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Fluid Mechanics II

Boundary layer theory - 2015/04/07

João C. C. Henriques //

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[1] Brederode, V., Fundamentals of incompressible aerodynamics, author’s
edition (in portuguese), 1997.
[2] André, J.M.C.S., Fluid Mechanics II - Notes on boundary layer theory (in
portuguese), 2014.
[3] White, F.M., Fluid Mechanics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
[4] Schlichting, H. Boundary-Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition, 1979.

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Section 1

Introduction to the boundary layer concept

Two-dimensional laminar boundary layer equations

Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

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Potential flow

Velocity field of a potential flow (no viscosity) aligned with a flat plate

Straight and parallel fluid element paths

Constant velocity profile U = Ue = const
Constant static pressure p = pe = const

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Viscous flow

Station A - Consider a uniform (inviscid) flow in front of a flat

plate at speed Ue

station B - When the flow ’hits’ the plate, the fluid element that touches the
plate has zero velocity
No slip condition at the wall Uw = 0
The fluid element above was not disturbed and maintains its velocity Ue

Station C - fluid element in contact with the wall has zero velocity
due to the viscosity, the shear stresses τ decrease the velocity of the fluid
elements above

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Viscous flow

Shear stresses between layers

τ=µ (1)
flow decelerates along y
The velocity close to the solid surface continuously decreases towards
A velocity gradient is set up in the fluid in a direction normal to flow

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Viscous flow

The boundary layer is defined as the region where the shear stresses are not
Boundary layer thickness ⇒ height δ such that U/Ue = 0.99
The boundary layer grows by diffusion of momentum
∂τ ∂2 u
=µ 2 (2)
∂y ∂y
Additional video:

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

The Navier-Stokes equations for two-dimensional steady laminar flow are given

Continuity equation (mass conservation)

∂u ∂v
+ =0 (3)
∂x ∂y

Conservation of momentum along x

∂2 u

∂u ∂u ∂p ∂ u
ρu + ρv =− +µ + (4)
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x 2 ∂y 2

Conservation of momentum along y

∂2 v

∂v ∂v ∂p ∂ v
ρu + ρv =− +µ + (5)
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x 2 ∂y 2

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Let us consider a flat plate of length L

The exterior velocity (outside the boundary layer) is Ue
The boundary layer thickness at the end of the plate is δ
The most important assumption in boundary layer theory

δL (6)

Most of the time we represent the boundary layer with a larger thickness
for the sake of clarity!

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Therefore, we have the following orders of magnitude (O)

O [x] = L (7)

O [y ] = δ (8)

O [u] = Ue (9)

O [v ] = V (10)

We already know the relation between the δ and L, Eq. (6)

If we analyse the orders of magnitude of each term of the continuity equation

we can can determine the relation between the orders of magnitude of the
velocities Ue and V
O =? (11)

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Let us define the following dimensionless variables with unitary order of

u x
ũ = ⇒ O [ũ] = 1, x̃ = ⇒ O [x̃] = 1
Ue L
v y
ṽ = ⇒ O [ṽ ] = 1, ỹ = ⇒ O [ỹ ] = 1
V δ
The order of magnitude of the first-order derivatives are given by
∂u Ue Ue Ue ∂ũ Ue Ue
=  x  = ∼O O [1] = O
∂x L ∂ L ∂x̃ L L
  ∂ v
∂v V V ∂ṽ V V
= V
y  = ∼ O O [1] = O
∂y δ ∂ δ ∂ỹ δ δ

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

The order of magnitude of the term of the continuity equation are

∂u ∂v
∂x ∂y
Ue V
O =O
L δ

To have the same order of magnitude, the order of magnitude of V is

O [V ] = O [v ] = O Ue (12)

This relation clearly shows that

V  Ue (13)

