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Today at 8:21 PM

incogneato said: ↑

Posted by @wnbafan

Ive read here and there in the doja forums that she frequents a site called tinychat, usually the racist
white rooms. These white guys use to talk about how she would flash them and changer her
username to n*gge*. I look at the directory and saw that doja was camming up and went into the
room to see this mess LOL homegirl was vaping a juul on cam flirting with these neckbeards.

Calii incogneato said: ↑


 
24,175 885
 Apr 5, 2013
+155,028 / 3,980 / -1,994


I dont know how to add links help a sister out

One guy was roasting her calling her peanut head

incogneato said: ↑

goddessx said: ↑
this is old tea i think op.

she ALSO made a song called dindu nu in that no one seems to care about. even though dindu
nu in is a racist nazi term used against black mothers. but stream say so or whatever!

edit: definition of dindu nu in from urban dictionary

Dindu Nu in is a pejorative term that originated on /pol/ to mock and criticize black people during
the numerous riots throughout 2014 and 2015. The phrase “dindu nu in” is derived from a
bastardization of the phrase “didn’t do nothing”, a plea for innocence o en used in reference to
unarmed black men killed by police. One of the most famous instances of the usage of this phrase
can be found in a comic. Detractors o en use “dindu nu ins” to refer to sympathizers of the black

incogneato said: ↑

This is old tea but no one believed me because I never recorded it. This is from an hour ago, shes
probably still on it

incogneato said: ↑

They make jokes about it because she would go to these rooms even before she was famous, they
literally roast her and ignore her for the most part

incogneato said: ↑

1 hour ago shes still on there making beer jokes and vaping

incogneato said: ↑

Theyre telling her to stop showing her feet a er she made footjob jokes... now they are making fun of
the black guy who came into the room she said he tried to private message her, always
bootyclapping for these yts.

incogneato said: ↑

Now shes taking a sh*t talking to them on the toilet, this woman is shameless

incogneato said: ↑

Heres the videos, I cant watch any longer I hate white men

Periphery said: ↑

TMZ didn't come for her when she said the F slur/word and they aren't coming for her now. lmao

If you look up Doja Cat TinyChat on Twitter a lot of shit was already out in the open before. 

LVNA said: ↑

Again, for those that don't know:

Doja Cat - Dindu Nuffin (Lyric Video)

View attachment 1569561

[photo is screenshot of definition for racial slur 'dindu nu in']

Y'all's girl deadass out here using racist verbiage created by white supremacists to mock Afro-
Americans & AAVE. Is THIS your queen?

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

I guess most of y'all ignored this in the Megan the stallion tea thread and the "I'm not full black, im
half white" thread. I called her racist white woman voice in that thread and was hit with wtfs and
groans. According to her own fans on this site, she used to smoke dope and let racists call her the
nword while she stripped.

I'm not surprised by this, I don't follow her music so I wasn't blinded by the bullshit when I heard her
speaking voice.

incogneato said: ↑

Shes there right now, I dont care to watch anymore I was more shocked than anything, you have to

make an account to go on

Live video chat rooms, simple and easy - Tinychat

incogneato said: ↑
Some of you people can't read. If youre in any room and camming up you show up in the directory,
and then you click the picture to go in the room

Zephyr said: ↑

Tinychat isn’t reserved for white people.

That guy is definitely racist though, Odin is like a white idol pagan thingy.

incogneato said: ↑

Rooms like this (Tea Time) are culturally racist. She goes on for hours at a time and I dont feel like
recording or watching her for hours thats doing too much, but they o en say racist things and she
jokes along. Its pathetic to watch but if thats how she raises her self esteem I guess

incogneato said: ↑

I think she was checking the trending threads because she le that site now

getcholife said: ↑

I went in to that stank room she le . Some ugly white man said something scared her away.

mymoonmystars said: ↑

She literally dipped a minute or two a er I entered the chat. They were talking about Lucy scaring
her away or something.

justinexobllt said: ↑

The thing is I like this girls music. But I am not surprised By this... I seen her on live the other day and
she kept saying oh shit my tit is about to fall out. And it gave me weird attention seeking unstable
vibes lmao. Yeah idk about this one lol

leblumeii said: ↑

Lmao. She's in here. HI DOJA!

Seminolegirl said: ↑

Girl she likes entertaining racist wm what don’t you get? People already spilled her tea in other
threads about her antics on tinychat before she was famous..

incogneato said: ↑

/ TeaTimeChats

incogneato said: ↑

Alot of those white men have seen her tits/n*ked its kind of her thing, but she chilled on that now
since she got famous

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

Meth. Search the thread St@llion tea then put her name as the keyword, two di erent fonts talked
about her drug use in there. I would quote them but I don't know if they want me to.
getcholife said: ↑

funny how she le as soon as she was exposed on LSA for her white racist incel worshipping ways. Hi
Doja gorl pls love yourself.

Luxid said: ↑

i'v been following her since like 2015 she always had an edgy type of humor(4chan/reddit ) and been
a huge troll (didn't seen a problem at the time because i was into this type of humor as well but I have grown now and this shit is not
funny to me anymore).

Kinda sad that she didn't have a wake up call and never outgrown of it.

i wonder said: ↑

incog is prob a white guy she gave her private Skype to then when she got famous stopped

he was mad she kept going on tiny chat.. too obvious and hilarious.

