CV JamesWark 2010-11-10 Long Version Signed

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James Binning Wark

Curriculum Vitae
Year of birth: 1967
Nationality: British
Education/professional 1987 - BEng 1 Class Honours in Civil Engineering, University of Glasgow
achievements: 1987 - Graduate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
1993 - Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Hydraulics, University of Glasgow
1996 – 1997 Honorary Lecturer, Dept Civil Engineering, The University of Glasgow
2007 - Member of PIANC
2008 - Honorary Lecturer, School of the Built Environment, Heriot Watt University

Relevant Experience/Key Qualifications

Specialist technical knowledge of civil engineering hydraulics including rivers, coasts and estuaries, pipelines and
structures. Experience as project manager of major modelling projects responsible for co-ordinating multi-
disciplinary teams of staff and sub contractors. Managing budgets and co-ordinating staff inputs and managing sub
contractors or sub consultants. Software development and support for 1D river modelling, 2D and 3D water quality
modelling and surge analysis software. Specification, supervision and interpretation of physical modelling for
marine projects including rock armour for breakwaters and revetments, caisson breakwaters and wave loading.
Hydraulic design of seawater intake and discharge systems.

Experience Record
2005 Wark Consulting
Independent Consultant specialising in River, Coastal, Maritime and Water Engineering – particularly
computational modelling, Hydraulic ,Water Quality and Wave Modelling and Pipeline Hydraulics and Transient
Analysis. Clients include: Scott Wilson, Jacobs Babtie, Metoc, Clydeside Surveys, Grontmij (Carl Bro),
EnviroCentre, Moffatt and Nichol, EdenvaleYoung, The University of Glasgow, WA Fairhurst. ABPmer, Biwater
Farrer, BHR Group, Mouchel.

2004-2005 Scott Wilson

Principal Engineer responsible for project management and staff supervision on a range of river, coastal and
ports related engineering projects.

2001-2004 Jacobs Babtie

Principal Engineer responsible for project management and staff supervision on a range of environmental
modelling projects. Also carries responsibilities for software development and support related to 1D river
modelling, 2D and 3D water quality modelling and surge analysis software.

1999-2001 Barclays Capital

Support analyst responsible for the development and support of a Global Credit Risk System for Treasury
Product Derivatives, used by up to 400 users located in 12 offices worldwide. This involved software
development, client liaison, drafting of specifications and team management to meet project aims.

1994-1999 Babtie Group (Babtie Shaw and Morton)

Principal Engineer responsible for project management and staff supervision with software development and
support responsibilities for 1D river modelling, 2D and 3D water quality modelling and surge analysis software.
Duties include managing projects and budgets; co-ordination of staff inputs sub-contractors and sub-consultants;
Provision of specialist advice on environmental legislation, river and coastal flooding and modelling, Pipeline
surge analysis in pumping mains and hydroelectric schemes; Representation of clients at planning enquiries and
public meetings and the outline design and costing of river and coastal flood defence schemes.

1990-1994 HR Wallingford
Engineer involved in a variety of consulting and research projects related to river and coastal engineering. This
involved extensive research on the conveyance capacities of river channels; Flood impact studies using physical
and numerical models; Physical model studies of head loss through structures; Investigation of sea bed mobility
under, waves, currents and tides. The design and verification of a sea wall and beach replenishment scheme at

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James Binning Wark
Coastal & Port Engineering / Sediment Transport Modelling
Loch Boisdale, Scotland, July 2010
Specialist modelling engineer working as a sub consultant to Fairhurst. This project for HIE is to evaluate a
number of proposals for development of the harbour at Lochboisdale, South Uist. HIE are considering funding a
number of development oiptions and the study is being carried out to evaluate the technical and commercial
viability. Specific responsibilities involve: Derivation of return period wind and wave conditions for use in design
of harbour structures, Mike 21 spectral wave modelling and Mike 21 Bousinesq Wave modelling.

Holyhead Harbour Dredging Impact Modelling April 2010 – June 2010, Anglesey, North Wales
Sub consultant carrying out Mike21 marine modelling as part of an EIA being carried out by Mouchel. The
project is looking at the impacts due to dredging related to a proposed expansion to an existing berth within the
Harbour. The areas of concern are shellfish beds within the Harbour. The overall project involves the extension
of an existing trestle jetty and extending the dredged mooring area to allow two bulk carriers access
simultaneously. Marine modelling and reporting using the Mike21 Particle Tracking Module was carried out
based on a new build Mike21 FM hydrodynamic model that was verified against available hydrodynamic data.

