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Phonics: /är/ar


A. Read the words in the box. Write a word to

complete each sentence.

scarf park farm shark star

1. A shark can swim fast.

2. You can see a star in the sky.

3. Good things to eat can grow on a farm .

4. Put a scarf around your neck when

you are cold.
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5. You can play with your pals in the park .

B. Think of a word that has the same ending

sounds as star. Write a sentence using the word.

6. Sentences will vary.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 211

High-Frequency Words

Choose a word from the box that completes the

sentence. Write the word in the puzzle.

four none only large put round

1 4
o n l y
a p
r o u n d
f g t
n o n e

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Across Down

1. We have one 4. A whale is a very

pet. animal.
2. The shape of a ball is . 5. When you are done with
3. If there are no pens left, the game, it back on
there are . the shelf.
6. A dog has legs.
212 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

A. Read the definitions. Use a vocabulary word

from the word box to complete each sentence.

trouble: If you have trouble doing something, you

have problems doing it.
whole: When something is whole, it is complete.
None of it is missing.

1. I had trouble cleaning

my messy room.

2. My pals and I will eat the

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whole cake!

B. Write a sentence using both of the vocabulary

Possible response:

3. I had trouble walking a whole mile.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 213

Comprehension: Point of View Chart

Fill in the Point of View Chart. Use words from the


Character Clue Point of View

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214 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

The Party

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

Then the pals went in for a swim. “I am six today,” said Cat. “Let’s
They had a great time.They swam have a party at the beach!”
and laughed until dark. “That’s a great idea,” said her pals.
“This was my best party ever!” “The beach is not far at all.”
said Cat.
4 1
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216 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1
“I will bring fancy hats!” said Pig. It was a perfect day for a party.
“I will bake a yummy cake!” said Dog. The four pals went to the beach.
“I will make a present and a card just They put on party hats. They ate
for you!”said Chick. cake. Cat opened her gift and
2 3

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Comprehension: Point of View

A. Reread “The Party.” Think about each character

in the story. Write a sentence to tell about each
character’s point of view.
Possible: Cat is happy that it’s her birthday and
1. Cat has fun at her party.

Possible: Pig wants to bring hats and has fun at

2. Pig the party.

Possible: Dog wants to bake a cake and has fun

3. Dog at the party.

Possible: Chick wants to make

4. Chick a gift and has fun at the party.

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
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Fill out the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 217

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues/Multiple Meanings

A. Each word in bold has more than one meaning.

Fill in the circle next to the picture that shows the
correct meaning in the sentence.

1. We saw a play last week.


2. Jake left his lunch on the seat of the school bus.


3. Let’s seal the box and then mail it.


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4. Did you see the large wave wash up on the beach?


B. Think of another meaning for the bold word.

Write a sentence to show the other meaning.
The tree has brown bark.

5. Possible response: My dog likes to bark.

218 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1
Phonics: /är/ar

Write the letters ar to make a word. Write a

sentence on the line using the word you made.
Possible sentences provided.

1. b ar n

A pig is in the barn.

2. sc ar f

I have a red scarf.

3. d ar k
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It is dark at night.

4. l ar ge

That whale is large!

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 219

Structural Analysis: Irregular Plurals

Read each sentence. Change the underlined word

to mean “more than one.” Write the word. Then
rewrite the sentence using the new word.

1. The person will sing. people

The people will sing.

2. The child is playing in the park. children

The children are playing in the park.

3. The wolf had a long, sharp tooth. teeth

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The wolf had long, sharp teeth.

4. The sheep is eating grass. sheep

The sheep are eating grass.

220 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

Text Feature: Use Photographs/Illustrations

A. Look at the illustration. Circle the letter next

to each sentence that tells a detail about the

a. Dad and Ned sit in the shade.

b. Dad needs a coat.
c. It is nice day.
d. They have a big umbrella.
e. Ned and Dad swim.
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B. Look at the illustration again. Write a sentence

that tells another detail about the illustration.

Responses will vary but should include a detail about

the beach scene.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 221

Write About Reading: Point of View

Reread “The Party.” Think about how the author

used point of view. Use the words and the pictures
to answer the questions.

1. What is Cat’s point of view about her birthday?

Answers will vary but should indicate that Cat is
happy because she wants to have a party.

