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Mosiah 10:11-17, My choices can influence future generations.

Mosiah 7:19-20, Trust in God.

- Walk down to the river for this one, use the ripples as an example. Use rocks or a
stick or something. Weather won’t be awesome, so maybe use a bowl of water? But
the river would be a lot nice. Maybe tell everyone to suck it up.
- Why should we make good choices? (Dig for more than ‘because church leaders tell
us too.’ ‘Because hurting people is bad’ is good, or ‘because it makes me feel good.’
Focus on feelings and thoughts from themselves.) What can we use to help us make
good choices? (Again, primary answers are okay—but there’s the whole rest of the
world, too. You can get help from self-help books or friends or teachers!)
- We have important choices we make. What we do affects those around us—and we
can’t forget that. We can’t single-handedly change everything, but what we do
matters and is important. Sometimes, even most of the time, both good and bad things
come out of every decision we make and that’s something you have to live with. You
also need to get used to asking yourself what decision will make the most good and
the least bad.
- Ex: Ask mom and dad how their parents met, or even use how they met as an
example. If Grandpa Cubr wasn’t taught by the missionaries, if anyone had made a
different choice, everything would be different. I can’t say if it would be worse or
better, but it wouldn’t be the same. I’m glad we have what we do.
- Also: we can’t see the full effects of our decisions immediately. Sometimes what
seemed to be the best decision turns out to be the worst one, but you couldn’t have
known that. We’ve got to trust in God (with repentance) that what mistakes we make
can be fixed.

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