Dunbar Harbour, Scotland, Jan - April 2010

Specialist modelling engineer and reviewer (working with Envirocentre & Beckett Rankine). Role involves:
Preparing Overall Wave Modelling Methodology to investigate resonance problems with Dunbar Harbour and to
provide Design Wave Heights for the outline design of a proposed breakwater, Return period analysis of offshore
wind and wave data. Mike 21 SW modelling to transform waves to the inshore area around the harbour,
Boussinesq modelling to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed alterations to the Harbour in reducing seitching
within the outer (Victoria) Harbour, Fast Fourier Analysis of model results to evaluate the effectiveness of 5
proposed options for improving the wave climate within the harbour, Reporting.

Dahbol LNG Terminal Breakwater Project, India, Dec 2009

Continuing role with Scott Wilson as back up marine consultant. Project is concerned with completion of a
2.1km long rock breakwater at RGPPL LNG terminal 300km south of Mumbai. Further set of tender meetings
with contractors planed, input to assist with preparation of independent cost estimate and preparation of tender
review report and ongoing advice during contract negotiations.

Costa Azul Breakwater, Baja California, Mexico, January and July 2009
January 2009 3 weeks onsite - diver inspection of Core-Loc Armour Units used as scour protection around the
base of 640m long by 50m wide caisson breakwater. This breakwater in over 25m depth of water is exposed to
the full force of the pacific ocean wave conditions and has been designed to withstand a storm with a return
period of 1in 1000 years. Working with and directing a commercial dive team of 7 including a dive supervisor
and six divers James reviewed the as built condition of the Core-Loc pack and developed a realistic and practical
programme of minor remedials to ensure that the scour protection performed as required. Follow up 4 week
visit July 2009 to work with large construction team (> 40operatives + 15divers on two barges) carrying out
specified remedials.

Khalifa Port Industrial Zone (KPIZ), Abu Dhabi, Scott Wilson, 2007 – 2010.
Specialist Hydraulic Engineer. Outline head-loss calculations for diffuser on proposed seawater outfall. Review
of environmental impact assessments provided by client. Detailed hydraulic design of diffuser, outfall and
header structure, Specification of physical modelling for header structure. Detailed hydraulic design and surge
analysis of three seawater cooling circulation systems composed of large diameter GRP pipelines, 1.7m, 1.9m
and 2.6mID. Max flow 36.5m3/s, total length approximately 36km. Use of four quadrant pump data and
identification of appropriate control philosophy and air valves to mitigate surge. Ongoing involvement 2009
design of large capacity spillway and review of contractor analysis and design documentation. 2010 – Physical
modelling of outfall header structure to ensure satisfactory operation of outfalls and spillway.

River Tyne Dock Sedimentation Modelling 2008

Marine Modelling Specialist. Provision of modelling advice and mentoring to graduate engineer. EnviroCentre
are working for contractor carrying out dredging works for installation of submerged tube tunnel under the River
Tyne at Newcastle. The dredged material will be used to reclaim an old dock. Mike 21 modelling was carried
out to evaluate the rate and patterns of infill and the likely loss of suspended material across the dock gate
during the infilling process.

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James Binning Wark
Dahbol LNG Terminal Breakwater Project, India, 2008
Continuing role with Scott Wilson as back up marine consultant. Project is concerned with completion of a
2.1km long rock breakwater at RGPPL LNG terminal 300km south of Mumbai. Took part in tender meetings with
three contractors, preparation of tender review report and ongoing advice during contract negotiations.

DAS Island, Arabian Gulf – Scott Wilson, 2007 - 2008

Mike 21 FM Hydrodynamic modelling of Arabian Gulf, around DAS Island. Aim was to predict likely changes in
current patterns due to proposed breakwaters and other coastal structures on DAS Island for petrochemical

Moray Firth 2007

Support to EnviroCentre for hydrodynamic and wave modelling of the Moray Firth using MIKE 21 Flexible Mesh

Benbecula Airport Coastal Review, Scotland – EnviroCentre (Pick Everard) 2007

Specialist coastal engineer and modelling supervisor. Main aim of this beach erosion study was to evaluate the
risks to airport infrastructure on Benbecula due to ongoing beach and dune erosion. Project duties involved: site
visit, review of coastal and environmental data, estimation of offshore extreme wave heights, off-shore to in-
shore wave transformation modelling, wave run up and over topping calculations, estimation of erosion rates,
identification of options and reporting of findings.

