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1. Comment on the following quotes

1. “Movies should make the audience forget that they are sitting in a movie
theater”, Renee Claire.

2. “More and more viewers around the world are watching movies that are
less and less different from each other”, Benjamin Barber.

3. “I thought that a movie drama is when an actress cries. I was wrong. A

movie drama is when the audience cries”, Frank Capra.

4. “Making a bad movie is no easier than making a good movie”, Robert de


5. “Cinema was born at the fair, and a hundred years later returned to the
same place”, Agnieszka Holland.

6. “Cinema gives you the opportunity to experience the delight, passion and
desire that in ordinary life are necessarily suppressed”, Carl Jung.

7. “Movies are a life from which everything boring is cut out”, Alfred

8. “Cinema has two functions: to display the surrounding reality and create
a new one”, Siegfried Krakauer.

9. “The best movie theater in the world is the brain, and you know it when
you read a good book”, Ridley Scott.

10. “I don't think movies can teach you anything. Rather, it works as a
mirror in which we can see ourselves and our actions and draw
conclusions. And everyone has their own mirror”, Richard Gere.

11. “Good movies don't have to answer questions. A good movie should
make you ask them”, Edward Norton.

12. “Both movies and life are just a big vanity fair”, Scarlett Johansson.

Delight – восторг
Suppress – подавлять
Vanity fair – ярмарка тщеславия
2. Watch the video and fill in the gaps.
1. It all began in _________ the roaring 20s were coming to an end.
2. Enter Louis V Mayer a prominent studio executive who sought to unite 5
branches of the film industry: _______, ______, _______, _______,
_______ and who went to co-found ____________ .
3. On _____________ 270 guests packed into Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
for the first Academy Awards.
4. The Art Deco statue depicted a ________ holding Crusaders _______
standing in a _________________ with 5 spokes representing _____
5. In _________ the first televised Broadcast of the Oscars aired hosted by
_____________ who would go on the host for ________.

3. Read the text and answer the questions below

Cinema is probably the most interesting, but also the most mysterious
industry in the world. Probably, every person once dreamed of getting into
it. All we can see is the finished film on the screen, but most of the
interesting things in this industry are still behind the scenes and hidden
from the eyes of curious viewers.
Cinema has gone from silent black-and-white short films with a time of
less than a minute, to multi-million photorealistic blockbusters, almost
completely rendered on a computer.
There are many facts in the history of cinema that may seem strange or
improbable, but nevertheless, they are true.
1. Have you ever wondered where the scenery goes after a movie is
shot. Facades, landscape, decor, all sorts of structures, gadgets are never
thrown away: studios always leave it "in reserve", hoping to use it in other
projects. This, by the way, they do very well. For example, the scenery of
the town of hill valley, shown in the "Back to the future" trilogy, was later
used in 104 films.
2. Who do you think the most movies were taken about? The answer is
Napoleon Bonaparte. He became the main character of about 200 films. As
for literary characters, they are Cinderella, Carmen, Romeo and Juliet, Don
3. The first films made by the Lumiere brothers were much shorter than
modern short films. So, "the Exit of workers from the factory "Lumiere" "
had duration of only 50 seconds. The brothers simply set up a camera near
the entrance to the factory and captured the moment when employees go
home after a shift. There was no acting, no script, no dialogue (there was
no sound film at that time), but even this was a real revelation for those
4. Harvey Henderson Wilcox is the man who created Hollywood. He
owned a ranch near Los Angeles and a large tract of land, some of which
he decided to sell off, and if someone wanted to build a Church, he gave
the land away for free.
So, neighborhoods began to appear, and there was an advertising sign
“Hollywoodland”, which was supposed to attract new residents, but
eventually became a symbol of something else.
5. The country that breaks records for the number of films produced
per year is not America, but India! Since few residents of this country can
afford a TV, they spend their free time in cinemas, where tickets cost a
penny. Therefore, the film production in India is arranged in such a way that
about 700 films are released per year, which means 2 films a day.
6. Now it is difficult to imagine this, but directors and editors used to
have to process an incredible amount of film manually. The film "Gone with
the wind" had a length of 152 kilometers.
7. The most number of "Oscars" in the history of the film awards
received only two films: Titanic and the Lord of the rings: Return of the
king" – 11 statuettes each. But Walt Disney managed to surpass all - 26
personal and 6 honorary "Oscars".

Curious – любопытный
Render – отображать
Scenery – декорации
Duration – продолжительность
Revelation – открытие
Tract of land – земельный участок
Manually – вручную
Surpass – превосходит

1. Which fact surprised you the most?

2. Have you ever seen a movie shoot (съёмки)?

3. Is it interesting to watch a black-and-white movie? Name its advantages.

4. Have you ever had an idea for a movie? Describe it.

4. Match a movie with its genre and guess the Russian

equivalent to its title

Action Horror Detective Drama Comedy Western

Romentic comedy Dark comedy Melodrama Science fiction
The Hangover. Three buddies wake up from a bachelor party in Las
Vegas, with no memory of the previous night and the bachelor missing.
They make their way around the city in order to find their friend before his
Silver Linings Playbook. After a stint in a mental institution, former
teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile
with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a
mysterious girl with problems of her own.
Sinister. Washed-up true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt finds a box of super
8 home movies which suggest the murder he's currently researching is the
work of a serial killer whose work dates back to the 1960s.
Now You See Me. An F.B.I. Agent and an Interpol Detective track a team
of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances, and
reward their audiences with the money.
Captain America: The First Avenger. Steve Rogers, a rejected
military soldier, transforms into Captain America after taking a dose of a
"Super-Soldier serum". But being Captain America comes at a price as he
attempts to take down a war monger and a terrorist organization.
Limitless. With the help of a mysterious pill that enables the user to
access 100% of his brain abilities, a struggling writer becomes a financial
wizard, but it also puts him in a new world with lots of dangers.
The DUFF. Bianca just found out she's the DUFF -- aka "the designated
ugly fat friend" -- thanks to her childhood pal/next-door-neighbor, Wesley,
who's one of the most popular athletes at their high school. Determined to
catch the eye of her crush, Bianca makes a plan to barter tutoring for
Wesley's very specific mentorship in the art of flirting.
The Hateful Eight. In the dead of a
Wyoming winter, a bounty hunter and
his prisoner find shelter in a cabin
currently inhabited by a collection of
nefarious characters.

Pulp fiction. The lives of two mob

hitmen, a boxer, a gangster and his wife, and a pair of diner bandits
intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption.
Slumdog Millionaire. A Mumbai teenager reflects on his life after being
accused of cheating on the Indian version of "Who Wants to be a

5. Kahoot!
6. Try to guess movie by emoji

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