2. What is Dog’s point of view about the party?

Answers will vary but should indicate that Dog is
happy because he wants to bake a cake.

3. What is Pig’s point of view about the party?

Answers should indicate that Pig is happy because
he wants to bring hats.

4. What kind of time did the pals have at the party?

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Answers will indicate that they had a great time.

222 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

Phonics: /ûr/er, ir, ur, or

A. Write a word to name the picture. Use a word

with the same sound you hear at the end of her.

1. worm

2. bird

3. shirt

4. surf

B. Write two sentences. Use one or two words from

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the box in each sentence. Possible responses given.

her nurse girl work

5. The girl wants to be a nurse.

6. I like her work.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 223
High-Frequency Words

Use a word from the box to complete the sentence.

great poor through another full climb

1. My pencil broke. I need another pencil.

2. My bag is full of books.

3. The boy will climb up the tree.

4. We will walk through the door at school.

poor Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. The girl is sick and can’t sleep.

6. That kite flies high! That kite is great !

224 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2


leaped: to have jumped far

stretched: to have extended a body part

A. Look at each picture. Use a vocabulary word

from the box to write a sentence about the picture.

1. Possible response: The baby stretched

her arms out to her mom.

2. Possible response: The frog leaped

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from one lily pad to the next.

B. Write a new sentence using both vocabulary words.

3. Possible response: I stretched my arms back and

then leaped forward at the track meet.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 225

Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart

Fill in the Cause and Effect Chart. Use words from

the story.

Cause Effect

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226 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2

A Bunny Wish

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2

“Now we can go to the beach,” “There’s a wishing star!” Bethy
said Bethy. She put on her hat. Bunny exclaimed to Freddy
“Maybe I can wish on a star Frog. “I wish for a sunhat so I
next time,” said Freddy. can go to the beach tomorrow.”
“Good idea!” said Bethy.
4 1
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228 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
“I think you will get your wish,” said The next day Freddy brought
Freddy Frog. “What kind of hat do Bethy just the kind of hat she
you like?” wished for. It was beautiful!
Bethy told him her favorite kind of hat. “My wish came true!” she said.
“I knew it would,” said Freddy.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Cause and Effect

A. Reread “A Bunny Wish” and follow the directions.

1. What does Bethy do when she sees a star?

She makes a wish.

2. What does Bethy wish for?

a sunhat

3. Why does Bethy want a sun hat? Circle the cause.

so she can go to the beach

to look pretty for a party
because Freddy has one
4. Why does Freddy think Bethy’s wish will come true?
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He is planning to buy Bethy a sunhat.

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 229

Vocabulary Strategy: Shades of Meaning

Read the sentences. Choose the best word in

bold to answer the question. Then write another
sentence using the word.

1. Max is very wet. Is Max soaked or damp?


Responses should include the word “soaked.”

2. Tess is giving the dog some food.

Does Tess pour or spill the food?


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Responses should include the word “pour.”

3. Kate thinks the party is great.

Does Kate think the party is good or wonderful?


Responses should include the word “wonderful.”

230 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
Phonics: /ûr/er, ir, ur, or

A. Write er, ir, ur, or or to complete the words in the

story below.

1. I found a nest on the c ur b.

2. The nest was made of sticks and d ir t.

3. In the nest, there was a baby b ir d.

4. He was eating a w or m.

5. Then the mother b ir d came back to h er nest.

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B. Use a word in the box to a write another sentence in

the story.
turn world first

6. Responses will vary.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 231

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -er

A. Add -er to change the action word into a

naming word. Write the new word. Match the word
with the picture.

1. help helper

2. surf surfer

3. play player

B. Change each word in the box to a naming word.

Write a sentence for each new word.

work paint teach

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Sentences will vary but should include correct
4. usage of “worker”, “painter” and “teacher”.


232 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
Text Feature: Captions

Look at the picture. Then complete the caption to tell

more about the picture. Possible responses provided.


Dad and Jess are looking at the moon.


The spaceship goes to the moon.

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He is walking on the moon.


He sees the moon and stars.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 233

Write About Reading: Plot: Cause and Effect

A cause is what makes something happen in a story.

An effect is the event that happens.

Reread “A Bunny Wish.” Think about how the

author used cause and effect. Use the words and
the pictures to complete the sentences.

1. A cause on page 1 that starts the story is

Bethy Bunny sees a star.

