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Vikrant Khullar

Himanshu Tyagi1
Solar Energy Harvesting
School of Mechanical,
Using Nanofluids-Based
Materials and Energy Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar,
Rupnagar, Punjab 140001, India
Concentrating Solar Collector
Dispersing trace amounts of nanoparticles into common base-fluids has a significant
impact on the optical as well as thermophysical properties of the base-fluid. This charac-
Patrick E. Phelan teristic can be utilized to effectively capture and transport solar radiation. Enhancement
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
of the solar irradiance absorption capacity leads to a higher heat transfer rate resulting
Arizona State University,
in more efficient heat transfer. This paper attempts to introduce the idea of harvesting so-
Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
lar radiant energy through usage of nanofluid-based concentrating parabolic solar col-
lectors (NCPSC). In order to theoretically analyze the NCPSC, it has been
Todd P. Otanicar mathematically modeled, and the governing equations have been numerically solved
Department of Mechanical Engineering, using finite difference technique. The results of the model were compared with the experi-
University of Tulsa, mental results of conventional concentrating parabolic solar collectors under similar
Tulsa, OK 74104 conditions. It was observed that while maintaining the same external conditions (such as
ambient/inlet temperatures, wind speed, solar insolation, flow rate, concentration ratio,
Harjit Singh etc.) the NCPSC has about 5–10% higher efficiency as compared to the conventional par-
School of Engineering and Design, abolic solar collector. Furthermore, parametric studies were carried out to discover the
Brunel University, influence of various parameters on performance and efficiency. The following parameters
Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK were studied in the present study: solar insolation, incident angle, and the convective
heat transfer coefficient. The theoretical results clearly indicate that the NCPSC has the
Robert A. Taylor potential to harness solar radiant energy more efficiently than a conventional parabolic
School of Mechanical and trough. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4007387]
Manufacturing Engineering,
The University of New South Wales, Keywords: nanofluids, solar irradiance, concentrating parabolic solar collector, heat
Gate 14, Barker Street, transfer, participating media
Kensington, Sydney, 2052, Australia

1 Introduction the NCPSC. Heat transfer to the working fluid (nanofluid) has been
approximated as coupled radiative and conduction heat transfer in
Stable nanoparticle dispersions, i.e., nanofluids [1–3] have recently
absorbing, emitting, and scattering medium. Finite difference tech-
found relevance in applications requiring quick and effective heat
nique has been used to numerically solve the coupled equations and
transfer such as industrial cooling applications [4], cooling of micro-
to calculate the temperature distribution spatially within the working
chips [5], microscale fluidic applications [6], cryopreservation [7],
fluid. Furthermore, this temperature distribution was utilized for cal-
and gasification of biomass [8]. Moreover, in contrast to conven-
culation of the thermal efficiency of the NCPSC, as well as the radia-
tional heat transfer fluids (for solar thermal applications) like water,
tive and convective losses from the HCE and various other
ethylene glycol, and molten salts, nanofluids are not transparent to
performance indicators. Finally, these results were validated theoreti-
solar radiant energy; instead, they absorb and scatter significantly the
cally and compared with those of conventional parabolic trough
solar irradiance passing through them [9,10].The aforementioned
collectors available in the literature [16].
characteristics have led the researchers to analyze these fluids (nano-
fluids) for their suitability as the working fluid in solar thermal appli-
cations. In this direction, a novel nonconcentrating type solar
2 Basic Theoretical Model
collector employing nanofluids as the working fluid (nanofluid-based
direct absorption solar collector) has been proposed by a few 2.1 Overview. A nanofluid-based concentrating parabolic so-
researchers [11,12]. Similar attempts have been made to explore the lar collector is similar to a conventional solar parabolic trough
applicability of nanofluids in the case of high flux collectors [13,14]. collector except for the linear receiver or the HCE part of the col-
Except for the recent work of Khullar and Tyagi [15] all the studies lector. In terms of constructional details, the two types of
thus far which are relevant to nanofluid-based direct absorption col- receivers differ in the sense that in the case of NCPSC the
lectors have primarily been carried out on concentrating and noncon- absorber tube is replaced by a glass tube which houses the nano-
centrating flat-plate receivers. fluid so that direct interaction of the working fluid with the solar
The current paper attempts to analyze the heat transfer aspects of a irradiance is possible. Figure 1 outlines and provides a compari-
nanofluid-based concentrating parabolic solar collector. Each compo- son of the two types of receivers. This novel type of nanofluid-
nent of the NCPSC has been mathematically modeled with special based HCE introduces a paradigm shift in the way the solar radi-
emphasis on the receiver or the heat collector element (HCE) part of ant energy is captured.
In the conventional HCE, the solar radiant energy is first
absorbed by the absorber tube and then transferred to the working
fluid via conduction and convection modes, i.e., the working fluid
Corresponding author.
itself does not directly interact with the incoming solar irradiance.
Manuscript received March 12, 2012; final manuscript received August 10, 2012; However, in the case of NCPSC the working fluid is allowed to
published online January 18, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Debjyoti Banerjee. directly interact with the incoming solar irradiance, and as a result

Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine AUGUST 2012, Vol. 3 / 031003-1

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Table 1 The details of the material, optical properties, and geo-
metrical dimensions of various componentsa

Parabolic concentrator Glass tube Glass envelope

Material Low-iron glass Pyrex glass Pyrex glass

Reflectivity 0.93 — —
Transmittanceb — 0.95 0.95
Width (m) 5 — —
Length (m) 7.84 8.0 8.0
Rim angle (deg) 70 — —
Focal length (m) 1.84 — —
Diameter (mm) — 70 115
Fig. 1 Schematic of (a) conventional receiver and (b) NCPSC
These have been kept exactly the same as those of the conventional col-
lector [16] with which the results of this study are compared.
For normally incident solar irradiance.

have been made to simplify the theoretical model and at the same
time the assumptions have been carefully made so that the model
remains sufficiently accurate for engineering purposes. The radi-
ant energy source, i.e., the sun, has been approximated as a perfect
blackbody at a surface temperature of 5800 K and its spectral
power distribution has been approximated by Planck’s distribution
law, given by Eq. (1)

Ibk ðTsun Þ ¼     (1)
5 hco
k exp 1
kkB Tsun

For the current analysis, the spectral power distribution has been
limited to a wavelength band ranging from 0:1 lm to 3 lm as the
sun emits more than 97% of its radiant energy in this wavelength
band [17]. The incoming solar irradiance is assumed to be incident
perpendicular to the aperture area of the parabolic concentrator so
that all of it is concentrated onto the receiver, as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 2 Attenuation of solar irradiance as it passes through the Once the solar irradiance reaches the HCE, a small part of it is
nanofluid and subsequent convective (qconv) and radiative absorbed and reflected by the glass envelope and the glass tube
(qrad) losses
and the rest is able to reach the nanofluid (depending on the trans-
missivity of the glass tube and envelope).
volumetric energy absorption takes place via absorption and scat- The details of the material, optical properties, and geometrical
tering mechanisms (as shown in Fig. 2). Moreover, the spatial dis- dimensions of various components of the NCPSC are provided in
tribution and the volume fraction of the nanoparticles can be Table 1. The interaction between the solar irradiance and the
engineered to realize the desired energy absorption. nanofluid has been approximated as combined conductive and
radiative heat transfer in absorbing, emitting, and scattering me-
dium. Nanoparticles scatter as well as absorb the solar irradiance,
2.2 Underlying Assumptions. In order to quantitatively ana- whereas scattering by the base-fluid being negligible has not been
lyze the heat transfer mechanism, certain reasonable assumptions accounted for in the current model. Furthermore, scattering by the

Fig. 3 Schematic of NCPSC

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Table 2 The material (and geometrical details) of the nanopar-
ticles and the thermophysical properties of nanoparticles [19]
and the base-fluid [20]

Nanoparticles Base-fluid

Therminol VP-1Va
Material Aluminium
Mean diameter, D(nm) 5 —
Shape Spherical —
Density, q (kg m3) 2700 1060
Specific heat, cp (Jkg1 K1) 900 1570
Thermal conductivity, k (W m1K1) 247 0.1357
Volume fraction (%), fv 0.05 —
Commonly used heat transfer fluid (special formulation of Diphenyl oxide
and biphenyl)

