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Mailson Embalo

Content Management System

Artevelde University of Applied Science

Mailson Embalo E-skills 1

TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................................................................... 0

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

Overview of criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Comparison ...................................................................................................................................................... 0
Functionality ....................................................................................................................................................... 0
Pricing ................................................................................................................................................................. 0
Personal experience............................................................................................................................................ 1
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mailson Embalo E-skills 2


For this assignment, I will compare two different content management systems. A content management system
is a software application that is used to create and manage digital content without having to go through HTLM,
CSS or JavaScript. For this assignment, I will be analyzing Wix and Weebly against the overview of criteria.
(Churchville, 2016)

Weebly was founded in 2006, San Francisco. Nowadays, they have more than 40 million users worldwide.
(Weebly, n.d.)

Wix was also founded in 2006, in Israel. Nowadays they have more than 100 million users worldwide. (Wikipedia,

Overview of criteria
▪ its functionality

▪ the support for different business models

▪ the available business process modelling tools

▪ the available visual site management tools and reporting

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▪ its performance and stability

▪ the connectivity to existing business systems

▪ the compliance with standards

▪ its global and multicultural capability

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Weebly: In contrast, the focus of Weebly is the ability to build a simple website. For instance, the elements can be dragged and dropped but only within a pre-designed area..
With a drag-and-drop option, they make the designing of a website very easy and fun. Moreover, Another thing that Weebly offers is the ability to change templates however
you would like in case you’re not satisfied with the current features of the templates. (Reviews.financesonline, 2018)

Wix: Wix is functional content management system. It’s editor is unstructured and gives you the freedom to drag and drop elements anywhere. With over 510 templates,
you can choose from and they are also always up to date giving the fact that Wix keeps a tap on current innovations and follows the newest trends. All essential features are
available for free and no technical skills are required, literally. In fact all it really takes is a few clicks on the desired elements and to drag-and-drop this elements in one of
the templates. (Reviews.financesonline, 2018)

Weebly: Just like most content management system, Weebly has different pricing plans. The creation of the website in itself can be done with no additional costs. Businesses
can update to a business plan which is the most expensive, but still affordable.

Weebly offers five plans, two of which are customized solely for ecommerce. One of the three is free, and because it comes with unlimited bandwidth, its actually more usable
than the majority of free plans offered by its competitors. One of the attractive feature that offers the business plan are e-commerce options, including product and pricing
management options, and google adds. (Reviews.financesonline, 2018)

Wix: Wix has a wide range of pricing plans for different types of users with different building requirements. All of the essential features are offered for free. A fee is required
to upgrade the website and add additional features to it. The E-commerce Business plan offers all e-commerce’s features but does not mention product and pricing
management. However, it offers a professional logo and credits on a site booster app. (Reviews.financesonline, 2018)

However, a caution against using the free plan as Wix might display its own ads on your website. For the most users, the $13/ month unlimited plan will be the most suitable.
Mailson Embalo E-skills 1

Both sites offers support for different business models for a similar price, however Weebly highlights more of its feature in e-commerce assistance. They have similar business
process modelling and visual site management tools. Indeed, both website support various content types, including infographics, images, videos, articles, e-books, guides,
and podcasts, which animated designs and holders that allows for a proper exchange around the content. Both CMS also work with Google analytics and are compliant with

Personal experience
I have used both platforms, on their free version, for school purposes and I personally prefer the services that Weebly provides. They both have simple features such as a
drag-and-drop function, but I still believe that Wix is a bit harder to understand and work with. As I created the website for this portfolio on Wix, I found that the site
management part is not as straightforward as on Weebly, however, once used to it, it is become easier, more standardized and creative-friendly. I have experienced few
connectivity bugs using Wix, therefore, to the extent of my little experience, I found wix slightly less stable.
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By doing this assignment, I realized that if I want to enter the world of entrepreneurship, I really needed to understand these CMS specially because ecommerce represents
a cornerstone of the future. Thru this assignment I learned that it is important to analyses a content management system before using it. By doing this a lot of confusion and
troubles can be avoided. More importantly, projecting where you want the site to be in a few years can help choose the best option for the long run, as you might need extra
features that your current provider does not offer. Each CMS platform has their own values that they want to bring across to the world. For example, Weebly focus on how
to make it possible for people to make simple websites without much of trouble.

It is now clear to me that Wix and Weebly are an extremely good platform, regardless of their different objectives. I believe that this in fact what represents their competitive
advantage and makes them standout amongst the crowd.

As a proof of this, I made my own website for E-skill in Wix, and the reason I decided to go for Wix is basically its independence and modern looks, as I wanted something new
and fresh while also related to technology.
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Churchville, F. (2016, June 1). content management system (CMS). Retrieved from
Reviews.financesonline. (2018, October 8). Weebly Review. Retrieved from Reviews.financesonline:
Reviews.financesonline. (2018, October 10). Wix Review. Retrieved from Reviews.financesonline:
Weebly. (n.d.). Retrieved from Weebly. (n.d.). Retrieved from
wikipidia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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