Cushendall Marina, Northern Ireland, 2007

Project reviewer for coastal design work to support a planning application for Cushendall Marina. The work
included: estimation of offshore extreme wave heights; wave transformation modelling to provide inshore
extreme wave heights; harbour disturbance modelling; design of a typical breakwater section based on a rubble
mound breakwater with rock armour or Xbloc armour units. Appropriate gradings were derived for the armour
under layers and filter layers. An alternative design based on the use of a geo-textile filter was also provided.

Rosneath Marina, Firth of Clyde, 2007

Coastal engineering inputs to a Flood Risk Assessment for a proposed mixed leisure / marina development at
Rosneath, Gareloch. Specific duties included return period wave height estimation, wave overtopping
calculations and drafting of text for flood risk assessment report.

Corimba Coastal Reclamation Project, Angola, 2007 - 2008

This project involves a large area of coastal reclamation, south of Luanda in Angola. An area approximately
15km long by 1km to 2km wide is to be reclaimed. Drainage channels are to be constructed through the
development to carry drainage from the high plateau area above the coastal plain through the development.
The coastal defence strategy and drainage strategies were interdependent due to these large drainage channels
discharging to the sea across the reclamation area. The existing Samba Lagoon is to be incorporated into the
project and this gave rise to issues related to the dynamic stability of the lagoon and also water quality issues
related to the discharge of drainage from surrounding informal developments.

As lead coastal engineer James was responsible for liasing with a range of specialists carrying out wave
modelling, LITPAC coastal evolution modelling and revetment design to develop and report the range of studies
resulting in the integrated coastal defence strategy for the project. A significant period was spent working closely
with the drainage design team to ensure that the 1D river modelling carried out was accurate and appropriate.
James also carried out specialist modelling of the Samba Lagoon drainage channel and considered the
sediment transport / tidal stability of the Lagoon entrance both before and after the project.

Costa Azul Tug Harbour, Baja California, Mexico, 2007

Design services to Costain / China Harbour JV for outline design of concrete caisson breakwater in shallow
water for the proposed tug harbour. Specific duties include: wave loading and stability calculations for proposed
caisson alternative design, with particular emphasis on wave breaking impact loads and preparation of physical
modelling specification.

Viana - Tank Farm and Oil Terminal, Luanda Bay, Angola, 2006
Assisted Scott Wilson Ports to draft project concept report. This involved reviewing and collating met ocean,
hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling. Summarising choice of location for Oil Terminal Jetty, Review
and choice of Design Vessels and outline design of Jetty Berths, liaison with Oil Tanker captain on navigation

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James Binning Wark

The Wave Muscat, Peer Review, Oman, 2006

Lead reviewer of all marine aspects of the Wave Muscat property development. The wave involves large scale
reclamation and construction of five hotels, a leisure marina, dwellings for 20,000 people and a golf course on a
green field coastal site close to the capital of Oman. A 2km rubble mound breakwater is necessary to provide
the appropriate conditions within the marina and limit flooding due to wave overtopping. Responsibilities
included reviewing coastal modelling reports and design calculations for the breakwater, quay walls and
revetments and commenting on the assumed design criteria to assure the client that the design proposed is
sufficient for the conditions, without being overly conservative.

Dahbol LNG Terminal Breakwater Project, India, 2006 - 2007

Assistant Project Manager and specialist hydraulic modelling engineer, with Scott Wilson. Scott Wilson
appointment as back up consultants to Engineers India Limited, for 2.1km long rock breakwater at LNG terminal
approximately 300km south of Mumbai. Tasks involve in country liaison with EIL, project management, liaison
with HR Wallingford on wave modelling, mooring analysis and ship navigation studies. Provision of independent
cost estimates and specialist advice on completion of the design and construction of partially complete
breakwater and ship operations with the partially completed breakwater.

Costa Azul Breakwater, Baja California, Mexico, 2005 - 2007

Coastal Engineering Team Leader and specialist hydraulic modelling engineer. Design services to Costain /
China Harbour JV for detailed design of 650m long and 25m high composite rock mound / concrete caisson
breakwater. Specific duties include supervision and management of detailed physical hydraulic modelling
studies and design of scour protection.

Colombo Port, Sri Lanka, 2004

Specialist modelling engineer on Colombo South Harbour development project, involving over 20 million m3 of
dredging and reclamation for new container facilities. Specific responsibilities to review and supervise modelling
work carried out to assess: waves, currents, sediment transport and siltation and water quality issues. Also
involved in design assessments of rock armour for the proposed breakwater.

Greater Gabbard Met Mast 2004

Engineer responsible for wave and current loading calculations for a large mono-pile foundation at tender stage.
The detailed design stage involved scour assessments and outline design of rock scour protection as well.