2. What is the effect of Bethy Bunny seeing the star?

Bethy Bunny makes a wish.

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3. Another cause and effect in “A Bunny Wish” is

Possible response: Bethy wishes for a sunhat and

Freddy gets one for her.

4. What is an effect of Bethy Bunny getting her hat?

Possible responses: Bethy and Freddy can go to the

beach; Freddy decides he will make a wish.

234 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2

Phonics: /ôr/ or, ore, oar

A. Read the sentences. Circle the words that have

letters that make the same sound you hear at the
end of for. Then write the words.

1. Where would you

go to explore? explore

2. Would you go north? north

3. Would you go to
to the shore? shore

4. Would you find a fort

or a hut? fort or

5. What more could

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you look for? more for

6. Would you get

on board a ship and
sail to a port? board port

B. Write a new sentence with a word from above.

7. Responses will vary.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 235

High-Frequency Words

began better guess learn right sure

Choose a word from the box that completes the

sentence. Write the word in the puzzle.
1 6
s u r e b
g u e s s

a t
l e a r n t
r i g h t

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Across Down
1. I am I will do well 5. The game ended
on the test. when it to rain.
2. Who can the 6. Mom is a singer
number of marbles than Dad.
in the jar?
3. We a lot at school!
4. I know the way
to ride a bike.

236 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3


idea: a thought or picture in your mind

unusual: something that is not seen a lot

Write a sentence that uses the words idea or

unusual to tell about each picture.
Possible responses are given.

Al has an idea about a race.

That house is unusual!

I saw unusual things today.
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Lin has a new idea for a game.

She has an unusual hat.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 237

Comprehension: Problem and Solution Chart

Fill in the Problem and Solution Chart. Use words

from the story.


Steps to Solution

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238 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Good Ideas

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

KK found ways to change the cuff. Anyone can invent! You can make
Then it worked even better. KK’s idea something better and new. Ben
was a hit! Soon lots of people had her Franklin invented glasses and a stove.
cuff. KK’s cuff solved a real problem. But even kids can invent. Here is a
true story.
4 1
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240 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3
KK liked to play outside. She liked KK had a good idea. She made a cuff
to be outside even more in winter. out of fleece. It was supposed to protect
She liked to play and explore. But her from the snow. She wore it but it did
her hands got so cold in the snow. not work well. The snow still got in.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Problem and Solution

A. Reread “Good Ideas.” Then write problem or

solution next to each sentence.

1. KK’s hands get

cold in the winter. problem

2. KK made a cuff
out of fleece. solution

3. Snow still got

in the cuff. problem

4. KK made a better cuff. solution

5. People wore the cuffs.

They were warm
outside in winter. solution
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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay

attention to intonation. Stop after one minute. Fill out
the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 241

Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes

A. Add the prefix re- or un- to the word to make a new

word. Write the word on the line.

1. happy unhappy 2. send resend

3. sure unsure 4. build rebuild

B. Write a sentence for each word you wrote above.

Responses for #5–8 will vary but should correctly use

5. the words “unhappy,” “resend,” “unsure” and “rebuild”.


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242 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Phonics: /ôr/ or, ore, oar

Use the letters in the box to make words that have

the same sound you hear at the end of for. Then
write a sentence using one of the words you made.

f m r st sh s

1. r oar s oar

Possible response: I see the bird soar.

2. m ore st ore

sh ore s ore
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Possible response: Mom went to the store.

3. f or st/f orm s/sh/fort

Possible response: I made a fort.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 243

Structural Analysis: Abbreviations

A. Write the word that each abbreviation stands for.

1. Mon. 2. Feb.

Monday February
3. Aug. 4. Wed.

August Wednesday

5. Thurs. 6. Mar.

Thursday March
7. Nov. 8. Oct.

November October

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B. Write the days of the week that you go to school.
Use abbreviations.

Mon. Tues. Wed.

Thurs. Fri.

244 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Literary Element: Alliteration

A. Read each sentence out loud. Circle words that

begin with the same sound.

1. Bees buzz at the big brown bear.

2. Clang! Clatter! The cups crash and shatter.

3. The whooshing wind whistled and wheezed.

B. Write a silly sentence using each word. Include

three other words that start with the same sound.

4. cat Responses will vary.

