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Name: Chantal Lopez

Mrs. Storer

Course/Block: English 3H Block 1

Date: 2/28/2020

A Raisin in the Sun – Play/Film Questions

1. Write in bullet points what happens in each of the acts/scenes.

a. Act I Scene i:
i. Ruth is waking up Travis and Walter
ii. Ruth and Walter argue about opening a liquor store with the check of $10,000
iii. Walter disrespects Bennie and tells her to just become a nurse instead of a doctor
iv. Ruth faints
b. Act I Scene ii:
i. Bennie is cleaning with Mama
ii. Ruth comes from the doctor and reveals it was a she
iii. Asagai comes to visit Bennie
iv. Bennie tries to put on the robe but Asagai has to help her
v. The check comes in and Mama is upset as she wishes she did not have these economic problems to deal with so
she could just donate it to the Church
vi. Ruth is considering having an abortion
vii. Mama tells Walter to convince her to not abort their child, but he remains silent
c. Act II Scene i:
i. Beneatha is dancing with the traditional dress Asagai gifted her
ii. Walter joins her and then confronts George when he visits about potential business but George is dismissive
iii. Mama announces that she spent some of the money to move into Clybourne Park
iv. Ruth is extremely happy and Walter is obviously upset
d. Act II Scene ii:
i. Beneatha does not want to be with George
ii. Mrs. Johnson explains the situations that are happening at white neighborhoods and black residents
iii. Walter comes back from drinking and Mama explains how she still loves him and trusts him, giving him the
remaining money
e. Act II Scene iii:
i. They are all happily packing when Karl Lindner representing the Homeowner’s Association came to ask them to
leave the house in return for money
ii. Mama gets her presents of gardening tools and a hat from Travis
iii. Bobo comes to deliver that bad news that Harris had stolen their money
f. Act III:
i. Mama gives Walter a motivational talk about her past’s hardwork
ii. Walter initially wants to sell the house back and stay but he eventually decides to move into the new house

Directions: For each of the characters in the play/film, describe the following:
a. Characterization: What is s/he wearing, what stands out about this actor’s physical characteristics and about the way
this actor has chosen to portray this character?
b. Motivation: What does this character want most in the world?
c. Best Quotes: Write down at least 3 quotes where you experience a strong emotion towards this character (sympathy,
anger, frustration, admiration, etc.) For each quote, explain why you felt this way. Use the hard copy of your play to write
down the quotes word-for-word.

2. Lena Younger
a. She is a big, old women. She has white hair and has a warm aura about her. She has a strict tone in her voice.
b. She cares extremely for Travis. She just wants her family to continue to be proud of their hardworking ways and live a
happy life. She wants Beneatha to live her dreams to continue studying to be a doctor, Walter to be head of the family
and have something to be proud of, Travis to have his own room, Ruth to have her baby and not abort it, and for her
family to have their very own house.
c. I wish you’d say something to walter; from now on you be the head of this family the way its supposed to be; I ain’t never
stopped loving you
 “I seen… him…killing himself… and you give it all away in a day” (page 129). This whole quote from Lena is just
filled with anger, frustration at Walter, and devastation. I felt bad for her as all her husband’s sacrifices went to
 “Oh – So now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life – now it’s money. I guess the world
really do change . . .We just didn’t know about it.” This is filled with sadness. I can feel that she feels sad that all
her children are worried about is money, and that their values have changed.
 “Well – son, I’m waiting to hear you say something . . . I’m waiting to hear how you be your father’s son. Be the
man he was . . . Your wife say she going to destroy your child. And I’m waiting to hear you talk like him and say
we a people who give children life, not who destroys them – I’m waiting to see you stand up and look like your
daddy and say we done give one baby up to poverty and that we ain’t going to give up nary another one”. This
quote is filled with despair and frustration that Walter will tell Ruth something. I can feel these as I know how
much her and her husband have suffered over losing a child, and this quote shows how precious life is for her.