Project Manager for East Lothian Shoreline Management Plan.

Hayle Harbour 2D Hydrodynamic, Wave and Sediment Transport Modelling Project, Mike 21 and SWAN

Upper forth Crossing at Kincardine, 2D and 3D Sediment Transport Modelling to investigate likely impacts of a
new road crossing.

A92 Montrose Bridge, Provision of Specialist Reviewer input for 2D sediment transport modelling to independent
design review.

Alness Retail Park. Modelling of River Deveron and Evaluation and outline design of river and coastal flood
defence embankments.

South Coast Seabed Mobility Study - Author of final report for the south coast sea bed mobility study.

Preston Parade Sea Defences

1-D numerical modelling of long term beachplan evolution for coastal defence scheme at Weymouth.
Constructed, ran and interpreted a 3-D physical model of beach and groyne for coastal defence scheme at

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James Binning Wark
Marine and Water Quality Modelling
Holyhead Harbour Dredging Impact Modelling April 2010 – June 2010, Anglesey, North Wales
Sub consultant carrying out Mike21 marine modelling as part of an EIA being carried out by Mouchel. The
project is looking at the impacts due to dredging related to a proposed expansion to an existing berth within the
Harbour. The areas of concern are shellfish beds within the Harbour. The overall project involves the extension
of an existing trestle jetty and extending the dredged mooring area to allow two bulk carriers access
simultaneously. Marine modelling and reporting using the Mike21 Particle Tracking Module was carried out
based on a new build Mike21 FM hydrodynamic model that was verified against available hydrodynamic data.

South Queensferry WwTW Outfall Relocation, 2009

Specialist input to wastewater relocation project due to the proposed second crossing of the Firth of Forth. In
order to avoid delay to the project it is necessary to move an existing outfall by approximately 200m. Inputs
include advice on water quality standards, initial dilution calculations desktop secondary dispersion calculations
and detailed Mike21 marine modelling of bacterial impacts to calculate the change in bathing water compliance
rates at a nearby water sports facility.

2007 Loch Ryan Shellfish Waters Improvement Scheme, Initial dilution calculations, Outline identification of
outfall locations, Specification of marine surveys, Mike 21 modelling of Coliform concentrations, Reporting.

2007 Tees Exploratory Well Drill Cuttings Impact Modelling. Particle tracking impact modelling using Mike 21 to
determine the impact of drill cuttings on the sea bed around a proposed oil well in the southern North Sea.

2004 – 2005 RAF Kinloss Outfall project initial dilution and secondary dispersion calculations and specialist
advice on water quality issues.

Modelling Manager for ISP Alginates Outfall Project, Involved 3D marine water quality modelling of industrial
discharge to the receiving waters south of Girvan. Major concerns involved carbon impacts to the bethic
communities and a BenOss model was built.

Modelling Manager for Millport Sewerage Scheme, application of Box Modelling technique to investigate likely
bathing water impacts of septic tanks and CSO's.

Ayrshire Coast Marine Modelling, 3D Water Quality Modelling for Bathing Water and UWWTD issues, Integrated
modelling exercising involving the co-ordination and management of six other consultants inputs from Urban
Drainage and River Impact Studies.

Dunoon Marine Modelling Project, 3D Water Quality Modelling for Bathing Water and UWWTD issues
Edinburgh Coastal Study, 2D Water Quality Modelling for Bathing Water and UWWTD issues on the Firth of
Forth from Edinburgh to Dunbar.

Aberdeen Wastewater Project: 2D Water Quality Modelling for Urban Pollution Management.

Tay Wastewater Project: 2D Water Quality Modelling for Urban Pollution Management.

Irvine Bay Comprehensive Studies, 3D Water Quality Modelling for Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive.

Hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of Inverclyde area of Clyde estuary, 2-D and 3-D.

Hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of the impact of a CSO at Newton in Ayr. 3D water quality modelling.

Hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of the impact of a CSO at Dalmuir on the River Clyde. 3D water
quality modelling.

Hydrodynamic modelling of the Firth of Clyde for flood warning due to tides and surge, 2D.

