G. H. Green - Xylophone Rags (Knyga) PDF

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| Win Rage _ George Hamilton Green SOLO XYLOPHONE i QO] comma Foe Tete ccscssstctsctsestssistsssiutsitsnte ‘| Coe Conen ee Aho Ct 8 WK cccccsessetsnseesasenveseeveseneeseeell J QURARY Ragtime Robin... seeceeeseeees 4 i ge | Raton ti. o ‘| Sul 7Mviptets NG 18 | Wise ooo ~» Yad | mvalseee 2 | SOL DSB cs seermucges net om j i Xylophone Rags of George Hamilton Green edited by Randy Eyles Program Notes ‘Born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 23, 1899, George Hamilton Green, Jr. was a piano prodigy at the age of four. His Grandfather Joveph Green I, began as volnit and violin maker in Now York City—later moved to Omaha to work a8 grajuctor ad bartone horn soloist with the Seventh Ward Silver Cornet Band. In 1889 George Hamilton Green, Jr's {futher (George Hamilton Green, Sr.) followed his father’ footsteps becoming cornet soloist, arranger, and conductor of the Seventh Ward Silver Cornet Band-—playing weekly concerts to audiences af 7,000-10,000 in the 1890's. Coming fom such a rusial background, itis not too surprising that George Jr. was already being called “the world's greatest SStophonit” whom he was only eleven years od! The next four decades of recording and composing provide documented ‘vidence to justly the ttle. In 1916 a review in Phe United Musician states: “He has bogun where every other xylophone player left off His touchy is attack, his technique, and his powers of interpretation inthe rendition of his solos being far diffrent than other Derformerd. To say his work is marvelous and wonderful would not fully express it.” (GH. Green, Jr. recorded his fist solo record for the Edison Co, in February 1917—the beginning of an incredible Cang career as «solo xylophonis. He recorded hundreds of records on virtually all record labels of the era— Feefading the big three companies: Edison, Vitor, and Columbia. Groups that he recorded with include: Patrick Ganway’s Band, American Republic Band, All Star Trio, Goon Brothers Novelty Band (his brother Josoph Green 1 ees a aylophone sola, composer, and pereussionia}), Bar! Fuller's Rector House Orchestra, Fred Van Eps Quar {at Imperial Marimba Band, Happy Six, and the Yerkes Jazzarimba Orchestra. 1m 1998 Lew Green, Sr. (much younger than hi brothers Georg, Jr. and Joseph ID joined his brothers to hit the “big time,” Lew played percusion but favored the banjo and guitar. The three Green brothers were the original sound aac crow for th fret three Welt Disney cartoons Tn 1946 G.H. Green retired from music and began a socond career ‘vee cravereial artist illustrator, and cartoonist. [i ead that George Hamilton Green, Jr paased away in 1970—just ‘aw years before a great rovivel of interest in bis lc, and bofore his 1983 indoctrination int the Percustve Arta {oceiy’s Hal of Fame. With over 200 published George Hamalton Green compositions, this Meredith Music callecton ‘one tock into print eight of Green's finest novelty rage—an important part of America’s musica heritage. About the Editor H ‘Randall Eyles graduated from the University of Hlinoisin 1978 witha Bachelor of Science degree in music education i ‘and shortly thereafter became & member ofthe U.S. Air Force Band. As an undergraduate, he studied with Thomas h ‘Siwe and Frederick Fairchild. He earned the Master of Munie degree at Catholic University and is presently working I on