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Amparo S. Lardizabal, Alicia S. Bustos, Luz C. Bucu, Maura G. Tangco

CHAPTER I: The Teacher and His Profession


A teacher is one of the major contributors in the development of society, and

thus, the key factor in the education of the young. Even though a general criterion of a
good teacher has not yet been established, studies show that the traits and abilities of
an effective teacher can be categorized into two: professional qualities and personal
qualities. Professional qualities pertain to mastery of the subject, understanding of the
learner, understanding of teaching principles and skill in using techniques to implement
them, having general understanding of other branches of knowledge, and
understanding and appreciation of the teaching profession. Personal qualities, on the
other hand, point to the five aspect of personality: intellectual, social, physical,
emotional, and moral. Thusly, supervisors help teachers to improve on their
performance by evaluating their performance in accordance to (1) instructional
competencies such as teaching, guidance, management, and evaluation skills as well
as (2) personal and social competencies like ethics, professionalism, resourcefulness,
contributions to the community, etc.

Being a teacher is a complex and multifaceted profession demanding very high

standards. It involves the tasks of (a) guiding the learning process to promote learning,
(b) sharing obligation in counselling and guidance to assist learners with their varied
problems, (c) sponsoring extra class activities to allow for more opportunities for
development, (d) working with parents and the community to improve the community
and establish harmonious relationships within it, and (e) observing professional
responsibilities by continuing to grow professionally. In order to be ready to be a
teacher, one has to either undertake (1) preservice education or (2) in-service
education. Preservice education means having college education that focuses on (a)
subject matter education or mastery of the chosen field/s, (b) general education or study
of other areas of knowledge, and (c) professional education or study of educational and
psychological foundations of the teaching-learning process and teaching methodologies
and techniques. Preservice education in the Philippines ensures that prospective
teachers possess (1) personal/social traits and (2) professional competencies that are
concerned in (a) promoting the ideals, aspirations, and traditions of Philippine life and
culture as well as (b) equipping them with knowledge of effective delivery system
sufficiently. In-service education refers to the commitment of a teacher who is already in
the field to continue his/her professional growth by keeping abreast with the latest
developments in education in general and taking part in in-service activities. Besides
these, understanding and practice of the specific rules of conduct, for example, Code of
Ethics for Filipino Teachers, are essential so that the teacher is able to nurture
harmonious relationships with individuals and groups within the community, and more
importantly present him/herself as an esteemed example of the professional teacher.

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