. KAKU Kaku. KAKU. Kaku Kak, Kaku KAKU 64 500 503 708 799 303 oa2 oa 1191 381 976 858 783 88 230 200 317 342 485 545 233 80 1029 N36 nisi 1209 1213 1216 59% 553 197 1000 256 356 537 697 942 974 73 74 3 121 a meee OR UR Keo SHR MCKAKOM POCSTSe RHE Hae Whee ARTO FRR wees Stereo ee ota 986 fet eto 65 ete 920 eto 1033 toc. .920 eto. 678 etna 1023 elon 847 Ketowre,..990 fale 219 FATSU 477 FATSU 946 ot 182 began 707 bow 55 eS ee 86 ewaky. 946 owory Peto 378 ewan 831 you 1158 tase nl KE p28 KE 37 KE 80 KE 850 HE 1009 KE st 79 bern 2 eldomon.296 Kegorn/su “Aamoti.70 Hho e995 e996 vet 205 rea Kh 567 Kh 628 eh 778 Hh 885 Eh 920 HSUSSRHRHASS EHH TE NSH YRS SOM SETA SITS Me THR re, re xe xe xe, el Ket KEN. KEN, KEN, KEN KEN KEN, KEN. KEN KEN, KEN. KEN. KEN. KEN. KEN, es KeIsU, KeTSU. KeIsu, KETSU. KeTSU. ewoshil ervey Ki Ki Ki KI KI Ki Ki Ki KI Ki Ki Ki x «i o77 1026 1039 1077 1079 lise 31 197 297 298 299 300 307 335 404 543 965 ose 1081 Nos 270 195 501 506 525 553 300 269 36 oo 15) 17 78 179 180 235 302 356 387 436 as 473 620 SREHSHHP SOR eR ERE MO % BSH EEK TEENS Ow mot Ki KI Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki «i « Ki Ki K k KICHL enw KU. ity ity ihu/koery Kimory Has, bie KIN, KIN, KIN KIN, KIN, KIN, KIN KIN, nw rou/ ew bi. woe Js: banal Tsu we woman 645 650 4 683 728 755 758 969 70 009 040 1049 188 1206 126 557 270 na 226 549 m2 501 a7 31 105 480, 77 288 1072 174 965 1046 208 1034 628 70 587 708 ae SASHU OH AAAO TAH STMT SREB VAR TH OSUSHVSEH RE biwomeny, 133 bye /gty..941 bbeomy....1028 zosh Pages V7O zuky.. 108 bo. 2 he, 22 te. a KO vd? KO ove BSR KO nnn KO. KO Si KO vl KO vn 8F2 KO on KO 820 KO ved 8 KO vont KO vot . ij 0. be KO ol KO lO KO BID KO BRM KO 082 KO von? KO oon KO vernon AO? KO von KO vocAS? KO cob KO ob 1 orn 8 8 KO sn KO 7A KO 819 KO on KO 82 KO 8 KO BB RKO. 869 AO 990 R981 BOL 9e7 FO 998 FD 999 RKO _...1000 W KG 1089 TKO. 1084 FG 1087) BD conn 1061 WD... 1085 BD lO BO. 1199 BxO....1150 MO 118) FD oor FD ol 217 KD. 1224 # heo..357 & hee 94 B lov......1092 A tow. 92 RV I6 Non 926 hoary Pit 2 loay/ you. A65 % bocess Aoesu 320 4 hogoew 92 2 boi....513 E oidh..513 A ako... 905 © bohoro...499 B kokoro 828 ckoroyo..500 & okorzash si! B lckorzosy 511 @ KOKU._168 o S2Se PSST OSES RENE Sake > HSS HTH RHR KOR 228 KORY... 258 KOR. 675 KORU.....779 KOWU.....991 KOWU....1028 omokai 986 oman 786 ome 217, u/s. 959 KON 3 KON 105 KON. 397, KON AB KON 63 KON 788 KON 934 KON... 1177 en 222 enon Arnashi.A48 orobu/acry feat Paoay..1199 korome «1021 ort 149 eth 992 kota... 861 ) ot 737 fot B40 hota. 853 kotor... 