A One-Year Follow-Up Study Into The Course of Depression After Stroke

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A one-year follow-up study into the course of depression after stroke

Article  in  The Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging · June 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s12603-010-0033-x · Source: PubMed

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6 authors, including:

Ariane Bour Smc Rasquin

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum Adelante Zorggroep


Martien Limburg Frans Verhey


Maastricht University

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Original Paper

Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 Received: May 14, 2004

Accepted: December 22, 2004
DOI: 10.1159/000084499 Published online: March 17, 2005

The Association between Psychiatric

and Cognitive Symptoms after Stroke:
A Prospective Study
Sascha Rasquina Jan Lodderb Frans Verheya
Departments of a Psychiatry and Neuropsychology and b Neurology, University of Maastricht/University Hospital
Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Key Words Introduction

Stroke  Psychiatric symptoms  Cognition  Post-stroke
depression  Vascular cognitive impairment Stroke can have dramatic consequences for the patient
and his or her environment; many patients experience not
only motor deficits, but also cognitive impairments after
Abstract a stroke [1–5]. The prevalence of vascular dementia
Background: Stroke patients often have neuropsychiat- (VaD) varies from 8 to 22% and is increased by 9-fold
ric symptoms and cognitive deficits. The aim of this after stroke [1, 5–8]. Besides cognitive impairment, stroke
study was to investigate whether stroke patients with also increases the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders [9–
psychiatric symptoms are at increased risk of developing 11]. For instance, depression is common after stroke, with
cognitive deficits. Methods: Cognitive function (assessed prevalence up to 64% [12, 13]. Although there is consid-
with a neuropsychological test battery) and presence of erable information available on the development of both
psychiatric symptoms (assessed with the 90-item Symp- cognitive and psychiatric disorders after stroke, little is
tom Checklist) were evaluated at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months known about the interaction between the two. Only a few
after stroke. Results: At baseline, 156 patients entered studies have investigated the association between neuro-
the study, 15 had a diagnosis of vascular dementia, 113 psychiatric deficits and cognitive performance after
one of post-stroke mild cognitive impairment. Patients stroke. These studies found that the presence of depres-
with psychiatric symptoms were found to be at increased sion predicted poor cognitive performance [14–18]. How-
risk of being diagnosed as having vascular dementia at ever, most of these studies defined cognitive performance
baseline (OR = 6.9, CI = 1.3–36.8) and showed more de- in terms of the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)
cline on cognitive function 6 months after stroke. Conclu- score, which is only a rough indicator of cognitive func-
sions: Patients with psychiatric symptoms after stroke tioning. Moreover, the MMSE is often biased toward lan-
are at increased risk of cognitive deficits and decline in guage and memory domains [19], whereas other cognitive
cognitive functioning. domains, such as mental speed, are not represented. Up
Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel until now the association between a broad range of neu-
ropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive functioning has
not been investigated.

© 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. Dr. F.R.J. Verhey

1015–9770/05/0195–0309$22.00/0 University of Maastricht
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, PO Box 616
E-Mail karger@karger.ch Accessible online at: NL–6200 MD Maastricht (The Netherlands)
www.karger.com www.karger.com/ced Tel. +31 43 3877537, Fax +31 43 3875444, E-Mail F.Verhey@np.unimaas.nl
Table 1. Baseline data

