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Case Report

Increased Bone Quantity Around an Ailing Implant in Esthetic

Zone using Progressive Bone Loading: A Case Report
Safoura Ghodsi, Amirreza Hendi1
Dental Research Center, Dentistry Research Institute, Department of Prosthodontics, 1Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Introduction: Progressive loading protocol is a high-demanding procedure suggested to increase the quality of bone when the implant is
inserted in D3 or D4-typed bone. The purpose of this study was to present a case report regarding simultaneously progressive and immediately
loading implants in the anterior position of the maxilla. Case report: One patient whose implants in the anterior maxilla (in site of teeth #7,
#9, #11) had questionable to poor prognosis who was treated immediate and delayed progressive loading protocol and was followed up for 2
years. Discussion: Although the number of studies in this field is limited, it can be concluded that the progressive loading protocol can
predictably enhance the treatment success in immediate-loaded implants with poor prognosis and when inserted in low quality bone such as the
present case.

Keywords: Dental implant, immediate loading, implant-supported, progressive loading

INTRODUCTION To increase the primary stability of the implant, which has

greater importance in the immediate loading protocol,
The success of dental implants depends on integration between
various clinical techniques have been suggested such
the implant and the surrounding hard and soft tissues.[1]
as the under-preparation of the implant site, use of
Mechanical stresses that have both positive and negative
a nonoccluding temporary prosthesis during the first
consequences for bony tissue predominantly concentrate at
2 months of healing, or progressive loading of the
the crestal region of an osseointegrated implant.[2] The bone
at the alveolar crest is a high stress-bearing area, and
when overloaded, subjected to cervical cratering or In 1980 Carl E. Misch introduced the concept of progressive
“saucerization.”[3] Initial breakdown of the implant–tissue or gradual bone loading to use the advantages of controlled
interface generally begins at this area (early bone loss), and loading to increase bone density and stability.[4] He declared
this phenomenon is a common prologue for the failure of an that load control plays a critical role in the success of
implant.[4] Delayed implant loading (after 3 months in the progressive loading protocol. This load-control concept
mandible and 6 months in the maxilla) was mainly based on was based on the absence of cantilevers and controlling
the belief that transfer of any micromotion to the implant the size of the occlusal table, direction and location of the
surface during the healing period would result in fibrous occlusal contacts, and diet to help the bone to adapt to the
encapsulation rather than osseointegration.[5] However, the increasing amounts of biomechanical stresses.[3] This
growing concern on patient esthetic demands questioned the technique allows the bone to mature during the loading
acceptability of delayed loading protocol for all patients and period without overloading the implant, which may lead to
attracted attention to immediate and early loading protocol,
especially in the esthetic zone.[2,5] Immediate loading is defined
as placing the implant in functional occlusion at the time of the Address for Correspondence: Dr Amirreza Hendi, Department of
Prosthodontics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Dentistry,
surgery or within 48 hours after placement.[6]
Kargar Shomali, Hakim HWY, 14399591, Tehran Iran.

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DOI: How to cite this article: Ghodsi S, Hendi A. Increased bone quantity
10.4103/denthyp.denthyp_25_17 around an ailing implant in esthetic zone using progressive bone loading:
A case report. Dent Hypotheses 2017;8:74-9.

74 © 2017 Dental Hypotheses | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Ghodsi and Hendi: Progressive loading in esthetic zone