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James Binning Wark
River Engineering / Flood Risk
Specialist reviewer / auditor of 1D HEC RAS modelling of drainage channels and hydraulic design for Corimba
Coastal development, Angola. Proposed coastal development intercepts existing drainage channels from
plateau. Concrete lined channels required to carry storm flows through development for discharge to new
coastal margin.
Advisor to Residents Association, Annan Drive Bearsden Glasgow regarding proposals to develop a site close to
their properties. Advice provided within the framework of SPP07 planning and flooding to assist residents put
their views to Council and SEPA.
River Irvine and Kilmarnock Water Flood Study. Specialist river modeller and software development.
Kilmarnock Flood Alleviation Scheme, Specialist river modeller.
Upper Irvine Hydrological Study. Specialist river modeller and software development.
Two Bridges Industrial Estate, Flood Defence Project, River Beale. ISIS modelling to determine flood risk and
Management of river modelling and flooding studies, including the use of FLOODTIDE, ISIS, Mike11 and Micro-
1-D hydrodynamic model study of the effect of replacing an existing road bridge over the River Leam at Marton,
Flood studies of the River Severn at Gloucester, 1-D hydrodynamic.
Member of a team carrying out a review of modelling work carried out on The River Thames, Teddington to
Member of team providing advice to Thames Region, NRA on the conduct of section 105 surveys.
Principal author of design manual for the hydraulics of straight and meandering compound channels.
Research for inclusion in a design manual, meandering channels
Research to lay down guidelines for flood discharge assessment at gauging sites.
Flood study of Bromham Brook area, Bedfordshire, 1-D hydrodynamic modelling.
Research to identify efficient methods of computing steady flow in looped river systems.
A 3-D physical model study to determine the capacity of Sutton Bingham dam spillway.
Project manager for the River Blackwater physical model study.
Bridge afflux calculations for The River Usk at Llanellen, 1-D hydrodynamic modelling.
Research for inclusion on a design manual, straight compound channels.
Flood study of The River Thames at Wallingford, 1-D hydrodynamic modelling.
Research Student, in the Department of Civil Engineering, researching the hydraulics of straight and meandering
compound channels.

Surge Analysis, Pipeline Engineering and Hydraulic Structures

Scottish Water, Gorbals to Neilston Treated Water Pipeline October 2010.
Hydraulic and surge analysis of proposed new treated water pumping main on the Isle of Skye. Project included
provision of advice on suitable control philosophy for variable speed pumps and evaluation of surge control
measures, air transport capacity, type and number of air valves required, and the evaluation of check valve

Scottish Water Loch Maree Raw Water Main – August 2010

Hydraulic and surge analysis of proposed new raw water pumping main in the Highlands. Project included
provision of advice on suitable control philosophy for variable speed pumps and evaluation of surge control
measures, air transport capacity, type and number of air valves required and the evaluation of check valve

Scottish Water Tarskavaig New Treated Water Pumping Main July – October 2010.
Hydraulic and surge analysis of proposed new treated water pumping main on the Isle of Skye. Project included
provision of advice on suitable control philosophy for variable speed pumps and evaluation of surge control
measures, air transport capacity, type and number of air valves required and the evaluation of check valve

Scottish Water Camlachie Burn Hydraulic and Ventilation Review for inverted siphon culvert– Aug -Sept 2010.
Hydraulic review and evaluation of air ventilation requirements so that a new culvert stream diversion operates
effectively. The culvert includes a twin bore inverted siphon, which interrupts air flow along the culvert. Specialist
input as a sub-consultant to the study confirmed the size of air vents required to avoid trapped air causing
hydraulic issues.

Scottish Water Riverside WwTW Pipeline Surge Reviews - August 2010

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James Binning Wark
Outline hydraulic review and surge analysis of two short pumping mains being built as part of an upgrade of an
existing WwTW in east end of Glasgow. Project also included evaluation of surge control measures, air
transport capacity, type and number of air valves required and the evaluation of check valve dynamics.

Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton, August 2010

Peer Review of Hydraulic and Surge Analysis of proposed replacement foul sewage pumping station and rising
main being constructed as part of the Single Living Accommodation Modernisation (SLAM) scheme at Brize
Norton . The pipe is OD180 SDR17 PE100 (ID158mm), 740m in length, static lift about 9m. The nominal design
flow is 20l/s. The proposed pumps are variable speed and intended to operate duty/standby.

Scottish Water Garve Main Out Surge Analysis, July 2010

Hydraulic and surge analysis of proposed new treated water pumping main in the Highlands. Project included
provision of advice on suitable control philosophy for variable speed pumps and evaluation of surge control
measures, air transport capacity, type and number of air valves required and the evaluation of check valve

Scottish Water Gorbals to Dodside Treated Water Pumping Main Surge Analysis, July 2010
Hydraulic and surge analysis of proposed new treated water pumping main on the south side of Glasgow.
Project included provision of advice on suitable control philosophy for variable speed pumps and evaluation of
surge control measures, air transport capacity, type and number of air valves required and the evaluation of
check valve dynamics.