nanoparticles has been approximated as independent scattering Fig. 4 Effect of temperature on the thermal diffusivity of Ther-
(the volume fraction of the nanoparticles being very small) fol- minol VP-1 (data points taken from Ref. [20])
lowing Rayleigh’s [18] regime (this can be justified as the size of
the nanoparticles is small as compared to the wavelength of the
interacting solar irradiance), i.e., a ¼ pD=k  1, where a is the at low volume fractions of nanoparticles. Therefore, in order to
size parameter. The material, geometrical details of the nanopar- study the temperature dependence of thermophysical properties of
ticles, and the thermophysical properties of the nanoparticles and nanofluids, it is sufficient to investigate the base-fluid only (Ther-
the base-fluid are given in Table 2 [19,20]. minol VP-1 in the present case). It can be clearly seen from Fig. 4
The effective density and specific heat of the nanofluid have that the thermophysical properties of therminol VP-1(data points
been found by employing the parallel mixture rule [21,22]. The taken from Ref. [20]) are not significantly dependent on tempera-
parallel mixture rule as applied to density and the specific heat are ture. Furthermore, the thermal efficiency of the collector is a weak
described mathematically by Eqs. 2(a) and 2(b) as function of these mildly temperature dependent thermophysical
properties (described in greater detail at the end of Sec. 4.2).
qnf ¼ fv qnp þ ð1  fv Þqbf (2a) Hence, as a whole the thermophysical properties can be safely
approximated as temperature independent.
cpnf ¼ fv cpnp þ ð1  fv Þcpbf (2b) Next, the temperature dependence of the optical properties is
considered. A few researchers have investigated the temperature
where fv is the volume fraction of the nanoparticles; qnf , qnp , qbf dependence of the optical properties of metals [30] and metallic
are the densities, and cpnf , cpnp , cpbf are the specific heats of the nanoparticles [31] and concluded that the optical properties are
nanofluid, nanoparticles, and the base-fluid, respectively. nearly independent of the temperature (for the operating tempera-
The effective medium theory for calculating the effective ther- ture range which encompasses the temperature range in the pres-
mal conductivity of the nanofluid has been proposed by many ent study). Also, the refractive index of water has been found to
researchers [22–27]. The Maxwell effective medium theory [23], decrease slightly with an increase in temperature [32].
the model equation of Hamilton and Crosser [24], and more In the backdrop of the above-mentioned findings and the lack
recently, the generalized theory by Nan et al. [27] have been of optical property data (as a function of temperature) for thermi-
found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. More- nol VP-1, it is difficult to predict the temperature dependence of
over, the last two of the above-mentioned theories collapse to the the optical properties of the nanofluid as a whole. Therefore, in
Maxwell effective medium theory for spherical particles and neg- the present study, optical properties have been assumed to be tem-
ligible interfacial thermal resistance [28]. Mathematically, the perature independent. As a future work, the authors intend to
Maxwell effective theory can be represented by Eq. (3) as [23] investigate if the temperature has some significant impact on the
optical properties of therminol VP-1 based nanofluids.
knf knp þ 2kbf þ 2fv knp  kbf
¼   (3)
kbf knp þ 2kbf  fv knp  kbf 2.3 Solar Irradiance Interaction With Participating
Medium. As the electromagnetic radiation (solar irradiance)
where knf , kbf , and knp are the thermal conductivities of the nano- interacts with the participating medium (nanofluid), attenuation of
fluid, base-fluid, and nanoparticles, respectively, and fv is the vol- the solar radiant energy takes place through absorption and scat-
ume fraction of the nanoparticles. It is clearly apparent from tering mechanisms. This results in conversion of solar radiant
Eqs. (2) and (3) that at very low values of volume fraction (0.05% energy into the thermal energy of the working fluid which can
in the present study) the effective thermophysical properties (den- then be utilized for water heating applications, electricity genera-
sity, specific heat capacity, and the thermal conductivity) of the tion, and biomass gasification. In order to calculate the resultant
nanofluid do not vary significantly from those of the base-fluid intensities at various radial locations, the radiative transfer equa-
itself. More recently, experiments conducted by Lenert et al. [29] tion (RTE) has been employed. The RTE takes into account the
employing carbon-coated cobalt nanoparticles dispersed in Ther- attenuation (as a result of absorption and out-scattering) as well as
minol VP-1 have also revealed that the thermophysical properties the augmentation (as a result of emission) of the intensity as it
of nanofluids are effectively similar to those of the base-fluid at transverses through the nanofluid. Mathematically, it is given by
very low volume fractions. Eq. 4(a) as [33]
As high fluid temperatures are involved in the analysis, there-
fore, it is necessary to investigate the temperature dependence of 1 @ ðrIk Þ
¼ Keknf Ik þ Kaknf Ibk (4a)
the thermophysical and optical properties of the nanofluid. Firstly, r @r
the temperature dependence of the thermophysical properties is
investigated. It has been recently reported by Zhang et al. [22] where Kaknf and Keknf are the spectral absorption and extinction
that the temperature dependence of thermophysical properties of coefficients of the nanofluid, respectively. The solar irradiance
nanofluids is not dominated by the solid phase but the liquid phase absorption capability of the nanofluid depends on how well do the

Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine AUGUST 2012, Vol. 3 / 031003-3

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nanoparticles absorb and scatter the incident solar irradiance.
Quantitatively the magnitude of the absorption and scattering
coefficients of the nanoparticles represent the solar irradiance
absorption capability, and mathematically, these coefficients are
given by Eqs. 4(b) and 4(c), respectively [11,18].
6pfv m 1 p2 D2 m2  1 m4 þ 27m2 þ 38
Kaknp ¼ Im 2 1þ
k m þ2 15k2 m2 þ 2 2m2 þ 3

4p4 D3 fv

m2  1

Ksknp ¼ (4c)
k 4
m2 þ 2

where fv , D, and m are the volume fraction, diameter, and the

normalized refractive index of the nanoparticles, respectively.
Equations 4(b) and 4(c) reveal that for a given nanoparticle ma-
terial (aluminium in the present study), these coefficients are Fig. 5 Spectral extinction coefficient of the Therminol VP-
1(data points taken from Ref. [9,35]) and the nanofluid. The sym-
functions of the volume fraction and the diameter of the bols used in the plots are as follows: ( ) Therminol VP-1 and
nanoparticles. ( ) nanofluid (Therminol VP-1 1 0.05% Al nanoparticles).
First, the effect of nanoparticle diameter on the coefficients is
investigated. Careful observation of Eq. 4(b) reveals that for very
low values of the size parameter, a (which encompass the present  
1@ @T @ ðr qrad Þ @T
study) the second term in absorption coefficient becomes insignifi- kr  ¼ qcp U (5)
r @r @r r@r @x
cant. Therefore, the absorption coefficient can be safely assumed
to be independent of nanoparticle diameter. Furthermore, Eq. 4(c)
reveals that the scattering coefficient of the nanoparticles varies where q is the density of the nanofluid, cp is the specific heat, U is
with the third power (D3 ) of the nanoparticle size. But, the size of the fluid velocity, k is the thermal conductivity, and qrad is the
the particles being very small (of the order of nanometers) and radiative heat flux defined by Eq. (6) as
keeping in view the maximum particle size as limited by the Ray- ðð
leigh scattering regime the magnitude of the scattering coefficient qrad ¼ Ik;/ d/dk (6)
itself comes out to be negligible. The aforementioned observa-
tions reveal that the extinction coefficient (which takes into
account both the absorption and scattering by the nanoparticles) As the present analysis is for concentrating collectors, therefore, it
and, hence, the solar irradiance absorption capability is nearly in- is imperative to consider emission losses in the heat transfer
dependent of the nanoparticle size. model. The heat transfer mechanism within the nanofluid has been
Next, the impact of volume fraction of nanoparticles is investi- approximated as coupled conduction-radiative heat transfer in
gated. It can be deduced from Eqs. 4(b) and 4(c) that both the absorbing, emitting, and scattering medium with convective and
absorption as well as scattering coefficients increase monotoni- radiative losses at the boundaries. Temperature distribution within
cally with increase in the volume fraction (maximum value of fv is the nanofluid has been calculated by taking into consideration the
limited by Rayleigh and independent scattering approximations) simultaneous absorption and emission by the nanofluid.
of the nanoparticles. For extremely low volume fractions of nano-
particles dispersed in the base-fluid, the resultant nanofluid will 2.4 Calculation of Performance Indicators. Once the tem-
not be able to fully capture the solar irradiance incident on it. Fur- perature distribution is known in both the spatial coordinates (i.e.,
thermore, at very high volume fractions the absorption will be radially as well as along the length) the next step is to assess the
limited to a very thin layer at the top and the subsequent heat performance of the NCPSC. For this purpose, optical and thermal
transfer to the rest of the nanofluid will be through conduction and efficiencies have been defined and also thermal and optical losses
convection modes, i.e., a volumetric absorption-based collector have been calculated. In order to define optical efficiency, first of
(such as NCPSC) will approximate a surface absorption-based all, the solar radiant energy flux which is able to reach the nano-
collector (such as the Conventional parabolic trough) at very high fluid (Gnf ) needs to be calculated; this is given by Eq. (7) as
values of nanoparticle volume fraction). Therefore, it is impera-
tive to choose the volume fraction carefully in order to realize effi- Gnf ¼ Cqicl Ki senv sgt Gaper (7)
cient volumetric solar irradiance absorptance.
In order to calculate the spectral extinction coefficients of the
nanofluid, it is necessary to know the optical constants of both the where C is the geometric concentration ratio defined as the ratio
nanoparticle (aluminium) as well as the base-fluid (Therminol of the aperture area to the receiver area [17] and is mathematically
VP-1). Whereas the optical constants for aluminium in the wave- given by Eq. (8) as
length range of interest (0:1lm  30lm) are available in the liter-
ature [34], only limited data are available for Therminol VP-1. C¼ (8)
Optical constants for Therminol VP-1 in the spectral band of Arec
k < 2lm (which is also the spectral range in which most of the
solar irradiance is incident) are available in the literature [9,35] where qicl is the reflectance of the clean mirrors, senv and sgt are the
and for the spectral band k > 2lm (which constitutes the re- transmittances of the glass envelope and tube, respectively, Gaper is
emission from the nanofluid), the nanofluid as a whole has been the direct normal incident solar irradiance (at the aperture), and Ki
assumed to be fully absorptive [29]. Figure 5 illustrates the effect is the incident angle modifier [16] given by Eq. (9) as
of adding nanoparticles into the base-fluid on the extinction coeffi-
cients of the resulting nanofluid. Basically, the attenuation repre- Ki ¼ cos h þ 0:000884h þ 0:0005369h2 (9)
sents the energy generation term in the generalized energy
balance equation. The simplified energy equation can be mathe- where h is the incident angle (in degrees), i.e., the angle which the
matically represented as incident solar irradiance makes with the normal to the aperture