the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at that institution where his instructors inelude Anthony Orlando (Philadelphia I Orchestra) and Fred Begun (National Symphony). Randy has taught at the National Music Camp at Interlochen, i ‘Michigan, and has been a member ofthe faculty at Catholic University for ueven years, Since 1980 he has been a men. | ber ofthe prestigious Contemporary Music Forum of Washington, D.C. He scrves on the national board of directors af I the Pereumive Arta Society. Mr. Eyles collection for xylophone solo and pian, entitled Reggedy Ragtime Rage, and | his Freckles Rog (a percussion feature with band accompaniment) are both available from Meredith Mie | Publications. | Quotes From 6. H. Green | Balas esting hte the ands LOW. When pig, te te fags lech nd han toch te keboad i 2 Aye se wh he WRIST. Donal atenpl to seh ih an am mover: When sags amme toahe#ne ebe rut aon ony, The rea al at ove \ 2. Aves kept bamers LOW. Tis shot Seentary in ore tata ped. When king oe, do ot ise he \ ‘amet ny lg than neces. The ver ou lecp hfs the betce eee es mae ne ae i Seer a thes sd bring thet uct dost erase heen ie aches | 4. Men sling bar cong te sha and ves Se men he eteme en lhe bar eet you | i Practice Wench in tat EVERY NOTE MUST DE STRUCK CORRECTLY. Ire ey eer nist has { desire to play fast. However, it is positively a waste of time to attempt to play fast at the expense of striking wrong notes. The { tree af bn arr yg ang ce ans eh owes fe eyo Sota ina eons kage Clearer ysl evry ott corey, to sw eo pet outa do Tae x you tect ‘Eausted wi ware os moy be Pu Yoo wi be ew sy ets ewan, a STILE sos each cea. ‘Regarding the hammers you shoul use in all work. 1 dvise the length ofthe haneners be THIRTEEN INCHES, with a ONE INCH i BALL, The handle ofthe hammer shouldbe uly st, in order to give more accuracy. Te one inch ball onthe end should not be too ard. Avoid wooden or extremely hard rubber al, s they not only ruin the instrament by pounding it fil of dents, but the tone they produce is harsh and displeasing othe ear. I advise a three-quarter hardball rubber fr al uc renditions, anda halt ard tal of wor for practice. Select haumers that have good balance. They shoud not be too heavy or chums. ; Performance Suggestions lowever tobe true to the syle of ragtime music ooding’—mprovanton win the controlled 1a cine waa veryconmon.C.H, Green woud fn prove a ete strain. Ha or whole notes were way ed a San einer shooding” For example, in Rainbow Ripples instead ofthe whole note role in measure 8 ee gates = Green plays on the repeat of the last strain withthe orginal: a” br a in one recording G. H. Green plays: Aico in Rainbow Ripples, compare what G. H. © Printed origina: As “roolle” by G.H. Greene “The ext example san ent strain fom oval aspera “noodle” by G. H. Green. ar fn ss Printed origina: E a[ TRF 635] 39 3099 ‘As “poodle” by GH. Greene Lee TR eo esoue asl rh 37 ran ran 3a 03g r 34 659 ras Chord symbol have bea ncided inthe soo xylophone part fecitate improvisation, which was particulary common on repeated strane. Harmonicaly, kep the improvisation simple: . H. Green aed this tag ending) | 1 { i ‘Achieve iaterest primary by using rhythmic aeration and by adding notes and accents. Common ragtime rhyns indie the 4 SE) SE OR ints maybe played “sieht” Ge. as wets) or “alld” meaning at the fe fe +t printed yt: eae? woud be payed: ‘Boh interpretations are aceplable, The selection of terp wil sometines