Nnmnncds said: ↑

Hi Doja

wnbafan said: ↑

she never geared her music towards black people until she realize she could profit o us. shes a
biracial girl with a 'thicc' body type sells better to black folk.

i wonder said: ↑

where did incog go!

incogneato said: ↑

Doja I was going to expose you for giving your skype to these white incels, but you did it yourself

i wonder said: ↑

haha I guessed right!! I'm not Doja

but it's basic logic bra

it's all white people and hispanic .. and you have an LSA account. You know Doja and that's where
you know her from!

incogneato said: ↑

Doja you have been going to these rooms for 6 years, you don't even get moderating powers, what
do you gain from this?

i wonder said: ↑

notice how incog didn't reveal their username

incogneato said: ↑

Join date April 2020? So obvious

i wonder said: ↑

the tea is what I said

it's a white dude she gave her Skype to. He''s mad he was just an object for attention.

incogneato said: ↑

Doja when the screen recordings of your 'private' sessions with these tinychat yt neckbeards come
out I hope you keep that same energy

i wonder said: ↑

maybe doja will give you a call right now if you apologize and admit you are a white.

one chance.. show humility.

tell everyone why you wrote this.

leblumeii said: ↑

Are you a cleaner? Idk who incog is and quite frankly, they came with receipts so they can stay here
for as long as they have tea. You're derailing the damn thread.

incogneato said: ↑

So you admit you chat to these greasy white men for attention? Love yourself sis

I'm a black woman who uses tinychat, but I mostly just make rooms with my friends and we group
video chat, you can lock the room to strangers. My friend pointed Doja out in the directory but I don't
really go to that room.

AlexMcQWEEN said: ↑

Exactly, OP is this you?

[photo of white girl named stephanie in tiny chat with doja and many white men]

incogneato said: ↑

You've showed so many white men your c**chie on Skype you don't even know which one you think I
am. Just tragic.

Luxid said: ↑

How do you know she's giving her Skype to random ppl? Did she say it in the chat? (serious question)

incogneato said: ↑

LOL how can that be me when I was recording with my phone

i wonder said: ↑
there was NO black people when I entered

and incog was still there bc they asked another user for THEIR username

but hey, since another user says I'm derailing I'll pce out

incogneato said: ↑

Some white guys were bragging that they use to chat to her on skype, but alot of people who go to a
chatroom regularly talk outside of it on social media.

I'm just shocked she hopped o tinychat and onto LSA, who snitched?

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

Do y'all know how tiny chat works ? Hella people can cam up and so many people can be in the chat.

But who really gives a fuck about who the random, no name, incog is when your favorite biracial pop
artist let's white boys call her n word

Edited typos

incogneato said: ↑

Nice try, I asked because sometimes they ban people automatically if you have a weird name. I never
cammed up they would ban me on site. I know how you and your friends like the room, real yt.

i wonder said: ↑

omg she could be mad

she looks like one of those girls that wants to be the only "hot girl" at robotics

she's mad doja gets their attention!

steph needs to come clear this up ASAP

incogneato said: ↑

I don't know Doja but I check new rooms sometimes and one time the were discussing Doja and how
she used to flash them for fun. They said the name of a room thats known be the racist rooms that I

Nnmnncds said: ↑

She’s a half black person who watched multiple black people get murdered and their murderers
su er no consequences but decided to make a song using white supremacist lingo

she’s trash

i wonder said: ↑

I found out about Tinychat 20 minutes ago. Calm your tits and stop turning your hobbies onto me.
incogneato said: ↑

If I was a dusty white man on tinychat who used to skype Doja I would have had her p*ssy pictures on

i wonder said: ↑

WAIT WAIT wait a minute

If all the guys are white incels, why has OP been hanging out with them for 6 years??? doesn't add up.

Oaklandbay said: ↑

She’s probably the most white identified rapper there has ever been and no one really calls her out
for it on Twitter and social media. I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere but LSA discuss her white
supremacist ways

She’s also had the most lowkey work done of any female rapper and then apparently claims that she
had the same body since she was a teen meanwhile she was 17/18/19 in these pics

[old photos of a skinnier, younger doja without thick thighs and hips from instagram]

View attachment 1569741 View attachment 1569742 View attachment 1569744

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1569740 View attachment 1569739

anangelxo said: ↑

Not saying she didn't have work done but South African women are usually super curvy with flat
stomachs and a** and hips so if she gained weight I can see it being natural

CountingStars said: ↑

How do you know about her private Skypes?

incogneato said: ↑

Just like you just found out you could profit o of black culture a er 8 years of making music for the
yts. I cant wait until you make the white men on that site angry enough to give us more tea.

incogneato said: ↑

She learned that term from one of her caucasian skype buddies

How is this personal when this is old tea, we just never had receipts. It's not that deep sis, but I find it
more funny that Doja really ran in here

LegalizeRanch said: ↑

Exactly. If you (nonspecific) are armed with a moderate level of reading comprehension, at this point,
you would know that OP has explained that they were in a private Tinychat group or room or
whatever with her girlfriends, one of whom pointed out to OP that Doja Chat's username was in the
site directory, indicating that she was present in another chat. It is like that user flew in here, guns

blazing, for certain reasons 

incogneato said: ↑ 
She thinks I'm one of the many white men she has chatted to over the years. I have more tea, but not
the receipts to back it up so theres no point.
They were calling her alien head while she was on cam. She was giggling and clapping her feet
together letting herself get dragged like a dummy.

Oaklandbay said: ↑

Nah it’s not only weight gain that makes you curvy but her bodies bone structure was that of a
rectangle shape. I have a cousin who was super skinny in high school just like Doja was but she still
had that hourglass shape. If Doja was natural she would’ve had the same shape but just smaller
View attachment 1569776 View attachment 1569775 View attachment 1569774 View attachment
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GooeyPNewton said: ↑

The funny thing is, a psychic said Doja was going to be exposed by someone on a low level blogsite.
It's messed up that Spirit is playing with Condi's stats like this.

miss chief said: ↑

She’s Camila Cabello 2.0.

Only a matter of time before her old social media racism gets exposed

mr_gigi said: ↑

Your pelvis bone can still widen until your 26 at most. Also your fat distribution can can also change
as you get older as well

mymoonmystars said: ↑

A er Doja le one dude was trying to get another one of the female participants to do something
risqué because it was S0CK's (?) birthday or whatever.

anangelxo said: ↑

Doja looks skinnier than the girl in those pics to me. A friend of mine who had anorexia looked

"rectangular" like Doja and got that hourglass a er gaining weight. Who knows

incogneato said: ↑

She used to put the n-word with a hard R as her username to make the yt men laugh. She also used
to make slave jokes with them, it was beyond cringe.

incogneato said: ↑

You are the one who revealed that Doja.

