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 To use a language properly we of course have to know the grammatical structure of the language and
their meaning”.

 If we can understand the basic of grammar, we can better understand what we say and
write on a daily basis. For that reason alone, we should learn correct grammar.

 English is language Franca

Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves.
Radford (1989: 3-4) says grammar is a model of those linguistic abilities of native
speakers of language which enable them to speak and their language fluently.

Grammar is defined as the way a language manipulates and combines words (or bits of
words) in order to form longer units of meaning (Ur, 1996: 11).

1. The Importance of Studying Grammar

According to Leech and Svartvik (1973: 21) in St Nurhayati: 1993: 34); “To use a
language properly we of course have to know the grammatical structure of the language and their

By gaining a clearer understanding of how a language works, should also gain greater control over
the way shape words into sentences and sentences into paragraph. In short, studying grammar
may help us to become a more effective writer.

The following facts are simple examples about how much important the grammar in our
daily interaction and the way learn it. Children pick up grammar as they learn to speak. They use
grammatically correct sentences because the speakers surrounding them are speaking
grammatically correct sentences. It’s an absorbed education.
he same is true with the way write. If read a paper filled
with poorly constructed sentences would automatically judge that person as uneducated and
therefore inferior. Understanding our language, knowing how to speak, write, or spell properly is
the sources of effective communication.
Harmer (1987: 24) concludes that there are two kinds of teaching grammar approaches;
those are covert and overt grammar teaching.

In covert grammar teaching, the grammatical facts are not obvious to the students as they
are learning the language. The students do activities in which new grammar is practiced or
introduced, but their attention will be drawn to the activity of to the text they are reading and not
to grammar structures themselves. It’s mean that, with cover grammar teachers help the students
to acquire and or practice the language, but they do not draw conscious attention to any of the
grammatical facts of the language.

Overt grammar teaching means that the teacher actually provided the students with
grammatical rules and explanations.


a) Grammar is vital to preparing for examinations.

b) With excellent grammar, we will learn to say what we mean. There will be less
misunderstanding and better communication.

c) Great grammar build up our own style

Once someone becomes more advanced in English, she/ he can develop her/ his own
unique style of communicating, which can lead to rewarding career as a writer or
public speaker.

d) Logic and reasoning

Understanding and using grammar properly will help people think logically. Without
logic and organization, writing (and all other communication skills) will be much
disorganized. The more we understand grammar, the more clearly, meaningfully, and
freely we will be able to organize and communicate your own ideas_ as well as
comprehend the ideas of others.

2. Grammatical Units

a. The Utterance

b. The Sentence

1. Simple sentence
A simple sentence is a sentence that has one subject-verb combination.

2. Compound sentence
A compound sentence is to simple sentences connected by a comma and a coordinating
The Professional Importance of
Grammar and How it Should be
Taught Published by the PIT Journal: Cycle 6, 2015

 Rather than focusing on syntax, educators are increasingly concerned with language

 The ability to construct sentences is analogous to the ability to construct thoughts.

Therefore, understanding and employing proper grammar are important for both
educational and professional success.

  Noam Chomsky introduced the idea of universal grammar, which is the idea that “children are born with the
innate capacity to master language, a power imbued in our species by evolution itself”

 The main point Praise and Meenakshi make is that “grammar is not taught in isolation but often arises out of
communicative task,” and therefore, in learning language, “opportunities are provided for both inductive and
deductive learning of grammar” (Praise).

 Contrarily, in the middle approach, “attention shifted to the knowledge and skills needed to use grammar
[which were] the communicative skills and not simply grammatical skills” (Praise).

 Gorney attributes “the technology and speed that messages can be delivered” to the consequential change
in grammar usage (Gorney).

 Sue Shellenbarger, a writer for The Wall Street Journal, “managers are fighting an
epidemic of grammar gaffes in the workplace” (Shellenbarger)

 The impact of poor grammar can be detrimental in the professional setting. “[S]uch
looseness with language can create bad impressions with clients, ruin marketing
materials and cause communications errors” (Shellenbarger)

 “How many of us can really justify barring someone from a decent job because he or she
isn’t always clear on the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re?’” (McWhorter). John
 “An employee who can write properly is far more valuable and promotable than one
whose ambiguous text is likely to create confusion, legal liability and embarrassment”

 Perhaps “business casual” could remain a term for clothing, not a style of writing.

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