925 kotowon 1069 KOTSU.....472 ow. 505 ozo ..612 Wu. 23 KU 382 HU 58 HU 64 KU 780 KU 857 He RH RAN RAST BSH STORER ARO RHR SS ese me RE Ku. ku. Ku. ku. Ku. Ku. «0. bubory babi ube uci, ude. odors rs aki ami kama. mone. kom kor. KUN, KUN, KUN. ant burober. ura at ye ure to, ow ovum, konuma, hush ‘bi. any usar, uw Kursu Kursu at toy 905 930 1053 1054 1057 131 196 254 531 917 566 121 943 361 ne 183, 4s a 264 149 47 851 1203 779 394 10 370 a4 930 a1 968 1219 1185 ne7 674 744 107 1003 a79 125 1129 488 232 » EX IESUR RES SSHRH RAMS ES EOS R RENTS EHH SR kwodotes 1208 kewoshi..284 buzvrery Aerie 7& KYAKU. 1218 KYO nin 38 KYO nn 383 FY on A7B FY nn 812 KYO sos FIG od 8 KV ond 7S KYO on. 294 KY cnn KYO nn 368 KYO 387 KY oo 982 KY cond KYO 8 KYO oi S58 KY 57S KYO i 828 HYD 87 FVD on BAB KYO nA KY cnn 7A7 KYO nn 748 KYO 1077 FY oo 1085 KYORU...139 KYOKU....877 WWD cron 2 KID ood FID 338 FID oon 9A HYD 200 KY e373 1D 502 KD oS FID 829 KV nen? KID on 95 KID 97 PRENSA RHSK BeRT SORARH SeNGneemees ee eres KW od 131 MA contd 0.29) Imes 105 0 538 mmoborothi 881 och. 1088 toch .119) rode 1AM mogswy/aen 877 090 A MAL cos TAl MAD B17 MAL coal) MAL onl MAL oo 878 mot 89) rmakonay ..732 rokoseny...720 smokers Aas ..716 0k nnn VAD 0k 278 kb B63 rokot...1068 MAKU....1013, ky 863 me 245 rmomery...999 MAN 892 smonaby... 899 morukorons ne7 mot NF tition 12 ony 19 ot 768 ost 257 8 263 MATSU... 14S MATSU... 588 mal. ASA nae VOM SRK RR SRAM TSS Oe Se oH may. 686 mmoteu...700 mmotuigeo 815 moti ...700 moworu/ Be 042 imeyou..1 54 307 ral 70 a 0. nn 538 smegumy 773 megut 1157 Me 8 MEL oD ME so 583 MB 888 MEL os ISA moka 25 rakaro...670 MEN on AB MEN... 1014 MEN 1187 mmeth..237 METSU....789 ™ 144 Mi 42 ri 459 ni 899 iho 584 richie. 535 richie As 892 midi... 669 ido... 935 igh on 2 in 51 MIN on 995 MIN nn 540 rinameto...79 in 10 nnn 7B au aoee MBH HHS STISN OHS OSH O MRA T HA yo EteMes mini an640 |B MYsconoenBO5 | FF noMnnn896 | wR nokonyfw..637 | odon.....618 Poary...814 PitdnniS8® | A Moor 8O6 | Epona 908 | OM nn 236 | Me odow.....616| R otoneny Min S48 | MQ 9SB | Enon B96 | YQ ZT | A dead nn AB2 Pra. 895 wviu/ sa Rome 902 | 8 nor Bf 870 | odoss other... Ak fet 548 | mG oBIY Pet -633 | me nory/ucy.1184 M88 8B | O80 BA pis00.00-870 | mokowey.1223 | AB moray 328 | roto | & ob ar ee mised 145 | AB muha 1020 | me now/ayn 1065 |B nozokvn 1265 | A ODIO] RR OMe Al mmiomeny852 | WR mun ond78 | AR nasake 940 | A HUA vrnS87 | Ohad 666 | A Onn SHB rmisogy 1057 |B mune 273 | a NATSU....956| ge mutu/hary/aw | 3% ob. eee Ii NIST | BR mun lB | IE ni ‘Araww....606 | #2 okin/korw * 3 riyako. 