To Student 1.I Have To Disagree About Your Claim As To How Humans Will No Longer

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To Student 1.I have to disagree about your claim as to how humans will no longer

communicate like humans but rather as animals, and that the machines will be smarter than

people and the latter will no longer have control over their own world. Ultimately, humans are

smarter, and will always be smarter than machines because in the first place, it is the intelligence

of humans that made it possible for machines to exist. Aside from that, it would sound absurd if

humans would communicate like animals because basically, humans are given minds which can

comprehend. However, it is essential that humans would not allow to be overpowered by

intelligent machines. Humans are the ones assigned to rule over the world.

To Student 2. While it is wise to consider the mishaps the technology pushes on, this

should not outweigh the benefits technology has given us. I believe that it would be unwise if we

relinquish total control of our everyday decision-making to algorithmic computers. I must say

that through the use of these computers, we can make better and sound decisions. Aside from

that, with the aid of computers, people are able to know themselves better. Instead of making

mistakes and wrong decisions, people can actually use these algorithmic computers to enhance

and develop themselves through the information they can find online. However, people must be

very careful on what they feed their minds. After all, computers can either make us or break us,

depending on our choice.


To Student 3. I have to agree that the growing prominence of the term posthumanism

make it hard for people to appreciate the same because the term is often used to argue for or

against the use of human enhancements. However, I believe that it is important for people to use

technology to gain more knowledge about the world in general. People should not be slaves of

technology. Also, I agree that connections across disciplines is critical to build into our

theoretical appreciate of posthumanism. After all, people cannot appreciate what they do not


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