Total cohort VaD MCI No cognitive


Patients 156 15 113 28

Education low/high 84/72 11/4 65/48 9/19
Sex M/F 86/70 6/9 64/49 17/11
Mean age, years 67.7 (12.4) 77.7 (7.7) 67.7 (12.1) 62.7 (12.4)
Territorial/lacunar/hemorrhagic stroke, % 40.4/51.3/8.3 60/20/20 40.7/52.7/6.6 29.6/59.3/11.1
Side: left/right/both, % 37.7/59.1/3.2 57.1/42.9 42.7/56.4/0.9 66.7/33.3
White-matter lesions present, % 19.8 14.3 20.5 17.8
Silent infarcts present, % 37.4 42.8 27.8 25.0
Mean MMSE 25.9 (3.3) 20.4 (3.2) 26.0 (2.7) 28.6 (1.2)
Mean CAMCOG 85.4 (10.7) 65.9 (10.2) 85.4 (8.3) 95.3 (4.1)
Mean memory1 1.4 (3.3) 2.2 (0.8) 0.3 (1.3) 0.6 (1.9)
Mean executive functioning1 2.0 (1.7) 3.3 (2.4) 1.4 (2.0) 0.1 (0.6)
Mean mental speed1 2.3 (3.3) 2.3 (1.1) 2.5 (2.2) 0.3 (0.5)
Mean calculation1 1.2 (1.6) 2.3 (1.3) 1.4 (0.8) 0.2 (1.1)
Mean visuospatial functioning 0.7 (1.1) 1.7 (0.9) 0.8 (1.0) 0.2 (0.8)
Mean IDDD help needed 8.7 (12.0) 23.3 (11.8) 8.4 (11.7) 2.7 (5.5)

Figures in parentheses are standard deviations; IDDD = Interview for Deterioration in Daily Life in Demen-
Z scores.

The aim of this study was to investigate the relation ble) and an SCL-90 at baseline. Patients with neurological deficits
between psychiatric symptoms and cognitive perfor- other than stroke or major psychiatric disorders were excluded
from the study. Severe aphasia, precluding an adequate communi-
mance following stroke. As cognitive deficits are common
cation for the informed consent procedure, was also an exclusion
in patients with psychiatric symptoms [20–22], we hy- criterion. The Medical Ethics Board of the University Hospital
pothesized that psychiatric symptoms are associated with Maastricht approved the study, and all participants gave informed
an increased risk of subsequent cognitive decline. consent.
Patients were asked within 48 h of stroke to participate in the
study and were administered a clinical and neuropsychological ex-
amination at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months after stroke.
Methods One hundred and ninety-six patients participated in the CO-
DAS study. Ten patients (5.1%) could not fill out the SCL-90 due
Procedure to severe cognitive deficits, 30 patients (15.3%) refused assessment
The present study was a 2-year follow-up study, with 1-, 6-, 12- with the SCL-90. At baseline, the SCL-90 was administered to 156
and 24-month assessments, of a cohort of patients who suffered patients.
from stroke. Baseline measures include, besides demographic and Table 1 presents the baseline characteristics of the partici-
neurological variables, an assessment of psychiatric functioning pants.
(Symptom Checklist, 90 items; SCL-90) and a cognitive test bat-
tery. Both the SCL-90 and the test battery were administered at Medical Assessment
each assessment. Primary outcome was cognitive status (dementia/ Medical information was collected directly after the patients
mild cognitive impairment, MCI/normal) and whether there was had come to the hospital because of stroke symptoms and entered
decline in cognitive functioning. into the Maastricht Stroke Register, a prospective databank [26].
This databank contains information on all stroke patients referred
Patients to the Department of Neurology of the University Hospital of
Patients were participants of the CODAS study (Cognitive Dis- Maastricht and included data about neurological examination,
orders after Stroke), a 2-year prospective study, which has been brain imaging, clinical information, risk factors such as the pres-
described earlier [4, 23–25]. Patients were included in the study if ence of diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, heart failure in the past,
they had had a first-ever hemispheric stroke, were older than 40 family history of vascular diseases and clinical diagnosis of the
years, had post-stroke adequate fluency in Dutch, had an initial stroke syndrome and the CT/MRI scan data.
MMSE 615 (to ensure that neuropsychological testing was possi-

