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A Gospel Reflection: Matthew 18:1-7

“Woe to the world because of things that cause sin!”

I would like to speak to you as a consecrated religious and as a person belonging to my generation. I
was born in 1992, the generation of the Millennials. I experienced the different transitions in our generation for
example, in the means of communication: from letter writing to cellular phones, from cellular phones to the use
of computers, then the internet until we reach the very popular nowadays, social media. When it comes to the
means of information: from radio to television, from television to internet and even in relationships: personal to
penpal—phonepal—textmate—chatmate; personal relationships to virtual relationships or in other words, real
relationships to imaginary relationships (from lasting to disposable relationships). The world turns so fast and
things change so fast. At present, we live in a world with high technologies (high tech yung cellphone,
computer, t.v. or even the medical treatments and means of transportation). It seems to be a sign of progress!
But wait! Are we really experiencing progress? Or the other way around, regress? It depends on how we use
the resources that the world is offering us. And here lies the bigger problem. We all know the realities
nowadays, along with these fast shifts is the regression of many significant and essential things like values,
morality and genuine relationships. We tend to neglect these things for the sake of social acceptance, false
securities, comfort, temporary happiness and satisfaction, popularity, power and even worst, for pleasure! I
would like to emphasize this word, pleasure, for this simple word either improves or destroys many lives in this
beautiful world. Pleasure means a feeling of happiness, enjoyment or satisfaction. I see it as a gift and it must
be selflessly used. We should not allow ourselves to use it for personal satisfaction or else it will destroy us!
Our body is greatly affected when pleasure is abused or selfishly used. The body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit, it deserves respect for it is sacred!

We should not neglect the present condition of our society, where dignity is becoming cheaper, where
the body is being viewed as a commodity –a painful reality that we need to face! We forget our true identity as
God’s most precious creation! Many of us are engaged into alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction and
pornography which poisons our minds and destroys our future. Some don’t even care what lies ahead, or what
are the consequences of one’s actions. We promote this, “it is fine to do it, anyway, many are doing it”
mentality. We seek attention and love in a wrong manner and still in the end, we are the ones who suffer much!
All the more, we feel rejected, wounded, lost, confused and most of all, worthless! We end up repeating the
cycle of giving in to bodily pleasure instead of genuine loving, selfishness instead of self-sacrifice, choosing to
commit sin rather than embracing the gospel values, preferring death rather than life!

Our world needs healing, it needs love and commitment. We need genuine happiness and authentic
love which God alone can give. Let us dare to make a difference by awakening this innate goodness in us, this
natural capacity to love! Let us aim for a better world and we cannot attain it unless we start on ourselves.

-Sr. April Margarette A. Hiquial,PM

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