YouGotTheLook said: ↑

Sounds like she has a humiliation kink. EW.

i wonder said: ↑

nope that was not me, admin can reveal that.. there's someone else in here that was on tiny chat. 

anangelxo said: ↑
So you admit you are Doja

incogneato said: ↑

You brought up the whole skype topic, I wasnt going to say it because I don't have receipts, but you
admitting it is enough.

miss chief said: ↑

Yes old. I am sure her social media pages now are all about promoting her music. I doubt she’s saying
racist shit on her Twitter now.

Go back 2-3 years though and I bet you there is tons of racist material there

i wonder said: ↑

tbh idc about celebrity stu , I'm interested in psychology

the Skype thing was a guess. There's real tea you guys are missing right now.. whoever else replied to
the Skype question.

i wonder said: ↑

were you the other incog


Edit Report Reply

Today at 8:21 PM

anangelxo said: ↑

Nobody would just guess that lol

And you're definitely into celebrity stu if you're on LSA going back and forth about a celebrity.
Either that or you are the celebrity

LegalizeRanch said: ↑

Calii Yes, it's all about body fat distribution. When your body fat gets below a certain threshold, the
CHLOEXHALLE influence of genetic body fat distribution on body shape is invisible because there simply is not a lot
PROMOTION of fat to distribute. A er all, we all have skeletons and mostly the same underlying shape within
SPECIALIST. sexes. Look at extreme anorexia su erers or super-thin, size 00 models. Not a shape besides
"rectangle" or inverted triangle to be found among them.
 
24,175 885
lanoire said: ↑
 Apr 5, 2013
Ratings: @i wonder might not be Doja, but at the very least they are a iliated with her. No one would have
+155,028 / 3,980 / -1,994 thought to bring up a "private Skype", when they platform we're talking about is Tinychat

i wonder said: ↑

@The Admin, Please reveal. This person was pretending to be me.

incogneato said: ↑

Since you're so into psychology can you please explain to us what exactly is funny or fun about
busting it open for men who don't even own a washcloth but call black people dirty?
i wonder said: ↑


incogneato said: ↑

No but I wonder aka Doja must have some connections to have this thread not trending

anangelxo said: ↑

Probably also why she's trying to figure out who incogs are so she can send C&Ds

i wonder said: ↑

she chose Johnny because he commented on her instagram, his comment received a lot of likes so
she slid in his dms.

she likes having someone worship her. that's the psychology.

Oaklandbay said: ↑

Confirmed to have been a weird tinychat troll since atleast 2015

[pictures of tweets from random people talking about remembering seeing doja on tinychat]

i wonder said: ↑

no actually, I'm trying to figure it out because it's someone that tried to divert attention, went incog,
and also is very familiar with tiny chat but on LSA.

anangelxo said: ↑

Please explain why she entertains white men on tinychat even a er becoming famous because idgi

incogneato said: ↑

It's like a known fact on tinychat, my friend who explores di erent rooms (the one who told me Doja
uses the site) tells me tea about crazy shit that happens on Tinychat. One guy was exposing her
talking about her shoving a cucumber up her p*ssy and pushing it out with a dead straight face (on 
skype). I'm assuming thats her attempt at using shock value/being a weirdo as comedy.

Oaklandbay said: ↑

she wasn’t even underweight or anything just a normal skinny 18 year old. I was showing the
example of how a skinny hourglass would look like. These are normal skinny individuals not any
anorexia or anything

here’s my skinny cousin at 17 or so you can see her bone structure since she’s that skinny and she has
a clear waist and hip ratio. Then there’s Doja at 19 around the same weight but a straight up and
down shape. Waist and hips are bone structure and not just fat
View attachment 1569830 View attachment 1569829

edamame_bee said: ↑

On a serious note though, aside from proving Doja used/uses tiny chat has anyone actually provided
proof of her letting people call her the n word and the other stu OP is accusing her of? Because
being weird on tiny chat =/= any of that other stu that's being claimed.

incogneato said: ↑

Pretending to be you? As in Doja cat? Youre nuts sis

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

You're doing too much. You've only been on this site a few weeks.

i wonder said: ↑

dindu nu in = didn't do nothing? lol

i wonder said: ↑

In the wise words of Kash Doll:

"She like, "Kash

Bitch you doing too much"
I'm like, "Shut up hoe
Hoe you ain't doing enough"
Oh you fucking mad?
That's too fucking bad
Since you fucking asked
I like doing too much"

brioche said: ↑

there are more replies than views? how sway. they are definitely suppressing this thread

i wonder said: ↑

bitch you're the one chatting with white supremacists for fun.

i wonder said: ↑

then you have the nerve to come on here and complain like you weren't watching


for the past 6 years.

i wonder said: ↑

Yikes, I just google'd it. 

brioche said: ↑
Think Oprah Winfrey GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

doing a little detective work

brioche said: ↑

posted in a thread about black and white couples on race issues:

Question for successful black and white couples

still reading
[screenshot of font 'i wonder' discussing shock of finding out interracial lover/white man she was
dating was a fan of bill maher in another thread on may 9, 2020

i wonder said: ↑

Since y'all are here, you might as well see Doja Cat's Say So video copied Azealia Banks.

Azealia Banks - ATM jam (Kaytranada edition) (Feat. Pharrell …

incogneato said: ↑

Ive been using tinychat for a year as a platform to talk to my FRIENDS. You have been using tinychat
for 6 years to talk to racist unwashed kyles. Get it together Doja.

brioche said: ↑


@i wonder sissssssss

Black IG Beauty Jazzma Dating Italian Soccer Stud

View attachment 1569896


girl you are so obvious. either stop talking or give it up doja

i wonder said: ↑

you're weird

Nnmnncds said: ↑

The clown who made a song with the title of the phrase white supremacists use to mock grieving
black people isn't disrespecting black women?

for a cleaner you suck at your job

incogneato said: ↑

Her mom is still in her life, Doja used to put her on cam back in the day, they are very close.

brioche said: ↑

doja dear, a lot of the posts add up to you. i'd advise if you are interested in white men, find one of
value not trailer trash. this is really sad that you'd hang out with men that wouldn't hesitate to call
you the n-word

here you are defending allegations against white women (i know you were hurt against allegations
that would concern your mother):

View attachment 1569910

brioche said: ↑

@i wonder you've also posted about doing drugs like lsd

leblumeii said: ↑

Wait... we just hit page 15 and now we're back on page 14 again?

