Prelim Profed4 Ay 2019-2020

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Colegio de San Antonio de Padua

Sands Campus, Danao City, Cebu

Instructor: Ma. Rizaly D. Velasco

Name: ________________________________ Sched:_____________________ Score: _________

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. He is the father of guidance and counseling in the Philippines. ________________.
A. Agapito Dela Cruz Jr. C. Roberto Rodriguez Jr.
B. Alejandro Vasquez Jr. D. Sinfroso Padilla Jr.
2. What year did the first psychological clinic in the Philippines was opened?______________.
A. 1920 C. 1953
B. 1932 D. 1961
3. What year did the first Guidance Institute in the Philippines was opened? ________.
a. 1932 c. 1920
b. 1953 d. 1961
4. What year did the first Guidance Institute in the Philippines was opened?
A. December 1970 C. October 1954
B. November 1945 D. September 1967
5. What association was organized in order to study the needs, interests, and potentialities of our young
A. Association of Guidance C. Philippines Association of Guidance Counselors
B. Council Association D. Philippines Association of Psychology
6. This bureau started to send teachers as pensionados for observation and study the guidance services
A. Bureau of Education C. Bureau of Public Schools
B. Bureau of Psychology D. Bureau of Schools
7. What bureau did the association in #5 established 1953? ___________.
A. Guidance and Counseling Bureau C. Psychology Bureau
B. Organization Bureau D. Testing Bureau
8. It is also known as the Philippine Mental Health Act. ______________.
A. RA 10136 B. RA 11036 C. RA 63101 D. RA 11306
9. It refers to the prevention rather than the intervention. ___________.
a. Counseling c. Therapy
b. Guidance d. Treatment
10. It refers to the intervention rather than prevention. ____________.
a. Counseling c. Therapy
b. Guidance d. Treatment

II. Enumeration.
A. Enumerate the different types of counseling
B. Enumerate the different kinds of counseling strategies
C. Enumerate the basic Guidance Services
D. Enumerate at least five triggers

III. Identification.

Academic Freedom Contract Guidance Counselor Stress Trauma

Breaching Eustress Human Resource Suspension Trigger

1. These refers to the positive energy, pleasant events and sometimes can be curative.
2. It refers to the pursue knowledge without restriction from law, institutional regulations or public
3. It is anything that reminds the frustrations and bad events from the past or anything that will make
them anxious.
4. It refers to an agreement bounded for a certain period of time. _____________________.
5. This refers to a kind of sanction wherein you cannot report for work for a few days especially if there
is an investigation that involves that certain person receiving that kind of sanction.
6. This a part of the administrating office in every company and business that keeps the record of the
employees and tracks their work performance. __________________.
7. It can cause sorrow, fear and pain. ______________.
8. It is an act of breaking an agreement. It provides certain sanctions and penalties if you cannot follow
on a certain agreement. ________________.
9. They are the ones who makes certain interventions when it comes to the student’s mental, social and
emotional health. _________________________.
10. It is the reaction or the by product which causes distress to people if you are presented with a
certain stimuli.

IV. Conceptualization. Draw a Venn Diagram which shows the difference between Guidance and
Counseling (10pts).

Content – 6pts.
Neatness – 4pts.

(Write your answers at the back)

Colegio de San Antonio de Padua
Sands Campus, Danao City, Cebu


Name: ________________________________ Sched:_____________________ Score: _________

I. Multiple Choice Question. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (nx2)

1. This is a legal document collaboratively prepared by the special education team of professionals.
A. Anecdotal Record B. Class Record C. IEP D. Lesson Plan

2. A Republic Act which protects the rights of the persons with disabilities in the Philippines.
A. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act B. Magna Carta for the Disabled Persons
C. RA 7727 D. Both B & C

3. According to the psychometrician, Student F got an IQ score of 53. What level of intellectual disability
is she in?
A. Mild B. Moderate C. Profound D. Severe

4. These are services provided by those not employed by the school.

A. Ancillary B. Auxiliary C. Government-funded D. Home-based

5. Student M, a seven year old, has a week grip and a weak pincer grasp and therefore cannot hold the
pencil well. He has undergone therapy sessions for 5 months already to strengthen his fine motor skills.
What kind of service is he receiving?
A. Counseling Session B. Dental Session C. Occupational Therapy D. Speech Therapy