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

To analyse the order of magnitude of the terms of the momentum equations we

need to define the order of magnitude of the pressure

O [p] = p∞ (14)

and the dimensionless pressure

p̃ = ⇒ O [p̃] = 1

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

In dimensionless form, the conservation of momentum along x is (divided by ρ)

u u
∂ ∂
u Ue Ue V  v  Ue
x  + y 
L Ue ∂ δ V ∂
L δ
p u u

2 2
∂ ∂ ∂
p∞ p∞  Ue U e U e U e

=− x  + ν 2  x 2 + 2  y 2 
ρL ∂  L δ 
∂ ∂
L L δ


Ue2 ∂ũ Ue ∂2 ũ Ue ∂2 ũ
Ue V ∂ũ p∞ ∂p̃
ũ + ṽ =− +ν 2 2
+ 2 (15)
L ∂x̃ δ ∂ỹ ρL ∂x̃ L ∂x̃ δ ∂ỹ 2

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Using the order of magnitude of V , Eq. (12),

Ue2 ∂ũ Ue ∂2 ũ Ue ∂2 ũ
Ue Ue δ ∂ũ p∞ ∂p̃
ũ + ṽ =− +ν + (16)
L ∂x̃ δ L ∂ỹ ρL ∂x̃ L2 ∂x̃ 2 δ2 ∂ỹ 2

and multiplying Eq. (16) by

∂2 ũ L2 ∂2 ũ
∂ũ ∂ũ p∞ ∂p̃ ν
ũ + ṽ =− 2 + 2
+ 2 2
∂x̃ ∂ỹ ρUe ∂x̃ Ue L ∂x̃ δ ∂ỹ

The factor that multiplies the viscous terms is the inverse of the Reynolds

Ue L
Re = (17)

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Using the definition of the Reynolds number

∂ũ ∂ũ p∞ ∂p̃ 1 ∂2 ũ 1 L2 ∂2 ũ

ũ + ṽ =− · + · + ·
∂x̃ ∂ỹ ρU 2 ∂x̃ Re ∂x̃ 2 Re δ2 ∂ỹ 2
| {z } | {ze } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
O [1] (C) O [1] (B) O [1] (A) O [1]

This equation leads to the second most important assumption in boundary

layer theory
The order of magnitude of (A) is

1 L2
O =1 (18)
Re δ2

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

From Eq. (18) we get

δ 1
O =O √ (19)
L Re


O [Re] = O (20)

Eq. (20) ⇒ the Reynolds number must be large to the boundary layer
theory be valid

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

The order of magnitude of (C) is

O =1 (21)

since it is a relation between the static and the dynamic pressure of the free

Since Re  1 then we can neglect term (B) in comparison with the term (A)
to have viscous effects, giving

∂ũ ∂ũ ∂p̃ 1 ∂2 ũ

ũ + ṽ =− + (22)
∂x̃ ∂ỹ ∂x̃ Re ∂ỹ 2

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

In dimensionless form, the conservation of momentum along y is (divided by ρ)

 ∂ v
Ue V u V 2 
v ∂
V  + V 
L Ue ∂ x δ V ∂ y
L δ
p  v   v 
∂ ∂ 2
p∞ p V V
=−  ∞ + ν  2  xV2 + 2  yV2 

ρδ ∂ y L δ
∂ ∂
δ L δ

V 2 ∂ṽ V ∂2 ṽ V ∂2 ṽ
Ue V ∂ṽ p∞ ∂p̃
ũ + ṽ =− +ν 2 2
+ 2 2 (23)
L ∂x̃ δ ∂ỹ ρδ ∂ỹ L ∂x̃ δ ∂ỹ

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Using the order of magnitude of V , Eq. (12),

U 2 δ2 1 ∂ṽ Ue δ 1 ∂2 ṽ Ue δ 1 ∂2 ṽ
Ue Ue δ ∂ṽ p∞ ∂p̃
ũ + e2 ṽ =− +ν + (24)
L L ∂x̃ L δ ∂ỹ ρδ ∂ỹ L L2 ∂x̃ 2 L δ2 ∂ỹ 2
Multiplying Eq. (24) by

δ2 ∂ṽ δ2 ∂ṽ δ2 ∂2 ṽ ∂2 ṽ
p∞ ∂p̃ ν
ũ + 2 ṽ =− + 2 2
+ 2
L ∂x̃ L ∂ỹ ρUe ∂ỹ Ue L L ∂x̃ ∂ỹ

Using Eq. (19) and Eq. (21) results

1 ∂2 ṽ ∂2 ṽ
1 ∂ṽ 1 ∂ṽ ∂p̃ 1
ũ + ṽ =− + +
Re ∂x̃ Re ∂ỹ ∂ỹ Re Re ∂x̃ 2 ∂ỹ 2
If Re  1 then
=0 (25)