They're cleaninggggg

or throwing comments into the derailed thread like they should've been doing lmao

apples said: ↑
But this tea has been spilled on her since that cow song blew up. None of this is news, you all just
have been refusing to acknowledge it.
The girl is problematic.
I do not and will not ever trust biracials raised by white women, especially those with no relationship
with their black side. Issues, issue, issues.

leblumeii said: ↑

@i wonder and @Ame are both cleaners. That font isn't Doja, they were clearly hired by Doja's
people though. And they're both doing a shitty job.

They're using LSA buzzwords because they think black people talk like this irl. "multigenerationally
mixed/ADOS", quoting kashdoll lyrics, etc. Like what lmfao?

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

I advise all dope fiends to tread lightly in this thread.

How you calling somebody a hoe or trying to expose an incog when you're a whole crackhead racist

i wonder said: ↑

I've made one comment disagreeing with middle aged white woman being as bad as older white

You need better PI skills.

Interacted with you before on the Maryjane thread, you said I was her as well. Definition of a square.


incogneato said: ↑

Dojacat on tinychat a while back with the same username.

I never thought Doja would still be on tinychat even a er getting Say So on the charts. She better
hope that those guys on their that she did send n*des to on Skype and such don't expose her
because a few did actually record her and actively joke about blackmailing her to get rich.
Those racist white guys don't care about her celebrity and actively call her the n word where she
laughs back and she most definitely has said the n word various times..

I think she is genuinely addicted to that site and will never get o of it, no matter what anyone says...

i wonder said: ↑

crackhead? lsd is crack now? stupid hoe.

incogneato said: ↑

This incog is not OP, I am, but tell me why her wig is laid like she has NBA Youngboy next to her
yelling "My WIFE".

leblumeii said: ↑ 
I didn't say you were her, I said you may be her or her insane family members and told another font
to stop interacting with your weird ass. But now I'm realizing what's really going on in this thread, 
you and that other font are up to some bullshit.
...yeah, I stand by what I said.

mp4871 said: ↑

Met her irl a few times she’s genuinely so sweet, no attitude at all and didn’t even act famous. She’s
regular as hell and prettier in real life too. And I don’t see her on Tiny Chat letting white guys use the
n word.

Harly said: ↑

Maybe she enjoys being mistreated. It would explain her connection with Dr. Luke.

i wonder said: ↑

y'all stop quoting me

apparently I'm a junkie bc I've tried lsd :/

this site sucks, goodnight.

LegalizeRanch said: ↑

Me as soon as I found out the alleged rapist Dr. Luke produced "Say So"

Oaklandbay said: ↑

She’s such a catfish idc it must be colorism for people to put her above Meg when it comes to looks
[first pic of meg thee stallion; second of doja laying in bed with horrible pink wig on with the lace and
glue li ing up on tinychat and bareface; third pic of doja with natural hair in a pu , with acne
breakout and no makeup]

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

I hear meth does make the skin bad. @i wonder what can you teach the class?

ByAnyOtherName said: ↑

You know, I think this whole thing with Doja Cat hanging out in these weird chatrooms explains a lot
about the "quirky personality" excuse that some of her fans like to say about her. I'll never forget
what Doja said when she joked about shitting on her laptop on Twitter. I thought that was really
disgusting, weird, and NOT funny...but people kept saying she's just "quirky" which I can
understand...but NOW I see it must have to do with the fact that she spends hours and hours of her
life entertaining these perverse, demented white incels...her "humor" and "quirkiness" sounds a lot
like what I'd hear certain white men/boys's pretty much baked into her personality now :/

MyKnee Hurtin said: ↑

@Ame isn't a cleaner. She's a colorist MGM and supports anyone mixed over everyone else. Just look
through her comment history lol. Bonus points if the mixed woman doesn't date black men
(especially dark-skinned bm). Which is why she loves Doja, Meghan, etc etc

We have black men and women getting executed on the streets and in their homes. And Doja cat is
humoring the people who foster that kind of hate. Doja has always been anti-black and self-hating,
finally it is coming out. There is much, much, more dirt on her too. This site usually loves mixed
women who don't like black men. But in this current climate you played yourself going so hard for
her @Ame

BLKgawdess9021HO said: ↑

Exactly. He also owns Core water.

I switched back to Essentia

edamame_bee said: ↑

I don't think it was her tbh, if it were she could've done better in diverting attention. And honestly if
she's been getting on tiny chat still then I don't think LSA would matter since no blog is going to
repost this tea as it would be a potential legal issue. Her being on tiny chat? Maybe, but it's not really
worth the post. The other stu that's being claimed? No way in hell, no receipts produced means
opening themselves up to legal action.

Periphery said: ↑

There's some scattered throughout this thread. You gotta search her name.

K@rtr@sh1@n + Friends Tea

incogneato said: ↑

Is Simba a guy or a girl that sounds familiar

Lowkeyyy said: ↑

These tweets are old but look how she liked all 3

[screenshot of some white man named chris nikolajsen asking doja on twitter if she used to go on
tinychat, with proof doja liked at least one of the tweets] 

I wonder if she’ll try to deny it if any videos (if there are any) of
the racist stu starts coming out

josie831 said: ↑

Simba is a south African girl who is dojacat's #1 fangirl and desperately tries to be like her. She likes
anime and such and is always running a er Doja in rooms on tc but hasn't got the note that Doja
doesn't care for black people..

Figured it was her since she's trying to divert from Doja's racism and controversial ways LOL

mp4871 said: ↑

This was my thread when my friend came and visited and spilled tea but it was cleaned out.

brioche said: ↑

wow i saw the tea you spilled there. anything more you can tell us?

josie831 said: ↑

Dojacat confirmed to a few white kangz on tc how she did in fact get plastic surgery for the person
wondering and posting her body pics.. She admitted to a nose job, lipo, and ass shots. I don't really
think she got anything done to her lips since they look the same size without lip liner/lipstick.