Northern Ireland Water, Cloughfin Outfall Project, June 2010

Outline Initial Dilution Calculations and diffuser sizing for use in a Contractors proposal for design and build

Scottish Water Bowmore Distillery Outfall Hydraulics Review June 2010. Confirm hydraulic head losses and
duty points for a proposed effluent outfall at Bowmore Distillery,Islay. Involves pumping to high point and
gravitating to sea – hydraulic control moves depending on flow.

London, Design Review of Cascade and alternative Vortex Drop shaft for a sewer CSO, March 2010.
For specialist hydraulic laboratory input provided to review client design of a cascade drop structure and list the
pros/cons of the alternative vortex type structure. Outline sizing of alternative based on maximum flow rate.

Scottish Water Borders Main out Project January 2010

Design review and outline surge analysis of 4 small potable water main connection pipes. Flows vary between
3l/s and 10l/s. Polyethylene pipelines vary in length between 5km and 10k pipes with rises up to 100m on
undulating profiles.

Khalifa Port Industrial Zone (KPIZ) Seawater Cooling Systems, Abu Dhabi. 2009 – April 2010
Final Phase of long running project. Carried out surge analysis of outfall and header structure. Prepared and
updated a functional specification for physical modelling of the outfall header structure to investigate the
possibility of vortex formation. Managed the tender process to appoint physical modelling contractor and
assisted with the contract supervision. Primary Design Engineer and responsible for designer oversight /
witnessing of physical model tests. Modelling showed that outfall inlets perform adequately with no vortex
formation and no modifications to the design are required within the collector chamber. However modelling of
the spillway identified that it would be wise to raise the final counter weir by 0.5m to minimise the possibility of
scour at the end of the sloping apron.

Gatwick North Foul Sewer System 2009

Peer Reviewer for surge analysis of proposed up-rating pumps in two pumping stations (PS3 and PS7) serving
Gatwick North Terminal. Twin rising mains deliver about 2.1km long. The mains are a mix of Asbestos Cement
and Ductile Iron pipes from 100 to 200mm diameter and are cross connected at two points. The principal area of
concern is the vulnerability of the old 150mm Class 15 (7.5bar working pressure) AC pipework to increased
operating pressures, principally surge pressures, which may arise from the proposed changes. The analysis
recommended the following control measures: Replace the missing air valve on the DN200 main upstream of the
tunnel; Fit standard vented non-return valves to all air valves (6 no including the replacement); Use variable
speed pumps on the proposed pumps to ramp-up/ramp down over 15 seconds; allow a delay of at least 90
seconds following duty stop to ensure as far as possible that air is exhausted from the system before restart.

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James Binning Wark
Poundburn to Annahilt WwTW Pumping Main Hydraulic Analysis 2009
Peer Reviewer for surge analysis of the proposed Poundburn to Annahilt pumping main. The pipe is OD110
SDR17 PE100, 1.32km in length and design flow is 8.0l/s. Pumps are assumed to operate duty/standby. The
issues considered were priming performance of the main, air transport capacity and the need for air valves and
surge pressures generated by transient events, review of the proposed check valve on the pumps.

Annahilt WwTW Outfall Pumping Main Hydraulic Analysis 2009

Peer Reviewer for surge analysis of proposed treated sewage pumping main in Northern Ireland composed of
OD125 / OD160 SDR17 PE100, 1.96km in length and the design flow is 15l/s. Main issued considered were
priming performance of the main, air transport capacity and the need for air valves and surge pressures
generated by transient events.

Feeny WwTW Final Effluent Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis 2009

Peer Reviewer for surge analysis carried out on the proposed Feeny WwTW final effluent pumping main,
Northern Ireland. The pipe is OD125 SDR17 PE100, 1.05km in length and the design flow is 7.6l/s (2035 design
horizon). Static lift is about 25m. Pumps are fixed speed and assumed to operate duty/standby. The issues
considered were priming performance of the main, air transport capacity and the need for air valves and surge
pressures generated by transient events. The pumping main discharges into a new PVC gravity sewer OD160 /
ID152mm and further review of the priming and full bore operation of this pipe was also carried out.

Lisbarnet to Ringneill Pumping Main Hydraulic Analysis 2009

Peer Reviewer for surge analysis carried out on the proposed Lisbarnet to Ringneill pumping main, Northern
Ireland. The pipe is OD110 SDR17 PE100, 1.96km in length and 2030 design flow is 4.8l/s (current design flow
3.1l/s). Pumps are assumed to operate duty/standby. The issues considered were priming performance of the
main, air transport capacity and the need for air valves and surge pressures generated by transient events,
review of the proposed check valve on the pumps.

