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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i33/115467, September 2017 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

A Fast Strategy to Determine the Physical and

Electrical Parameters of Silicon Photovoltaic Cell
El hadi Chahid1*, Mohammed Idali Oumhand2 and Abdessamad Malaoui1
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Sciences et Techniques (LIRST), Polydisciplinary Faculty,
Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Mghila B.P. 592, Beni Mellal - 23000, Morocco;,
Laboratoire de Genie de l’Energie, Matériaux et Systèmes (LGEMS), National School of Applied Sciences,
B.P. 1136, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir - 80000, Morocco ;

Objectives: This paper proposes a fast strategy to extract the electrical parameters of photovoltaic cell (PV) and determine
both the minoritycarrier’s lifetime and the diffusion lengths of photovoltaic cell using the double-diode model. Methods/
Statistical Analysis: The polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) junction is chosen in this work due to the importance of its
proprieties in industrial and economic fields. The proposed method to extract the PV electrical parameters contains two
steps. The first is based on the graphical adjustments to choose the initial values of these parameters, and the second
method uses numerical approach based on the Modified Newton-Rap son’s algorithm. Findings: The values of obtained
parameters are compared to the others methods and give a considerable agreement. The statistical errors (MBE and
t-statistic) are about 10-8 and 10-10 respectively. Furthermore, the found values of both the minoritycarrier’s lifetime and the
diffusion lengths are precisely comparable with theoretical models, and give a best value. Application/Improvements:
The obtained values give very useful information on the cell intrinsic quality, and can improve the conception and realization
performances of the solar cell with high conversion efficiency.

Keywords: Carrier Lifetime, Diode, Photovoltaic, Parameters Extraction

1. Introduction
are not given by the data sheet of the manufacturer of
In recent years, the Photovoltaic Cells (PVC) based on
these PVC. Moreover, they are not directly measurable by
semiconductor junction, in particular on polycrystalline
the experimental set-ups. Several numerical techniques
silicon (poly-Si), know a great focus because they have
have been used for the identification of these parameters
several proprieties as the low cost and simplicities during
such as the least square method5, the Newton’s method6,
manufacturing stages. Many research works in the PVC
and the Levenberg Marquardt’s method7.
fields allow to ameliorate the photovoltaic conversion effi-
In this work, the used model of PVC depends on
ciencies to exceed the range between 19.8% and 23%1,2. To
seven electrical parameters
better understand of the physical mechanisms inside the
(Photocurrent Iph , diffusion saturation current Is1, ide-
solar cell, we must to precisely determine these electrical
parameters values. The real model of PVC contains both ality factor n1 of diode 1,  and recombinationsaturation
the series and parallel resistances, and two ideal diodes3,4. current Is2 , ideality factor n2 of the second diode, series
A good handling of this model requires precise determi- resistance Rs and shunt resistance Rsh). The proposed
nation of its electrical parameters. The values of the latter method in this work is based on the Newton’s algorithm.

*Author for correspondence

A Fast Strategy to Determine the Physical and Electrical Parameters of Silicon Photovoltaic Cell

One of the problems in using this last is the choice of the of the electron doesn’t follow a direct transition from the
initial values; a poor choice of these conduction to the valence bands, but it follows an indi-
Parameters can produce a divergence of this method. rect transition via the recombination zones which his
This is why it is interesting to initialize energy level is located in forbidden band gap. Also, the
The Newton’s method with values given by other
bulk recombination lifetime of minority carriers τ SRH is
complementary methods, such as the graphical one8.
Nowadays, a better determination of the minority carrier’s highly depending on the density and the position of these
lifetime permits judging the quality of the PVC mate- traps. The τ SRH is identified by the following equation13:
rial9. A high value of lifetime indicates a good material,
while a low lifetime can inform the inadequate technical
problems of PVC construction as a dislocations or high
impurity concentrations in this material10,11.
The objective of this paper, in one hand, is to deter-
mine the seven electrical parameters of the p-n Si-poly
using the developed algorithm. In the other hand, the
exploitation of the found electrical parameters make it
possible to deduce both the minority carrier’s lifetime and
diffusion lengths using the analytical method.