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area. Therefore, the fraction of solar irradiance intensity reaching Table 3 Values of various input parameters for calculation of
the nanofluid is defined by the optical efficiency (gopt ) given by thermal efficiency and heat losses (for both the conventional
Eq. (10) as parabolic solar collector and the NCPSC) [16]
Gnf Gaper (W m2) Tamb (  C) Tin (  C) 3 1
V (m s )
gopt ¼ (10)
CGaper 807.1 15.8 18.34 0.307  103
933.7 21.2 102.2 0.795  103
The thermal efficiency of the NCPSC is defined as the ratio of 968.2 22.4 151 0.797  103
sensible heat gain by the working fluid (nanofluid) to the normal 982.3 24.3 197.5 0.818  103
solar radiant energy incident on the aperture. 909.5 26.2 250.7 0.912  103

qcp ðTout  Tin Þ

gth ¼ (11)
CGaper cient (hconv ) in the annulus region (filled with low pressure air,
i.e., near vacuum conditions) has been taken equal to 0.000115
where q and cp are the density and specific heat of the nanofluid, Wm2 K1 [37]. Also, the temperature of the low pressure air/
respectively, and Tout and Tin are the mean outlet and inlet nano- vacuum has been approximated as equal to ambient air
fluid temperatures, respectively. temperature.

