Tugas Bahasa Inggris.

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Nama : Dinda anastasya ilda

Nim : 1991011
Prodi : Sarjana Kebidanan 1b

10 kalimat menggunakan istilah kata kata kesehatan

1) Grandfather fell ill and was hospitalized. After a few days in the hospital,
grandfather returned home because he was already healthy

2) My friend's sister is sick. He hasn't been to school since Monday, so my

friends and I visit him to see his condition

3) Mayang is sick and we say something to him, Mayang! rest well yes and
obey what the doctor said so you get back healthy quickly. Get well soon
friend. We all wait for you in class, we miss you.

4) My little friend is sick, I was very sad when I heard the news that he was
sick so I went straight to the hospital to cared him because I was very fond of
him he was already I consider like my own brother

5) My brother was sick, the doctor said, my brother had to be injected to

recover quickly but my sister did not dare to get the injection so I told my
sister that the injection was not sick

6) My sister was examined by a midwife said my midwife's blood pressure

was low because my sister's lack of sleep, so the midwife suggested that
enough sleep so that my brother's blood pressure returned to normal

7) I went to the hospital to checked my illness, until there the service was
very good so I understood I had what disease, and I knew the prohibition that
my illness would not recur

8) My friend's brother's body temperature is so low that his sister has a fever
and then brought to the midwife to be examined immediately and told to
rest at home
9) When our friend fell ill, she was given a prescription medicine to the
nurse, the sister said she had to redeem it at the pharmacy in front, so we
went forward to redeem her and give it to our friend

10) My mother's doctor said I had symptoms of kidney disease so I had to do

blood washing so that my mother always felt healthy and not weak, even
though dialysis was something that made my mother even more ill.

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