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow

Using the boundary layer approximations we get finally

The continuity equation

∂u ∂v
+ =0 (from Eq. 3)
∂x ∂y

Using Eq. (22), the momentum conservation along x is

∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂2 u
u +v =− +ν 2 (26)
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂y

In the same way, using Eq. (25), the momentum conservation along y is

=0 (27)

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Derivation of the boundary layer equations for laminar flow
The boundary condition of the boundary layer equations are
No slip condition

u(x,0) = 0 (28)

v (x,0) = 0 (29)
The asymptotic condition

u(x,y → ∞) = Ue (30)

This last condition implies that

(x,y → ∞) = 0 (31)
∂2 u
(x,y → ∞) = 0 (32)
∂y 2
Applying the asymptotic conditions to Eq. (26) gives

dUe 1 dpe
Ue =− (33)
dx ρ dx

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The main boundary layer theory approximations

The boundary layer is a very thin region close to the wall

δL (from Eq. (6))

The streamlines are almost parallel to the wall so the tangential velocity is
much higher than the normal velocity
O [V ] = O Ue (from Eq. (12))
From the previous conditions implies that the pressure is almost constant
across the boundary layer
=0 (from Eq. (27))
The Reynolds number must be large to the boundary layer theory be valid
O [Re] = O 2 (from Eq. (20))
The velocity on the wall and the exterior velocity are imposed boundary
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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

Let us consider the laminar boundary layer equations in zero pressure gradient
∂u ∂v
+ =0
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂u ∂2 u
u +v =ν 2
∂x ∂y ∂y

In 1908, Blasius proposed a series solution to this system of equations

To obtain a solution Blasius used the principle of similarity

Through the use of a wise choice of variables, the system of equations can be
transformed in one non-linear differential equation independent of x

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

Blasius noted from a series of experiments that for a flow over a flat plate the
velocity profiles were similar

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

We can estimated the grow of a laminar boundary layer using

δ 1
∼ √ (from Eq. (19))
L Re
Using the same reasoning, for any x along the flat plat,
δ(x) 1 ν 1
∼ r = = √
x Ue x Ue x Rex
δ(x) ∼
So, we can perform the following coordinate transform
y Ue y
η= r =y ∝ (34)
νx νx δ(x)

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

If we use the stream function we have

u= (35)
v =− (36)
which satisfies immediately the continuity equation

If we have similar velocity profiles they must be only function of η so

u 1 ∂ψ df
= = (37)
Ue Ue ∂y dη

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

We can perform the change of variables using (see Eq. (34))

∂η Ue
= (38)
∂y νx
to compute the stream function
1 ∂ψ ∂y ∂η 1 ∂ψ Ue ∂ψ 1 df
= = √ = (39)
Ue ∂y ∂η ∂y Ue ∂η νx ∂η Ue νx dη

Integrating in η gives
ψ = Ue νx f (40)

assuming the integration constant as zero without loss of generality

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

The velocity v can be computed from

" r #
∂ψ ∂ p  p df ∂η 1 Ue ν
v =− =− Ue νx f = − Ue νx + f
∂x ∂x dη ∂x 2 x
r   (41)
1 Ue ν df
= η −f
2 x dη
Computing the velocity derivatives and simplifying (omitting the details...), we
get the Blasius equation

d3 f f d2 f
+ =0 (42)
dη3 2 dη2

subjected to the following boundary conditions

u(x,0) = 0 ⇒ df /dη = 0 em η = 0
v (x,0) = 0 ⇒ f =0 em η = 0
u(x,∞) = Ue ⇒ df /dη = 1 em η = ∞

Slides 37 through 46 present the derivation of a numerical solution and a

Mathematica “notebook”
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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

Numerical solution of the Blasius equation (see slide 43)

η f (η) u df d2 f
Ue = dη dη2
0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.3321
0.5 0.0415 0.1659 0.3309
1.0 0.1656 0.3298 0.3230
1.5 0.3701 0.4868 0.3026
2.0 0.6500 0.6298 0.2668
2.5 0.9963 0.7513 0.2174
3.0 1.3968 0.8460 0.1614
3.5 1.8377 0.9130 0.1078
4.0 2.3057 0.9555 0.0642
4.5 2.7901 0.9795 0.0340
5.0 3.2833 0.9915 0.0159
5.5 3.7806 0.9969 0.0066
6.0 4.2796 0.9990 0.0024

