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Prayer is a serene force at work within human beings, stirring them up, transforming them.
Nothing is more conducive to a communion with the living God than a meditative common
prayer with, as it’s high point, singing that never ends and that continues in the silence of
one’s heart when one is alone again. When the mystery of God becomes tangible through
the simple beauty of symbols, when it is not smothered by too many words, then a common
prayer, far from exuding monotony and boredom, awakens us to heaven’s joy on earth.

Taizé began, as a form of prayer, in the little village of Taizé in northern France during
the Second World War. More precisely this prayer came from the ecumenical
community of Brothers founded by Br Roger Louis Schutz-Marsauche; it has been
growing in popularity and spreading around the world ever since. Taizé is a fairly simple
and straight forward meditative form of prayer.
Through the use of repetitive phrases, music, silence, scripture, set and intercessory
prayers, participants are invited to stillness and to listen for and to the voice of God.
One of the rules of Taizé as stated by Br Roger is to keep inner silence always, and
you will dwell in Christ for it is through inner silence that makes possible our
conversation with God. (Br Roger of Taizé)
Taizé prayer is usually conducted in a church, chapel or a room and commences in
darkness. As the prayer session proceeds candles or lamps are lit. Candles are usually
given to all present as a symbol of the presence of the risen Lord. Christ is the centre
of Taize reflection and the light signifies that Jesus Christ has conquered the darkness
of death and sin. It is through Christ’s sacrifice that an offer of new life is given. There
is hope for humankind; there exists the real possibility for change, and there is a life we
never dared hope for. (Br Roger of Taizé)
Lent invites us to be more prayerful - to find ways in which we can deepen our
relationship with Christ. Each Wednesday night during Lent, we invite you to be
united together in prayer, as we close the day just lived with Night Prayer.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 1, 2017) after the 7.30pm Mass at St Therese
Church in Torquay, and then each Wednesday night during Lent, at 8pm, we will
gather and pray together. Each session will last about 30 minutes, and you are welcome
to come along for as long, or as little of that as works for you. If life sometimes seems
to be getting hectic or overburdened, why not come and rest your soul with God, before
resting your body with sleep?

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