310 Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 Rasquin/Lodder/Verhey

Cognitive Domains The scores of the SCL-90 were compared with those of a norm
The neuropsychological tests used in this study have been de- group. This normative group consisted of 2,368 healthy adult peo-
scribed extensively earlier [4, 23, 25]. The selection of the domains ple who took part in a population survey [36]. A psychiatric symp-
that were studied was based on the criteria for VaD, proposed by tom was considered present if stroke patients scored higher than
the National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Syndromes/ the cutoff of the normative group [36]. The cutoff scores for psy-
Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement en chiatric symptoms in the norm group were as follows: anxiety 615,
Neurosciences (NINDS-AIREN) [27]. ‘Memory’ was derived from agoraphobia 69, depression 624, symptoms of somatization 619,
the Auditory Verbal Learning Test [28], in which the total number interpersonal sensitivity 615, insufficiency of thinking and acting
of words recalled is the variable of interest. ‘Executive functioning’ 627, sleeping problems 66 and hostility 69.
was based on a combination of the interference score of the Stroop Patients who did not complete the SCL-90 were similar to pa-
Color Word Test (SCWT) [29] with the interference score of the tients who did complete the SCL-90 with regard to age [mean age
Concept Shifting Test (CST) [30]. ‘Calculation’ (doing as many 71.0 years (SD 12.6) vs. 67.7 years (SD 12.4) for patients who did
sums as possible in 1 min) and ‘visuospatial abilities’ (indicating not and those who did complete it], educational level (65 vs. 53.8%,
which two-dimensional shapes from a larger set are needed to ex- respectively, had a low educational level) and site of the stroke (left
actly fill up a given space) were defined by subscales of the Gron- hemisphere: 40.5 vs. 43.0%, respectively). Patients who did not
inger Intelligence Scale [31]. The CAMCOG was administered to complete the SCL-90 performed somewhat lower on the MMSE
obtain a measure for global cognitive functioning. Besides, the (mean 23.5, SD 3.8) compared to patients who completed the SCL-
CAMCOG items ‘orientation’, ‘attention’, ‘praxis’ and ‘language’ 90 (mean 25.9, SD 3.3).
were analyzed separately, as these cognitive domains are specifi- Of the 156 subjects who completed the SCL-90 at baseline, 136
cally mentioned in the NINDS-AIREN criteria [32]. In addition to (87.2%), 139 (89.1%) and 119 (76.3%) completed the questionnaire
the 8 cognitive domains mentioned above, we included also tests at 6, 12 and 24 months; 32 (18.5%), 13 (8.3%) and 18 (12.4%) re-
to assess ‘mental speed’, as this aspect is of specific relevance in a fused, and 4 (2.3%), 7 (4.6%) and 8 (5.5%) had too severe physical
population of patients with cerebrovascular disease [23, 33, 34]. or cognitive handicaps, respectively. Not all patients completed the
Cognitive functioning was compared with that of a norm group entire questionnaire, and thus information for some subscales was
from the Maastricht Aging Study, a study of older healthy volun- missing. If more than 50% of the items of a subscale were missing,
teers from the region south Limburg investigating features which the subscale score was not calculated. In other cases, it was calcu-
predispose to normal cognitive aging. Norm tables are stratified lated as described in the manual of the SCL-90 [35].
according to age, sex and level of education [25]. Compound scores
were derived for memory, executive functioning and mental speed Diagnosis Vascular Cognitive Impairment
cognitive functions. Patient scores were converted to standardized The term ‘vascular cognitive impairment’ encompasses both
scores with the following formula: Z = (patient score – norm score)/ VaD and post-stroke MCI. In earlier reports, we described our pro-
standard deviation from the norm group. Memory was calculated cedure to diagnose these two entities in more detail [4, 38, 39].
from the mean of the Z scores of the total score after 5 trails and Vascular Dementia. Dementia was diagnosed independently by
the recall score after 20 min. For mental speed, the mean of the Z an experienced neuropsychiatrist and a neuropsychologist applying
scores of the CST I/II/0 and SCWT I was used. The mean of the Z the DSM-IV criteria. The diagnosis of VaD was based on the
interference scores from the SCWT and CST was used to define the NINDS-AIREN criteria [27]. Both clinicians were experts in the
cognitive domain ‘executive functioning’. The interference scores field of dementia. The diagnosis was based on all available data,
of the SCWT and CST were defined by the following formula: part including information about medical history, structured interview
III – mean (part I and part II). A cognitive disorder was defined as with an informant, clinical observation and cognitive test perfor-
a score lower than the 10th percentile (a cutoff commonly used in mances. Interference with daily activities due to cognitive deficits
clinical practice) compared to the norm group. A cognitive deficit was assessed by the Interview for Deterioration in Daily Life in
on the CAMCOG and its subscales was defined as a score lower Dementia [40]. When there was a disagreement between the two
than 80% of the maximum score of the total scale or the subscales, clinicians, the final diagnosis was negative; this was the case in 5
respectively. patients. Agreement between the two clinicians was excellent ( =
0.88; p = 0.00).
Psychiatric Symptoms Post-Stroke MCI. Post-stroke MCI was diagnosed if patients
The SCL-90 was used to assess psychiatric symptoms [35]. This fulfilled the following criteria: cognitive impairment in at least one
questionnaire is a multidimensional self-rating scale and covers a of the cognitive domains; no interference of the cognitive impair-
spectrum of psychiatric symptoms: anxiety, agoraphobia, depres- ments with daily activities, assessed by the Interview for Deteriora-
sion, symptoms of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity (i.e. dis- tion in Daily Life in Dementia, and absence of dementia. These
satisfaction with oneself in relation to others), insufficiency of think- criteria are largely based on the criteria for MCI [41]. This defini-
ing and acting (i.e. compelling thoughts and impulses), sleeping tion encompasses all categories as described in the recent proposal
problems and hostility [35]. We used the Dutch version of the SCL- for subtyping MCI: MCI amnestic type, MCI multiple domains and
90 [36]. This scale has been validated for patients with stroke [37]. single domain – nonmemory type [41]. None of the patients with
Patients were asked to indicate, on a 5-point scale, how much hin- MCI had significant interference with daily life.
drance they had had from certain psychiatric symptoms in the last
week. The SCL-90 consists of 90 items with a maximum score of Statistical Analysis
450 and a range of 90–450, a higher score indicating more hindrance Baseline characteristics and frequency of psychiatric symptoms
from a psychiatric symptom. If a patient was not able to fill in the were analyzed with descriptive statistics.
questionnaire by himself/herself, the caregiver was asked to assist.

