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KINGSTONE LI vs. PEOPLE from opening it. Arugay then ran towards his house across the street.

then saw Arugay coming out of the house armed with two kitchen knives.
G.R. No. 127962, April 14, 2004 In response, Li went inside his house and got a baseball bat. When he
returned to the street, Arugay attacked him with a knife. Li managed to
avoid Arugay’s thrusts and hit Arugay with the baseball bat on the right
Slight physical injuries; evidence.— When there is no evidence of actual incapacity shoulder. Arugay ran back to his house shouting, "The long one! The long
of the offended party for labor or of the required medical attendance, the offense is one!" Li also dashed back to his house but before he was able to enter the
only slight physical injuries. door, he saw Arugay carrying a two-foot long bolo, running towards him.
Arugay tried to hit Li with the bolo. Li raised his right hand to protect
Slight physical injuries; information.— The felony of slight physical injuries is himself but Arugay was able to hit him on his right temple and right wrist.
necessarily included in the homicide charge. Since the Information against Li states Not content, Arugay hit Li on the right shoulder. Li passed out. Upon
that among the means employed to commit the felonious act was the use of the regaining consciousness, Li tried to crawl back to his house but Tan hit him
baseball bat, conviction on the lesser offense of slight physical injuries is proper. at the back of his left ear with a baseball bat. Eventually, Li managed to get
back to the house and was brought to the Makati Medical Center by Amerol
and Barangay Tanod Eduardo Reyes.
1. On 19 April 1993, a street brawl in General Luna Street, Barangay Bangkal, 4. Factual determination of the RTC: There were four participants in the
Makati resulted in the death of Christopher Arugay. Arugay died from brawl, namely Li, Sangalang, Arugay and Tan. The first blow was struck by
multiple stab wounds. Li, who had armed himself with a baseball bat and used the same to hit
2. Version of the Prosecution: Arugay (deceased), Aubrey (Arugay’s Arugay on the left upper arm. Arugay then armed himself with a bolo
girlfriend), and Tan suddenly heard a noise outside Arugay’s house. which he used to inflict an incised wound on the head of Li. After Li had
Peering through the window, they saw Li and a certain Eduardo "Eddie fallen, Sangalang, himself armed with a knife, fatally stabbed Arugay at
Boy" Sangalang taking a bath completely naked. The two were facing the least four times. Tan had picked up the baseball bat dropped by the
house of the Arugays. Enraged, Arugay yelled, "Pare bastos kayo, ba’t kayo wounded Li and struck Li on the head with the bat. Thus, Sangalang alone
nakahubad?" Li and Sangalang yelled back invectives and threatened to kill had stabbed Arugay.
Arugay. Incensed , Arugay went out to the house, but was met by Li who
Issues: Whether Li is guilty of homicide
struck him with a baseball bat. Aubrey and Tan tried to get Arugay back to
the house, but Li, who went home, and came back with a knife, stabbed
Ruling: No, Li is only guilty of slight physical injuries. Based on the evidence
Arugay. Aubrey, who claims that she was also assaulted by Li’s sister, said
presented, the RTC correctly ruled that Sangalang alone had stabbed Arugay.
she saw Sangalang stab Arugay at least once. Tan claims he saw Arugay run
The prosecution was not able to prove that there was conspiracy between Li and
towards the street after being stabbed, and that Li and Sangalang chased
Sangalang to hold him liable for the action of Sangalang. The only injury
after him.
attributable to Li is the contusion on the victim’s right arm that resulted from Li
3. Version of the Defense: Li encountered Arugay, who was carrying a
striking Arugay with a baseball bat. In view of the victim’s supervening death
bayong containing various liquors, out on the street. Arugay invited Li to a
from injuries which cannot be attributed to Li beyond reasonable doubt, the
drinking session but the latter refused. Later on while Li and Amerol were
effects of the contusion caused by Li are not mortal or at least lie entirely in the
at home, he heard objects being thrown at his house. Peeping through the
realm of speculation. When there is no evidence of actual incapacity of the
window, they saw Arugay and Aubrey in front of the gate throwing stones
offended party for labor or of the required medical attendance, the offense is only
and bottles at the direction of Li’s house. The stones broke window jalousies
slight physical injuries. The felony of slight physical injuries is necessarily
and also struck Amerol. At the same time, Arugay was also hurling
included in the homicide charge. Since the Information against Li states that
invectives at Li. Li confronted Arugay but the latter just kept throwing
stones at the house. Arugay tried to kick the gate but was prevented by Li
among the means employed to commit the felonious act was the use of the
baseball bat, conviction on the lesser offense of slight physical injuries is proper.

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