help determine whch thythiciaterpretaton works best. In Green's “Lesson Twenty” be special states: “OBSERVE THE DOTTED EIGHTH NOTES" above the dotted eigth- ‘Sxcenthriyhm and “OBSERVE THE STRAIGHT EIGHTH NOTES" above the eigth note rhym. (The term “straight eighth ‘ote wasinuse atleast scart as 1925), This would lead one to belive thatthe same “ales” shoud apply tba scos. However, {he recordings sbow tat G. H. Green very often plays writen eighth notes “rolled.” The dated eighth astemth rhythms are also ‘usualy “Toled”—however, there ae examples where G. H. Green pays these rhythms ike “straight” eighth notes. Switching ‘fem “straight” to “rolled daring the same tune—~or even witio one measure—poits vp an aspect of freedom in performing rag ‘Se muse: The slit may play strain fur times instead of tw tacet fr the introduction, or the transition tothe to, oF an ‘entire strain (giving his acompaniment chance o shine; 2a. coda or tag ending improvise; et. In short—be creative and have 1 ped te! (Colnge andlor 24 dynarics, Try 916 bar poco a poco crescendo from piano to forke—this ison effective in the third strain, “There were no metronome maxkings inthe original Green ubcations. Try erent tempi (MM d= 76-132), Add an acelrando cox lardande; ty suddenly faster or slower for a strain ora phase. nd epeat, try changing something, For example: improvise anew melody: pay the melody an octave higher: change the dymamic ‘ange the impo. Adda repeat, D'S, or D.C. Green wold often pay the fst strain and sometimes the tio as wel) “one more ine” before ending 2 tune. ‘Toe orig! G. H. Green sicings have been maintained. These stickings ofcourse may be changed according to invial strength and tastes. For variety, string bas and drum set may be added. Dosbing or replacing the piano part with banjo (treble lef and bassoon (bass de wil add farther variety. The posses are endless. Have fun! Dierepy “Mort ofthe xplophone slo in this enfetion are ined in the folowing two recordings: [NEXUS RAGTIME CONCERT Bob Becker, slophone soit Nenu” marimba accompaniment Unbrela Special Limited Eétion [Nimbus 9 Productions Lined, Toronto, Canada recorded 1977 ‘NOLA Gordon Stout, ylophone soist “Eaatman Mavinba Band” accompaniment Mercary Golden Imports SRI ‘@talog number 75108 recorded uly 24, 1976 ‘The genus of G. H. Green's slo xyloshone tchnigue is documented on the filing acoustic recordings: Trilts ‘Thomas A. Bison, Ine [Ble Amberol Cylinder and Diamond Die ‘atalog number 3858 recorded December, 1919 Tris “Jada Society Orchestra” accompaniment ‘Thomas A. Edison, Ine. 1 vertical cut catalog number 50625, matrix munber 6983 feeorded ca. 1920 Trilts “George Hamilton Green's Novelty Orchestra" scconpaniment Berson Phonograph Co. catalog aumber 10162, matrix number 4882 ‘eorded ca February, 1920 ‘Trill ond Rointow Ripples Chromatic Fox Trot ‘The Imperial Three” orchestra accompaniment Emerson Phonograph Co. ‘atalog number 10122, matrix number 4711-3 Chromatic Fox Trot Pathe Freres Phonograph Co. ‘atalog number 22276 eoorded ca. 1820 Chromatic Fox Trot and Log Cabin Blues Frank Banta, plano acoorparient ‘Thamas A. Baison, Ine. 10" vertical ot Catalog number 51527, matrix numbers 10254 and 10253, recorded ca. 1925 Log Cabin Blues “Emerson Miitary Band” accompaniment ‘Emerson Phonograph Co. catalog number 7478 (F record) recorded March 15, 1919, dbo estalog number 9138 record) ‘ecorded February, 1919, (Crass Comers an Regime Robin Cotuntia