Based on data from table

u Ue
= 0.99 ⇒ η = 5 = δ(x)
Ue νx
We can define the boundary layer thickness as

δ(x) 5 1
= √ ∝ √ (43)
x Rex x

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

From the numerical solution we can plot of the dimensionless velocities along x
and y (see slides 44 and 45)

1.0 2.0
0.2 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Eq. (41) shows how to write the normal velocity in dimensionless form
x 1 df
v = η −f
Ue ν 2 dη

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

Comparison of the Blasius solution with experimental data




0.4 5
1..08 × 10
Blasius 1.82 × 10
3.64 × 10
5.46 × 10
0.2 7.28 × 10

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

The shear stress is related with the derivative (see Eq. (34) and Eq. (37))
d2 f ∂η Ue d2 f
∂u ∂ df
= Ue = Ue 2 = Ue
∂y ∂y dη dη ∂y νx dη2
On the wall
Ue d2 f

τw = µ = µUe
∂y η=0 νx dη2 η=0

with (see table of slide 30)

d2 f

= 0.3321
dη2 η=0

Because τw ∝ √ ⇒ decreases moving along x(↑) due to the grow of
boundary layer δ with x, see velocity profiles of slide 25

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Blasius laminar boundary layer similarity solution

The friction coefficient is defined as

Cf = 1 (44)

Using Blasius solution

ν d2 f
Cf = 2 = √
Ue x dη2 η=0 Rex

The drag coefficient of a plate with area A = Lb resulting from the wall friction
force D
D b τw dx 1 L τw 1 L 0.6642
CD = 1 2 = 1 0 2 = dx = √ dx
ρUe A 2
ρUe Lb L 0 12 ρUe2 L 0 Rex
1 1.3284
CD = Cf dx = (45)
L 0 ReL

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Example 1

Air at 20◦ and 1 atm flows over a flat plate in zero pressure gradient
Assume hp = 0.002 m, L = 0.5 m, Ue = 15 m/s and ν = 1.5 × 10−5 m2 /s
Can we use the values of p2 and p4 as the static pressure at 1 and 2? Compare
the values of p2 and p4 .

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Example 1

Using the Blasius laminar boundary layer solution compute:

1. The manometer readings h1 and h2 .
2. The wall shear stress at section A and B.
3. The normal velocity v for sections A and B at the distances from the wall
of 0, hp and δ. Comment.
4. The drag force from the leading edge of the plate to section B.
5. The distance x for which h2 = 0.008 m of H2 O.
6. The distance x for which τw = 0.07 Pa.

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Supplemental material

The following slides are presented briefly in the lectures

Can be omitted without loss of continuity

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

The Blasius equation

d3 f f d2 f
+ =0 (from Eq. 42)
dη 2 dη2

is subject to the following boundary conditions

u(x,0) = 0 ⇒ =0 em η = 0

v (x,0) = 0 ⇒ f =0 em η = 0
u(x,∞) = Ue ⇒ =1 em η = ∞

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

The Blasius equation has no known analytical solution

Is a 3th order ordinary differential equation ⇒ 3 boundary conditions

Is a boundary value problem

conditions in the two domain boundaries η = 0 and η = ∞

the numerical solution is obtained iteratively estimating d2 f /dη2 at η = 0

until we get df /dη = 1 at η → ∞ !!!