I think she gained a bunch of weight but also pairing it with the ass shots and lipo to give her a nice
look. I think her surgery looks well done and I don't believe she touched her breasts..

josie831 said: ↑

Are you by chance Simba from Tinychat?

ByAnyOtherName said: ↑

^This. Je ree Star is a PRIME example of this. You can STILL find old videos of him yelling at a black
woman, telling her he'll pour bleach on her or something to that e ect, in order to make her skin
lighter. He said it in a very nasty could see and hear the hate in his voice. He's done this
several times when it comes to black women....please tell me why every time he uploads a video, it
trends #1 on YouTube with millions and millions of views per video and over 13 million subscribers?
In the comments, the faces of everyone who stans him is white...oops I just answered my own
question. A lot of (white) people don't give a f*ck about racism, period.

They'll say he "made a mistake" and how "people change and grow" but then get in an uproar
because he recently released a new pallete with the name of "cremated" and some of his white fans
found that to be very insensitive, yet still buy his products. SMH. We already have black women in
this thread excusing Doja.

incogneato said: ↑

This confirms what I suspected earlier, she was never into the rap genre, but she knows it will sell. 

GooeyPNewton said: ↑

The same psychic that said doja would be exposed on a low level blog site also said she would be
doing folk music soon. Maybe she'll go back to her roots soon and stop exploiting black culture.
incogneato said: ↑

Its one of the two black men that came in the room. It seems like Doja was baiting him saying "Can
we have 102 kids" as if black men have random multiple kids running around. She has daddy issues
if you cant tell.

brioche said: ↑

can everybody back up and remember how @i wonder mentioned private skype in a thread about
tiny chat.

i'm still shocked. that was clearly a slip that came from a personal spot.

mp4871 said: ↑

I’m telling you celebs read LSA. A lot of them are narcissistic and read every goddamn post about
themselves, especially the ones that aren’t SUPER famous and attention whores. My tea thread
started because my friend who spilled that tea told me some celebs were talking about LSA and I told
her I had an account.

josie831 said: ↑

Because it's common knowledge on the site that doja does "cyber sex" with the racist wytes on tc.
She used to strip in the rooms too

brioche said: ↑

i honestly think it's her because a cleaner/her team couldn't be that messy and give something so
obvious away.

i think she is already being blackmailed and thought whatever was going on is clearly just a
joke/sexual and she could flush "him" out

LolaBridgetta said: ↑

There is something weird about this thread. I feel Doja and her people are here making a poor
attempt to clean up her ghetto gagging self hating bullshit, and just like that I think Megan's people
or ROC Nationites are in the damn thread trying to reap the rewards. This site is a fucking mess. I
don't trust none if it.

There are also T69 people all over the site and I will scream it from the roof top. Go put it in Word Up

The first skeptical couldn't resist hih. I don't recognize your font and I am all over this site regularly. I
hope you are getting OT.

mamuh said: ↑

more like doja and one of her scorned incel admirers going at it with each other...

id bet one of them is trying to expose her

i wonder said: ↑

how can i join the private chat? can you add me?

i wonder said: ↑ 
Simba is the main character of Disney's The Lion King franchise. He is a guy.
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Today at 8:23 PM

caramelancholy said: ↑

Yea I'm not trying to get my account sniped but a few times a day the site will go down for like 15
minutes maybe while they scrub. Usually happens with the authentic anon tea threads. Doja isn't
that relevant nor do I think she cares about having a solid PR team so won't nothing happen. If this
had been about Bey or a white celeb Condi would wake up at 6, close the site for a smooth 15-45
minutes, then we come back to see all types of post numbers skipping and tea missing

i wonder said: ↑
CHLOEXHALLE literally a guess, this is a scorned lover lover
mp4871 said: ↑
 
I’m one of the people in this thread who brought up Meghan and that’s because I’ve seen a ton of
24,175 885
people (not just on this site but instagram) compare Doja and Meghan which rubs me the wrong way
 Apr 5, 2013 because the only bad thing Meghan has done is twerk and be a little crazy and Doja does this shit.
Ratings: Not everyone who likes a celebrity or defends them is a cleaner or apart of their team.
+155,028 / 3,980 / -1,994
I used to lurk on here since 2013 but never made an account. I’ve literally seen threads disappear.
The K@i@ G3rb3r being molested one was scrubbed I believe. Probably dozens of others too.

incogneato said: ↑

Posted by @SkylarGrey

her kittycat. thanks tinychat

[MORE THAN LIKELY FAKE. photo of a light skin woman from the waist down laying in bed, rubbing
her cooch. not verified as doja, but photo only comes up as uploaded on lipstick alley when reverse
google image searched]

Click to expand...

i wonder said: ↑

yo don't pm me, I'm not doja

please stop embarrassing yourselves

edit: lol person who skeptical'd also messaged me.

i wonder said: ↑

told you guys this is a scorned dude.

brioche said: ↑

how do you know about the private skypes?

i wonder said: ↑

I said Skype (period). 

I've had a similar situation and I'm just a normal person. Guys get mad when you ignore them and
they see you where they met you (in this case, Tinychat).
Since OP said 6 years, I figured she gave him an old avenue (Skype).

OP thinks I'm Doja so they threw in that pic right quick.

This isn't a cute look to make fun of someone, celeb

Click or not they just want to be accepted. If you're a
to expand...

brioche said: ↑

No you said private skype actually. Your explanation was specific. There is no way to make that
connection randomly.

mp4871 said: ↑

This is how I know LSA is so thirsty for some tea. Doja Cat isn’t even that popular and honestly this is
concerning behavior but not juicy. I miss the days where child molesters were being exposed and
Brow Buster knew that Bruc3 J3nn3r was going to trans before Klan even said something.