Phonograph Co. catalog number 265-D E, matrix munbers 140179 and 140180 recorded ca 1025, oval Jasper Conta Phonograph Co, catalog number $77-D E. Several ofthe above recmrings were reissued by Law Green Sr. ona inte etn LP. Unfortunately, al ofthe above recordings have come collector’ tern ane are virtually unavadable. However, the NEXUS recording is sil avaiabe in cassette fom: ‘News P.0, Box 100 Norand, Ont. Canada KOM 210 | c CHROMATIC FOX TROT | XYLOPHONE SOLO INTRO. iy GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN ¢ Moderato a1 1. | go aia ieee, PUEIRLaL FER LR []soro cs, a i LBL BL ated Pde PL ERE BELUR DRL © OC PLRLE LEE 7 et eee) a> LRLBL Dm, Per EP LBL OB EF BL-BERLRL BLELR EEL ae i; or BLELRBL RL RLRLELBLLE pr BL BL py ek BLER GEL EL ELBUGp aL PERE BERL i 6. ” LBLELRLEL be BLE RLLB B LR L om, = RB Paes RBLBLELBL BLE RLERL eReiL-a apa LRoR Ll er shi, RROED up ba uk bk wea Ppp, Ota beLa Lay ——— e Gy & toro TDR LR LR L OR RLRBLR LURLR LB RE B z CConyigt ©1904 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170 2.38. FU Lode, oa 3333 Meee Coppi Secu Bae US.A. All Rigs Rsewes as P : geet ieeee RLRL Poe, BLE L BLE L ete . T Dm BRLELBLEL &BLR L Eon L os 7 BRL RL RL R fp pep tb RL a Ge rer ere eter ws isis! oer; BURLRLRL RURLELRL RR LRLRLUEL RLBLELEL co 38 ne iM 2c 2.8. 10 Te TRB BL RLRLR BRLRL RL B BER URL RL BER LRL BRR ite Ste tieFn a TRL BL RL RB LBLBL BRL RL BL a7 beheliea Betehe 2 Be LB R- 1B. byl bn bey E =i BLRLE LAL RLRL RLRL BRLELEL 2B RI D EAE a eS SS SS SS Etataftn PERL RAL RERLRRER PLE RE REE L L i Fis) 4 om RERLEELR § ORL EELS E r rE L wm ay BL SL@ RCS ROR BER i L peepee b, BERL REET Chromatic Fox Trot-2 RLRL RLRE BERLE BERL BERL >op, Nod > | | | AGED ii: a ; a = 1 : Boar] a0 2 Fae he : he Ge wo Faiz. AME z = e = & 3 3 g Pe cil * 5 3 ! " by ge ie i : B 38 e. Bes, 7 ad Ey rl B a e 2. Pe gs 3 g me gp g 3 & 3 g 2k Dray RURLRLRLRLRL RLRLRL RL RLRL Coraere-2 X Sole ros ” LOG CABIN BLUES XYLOPHONE SOLO Blue Fox Trot By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN 7 » aw LS F | | Moderato | Introduction © e REP EEE ead ® L ) gee [Else wR RR OR Ti ek a TL OR RLE BL | E 4 SR HER BLRLE EUR Week Teun F rad i! BEER *EF E BOR PERL SEER FLRLE EEE LEEERE 4 ca ee | 3 Gj Saei 7 | 4 epee i aia FLEE Lepn ® GRERLA LR TR-R RE DRL TER I FURE URER E t E URGRLE In | Bs = =~ 7 ore bee Ye ee a ohn z iB > 2 Lak RRL Tat R fh WE Bee yn te eR EL RETR ie Fe OREL gla mac ocean ge eS z TR R RLRLURERLE RLRCRIRL ® gu a c HORLRELR RERLRELR t i £ i cop 1904 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 179. 3. Laude, Fri 3306 eee Me Secacd Moses USA, Al Righe Reseed PEE greesgr® Peet eee —— b eittd rere © DRER R LELRLR LE e EERE ee URGE Bs Fr Be guen2ehrleriieeterts TL REURELR ECR ELE BTR ERLE a a a eg Gat E BERURER LE RL cpifie 2 Ti-k TI Fm ELELR vo eet WORICRLRL E TDRtLatn Thigd RoR LEe oer 3 t 27 Ron Been RL ALEL RURL RERLRL {eURL g i poh eC Peetete stitenpef ite leed! tenet ieee eit =e tai] Foe, pinrNCECE treet Gini stele UE E z t b. z Extra Break No.1 FRESE beg? 2 Extra Break No.2 HORDRLERLE CURL REROER LT EL 4% Note. The extra breaks, Nos. 1. and 2. can be,used in the third and fourth measures of the last strain of this solection, which constitutes a “Solo Break” for Xylophone. In othor words, the first time this strain is played, use the break that is written in the third and fourth meas- ures, and then when then strain is repeated, substitute elther extra break, No. 1 or