3. Walter Lee Younger

a. He seems tall and has a very masculine and goofy mannerisms. The actor makes very loose movements. He is seen
wearing a suit and tie most of the time.
b. He wants to earn more money and move houses. He wants to own a liquor store and wants a change in his life. He wants
to have a not blank future, he wants to have another job that he feels is fulfilling to him.
c. Quote about how he has a dream and she says eat eggs, butchered up a dream of mine, always talking about her
children’s dream, speech about feeling fine with giving the house back for the money.
 “Just tell me where you want to go to school and you’ll go. Just tell me, what it is you want to be – and you’ll be
it….Whatever you want to be – Yessir! (He holds his arms open for TRAVIS) You just name it, son… (TRAVIS leaps
into them) and I hand you the world!” This quote has a very hopeful tone to it. Walter is finally able to feel like he
can provide his son with what he deserves, and it makes the readers happy.
 “There ain’t no causes – there ain’t nothing but taking in this world, and he who takes most is smartest – and it
don’t make a damn bit of difference how.” Walter is filled with anger. He is incredibly mad at the reality of his
 “Gone, what you mean Willy is gone? Gone where? You mean he went by himself. You mean he went off to
Springfield by himself – to take care of getting the license – (Turns and looks anxious at RUTH) You mean maybe
he didn’t want too many people in on the business down there? (Looks to RUTH again, as before) You know Willy
got his own ways. (Looks back at BOBO) Maybe you was late yesterday and he went on down there without you.
Maybe – maybe – he’s been callin’ you at home tryin’ to tell you what happened or something. Maybe – maybe – he
just got sick. He’s somewhere – he’s got to be somewhere. We just got to find him – me and you got to find him.
(Grabs BOBO senselessly by the collar and starts to shake him) We got to!” Walter is incredibly devasted, angry,
and in disbelief. It is understandable why he would be so. Walter put all his life on this deal and he got scammed,
so the emotions are realistic.

4. Ruth Younger
a. She is a pretty lady with an elegant aura. She is seen wearing plain dresses and the occasional plain necklace. Her
mannerisms are very small and humble.
b. Her husband and Travis to have a good life. She wants Walter to be happy. She wants to return to how her relationship
with Walter once was, romantic and genuine.
 “Well – well! – All I can say is – if this is my time in life – MY TIME – to say good-bye – to these goddamned cracking
walls! – and these marching roaches! – and this cramped little closet which ain’t now or never was no kitchen! . . .
FACE AGAIN!” Ruth’s excitement is radiant in this quote. I can feel her happiness overflowing as she is so glad
that she is finally moving and her family is going to have better living conditions.
 ”Honey, you never say nothing new. I listen to you every day, every night and every morning, and you never say
nothing new. So you would rather be Mr. Arnold than be his chauffeur. So – I would rather be living in Buckingham
Palace”. Ruth is frustrated with Walter. She is over their relationship and wants it to return to normal.
 “I’m all right…(The glassy-eyed look melts and then she collapses into a fit of heavy sobbing. The bell rings)”. This
is filled with pain coming from Ruth. She is trying her hardest to seem alright for her family since she knows that
is what they need, but she pushed herself to her limits.

5. Beneatha Younger
a. She seems a bit unladylike, extremely energetic and does not allow anyone or anything define her. She wears very
different types of clothes, from plain dresses to traditional African dresses. She speaks her mind and does not let her
opinions be unknown, regardless of who she is talking to.
b. Her wish is to become a doctor and disprove all the expectations meeting her. She wants to find her roots through
connecting with her origins in Africa. She also wants to express herself through different mediums such as playing the
guitar or horse riding.
c. “you finally said it walter”
 “Well – we are dead now. All the talk about dreams and sunlight that goes on in this house. It’s all dead now.”
Beneatha is filled with pain. She is usually pretty energetic but this line is dead. She has lost all hopes of dreams
for herself and her family.
 “That was what one person could do for another, fix him up – sew up the problem, make him all right again. That
was the most marvelous thing in the world…I wanted to do that. I always thought it was the one concrete thing in
the world that a human being could do. Fix up the sick, you know – and make them whole again. This was truly
being God…I wanted to cure. It used to be so important to me. I wanted to cure. It used to matter. I used to care”.
Beneatha is filled with frustration towards God and her family. This quote is strong as she has decided to go
against the beliefs of Lena, and Beneatha is well aware of the significance of this statement.
 "I'm going to be a doctor, and everybody around here better understand that!" Beneatha is defiant. She wants to
disprove everybody’s expectations of her. She will achieve what she wants no matter what anyone says.