Edit: Wondering if all you skeptical read the thread before it even got scrubbed. Brow Buster called
out Bruce being trans before it was revealed to the public but no one believed it.

i wonder said: ↑

Skype sweety, as in personal Skype. O of Tinychat.

incogneato said: ↑

I’m OP, I didn’t post that. I have no idea where that came from and I don’t know if it’s really LOL. Can
you confirm this Doja?

brioche said: ↑

this information isn't random. you are either Doja or know very specific things about her.

you also do drugs and have issues with white men so i am not sure what else to tell you.

i wish you the best.

[screenshot of font 'i wonder' saying incog who posted nude photograph is probably one of the white
men doja stopped talking to on her private skype account when she got famous. alleges said white
man was mad she would only go on tinychat and not her private skype account]

incogneato said: ↑

I just can’t get over op saying she ain’t even get moderating powers loooooooool

Is this what you were doing on Skype?

i wonder said: ↑ 
One incog exposed.

josie831 said: ↑
I genuinely think that doja posted her own self to get the thread moved to the dark room or that
really is a scorned lover..

This is sick and now the thread is ruined.

i wonder said: ↑

you're clearly young so I'm not going to explain how having issues w/ white men would be the
opposite of Doja

but ok

RoxanaHavana said: ↑

Yeah that revenge porn wasn’t necessary. I think it’s a scorned lover that posted it cus imma always
blame men first and foremost!

brioche said: ↑

why did you come back a er declaring several times that you were leaving by the way?

i wonder said: ↑

my melatonin hasn't kicked in

one of my ~many drugs~

i wonder said: ↑

cash app me?

brioche said: ↑

I also love how @i wonder posted a link about (ex)redpill:

Any Info on Doja Cat?

Tea about Doja interacting with redpillers:

[screenshot of text messages between one font(?) and their alleged friend discussing doja's antics on

i wonder said: ↑

again, opposite of me 
me encouraging an LSA member to not be a Redpill dude.

i wonder said: ↑

take it or leave it
josie831 said: ↑

The thing is people on tinychat know absolutely nothing about lipstick alley except a few of the
women(myself and that other font, I assume) and I personally doubt they would make an account
and post it on this site under incog..

I don't doubt it was a scorned lover but it seems like a calculated move to get this thread moved.

incogneato said: ↑

Shes trying to get this thread SHUT DOWN

tsukino said: ↑

It’s so the the thread gets either deleted or moved to the dark room. This shit better end up on TSR.

i wonder said: ↑

how can I lurk when it gets moved?

someone give me their log in?

nasty dreams said: ↑

smfh it's always somebody fucking something up. lord. probably doja her damn self

doja girl if you don't go to BED instead of trying to sell pussy on LSA. going out sad!

wnbafan said: ↑

you really got exposed here sis, do you remember who you sent that picture to so we can figure out
who op is?

i wonder said: ↑

I'm not doja cat

idk how that is still going strong

incogneato said: ↑

yes you are

cmd >ipconfig/ renew

Then come back on a new account. Because it's a wrap sis lol

i wonder said: ↑

stop being janky

i wonder said: ↑

vpn babe

but I'll find yours.

incogneato said: ↑

yup it’s her lmfaoooo

i wonder said: ↑

you should be revealed and banned.

i wonder said: ↑

Nah y'all are crazy and someone will do it.

I was trolling w/ y/all since you wont let it go, but I really do hope @The Admin reveals and bans you.

You're dangerous.

incogneato said: ↑

There's actually no way to do this without LSA sever logs. You could intercept the tra ic without
flagging the host's firewall but that involves malware. Some illegal computer crime activities y'all

incogneato said: ↑

And you’re a white worshipping half caste with daddy issues

i wonder said: ↑

Never that, I don't have expectations for celebrities, but in all seriousness, what are you?

brioche said: ↑

and they are talking about doxxing all of a sudden.

clearly trying to get the thread shut down

i wonder said: ↑

How old are you? People have lives and shit to lose.

Nnmnncds said: ↑

if you had a life you wouldn’t be on here you clown

caramelancholy said: ↑

No lol you could've just made a tethered link and tracked the tra ic on it with another tab and sent it
to her. It works on dumbasses all the time. You could've PM'd her the link saying it had her nudes or
people were spilling more tea. She would've clicked it and been the only one putting tra ic on it.
Then her IP addy would show up, as well as the type of phone she uses and who her provider is. I
would do a full tutorial but y'all seem unhinged 

incogneato said: ↑

OP is not the one dropping nudes or talking about doxxing, thats most likely Doja herself
i wonder said: ↑

You're clearly not.

mp4871 said: ↑

First the nudes and people quoting it (although that could’ve just been an honest mistake) and now
talking about doxxing a font. Doja or her team is trying to get this thread cleaned.

brioche said: ↑

look nobody for sure knows who you are, but you are acting very bothered.

you are neither claiming you are doja which is what a troll on lsa would delight to do or denying it
very well or aggressively. so what are you still doing here?

and if you were doja i can see how you'd be very pressed about this thread while trying to seem
unbothered. this is exactly what you are doing so you're not helping you're i'm not doja case.

i wonder said: ↑

Doja and her team prob have no idea abt this thread.

People here have low IQ, doing it themselves.

edgar allan heaux said: ↑

the way she keeps denying it but keeps giving herself away is so cringe. i knew it was doja as soon as
she typed "bra" like she's a damn surfer boy smh.

oSoGorJESS said: ↑

DAMN incog put the cootie out on front streetz... this thread will def be moved to the CDR or deleted
and whichever incog posted it will be banned... you know condi can see which font did it.

I do think it was doja.. if shell do it on tiny chat why would she care to show it on here.

josie831 said: ↑

Does doja have any industry friends she can actually spend time with and do music things and such
instead of coming on TC doing this stu ? Like how is your song on the charts yet in a week you come
to tinychat doing all types of crazy stu .

oSoGorJESS said: ↑

and dude she says that A LOTT lmaoooo

i wonder said: ↑

bitchhhh someone wants to hack into my IP address wdym why am I still here??

i wonder said: ↑

aw ok

we can be friends 
Nnmnncds said: ↑
Why are you a white supremacist though? Is it because daddy didn’t love you? Is it because mediocre
white dick is just too good to give up? I wanna know

i wonder said: ↑

the white man's dick.