3 Numerical Modeling 4 Results and Discussion

Finite difference technique has been applied to numerically 4.1 Comparison of Results. A code has been written in MAT-
solve the heat transfer equations [36]. The entire participating me- LAB to implement the theoretical formulation. Various operating
dium has been discretized into a finite number of thin concentric parameters and geometrical dimensions were chosen in accord-
radial elements as shown in Fig. 6. Each element is characterized ance with those available for conventional parabolic trough (ex-
by a uniform constant temperature represented by a finite value at perimental results for Syltherm 800, silicon-based heat transfer
its centre (node). The energy interaction in the form of heat has fluid) in the literature [16]. Table 3 details the various operating
been approximated as two-dimensional and steady. An energy bal- parameters used in the model for the evaluation of thermal effi-
ance was applied to each element; also, boundary conditions have ciency, and optical and thermal losses. Additionally, in order to
been imposed (on boundary nodes) to obtain the temperature field clearly ascertain the effect of adding nanoparticles to the base-
which was then used to calculate the thermal efficiency of the fluid, the case of a collector which is exactly the same as the
collector. NCPSC but uses conventional heat transfer fluids such as Thermi-
Spatially, the receiver of radius 35 mm has been discretized nol VP-1 has been studied. For convenience, this has been termed
radially. The number of nodes along the radial direction has been as base-fluid based concentrating parabolic solar collector
taken equal to 50. The analysis has been carried out for various (BCPSC).
fluid velocities (depending on the mass flow rates). In the current Figure 7 outlines the typical losses (per unit aperture area) in
model, the node size was chosen such that the percentage compu- the three (the conventional trough, the BCPSC and the NCPSC)
tational error reduced to approximately 0.09% and subsequently, types of collectors. It is apparent from the plots that the NCPSC
the model gave convergent and stable solutions. As stated earlier, has relatively higher thermal losses (see Fig. 7(b)) than the other
the incident solar irradiance has been approximated to be spec- two types of solar parabolic trough collectors. However, due to
trally distributed within a wavelength band of 0:1 lm  3 lm and very high optical losses (see Fig. 7(a)) in the case of BCPSC (as it
also the radiant energy emitted by the nanofluid has been approxi- allows most of the solar radiant energy to pass through) and the
mated to lie between 1 lm  30 lm. The values of the temperature conventional parabolic collectors, the total losses (see Fig. 7(c))
of the fluid entering the collector (Tin ) and the ambient tempera- from these collectors are relatively higher than that for NCPSC.
ture (Tamb ) are given in Sec. 4.1. Convective heat transfer coeffi- The calculated radiative losses from the NCPSC as well as the
BCPSC are expected to be overestimated as it has been assumed
that all the radiant energy emitted by the nanofluid/Therminol VP-1
is able to escape through the glass tubes irrespective of the wave-
length of the emitted radiation, i.e., the transmissivity of the glass
tubes is 1 for the emitted radiations. Comparison of thermal effi-
ciency for the three collectors is shown in the Fig. 8. The observa-
tion which can be unequivocally concluded from Fig. 8 is that
there is a definite improvement in terms of thermal efficiency in
the case of the NCPSC. BCPSC due to its low thermal efficiency
does not warrant further consideration, and therefore, from this
point onward, the analysis is restricted to the other two types of
collectors (conventional parabolic trough and the NCPSC).
Furthermore, it is apparent from Fig. 8 that the maximum
improvement in thermal efficiency is for low values of fluid tem-
perature and the gap between the two narrows down with increase
in operating fluid temperatures. This observation can be attributed
to the fact that at higher average fluid temperatures the total losses
for the two collectors tend to converge as the effect of thermal
losses becomes predominant.
Next, the effect of incident angle on the performance of the two
collectors was evaluated. For this purpose, the parameters tabu-
lated in Table 4 were used for calculating thermal efficiency for
different values of incident angle.
Fig. 6 Discretization of the participating medium with finite These calculated thermal efficiency values are plotted for the
difference nodes in radial coordinates two collectors as shown in Fig. 9. The inlet fluid temperatures and

Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine AUGUST 2012, Vol. 3 / 031003-5

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Fig. 8 Comparison of thermal efficiency as a function of aver-
age fluid temperature above ambient for BCPSC, NCPSC, and
the conventional linear parabolic solar collectors (data points
for the conventional linear parabolic solar collector have been
taken from Ref. [16]). The symbols used in the plots are as fol-
lows: ( ) nanofluid-based volumetric receiver with vacuum
in the annulus; ( ) basefluid-based volumetric re-
ceiver with vacuum in the annulus and () Dudley et al. [16]
(Cermet receiver with vacuum in the annulus).