2. Solar Cell Modeling

Figure 1. The double-diode equivalent circuit model.

2.1 Electrical Model of Double Diode τ SRH = n / U SRH (2)

The photovoltaic cells can be represented by the Shockley
double diode model12 and his equivalent electrical circuit Where (n)the excess of the charge carriers is related
is described by the diagram of Figure1. The analytical to the equilibrium, and (USRH) is the recombination rate
relationship between the current I and the voltage V of SRH in the PVC. This lifetime in the junction can iden-
this model is: tify the diffusion length of the minority carrier. This last
represents the average distance that a photo-generated
I = I ph − I s1 ( exp((V + IRs ) / n1Vth ) − 1) − I s2 ( exp((V + IRcarrier )
s ) / n2Vth ) − 1 − (V + IRs ) / Rsh
can cross before it is recombined. The relationship
between τ SRH and (L) ( L ) is defined by the following
/ n1Vth ) − 1) − I s2 ( exp((V + IRs ) / n2Vth ) − 1) − (V + IRs ) / Rsh (1)
The electrical terms of this equation are the photocurrent
L = D.τ SRH
Iph, the diffusion reverse saturation current Is1, the recombi- (3)
nation reverse saturation current Is2, the ideality factors of With (D) is the diffusion coefficient, and the lifetime
the two diodes (n1, n2), the series resistance Rs, the parallel τ SRH depends on the defects level in the junction.
resistance (or shunt) Rsh. The thermal voltage (Vth = KT/q) of
the PVC is equal approximately to 26mV at 25oC, (q) is the
elementary electron charge, (K) is the Boltzmann’s constant, 3. Proposed Method of Electrical
and (T) is the absolute cell temperature. Parameters Extraction
The extraction of photovoltaic parameters necessitates
2.2 Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurement
the resolution of nonlinear equation (1), which is difficult
As cited previously, the minority’scarrier’s recombina- to obtain analytically accurate values of these parameters
tion are quantified by their lifetimes. The dominant type with analytical methods. In this study, an accurate numer-
of recombination in the silicon is the Shockley–Read– ical method to extract these parameters is presented using
Hall (SRH) mechanism. In this last, the recombination two steps.

2 Vol 10 (33) | September 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
El hadi Chahid, Mohammed Idali Oumhand and Abdessamad Malaoui

The best choice of initial parameters can accelerate 3.2 Diode Ideality Factors
the algorithm convergence. Contrary, poor initial values
In equation (1), the first diode (D1) represents a diffu-
increase the iterations number and can affect on the opti-
sion process of load carriers, while the second diode (D2)
mization algorithm. In literature many techniques can
represents the carrier’s recombination in the space charge
determine the initial parameters of PVC used to start the
region. Several authors use the ideality factors (n1 = 1 and
Newton Rap son’s method14,15.
n1 = 2) in ideal cell but these values become unsuitable
3.1 Resistances Values of Rs and Rsh for a real diode17,18. To initialize these factors ( n , n ) we

choose the initial values of ideality factors equal to (1, 2)

The initial estimation of these resistances Rs0 and Rsh0, can
be calculated by graphical method16.
In the small voltage values, the I = f (V) curve is linear:
3.3 Saturation Current Is1 and Is2
I = I ph − (V + Rs I ) / Rsh
(4) The saturation currents Is1 and Is2 are determined from
This equation can be written: the equation (1) at points A1(0, Isc) and A2(Vco, 0). A
system of two equations was obtained and solved with
I I pA − GaV
= (5) Cramer’s method19.
I s1 exp (Vco / (n1Vt ) ) − 1 + I s2 [exp (Vco / (n2Vt ) ) − 1] = I ph − Vco / Rsh
With I pA I ph / (1 + G sh R s ) =
and G a G sh / (1 + G sh R s ) (11)
I s1 exp ( ( I sc Rs ) / (n1Vt ) ) − 1 + I s2 [exp ( ( I sc Rs ) / (n2Vt ) ) − 1] = I ph − I sc − ( I sc Rs ) / Rsh
1 (12)
Ga ≈
Thus, Ga is the right slope with a value . Knowing Rsh Using the matrix notation, this equation system can
that Rs >> 1, the shunt resistance Rsh, is the inverse tangent be written as:
of the line at the point (V = 0, I = Isc) which is expressed
as: I s1 A11 + A12 I s2 = I ph − I sc − ( I sc Rs ) / Rsh (13)
1/ Rsh 0
= (=
dI / dV ) I = I
tg ( β ) . (6)
A21 I s1 + A22 I s2 =
I ph − Vco / Rsh (14)

