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QUESTION 2: (Suggested Time: 120 minute)

Engineer is often been untrusted due unethical practise. Corruptions, conflict of interest and
misused of power among engineers has affected the public confident in the standards of services
provided by engineers. As one of the young engineers in local authorities, explain how you could
overcome this dilemma.

Engineering is one of the most tough professions on earth. The engineering

profession is a high-threat profession, which involves production and development. Engineering
might be a rather great profession if manage properly. As the saying is going, high gain is always
related to high risk. The same is going for engineering industry. Engineers are regularly entrusted
with the responsibility of imposing large-scale initiatives involving hundreds of thousands of
dollars. As a result, the integrity and ethical requirements of engineers are critically being put
into test. In the following phase of this essay, I could like to speak about the essential measures
that an engineer could adopt to prevent corruption and unethical practices of cutting corners so
one can shield the good photograph of the engineering profession within the country.

Engineers must cling to ethic as an engineer. Corruption cannot be a culture among

engineers. Morals implies something more than "law" and "ethics", it conveys an extra meaning
of "rightness". The Code, thusly, isn't a rundown of rules to oversee each issue of lead, nor is it a
wide articulation of beliefs. It is an announcement of the standards of "rightness", of expansive
extension, and with enough detail to empower an astute man to reason for himself the course of
his own proficient direct. Engineers must get themselves acquainted with the code of morals that
administer the obligations and duties of specialists. The building code of morals clarify and
represent the correct assignments that an engineer ought to perform and the bad behaviors that
he/she is precluded from undertaking, for example, rash acts of compromising, corruption and so

Conflict are often happen in our daily life. Sometime we have conflict with our
family, neighbourhood and many more. Even country’s leader also have conflict among
themselves. Conflict happen because of several reason like different in idea, interest in project
and many more. As a conclusion, conflict might happen when someone does not agree with
others opinion. To avoid conflict of interest, engineers should give more focus on company
benefit rather than others side. Engineers cannot betray the company though he or she will get
more income from others party. Conflict must be manage wisely. For example, developer,
temporary workers and expert engineers would need to always meeting to examine just to settle
development issues in a rapid way. Common, development industry is overwhelmed with
different development issues. Anyway conflict would happen if these issues were not being
settled in a rapid way.
In order to avoid from corruption, engineers should have high self-awareness of their
obligations and commitments towards the general public and nation. Engineers that are taking
part in development project for example, development of structures, houses and foundations and
so on that can significantly affect the life of individuals from the general public. Any mix-ups or
carelessness can lead to breakdown of the structures because of bad practices would guarantee
hundreds to thousands of life.

Besides, engineers can always go to awareness talk that been organized by engineer
bodies like IEM, BEM and others bodies. Most of all seminar or awareness talk always
emphasize about bad behaviors, for example, exploitative practices and corruption and the
punishments ought to be forced to the individuals who has been seen as liable of receiving
untrustworthy practices. Punishments, for example, substantial money related punishments
joined with detainment, deny permit of designers, temporary workers or architects. This activity
can make the engineers always bare in mind for not taking any bribery from any stakeholders. As
a human, we sometimes forgot when no one remembering us about something. So we need a
regular friendly reminder so that we will always be aware about something that important to us.

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