Table 4 Values of various input parameters for calculation of

thermal efficiency as a function of incident angle [16]
Incident angle (deg) Gaper (W m2) Tamb (  C) Tin (  C) 3 1
V (m s )

0.00 850.3 4.0 14.8 0.342  103

4.53 856.9 3.6 14.7 0.342  103
9.52 868.8 3.0 14.5 0.342  103
19.53 833.1 2.8 14.4 0.342  103
40.60 852.3 2.3 13.8 0.343  103
48.00 836.0 1.9 13.9 0.350  103
59.50 811.4 1.8 13.8 0.358  103

Fig. 7 Comparison of (a) optical loss, (b) thermal loss, and (c)
total loss as a function of average fluid temperature above ambi-
ent for BCPSC, NCPSC, and the conventional linear parabolic so-
lar collectors (data points for the conventional linear parabolic
solar collector have been taken from Ref. [16]). The symbols Fig. 9 Comparison of thermal efficiencies as a function of inci-
used in the plots are as follows: ( ) nanofluid-based volu- dent angle for NCPSC and the conventional linear parabolic so-
metric receiver with vacuum in the annulus; ( ) basefluid- lar collectors (data points for the conventional linear parabolic
based volumetric receiver with vacuum in the annulus and () solar collector have been taken from Ref. [16]). The symbols
Dudley et al. [16] (Cermet receiver with vacuum in the annulus). used in the plots are as follows: ( ) nanofluid-based re-
ceiver with vacuum in the annulus and ( ) Dudley et al. [16]
(black chrome selective coating with vacuum in the annulus).
flow rates being not very high (resulting in negligible thermal
losses) the observed higher thermal efficiency of NCPSC can be
attributed to higher sensible heat gain (owing to higher optical ef-
ficiency) relative to a conventional parabolic trough. operating conditions, the next step is to investigate the effects of
various operating parameters on the performance indicators of the
collector. The intent here is restricted to an investigative paramet-
4.2 Some Parametric Studies. Now that it has been ric study only and a detailed optimization of various operating pa-
observed that as compared to a conventional parabolic trough the rameters is not attempted in the current study. This section
NCPSC performs better (at least theoretically) under similar presents the effect of parameters namely normal solar irradiance,

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near future) in order to transform this novel concept of harvesting
solar radiant energy into a commercial reality.

The authors based in India (V.K. and H.T.) wish to acknowl-
edge the support provided by the School of Mechanical, Materials
and Energy Engineering at IIT Ropar. The U.S.-based authors
(T.P.O. and P.E.P.) gratefully acknowledge support provided by
the U.S. National Science Foundation through Grant Nos. CBET-
0932720 and CBET-1066705. R.A.T wishes to acknowledge the
UNSW ECR program and ASI (2011-14).

A¼ area, m2
C¼ geometric concentration ratio
co ¼ speed of light in vacuum, co ¼ 2.9979  108 ms1
cp ¼ specific heat, J kg1 K1
D¼ mean particle diameter, D ¼ 5  109 m (¼5 nm)
dx ¼ thickness of spatial node along x-direction, m
dr ¼ length of radial spatial node, dr ¼ 7.14  104 m
dk ¼ spectral interval, dk ¼ 0.1 lm
fv ¼ particle volume fraction, fv ¼ 0.0005 (0.05%)
G¼ incident solar flux, W m2
h¼ Planck constant, h ¼ 6.6256  1034 Js
hconv ¼ convective heat transfer coefficient, W m2 K1
I¼ intensity, W m2 str1 lm1
K¼ radiative coefficients, m1
Ki ¼ incident angle modifier
k¼ thermal conductivity, W m1 K1
kB ¼ Boltzmann constant, kB ¼ 1.38  1023 J K1
L¼ length of the linear receiver, L ¼ 8 m
Fig. 12 Effect of solar irradiance on (a) thermal efficiency and
(b) thermal losses in the case of NCPSC m¼ normalized refractive index
q¼ heat flux, W m2
r¼ radius of the linear receiver, r ¼ 35 mm
T¼ temperature,  C
Tsun ¼ surface temperature of the sun, Tsun ¼ 5800 K
U: ¼ fluid velocity, m s1
V¼ volume flow rate, m3 s1
x¼ distance along the axial direction, m