bone loss and implant failure.[8] The bone adapts to a certain in osseointegration and was explanted in the second surgical
strain in the steady state. When the strain is gradually session. Applying a single-stage approach and immediate
increased, the bone becomes mildly overloaded and implantation, a nonsubmerged implant (3.8 × 12 mm) had
compensates by increasing bone formation and density.[2] been reinserted at the same position [Figure1]. The
insertion torque of the latter implant was 35 N-cm.
Table 1 summarizes the available articles. The number of
articles on progressive loading protocol is limited, mainly The surgeon in the referral form had clearly mentioned the
case reports, using this procedure in the posterior maxilla questionable prognosis of the implants due to bone resorption
(especially in premolar area), within dependent around the inserted implants and the bone density, which was
restorations.[3,4,8] The limitation in the application of the claimed to be D4, according to clinical and radiographic
process goes back to the high-demanding nature of the examinations. The patient had high esthetic demands, and
progressive loading protocol. However, literature suggests while discussing the treatment options, she strongly refused
that progressive bone loading could be a predictable delayed loading protocol and even temporary removable
procedure for immediately-loaded implants in high-risk prosthesis option. Therefore, due to the importance of bone
situations such as augmented bone[8] or softer bone preservation in the esthetic zone, it was decided to progressively
types.[9] Furthermore, clinical studies have reported a increase the load on ailing implants to improve the response of
reduction in crestal bone loss[3,5] and an increase in bone the bone. Consequently, the immediately placed implant (#11)
density[4,10] around progressively-loaded implants compared was exposed to immediate progressive bone loading and the
with implants loaded in the conventional delayed manner. In other implants sustained delayed progressive bone loading.
routine clinical practice, a clinician may encounter
An open-tray impression of implants was taken on the same day
questionable or high-risk situations where the safe margin
of the surgery using a vinyl-polysiloxane materia (A-silicones,
of treatment is seriously limited. In such a situation in implant
Kettenbach, Eschenburg, Germany). The final models were
dentistry, if a pretreatment protocol could maintain or even
mounted on a nonarcon semiadjustable articulator (Hanau
enhance the peri-implant bone (that is the main determinant of
96H2, Whip Mix Corp, USA), and anterior wax-up was
treatment success), an unpredictable result could change to
performed to determine the prosthesis contour. The wax-up
success. Progressive loading protocol is reported to have such
was indexed in silicone to use for abutment preparation and
a potential. This procedure concentrates the stress on crestal
provisional restoration fabrication in the subsequent steps. The
portion of the surrounding bone,[11] however, in contrast to
final abutments (Combi abutment, Dentium, Seoul, South
conventional loading, the amount of this stress is precisely
Korea) were selected, secured on implant analogues in the
controlled; and the gradually increasing load could be the
cast, and prepared for height, parallelism, and position within
success key even in the esthetic zone.
the prosthesis wax-upped contours. A transitional acrylic
This case report aims at demonstrating the bone quantity prosthesis was fabricated using temporary heat-cured acrylic
increase using progressive bone loading around an ailing resin (Meliodent, Bayer Dental Co, Wasserburg, Germany) on
implant in the anterior sextant of the maxilla. cast. The occlusion was adjusted following Misch[12] protocol
in a manner that the restoration was infraocclusion in the centric
Case Report and all eccentric positions. Within 24 hours, the abutments were
A 25-year-old woman was referred to the Department of transferred to the patient’s mouth and torqued to 20 N-cm.
Prosthodontics of the Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran University Temporary crowns were cemented with zinc oxide eugenol
of medical science, Tehran, Iran. The patient was a cement (Temp-Bond, Kerr, West Collins, USA). During the
nonsmoker, nonbruxer, and had no history of systemic first month, the acrylic provisional crowns were completely out
diseases. Three implants (Implantium, Dentium, Seoul, of occlusion [Figure 2]. The free passing of 40-mm articulating
South Korea) had been inserted 4 months ago in the paper (Arti-Fol, Bousch, Köln, Germany) through the occlusal
anterior maxilla (one implant with 3.8 × 12 mm dimension contact in the maximum biting force was confirmed in all
for tooth #7 and two implants with 3.4 × 12 mm dimension for mandibular positions. The patient was asked to use a soft
tooth #9 and #11), but one implant (in the #11 position) failed diet such as pasta, soup, and fish during this period.

Figure 1: (a) Intraoral view after second surgical phase. Note the immediate implantation in tooth #11 position. (b) Radiographic view demonstrated
bone loss around all 3 implants. Note the level of bone indicated by a red line

Dental Hypotheses ¦ Volume 8 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2017 75

Table 1: Studies on progressive loading protocol
Reference Study type Patient Smallest Implant Follow-up Type of splinted Loading Type of Results
no. temporary protocol restoration
Mangano FG, et al. Case Report 1 4.1 × 12 1 3 months Acrylic resin No Progressive Cemented The placement of an early-progressive-loaded,
loading Morse taper implant in the grafted site is
from clinical and esthetic point of views.
Al-Juboori MJ[8] Case Report 1 4.5 × 10 2 3 months Compositeresin No Immediate Screw type Progressive implant loading is a predictable
loading/ procedure for immediately loaded implants
progressive placed in the soft bone types.
Appleton RS, et al.[3] Randomized 20 Not 20 6 months Acrylic resin No Progressive Screw type The peri-implant bone around progressively
Controlled mentioned loading/ loaded implants demonstrates less crestal bone
Trial Study delayed loss than the bone around implants placed
loading conventionally into full function.
Ghoveizi R, et al. Randomized 10 4.5 × 11 20 8 months Acrylic resin No Progressive Not Bone density around progressively loaded
Controlled loading/ mentioned implants increased in crestal, middle and
Trial Study delayed apical portions of surrounding bone.
Elsaih E.A, et al. Prospective 24 3.6 × 13 48 3 months Acrylic resin No Early Complete Early progressive loading procedure permits
Clinical Progressive preservation of more alveolar bone around dental
study loading/ implants in mandibular overdenture
delayed / Survival rate: 100%
Turner PS, et al.[10] Prospectiv 15 3.5 × 8 25 45 days Composite No Early Not Progressive bone loading improves rigidity
Progressive of the bone in good bone quality.
Mahaseth P, et al. Finite 18 4.2 × 10 18 10 weeks Acrylic resin No Immediate Not For progressively loaded implants the highest
Ghodsi and Hendi: Progressive loading in esthetic zone

Element loading/ mentioned stresses are concentrated in the cortical bone for
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Study progressive both D2 and D3 types of bone densities.