1090 | iva nnnn 282 | A now 208 | mind 1008 ‘owy....620| 9 Pio 999 | uO 087 fA nee 979 |g mitnnann734 | chonay...1192 | av mia nn 87 | RE murfeer..282 | nayomashi Brom 262 | obo S19) 734 mmizvora...542 | muro...1134 Jo KONO vcdll | IR okoas i a MO vend S| mth nn 34 Pray .649 | NYO nl PognN085 |Z OT8U..... 91 MB 397 | MYAKU...482 | ne. 889 | RNY nd) | OV NI20| OR MB S82 | MYO S65 | aR nemui/a/, BOND oh | Robin 782 | RR on 28 MB or 860 | MY Bl oe SA0 | RNY 984 ME aba .789 | Robo IIb MB 669 | MYO 208] gp nomocy..1064 | Ro 583 | Homo vevnnnnh69 | ih Oberon IIT MB 670 | MVD ndl2? |g NEN 30] O 70 | om 734] MK owas MO 98d | RE NA 958] ge NEN 38 | O 522 | Momo 1202 ey 98 mb 698 | RE AO 241 | NI 2| # 0 564 | # omomutu..026| soya... S47 mech 385 } Mw S65] = NI 368] 3 586 | 8 omer... 1063 | a oyobi/es MOK 126 | BR naburyinndt6 | = NL oe] a O 740 | omote A689 Prot. 33) MOK $88 |B 00.208 | a NL 2] = 5 743 Bo ometennnSI7 | A oye. 1086 WON 837 | R nogain 91S | mai a7i| ao 72 | & ON A ee) WON 838 | at BONCH..t | BO 796 | BW ven8S7 | Pv MON oo 110} a rd) 917 | ON neBB3 | RA NOE MON. 8% rogary$72 | 5 nigaey a6 981 | orcitnn889 | RAL orn MON..u1112 | 4a nogeyahg..564 Pan M166 | Boe | Ronn A5 | RAL l2IP 9600 R77 | BR mogunn 798) AB igoru/ay.309 | agian I119 | Femme |B RAR 288 m0 eAOB | AE NAL 982) NIU 286 | a 890 | onceno...1209 | a RAV... 882 smopper 775 | mo/Ah 988] NN 363 Kl 9I9 |B omortsAlS | a RARU... 12 IiceeDA3 PR MOR 37P] BONN SIO | FR BBB IRA | oth aeNO7T] a RARU.. 1215 treed TOB7 fA ROR 980) NIN 720 | Syoh 87 PF eigen AB AR RAN 2K sroxy/acy 9 nakobe 907 | Non 852 | ao rs ee BRAN SM Fe.00026 | 2 abv 629 | niw/ewe wo 926 PrN 207 | MRE Bhd MO nn 38 | M nobu/ty..31S Prasy.408 | cbivokasy.747 | Mogg ennnnen G71] RE REL APL mor onl25 | -C nokunow..660) RE NOWnd62 | $ oboen.....545 | 19 ong Bre 6 mo 985 | nome 2A | NG on 849 | J chin Pete NOV] A RE MOT 277 | 477 | NG 958 ase I21S | 9 oxmetynn S86] BY REL... 250 rm s690 MP pans 693 |e nobondin 942 | A odolkasy..747 | oonnnnt225] REN... 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RET 638 | RYO NO7B | BE he P| ME SED | SEN DIO |B SH 812 RETRY 699 [PRYOR 745 | sok 280] SEhovinandtS | Me SEN... 972 | g SH3I7 RETSU 756 | RVR. 935 | sokowey nn !27 | SE 216 | A SEN 975] SH 5a a 226 | AD oonS8 | SokeM 354 | A SE ovnonendt7 | ME SEN NN9 |g SH Sa a 918 | RD dB | sokoray. 17S | AE $EonnnnSOP | SEN. 1146 | 3g SHI 55 Bove? | ARID orn 218 | ak sohow/aI087 | HSE SAD | AB SEN 1189 | aE SHnnn695 Rvs? | BRD on 388] a sokeg..117S BS 550] BR SETSU....96 | a SHI...