6. Travis Younger
a. He wears plain clothes and never seems to be dirty despite being a little kid. He is very well behaved and does not seem
to cause much trouble in his actions. He does what he is told.
b. Travis probably wants his family to stop being so distressed about money, since he is usually just sent away whenever
there is a discussion regarding money.
 I cannot find any quotes where I feel a strong emotion towards Travis.

7. Joseph Asagai
a. He has very fancy clothes, wearing a suit to the house while only visiting Beneatha. He seems formal and nice to
b. He probably wants to date Beneatha
c. Quote about how all American women are the same and are not really liberated
 “Then isn’t there something wrong in a house – in a world – where all dreams, good or bad, must depend on the
death of a man? I never thought to see you like this, Alaiyo. You! Your brother made a mistake and you are grateful
to him so that now you can give up the ailing human race on account of it! You talk about what good is struggle,
what good is anything! Where are all going and why are we bothering?” Asagai must be frustrated but sympathetic
towards Beneatha. He wants her to be grateful for what she has received, but also knows how much this incident
has cost her family.
 “It’s just that every American girl I have known has said that to me. White – black – in this you are all the same.
And the same speech, too!…It’s how you can be sure that the world’s most liberated women are not liberated at
all. You all talk about it too much!” Asagai is probably frustrated towards American’s different mindset, especially
in women. He feels as if they make life more complicated for him.
 “Don’t you see that there will be young men and women – not British soldiers then, but my own black countrymen –
to step out of the shadows some evening and slit my then useless throat? Don’t you see they have always been
there… that they always will be. And that such a thing as my own death will be an advance? They who might kill
me even… actually replenish all that I was.” Asagai is filled with hope that his country can be run by his own
people. He has a strong feeling to make this change be a reality.

8. Willy Harris
a. He was wearing formal attire. He seemed trustworthy and like a reliable friend.
b. He wishes to rob and scam Bobo and Walter of their hard-earned money. He wishes to fool them in order to achieve this.
 I cannot find any quotes where I feel a strong emotion towards him.

9. George Murchison
a. Wears fancy clothes, white shoes, and seems very formal. He seems to be respectful to Beneatha’s family but acts in a
manner that makes her uncomfortable.
b. He wants Beneatha to trust him and fall in love with him. He wants to have relations with her.
c. You are all wacked; sometime we’ll have to do that;
 “I know and I don’t mind it sometimes…I want you to cut it out, see – The moody stuff, I mean. I don’t like it. You’re
a nice-looking girl…all over. That’s all you need, honey, forget the atmosphere. Guys aren’t going to go for the
atmosphere – they’re going to go for what they see. Be glad for that.” George is frustrated at Beneatha for being
herself. He really just wants to have her for his pleasure, forgetting that she is a human with thoughts and
 “Oh, dear, dear, dear! Here we go! A lecture on the African past! On our Great West African Heritage!...” George is
once again mad at Beneatha for her having thoughts. He just wants to enjoy a movie that they are already late for
and he does not want to hear about Beneatha’s long lectures.
 “You’re all wacked up with bitterness, man” (85). George is extremely uncomfortable while waiting for Beneatha
as Walter is confronting him. He just wants to pick up Beneatha but he is getting called very rude things from

10. Karl Lindner

a. Formally dressed, seems extremely shy and a bit uncomfortable at their house, has very shy mannerisms and a bit
b. He wants his community to stay white and not have colored people. He does not want the community to be invaded by
the Youngers.
c. Quote on how people must talk to each other
 “But you’ve got to admit that a man, right or wrong, has the right to want to have a neighborhood he lives in a
certain kind of way. And at the moment the overwhelming majority of our people out there feel that people get
along better, take more of a common interest in the life of the community, when they share a common
background”. Karl feel distressed that he will fail his communities’ wishes. I felt mad at him for not seeing how
hard the Youngers have worked for this.
 “Most of the trouble exists because people just don’t sit down and talk to each other…That we don’t try hard
enough in this world to understand the other fellow’s problem. The other guy’s point of view.” There is a lot of
hypocrisy in this quote. If Karl would not only talk but listen, both of the participants problems would be worked
out. Karl would learn to not be racist.
 “…People can get awful worked up when they feel that their whole way of life and everything they’ve ever worked
for is threatened” (119) Karl is feeling frustration that the Youngers do not understand his concerns. This quote
makes me angry as the same exact situation that Karl is describing is happening to the Youngers.