Greek Symbols
a¼ size parameter (¼pD=k)
g¼ collector efficiency, %
h¼ incident angle, deg
k¼ wavelength, lm
q¼ density, kg m3
qi ¼ reflectance
s¼ transmissivity, s ¼ 0.95
u¼ solid angle, str
Fig. 13 Thermal efficiency as a function of thermal diffusivity
of Therminol VP-1
a¼ absorption
independence approximation of the thermophysical properties of amb ¼ ambient
Therminol VP-1 (and hence the nanofluid). annu ¼ annulus
aper ¼ aperture
b¼ blackbody
bf ¼ base-fluid
5 Conclusion cl ¼ clean mirror
The theoretical results indicate that the nanofluid-based concen- conv ¼ convection
trating parabolic solar collector has the potential to harness solar e¼ extinction
radiant energy more efficiently as compared to a conventional par- env ¼ envelope
abolic trough. Furthermore, nanoparticle shape, size, and material gt ¼ glass tube
need to be optimized in order to get the desired output in terms of in ¼ inlet
thermal efficiency and maximum outlet fluid temperatures. nf ¼ nanofluid
Finally, the current mathematical analysis needs to be substanti- np ¼ nanoparticles
ated with experimentation (which the authors intend to do in the opt ¼ optical

031003-8 / Vol. 3, AUGUST 2012 Transactions of the ASME

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near future) in order to transform this novel concept of harvesting
solar radiant energy into a commercial reality.

The authors based in India (V.K. and H.T.) wish to acknowl-
edge the support provided by the School of Mechanical, Materials
and Energy Engineering at IIT Ropar. The U.S.-based authors
(T.P.O. and P.E.P.) gratefully acknowledge support provided by
the U.S. National Science Foundation through Grant Nos. CBET-
0932720 and CBET-1066705. R.A.T wishes to acknowledge the
UNSW ECR program and ASI (2011-14).

A¼ area, m2
C¼ geometric concentration ratio
co ¼ speed of light in vacuum, co ¼ 2.9979  108 ms1
cp ¼ specific heat, J kg1 K1
D¼ mean particle diameter, D ¼ 5  109 m (¼5 nm)
dx ¼ thickness of spatial node along x-direction, m
dr ¼ length of radial spatial node, dr ¼ 7.14  104 m
dk ¼ spectral interval, dk ¼ 0.1 lm
fv ¼ particle volume fraction, fv ¼ 0.0005 (0.05%)
G¼ incident solar flux, W m2
h¼ Planck constant, h ¼ 6.6256  1034 Js
hconv ¼ convective heat transfer coefficient, W m2 K1
I¼ intensity, W m2 str1 lm1
K¼ radiative coefficients, m1
Ki ¼ incident angle modifier
k¼ thermal conductivity, W m1 K1
kB ¼ Boltzmann constant, kB ¼ 1.38  1023 J K1
L¼ length of the linear receiver, L ¼ 8 m
Fig. 12 Effect of solar irradiance on (a) thermal efficiency and
(b) thermal losses in the case of NCPSC m¼ normalized refractive index
q¼ heat flux, W m2
r¼ radius of the linear receiver, r ¼ 35 mm
T¼ temperature,  C
Tsun ¼ surface temperature of the sun, Tsun ¼ 5800 K
U: ¼ fluid velocity, m s1
V¼ volume flow rate, m3 s1
x¼ distance along the axial direction, m

Greek Symbols
a¼ size parameter (¼pD=k)
g¼ collector efficiency, %
h¼ incident angle, deg
k¼ wavelength, lm
q¼ density, kg m3
qi ¼ reflectance
s¼ transmissivity, s ¼ 0.95
u¼ solid angle, str
Fig. 13 Thermal efficiency as a function of thermal diffusivity
of Therminol VP-1
a¼ absorption
independence approximation of the thermophysical properties of amb ¼ ambient
Therminol VP-1 (and hence the nanofluid). annu ¼ annulus
aper ¼ aperture
b¼ blackbody
bf ¼ base-fluid
5 Conclusion cl ¼ clean mirror
The theoretical results indicate that the nanofluid-based concen- conv ¼ convection
trating parabolic solar collector has the potential to harness solar e¼ extinction
radiant energy more efficiently as compared to a conventional par- env ¼ envelope
abolic trough. Furthermore, nanoparticle shape, size, and material gt ¼ glass tube
need to be optimized in order to get the desired output in terms of in ¼ inlet
thermal efficiency and maximum outlet fluid temperatures. nf ¼ nanofluid
Finally, the current mathematical analysis needs to be substanti- np ¼ nanoparticles
ated with experimentation (which the authors intend to do in the opt ¼ optical

031003-8 / Vol. 3, AUGUST 2012 Transactions of the ASME

Downloaded From: on 12/08/2014 Terms of Use:

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