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5. dig Responses will vary.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 245

Write About Reading: Plot: Problem and Solution

A. Reread “Good Ideas.” Think about how the

author used Problem and Solution. Write problem
or solution to complete the sentence.

1. On page 2, the author tells about a

problem KK has.

2. On page 3, the author tells us

about KK’s

solution .

B. Complete each sentence with

details from the story.

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1. KK’s problem is that

her hands get cold in the snow .

2. KK solved her problem by

inventing a cuff that kept snow out. .

246 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow

Write the word that completes the sentence.

1. I live in a house .

2. A king might wear a crown .

3. Your brow is just above

your eye.
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4. A gray mouse ran into

that hole!

5. The clown had a big smile.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 247

High-Frequency Words

Use words from the box to complete the story.

thought oh instead nothing color early

James had an odd dream.

In the dream he was the color of a pea.

He was green! Then he became smaller and smaller.

Oh , no!” he thought .

“Soon there will be nothing left of me.”

early Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Then James woke up. It was very .

He wanted to get up. But he fell back to sleep

instead .

248 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4


Write a story about a real or imaginary adventure.

Include the words scrambled and suddenly. Then
draw a picture to go with your story.

Responses will vary but should correctly use

“scrambled” and “suddenly.”

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 249

Comprehension: Problem and Solution Chart

Fill in the Problem and Solution Chart. Use words

from the story.


Steps to Solution

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250 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Dad’s Game

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Dad gave Howie more clues. Howie and Dad got on the bus. “I don’t
Howie listened hard and got them. like riding the bus,” said Howie. “It is
Then Dad said, “You can look now. so boring.” “It could be fun,” said Dad.
We are back at our brown house.”
“That was quick!’ Howie laughed.
4 1
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252 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4
“How can it be fun?” asked Howie. Howie listened. “Boys and girls are
“We can play a game,” Dad said. calling out!” he shouted. “Is it the
“Don’t look. Just listen. I can see town park?”
swings and a slide. What are we “Good guessing!” said Dad.
passing now?” “Let’s play again!” said Howie.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Problem and Solution

A. Reread “Dad’s Game.” Write

Howie’s problem in the story and
how it is solved.

1. Problem

Possible response: Howie does not like riding the bus.

2. Solution

Possible response: Dad tells Howie that they can play

a game.

B. How else might Howie have solved his problem?

3. Possible response: He could have read a book.

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C. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
Fill out the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 253

Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes

The suffix -or means a person who.

The suffix -ful means full of.
The suffix -less means without.

Read the sentence. Underline the word that has

a suffix. Use the meanings of the suffixes above
to help you figure out the meaning of each word.
Write the meaning on the line.

1. The puppy is playful. full of play

2. She is a good sailor. a person who sails

3. The glass of water is colorless. without color

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4. The broken rake is useless. without use

5. I am hopeful our team will win. full of hope

6. We have a visitor today. a person who visits

254 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow

Read each clue. Find the answer in the box.

Write the word.

ground proud towel flower cloudy town

1. This kind of day is not sunny. cloudy

2. You feel this when you do a good job on something.


3. You use this to dry your hands. towel

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4. This is a place where people live. town

5. This is where you plant things. ground

6. A rose is one kind of this. flower

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 255

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings -er, -est

A. Complete the sentence to make a comparison. Use

a word from the box and add the ending -er or -est.

fast old neat high bright short

1. Gram is sixty. She is older than me.

2. Sam’s desk is the neatest desk in the


3. I can not reach the highest shelf.

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4. Pam is two inches than Sam.

5. The sun is brighter than the moon.

B. Write your own sentence to compare two or

more things.

6. Responses will vary.

256 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4
Text Feature: Directions

A. Write two things that you need to make what is

shown in each picture. Possible responses provided.

1. bread and jam

2. brushes and paints

3. sticks and snow

B. Write directions that tell how to make toast.

Make sure the steps are in the right order.
Possible responses provided.

Get two slices of bread.

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Put the bread in the toaster.


Turn the toaster on.


7. Take out the toast when the bread gets brown.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 257

Write About Reading: Plot: Problem and Solution

Reread “Dad’s Game.” Think about how the author

used Problem and Solution. Use the words and
pictures to complete the sentences.

1. The author tells about a

problem Howie has.