11. In plays, there are often multiple conflicts occurring between characters besides the main conflict of the play. These conflicts
often stem from a conflict in the dreams and goals each character possesses. What conflicts exist between the following
a. Walter and Ruth: They have a very tense relationship. He is placing a lot of pressure on her. Lack of communication and
tensions from outside factor from housing and economic problems make their relationship even more unstable. Ruth and
Walter miss how they used to be around each other, acting so in love, but are now growing distant from the stress of
their life.

b. Ruth and Travis: She wants to be strict with him and not spoil him. She wants him to learn how to take care of himself,
such as not giving him the 50 cents in Act 1 Scene 1 but ends up looking like a bad parent when Walter gives him extra
money. She just wants the best for her child.

c. Beneatha and Walter: Walter wants the money for his liquor store. Beneatha believes that their mother should use it
however she wants. Walter believes Beneatha should give up on her dream and become a nurse, but she wants to
disprove him. They have different views on how the money should be spent, and they bicker like normal siblings a lot.

d. Beneatha and Mama: Beneatha does not believe in God and does not credit God with anything that they have
accomplished. Mama feels offended that Beneatha would say that when Beneatha knows how much it means to her. She
is also offended that everything Mama did for Beneatha did not lead to Beneatha having the same beliefs. Mama still
loves her though and wants her to accomplish her dreams of becoming a doctor.

e. Walter and Mama: They both fight a lot. Mama notices that he has been bugged about something. She does not want him
to have ruth leave him and wants him to be grateful that she’s taken care of him, but he wants a future with money. They
also have the conflict of the money, with Walter spending it in the liquor store despite Mama being originally opposed to
this and then him losing all of it.

f. The Younger Family and Karl Lindner/the Homeowner’s Association: The Homeowner’s Association wants the Youngers
to not move in so that their community stays white and their properties prices do not drop due to colored people living
there. The Youngers are rightfully offended by the racist remarks and consider taking their offer and taking the money.
The Youngers decided against this and move into the neighborhood despite the Homeowner’s Association wishes.
12. What differences do you see between the play and the film? Make a running list of differences that you see throughout your
viewing of the film.
 Walter is seen at a bar with his friends in the play,
 There were also no cockroaches in the play
 No dead rat that travis and the boys play around with
 Walter is seen at his job working in Act I Scene I
 Walter seen at the bar drinking before Bennie starts dancing
 Beneatha did not cut her hair in play, and they do not fight after play Beneatha and George
 Ruth does not fake kill cockroaches when she finds out mama bought the house
 Mama goes to the bar that Walter is usually drinking at where he usually drinks
 They all go visit the house and they are all dressing very formally with suits and dresses and they give her present of
gardening tools, having a good time
 Lena does not beat Walter up when she finds out that he lost the money, instead they grieve together
 Ruth does not mention how she and Walter went to the movies

13. Which two characters best fit the ideas found in Langston Hughes’s poem, “Harlem”? Explain why.
Walter and Lena both best fit “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. Walter has tried his hardest to make his dream of owning his own
business be true, yet it keeps getting cancelled from outside circumstances, leaving his dream deferred. The readers then
witness himself exploding like the poem suggests, due to this unaccomplished dream. Lena does the same. She explodes and
has to deal with very poor conditions. She has just wanted to move out off the house, give Travis his own room, and maybe own
a little garden.

14. Which two characters best fit the ideas found in Langston Hughes’s poem, “Mother to Son”? Explain why.
The characters Lena and Travis best fit the poem “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes. Lena has worked her whole life in order
to provide for her family. She has sacrificed many things about and of herself for her family, and it all led to Travis. Travis will
be able to live in a nice house, unlike Lena. So, the poem is very resembling of Travis and Lena in that aspect of the Mother
giving her life away so that Travis’s life can be a crystal staircase.

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