Portavogie to Balyhalbert Pumping Main Hydraulic Analysis 2009

Peer Reviewer for a surge analysis of the proposed 7.13km foul sewage transfer main from Portavogie to
Ballyhalbert WwTW, Northern Ireland. The pipe is OD315 SDR17 PE100 and the design flow is 53.5l/s (2035
design horizon). Static lift is about 20m. Pumps will be variable speed and assumed to operate duty/standby.
The initial design assumed 8No 10 bar rated AVK short-pattern double orifice sewage air valves. The issues
considered were priming performance of the main, air transport capacity and the need for air valves and surge
pressures generated by transient events, review of the proposed check valve on the pumps.

Khalifa Port Potable / Fire Water Network - Surge Analysis, Abu Dhabi 2008
Peer Reviewer for a surge analysis of the proposed potable / fire water network.
The system comprises a succession of four pumping stations each of which normally serves its own network
from its own service reservoir, and supplies water to the service reservoir of the next pumping station
downstream. Proposed fire demand is 500USGPM (32l/s) and is to be delivered on top of normal demands.
Minimum residual head is to be 15m under both normal and fire demand situations. The proposed pipe material
for the network is SDR17 PE100 (also referred to as High Density Polyethylene or HDPE. Within the pumping
stations the pipework is assumed to be DI (Ductile Iron). Surge alleviation measures identified by the analysis
include: pressure vessels with a preliminary air volume off 3cu.m and fire hydrant valve operating times greater
than 5 seconds. Alternatively the network could be operated at a higher residual pressure. Analysis indicates
that operation at 35m residual head would be sufficient to alleviate sub-atmospheric pressures from hydrant
operations. This would however mean a doubling of present proposed pump power.

Khalifa Port Industrial Zone (KPIZ) Seawater Cooling Systems, Abu Dhabi. 2008 – 2009
Hydraulic design and surge analysis of proposed seawater cooling systems. Three GRP pumping mains, 1.9m
(KPIZ intake), 1.7m and 2.6mID (KPIZ & EMAL Discharge). Three pumping stations with up to 7no pumps in
each. The intake system has two parallel mains1.9m diameter mains running approximately 4.5km from the
intake canal to the KPIZ and two duty/standby pumps. The KPIZ discharge system has two 1.7m dia mains
running 5km to the outfall header structure and th EMAL system has three 2.6m Diameter mains running 5km to
the outfall header structure. Maximum flow is 36.5m3/s. Use of four quadrant pump data and identification of
appropriate control philosophy and air valves to mitigate surge.

A series of different options have been considered for the header structure and outfalls ranging from a sing 4m
diameter GRP approximately 800m long outfall discharging through a 30 port Tee diffuser, three 3m diameter
GRP outfalls about 1800m long each discharging through 10 port inline diffusers and 11 1.5m diameter steel

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James Binning Wark
outfalls each discharging through 3 port diffusers. The last two options reduced the length of the discharge
pumping mains by 1000m and required the surge analysis to be repeated and that the header structure be

Tender Design Surge Analysis Howard Park Pumping Station 2008

Carried out detailed steady state and surge analysis of proposed deep well sewage pumping station discharging
to a 2km long pumping main. Project involved outline sizing of pressure vessel.

Hydraulic Review of Gailes Pumping Station and Outfalls 2007

Involved head loss estimation for complex diffusers fitted to the two Gailes outfalls. Combined sewage and
storm water discharges to Gailes pumping station have been increased as part of Scottish Water plan to reduce
spills to river Irvine and Ayrshire coast. Gailes pumping station was designed and commissioned in the mid to
late 1970’s and the review was required to confirm the capacity of the outfalls and pumping station and to
recommend appropriate measures to ensure that capacity is sufficient to meet current requirements.

Loch Ryan Shellfish Scheme - 2008

Review of proposed pumping main, provide advice on hydraulics and recommended positions of scour and air

Surge Review Badcaul WTW rising main. 2007

Desk top calculations and staff training. To review the requirement for detailed surge analysis on a small HPPE
rising Main.

Specialist Engineer responsible for surge analysis of High Wycombe STW Transfer Main: GRP and Ductile Iron
pipes. Analysis used to size appropriate pressure vessel at 14m3 with Static Air Volume of 10m3.
Specialist Engineer responsible for surge analysis of Roundhill Rising Mains, Heathbrook and Kinver St Pumping
Stations. Recommendations for Heathbrook include pressure vessel 13 m total volume, 5m3 air volume with air
valve at high point. and a smaller vessel at Kinver street 5/3 m volumes.