Oaklandbay said: ↑

she definitely has no female friends the only girl I’ve seen her hang out with was her own manager

i wonder said: ↑

my melatonin is kicking in

good night y'all

ps- I'm not doja

but losen up, I have real tea from when I was a thot 2 years ago.

Edit Report Reply

35 minutes ago

josie831 said: ↑

She is ran through and has had tons of plastic surgery. She used to go on tinychat and i think a few
weeks before her album release she was doing the most insane things on there. She was forcing
herself to vomit a er eating, taking a crap on camera, showing herself naked and everything
horrible. She's a terrible alcoholic and was depressed due to her manager taking most of her money
back in her old days. She's cheated on various boyfriends with men online and she also was saying
racial slurs on there and really ditzy/ignorant stu . The only thing her manager got her was a house
where she had a bunch of roommates and that's where that pink themed room stu was in.

My friend has told me that doja has admitted to him to getting nose job, lipo, and ass injections and
how she su ered with bul1mia. She's really a lost soul and I hope her newfound fame can put her in
CHLOEXHALLE a better mindset.

idontevenkno said: ↑
 
24,175 885 ................tragic
 Apr 5, 2013
+155,028 / 3,980 / -1,994
why haven't receipts about this come out yet?

josie831 said: ↑ 
I would just assume he broke up with her due to her toxic behavior. She gets drunk and goes online
and he probably found out she was cheating on him. She's cheated on every man she's been with
and when people confronted her on the site about it she said she loves sex and she's so out of her
mind on alcohol I feel like he probably got tired of caring for her.
She does have a thing for only white guys. She said she was a "white mans whore" a few times and I
have heard her say she likes when white guys call her a n word b*sh. I personally feel like her being
on that site all day is the reason for her insecurities and why she wears the wigs(refuses to take care
of her real hair) and got the surgeries. They would always make fun of her nose, chin, and face
especially. I know they bullied her into throwing up saying how better she was when she was "slim
thicc" it's really a toxic place...

She might also still be dealing with depression and I really hope she can get through it and stop
going online and ruin her image. I know there are some videos floating around of the crazy things she

josie831 said: ↑

If you go on that site and ask about her they will confirm she was a regular on there. It's like a
chatroom where you cam up and it's basically like a hangout spot for crazy stu . That website can be
pretty racist though.

There are tons of men on there threatening to blackmail her for the stu she's done because they are
the angry type of internet men that feel like since she did skype sex with them that she is their
property. I really don't know why she continues to go on that site. I don't think she's been on there in
a while.

JelllyMyers said: ↑

You mean the person in your avi?

I'll give a little in here. Your avi is pretty cool and chill it is her team that causes her issues especially
in her home city. They are demanding and started charging a high amount for bar/club appearances
so Im not as shocked about her recent issues as others. But she herself is a pretty cool person down
to Earth. Continue to root for her she actually stuck to her morals when certain people tried to get
her to compromise to get to the top.

Stantonlikzaddy said: ↑

Is Ru$$ more her type or she likes em like Yawnny?

You can tell she's not here for black dudes at all.

I hope she gets her shit together as well..I like her a lot

josie831 said: ↑

What she did on that live where everyone thought she was on coke she most definitely was on a
drug. How she was like that was exactly how she was on tinychat. She would get so
intoxicated/drugged that she would say the craziest things.

I do believe she wants to or has already fucked ru$$. He's been following her for a while now before
this album dropped. She's fucked to get to the top and I don't blame her because I don't think
anyone or even her expected this album to blow like it did. When the whole Nicki Minaj thing
happened is when she started to relapse and go back on tc and do insane things.
She loves any type of white guy. The white guys she would talk to were the ugliest mf white people
you could imagine. They would range from ages 18-45 too.
Click to expand...

josie831 said: ↑

This tweet is unavailable.

Here is where someone says how d0jah ckat was a regular on tinychat. I really don't know how there
isn't more people coming out talking about her on there.. I don't know if she has PR or lawyer but I
know there are definitely recordings of her on there.
incogneato said: ↑

The user was asking about a tinychat user named 'Simba' that follows Doja cat around the website.

caramelancholy said: ↑

I'm not sharing her music to get streams but her music is also very telling of her trauma and mental
state. I remember she has a song called Daddy where she's singing about usual daddy kink stu like
calling her dude Daddy and getting spanked but she also quotes Michelle from Full House in a sexual
manner and fetishizes abuse and also infantilizes herself

Doja Cat – Daddy Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

yasmin22 said: ↑

That's wild. I dont want to excuse her behavior but it sounds like she has mental health issues. I
mean, can somebody's self-esteem be that low?! This girl is disturbed.

edamame_bee said: ↑

This thread is still going? AND with nudes? Whew.

Lol Nicki did a song with 69,I don't think she'll care. That being said, I'm going to tell you something
because you seem to care a lot about Doja - this will not cancel her for a simple reason: you do not
have any proof. You have proof that she uses tiny chat. You have a random vagina picture. Everything
else you have is hearsay and random people claiming something. Of course some people will believe
you, this is the internet and some people believe everything. However, the vast majority require
actual evidence of some kind to back up accusations and even more simply will not care because
they like her music and don't see her as a representation of themselves. I see that you want to go
hard for Megan, and that's your right. However trying to get Doja cancelled will not achieve that,
Megan making better strategic moves will. LSA "cancellations" won't do shit either, LSA has cancelled
so many people but they're still going fine.

Ezra Miller said: ↑

yáll really think that font is doja? lmao she was in the disease thread looking for flight discounts
yesterday, I doubt that's really her.

Ezra Miller said: ↑

check her font history and see for yourself. She's a regular person, not a celeb

ByAnyOtherName said: ↑

I neither agree or disagree with your post; will check it out but celebrities are regular people in the
sense that they do regular things the rest of us regular people do such as shopping for groceries,
seeing a doctor, getting their engine oil changed, or looking for flight discounts. Also, Doja is very
new at the celebrity thing. Although she's been making music for years, it's only recently that she's
getting more noticed. And whenever I see images of her on Instagram live or any other platform
when she's in her house, the way her bed looks and the way the background looks is incredibly
ordinary and not at all some large, fancy mansion secluded away from the rest of us regular people...