6. It is based on the premise that the school must enroll the child, regardless of the nature and severity
of his/ her disabilities.
A. Accommodation B. Mainstreaming C. Modification D. Zero Reject

7. Student C is diagnosed with Autism and at the same time has a club foot. What disability is Student C
referred to?
A. Autism B. Physical Impairment C. Severe and multiple Disability D. Both A & B

8. Teacher K observed that Student L, a 4 year old, female kindergartener, showed some red flags of
having a developmental delay especially in terms of language and communication. Thus, she uses
strategies and interventions and through varied social skills in order to enforce the child enough
stimulation regarding to her language and communication skills in order for the child to cope up with
her fellow classmates. What kind of intervention is Teacher K using?
A. Preventive Intervention B. Primary Prevention
C. Remedial Intervention D. Tertiary Prevention

9. It refers to the children who have greater chances than other children to develop a disability.
A. At risk B. Developmental Disability C. Impairment or Disability D. Handicap

10. These services are those provided in house by professionals and paraprofessionals inside the
A. Ancillary B. Auxiliary C. Government-funded D. Home-based
II. True or False. Write letter T if the statement is TRUE and if FALSE, write the initials of your crush’s
name together with the correct answer on the blank space provided. (nx2)

1. Republic Act 7727 is also known as Magna Carta for the Disabled Person. __________________.
2. Type II diabetes is also known as “Juvenile Diabetes”. __________________.
3. There are 13 categories of disability according to IDEA. __________________ .
4. There is no pulling out of the student if he/she is in an inclusive classroom. __________________ .
5. Parents are part of the IEP team. __________________ .
6. IDEA requires that an individualized education program (IEP) be developed and implemented for
every special education student between ages 3 to 16. __________________ .
7. Placement in a SPED Class is not temporary and is terminal. __________________ .
8. A labeled child may develop poor self-concept __________________ .
9. Child-centered approach is used upon dealing children with special needs. __________________ .
10. The child is able to participate in the IEP planning and meeting at the age of 16-18 given that he/ she
is mentally capable.__________________ .

III. Enumeration

A. Enumerate at least 3 kinds of Health Impairments:


B. Enumerate 2 kinds of Physical Impairments:


C. Enumerate 2 kinds of support services that can help children with special needs:

D. Enumerate 3 categories under the 13 categories of disability according to IDEA:

Colegio de San Antonio de Padua
Sands Campus, Danao City, Cebu


Name: ________________________________ Sched:_____________________ Score: _________

I. Create the following:

A. Make 5 program goals according to your degree. (25 pts)

B. Make a course learning outcomes according to the following:

1. Teaching Profession (3)

2. Assessment of Learning 1 (3)

3. Educational Technology 2 (3)

(Rubrics is on the next page)

Criterias 4 3 2 1
Focus & Details There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one topic. The topic and main
well focused topic. well focused topic. Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are clear Main ideas are clear somewhat clear.
and are well but are not well
supported by supported by
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
inviting, states the states the main states the main introduction,
main topic, and topic and provides topic. A conclusion structure, or
provides an an overview of the is included. conclusion.
overview of the paper. A conclusion
paper. Information is included.
is relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
Voice The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
purpose of writing purpose of writing purpose of writing purpose of writing
is very clear, and is somewhat clear, is somewhat clear, is unclear.
there is strong and there is some and there is
evidence of evidence of evidence of
attention to attention to attention to
audience. The audience. The audience. The
author’s extensive author’s knowledge author’s knowledge
knowledge and/or and/or experience and/or experience
experience with the with the topic is/are with the topic is/are
topic is/are evident. evident. limited
Word Choice The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer uses a
vivid words and vivid words and words that limited vocabulary.
phrases. The choice phrases. The choice communicate Jargon or clichés
and placement of and placement of clearly, but the may be present and
words seems words is inaccurate writing lacks detract from the
accurate, natural, at times and/or variety. meaning.
and not forced seems overdone.
Sentence, All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound
Structure, well constructed well constructed well constructed, awkward, are
Grammar, and have varied and have varied but they have a distractingly
Mechanics and structure and structure and similar structure repetitive, or are
Spelling length. The author length. The author and/or length. The difficult to
makes no errors in makes a few errors author makes understand. The
grammar, in grammar, several errors in author makes
mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or grammar, numerous errors in
spelling. spelling, but they mechanics, and/or grammar,
do not interfere spelling that mechanics, and/or
with understanding. interfere with spelling that
understanding. interfere with
Colegio de San Antonio de Padua
Guinsay, Danao City, Cebu