Specialist Engineer responsible for surge analysis of Barrasford to Hallington Pumping Main33” (625mm) 5.1km
Steel Pumping main built in 1939 to transfer water from river to reservoir. Unusual layout of pressure vessel
(15m3 with air volume of 7.5m3 was included in the system. Surge analysis carried out to evaluate the impact of
removing the pressure vessel on predicted pressures. Pressure vessel and air valve combination were found to
be critical in protection during emergency pump trip at max flow.

Specialist Engineer responsible for surge analysis at design stage of new build Carrick Fergus Rising Main,
Woodburn PS to Greenisland WwTW, 230mm 1400mm DI / HPPE pipeline .. Recommended use of HPPE
specification for pipeline and appropriate location of air valves.

Specialist Engineer responsible for surge analysis of Rede pipeline (Catcluegh Aquaduct), Northumbria (40km
long cast Iron pipeline). Very long and old cast iron gravity aqueduct with 54 air valves and 14 control valves.
Study to determine appropriate valve closure strategies for control of flow in system under a variety of scenarios,
including emergency shut down on pipe burst. Also carried out risk assessment to inform maintenance
programme and identify areas most at risk of pipe bursts.

Between 1994 and 1999 (Babtie Group / Jacobs Babtie) Project manager responsible for numerous surge
analyses for water industry pumping mains (>20), including analysis and sizing of pressure vessels and other
surge alleviation measures.

Grangemouth Long Sea Outfall Surge Analysis, involved modelling of active flow control valves.
Lussa HydroElectric Scheme, Evaluation of sediment erosion to turbines.
Rannoch Hydraulic Study, Pipeline Cast Iron with tunnel of 2 to 3m diameter, 10km long. Surge analysis of
Hydro Scheme to determine feasibility of removing pressure relief valve after turbine refurbishment. Modelling
included the effects of turbine characteristics and surge tower during load acceptance and load rejection events.

Surge analysis for several pumping systems in Rosyth dockyard.

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James Binning Wark
Four year appointment as an Honorary Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Glasgow,
1996 to 1999.

Appointed by Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Glasgow in October 2005 to deliver a complete
course of 20 lectures in civil engineering hydraulics to undergraduate class.

Three year appointment as Honorary Lecturer, Heriot Watt University, School of the Built Environment,
commenced August 2008 – August 2011.

Technical Papers and Reports

Principal author of Environment Agency (National Rivers Authority) design manual for compound channels.
Has published and presented over 6 papers at international conferences and journals.

A practical method of calculating velocity and discharge in compound channels. Intl Conf on river flood
hydraulics, 17-20 September 1990, Wallingford.
Applying a simple turbulence model to river flows, Presented at: Is Turbulence Modelling of any Use?, IAHR
Meeting Thursday 9 April, ICE Great George Street.
Conveyance estimation for meandering compound channels Part I. Development and Part II. Application and
Verification, submitted to the Proc of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Maritime and Energy Journal.
An application of a new procedure for estimating discharges in meandering overbank flows to field data, 2nd
International Conference on River Flood hydraulics, York, March 1994.
An Overview of the flood channel facility and related research programmes, MAFF Conference for River and
Coastal Engineers, Loughborough, July 1994.
Coastal flood warning and surge modelling for the Firth of Clyde, MAFF Conference for River and Coastal
Engineers, Keele, 1995.
The use of different conveyance calculations for modelling flows in a compact compound channel, J.CIWEM,
1997,11, October.

Published Reports
Chapter 5 of: The hydraulic design of straight compound channels, Report SR 281, HR Wallingford, October
Flood discharge assessment by the lateral distribution method, Report SR 277, HR Wallingford, December 1991.
Methods of calculating steady flow in looped open channel networks, Problem statement and literature review,
Report SR 279, HR Wallingford, December 1991.
Phase A&B Flood channel facility hydraulics manual, Inception Report, Report EX 2485, HR Wallingford,
November 1991.
Phase A&B Flood channel facility hydraulics manual, Interim Report, Report EX 2548, HR Wallingford, March
Assessment of flows in meandering compound channels, Final Report, Report EX 2606, HR Wallingford, August
Design of straight and meandering compound channels, Interim guidelines on hand calculation methodology,
NRA R&D Report 13, 1994.
Backwater and conveyance calculations for meandering compound channels, Report SR 388, HR Wallingford,
July 1994.
South coast sea bed mobility study technical report, Report EX 2827, HR Wallingford, November 1997.

James B Wark


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