Just saying that I don't think doing regular things proves that someone isn't famous...

ByAnyOtherName said: ↑

When I was in high school, I knew a biracial guy who had a white mother and a black father who was
absent from his life. All he knew about his black father was that he was in prison at the time, and his
white mother was blatantly racist toward him and his siblings. He told me that his mom would call 
him the N word with a hard R and berate him, along with other racial put-downs. It got so bad that
his maternal white grandparents took him in and raised him. He had a complicated relationship with
his race. Although he accepted that he was biracial and didn't have any problems that I knew of with
black people, he did frequent Stormfront a lot and told me that he frequented their forums and
would engage with the users there. That was the very first time I ever heard of that website.
I think that Doja's addiction to seeking validation and entertainment from white incels on Tinychat is
similar to how the biracial guy I knew couldn't stop visiting racist websites and absorbing a lot of the
things they said, even though he would say that he disagreed with them. This is the kind of thing that
sticks to you no matter how many years go by or what accomplishments you make, because it's
rooted in the deep rejection from their early years. This isn't an excuse, but an explanation of what
appears unexplainable.

ByAnyOtherName said: ↑

I agree with you. That post from the Magnolia font doesn't make sense; the reason why people are
calling out her father is not because people on this site are unable to call out white women (wtf?) It's
because we have endless amounts of evidence that her father completely abandoned her as anyone
can Google him and see that he is a successful actor/artist in his home country, whereas we know
nothing about Doja's mother. We're not about to criticize someone when we have no idea who they
are, what they look like, or what it is they did or didn't do. We can only speculate. However,
everything that's come out about Doja's father is a fact that we can discuss and not speculation.

Trust that if we ever get a hold of any receipts that point to the behavior of Doja's mother, we would
definitely be talking about it.

wanderwalker said: ↑

bro you do know "LUCY" is the name of that ancient human. here is a pic

Island bred wed said: ↑

Theres some other tea that hasnt really surfaced yet, shes on ice right now

styleprof said: ↑

she is self - destructive. I found it weird when she defended homophobic language instead of

View attachment 1570742

i wonder said: ↑

It's hilarious you post this because I agree with everything. AB doesn't get the respect she deserves.
At the same time, you contradict yourself.

The sad part is although Doja is biracial and hides herself, she is still black. The person who exposed
her was probably a white, scorned chatroom man.

You cannot blame AB and Doja for saying or doing problematic things because that is the systems
fault. Not entirely theirs. And while AB speaks on respecting neurodiversity and Doja hasn't admitted
it, mental illness is not always visible.

Incog, especially the revenge porn, should be revealed. Who knows what else they've said on their

i wonder said: ↑

logging o this damn site

I would rather get corona

wantsometea said: ↑

of course doja stan @SkylarGrey posted the pussy pic. you wanted the thread to be moved.

brioche said: ↑

wow this thread hasn't disappointed and the OP is looking more and more credible.

so a stan wanted the thread to get deleted

Biggerandbetter said: ↑

OMG! @SkylarGrey was also in the billboard thread going hard for say so remix, doja and Nicki! she
wouldn't stop fighting with me when i was questioning the validity of the number one. wowwwwww

wantsometea said: ↑

yes I've seen @SkylarGrey in doja threads, she's a huge stan.

I think she wanted the thread to be moved to xes maybe or deleted so the non-members couldn't see
it trend .
I dont think thats even doja's pussy ..

MistressNae said: ↑

Hopefully now that .....(insert insult SINCE LSA WANTS TO ACT LIKE WE ARE 13) font can shut up
about revenge porn and stop clogging the thread.

Admin just made the thread juicer.

caramelancholy said: ↑

Yall really do way too much. Ole girl posted a random liteskin p$$y o the tastyblacks gallery to do
damage control for her crackhead idol...

BabsSTAN said: ↑

Not a stan putting a *fake* pussy pic in the thread so it can deleted/moved.

wanderwalker said: ↑

the stan is a cleaner from dojas camp. its just a shame it took mods sooooo long to finally move this
thread loool

MistressNae said: ↑

@The Admin can you just scrub the pics since they are fake and put it back on the normal board?
thestateof said: ↑

Girl shut up this is the second time tea has been spilled on her goofy sloppy built ass. The first tea
thread was ignored tho. I’m glad more people are catching on to her bullshit. She’s disgusting and
needs help. Her foolishness is going to be her downfall. This isn’t about her getting her first number
one from what I recall most fronts were rooting for her because they wanted to see a black woman
win but obviously we were wrong to support her goofy ass.


So per that "Any info on...' thread even her boyfriend was a racist troll who used to talk shit about her
until he realized he could use her for a come up? Its still fuck Doja but I can't help pitying her.

tikitime said: ↑

Went in that tinychat room just to peak and now they’re talking abt lsa

tikitime said: ↑

Yeah they stopped but they were talking about the thread about fonts talking about washing their
meat and called us dumb for washing our meat few minutes ago.

they probably are aware of the site now if they’re browsing the forums.

Miyagi said: ↑

You know what makes the reveal even funnier now that I'm going through the thread. The fact that
the original incog was chatting in here with their font showing to blend in with everyone else. That's
what is making this shit 10000x funnier omm. I can't stop laughing.

CaramelnMotion said: ↑

I caught when @i wonder slipped and said "me" in her thread title earlier; clown antics

These Doja threads betta NOT bring her unseasoned, incel stans here.
LSA has been attacked by enough racist informers for one gotdamn quarantine.
Keep that bullshit in her TinyChats

Biggerandbetter said: ↑

Whew chile, OP and all y'all are 100% right. Doja's racist ways were BEEN known by people on
twitter. some are saying they were surprised she was able to make it to the mainstream despite her
past. it matches all that was said here.
people have dirt on her - who knows when all will surface

i thnk she's an industry plant.

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