• In the high voltage values of the curve I = f (V), With, A11  exp ( ( I sc Rs ) / ( n1Vt ) ) − 1 ,
the current through the cell is given by:
=A12 [exp ( I sc Rs ) / (n2Vt ) ) − 1] ,
I ph − I 0 exp ( β (V + Rs I ) / n )
Ic =
= (7) A21 exp((Vco ) / (n1Vt ) ) − 1 ,
To determine the Rs series resistance, the voltage V is
written as independent variable in Eq. (7) to give =
the fol- A22 [exp ( (Vco ) / (n2Vt ) ) ) − 1] ,
lowing equation:
n n B1 = I ph − I sc − ( I sc Rs ) / Rsh ,
=V ln ( I pA / I 0 ) − Rs I + ln (1 − I c / I pa ) (8)
β β
2 I ph − Vco / Rsh .
The (-R ) is the slope of this equation and the tan (α)
The system solution formed by the equation (13)&(14)
at the point (V = Voc, I = 0), can be written as:
is given as follows20:
tan (α ) = ( dI / dV )V =V = −1/ Rs 0 (9)
oc =I s01 ( B2 A12 − B1 A22 ) / det (15)
The initial value of photocurrent I ph can be deduced I s02
= ( B2 A11 − B1 A21 ) / det (16)
from R s0 , R sh 0 and Isc as:
Where (dot) is the matrix determinant: det = (A22A12
= 0
I ph I sc ( Rs 0 + Rsh 0 ) / Rsh 0 (10) - A12 A21)

Vol 10 (33) | September 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
A Fast Strategy to Determine the Physical and Electrical Parameters of Silicon Photovoltaic Cell

4. Developed Method 5. Results and Discussions

Our approach is based on the Newton-Raphson’s method
to solve the nonlinear equation of (f(x)=0). The algorithm 5.1 Determination of Electrical Parameters
of this method use the Taylor development at the order 1 of PVC
in initial value x0 of solution. The root approximation of
The used database in this study consists of 26 points (N =
the equation (f(x) = 0) is given as:
26) of I-V measurements. These experimental values are
ranging from (-0.2V, 0.764A) to (0.59V, -0.21A)22,23.
xi +=
1 xi − f ( xi ) / f ′ ( xi ) (17)
An experimental investigation of PVC is defined in the
Where (i) is the iteration number and f ’(x) is standard test conditions (STC) which are the Air Mass 1.5
the derivative of the function f(x). After each itera- −2
spectrum, an incident power density Pi of 1000 W.m
tion, the developed software program is stopped when
and a temperature of 25 ºC. Using the proposed method,
f ( xi +1 ) < ε , ( ε : stopping tolerance ) . In this con- the obtained current (I), power (P), and  absolute cur-
dition, the equation (1) becomes as: rent error (E) versus the voltage (V) are presented in the
Figure 3. This error is defined as:
F ( I ,V ) = ( )
− I s1 exp ( (V + IRs ) / ( n1Vth ) ) − 1 − I s2 ( )
exp ( (V + IRs ) / ( n2Vth N) ) − 1 − (V + IRs ) / ( Rsh ) − I
=E ∑(I m
− I (Vi , X )) 2 (20)
) ( )
/ ( n1Vth ) ) − 1 − I s2 exp ( (V + IRs ) / ( n2Vth ) ) − 1 − (V + IRs ) / ( Rsh ) − I
(18) i =1

m m
In this study, the function variables are x1, x2 ,...xM. Where Ii , Vi are the measured current and volt-
these latter represent seven electrical parameters of PVC.
These variables are the elements of the vector X = [x1, x2
( )
age respectively? I Vim , X Is the calculated current by

