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Form B • Extra Reading

1. Reading
A Read the article quickly. Check (3) the true statements.
1. Emily is a dog.
2. Emily is very friendly.
3. Emily sleeps a lot.
4. Emily likes the kitchen.
5. Emily isn’t happy.

B Read the article slowly. Check your answers in Part A.

Emily the Pet Hippo

Mark and Lisa Gilbert live She doesn’t sleep inside the
on a farm in South Africa. house, though. She’s too big. She
They like animals very much sleeps outside on the porch. She
and have a lot of dogs. They doesn’t sleep alone – the dogs
also have one unusual pet – a sleep with her, and sometimes
very cute and friendly hippo. on top of her. Every night, Mark
Her name is Emily. gives Emily a massage. Emily is
Emily is always hungry a very happy hippo.
and eats a lot. She often has an
afternoon snack with the dogs.
And she drinks her favorite drink
every day – warm, sweet coffee!
Emily doesn’t play a lot –
she sleeps a lot. She sometimes
plays with other hippos in the
river, but she doesn’t stay there.
She always swims back to the
house – for her coffee!
Emily often goes into the
kitchen. It’s her favorite place.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Connect 2  Unit 2 1

Form B • Extra Reading
C Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
coffee (n.) hippo (n.) porch (n.)
farm (n.) massage (n.) warm (adj.)

1. She lives on a with a lot of animals.

2. I like – a hot, brown drink.
3. I don’t like soda. I like cold drinks.
4. After playing sports, it’s nice to have a .
5. I like to sit on the of our house and read a good book.
6. A is a big animal from Africa.

D Are these statements true or false? Check (3) True or False.

Then correct the false statements.

True False
1. Mark and Lisa live on a farm in South America. 3
Mark and Lisa live on a farm in South Africa.
2. Emily, the pet hippo, doesn’t eat a lot.

3. Emily loves warm, sweet coffee.

4. Emily plays a lot.

5. Emily’s favorite place is the kitchen.

6. Emily doesn’t sleep in the house.

E Are these statements true or false for you? Check (3) True or False.
Then correct the false statements. Use your own information.

True False
1. It’s fun to live on a farm.

2. It’s interesting to have an unusual pet.

3. It isn’t OK to have pets inside houses.

4. It’s easy to take care of a pet.

5. It’s OK for pets and people to eat the same food.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Connect 2  Unit 2 2

Form B • Extra Reading

2. Writing
A Think about a pet you have or an animal you like. Complete the chart.

What’s the name of your pet /

favorite animal?
What’s your pet / favorite animal
What kind of food does your pet /
favorite animal eat?
What activities does your pet /
favorite animal do?
Where does your pet / favorite
animal sleep?

B Write about your pet or your favorite animal. Use the chart in
Part A to help you.

My pet is / My favorite animal is

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Connect 2  Unit 2 3

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