MCS & Short Questions: Assignment#4

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MCS & Short Questions

Submitted to:

Dr. Muhammad Javaid Aftab

Submitted by:

Sumera Hassan (M.Phil. Special Education)

1st semester

Cell # 0334-6145379

Department of Special Education

Institute Of Southern Punjab Multan

10 MCQ, s for the nine type of curriculum:

1. Curriculum is:

a) Course

b) Syllabus

c) Co-curricular activities

d) Overall activities of an institution

Correct Answer: Overall activities of an institution

2. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a:

a) Course of learning

b) Chariot race course

c) Course of study

d) Course of Education

Correct Answer: Chariot race course

3. Which type of curriculum emphasizes direct instruction?

a) Psychosocial curriculum

b) Behavioural curriculum

c) Cognitive curriculum

d) Constructivist curriculum

Correct Answer: Behavioural curriculum

4. Important Factor of Curriculum is to achieve the?

a) Values c) Objectives

b) Education d) None of the above.

Correct Answer: Objectives

5. What is meant by Curriculum?

a) Course Outline c) Overall activities in the institution

b) Syllabus of the subject d) All of the above..

Correct Answer: Overall activities in the institution

6. Nature of the Curriculum is ______?

a) Creative c) Conservative

b) Critical d) All of the Above..

Correct Answer: All of the Above..

7. Type of Curriculum?
a) Explicit (Stated Curriculum c) Absent or Null (Excluded Curriculum)

b) Hidden (Unofficial Curriculum) d) All of the Above

Correct Answer: All of the Above.

8. The base on which the subject activities and experience are

planned is called:

a) lesson c) Curriculum

b) Unit d) Design

Correct Answer: Curriculum

9. The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be can as:

a) Curriculum Foundation c) Curriculum Development

b) Curriculum Design d) Curriculum Construction

Correct Answer: Curriculum Design

10. The model of behavioral objectives of curriculum evaluation

was presented by:

a) Tyler c) Hilda taba

b) Stuffle beam d) John Dewey

Correct Answer: Tyler

Part II: 5 Short Questions for the nine type of curriculum:

Q.1 What is curriculum in simple words?

Answer: The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a

school or in a specific course or program. ... An individual teacher's curriculum, for

example, would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials

used to organize and teach a particular course.

Q.2 what is the Learner-centered curriculum design?

Answer: learner-centered curriculum design takes each individual's needs,

interests, and goals into consideration. In other words, it acknowledges that

students are not uniform and adjust to those student needs. Learner-centered

curriculum design is meant to empower learners and allow them to shape their

education through choices.

Q.3 What are the components of curriculum?

Answer: Any curriculum consists of several components: objectives, attitudes,

time, students and teachers, needs analysis, classroom activities, materials, study skills,

language skills, vocabulary, grammar and assessment.

Q.4 Explain Phantom curriculum?

Answer: The messages prevalent in and through exposure to any type of media. These

components and messages play a major part in the enculturation of students into the

predominant meta-culture, or in acculturating students into narrower or generational


Q.5 What are the types of curriculum design?

Answer: Subject-centered curriculum design is not student-centered, and the model is

less concerned with individual learning styles compared to other forms of curriculum design.

Learner-centered curriculum design, by contrast, revolves around student needs, interests

and goals.

Problem-centered curriculum design teaches students how to look at a problem and

formulate a solution.

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