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‘PROIECT MASS RAPID THAREIT CALAN 2 5G BULOW SERDANG PUTRAIAYA (S57) PERMIT TO WORK Teenie: remrTR Campa) orci Fai Te ae: Toe Tay Ponenalin re EGRED TPE OF WO” ac ssa apd oc) aaa PvoceneearAtove Water Space er woe or wor wedng animes) Wor ceed OO) Sng & Compl) pasing jworing Pubic Rae Cones "AREA/EDUPWENT/WORK PREPARATION *> (addtional ustifiation To Contractor when answer s"NO™ Lz Has the MOS been approve nd isued? 2 Does the work area has been 3. Area the equipments / power tools correct or the Jb, in good order and inspected? ais there any modification done tothe power tools? 5. Does lockout devices and padlock installed at source of eneriy? [6. Has the Job Safety Briefing conducted by respective super sor on specific ask? [7 Does appropriate Signage's splayed accordingly? [a Work next to public road? [s.Does Trae Management Pian be implemented according? ‘PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT & OTHER REQUIREMENT [Ste nt Sey sad eet Vest Rad Conenanion str esses cout Vrain ye: ) crema pases scien temine roe steteking hed re exingher rewachrreblankat owes pe cocon/ntterfateswcing ove/_) Fre wacher nae rot ody ote harness Jesters conan ar pga mts ering for wedge ‘Tipe ) tes ytnder tobe leaking cack retectve Coting > pre tar ytem/ET expen vse po aces rd gt arcades |oneic Spt Equipment sansa ege graimar ting Pan ect Mew / WA rey Card lute buoys ste Seoees . ret Contet [stato Totes: ‘PERWATT TO WORK ESSUANCE hereby crify that Rave read and examined the pert To Work and Specific Work Chedst attached and acknowledge Ito le true. Al provesions of applicable legal requirement sal be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting. Enis permit doesnot presume me and the workers under my contralto volte or cancel the provisions. 7 Permit To Work (PTW) shall be apply 24 hours before start work 2 Orginal PTW shal kept and recoed by Safety Health Department 3. Sign & approve copy of PTW shal be displayed at work area athe time 4. Additional Checklist for Specific Works/Task sll be attached accordingly '5. Keep all areas clean. Remove al trash/unnecessary tols/equlpoment at end of shift or after completion ofthe task

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