Psychiatric and Cognitive Symptoms after Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 311

Table 2. Number and percentage of people with cognitive deficits at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months after stroke

People with symptoms/total

1 month 6 months 12 months 24 months

CAMCOGtotal 32/156 (20.5) 20/144 (13.9) 17/132 (12.9) 16/125 (12.8)

Memory 34/145 (23.4) 20/130 (15.4) 17/123 (13.8) 21/116 (18.1)
Speed 88/148 (59.5) 70/137 (51.1) 46/118 (39.0) 50/113 (44.2)
Executive functioning 49/145 (33.8) 35/134 (26.1) 37/124 (29.8) 27/107 (25.2)
Orientation 10/156 (6.4) 7/144 (4.9) 9/132 (6.8) 9/125 (7.2)
Attention 32/156 (20.5) 27/144 (18.8) 22/132 (16.7) 29/125 (23.2)
Language 29/156 (18.6) 17/144 (11.8) 21/132 (15.9) 20/125 (16.0)
Praxis 28/156 (17.9) 16/144 (11.1) 15/132 (11.4) 18/125 (14.4)
Visuospatial functioning 46/138 (33.3) 27/129 (20.9) 32/121 (26.4) 25/108 (23.1)
Calculation 66/128 (51.6) 50/120 (41.7) 44/114 (38.6) 41/105 (39.0)

Figures in parentheses are percentages.