This is called the shooting method

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

Another way to find the numerical solution of the Blasius equation using
Mathematica is to apply the Töpfer transform
the idea is to transform the boundary value problem into a initial
value problem
Let us scale the problem using a constant λ such that

η∗ = λ1/3 η

f ∗ = λ−1/3 f
df ∗ df
= λ−2/3 ,
dη∗ dη

d2 f ∗ 2
−1 d f
2 = λ
dη ∗ dη2
d3 f ∗ 3
−4/3 d f
3 = λ
dη ∗ dη3

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

Replacing in the Blasius equation we obtain an equivalent equation

d3 f ∗ f ∗ d2 f ∗
3 + =0 (46)
dη∗ 2 dη∗2
Let us integrate Eq. (46) between 0 and η∗max and define λ such that
(ηmax ) = 1, resulting

 ∗ −3/2
df ∗
λ= (η )
dη∗ max
f = λ1/3 f ∗
Now we have an initial value problem
f∗ =0 → at η∗ = 0

df ∗
=0 → at η∗ = 0
d2 f ∗
=1 → at η∗ = 0 (a given value)
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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

Numerical solution of the Blasius equations using

Töpfer transform
Usind NDSolve for the numerical integration

In[2]:= Topfer = NDSolveB:fs '''@ΗsD + fs ''@ΗsD fs@ΗsD Š 0, fs@0D Š 0, fs '@0D Š 0, fs ''@0D Š 1>,
fs, 8Ηs, 0, 10<F;

Mathematica give us the solution in form of a InterpolatingFunction that we call interpolTopfer[Η]

In[5]:= interpolTopfer@Ηs_D = fs@ΗsD . First@TopferD;

Computing Λ

In[6]:= Λ = HinterpolTopfer '@10DL-32

Out[6]= 0.332057

The solution of the Blasius equation using interpolTopfer[Ηs] is

In[7]:= blasius@Η_D := Λ13 interpolTopferAΛ13 ΗE

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

Verifying the boundary conditions of the Blasius equation

In[8]:= blasius@0D

Out[8]= 0.

In[9]:= blasius '@0D

Out[9]= 1.29975 ´ 10-20

In[10]:= blasius '@10D

Out[10]= 1.

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

Table with the Blasius solution

Tbl = TableFormBTable@8
PaddedForm@Chop@0.5 * nD, 82, 1<D,
PaddedForm@Chop@blasius@0.5 * nDD, 86, 4<D,
PaddedForm@Chop@blasius '@0.5 * nDD, 86, 4<D,
PaddedForm@Chop@blasius ''@0.5 * nDD, 86, 4<D<,

8n, 0, 12<D, TableHeadings -> :None, :"Η", "f@ΗD", "

=f'@ΗD", "f''@ΗD">>F
Export@".Blasius_Tbl.pdf", TblD;
Η f@ΗD Ue
=f'@ΗD f''@ΗD
0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.3321
0.5 0.0415 0.1659 0.3309
1.0 0.1656 0.3298 0.3230
1.5 0.3701 0.4868 0.3026
2.0 0.6500 0.6298 0.2668
2.5 0.9963 0.7513 0.2174
3.0 1.3968 0.8460 0.1614
3.5 1.8377 0.9130 0.1078
4.0 2.3057 0.9555 0.0642
4.5 2.7901 0.9795 0.0340
5.0 3.2833 0.9915 0.0159
5.5 3.7806 0.9969 0.0066
6.0 4.2796 0.9990 0.0024

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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

u(Η) - dimensionless longitudinal velocity profile

In[15]:= u@Η_D = blasius '@ΗD;

graphux = Plot@u@ΗD, 8Η, 0, 10<, Frame ® 8True, True, True, True<,

FrameLabel ® 8"Η", "uUe"<, PlotStyle ® 8Thickness@0.01D<,
BaseStyle ® 8FontSize ® 26, FontFamily ® "Arial"<,
GridLines ® Automatic, ImageSize ® 400D
Export@".Blasius_ux.pdf", graphuxD;


Out[42]= 0.4
0 2 4 6 8 10
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Supplemental material
Numerical solution of the Blasius equation

v(Η) - dimensionless normal velocity profile

In[20]:= v@Η_D = Η blasius '@ΗD - blasius@ΗD;

graphuy = PlotBv@ΗD, 8Η, 0, 10<, Frame ® 8True, True, True, True<,

FrameLabel ® :"Η", "v x  HΝ UeL ">, PlotRange ® 80, 2<, PlotStyle ® 8Thickness@0.01D<,

BaseStyle ® 8FontSize ® 26, FontFamily ® "Arial"<, GridLines ® Automatic, ImageSize ® 400F

Export@".Blasius_uy.pdf", graphuyD;

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JCCH / Fluid Mechanics II / Boundary layer theory - 2015/04/07 46/1

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