Instructor: Ma. Rizaly D. Velasco

Name: ________________________________ Sched:_____________________ Score: _________

I. Identification.
1. It is to help social groups and individuals acquire a set of values and feeling of concern for the
environment. ____________________.
2. It is also known as bartering. _____________________________.
3. A Swiss-born naturalist who encouraged the children to study nature and not books.
4. It is the Latin word for career. ___________________________.
5. What year when the National College Entrance Examination was introduced?
6. He/ She is the instructional leader in the institution. ______________________.
7. A work that an individual does because of calling. ________________________.
8. He/ She is a prospective teacher, otherwise known as student teacher. _______________.
9. He considers transformational leadership a first stage and central to getting day to day routines
carried out. _______________________.
10. He is famous for his work called Emile. ________________________.

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F is false and write the correct answer on the
blanks space provided.

1. Education began to lose its stature as a course especially in Cebu. __________________.

2. Transactional leadership and Transformational leadership are complementary with each other.
3. A young professional is a teacher whose experience is 15 years and up. __________________.
4. The idea of transformation leadership was first developed by James McGrogger. -
5. Exit slips is one of the examples of summarizing strategies. __________________________.

III. Enumeration.
A. Enumerate the seven domains of NCBTS.

B. Enumerate the objectives of environmental education.


C. Name the stages of the career path of the teacher.


D. Give three examples of air pollution


IV. Word Search. Find at least ten (10) words.

Colegio de San Antonio de Padua
Guinsay, Danao City, Cebu

Instructor: Ma. Rizaly D. Velasco

Name: ________________________________ Sched:_____________________ Score: _________

I. Make a following NCBTS standards according to the criteria based on the following domains:

A. Social Regard for Learning

B. The Learning Environment

C. The Diversity of Learners

Criterias 4 3 2 1
Focus & Details There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one topic. The topic and main
well focused topic. well focused topic. Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are clear Main ideas are clear somewhat clear.
and are well but are not well
supported by supported by
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
inviting, states the states the main states the main introduction,
main topic, and topic and provides topic. A conclusion structure, or
provides an an overview of the is included. conclusion.
overview of the paper. A conclusion
paper. Information is included.
is relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
Voice The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
purpose of writing purpose of writing purpose of writing purpose of writing
is very clear, and is somewhat clear, is somewhat clear, is unclear.
there is strong and there is some and there is
evidence of evidence of evidence of
attention to attention to attention to
audience. The audience. The audience. The
author’s extensive author’s knowledge author’s knowledge
knowledge and/or and/or experience and/or experience
experience with the with the topic is/are with the topic is/are
topic is/are evident. evident. limited
Word Choice The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer uses a
vivid words and vivid words and words that limited vocabulary.
phrases. The choice phrases. The choice communicate Jargon or clichés
and placement of and placement of clearly, but the may be present and
words seems words is inaccurate writing lacks detract from the
accurate, natural, at times and/or variety. meaning.
and not forced seems overdone.
Sentence, All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound
Structure, well constructed well constructed well constructed, awkward, are
Grammar, and have varied and have varied but they have a distractingly
Mechanics and structure and structure and similar structure repetitive, or are
Spelling length. The author length. The author and/or length. The difficult to
makes no errors in makes a few errors author makes understand. The
grammar, in grammar, several errors in author makes
mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or grammar, numerous errors in
spelling. spelling, but they mechanics, and/or grammar,
do not interfere spelling that mechanics, and/or
with understanding. interfere with spelling that
understanding. interfere with

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