In order to investigate whether psychiatric symptoms increase Results

the risk of either VaD or post-stroke MCI, the possible association
between baseline psychiatric symptoms and diagnosis of VaD or
One hundred and fifty-six patients participated in this
post-stroke MCI was analyzed using odds ratios. A cross-sectional
comparison at baseline was performed between patients with VaD study. Of these, 15 were diagnosed as having VaD, 113
or patients with post-stroke MCI and patients without a cognitive MCI and 28 had no cognitive disorder. At baseline, 86
disorder. (55.5%) reported psychiatric symptoms on the SCL-90.
Thirdly, the extent to which psychiatric symptoms were predic- Table 2 presents data about cognitive functioning after
tive for subsequent cognitive decline was examined. Changes on
stroke. At baseline, most cognitive deficits were found in
CAMCOG functioning and performance on the cognitive domains
memory, executive functioning, mental speed, visuospatial func- the domains mental speed (59.5%) and executive func-
tioning and calculation were used to determine whether psychiatric tioning (33.8%). Orientation was the cognitive domain
symptoms predicted changes in cognitive functioning. In a previous that was the least often disturbed. This pattern was also
study among healthy volunteers, an annual decline of 1.6 points on found at 6, 12 and 24 months after stroke.
the CAMCOG was found [42]. We defined cognitive decline on the
Table 3 presents the prevalence of psychiatric symp-
CAMCOG as a 5-point decline compared to an earlier assessment.
Decline on the specific cognitive domains was defined as a decrease toms after stroke. More than 50% of the patients reported
of 1 SD in the test performance measuring that domain, compared psychiatric symptoms after stroke, depression, somatiza-
to an earlier assessment. As the relation between neuropsychological tion and insufficiency of thinking and acting being the
test performance and psychiatric symptoms is nonlinear, 2 tests most frequent symptoms.
were used. Changes in cognitive functioning from 1 to 6 months and
In order to investigate the relation between baseline
from 6 to 24 months after stroke were determined, to investigate
whether baseline psychiatric symptoms were related to cognitive psychiatric symptoms and the diagnosis of either VaD or
changes directly after stroke and to cognitive changes later after post-stroke MCI, patients with VaD or post-stroke MCI
stroke. In these analyses, the number of patients with psychiatric were compared with patients without cognitive deficits.
symptoms that showed improvement or deterioration was compared At baseline, 15 (9.6%) patients had VaD, 113 (72.4%) had
with the number of patients with few or no psychiatric symptoms.
post-stroke MCI and 28 (17.9%) had no cognitive impair-
Finally, multiple regression analysis was performed to investi-
gate the independent relation between psychiatric symptoms at ments. There were 7 incident VaD cases (1 at 6 months
baseline and cognitive performance at follow-up. In this analysis, after stroke, 1 at 12 months and 5 at 24 months after
cognitive functioning was the dependent variable and psychiatric stroke). There were 5 incident MCI cases (1 at 6 months
symptoms, age, baseline MMSE, side (left-right) and location (ter- after stroke, 3 at 12 months and 1 at 24 months after
ritorial-lacunar) of the stroke the independent variables.
stroke). Table 4 presents data about the numbers and per-
Missing data were imputed according to a standard procedure
as described in Tabachnick and Fidell [43]. Data imputation was centages of patients with a psychiatric symptom in each
performed if there was at least one other test available within a diagnostic group at baseline.
specific cognitive domain and if the missing test was administered Patients with either VaD or post-stroke MCI after they
in an earlier or later measurement period. had had a stroke had many psychiatric symptoms, but

312 Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 Rasquin/Lodder/Verhey

Table 3. Number of people with psychiatric symptoms (score above cutoff)

People with symptoms/total

1 month 6 months 12 months 24 months

Agoraphobia 70/153 (45.8) 54/136 (39.7) 49/137 (35.8) 50/119 (42.0)

Anxiety 62/155 (40.0) 50/136 (36.8) 47/139 (33.8) 41/119 (34.5)
Depression 76/155 (49.0) 57/136 (41.9) 64/137 (46.7) 50/119 (42.0)
Somatization 89/155 (57.4) 73/135 (54.1) 76/136 (55.9) 61/119 (51.3)
Insufficiency 88/156 (56.4) 77/134 (57.4) 75/139 (55.1) 69/119 (57.9)
Sensitivity 42/155 (27.1) 32/134 (23.8) 37/136 (27.2) 36/119 (30.3)
Sleep 70/156 (44.9) 52/136 (38.2) 58/137 (42.0) 42/119 (35.3)
Hostility 39/155 (25.2) 40/136 (29.4) 31/137 (22.6) 31/119 (26.1)
Total score 86/155 (55.5) 68/134 (50.7) 73/135 (54.1) 57/119 (47.9)

Figures in parentheses are percentages.