No.2, These pxtha broaks ean only be used in the third and fourth measures of the last strain, fog Cabin Blues = X°So ® ® i “4 THE RAGTIME ROBIN JAZZ FOX TROT XYLOPHONE SOLO INTRODUCTION By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN 2 ae aa 2 RL cm RLRR LRLELRLRLELRLRURL FE 2 i. q: Bl a 2 LRLE ERLRLRR LRLRRLRLR R LRLERERLR L 2 rT ree L re LA gage yer ey eee teeee 2 a TELE ELELE E oo 2 Le ey a Sag G7 ye a EL PRLRL RRL RL FRR [SE LR zg 2 8 TEL Toko FL RL eo mo m1 mL ag. g g PLRl te, LoL eB LBL GR LAL ES, BE RERLEL Bs 2 2 LPLPoR Lt 2 Ceiey 8 © RL we Rk be. we Ens tee poe, Tie wm lac forge Oo egle eetiente eee | i Tt WO ERE RLRLRE ey, e OR-R ‘" DRL cong ©1864 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170 LE 3S. Lauer, Monte 304 OH ea reo CoyapSecaes Masia USA. Al ia Recred XYLOPHONE SOLO 3 2 2 Bw wEtR DR LR LR BR LRLRRLRLRR LRLE REELED ¢ pOB LL ROR we a WTR OR LRLRL RLEL 2 TRoe, natag eee 3 2 2 2 TELE RURLE RE VMERDEL EE EE are ue ; é TRLEEP 2 ae Wepleteerne {| ckoLE TRIO Bs cng 2 or 2 TRLetR ORL ele L EL eR RLE © 3 safe p te pe tee ce LC RLR OL TEL 2 F Porp epee eee ne ee 2 wr, Glen 7 TELE te 7 Tee TL Bir By Ta ey Fae, © LRLE a Te ple ® eieate® flat RT Breaking ® EOS gE ERERERE Tf Z = co 16 RAINBOW RIPPLES JAZZ FOX-TROT Xylophone Solo GEO, HAMILTON GREEN Introduction 2 b By Sano ete G. lor or — TR IR LE fete LR T TIR CRT R RERLRRLR et eet al B ae BO R ® R t R RELR Copyright ©1986 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170 VE 38 St, Lauer, i 33334 Temstonal Copy Secured Maden U.S.A. All Rips Reserved ” Xylophone Solo we Raisdow * TRIPLETS XYLOPHONE SOLO Introductign Jazz Fox Trot By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN ot © ay OU TRTFERL RL EL TRL eg please eeleenta ea e Coals ERLR TRL % WHER L EER RULE beard Beery, oo St cs WERE RL RL i : SSSR LE LE REE PDRE Sete E L lc HLEELR BB RB LRL BURELE FE Tie RRER peepee gE © BEL® BURL Te Tepe PuRraceL ie LRT Copp © 1964 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170.N.E-33¢ Si, Landers, Prd 3994 {sterol Copp Secures Rese Maieia USA. Al ie << \a Ett © T s ELEC ELC geet ete Fret & TRIO} PLP URRE © it i rg HS Z ® £ WLALRL ELLE @ Sy a 3 _ Go |g LERR ¥ eee poeple } ee BREAK ry WE noeL wee ® z g Forr cs : THE WHISTLER XYLOPHONE SOLO Jazz Fox Trot By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN INTRODUCTION , cs s o thi BERL RL ALR LRL RLEL RLRLRE RE, L LAUR 3]c"3 3 3 ae 2 T ge Z i) vz BURT tr TEL R ERLE LEL » CER CE 2 - g : s BT BOREL RL oR Ebr LB b RERL Rar, © RL 30) RL DE RL ROLR DRL R LR Tt plfe 1 Ai a S By? Copyright ©1984 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170 N.E. 33rd St. F, Lauderdale, Florida 33334 Inerational Copyright Secured Made'in U.S.A, All Rights Reserved I | | ! J ! | | | ! | | | ! l | | The Whistler Continued 2 cs 3 Ae us 3 Helene neces 3 £ 2 2 CRG ROoRL RLRL RL RER LR L ROR c, 69 ¢ a L ROR CRERLRLREL § gg 3. 3 7 £ TR LURL RLRLR s TRIO 55] £ ELRORL RER LRL RLERL A LRLRCRL RURLR LR als 2 : cf 8 Gi lide Seo 5 be ie RLRLERLRER CRURLRL RL RL RLR SE BR ‘Toe Whistler 2 P coeeeee : CHROMATIC FOX TROT ! By GRORGE HAMILTON GREEN INTRODUCTION ad ti > Moderato sete To next sai Chromatie Fox Trot-4 Bselro afc Grmio a ie Chromatie Fox Trot - 4 Chromatic Fox Trot-4 ! ‘ CROSS CORNERS Jazz Fox Trot ‘By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN | | | | cota oan anes Pt rome knees aR hae nt | \ (Crees Corsere- 4 ré 7 rove Corsera-4 a LOG CABIN BLUES Blue Fox Trot