,...xM] and the problem is presented by (N) equations as equation? (1), and ( X ) is electrical parameters vector
the following compacted form F1 (x1, x2 ,...xM ) = 0 with(i
= 1, 2, ..., N). The obtained system contains a equations defined in equation. (29). as it is observed in Figure 3a,
number greater than the seven parameters. In this case, & 3b, satisfactory agreement is remarkable between the
the obtained Jacobian matrix (J) is not a square matrix, so obtained results and the experimental data. To confirm
we must use the pseudo inverse of the Jacobian (J)+. Thus, this observation, the deviation between the measured and
the parameters vector (X) to be identified are updated at the calculated current is relatively small; it does not exceed
each iteration of the modified Newton-Rap son’s method 7 mA Figure 3c. By analyzing the error variation in this
(MNR)21: curve, the output voltage increases significantly with error
(E). This result obliges us to take into account the step
X i=
+1 X i −  J +  .[ F ]i (19) voltage (δ V ) which is variable during the measurement
process. Therefore, for the high voltage measurement, the
Where X i is the vector containing the resulting values of step voltage must be small.
Using developed method, the initial values of seven
parameters at iteration ( i ) , Fi is the elements of vector
electrical parameters and their optimal final values are
F and ( i= 1, …, N ) and ( N ) is the number of values listed in Table 1. In this table, some reference values are
presented to be compared with the final ones24. It’s noted
in a set of data). The row vector elements (J i ) is given by: that the initial and final values are closer but they show
Ji =[∂Fi / ∂x1 , ∂Fi / ∂x 2 ,…, ∂Fi / ∂x M ] , and the itera- significant variations. Also, the found optimal values by
the developed method are very similar to those given in
tive process will stop, when the error å
X i +1 − X i ≤ . The the reference. These results show the importance of ini-
tialization stage because they permit a fast convergence of
main steps of computational algorithm to estimate the PV
developed algorithm. To analyze the performance of the
parameters are shown in Figure 2. proposed technique, many statistical errors are calculated

4 Vol 10 (33) | September 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
El hadi Chahid, Mohammed Idali Oumhand and Abdessamad Malaoui

and interpreted. These indicators are the standard devia- Table 2. Statistical indicators results of electrical model
tion (SD), the root mean square error (RMSE), the mean Indicators statistics Our method In reference24
bias error (MBE), and the “t-statistics”. Their analytical SD(10-3) 2.79 20.32
expressions are defined as follows8,24:
RMSE (10-3) 2.73 19.92
MBE (10-3) 5.1×10-5 -14.10
1 N

( )
∑ t (10 ) 9.3×10 5.01
-5 -5
=SD I i − I im ,
N − 1 i =1

1 N

∑(I )
= i − I im ,
N i =1

1 N
i =1
i −I i

( N − 1) MBE 2 / RMSE 2 − MBE 2

t= ( )
The obtained statistical errors provide information
on the over or under-estimation of the calculated values
related to the experimental data. Indeed, a higher value
of RMSE indicates that there is an inappropriate adopted
model. A positive value of MBE implies an overestimation Figure 2. The flowchart of proposed algorithm for solar cell
of the fitting curve compared to the data base. A small parameters estimation.
value of ‘t-statistical’ error indicates that the used model is
correctly specified.
The found values of these statistical indicators are pre-
sented in Table 2, and compared with reference values24.
This table shows that developed method is powerful and
accurate, and indicates that extracted PVC parameters
are more precise than those found by another works24.
Indeed, the errors (SD, RMSE and NRMSE) are amelio-
rated about 10 times, while the other errors (MBE and t)
are ameliorated 105 times.