Table 4. Risk for people with psychiatric symptoms for VaD or post-stroke MCI

VaD Post-stroke MCI No cognitive

sympt./total OR CI sympt./total OR CI sympt./total

Agoraphobia 10/14 (71.4) 3.6 0.9–14.7 49/112 (43.8) 1.1 0.5–2.7 11/27 (40.7)
Anxiety 8/14 (57.1) 2.1 0.6–7.6 43/113 (38.0) 0.9 0.4–2.7 11/28 (39.3)
Depression 12/14 (85.7) 8.0 1.5–42.7* 52/113 (46.0) 1.1 0.5–2.6 12/28 (42.9)
Somatization 9/14 (64.3) 1.2 0.3–4.4 63/113 (55.8) 0.8 0.4–1.9 17/28 (60.7)
Insufficiency 13/15 (86.7) 7.5 1.4–39.5* 62/113 (54.9) 1.4 0.6–3.2 13/28 (46.4)
Sensitivity 7/14 (50.0) 3.0 0.8–11.6 28/113 (24.8) 0.9 0.4–2.6 7/28 (25.0)
Hostility 7/14 (50.0) 3.0 0.8–11.6 25/113 (22.1) 0.9 0.3–2.2 7/28 (25.0)
Sleep 7/15 (46.7) 0.8 0.2–2.7 48/113 (42.5) 0.7 0.3–1.5 15/28 (53.5)
Total 12/14 (85.7) 6.9 1.3–36.8* 61/113 (53.9) 1.4 0.6–3.1 13/28 (46.4)

Figures in parentheses are percentages. sympt./total = Number of patients with psychiatric symptoms/total
number of patients who filled in the subscale; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval. * p < 0.05.

only the presence of depression, insufficiency of thinking symptoms and those without. Table 5 presents data of
and acting and total score on the SCL-90 were signifi- cognitive decline on the CAMCOG.
cantly more often present in patients with VaD. Patients who had overall psychiatric symptoms or with
Patients with psychiatric symptoms were compared to specific symptoms of anxiety or depression decline more
patients without these symptoms with regard to the course often compared to patients with few or no psychiatric
of cognitive functioning. Patients with psychiatric symp- symptoms. Patients with psychiatric symptoms declined
toms declined more often on executive functioning (2 = on average 10.1 (SD 6.6) points on the CAMCOG from
5.1, d.f. = 2, p = 0.08) and on the CAMCOG (2 = 5.7, 1 to 6 months, whereas patients with few or no psychiat-
d.f. = 2, p = 0.049) from 1 month to 6 months after stroke, ric symptoms declined with a mean of 7.8 (SD 3.3) points.
and on the test that measured mental speed from 6 to 24 From 6 to 24 months, this decline was lower (2.8 points
months after stroke (2 = 5.9, d.f. = 2, p = 0.05). In the for the patients with psychiatric symptoms and 0.3 points
other cognitive domains, the course of cognitive function- for the patients without psychiatric symptoms).
ing was comparable between patients with psychiatric

Psychiatric and Cognitive Symptoms after Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 313

Table 5. Comparison of patients with psychiatric symptoms to patients without, with regard to cognitive decline
on the CAMCOG

1–6 months 6–24 months

decl.+/sympt.+ decl.–/sympt.– decl.+/sympt.+ decl.–/sympt.–

Agoraphobia 4/21(19.1) 1/28 (3.6) 9/27 (33.3) 7/15 (46.7)

