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Nama : Syah Dafa Duta D.

Kelas : 2D-D3/21

NIM : 1831410011



Advantages and Disadvantages


Topic :
 The advantages and disadvantages of Corona Virus spread out to human being
Topic Sentence :
 Here it is 4 advantages and disadvantages of Corona Virus spread out to human being
1. Introduction :
 Definition of corona virus
a) General definition
b) Symptoms
c) Spread
d) Prevention
 Definition of the advantages of corona virus
 Definition of the disadvantages of corona virus
2. Advantages :
 Starting healthy lives
 Helping each other
 Gathering with family
 Doing delayed hobbies
3. Disadvantages :
 Infected with a virus
 Activity stalled
 Bad economic conditions
 Dismissed from work
4. Summary and own opinion :
So the conclusion is that the corona virus is a dangerous virus. its spread is also very easy and
fast. The existence of this corona virus brings advantages and disadvantages to humans. We as
human must be smart in our actions so that we are not exposed to losses from the corona virus
and can obtain the benefits.
The Impact of Corona Virus

Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only
causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory
infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia), Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Early symptoms of Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can be
flu-like symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, dry cough, sore throat, and headache. After that, symptoms
can worsen. Patients can experience high fever, cough with phlegm and even blood, shortness of breath,
and chest pain. The spread of the corona virus is very fast. This virus can spread through small droplets
from the nose or mouth when someone infected with this virus sneezes or coughs. The drops then land on
an object or surface which is then touched and the healthy person touches their eyes, nose or mouth.
Corona virus can also spread when small droplets are inhaled by a person when in close proximity to an
infected corona. Effective ways to prevent corona are diligently washing hands, doing social distancing,
wearing a mask when leaving the house, and closing your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
The existence of this corona virus brings advantages and disadvantages to humans. the advantages of the
corona virus are the positive things that are given to humans while the disadvantages of the corona virus
are the negative things that are given to humans. so we as human must be smart in our actions so that we
are not exposed to losses from the corona virus and can obtain the benefits.

The advantages and disadvantages of Corona Virus spread out to human being. Corona Virus provides
some advantage for human being. The first one is starting healthy lives, now many peoples start healthy
lives like eat healthy food, doing exercise regulary, keep the body clean and always washing hand after
doing something. The second is peoples helping each other, many rich peoples took the initiative to help
the poor peoples because the current economic conditions are very bad. In this situation helping each
other is the best solution and everyone also has to do this. The third is gathering with family. As a result
of Corona Virus, people are encouraged to do self quarantine at home. This can be used as a moment to
gather with family because on ordinary days the time to gather is very limited due to their respective
activities. The last is doing delayed hobbies. When doing self quarantine at home peoples also can doing
their delayed hobbies that can't be done while being busy. Hobbies which can doing at home is like
watching movies, playing video games, cooking many kinds of foods and many more.

Those are some examples of corona virus advantages for humans. now let us discuss the disadvantages
due to the spread of the Corona Virus to humans. losses arising from the spread of the Corona Virus to
humans are as follows. The first of course infected with the virus itself, this is the thing most feared by
everyone because this virus is very dangerous. Caused symptoms similar to normal flu, but more
dangerous because it attacks the respiratory organs can even lead to death. Not only that the spread of this
virus is also very fast. The second is activity stalled. As a result of corona virus, peoples must doing self
quarantine at home. So their usual activities such as going to school, working, socializing and even
worshiping must be done at home or even stopped. Of course this is detrimental many parties, especially
workers who have difficult to getting money. The third is bad economic conditions. The biggest
disadvantages caused by this virus are in economics. The cessation of economic activities resulted in
prices of staples rising dramatically, making it difficult for people to buy their necessities, especially for
the poor. The last is dismissed from work. Many companies and factories went bankrupt due to bad
economic conditions which resulted in mass layoffs to minimize existing losses.
So the conclusion is that the corona virus is a dangerous virus. its spread is also very easy and fast. The
existence of this corona virus brings advantages and disadvantages to humans. We as human must be
smart in our actions so that we are not exposed to losses from the corona virus and can obtain the benefits.

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