Table 1. Extracted electrical parameters for poly-Si

solar cell in reference24 and in this work
Electrical Initial Final values In reference24
parameters values
Figure 3. (a) I-V characteristics, (b) P-V characteristics of
Iph (A) 0.7675 0.7643 0.7602 calculated and experimental Measurements and (c) the
Is1(A) 2.77×10-10 1.7432×10-10 10-10 variation of absolute current error with voltage.
Is2(A) 8.13×10-10 5.3975×10-6 9.889×10-7
N1 1 0.99 1.6 5.2 Determination of Lifetime and Diffusion
N2 2 2.00 1.192 Length Carrier Minorities
Rs(ῼ) 0.045 0.0450 0.032 In order to link the electrical with the physical param-
Rsh(ῼ) 61.549 61.5495 81.3 eters the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) theory is used. The

Vol 10 (33) | September 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
A Fast Strategy to Determine the Physical and Electrical Parameters of Silicon Photovoltaic Cell

studied parameters in this relationship are the minority For silicon semiconductor, the density (n1) as a func-
carrier lifetimes (τn, τp) and length diffusion (Ln, Lp) in tion of the temperature (T) can be written as27:
regions P and N respectively. In this work, a surface (S = 2
cm2) of p-n Silicon is chosen with other physical param- n i = 4.34 ×1015 × T 3/2 exp ( −6493 / T ) (29)

eters listed in Table 3.
In literature, the current densities (J01, J02) of diode 1 Table 3 can be exploited to determine the physi-
and 2 respectively are defined as25,26: cal parameters (τ n , τ p , Ln , and L p ) using equations
(22)-(29). These parameters are presented in Table 4 and
ni2 ni2 compared with those found by other research28,29.
=J 01 q Dn / τ n + q Dp / τ p
Na Nd They show a small difference between τ1 in the equa-
(22) tion (28) and their references. However, the difference
J 02 ≈ π qWni / τ nτ p of (τp) is important which approximately equal to 10%;
(23) the calculated (τp) is greater about 10 times than in refer-
Where (ni) is the intrinsic carrier density, (W) is deple- ence29. This difference due to existing of recombination
tion layer width, (Na) and (Nd) are acceptor and donor mechanism in the depletion region. Generally, these
densities, (Dn) and (Dp) are the diffusion coefficients of mechanisms are neglected in standard J02 formula30. The
minority carriers, (τn) and (τp) are lifetimes of minority analytical expression of J02 must be corrected by an effec-
carriers in P and N regions respectively. In equation (23) tive coefficient (α) as (. In this case, the values of these
the expression (W) is given as: parameters are, Lp = 12 μm, and α = 3π.

2ò Table 3. Device and material parameters of np poly-Si

=W (1/ N a + 1/ N d )Vbi (24)
solar cell used in calculation
Where  is the absolute dielectric constant of the Physical parameters Parameters values
semiconductor, and Vbi is the built-in voltage across the Ni(cm-3) 1.5×1010
p-n junction expressed as: Eg(eV) 1.12
Na(cm ) 1015
( )

Vbi = Vt ln ( N a N d ) / ni2 (25)

Nd(cm-3) 5×1018
The preceding equations are simplified and written as: Dn(cm2/s) 34.49
Dp(cm /s)2
a τ p + b τn =
cJ 01 / J 02 and τ nτ p = c / J 02 (26) W(µm) 1.01
Vbi(V) 0.795
With a = q Dn ni / N a , b = q D p ni2 / N d ,
Table 4. Comparison of the physical parameters
c = π qWni
calculation and the data reported
Equation (26) gives a following second order equa- Physical Proposed Reference
tion: parameters method method29

( )
2 𝜏n(s) 2.35×10-5 1.17×10-5
a τp − ( cJ 01 / J 02 ) τ p + bc / J 02 =
0 (27)
𝜏p(s) 1.36×10-8 1.18×10-7
Ln(µm) 285 201
The solution of this equation is:

=τp (( cJ 01 / J 02 ) ± )/ (28)
Lp(µm) 4 12

The discriminant of this equation is: 6. Conclusion

= cJ 01 ( cJ 01 − 4ab ) / (J 02 ) 2 This paper proposes a fast method for electrical param-
eters extraction of poly-Si solar cell with two diodes

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