Anxiety 4/17 (23.5) 1/33 (0.3)* 5/18 (27.8) 11/18 (61.1)
Depression 5/25 (20.0) 0/25 (0.0)* 8/24 (33.3) 8/18 (44.4)
Somatization 4/24 (16.7) 1/26 (3.8) 7/25 (28.0) 9/17 (52.9)
Insufficiency 5/30 (16.7) 0/20 (0.0)* 8/27 (29.3) 7/15 (46.7)
Sensitivity 1/9 (11.1) 4/41 (9.8) 5/12 (41.7) 11/30 (36.7)
Hostility 0/8 (0.0) 5/42 (11.9) 2/10 (20.0) 14/32 (43.8)
Sleep 2/17 (11.8) 3/33 (9.1) 7/21 (33.3) 12/21 (57.1)
Total 5/26 (19.2) 0/24 (0.0)* 8/26 (30.8) 8/16 (50.0)

Figures in parentheses are percentages. * p < 0.05. decl.+/sympt.+ = Number of patients with psychiatric symp-
toms who declined/number of patients with psychiatric symptoms; decl.–/sympt.– = number of patients without
psychiatric symptoms who declined/ number of patients without psychiatric symptoms.

The incident cases of VaD or MCI were too few to Patients who were diagnosed at baseline of having
perform valid multiple regression analyses. Therefore, we VaD reported more often psychiatric symptoms, com-
could only perform analyses in which we compared pa- pared to patients with MCI or no cognitive deficits (85.7%
tients who declined on cognitive performance (assessed compared to 53.9 and 46.4%, respectively). In general,
with the CAMCOG) to those who improved, and found more patients with MCI reported psychiatric symptoms
that patients who declined had more often a territorial compared to patients without any cognitive deficits, al-
stroke (28.8% of the patients who declined had a territo- though this was not found for all subscales of the SCL-90.
rial infarct, in contrast to only 3.8% of the patients who The absence of an association between psychiatric deficits
improved; 2 = 5.9, d.f. = 1, p = 0.02). We also compared and post-stroke MCI could be related to the fact that the
patients with psychiatric symptoms to those without concept of MCI is heterogeneous. However, none of the
these symptoms and found that patients with psychiatric patients with MCI had interference with daily life due to
symptoms have lower baseline MMSE scores (mean 25.3, their cognitive deficits. Incident cases of VaD and MCI
SD 3.5) compared to patients with few or no psychiatric were too few to perform valid multiple regression analy-
symptoms (mean 26.7, SD 2.9; t = 2.5, d.f. = 153, p = sis, therefore we could not define whether psychiatric
0.01). symptoms predict independently the development of a
cognitive disorder. We found differences with regard to
demographic and stroke-related variables between pa-
Discussion tients with VaD and patients with MCI and also between
patients who declined and those who did not. In future
In this study we investigated whether stroke patients research, the independent contribution of these variables
with psychiatric symptoms at baseline showed more cog- to deterioration of cognitive functioning after stroke
nitive decline compared to patients with few or no psy- should be investigated in larger samples.
chiatric symptoms. More than 50% of the stroke patients This is the first study that investigated a broader range
reported psychiatric symptoms up to 2 years after the of psychiatric symptoms after stroke. Most of the psychi-
event. Psychiatric symptoms were most prevalent (85%) atric symptoms reported concerned somatization and in-
among patients with a post-stroke diagnosis of VaD. The sufficiency of thinking and acting, which might be ex-
presence of psychiatric symptoms was predictive of sub- pected in people with physical handicaps and cognitive
sequent decline in executive functioning, mental speed deficits due to a stroke. Depressive symptoms were also
and global cognitive functioning on the CAMCOG, in the common, as has been reported by others [9–12, 44].
period from 1 to 6 months after stroke.