2. His problem is

he does not like to ride the bus .

3. Then the author tells us about Dad’s

solution .

4. His solution is Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

to play a guessing game .

5. Why does Dad’s solution work?

Howie had fun so the ride wasn’t boring .

258 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4
Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy

Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

Write the word on the line.

1. A boy grows into a man.

buy boy bow

2. A penny is a coin .
coin corn cone

3. A train can make a loud noise .

nice nose noise

4. What is your choice for lunch?

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choice chop chase

5. The water will boil soon.

ball boil bowl

6. I enjoy playing games.

enjoy ending empty
Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 259
High-Frequency Words

Write the word that completes each sentence.

above build fall knew money toward

1. Joy and Billy are walking toward the

school bus.

2. How much money is in the piggy bank?

3. Dad will build us a new a shed.

4. The rain is going to fall .

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5. Mom knew how to fix the broken bike.

6. The stars above us look so bright.

260 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5


Write a real or made-up story about a family that builds

something together. Include the words in the box in
your story. Then draw a picture to go with your story.

balance: A thing can balance if it can stay in one place.

section: A section is a small part of something bigger.

Responses will vary but should correctly use

“balance” and “section.”

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 261

Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart

Fill in the Cause and Effect Chart. Use words from

the story.

Cause Effect

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262 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

How to Build

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

a Snowman
You can use stones or coins to make Look outside! Do you see wet,
a face. Then, stick in branches for heavy snow fall from above? It’s
arms. How about a pointy nose? a good day to build a snowman!
Add a hat and a smile. Now, you Here’s how to make a great one!
have a snowman! Enjoy!
4 1
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264 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5
First, roll some snow in a ball. What do you do with smaller ball?
It should be very big and round. Hoist it up! Now it’s on top of the
Next, roll another ball of snow. first one. This will be the body.
This one should be smaller. Next, make a third ball of snow for
the head. This will be smaller.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Cause and Effect

A. Reread “How to Build a Snowman.” Write a cause

for each effect. Write an effect for each cause.

1. CAUSE: Wet, heavy snow falls from above.

EFFECT: It’s a good day to build a snowman.

Hoist the smaller snow ball on top of the

2. CAUSE: bigger one.
EFFECT: The snowman has a body.

3. CAUSE: Use some stones or coins.

EFFECT: The snowman has a face.

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4. CAUSE: Stick in branches.

EFFECT: The snowman has arms.

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute
Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 265

Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings

Read each word. Underline the ending. Write the

root word. Then write a sentence using the word
with the ending.

1. building build

Responses should correctly use “building.”

2. packed pack

Responses should correctly use “packed.”

3. started start

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Responses should correctly use “started.”

4. pointing point

Responses should correctly use “pointing.”

266 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy

Read each question. Circle the word that has the same
sound you hear at the end of joy. Then write an answer
to the question using the word.

1. Can you ride a horse like a cowboy?

Responses will vary, but should include “cowboy.”

2. Would you like to join a soccer team?

Responses will vary, but should include “join.”

3. Do you have a good singing voice?

Responses will vary, but should include “voice.”

4. What was your favorite toy?

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Responses will vary, but should include “toy.”

5. What do you think is noisy?

Responses will vary, but should include “noisy.”

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 267

Structural Analysis: Final Stable Syllables

A. Read the word. Write each syllable. Remember

that the consonant + le spelling at the end of a
word stays together in the same syllable.

1. handle han dle

2. bottle bot tle

3. turtle tur tle

4. crumble crum ble

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5. title ti tle

6. simple sim ple

B. Read the words. Circle words that end with the

consonant + le spelling.
7. mule cradle cell candle
8. table less apple feel

268 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Text Feature: Captions

Write a caption for each picture.

Possible responses provided.

1. This is a big bridge.


2. The house is not finished.


3. He is building the roof.

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4. This can help people build

4. things.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 269

Write About Reading: Plot: Cause and Effect

Reread “How to Build a Snowman.” Think about

how the author uses cause and effect to explain
the information.
1. To make a snowman, the snow needs to be

heavy and wet.

2. What does the author say causes the snow to get big

and round? Rolling it.

3. What is the effect of hoisting the smaller ball on top?

The snowman has a body.

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4. What is the effect of using stones or coins?

Responses should indicate that stones or

coins will give your snowman a face.

270 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

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