Dental Hypotheses ¦ Volume 8 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2017

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Ghodsi and Hendi: Progressive loading in esthetic zone

The occlusion and soft diet consumption were reevaluated and abutments were torqued to 35 N-cm, and final impression
reemphasized during follow-up visits every 10 days. After 4 of the abutments was taken applying vinyl siloxane
weeks, the occlusion of the restoration was adjusted and impression material in the conventional impression
brought into light centric contacts by adding acrylic resin on technique. Metal ceramic restoration was fabricated in full
the occlusal centric contact areas [Figure 3]. This was centric occlusal contact, and mutually protected occlusion
confirmed using a 40-mm articulating paper. The occlusal was considered for excursive movements. The occlusion
contacts of the restorations were eliminated during excursive was adjusted using 12-mm articulating paper (Arti-Fol,
movements and the diet remained soft. Two sessions with 4 Bousch Co, Köln, Germany). The restoration was evaluated
weeks’ interval were arranged for the patient in which occlusal clinically and radiographically, and cemented with
contacts, home care, and diet were reevaluated, and fiber temporary cement (Temp-Bond, Kerr, West Collins, USA).
containing foods were added to the diet. After 2 months, The prosthetic restoration provided good aesthetic results and
mutually protected occlusion was considered for excursive the patient’s smile esthetics was highly improved [Figure 5].
movements by adding acrylic resin to the restoration The first follow-up visit was scheduled for 4 weeks later.
[Figure 4], and patient’s diet was returned to normal and raw The patient was followed up every 3 to 4 months for 2
vegetables and hard foods were added. One month later, the years. She was satisfied by the esthetic and functional
radiographic examination showed increasing bone height results and the radiograph showed good bone-implant
around implants, and the situation was ready for fabrication integration and increased bone height around all 3 implants
of final restoration. The transitional prosthesis was removed, [Figure 6].

Figure 2: Temporary restoration placed completely out of centric or Figure 3: Temporary restoration placed in 40 m occlusal contacts in
eccentric occlusal contact. centric relation, eccentric contacts were eliminated

Figure 4: Temporary crowns placed in full occlusal contacts in centric

and eccentric relations Figure 5: Final restoration

Figure 6: (a) Radiographic view after 2 years. The level of bone is indicated by a blue line. (b) Superimposition of baseline and follow-up radiographic
views. Compare the level of crestal bone in the primary (red) radiograph with the last (blue) radiograph after 2 years

Dental Hypotheses ¦ Volume 8 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2017 77

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Ghodsi and Hendi: Progressive loading in esthetic zone

DISCUSSION clinical studies are recommended for documentation of the

results obtained in case-based reports.
Immediate and early loading procedures provide benefits
including reduced surgical steps by eliminating the second
procedure, shortened treatment time, and providing a CONCLUSION
functional and psychological advantage of early prosthetic Considering the limitation in the present article, following
rehabilitation. However, the stability of the implant during conclusions could be obtained:
accelerated loading procedures is not as predictable as (1) The number of available articles in the field
delayed loading after implant osseointegration. Progressive of progressive bone loading is limited, which
loading protocol was introduced to increase the predictability could be because of the time-consuming procedure
of immediately-loaded implant treatment. and the necessity of patient cooperation.
(2) The available articles clearly report that progressive
Progressive loading controls the level of stress transmitted
bone loading protocol could increase the success rate in
to the susceptible crestal bone. The applied load matches
compromised situations, increasing surrounding bone
and progresses more closely with the load-bearing capacity
density and volume.
of the maturing bone. A study by Appleton[3] compared two
(3) This case report showed that progressive bone loading
groups of patients with different loading protocols. The
with gradual increase in occlusal contact intensity
peri-implant bone around progressively-loaded implants
could improve bone-implant contact in compromised
demonstrated less crestal bone loss compared to
delayed-loaded implants. Progressive loading procedure
has been recommended for implants placed in softer
Financial support and sponsorship
bone types. A study by Misch[12] revealed that the
poorer the bone density (D3 and D4), the more dramatic Nil.
is the decrease in Periotest values using progressive loading
protocol. Periotest values relate to mobility and density of Conflicts of Interest
bone around the implant. There are no conflicts of interest.
This case report presented a unique situation. One
immediately progressively-loaded implant and two ailing
implants with questionable prognosis and crestal bone loss REFERENCES
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