314 Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 Rasquin/Lodder/Verhey

Patients with psychiatric symptoms, especially depres- months. This indicates that other factors like older age
sion, anxiety and insufficiency of thinking and acting, may be of more influence later after stroke than are psy-
were at increased risk of cognitive decline. However, it chiatric symptoms. Moreover, most cognitive changes oc-
should be mentioned that ‘insufficiency of thinking and cur directly after stroke [4]. These factors could be of in-
acting’ has cognitive components in it and as such an as- fluence on the low association between cognitive decline
sociation between this subscale and cognition is not re- and psychiatric symptoms later after stroke.
markable. Other studies also found that depression influ- Our study had some shortcomings. Firstly, we used a
enced cognitive performance after stroke [14–18]. De- questionnaire to assess psychiatric symptoms; we did not
pression and anxiety can be grouped together as symptoms diagnose neuropsychiatric disorders by psychiatric clini-
of ‘affect’, and thus it can be concluded that people with cal assessment. Secondly, to define whether a psychiatric
affective disorders directly after stroke are especially at symptom was present, we had to rely on the normative
risk of cognitive decline later after stroke. Moreover, it data described in the manual of the SCL-90. These data
could be hypothesized that both affective symptoms and pertain to slightly younger individuals, which could have
cognitive functioning share an underlying neuropatho- influenced the diagnosis of psychiatric symptoms. How-
logical substrate. ever, it is not clear whether there is an age effect on the
The relation between cognitive deficits and psychiatric SCL-90. In an earlier study of our group, a high validity
symptoms could be 3-fold. First, psychiatric symptoms for the subscale depression in diagnosing depression in a
may cause cognitive deficits. Second, cognitive deficits stroke population was reported [37]. Thirdly, only a few
may give rise to psychiatric symptoms, or lastly both psy- patients became demented. This is because only patients
chiatric symptoms and cognitive deficits are occurring with MMSE scores 615 were included, as such excluding
independently. Although no firm conclusions can be patients with very severe cognitive deficits. However,
drawn, our results suggest that psychiatric symptoms may even with our small number of patients we found that
cause to some extent cognitive decline. In another study patients with VaD had significantly more often psychiat-
of our group with a similar cohort, cognitive deficits at ric symptoms compared to patients with MCI or no cog-
baseline did not predict the development of psychiatric nitive deficits. Fourthly, some attrition occurred. How-
disorders [45]. ever, there were no differences between patients who did
Previously, we found that VaD was related to the pres- or did not complete the SCL-90 in terms of educational
ence of a territorial infarction [24]. Robinson and his level, sex and age, although the patients who did not com-
group found that long-lasting depression after stroke is plete the questionnaire had a lower mean MMSE score.
more often related to territorial lesions of the left side than Our results would have been more robust if these people
in the right hemisphere [9, 10, 14, 46, 47]. We found that had participated.
more patients with VaD than patients with post-stroke In conclusion, we found that psychiatric symptoms are
MCI or patients without any cognitive deficits had left- common after stroke and that these symptoms are preva-
sided stroke, but the difference was not statistically sig- lent in patients with severe cognitive deficits. This means
nificant. Moreover, in the studies of Robertson and his that a clinician who treats a stroke patient should be alert
group, patients with psychiatric symptoms more often had to the presence of psychiatric symptoms as these can
left-sided lesions, and patients whose cognitive function cause cognitive deficits. Future research should focus on
improved more often had right-sided lesions as has been a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders to find out how
found earlier [47, 48]. Thus, it is possible that the interac- these influence cognitive function after stroke.
tion between psychiatric symptoms and cognitive deficits
after stroke is related to an underlying common patho-
physiological mechanism, such as left-sided territorial le- Acknowledgements
sions. The low evidence for this hypothesis in our results
We would like to thank I. Winkens for the neuropsychological
could be related to the fact that patients with severe apha-
assessment, Prof. Dr. J. Jolles for the imputation of missing data
sia were excluded [49]. If these patients were included, and R. Ponds for his contribution in diagnosing dementia. This
more patients with left hemisphere stroke were probably study was supported by grants from the Adriana van Rinsum-Pons-
included. Future research should address this issue. sen Foundation.
We only found an association between psychiatric
symptoms at baseline and cognitive decline between 1
and 6 months after stroke and not between 6 and 24

Psychiatric and Cognitive Symptoms after Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19:309–316 315


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