-699 BvernelI29 | Rnb |B s0hbn 250 | RSE BIS | RE SETSV..n149 | SH 7OT RCH oo SPL | RD nnn 88 | RE sokeby 558) ESB 826 | ME SETSU 425 | SH 75 RR s7AS | PR RD oT100 | a sokary....1002 | R SEhinn.997 | Ml sersu.....s71 | ke shi. 753, PRU IOP | SAri dO | ME sOkiennt78 | MR SEhinvn998 | me SETSU.....860| & SHI.....790 BINeooiT® |B SArwooonicT99 | AB SAY on I60 | Shon 999 |) SETSU.1034) SH..818 AN 820 | SArononn980| RE SAKU.....269 | M SEL......940 | § SETSU...1071 | SHI... 828 BN d7S |B SKrownnn6O1 | A SAKU.....1086 | HR SeL.941 | a SHAW....193 | SH. 053 PN NN89 | AE SAvoonntO58 | RF SAKU.....1059 | MR, Se1...1065 | gt SHAW... 406 | SHI... 900 BTV S1 | I SAconn960] Be sakyery..638 | SF SEI...1067 | &% SHA... 408 | SHI... 964 MSV o627 | AR sobeky..1022 | 3 somery eS 1068 | ae SHA 696 | SHI 74 wo SVP B sechicu731 Pr 54S | A SEs dO7A | SHA TOA) SHI 027 BO. | RB seogin N88 | s0MF 93 | SEhonennctO7S | w SHAL765 | AH Sh... 108A BroclB | AE $0908 | seman 38) | FE SEhovnnnt081 | a SHA n999 | HE SH 1135, co $1] Fegan tamil 759 | SEI 197 | SHA 168 | AE SHI 1205 W vosnB9 Fast AB | SAN el? |W tthe | SHALA1187 | shcwoxe 791 Worl IO | A. 409688 589 | SAN ened? | 9 SERhoeenned | SHAK 090 | sibo tT Wcrn7A9 | FR 10908060198 | RE SAN 1D | A SEK I3 |) SHAKY. 264 | sibow...776 WrononT26 | sagen i829 | SAN..809 |B SEKL..190 | mh SHAKU....265 | AR shibow 981 ROR 9B | AB sagt |= SANA 89 | ML SEK. -228] RR SHAKU....884 | SHCH....902 ROKY..902 | SAL 60} SAN.1043 | BF SEKL...618 | m SHAKU....929| SR SHICH..1070 ROY 995 | HE SAL wnnT92 | AE sen 261 | RSE 884 | $Miasncecd TY | -M shigormi 160 FON Bb | SAL connT96 | sosogt DAB | FR SE 929 | BE $HcnnlA6 | Ae shige 1S w $0] SARS | sey ennBAS | FE SEK oo ctO78 | SHlynn14B | a shitogens 347 Weovvonn983 | SALA | A sow FR SEK DDE | BSH ST | shen 349 Wonoe97B |B SMe 2A Pravin t027 | BB tekiccoeIM10 | BE SHhouQ71 | ak SHIR. 827 WoowdS | RE SATO | sO .nen1087 | 502 |B SHhovon273 | ah SHIN... 841 PVR 205] ME SAL n706 | HH sotortnn848 |B seman. 1160 | #E SHLoun.972 | @ SHKI..-927 Ronn 348 | ArooenTI9 | SATS. 149 | somery. 819 | MSHI 388 | a SHI 871 Rev tONS | SABA | RE SATU 868 | OM SEN on SS | BE SH 996] hima 318 RD oine2I9 | SA 928 | SH sowogy BEEN 88 |B SHO | A shina RD ooon2B) | ME SAL or 96 Feash293 | PR SEN 72 | RE SH ra. 982 BD oein84) | F SALI O04 | ME sowed BIO | SEN conan | 3B SHloveATS |B shimary Bec B5S | RE SAL I022 | AR sorwbay 608 | SEN NO | MSHA /oaty1108 MDevonn35B | DSA eT084 | 9 SE ne 38B ME SEN 289 | FSH e47 | gy shiners 981 Mevnrn684 | RE SAL noeT1B4 |B SE tO81 | MSE 977 | SHA | gy shipar 1148 MOovnvn836 | a soigi...1168 | Wwe 483} OM SENoon775 | MSH AO | shinee ob MDecnrBPY |g sain 73) | MB SEBS | SENoovon828 | A SHE STT | shina 701 2 BB Him. 97 FF hime. 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