By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN Inteodaction i z mm Moderato wt | coi ©1984 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170. ef Ladera, Far 2934 ee ee Sanaa Mak USA. AI RigY Reros i i " THE RAGTIME ROBIN JAZZ FOX TROT By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN INTRODUCTION : : 2 ony 1984 MEREDIM MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 17 Intemationsl Copyright Secured Made in U.S. \ \ | | a The Ragtiou Bodie —, 2, 4, 2 a ra rh he Mastin Rodin ‘The Ragtime kolo i RAINBOW RIPPLES JAZZ FOX-TROT composed by GEO. HAMILTON GREEN Introduction 4 ‘XYLOPHONE| PIANO i pviht ©1984 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 1 Comma 1 etna Copy Secu Main a Raladow Ripples Ralabow Ripples n XYLOPHONE TRIPLETS ‘Jazz Fox Trot By GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN Introduction Cpr ©1984 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170 LE 3S. ante, Pa 894 Cipm Sere Maden SA. Al Rus Reserved Teiptote-4 \ | I Be. ze se : Fiebee beg. Fide ip ten, Pitbate: by a ee ier pspeitetee EE ee Seve eper tlt EIFS BREAK ad fb, yp | i ‘Triplets -4 a : * THE WHISTLER Jazz Fox Trot GEORGE HAMILTON GREEN INTRODUCTION xrLorHone PIANQ| ‘copy ©1904 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 17 6. 3x StF Later, ra 33934 ‘Mendon Coys Sented Maden US.A, Al Righis Reserved 30 Jovial Jasper A SLOW DRAG Composed by GEO, HAMILTON GREEN ‘Copyright ©1964 MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS, 170 N.E eS, Lannie, rid 3334 Intstonl Copp Senued"Madria USA. Al Rigs Rocrved Forint Jasper 4 ovtal Jasper 4 Vor TOE AMA L eas & £ =——- Se pea BoA Ree tbe Poe Tse g BH Orth 9 gentetetes Bees Re D WS HW >| j a 5 So: 3 SE ts + A MY REGARDS B Solowith Band Accompaniment pote cesar EDWARD LLEWELLYN. Tempo di Waltz ae vit. Solo deliberately stightly faster a Waltz. : ee Slightly Faster. rit Fa tompo Gam, Tuttileceato rid aig Fine. —= ad lib, D.S.at Pine. TRIO. Solo ad éib. not too fast a Copyeight MOM, by REMICK, MUSIC CORPORATION un vomaatons copes” AN SS Nye RE Dit cat PEGS aaa EL pede: Boe Solo Xylophone 2 Mapertee Tow leur poinaag 1yBuxdop feuonewsoyN) VSM HOA MON ‘HOUOA ‘woNEIG YINog—Ep] Og "WAD!T uorUTEEY 09D) Aq £76 | IBA x x x ; ofuay 2 Ht _ UUTTUY TTXNTT wy TTae se we see x x x = ‘obuay i punya wet g u a u a uTuTudr4a ZS odin 4 1 1 1 dg 2 —— ase, 1p oduray, KGg49 KOLTIITN “089 — fy muovdarhy 40f pituney & AYNVHd “WL ojos auoydoky essny OZZoULLO}UT i rf) : ee a painoeg 1yBuddop [euoneuioruy fc "VST UO, MAN “saIHOA ‘uoNEIG YINog—Ep] OG "W>AIE) uOrUIE] | “O95 Aq 2761 NYBUAKOD, is Tat at fee eee eee 1 a = - z asnf h00) OMIA ae a aetna =< < perja ov0d af 1 a (4on0]2). 0S0\S9R PY uo olad4 a uo TUTeTAad4y ae Tet lee Sata utad 7 aut oaSonry ANYILD NOLUMVH OLD dig auoydophy sof pasuvsey SWHVUS ofog auoydolfx GON 90ueq uUBldesuny Ste cs “eengeesinealiat 8001 1 a 1 a Lf Ie MTy1aT UTe7 Ie 2 = = = = SOR ATA (a8nf aaa) ONTA, TuTUd ag Tulud at ‘pangta ong =< TaTud a4 (49018) OSOISOR AL a ulita a a Tutt Ta14y ay Test , ata 1 a was 1 ad a a coatteny) “| odtay, y cosnfy odiusy » (ogg 104 Offa 1 ae aa ae, (asf) oduay » (mop tyes oppo (asnfy ods; » ut wt ty (asnfy odmay » is) Pave offona | 1 Letts “1 eae de ey dere a <= = ovalA 2 aig 9-0 oom amen OTOS SNOHAOTAX pamseg 1yBudo> youoneusoruy wos “VST HOA MAN ‘SIEYUO ‘uoHEAS YINog—Ep| xO “U22I— UOUTEE “09D Kq 176) 1YSUAdOD, x a M1 wu quid 1 opvoavui ©. 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